What program do the children study in? Which elementary school program is considered the best? Features of the Promising Primary School program

When choosing a place of education for a preschooler, parents need to take into account many different factors: remoteness educational institution from home, teacher qualifications, learning conditions. Now this list will be replenished with one more item - the school program according to which children are taught in primary school in 2019-2020.

What type of program to choose

Training programs junior schoolchildren a lot has been developed. In addition to the well-known ones, such as “School of Russia”, “Perspective”, “Harmony”, there are original, experimental, and in-school ones. Officially, only two complexes are classified as developmental systems: L.V. Zankova and Elkonina D.B – Davydova V.V. All other training programs in primary school 2019-2020 – traditional.

Teachers primary classes can independently choose not only the method of learning, but also books from. The entire set of teaching materials selected for primary school students in 2019-2020 must be within the same educational system. Mixing different complexes is not recommended. In the traditional system, the material is presented in such a way that the student first masters simple things, and then more complex ones. The acquired knowledge is acquired by solving similar problems. Students simply remember the solution mechanism and then confidently apply it.

IN Lately this approach is often criticized. Outside the educational institution, children cannot use the information received, and when they find themselves in an unusual situation, they get lost. However, this educational method has gained many years of experience, and its effectiveness has been proven over time. Almost all current adults studied using this system.

Primary school development programs for 2019-2020 imply a completely different learning structure. The textbooks do not have a clear division into topics, rules, or similar tasks. It is assumed that schoolchildren will be sufficiently erudite and inquisitive to obtain the necessary knowledge from other sources. The teacher not only talks about the subject, but also guides the child’s thinking. This approach to learning is designed to develop in children the ability to solve non-standard problems.

The disadvantage of developmental school programs for primary schools 2019-2020 is that after graduating from 4th grade, the child will have to move on to traditional education. There are no well-developed teaching materials for this system in high schools.

“School of Russia” is a traditional presentation of material used over the past decades. This is exactly how they studied back in the Soviet Union. Over time, small changes were made to this program, but the principle remained the same.

“The Russian school is focused on:

  • development of a person as an individual;
  • awareness of universal human values;
  • formation of a global way of thinking;
  • provision of high-quality, comprehensive education.

When entering 1st grade, a child may not be able to read and write. No additional training not required for preschoolers.

The educational and methodological complex of this program is the result of many years of experience of the staff of the Primary School Center and Russian Academy education. The main goal is to teach the student to learn. The educational complex is designed for erudite children. Schoolchildren must be able to independently obtain material and apply it in practice. The primary school of the 21st century contains game techniques and visual materials. The educational complex includes such books as “Learning to think and fantasize”, “Learning to cognize” the world».

Since 2015 – one of the most popular programs. The main advantages are continuity and continuing education. Textbooks are developed not only for primary grades, but also for subsequent levels of education. Children can study under this system from the age of 3 until entering a higher education institution. The entire complex is designed taking into account the specific age of the student. A characteristic feature of the program is that the child is given the maximum amount of material, but he must master at least the minimum. Thus, each student can learn as much as his abilities allow.

Planet of Knowledge is an innovative approach to the primary school curriculum for 2019-2020. All textbooks are interconnected. They have the same goals, objectives and approach to the learning process. In addition to printed publications, electronic applications have been developed. During training, children are engaged project activities. This stimulates students to deep knowledge of the proposed material.

D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydova

This technique is aimed at developing logical abilities. Unprepared kids will not be able to cope with this program. It is understood that children entering the first grade can already independently read and count to 10. During training, schoolchildren learn to independently analyze the material, check their own guesses, and interact with the team. This system does not use grades. Instead of a diary, children create a portfolio with creative works. The teacher informs parents about the child’s progress and gives recommendations for further development.

Whatever program parents choose for elementary school in 2020, it should be remembered that much depends not only on the educational institution and the teacher, but also on the help of adults at home.

Parents of a future first-grader need to understand modern educational programs for primary grades. Unlike Soviet times, when everyone studied from the same textbooks, now teachers and parents have a choice in exactly how the child will receive all the necessary knowledge. And this will depend on the educational system that the student will use in primary school.

