Linear ship Emperor Alexander III. History of the series "Emperor Nicholas I

At the end of October 1924, in the French naval base of Bizert (Tunisia), the symbolic descent of Andreevsky flag on the Linear ship "General Alekseev" (until 1917 - "Emperor Alexander Third") ceased to exist the last formation of the Imperial Fleet - the Russian squadron.

Andreevsky flag has been in Australia for a long time in storage in the emigrant cabin company of Russian maritime officers. In 1975, Captain M.I. Maksimov, who remained the last of the members of the cabin company, handed the flag on the storage of Mikhail Protopopov, the priest and the son of the officer of the Russian The imperial army. The last time the flag was held in the public in 1985 in Melbourne during the funeral of the officer of the Black Sea Fleet.

In 2014, with the assistance of an authorized RVIO for Cossacks in the USA, Valery Annenko was transferred to the Russian Military Historical Society and was renovated in the State Research Institute of Restoration (director - Dmitry Antonov). On August 15, 2014 by the course of the meeting of the President of Russia with cultural figures in Yalta, the Chairman of the Russian Military Historical Society, the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky conveyed to Vladimir Putin a renovated Andreevsky flag from the last ship of the Russian Imperial Fleet.

Nikolai Manwell

Andreevsky flag from a linear ship
"Emperor Alexander Third"

The main banner of the ship of the Russian Imperial Fleet was the feed Andreevsky flag - a rectangular white cloth with a blue diagonal cross. The cross was adopted in honor of the Heavenly Patron of Russia - the Holy Apostle Andrei First Called. As he said, "the white flag, through which the blue cross of St. Andrew, that in order that the Holy Baptism took Russia from this apostle."

IN modern video Andreevsky flag did not appear immediately. According to a number of sources, in 1692, the ships of the funny Petrovsk flothelia on the Plescheyev Lake carried the Andreevsky cross, imposed on the cloth of a modern Russian tricolor, who named the "flag of the king of Moscow" in those days.

In 1668-1697, the Russian feed naval flag was a red cloth with a blue straight cross, the rays of which did not reach the edges of the banner. White rectangles were located in the upper left and right lower corners.

The first document is referred to as oblique cross Andrei First-Called, refers to 1699. In the draft instruction of Peter the Great Russian Messenger to Turkey, Deca Emelyan Ukrainians, the King's hand is drawn by the Russian Tricolor with an oblique cross.

Officially, the Russian naval flag, the Cross of St. Andrew became only in 1703 after the class of the Russian Islands Kotlin, where Kronstadt was built later. Four rays of the cross symbolized for the king, the consolidation of Russian ownership of the Baltic, Caspian, Azov and White banks. "Glory, thank God for the correction of our standard, which in the image of the Cross of St. Andrei corrected fagged," Petr wrote after Russia entrenched and on the shores of the Baltic Sea.

Before the start of the battle, the Andreev flag was also rising on the walls of the mast or noks (tip) of the residence.

Running fleets wore bannyal flags on the trees. If a crew commander commanded the ship in the campaign, the banned flag was kept in his cabin.

At various times there were white, blue and red flags, in the kides of which Andreevsky crosses were located. They were carried, accordingly, the ships of the avant-garde, cordibatalia (main forces) and the Ariergard. In 1865, these flags were abolished.

The stern flag of the ship could have an image of the "Miracle of St. George about Zmie". For the first time, this flag was received in 1827 for the heroism of the crew in the Navarino Sea Battle of the linear ship "Azov" Baltic Fleet.. In 1829, the flag was assigned to the Black Sea Briga "Mercury", which forced to retreat two Turkish linear ship. Georgiev flags were transmitted to ships that wearing the name "Memory of Azov" and "Memory of Mercury". Banners of the fleet crews who set these ships were also Georgievski.

In August 1856, after the heroic defense of Sevastopol in 1854-1855, the St. George banner flags assigned to all the fleet crews of the Black Sea Fleet.

For the first time - in 1819, the decree of Emperor Alexander the First Georgievsky Andreevsky flags were assigned to the Guards crew and all ships set by the crew. It was made in the memory of the battle at Kulm (1813).

The fodder flag was guarded by a clock that remained at his post even during the battle. During the battle of Port Arthur on January 27, 1904, clockwise armor cruiser "Bayan" Nikifor Peteritsa received fragmentation wounds in both legs, but the post did not leave. Changed it only after the fight. One of the latter left the ship in cheerfully at the Varyag Cruiser banner - Botthanmat Peter Olenin did not change throughout the battle and did not die.

There were Andreev flags of a special sample. Announced marine flag cadet corps In the middle of the panels over the cross had an image of a double-headed eagle in a yellow circle. At the ends of the ray of the cross were the coat of arms of the hull itself and the imperial monograms.

Andreevsky flag, like other symbols of old Russia, was canceled only after October revolution. The exception was only flags assigned to members of the imperial surname, abolished in September 1917, when the country became the republic. Until October 30, 1924, Andreev flags were realized in Bizerte over the ships of the Russian squadron, who left the Crimea in November 1920.

Unlike the flag, which rose on the ships of all classes daily at 8 am and descended, usually, with the onset of darkness, Gyus (it was also called the serf flag) relied only by combat ships of the 1st and 2nd rank - linear ships, armaduses and cruisers. He was a red rectangular cloth, which was imposed on the straight and oblique white crosses, as well as the Andreev flag. Gyuse of the Russian Imperial Fleet was maintained in the RSFSR and the USSR until August 1924.

Gyus raised on a nasal flagpole when parking anchored, on a barrel, in the mooring, or in the dock, as well as on the coastal battery allocated for the production of artillery salute. The Great Princes and Great Princess (such flags had a side cut, reminding the emperor), but with personal resolution of the emperor, had the right to raise the Gyus on Bizan-Mast. Grand-per-warbeat kaiser flags had a yellow circle in the center with the image of the Imperial Standard.

