The strongest weakest emotion. The brightest emotions of a person: a list and their characteristic features

Emotions of man - This is an estimated identity ratio to emerging phenomena. Human emotions are not well understood, so they are often found different definitions This phenomenon has different authors. But it is possible to express a general statement in which emotions are regulators of activities that displays the meaning of an existing or possible situation in the life of the individual. Based on this, human emotions give rise to his experiences of joy, fear, pleasure and other feelings. Human emotions, by themselves, may not generate experience, their main task is internal regulation of activity.

Emotions have passed a long evolution, they developed from ordinary innate instinctive processes (organic and motor changes) into more complex processes that have lost the instinctive basis, but having binding to a certain situation. That is, complex emotional processes began to express an individual appraisal attitude towards circumstances and their direct participation in them.

Determine the vital primary emotions that provide a person survival. These include pain, rage, and other similar.

Emotions in a person's life have a value indescribable with words. So, thanks to interest, surprise, sadness, joy, fear people transmit information. Their expression is accompanied by bodily manifestations - gestures, facial expressions, changes in skin color (redness, pale).

Emotions in human life are regulators of social activity and its guides. A man without emotions becomes empty, not interesting. He ceases to see the meaning in everything he does, therefore becomes an apathetic, detached. Sometimes such an apathetic state captures a person, but over time the good mood is returned, which drives them forward.

Emotions in a person's life act as signals. With their help displayed current state organism. If positive emotions are observed, it means that he is satisfied with everyone, negative indicate that dissatisfaction of some needs.

Emotions protect the body from overloads and retain internal energy. Everyone emotional condition About something is noticed. So, when experiencing stress, a person decreases activity, it most he leaves energy to perform something more important.

The effect of emotions per person is very diverse. They affect. Man worried positive emotions, for example, joy, looks at the world from an optimistic point of view. Those who are experiencing suffering or see all evil intentions and negative.

Emotions have an impact on mental processes. So, a person in a state of stress cannot remember the events, external view People, he has mixing all the facts and he does not understand what truthfully, but what could he invent.

The effect of emotions on a person is displayed in his studies and work. If he is accepted for work with interest, then will act quickly, and not tired.

Emotional state affects. The strong emotions of a person make it uncontrollable, he may not think at all what he does. For example, in a state (extremely strong emotional state), a person is capable of murder, can do something, completely unknown to him.

Types of human emotions

The role of any emotion in human life cannot be overestimated. People can be from different cultures, in different ways are brought up, living in different corners in the world, distinguish appearance, speak on different languagesBut the emotions of all they have the same and express the same human attitude towards a certain situation or subject. Even animals understand some emotions of people. For example, when a person rejoices and laughs, the dog also begins to show his joy towing around man and wagging his tail. If the person is sad, the dog quietly stacked near him. These processes are not studied properly, but this is a fact.

Types of human emotions There are many and they can change each other very quickly. For example, a person is in one state and some incentive suddenly acts on him, and it critically change its attitude towards the situation. A person can be in one moment, being in a cheerful mood to go into a dark, or, on the contrary, under the influence of an event occurred from the sad state to switch to joyful.

Man can worry about one individual opposite feelings, and at the same time. Emotions, exciting person instantly reflected on his face, so hide them very hard. People can try to hide their true feelings, their expression on the face, but there are other factors through which it is possible to determine what a person is experiencing is a pose, facial expressions, gait, gesturing and others.

All emotions are divided into positive emotions of people, neutral and negative human emotions.

Positive emotions of people are joy, delight, confidence, satisfaction, tenderness, trust, admiration, sympathy, love, appreciation, lightening, facilitance, bliss.

Negative human emotions are sadness, despair, anxiety, displeasure, longing, disassembly, offense, fear, annoyance, regret, indignation, dislike, anger, insult, uncertainty, distrust, rage, disgust, contempt, disappointment, impatience.