What to choose when there are sure to be several schools near your home that teach children according to different systems? Even within the same school, primary school teachers themselves choose which program to work on, and children from parallel classes can study using different educational and methodological complexes.

Currently, there are simultaneously several educational systems that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards (Federal State Educational Standards). Each of them has its own characteristics, but in general the systems are divided into traditional and developmental. Most schools choose traditional education programs, such as "School of Russia", "Primary school XXI century", "School 2010", "Harmony", "Prospective Primary School", "Classical Primary School", "Planet of Knowledge", "Perspective". But be prepared for the fact that your child may be offered to study in developmental programs Zankova or Elkonin-Davydov. Of course, one should not think that traditional programs do not deal with the development of the student, the name is rather conditional. general outline, we can say that these types of systems differ in approach: traditional programs offer an explanatory and illustrative approach to teaching a child, developmental ones offer an active one.

All of the programs mentioned above are focused on a single educational standard, but each system has its own way of presenting information and priorities. They differ in the curriculum itself, the degree of workload of the child, the involvement of the parent in the learning process, as well as the overall complexity. Each system offers its own educational and methodological complex, in other words, sets of textbooks, workbooks and didactic materials in all subjects.

The most popular among schools are such educational and methodological complexes as “School of Russia”, “Perspective”, “School 2100”, “Planet of Knowledge” and “Harmony”.

"School of Russia" is considered a classic program. In essence, this is the same system according to which, with minor changes, taught in Soviet time. It is designed for average level, so that every child can easily master such a program. Mathematics develops computational skills, logic and thinking in equal proportions, the Russian language is taught in a standard way: the development of oral and written speech and literate writing skills is balanced. In this case, we can especially highlight the study of “The World Around us” using the textbooks of A. A. Pleshakov. The advantage of the course is that mastering the surrounding world is positioned as a project that the child implements together with his parents.

Another educational and methodological complex that is especially popular is “Perspective”. This program is most suitable for children with a mathematical mind. This teaching aid is quite complex and will require parents to actively participate in the child’s education. The main advantage of "Perspective" is the mathematics lessons, which are based on educational materials. Mathematics is given with elements of geometry and algebra, which allows the child to smoothly move into high school.

The educational complex "School 2100" is built in such a way that children can learn at different levels of difficulty. All educational materials contain maximum additional information, which the child will be able to learn in response to such a need. This program allows the teacher to adjust the level of difficulty of presenting material and apply an individual approach to teaching without switching to another teaching aid.

The Planet of Knowledge program is considered quite complex, since it was originally developed and used in pre-gymnasium classes, but it is also very popular among teachers and parents. The main advantage of this teaching aid is its focus on the child. His ability to reason is actively stimulated, whether by emphasizing logic when studying mathematics or literary reading, which presupposes the emergence of a dialogue between a child and an adult. As in “School 2100,” the “Planet of Knowledge” study guides contain multi-level tasks: from basic to creative and exploratory.

The main principle of the educational complex "Harmony" is comfortable learning at the intersection of traditional and developmental teaching methods. Children initially develop skills of analysis, classification, comparison and generalization. During the lessons, many problematic developmental tasks are given that form in schoolchildren the ability to think and the ability to independently draw conclusions. One of the main advantages of the program is targeted preparation for a smooth transition from primary to secondary school.

You can understand the clear difference between one educational system and another by studying the teaching materials offered by the program in one place. On the website of the online book store "Labyrinth" there is a special section "School Guru", in which you can make a selection of products according to the educational program, by subjects, types educational material(textbooks, workbooks, visual aids) or by grade. Using this section, you can both study the proposed program materials and collect the necessary set of literature when the issue of choosing an educational system has already been resolved.

It is necessary to keep in mind that all educational educational programs are regularly revised taking into account current trends, so even if you are not sending your first child to school, keep in mind that the authors of textbooks or the teaching concept as a whole may have changed over the course of several years. The educational materials themselves can change significantly, so, as a rule, there is a need to buy all the materials of the educational complex for the class from scratch. It’s safe to say exactly what the educational complex looks like on this moment and what textbooks and workbooks you need to purchase for your child, the teacher who is currently working on the program will be able to tell you.