The kaiser flag could be assigned and not august person. He was assigned, for example, Alexey Orlov (future Orlov Chesmensky) who commanded the Russian squadron during the 1st Archipelago Expedition. After the victory of the Russian fleet in Chesmensky battle, the Kaiser flag was included in the coat of arms of the graph, and he retained his gyus right on the courts of the Russian Imperial Fleet.

The Russian squadron in Bizerte was formed as a result of leaving the ports of the Crimean Peninsula of the ships of the White Black Sea Fleet, as well as auxiliary ships, which carried out the evacuation of troops and civilians in November 1920. The exact number of exported people is unknown, however it is believed that it can reach up to 150 thousand people.

Initially, the squadron included over 120 vessels, including ships under the military flag, as well as numerous transports, including big number Ships of the Russian Society of Shipping Company and Trade (Ropit) and Voluntary Fleet. Upon arrival in Constantinople (Istanbul), a gradual sale of civil courts was launched. The combat vessels who came to Turkey were transformed into the Russian squadron under the command of the counter-admiral Mikhail Kedrov.

On December 1, 1920, Russian ships agreed to adopt France, which provided for parking a closed raid of the Bizert Naval Base. Crews of ships, as well as on board the refugees (mainly members of the families of military sailors) were able to stay in the premises of forts and military camps. Rebupping ships in Bizeta occurred at the end of 1920 - in early 1921.

North Africa on the squadron was organized by naval educational institution, Magazine "Bizertinsky Sea Collection". Meanwhile, due to the constantly reduction of the number of already incomplete crews of ships, as well as the actions of the French government to neutralize the squadron, it gradually faded and as a military association.

So, in 1921, the perfectly equipped huge transport-workshop "Kronstadt" was enjoyed by the French in Marseille under the pretext of the epidemic of the plague. Subsequently, the ship entered the composition french fleet As "volcano".

On October 29, 1924, France decided to recognize the USSR. The next day, the Andreev flags were lowered on the last ships of the Russian squadron. The only remaining connection of the White Fleet ceased existence.

Singles Squadres were supposed to be transferred to the USSR, but Moscow refused to recognize himself the heiress of military debts Russian Empire. Coma of that public opinion of Europe was against the military strengthening of the USSR. Ships rust in Bizerte until the 1930s, until they were not started to take them on the layer.

The Russian squadron included:

2 Linear Ship - "General Alekseev" and "Georgy Victorious".

2 cruisers - "Almaz" and "General Kornilov".

11 Squaded Mission - "Restless", "angry", "daring", "hot", "lively", "ringing", "dressed", "Captain Saken", "hasty", "ardent" and "cerigo".

4 Submarines - AG-22, "Petrel", "Seal" and "Duck".

3 canoner boats - "Grozny", "Guardian" and "Yakut".

3 trashman - Albatross, Bablan and Kitoboy.

4 armed icebreakers - "rider", "Gaidamak", "Dzhigit" and "Ilya Muromets".

2 hydrographic vessels - "Milestone" and Kazbek ".

1 Transport Workshop - Kronstadt.

1 Floating base - "mining".

4 tug - "Belbek", "Dolland", "Sevastopol" and "Chernomor".

1 hospital ship - "Bestuzhev".

Transports - "Dalland", "Don", "Ekaterinodar", "Zarya", "Inkerman", "Crimea", "Olga", "Caution", "Poti", "Psegeapa", "Rion", "Samara", Sarych, Sukhum, Transport No. 410, Transport No. 412, Transportation No. 413, "Turkestan", "Shilka" and "Yalta", etc.

A large number of small and auxiliary ships.

The feed flag of the linear ship of the Russian Imperial Fleet "Emperor Alexander Third" (since 1917 - "Volya, since 1919 -" General Alekseev ") for a long time on storage in Australia on the storage of Captain M.I. Maksimova.

Russian emigrants, according to the testimony of the Mitrofor Archpriest, managing the affairs of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian orthodox church Mikhail Protopopova, believed that this flag was the last of the launched in 1924 in Bizerte on the ships of the Russian squadron.

The flag was kept in the emigrant cabin company of Russian nautical officers and was used to cover the coffins when equipping former officers Russian fleet. In 1975, M.I. Maximov remained the only member of the cabin company and handed over to the storage of Mikhail Protopopov, the priest and the son of the officer of the Russian Imperial Army. The foreflag was used at the funeral of the former fleet officer in 1985 in Melbourne.

The research works of the Russian Research Institute of Restoration confirmed that the flag was asked during the First World War 1914-1918. The material served as silk - natural or artificial (viscose). On the entire surface of the flag fabric, symmetric chapels were discovered, indicating that the flag was in the folded state for a long time in adverse conditions.

Experts of Russian Military Historical Society also confirm the authenticity of the flag. The size of the panel is 134 centimeters at 216 centimeters, which corresponds to installed in the Russian imperial fleet, as well as in white movement, for the feed flag of the 1st grade ship (140 centimeters at 210 centimeters) with possible tolerances.

In the ends of the flag, the flag is sewn from the lamp of the linen fabric (width - 3.2 centimeters), in which the cord has been trapped at one end of the loop. This suggests that this flag was used to lift on the ship flagpole. It cannot be a bannyal flag (there are no traces of fastening on the tree), as well as the coastal fastep flag (such as Kaiser Flags (Guses) of different drawing).

Linear ship "Emperor Alexander Third" was laid in Nikolaev in October 1911. In April 1914, he was launched on the water, and Ustroy joined in June 1917, already renamed Voloy.