Neutral relate indifference, amazement, curiosity.

Each emotion of a person creates some resonance, and everything that is around the individual, begins to choose this condition. More here are in mind people, but thanks to some studies, it became known that animals and plants are also able to respond to different types emotional states.

All people may experience basic emotions, but not everyone is available to feel wider spectrum. Such people in everyday life are called "thick-skinned". They are not too sensitive and cannot fully assess their feelings, they are difficult to identify them.

There is a separate type of emotion, called the affect. Affect is a strong emotional state, during which it turns off rational thinking And at that moment the man begins to act stereotypically. He is expressed in stupor, flight.

Emotions prepare a person to certain actions. For example, when a person enters critical stressful circumstances, it appears certain emotional and physiological reactions. So, in the state of fear, the body of a person can be numb, but can also get to run.

If the person is sad, then he has a sluggish gait, lowered shoulders and corners of the mouth. In a state of aggression, a person takes a defensive position, the body becomes shield, the back straightens, the whole body is strained. IN extreme situationWhen there is a threat to life, the blood in the body is condensed and in case of injury, it can be avoided by its strong loss. When a person experiences joy, he has hormones that can protect the body and strengthen the overall tone.

Various emotional states affect cardiovascular system. Long stress is able to disturb the normal work of the heart, and lead to hypertension. The blood circulation is also depending on the overall state.

Positive emotions of people affect the influx of blood to the skin, on the rhythm of breathing. If a person is experiencing a long stress, then he may have breathing problems.

The negative emotions of a person very negatively affect it, provoke various diseases.

Positive emotions of people positively affect strong sleep, improving the general condition. The optimistic lifestyle has a positive effect on health, so you need to think positive in any case.

Another group of emotional states represent affects. Affects - strong emotions of a person who are accompanied by active actions to resolve acute, extreme, conflict or stressful situation. Affect arises suddenly and is expressed in temporary disorganization (narrowing) of consciousness and acute activation of impulse reactions. They can manifest in various forms.

Fear is a form of affect, it is a reflex reaction that serves as a biological protective mechanism of the psyche. The main manifestations of fear are escape, cry, grimace, a decrease or strong increase in muscle tone, body shaking, pulse increase, increase blood pressure, dry mouth, intestinal disorders, and so on.

Human anger can also lead to the state of affect. The anger is manifested in the increased tone of the voice, reaching shouting, pose of attack and threatening facial expressions.

The disappointment state is less emotionally painted to lead to the appearance of the affect, but sometimes it happens.

Man's feelings and emotions

Feelings and emotions of man are strongly connected with internal personal qualities. They displays everything that the person lives what is happening in him inside. A person is often afraid to express their own emotions or denies them, can confuse them with feelings. Some do not realize them at all, they are hard to say something in response to the question that they are experiencing. But this does not mean that these people are insensitive. So, you need to figure out what is the cause of such a condition, why a person is not able to determine what it feels for a person, as belonging to a certain event or phenomenon. A person who cannot identify his emotions and feelings is not capable of solving life problems.

For many people, it remains unknown to what they are experiencing or feel, but to a greater extent they are worried about the causes of their sensations. The causes of many states and feelings are social. Due to the active development of society, new emotions appear or a new meaning arises. For example, some senses a person is not able to feel after birth, but can learn later at his closest environment. FROM early childhood Parents and acquaintances teach a child to express their emotions, encourage to show their feelings, tell them what emotions and in what situations can be expressed, and when it is better to restrain. When a person is unable to test that gamut of the senses who capture everyone besides him, then he is considered selfish and insensitive.

Emotions and feelings can express one and also, for example, a person can feel the emotion and a sense of joy. Emotions appear when need arises and end immediately after satisfying this need, feelings are subject matter. Thickening thirst, hunger and other needs is connected with the emotion of joy. The feeling of satisfaction is directly connected with some one indispensable object, for example, a person wants to drink coffee, but there is only tea, but he will not replace coffee, he will not deliver, then the satisfaction that a person is expected of coffee. Feelings are manifested exclusively to some object if it is missing, then they do not arise.