Currently, there are two systems for preparing children in primary school: traditional and developmental. Each has its own programs. The traditional programs include: “Primary School of the 21st Century”, “School 2100”, “School of Russia”, “Harmony”, “Prospective Primary School”, “Classical Primary School”, “Planet of Knowledge”, “Perspective”. Developmental systems include two programs: L.V. Zankova and D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydova.

Different programs may be used within the same school. Regardless of the program, the student has the opportunity to obtain the same knowledge expected state standard. Tasks of increased difficulty, which are associated only with developmental systems, are included in all programs, but are not mandatory for study.

School of Russia

The traditional program “School of Russia” (edited by A. Pleshakov) has existed for decades. The Russian school is the program in which all Soviet schoolchildren studied. Of course, there have been major changes in terms of content, but the learning objectives remain the same. The most common misconception about this training program is that it is outdated. This is far from true. The program has been updated many times since 2000, improved and supplemented. This program allows you to thoroughly develop the academic skills (reading, writing, counting) that are necessary for successful learning in secondary school.

Program "Harmony"

Educational and methodological set “Harmony” (edited by N.B. Istomin (mathematics 3rd grade), M.S. Soloveichik and N.S. Kuzmenko (Russian language), O.V. Kubasov (literary reading), O. T. Poglazova (the world around us), N.M. Konysheva (labor education)) is successfully practiced in many schools. This program has common goals and objectives for everyone educational subjects, priority teaching methods and forms of organizing educational activities have been identified.
Pros of this program : advanced learning is underway, the included textbooks contain a methodological part, with the help of which parents can study and explain to the child the missed topic. The program uses new teaching technologies that allow you to develop your child’s logical thinking abilities. It is also noteworthy that the kit includes tasks designed for children. different levels preparedness. But there are also disadvantages: in mathematics, solving problems begins only in the second grade, and test papers The same ones are offered for all classes.

Primary school XXI century

Primary school XXI century edited by N.F. Vinogradova. This kit takes a very serious look at the problem of forming the educational activity of a primary school student, and this is the only kit that has a parallel program “Learning Activities”. The material in this program is designed for strong, erudite children. What knowledge a student will have when moving on to secondary school depends on the primary school teacher. Therefore, the main goal is to teach the child to learn. It is important that Vinogradova’s set realizes the child’s right to their individuality: children are placed in conditions where they can independently acquire knowledge, apply it, think, fantasize, play (special notebooks are provided “Learning to think and fantasize”, “Learning to understand the world around us”)

School 2100

School 2100 edited by A.A. Leontyev. This program, according to some estimates, is the most widespread in our region. Every year more and more teachers work in this educational program. The main advantage of this program is its deep continuity and continuity of education. Under this program, children can study from the age of three until they enter university. All textbooks in the program are built taking into account the psychological specifics of age. Characteristic feature This educational program is based on the following principle: educational material is offered to students to the maximum, and the student must learn the material to a minimum standard. This way, each child has the opportunity to take as much as he can. The program teaches children to act independently and is aimed at developing logical thinking, speech, imagination, memory.

Hello, friends! Welcome to the blog pages! Don’t you think that when our parents sent us to first grade, it was much easier for them than for you and me? The main concern was the purchase school uniform, briefcase and all necessary accessories. Today we face a more serious and responsible choice. Among other things, you also need to decide what program the child will study in, how and what he will be taught at school.

September is just around the corner, and poor parents, in turmoil and anxiety, are studying websites about educational programs for primary schoolchildren, looking through reviews and, in a fit of despair on various forums, asking: “Which one is better?”

In order to protect you from such a situation and give confidence in the future of your child, I tried in this review article to tell you in an accessible and simple way about the main training programs in the primary grades of our Russian schools for 2016-2017 academic year. And be sure to watch the video at the end of the article, you will learn a lot of new things)

Lesson plan:

"School 2100"

This is one of the few programs that is continuous, that is, children can study in it starting from kindergarten and up to the eleventh grade. has existed for 20 years and is widespread in Russian schools.

During training, children master a large amount of material. The program assumes independent activity of students, when the teacher does not teach, but directs and controls the learning process. At the same time, the teacher finds an individual approach to everyone. There is creativity in learning.

"School of Russia"

This is the program that our parents and some of us studied in. It’s already the 21st century, and it still remains relevant.