The vehicle displacement was about 24 thousand tons, the speed was 22 nodes (approximately 40 kilometers per hour). In service with the lincard stood 12,305-millimeters and 20 130-millimeter guns. The thickness of the armor reached 300 millimeters. The staff number of the crew is 1190 people, including 32 officers.

"Emperor Alexander Third" was one of the few ships of the Russian imperial fleet in the Black Sea, whose fate could be called unique. In contrast to the same type of "Empress of Mary" and "Empress Catherine Great", he did not die in the inner explosion, nor from the Russian torpedo with the destroyers during the famous "death of the squadron" in the Novorossiysk bay. The crew refused to destroy his ship on the orders of Lenin. "Will" returned to Sevastopol.

The ship avoided the sad fate of a number of other battleships of the Black Sea Fleet - his cars were not blown up by the former allies of the Russian Empire, who tried to avoid hitting the ships in the hands of red.

Renamed to "General Alekseev", the battleship became the most powerful combat unit of the White Black Sea Fleet and the future Russian squadron in Bizeather. It is not by chance that it is he, and not a formal flagship - an outdated armadiole "Georgy Victorious" - the last launched the Andreev flag.

On October 29, 1924, France (at that time she belonged to modern Tunisia and Bizerta) decided to recognize the USSR. The next day the flag was launched on the former "Emperor Alexandra Third". Last thing combat connection White fleet ceased existence.

Singles Squadres had to be transferred to the USSR, but Moscow refused to recognize himself as the heiress of the military debts of the Russian Empire. The ships rust in Bizerte until the mid-1930s, until they were not beginning to hand over to the layer. The turn "General Kornilova" came in 1936 ...

The theme of the continuity of generations was always relevant. The linear ship "Emperor Alexander Third" was named after his predecessor, squaderno squadron 2nd Fleet Squaders Pacific Ocean, The heroic of the victim in May 1905 in the Tsushimsky Battle. From the crew of the ship, set up by the elite guards crew, no one escaped. In his post in combat log, the commander, the captain of the 1st rank of Nikolai Buvostov - a direct descendant of the first soldier of Petrovsky funny regiments of Sergei Buvostov.

Do not forget that the Black Sea battleship, and his heroic predecessor, were named after the Russian emperor Alexander the Third, famous informal title "Peacemaker" - During the years of his reign, the Russian empire did not participate in wars and resided by the state of the world. It is with him that Russia again gained the fleet in the Black Sea, established as the Great Sea Power. Alexander the third is the author winged phrase The fact that Russia has only two ally is its army and fleet.

Nowadays, when Russia is reinforced not only in the Black Sea, but also on the windows of the World Ocean, when its strengthening begins to scare forces, intentionally, without regard to anyone to solve the issues of world politics, these words of Alexander the Third acquire additional relevance.


Stage is a vertical mast tree, which is a continuation of the mast.

Former steamer voluntary fleet. Heated from the Crimea in the tug; Returned by a voluntary fleet shortly after arrival in Istanbul.

Nikolai Manwell historian-publicist, author of the book "Customs and Traditions of the Russian Imperial Fleet".

1924-1936 Port of registry SevastopolOrganization Black Sea FleetManufacturer Plant "Rubud", NikolaevConstruction started October 30, 1911Lowned on the water April 15, 1914Commissioned June 26, 1917Removed from the fleet 1936Status Disassembled on metal Main characteristicsDisplacement 22 600 Length 168 Width 27.4 M.Draft 8.4 M.Booking GPP: 262,5mm, WPP: 75-100mm, AU GK: 250mm, BR: 100-254mm, decks: 12-50mmEngines 4 steam turbo units, 20 steam boilers system yapPower 7240l.x4 \u003d 28 960 l. from. (21.3 MW)Movement 4 screwSpeed \u200b\u200btravel 21 nodes (38.9 km / h)Swim range 3000 marine milesCrew 1220 officers and sailors ArmamentArtillery 4-3x305mm / L52 AU GK MK-3-12,
20-130mm / L55 AU PMK B-7Flak 4x76mm Za L-10Mino-torpedo Four 457-mm ta

"Emperor Alexander III" - Linkor -Dernation [ ] Russian Imperial Navy type "Empress Maria".



Civil War

The death of the ship

In 1944, the Germans found four tools on the Battery "Mius", on the island of Jersey in La Manche, which is one of the fortified points of the Atlantic Shaft. Three more tools, Germans handed down Finland, for the restored battery on the Hanko Peninsula. In September 1944, after signing an armistice agreement with Finland, the battery was returned to the USSR and was in service. And on the Battery "Mius" guns stood before their final dismantling in 1951.

Inheritance of Lincard "Emperor Alexander III"

Towers of the main caliber

The device towers of Lyncard "Emperor Alexander III" influenced the development of the designs of the towers of new French battleships like Dunkirk.

Tools in Finland

12 305 mm Lincar guns were kept in Arsenal in Bizerte and in 1940 were offered by the Germans [ ] Finland, and after the negotiations are simply donated. But Finns received only eight guns that were used by Finland for coastal batteries on the Islands Makiluto and Kuyvisaari.

In the late Great Patriotic War Some of these guns were transferred Soviet Union And used for equipment of Soviet coastal batteries. Currently, one of the guns set on a special railway chassis is located in Fort Red Gorka, another exhibited at the Railway Museum at the Warsaw Station in St. Petersburg, and the third is exposed to the museum on Poklonnaya Mountain in Moscow.

Tools on the Atlantic Valley

Four tools did not have time to arrive in Finland and were captured by the Germans who used them for the battery equipment Mir of the Atlantic shaft.