Feelings can be brought up and evolving. Eliminate the levels of human feelings - from practical, such as satisfaction or property, to sublime feelings, which are allocated along with spiritual ideals and values.

Feelings developed historically and in different epochs One phenomenon could cause different attitude in people. Also, feelings are amenable to culture and religion. Therefore, to the same object in people of different nations Opposite feelings arise. For example, in european countries A woman quite freely can walk in shorts, a short skirt and a T-shirt, this is considered the norm. If a woman in this form goes around near Muslim believers, it will cause indignation and contempt, because their religion and culture does not allow the body of a woman open.

In a person's life, practical feelings are formed, which are directly related to its activities. In theoretical activities are formed intellectual feelings that are associated with cognitive activity (curiosity, interest, surprise). Aesthetic, such as a feeling of harmony and beauty, admiration arose in relation to the development of shaped-electoral activity.

Moral feelings include conscience, experience of guilt, debt, solidarity, justice, nobility. Thanks to moral feelings, a person expresses his experiences and attitude to others. They still allocate spiritual feelings to which feelings of holiness, enlightenment, reverence, mysticality.

In the diversity of the sense of the individual, its value system, the needs and essence of the individual is displayed. Regarding the outside world, a person wants to act so as to be positively configured to him. Therefore, the feelings in contrast to emotions can be independently adjusted.

When a person is experiencing a strong sustainable, a positive feeling for something that arises on the basis of not enough satisfied need, he feels a passion. Passion is a strong emotional state, which is poorly controlled by a person, and not every person can cope with him.

Emotional states differ in their sign (positive or negative), intensity, depth, the duration of the influence and significance of the reflection in reality (deep and shallow).

Feelings and emotions are furious or asthenic, depending on the impact on activity activity. Stenical activate a person, encourage activities, mobilize resources and forces, they are pleased with joy, interest, inspiration. Asthenic relaxes and rivets forces, for example, negative emotions of man, humiliation, experience of guilt, depression.

The emotional tone of the sensation shows the attitude of a person to the quality of feelings. That is, a certain phenomenon or stimulus is responsible for human condition. For example, the noise of the sea, the sound from crackling is covered in the fire, the type of sunset and the like. Some stimuli are able to cause human idiosyncasses - painful disgust to certain individually intolerable sounds, smells, tastes.

Emotional response is a quick reaction to changes in the external environment. For example, a man saw a beautiful flower - delighted, heard a loud thunder - frightened. Emotional response expresses human emotional excitability. This kind of emotional response is allocated as synthonia, it manifests itself in human ability to be responsive to other people and respond to phenomena and changes in phenomena in the surrounding world. Sintonia is expressed through the state of harmony of a person with nature, in the ability to understand and accept experiences and feelings of others.

Emotional stability is manifested in the stability of human behavior in a variety of situations, in resistance to different life difficulties, manifestation of tolerance to other people. The predominance of positive or negative emotions In person's experience, it forms a person with a relevant sustainable mood.

There is also a connection between emotions, feelings and. Emotions can cause certain behavioral acts like motivation and accompany the motivation itself, experiencing certain feelings. For example, food is not only motivation, but also a source of sense of satisfaction, and the process itself, in which a person eats is accompanied by the emotion of joy. Motivation "turns on" with the help of internal processes of the body and focuses on suppressing internal imbalance. In contrast to motivation, emotion is a response to external processes and is sent to the source of information from the outside.

In nature, there is a phenomenon as. A person with Aleksitimia is spoken - a man without emotion. Such people strike out emotions, and feelings from their lives. Instead, they are engaged in reflections. Aleksitimics believe that it is important to understand, and not live it, spending time on unnecessary experiences. They never feel anything, or at least they say so, it is difficult for them to sort out themselves and identify their feelings.