The program is not called for nothing. If you want your child to become part of a generation true patriots, then this program will be the ideal solution this issue. Education, in particular, is aimed at developing in each child an interest in the country in which he lives, arousing a desire for its further study and knowledge. The program involves raising a person who will glorify his homeland, love and respect people, and also treat nature with reverence, love and caution.

System of D. B. Elkonin – V. V. Davydov

It is worth noting right away that the training is quite complex. Its slogan could be the saying “Patience and work will grind everything down.” Information is not given to students in a ready-made form - students must learn to find it on their own by studying the causes of a particular phenomenon.

The system does not provide for marking. Instead, the teacher provides parents with information about their child's academic and creative achievements in the form of a portfolio. The main emphasis is not on the result, but on the way to achieve it. This is effective because it allows you to better remember the information that the student “chews” and “swallows” on his own.

"Promising Primary School"

Teachers teaching this program pay special attention to the individuality of each child in their work. At the same time, they take into account how old the students are, what level of development they have, and most importantly, their interests. It is well known that absolutely each of us is talented, we just need to give this talent an impetus. The teacher’s task is to awaken the child’s abilities and direct them in the right direction.

A promising elementary school assumes that during learning, children play the roles not only of those who learn something, but also of organizers educational activities. It is important that students work both independently, alone, and in groups. Particular attention is paid to the process of searching for information. The program also involves combining academic subjects in one discipline, which allows you to form a holistic picture of the world.

"Primary school XXI century"

By practicing, children learn to be independent, they develop the ability to control themselves without anyone’s help and evaluate themselves correctly (which is also very important). The teacher tries to conduct classes in dialogue, giving his students the right to own opinion without punishing or blaming mistakes. So there is no need to be afraid that your child will develop the so-called “excellent student syndrome.”

It is not the result itself that is assessed, but how the student arrived at it. Training also involves developing the ability to argue one’s opinion already at school, starting from the first days at the desk.


The very name of the program promises a lot to parents. The main task is to educate a child into a spiritually developed personality, the personality of a citizen.

From the first grade, younger schoolchildren develop a system of values ​​of humanism and morality. “Perspective” is aimed at awakening in every child an interest in learning something new, which ultimately develops into independence. The teacher, before giving ready-made information, shows a problem, the solution of which will be new knowledge.

"Planet of Knowledge"

The training is structured as follows. Pupils are given tasks, and not simple tasks, but creative. Children must learn to solve them on their own, but not without the help of a teacher who guides and controls his students.

Students must master the primary skills of searching for information, learn to act consistently when solving problems, and find causes and ways to eliminate them. There is a lot of information on “” (it’s not for nothing that it’s called that), and the teacher’s task is to help “space travelers” who find themselves in this world for the first time master them. outer space knowledge.

Zankov system

The learning process does not take place traditionally, when the teacher tells and the children remember. The teacher’s task is to ensure that new material is mastered in a creative form. Based on the examples given by the teacher, students must “get to the bottom” of the truth on their own. That is why special attention is paid practical application acquired knowledge. However, the theoretical part does not stand aside and is no less important in the learning process.

Despite high level difficulties, the system assumes rapid mastery of the material.

Russian literary critic Mikhail Gasparov said in one of his works that the school must meet the requirements that will be relevant in 20 years. And our task is to choose the school and the program that will cope with this task, if, of course, you are given the right to such a choice. It is also worth taking into account the characteristics of your child, his level of development and interests.

Personally, I give preference to the “School of Russia”. My daughter has been studying under this program for four years now. And next year my son will study it. And I'm happy with everything.

The topic of training programs is so relevant that even entire television programs are dedicated to it. One of them is below. Watch the video. A lot of information.

And remember, ShkolaLa is always there and always ready to help with good advice.

All the best!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich!

How the child will feel
climbing the first step of the ladder of knowledge, what he will experience,
His entire further path to knowledge depends.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

A child's entry into first grade is one of the most important and exciting events in the life of every parent. Therefore, it is necessary to seriously approach the solution of this issue: choose good school, be sure to meet the teacher. After all, it is in elementary school that the desire to learn and learn new things, the ability to assimilate material, and the ability to find mutual language with peers, happens further development certain abilities (technical or humanitarian) and much more. It is very important to pay attention to another issue - the training program or educational and methodological complex (EMC) according to which the child will study. Since using these textbooks and workbooks, he and, possibly, his parents will have to master the material and gain basic knowledge. And their quality will determine how easily and quickly the child will get involved in the learning process, and what knowledge he will come to secondary school with.