A widespread misconception that in 1957 two of these 305-mm guns were used when shooting the adventure film "Guns of Navarona".

see also

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  • R. M. Melnikov. Linear ships of the type "Empress Maria".
  • N. R. Gutan. From Sevastopol to Novorossiysk.

Excerpt characterizing Emperor Alexander III (battle)

"That would be good," she said. - I did not want anything and do not want.
She dropped her dog from his knees and recovered the folds of the dress.
"That's gratitude, here's appreciation to people who donated to him for him," she said. - Perfectly! Very good! I don't need anything, the prince.
"Yes, but you are not alone, you have sisters," Prince Vasily replied.
But the princess did not listen to him.
- Yes, I knew it for a long time, but I forgot that, besides the lowestness, deception, envy, intrigue, except for ungratefulness, the most black ungratefulness, I could not expect anything in this house ...
- Do you know or do not know where it is a testament? - The prince of Vasily asked with more than before, twitching the cheeks.
"Yes, I was stupid, I still believed in people and loved them and sacrificed." And only those who are influx and dutches have been doing. I know whose intrigues are.
Princess wanted to get up, but the prince kept her hand. Princess had the kind of man, suddenly disappointed in all human genus; She watched viciously on his interlocutor.
- There is still time, my friend. You remember, Katich that all this was inadvertently, per minute of anger, illness, and then forgotten. Our duty, my sweetheart, fix his mistake, facilitate his last minutes in order to prevent him from making this injustice, not to give him to die in the thoughts that he made unfortunate those people ...
"Those people who donated to him for him," Princess picked up, rummaged again, but the prince did not let her go, "which he never knew how to appreciate." No, Mon Cousin, she added with a sigh, "I will remember that in this world you can not wait for the award that there is no honor or justice in this world. On this light you have to be tricky and evil.
- Well, Voyons, [Listen,] Calm down; I know your beautiful heart.
- No, I have an evil heart.
"I know your heart," the prince repeated, "I appreciate your friendship and walked you to be about me the same opinion." Calm down and Parlons Raison, [Let's really talk,] while there is time - maybe a day, maybe an hour; Tell me everything you know about the testament, and, most importantly, where it is: you should know. Now we will take it and show the count. He, right, forgot already about him and wants to destroy it. You understand that my one desire is to fulfill His will; I only came here. I'm here only then to help him and you.
- Now I understood everything. I know whose intrigues are. I know, "said Princess.
- He is the point, my soul.
- This is your protegee, [Favorite,] Your cute princess Drubetskaya, Anna Mikhailovna, which I would not want to have a maid, this vile, naughty woman.
- Ne Perdons Point De Temps. [Let's not waste time.]
- AX, do not say! By last winter, she lasted here and such nasty, such brands talked to the count on all of us, especially Sophie, - I can't repeat - that the count became sick and two weeks did not want to see us. At this time, I know that he wrote this naughty, frustrated paper; But I thought this paper does not mean anything.
- Nous at Voila, [This is the case.] Why did you say anything before me?
- In the mosaic portfolio, which he holds under the pillow. Now I know, "said Princess, not answering. "Yes, if there is a sin for me, a lot of sin, then it is hatred for this dressing," the princess was almost shouted, completely changed. - And why is she rubbing here? But I will express everything, everything. The time will come!