If a person is healthy, then he experiences feelings and is experiencing emotions. Since the outside world affects a person, it means that he must respond to these effects in some way, so all the actions and thoughts of a person have an emotional color, which is a sign of a mentally healthy personality.

Aleksithimia is formed mainly in childhood, when adults in the process of upbringing their children themselves act so that they cause this disorder. They interfere with the full formation of emotions and feelings in children, because they themselves have problems with their expression. Then, as other parents encourage their children to express feelings, Alexitimiki is not able to teach this own child, as it is difficult for them to realize and express their feelings. In most cases, alexitimia is manifested in men. Because they are trained from childhood that they are not obliged to cry or identify their true experiences, but to keep in themselves or even not allow themselves no feelings.

Not only in childhood, and in adulthood, alexithimia can develop. This is due to stressful experiences accompanied by strong emotions. When inability to realize and survive their emotions in a person, a certain barrier appears to them, he does not allow them to his mind, blocks and ignores. It turns out that a person is saving himself from internal experiences, because of the inability to share them with someone or properly to work.

There are people who are quite consciously disconnecting emotions. They explain it to the fact that it is easier to live and much more profitable. So, for example, these people can freely "go on the heads", despite the fact that other people are bad from this. They do not feel pity for people, if they caused them pain, they simply at least use them for personal purposes. They organize their lives on all one hundred, make something important to them. That's just, over time, a certain understanding of what was necessary to live differently were coming. It happens when a person is aware of the whole pain, which he hurts others when his very close, and he cannot do anything about it. It is very important to understand all this on time and stop being an insensible person.

It's no secret that only a person may experience great amount emotions. None in the world has no other living creature in such a property. Although the disputes between the scientist brother still do not poke, but the majority leans to the opinion that the highly developed brothers our smaller can experience some emotions. I completely agree with them. Just look at the dog, which showed a delicacy and immediately hid it.

But back to the person. What are the emotions of a person from where they come from and in general, what are they needed for?

What is emotion. Do not confuse with feelings!

Emotion is a short-term response to any situation. And feelings do not disappear under the flow of emotions or established situations, they are stable and to destroy them, you need to try hard.

Example: the girl saw her young man on the other. She rushes, upset and offended. But after a conversation with a guy, it turned out that this is his cousin, which today came to buy. The situation was resolved, emotions were held, and the feeling - love, not anywhere, even at the time of the strongest glowing passion.

I hope that the difference between feelings and emotions you caught.

In addition, emotions lie on the surface. You will always see when a person is funny, his fright or amazement. And the feelings lie deeply, until they just won't get. It often happens when you despise a person, but by virtue of the established circumstances is forced to communicate with him, with a positive attitude.

Classification of emotions

There are several dozen emotions. We will not consider everything, we will dwell only on the most basic.

Three groups can be distinguished:

  • Positive.
  • Negative.
  • Neutral.

In each of the groups there are quite a lot of emotional shades, so the exact amount is practically unrealistic. The list of human emotions, presented below, is not complete, since there are many intermediate feelings, as well as the symbiosis of several emotions at the same time.

The largest group is negative, in second place is positive. The neutral group is the smallest.

Here with her and let's start.

Neutral emotions

These include:

  • Curiosity,
  • Amazement,
  • Indifference,
  • Contemplation,
  • Surprise.

Positive emotions

These include everything related to the feeling of joy, happiness and satisfaction. That is, with the fact that a person is nice and really want to continue.

  • Immediately joy.
  • Delight.
  • Pride.
  • Confidence.
  • Confidence.
  • Delight.
  • Tenderness.
  • Thanks.
  • Licacy.
  • Bliss.
  • Calm.
  • Love.
  • Sympathy.
  • Anticipation.
  • Respect.

This is not a complete list, but at least I tried to remember the most basic positive human emotions. If you forgot - write in the comments.