Currently, the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated December 28, 2018 is in force. N 345 ​​“On the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state accreditation educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education" The federal list of textbooks (hereinafter referred to as the list) includes textbooks recommended by the Scientific Methodological Council for Textbooks created by the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation, based on positive expert opinions based on the results of scientific, pedagogical, social, ethnocultural and regional examinations and meeting certain requirements.

The federal list of textbooks includes (all or selectively) completed subject lines of textbooks that are part of the following educational and methodological complexes for primary schools:

School of Russia 1 class 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade
Perspective 1 class 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade
Primary school of the XXI century 1 class 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade
Promising Primary School 1 class 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade
Planet of Knowledge 1 class 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade
Harmony 1 class 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade
RHYTHM 1 class 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade
Primary innovative school 1 class 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade
School 2000 ... (mathematics L.V. Peterson) 1 class 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade
System of L.V. Zankov (publishing house "Developmental Education") 1 class 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade
Spheres (Prosveshcheniye Publishing House) 1 class 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade

(Publishing house "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory")
1 class 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade

The list does not include the textbooks of the following teaching materials:

School 2100 1 class 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade
D.B. Elkonin-V.V. Davydov system
(VITA-PRESS publishing house)
1 class 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade
System of L.V. Zankov (Publishing house "Fedorov") 1 class 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade
Dialogue 1 class 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade

It should be noted that educational organizations have the right to use purchased textbooks from the federal list of textbooks, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2014 N 253, for three years.

Feature listed educational programs for primary school is what they include educational and methodological kits(UMK) in all or several subjects of primary general education (for example, Russian language, mathematics, literary reading and the world around us, etc.). Each program or training system has its own goals, objectives, principles and features, which can be found in detail in the explanatory notes. Information can be found on the official websites of elementary school programs or publishing houses that produce this or that educational complex. Each program or training system has its own scientific adviser, as well as a team of authors working on the creation of the educational complex. The educational and methodological set usually includes: textbooks, workbooks, visual and teaching aids, independent work and tests, multimedia applications, guidelines and lesson plans.

In addition, there are completed textbook subject lines , which are not included in the teaching materials of the previously listed primary school systems and programs, but are also included in the federal list of recommended textbooks.

In connection with the transition of educational institutions to the new Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (FSES NOO), starting from the 2011/2012 academic year, all educational programs primary schools were improved, textbooks passed the State examination for compliance with the second generation Federal State Educational Standard.
Significant feature All educational programs for primary schools have become aimed at developing in students universal learning activities (UAL) as the basis of learning skills, to include children in educational activities when studying all school subjects. The main principle of modernizing textbooks is to strengthen the orientation of educational material, ways of presenting it, and teaching methods to maximize the inclusion of students in educational activities. Thus, all programs and training systems are aimed at achieving the educational results defined by the Federal State Educational Standard of the NEO, and the implementation “Concepts of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a Russian citizen” .
Thus, there are no “bad” and “good” programs. All of them are approved by the Ministry of Education and are designed so that by the end of primary school children receive the level of knowledge required by the state standard, that is, the mandatory minimum. And the developmental education system is no better or worse than the traditional one. Moreover, today almost all primary school programs implement the ideas of developmental education. Tasks increased complexity, which are associated only with developmental systems, are included in all sets, but are not mandatory for learning. In fact, each learning system is designed for a certain mindset, or, in other words, a way of perceiving and mentally processing information. And these processes are individual for each child. Authorship is manifested in the ways of presenting material, additional information, and organizing educational activities.