While such conversations occurred in the reception room and in the princess rooms, the carriage with Pierre (for which it was sent) and with Anna Mikhailovna (which I found it necessary to go with him) went to the courtyard of the Count of Laughty. When the wheels of the carriage gently sounded along the straw, near the windows, Anna Mikhailovna, contacting his companion with consolation words, was convinced that he was sleeping in the corner of the carriage, and woke it up. Waking up, Pierre for Anna Mikhailovna came out of the carriage and then just thought about the date with a dying father, which he expected. He noticed that they arrived not to the parade, but to the rear entrance. While he went with the footsteps, two people in burghers hurriedly rolled out from the entrance to the shadow of the wall. Posted by, Pierre saw in the shade of the house on both sides, a few of the same people. But neither Anna Mikhailovna nor Laki, nor a kucher who could not see these people did not pay attention to them. Therefore, it was so necessary, I decided to Pierre himself and passed behind Anna Mikhailovna. Anna Mikhailovna hurried steps went up the weakly lit by a narrow stone staircase, calling up the Pierre labored behind her, who, although he did not understand why he had to go to the count at all, and even less, why did he need to go on the rear stairs, but , judging by the confidence and hasty, Anna Mikhailovna, decided to himself that it was necessary. On the half of the stairs, they almost shot down them from the legs of some people with buckets, which, stued boots, ran to meet them. These people pressed against the wall to skip Pierre with Anna Mikhailovna, and did not show the slightest surprise at the sight of them.
- Here on half princed? - asked Anna Mikhailovna one of them ...
"Here," Lackey answered a bold, loud voice, as if everything was already possible, "the door to the left, Mother.
"Maybe the count did not call me," said Pierre while he went to the platform, "I would go to myself."
Anna Mikhailovna stopped to porrify with Pierre.
- AH, MON AMI! She said with the same gesture as in the morning with her son, fading to his hand: - Croayez, Que Je Souffre Autant, Que Vous, Mais Soyez Homme. [Believe me, I suffer from no less than you, but be a man.]
- Right, I will go? - asked Pierre, affectionately through glasses looking at Anna Mikhailovna.
- AH, MON AMI, OUBLIEZ LES TORTS QU "ON AVO AVOIR ENVERS VOUS, PENSEZ QUE C" EST VOTRE PERE ... PEUT ETRE AL "AGONIE. - She sighed. - Je Vous Ai Tout De Suite Aime Comme Mon Fils. Fiez Vous A Moi, Pierre. Je N "Oublirai Pas Vos Interets. [Forget, my friend, what they were against you. Remember that this is your father ... maybe in agony. I immediately loved you like a son. Trust me, Pierre. I will not forget your interests.]
Pierre did not understand anything; Again, it seemed to him even more that all this should be so, and he submolded followed Anna Mikhailovna, already dismissed the door.
The door went to the front reverse. In the corner sat an old man of servant Princed and knit stockings. Pierre was never at this half, did not even assume the existence of such chambers. Anna Mikhailovna asked to overthrow them, with a decanter on a tray, girls (calling her cute and bluebush) about the health printed and entailed Pierre on the stone corridor. From the corridor, the first door left to the residential rooms are printed. The maid, with a decanter, the hurry (as well as everything was done in this minute) did not get the door, and Pierre with Anna Mikhailovna, passing by, unwittingly looked into the room, where, talking, was sitting close to each other. Senior Princess Prince Vasill. Seeing passing, Prince Vasily made an impatient movement and leaned back; Princess jumped up and desperate gesture struck the door, shutting it.
This gesture was so much similar to the last calmness of Princess, the fear, expressed on the face of Prince Vasilla, was so unusual for his importance that Pierre, who stopped, questioningly, through glasses, looked at her head.
Anna Mikhailovna did not express surprise, she just smiled slightly and sighed, as if showing that she was expected.
- Soyez Homme, MON AMI, C "EST MOI QUI Veillerai a Vos Interets, [Be Men, My friend, I will become obstacles for your interests.] - She said in response to his glance and rather went along the corridor.
Pierre did not understand what is the matter, and even less, which meant Veiller A Vos Interets, [Your interests are obstacles,] but he understood that all this should be. They came out the corridor into the semi-axle room, adjacent to the receiving graph. It was one of those cold and luxurious rooms who knew Pierre from the front porch. But in this room, in the middle, there was an empty bath and the water was spilled in the carpet. To meet them came on tiptoe, without paying attention to them, the servant and the student with cadyl. They entered the familiar Pierre reception with two Italian windows, access to the winter garden, with a large bust and in full height portrait of Catherine. All the same people, almost in the same positions, sat, whispering, in the reception. Everything, having wondered, looked back at Anna Mikhailovna who had entered Anna Mikhailovna, with her appointed, pale face, and in a thick, big Pierre, who, lowering his head, poundingly followed her.
On the face of Anna Mikhailovna, the consciousness was expressed that a decisive minute came; She, with the receptions of the business Petersburg lady, entered the room, not letting him from himself a Pierre, still bolder than in the morning. She felt that since she was following by the one who wanted to see the dying, the reception was provided. A rapid look of the loaf of all who were in the room, and noticing the graphic of the confessor, she, not something that bent, but was suddenly less than the growth, a little internship saved to the confessor and respectfully accepted the blessing of one, then another spiritual person.
"Thank God that we managed," she said to a spiritual person, "we are all native, so afraid." This young man is the son of the graph, she added quiet. - Awful minute!
Speak these words, she approached the doctor.
"Cher Docteur," she said to him, "CE Jeune Homme Est Le Fils du Comte ... Y a t il de l" Espoir? [This young man - son of a graph ... Is there hope?]
The doctor is silently, rapidly erected up the eye and shoulders. Anna Mikhailovna embarrassed the shoulders and eyes in exactly the same movement, almost closing them, sighed and moved away from the doctor to Pierre. She especially respectfully and gently sadly appealed to Pierre.
- Ayez Confiance EN SA Misericorde, [Trust His Mercy,] - She said to him, pointing to him a sofa to sit down her, herself fell asleep to the door, which everyone watched, and after a little heard sound, this door was missing for her.
Pierre, deciding in everything to obey his supervisor, headed for a sofa, which she pointed out. As soon as Anna Mikhailovna disappeared, he noticed that the views of all who were in the room, more than with curiosity and with participation rushed to him. He noticed that everyone was pulled out, pointing to him with his eyes, as if with fear and even with the subrange. He had a respect for which the lady unknown to him, who spoke with the spiritual persons, got up from her place and offered him to sit down, the adjutant raised the glove with Pierre and filed him; Doctors fell respectfully when he passed by them, and they were resurrected to give him a place. Pierre wanted to first sit at another place, so as not to put the lady, wanted to raise the glove and bypass the doctors who were not at all on the road; But he suddenly felt that it would be indecent, he felt that he had a face in the current night, which was obliged to commit some terrible and expected rite, and that therefore he had to receive from all services. He took silently a glove from the adjutant, sat down at the place of ladies, putting his big hands on symmetrically exhibited knees, in the naive posture of the Egyptian statue, and decided that all this should be that it should be that in this evening, in order not to To be lost and not to do nonsense, do not act in my reasons, and it is necessary to grant yourself quite on the will of those who led them.

Caligula remained in history by one of the three most cruel Roman emperors, who was accused of all possible sins. How it was in fact, no longer know. Only one thing is reliably: the emperor loved luxury very much. He even built the world's largest walking ships, which is now being a real hunt.

Caligula Roman Empire Rules from 37 to 41 years AD During this short term, the glory of a cruel leader, known for its eccentric behavior and incredible orgies, was entrusted. Contemporaries argue that he was obsessed with constant maintenance of his image and sometimes embodied the strongest projects, without regretting funds. So, according to his order, three enormous ships were built, which were lowered by the small lake Nemi, who was considered to be Holy Romans.

At that time, these were the biggest vessels in the world: about 70 meters long, 20 meters width. They knew the stone buildings - almost like on Earth. The ships were driven by rows of cheerful and wind, their masts carried violet silk sails. The ship turned with the help of four huge steering cheers of 11.3 meters long each.