Negative emotions

The group is extensive. It would seem that they need. After all, it's good when everything is only positive, there is no anger, anger and resentment. Why does a person negative? I can say one thing - without negative emotions We would not appreciate positive. And, as a result, they would be completely different in life. And, as it seems to me, would be worn and cold.

The shade palette of negative emotions is as follows:

  • Mountain.
  • Sorrow.
  • Anger.
  • Despair.
  • Anxiety.
  • A pity.
  • Evil.
  • Hatred.
  • Boredom.
  • Fear.
  • Resentment.
  • Fright.
  • Shame.
  • Mistrust.
  • Disgust.
  • Uncertainty.
  • Repentance.
  • Remorse.
  • Confusion.
  • Horror.
  • Indignation.
  • Despair.
  • DOSAD.

It is also not a complete list, but even on the basis of this it can be seen as much as we are rich in emotions. Literally every little thing we perceive instantly and give our attitude towards her in the form of emotions. Moreover, very often it happens unconsciously. After a moment, we can already cope with them and hide emotion, but late - who wanted, he already noticed and concluded. By the way, it was based on this and the test method is based, a man lies or tells the truth.

There is one emotion - gloating, which is not clear where to trust, or in positive, or in negative. It seems that, gloating, the person himself causes positive emotions, but at the same time this emotion produces a destructive effect in his own soul. That is, in fact, is negative.

Do I need to hide emotions

By and large, the emotions are given to us for humanity. Only thanks to them, we are in several stages of development above all other individuals of the animal world. But in our world, more and more people are getting used to their feelings to hide, hide behind the mask of indifference. This is good, and bad.

Good - because the smaller the surrounding about us know, the less harm they can apply.

Poor, because hiding your attitude, forcibly hiding emotions, we become more worry, less react to the surrounding, we get used to wearing a mask and completely forget who we really are. And this threatens at best of the protracted depression, at worst - you live all my life, playing anyone who is not necessary, and will never become ourselves.

So, in principle, all I can say about what emotions have a person. How to contact them - your business. I can definitely say one thing: there must be a measure in everything. With emotions, it is also important not to overdo it, otherwise it will be no life, but the grotesque is her like.

Strong emotions scare. Especially those who are used to being restrained. Who thinks it is important to control yourself, it is important to always be aware of what you are doing and how you look in our own and other people's eyes. When you scare your own and other people's emotions, the "wonderful" idea of \u200b\u200bcontrol over them appears. Alien will not directly control, but you can try to sharpen the one who dreamed of behaving the most openly and naturally. Shame is a great weapon ... For myself, you can search for a suitable ideology - the one that is well justifying inconsistency and restraint. For example, Buddhism is an authoritative teaching. You can take Schopenhauer. Nietzsche would be not bad, but he had a solid passion and madness, he was not in himself ... I need cool, calm, impassive authors with the same texts and actions. Jungali gentleman, Natty Bampo on nicknamed tracker, Major Mak-Nabbes - these are real Examples of calm I. decent people!

A man, joyfully screaming and jumping on the spot from happiness seems an idiot. Insane fans on hockey or football matches - what screaming and reverence, what kindergarten? An open and clearly angry woman is hysterical. Screaming man - maniac and psychopath. Woman not finding himself from anxiety - again hysterical (what, however, a comfortable label ...). Well, you can call it nervous ... awe is Pafos. A greedy interest in something - baby curiosity, childhood ... And it would be necessary to keep yourself in your hands: emotions are useless, they should be hindered and should be supplied under the iron control of the mind.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcontrol over emotions is much, many years. Strong feelings seem destructive. "I'm afraid to release anger from under control, because I will lose all the brakes and I can do a lot of everything." "I don't want to attach too much, because I still have to get away ... I don't want to depend on anyone." "Negative feelings are better to put in an embryo, otherwise they grow up and completely take advantage of you." In these words - a lot of fear. Fear of loss of control and, as a result, persons ("I will look like ..."). The fear is dissolved in the feeling, the fear of losing myself. Source for itself, "Animal". Even in sex it is impossible to relax - you need to keep your face, be at the height, and what solidity in these wild convulsions?