Almost all proprietary educational programs have both advantages (which are actively discussed) and disadvantages (information about which is less accessible). If a teacher has been trained, certified, interacts with methodologists and has access to manuals, the likelihood of obtaining a high-quality result is higher. The programs are designed so that in four years of study the child will receive all the basic knowledge. However, the material is presented and distributed over the years in different sequences. In addition, some programs are overloaded with materials that children (and sometimes parents) understand and master with great difficulty. And the final tests for the quarter and for the year are all written the same. And here a lot depends on the teacher. It is good if the school maintains programmatic continuity between the primary and secondary levels, and subject teachers work together. Otherwise, having studied four grades of primary school using non-standard textbooks, the child will move to the fifth grade to standard educational “rails” and lose interest in learning.

According to article 28 Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" "Towards competence educational organization in the established field of activity include: ... determination of the list of textbooks in accordance with the approved federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state-accredited educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education by organizations implementing educational activities, and teaching aids, approved for use in the implementation of the specified educational programs by such organizations."
According to the article article 47 Law of the Russian Federation "On Education in the Russian Federation" teaching staff have “the right to choose textbooks, teaching aids, materials and other means of education and upbringing in accordance with the educational program and in the manner established by the legislation on education.”

Thus, today primary school teachers can choose not only an educational program (system), but, first of all, textbooks that create a favorable and comfortable environment for learning, instilling in children a love of learning from the first days of their stay at school. In this case, the teacher has the right to choose teaching materials only in accordance with the approved basic educational program of primary general education of the educational institution. When choosing a program as a basis, the teacher follows it for all four years. In one school primary classes can study in different programs. At the same time, one of the classes most often studies according to the educational instructional complex “School of Russia”. Today this is the most common education system. In addition, a variant of the educational program is possible, consisting of completed subject lines of textbooks that are not included in certain systems and programs. The main condition for selection is that textbooks must be included in the “Federal List of Textbooks Recommended for Use in the Implementation of State Accredited Educational Programs of Primary General, Basic General, and Secondary General Education.”

A little history...

According to Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 21, 2004. N 93 Primary general education included:
- traditional education system (programs "School of Russia", "Harmony", "School 2000...", "School 2100", "Primary School of the XXI Century", "Classical Primary School", "Promising Primary School", "Planet of Knowledge");
- developmental training systems (L.V. Zankov system and D.B. Elkonin-V.V. Davydov system).
However, over time, the contradictions between traditional and developmental education systems gradually softened, and modern stage development primary education All educational and methodological sets are focused on the thesis of the child’s activity in the learning process, on the development of his personality, his cognitive and creative capabilities. The division of textbooks by systems (traditional or developmental) and sets (programs) in the Federal lists of recommended (approved) textbooks was removed from the 2006/2007 academic year (however, then this was stated in additional information from publishers for each textbook), and from 2008/2009 academic year, such information was not included in the lists.

In the Federal List of Textbooks Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for use in educational process in general educational institutions, for the 2011/2012 academic year (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russia No. 2080 of December 24, 2010) in the section “Textbooks, the content of which corresponds to the federal state educational standard for primary general education,” four textbook systems were identified:
- "Primary school of the XXI century"
- "Perspective"
- "School of Russia"
- "School 2100"

These systems (educational and methodological complexes - EMC) included completed subject lines of textbooks already in all subjects of primary general education: Russian language, literary reading, mathematics, computer science, the world around us, technology, music, fine arts, Physical Culture, foreign language(English, German, French, Spanish), fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia (4-5 grades). A feature of the “textbook system” status was that each subject corresponded to only one completed subject line of textbooks.
Textbooks of the remaining above-mentioned programs or completed subject lines are also included in the Federal list of recommended (approved) textbooks for the 2011/2012 academic year in the sections “Textbooks, the content of which corresponds to the federal state educational standard for primary general education” or “Textbooks, the content of which corresponds to federal component state educational standard general education".

In the Federal lists of textbooks recommended or approved for use in the educational process in educational institutions that have state accreditation and implement educational programs of general education, for the 2012/2013 academic year(Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 2885 of December 27, 2011) the division of textbooks into systems (programs) was again absent. Textbooks belonging to completed subject lines were grouped only by subjects of primary general education.

Based on information posted on the official websites of publishers and program authors, and in accordance with the Federal List of Textbooks for 2013/2014 academic year(Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1067 of December 19, 2012) the following teaching and learning systems could be distinguished:

- "School of Russia"
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