Ancient Roman Writer and historian Guy Svetoniy Tranquilly describes these ships:
"... ten rows have fun ... the feed of each of the ships sparkled by precious stones ... There were enough baths, galleries and salons on them, a variety of grapes and fruit trees grew"

Each of the ships was decorated with marble, mosaic and gold-plated copper tiles. Ships equipped with plumbing, hot water flowed from the cranes. Separate parts of the water pipeline were richly decorated with wolves, lions, mythical creatures.

Caligula often visited his ships, spending time for a variety, not always incentive classes. According to some historical information, Caligula's ships were scenes of orgies, murders, cruelty, music and sports competitions.

In 41, the Madrid Caligula killed Pretorians conspirators. Shortly after that, his "ships for entertainment", only a year ago, were deprived of precious items, and then deliberately flooded. In the next century they completely forgot about them.

In the XV century, the first rumors appeared about the existence of something "interesting" under the water of Lake Nemi. By 1842, the mystery of Kaligul ships was not yet revealed. Jeremia Donovan explorer wrote:
"The remains of the fact that some are called Tiberia Gallery, Other Trajan, are deeply resting in this lake, but what actually looks like a group of buildings built on the very shore of the lake. In the XVI century, this place in the underwater bell was visited by Architect March [Military Engineer], and there are several other others behind him. Wooden frame was found, connected by bronze nails, removed by large plates based on the iron grid.

In the 1920s, the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini ordered to conduct detailed studies of the mysterious object. In 1928-32 Significant efforts were made to dry the lake. Two ships were found at the bottom in the dirt: 70 and 73 meters long, and with them a lot of bronze items. The found statues and decorations confirmed that these ships were built specifically for Emperor Caligules.

Huge designs moved to the hangar and opened the museum. Unfortunately, during the fighting in 1944, the museum was destroyed and both ships burned down. The preserved parts and bronze decorations today can be seen in Museo Nazionale Romano.

After half a century, an interest in Caligule and his ships arose in Italy. In 2011, the police stated that the "black archaeologists" found the imperial tomb in Lake and plundered her. And quite recently, a small lake again attracted attention. Local fishermen stated that when their networks are getting to the bottom, they often catch ancient artifacts. Now in a picturesque lake again revitalized: scientists with the help of hydrolyators examine the bottom, and the divers are looking for the third, the largest, ship of Emperor Caliguly.

The role of caligules in history Ancient Rome far from unambiguous. After a century, it is not easy to figure out who he was :. After all, this is a typical man of his time. So, a.

At the end of the 19th century, two main marine powers were present in the Black Sea - and Russia. The latter had a more modern and powerful fleet. In 1910, the Turks began to buy European martial vessels, which corresponded to the level of equipping Russian ships. The worldwide fever on the dreadniths touched and Ottoman Empire. As a result of the negotiations, an agreement was signed, according to which the UK should build 3 modern linkers and transfer them to the Turkish authorities. Nicholas II understood that it was necessary to urgently begin the development of its own vessels of a dreadnight type.

By them linear ships Type "Empress Maria". In 1915-1917, 3 new "king of oceans" fell into arms. The fourth ship is "Emperor Nicholas I" and was not put into operation. It should be noted that in connection with the World War II, England did not build the promised battleships for Turkey, which supported Germany.

Design and booking of Dreadnought "Empress Mary"

The length of the "Empress Mary" was 168 meters, the maximum speed of the course is 21.5 node. In economical mode, the ship could pass 2,960 miles. Such indicators were significantly lower than that of the latest developments of the European Navy. Even the previous Russian battleships "Sevastopol", based in the Baltic Sea, had a greater length and displacement. But in the Black Sea, the Russian dreadnights were the most powerful ships.

Booking had the best indicators in comparison with their predecessors. The thickness of the main armor belt was 262.5 mm. Its height at the same time amounted to over 5 meters. Their main opponent is the Turkish Sultan Osman, was covered by 229-mm sheets of steel. The main caliber towers in the Russian dreadnought also had reinforced protection: the walls were closed with 250 mm plates.

Armament of dreadnights like "Empress Mary"

  • The main caliber of Linkar was located on four towers. Each of them included three 305-mm sea guns. The rapidity did not exceed 2 shots per minute.
  • Mountain weapons included 20 units of artillery caliber 130 mm, produced at the Obukhovsky factory in 1913. 12 guns were based in the nose of the vessel.
  • Flak It was represented by 4 guns by a 75 mm caliber.
  • The torpedo weapon consisted of four 450 mm apparatuses.
  • Differences of Lincard "Emperor Nicholas I" from the remaining battleships like "Empress Mary"
  • When the Turks ordered another battleship, the Russian empire began to build the fourth dreadnought of the type "Empress Maria". Wherein new ship It was supposed to have a number of differences from its predecessors:
  • The appearance was radically different. The nasal dresses were changed, as a result of which the size of the wave formed as a result of the movement of the vessel was decreased.
  • The length of the ship was increased to 182 meters, displacement, respectively, up to 27,830 tons.
  • The past tests on the battleship showed that the armor belt should have monolithic protection. In this case, its characteristics have improved.
  • The main weapon of the fleet management was intended to replace 356-mm gun. However, at the stage of construction, the decision was changed. Left previous 305 mm artillery. The released "extra" tonnage was used to even greater the protection of the body.


"Empress Maria" served about a year. In 1916, an explosion occurred for an unknown reason on the vessel, as a result of which the battle was drowned. 225 people died. The operation to save the crew was led by Admiral Alexander Kolchak. "Emperor Alexander III" was transferred to the Soviet fleet and was removed from weapons in 1924. Dreadnought "Catherine Great" participated in the First World War, after the seizure of Crimea by the Germans, the Soviet authorities decided to sing the ship so that it did not get. "Emperor Nicholas I" in connection with the war and revolution was never completed. The shipbuilding plant, which was enshrined, passed several times from one state to another. In 1924, he was launched on the layer.

It should be noted that the yacht "Standard" was very distinguished high level Comfort, but at the same time, not at all comfort to the detriment, it also had high naval qualities and fairly considered the best yacht of this class worldwide from such vessels. In the book of American writer Robert Massa "Nikolay and Alexandra" written about it: "Wherever the" Standard "mooring - in Baltic or the Crimean rocks, he was a sample of marine elegance. The size of a small cruiser equipped with a steam car operated on the corner, it was nevertheless designed as a sailing ship. His huge Bushrite, decorated with golden monogram on a black background, fixed forward, exactly released from Luke Arrow, as if continued the nose of the clipper. Three slender, covered with varnish masts and two white chimneys rose over the deck. White canvas awesome awesome woven tables and chairs were stretched over the dropped decks. Under the top deck there were living rooms, salons, cabins, coated with red wood, with parquet floors, crystal chandeliers, candelabras, velvet porther. Premises intended for royal familywere draped by the Citz. In addition to the ship's church and spacious cabins for the imperial suite on the yacht, there were rooms for officers, mechanics, boiler engineers, a deck team, buffetrs, lakes, maids and a whole platoon of sailors of the Guards crew. In addition, there was enough space on the lower decks to accommodate the brass orchestra and balala retreats. "

Imperial yacht "Standard". On the Ride Yalta, 1898.

In the presence of the Augusts on the "Standard", the Yacht always accompanied the escort of 2-3 dossies. Some of them could stand near the yacht, then others were leisurely on the horizon.

Imperial salon.

Cabinet Nikolai second.

In the afternoon, the yacht was slowly floated between the rocky islands, generously scattered by nature off the coast of Finland, periodically deepening in the picturesque coastal bays, focused on the shores of high ship bays. By evening, anchored in some secluded deserted bay, and in the morning the passengers of the "Standard" were already admired by her quiet transparent water, a bottom with yellow sand and boulders of red granite, whipped dense shrubs.

Empress salon.

Dining room members of the imperial family.

The Empress, who suffered from private disadvantages, was rare on the shore, and spent most of the time on the deck. From 1907, her Freillan became Anna Alexandrovna Celebova, and now, together with Alexandra Fedorovna, she spent a lot of time on the yacht "Standard" and left interesting memories about it. When it was warm by the Empress and Freillus warm in the sun in chairs on the deck, they musicated, writing letters and admired sea landscapes. In the evenings, when Nikolai, Nicholas played with his adjutants on Billiards, or smoked on the deck of his own Papiros, Alexander Fedorovna and Cerubov were engaged in unfortunately, they read out loud or sewed with the light of the electric lamp.

Bedroom Heir-Cesarevich.

Lower the lower ranks.

In good weather, Nicholas II used to make long walks along with daughters at Finnish forests, which grew on the shores of the bays. At the same time, he often let the guard accompanying them and walked one with them. Girls were engaged in having collected flowers, forest berries, mushrooms, grew on the rocks of the gray moss and glittering magic sparkles small pieces of quartz. On the yacht travelers, full impressions, returned to the midday tea, which they were served on the top deck under the marches, who performed the brass band, or under the virtuoso game of the Balalachenikov group, which are members of the yacht personnel.

Princess Olga and Tatiana on board "Standard".

In the evenings, the imperial yacht turned into a real cradle. Her lung swaying on the water of everyone lulls. So, when the stewards began to knock the table to the dinner in the living room, there is it very often there was just no one: the whole imperial family had slept tightly.

Tatiana in a sailorque.

While on board the "Standard", Nikolai II continued to engage in state affairs, so that it came to him and the ministers and ministers and the ranks of the secret police to him on the destroyers and boats. The schedule of his annual June two-week vacation aboard the Yacht Emperor built in such a way that two days a week to work, and five days to rest. At this time of rest, neither the ministers nor the high ranks of the secret police rise aboard the yacht was not allowed. But important reports, as well as various documents and press on the "Standard" from St. Petersburg, were delivered daily by the courier boat.

Imperial family on board the yacht "Standard".

In his memoirs, Celebova described in detail about what was happening on the yacht "Standard" in her presence. For example, that while the daughter of the emperor was still small, a special sailor-nyanka responded for each of them (as they were called on the "Standard" - uncle), which were discussed to ensure that his child trusted with his concerns did not fall would be abroad.

Sablin N.P. - The author of memoirs about the service at the "Standard" in the society of the Great Prince and Yacht officers.

Then the great princesses have grown and got parental permission to swim into the sea on their own, but "uncle" did not exceed. It's just not to embarrass them during water procedures, they were on the shore of nearby and, standing on some hill, watched them into binoculars.

The imperial yacht "Standard" in the Revel Bay. King Eduard VII and Emperor Nicholas II.

It is clear that the not older became the princes, the stronger these guardians and they strive, like all the children, show that they are already "not small." It happened that the princesses of their unuse and teased, and even organized different Caverza. However, Nicholas II never intervened in this relationship between her daughters with yacht-nannica sailors. But all the units every year for their hard and very delicate work from the emperor as a gift was given the nominal gold watches, that is, it was estimated very high.

King Eduard VII and Emperor Nicholas II on board "Standard" in 1908.

It happens, recalled the cutoff that the "Standard" threw anchor in the waters of possessions of both Russian and Finnish nobility. And their owners could often visit the threshold of their home of the Russian emperor, who politely asked their permission to play them on the tennis court. By the way, Nicholas II was an excellent tennis player, which noted she alone.

The life of the imperial family on the yacht passed easily and carelessly. It was her own world, the world was away from the troubles and seals, the world in the "Elephant Tower".

Alexandra Fedorovna with Tsarevich Alexei.

Great Princess Maria Nikolaevna and British Princess Victoria on board the yacht "Standard" in Rive.

Head of the Office of the Ministry Imperial yard A.A. Mosolov in their notes "at the court of the latter Russian emperor"Published in 1993 wrote:" The sovereign itself became sociable and cheerful as soon as she stepped on the "Standard" deck. The Empress participated in the games of children and for a long time spoke with officers. These officers, obviously, occupied a very privileged position. Part of them every day was invited to the highest table. The sovereign and his family often accepted the invitation to tea in the cabin company ... The younger officers of the "Standard" have little to face the games of the Great Prince. When those grew up, the games turned unnoticed into a number of flirts - of course, quite harmless. The word "flirt" I use not in the vulgar sense, which he now gives; - Officers of the "Standard" best could be compared with the Frances or Knights of the Middle Ages. Many times, this youth thread rushed past me, and I never heard a single word that could cause complaints. In any case, these officers were wonderfully thrown ... "

Tsarevich Alexey and his uncle Andrei Villanko.

And Celebova recalls how "... passing by the door of Cesarevich Alexei Nikolayevich, I saw the Empress-mother, sitting on his bed: She carefully cleaned him an apple, and they had fun chatted."

Sovereign emperor with his wife aboard the yacht "Standard".

In any case, the emperor, being on his yacht, tried as much time as possible with his children. Moreover, the large sizes of the yacht turned it into an excellent playground. Young Princess, for example, rode her deck on roller skates!

Princess Anastasia plays with kittens ...

Princess Maria and Tatiana play with kittens, 1908

But it cannot be said that "Standard" was only a kind of floating house for the royal family. The yacht was very often used to participate in various diplomatic and executive activities. At that time, there was no such emperor, the king or president in Europe, who at least once would not be on this ship, did not step on his sparkling deck clean and did not admire her decor, brave crew and interior.

Maria, Olga, Anastasia and Tatiana ... What a fate awaits them in the future, they still do not know ...

"We arrived on affairs." Minister of the Imperial Court Baron V.B. Frederix and Chairman of the Council of Ministers P.A. Stolypin on the deck of the yacht "Standard". Finland, 1910

In 1909, Nicholas II, it was on board the "Standard", made his last visit to England, during which King Edward VII in honor of his venance guest arranged a parade of the Royal Military Fleet. Both sovereign were aboard the Royal Yacht "Victoria and Albert", which sailed between the three lines of armadiors and dreadnights. At the same time, the flags were lowered in English warships in front of the yacht, the ships were salted by gun shots, and the orchestras on the decks played the hymns "God, the king!", And "God, King's King!". King Edward VII and Emperor Nikolai in the form of the English admiral stood near the deck and gave the honor, and thousands of British sailors shouted to them a loud "hurray".

Nicholas II conducts a review of the Linear Ship-Dodredunuts of the Black Sea Fleet.

As for Nikolai II and Kaiser Wilhelma, then the last time they had a chance to meet in June 1912 and again on board the yacht "Standard". Then the "Standard", and the Yacht of Emperor Wilhelm - "Hohenzollerne", arranged the board of the board in the port of Revel (now Tallinn). On June 30, 1912, Nikolai wrote in a letter to the mother: "Emperor Wilhelm stayed for three days, and everything went quite successfully. He was extremely cheerful and friend ... gave good gifts to children and Alexey presented a lot board games... He invited himself in the last morning to his yacht for a snack with champagne of all officers of the "Standard". This technique lasted one and a half hours, after which he told me that our officers drank 60 bottles of his champagne. "

Photo Tsarevich Alexei Nikolayevich Russia with sailors, 1908.

Interestingly, his white-gold yacht "Hohenzollerne" had a displacement of 4,000 tons and therefore was significantly less than the "standard", and Kaiser could not hide their envy, looking at this beautiful ship. "He said," Nicholas II wrote, "that would be happy to get her as a gift ...". But ... how much he did not hint at Nicholas, as it would be good, that His hints did not return and "Standard" as a result as it remained.

Machine compartment of the yacht "Standard".

One of the swims in the schoras ended with an accident. Here is her description made by Robert Massey in 1907, that is, immediately after the incident: "Yacht went out narrow strait in the open sea. Passengers sat on the deck. Suddenly, with a deafening crac, the yacht hit a submarine rock. The dishes tipped over, the chairs fell, the musicians fell on the deck. Water rushed in the bag, the "Standard" was tilted and began to settle. Saw sirens, sailors began to lower the boat on the water. At that moment, there was no three-year-old Cesarevich, and both parents simply moved from grief. It turned out that the sailor-nurse village at the strike of the "Standard" about the rock, Alexei grabbed Alexei into his arms and moved him to the nose of the yacht, considering it it would be quite right that it would be easier for him to save the heir from this part of the vessel.

Nicholas II all the time was at Larew, watching the descent of the boats. He often looked at the clock, counting how much inches falls into the water "Standard". According to him, it remained 20 minutes. However, due to its hermetic bulkheads, the yacht did not sink. And later was renovated. "

"Yacht" Standard "-" Egg "Faberge.

Nikolai II sister Olga recalled that while the "Standard" revenged, sailors from the yacht were often invited to the Mariinsky Theater to fulfill the roles of slaves and warriors there, for example, in Aida opera. "It was funny to see these high men standing awkward on stage dressed in helmets and sandals and showing their naked hairy legs. Despite the fierce signals of the director, they buried her eyes on the royal lie, widely and fun smiled to us. "

"Yacht" Standard "-" Egg "Faberge. Close-up.

IN soviet time From the yacht "Standard" made a Mine Barrel "Marty", but this is completely different ...