Needing with the idea that emotions can be controlled, the idea is that a person chooses his emotions. "You chose offense! And I could not be offended. " "You chose anger, and this is your problem that you are angry. I'm calm, really can not talk like normal people... "(For some reason, the teeth are gritted to pain in the jaws ...).

Both kindred ideas are erroneous. Our emotions are generated by brain departments, which are much more ancient in their origin than the "product" of consciousness, prefrontal cerebral bark. Consciousness is always slower than unconscious reactions, and emotions go to their roots in the unconscious, providing quickly in the distant past reactions to certain external events. Mehanism remained, and a consciousness that does not have time for emotions trying to create an illusion of control.

We can not forbid themselves to experience emotions, the stronger. But it is impossible to say that on them at all - it is not necessary (although this is a dream of a psychopath). We have a choice: we can choose ways to respond and respond to emotions. Reactions many: from "Oh God, I feel anger - to ban !!! Otherwise, I'm a bad boy! (or "This is irrational, and I - rational man! ") Being angry? Now everything will be spoken to the damn mother! "And reacting is already just an action dictated by the choice. You can get anger on the object to which it is directed, you can - on foreign one, you can bother yourself, you can swallow - and only crimson eyes indicate on the inner eruption of the malice.

In our power to make another choice: just experience emotion, or to react it through the transformation, aimed at changing the situation with which the experience is associated. Then it will be true to the following: I choose to continue to be angry, or something to do with it (and not "I choose not angry in a situation that I am angry"). Our internal installations, irrational intraction thoughts, past experience - all this affects the emotions themselves, but to the reaction. And so - emotions are about the same for everyone.

The rejection of close people causes pain. If it is not - it means, or do not feel, or it is not close people. And the feeling is close or not close person - It depends not from rational choice. "I decided that you would be the roads!" - It sounds strange, right? ... when another person we possess something that we like to possess ourselves, but so far it is impossible - we will envy. We are looking at the sympathy for similar people ... It is the community of our emotional reactions that makes empathy that Feels another person. Feelings may differ, and emotions they are the same.

But how did you change the attitude towards the situation - changed emotional reactions? " So change the attitude is also not a rational choice. As long as we do not fit in our emotional experience before a certain feature, no, even the most faithful rational arguments, will not reach consciousness. "My heart does not order," I understand everything, but I feel quite different! " "I know it's stupid, but I can't do anything!". Often you feel strong irritation because of the words of friends in the style "Well, we told you!". Yes, they said. But I was not in that emotional state to listen ... Awareness, insight - the act is not rational, but the unconscious.

So escape from strong (and not very) emotions is a refusal of a huge reservoir of life experience, the path to depletion and dullness of life. The feeling of saturation comes with feelings, and not with smart thoughts. Fear before the inability to cope with you while the experience of strong feelings is associated with the lack of experience of experience, and where does he come from? Vicious circle... Emotions do not destroy, destroy inadequate ways of response and reacting. And the most terrible emotions are hiding in quiet people ... in very quiet poons ...

P.S. If reading the impression was the impression that the mind is a secondary and unnecessary thing, then this is a very erroneous impression.


A person is experiencing a number of emotions in varying degrees. Emotions are a subjective experience that causes strong feelings from one person, but may not have any impact on the other.

This quick test It will help to identify that major emotion, which often prevails over others.

Complete this test, trying to respond long without thinking.

Facts about E. moitions and senses of man

Negative emotions are useful for you

Negative emotions, such as fear and anger are also important for mental health, as well as positive. A person experiencing only positive emotions, risks to dwell on the achieved and ignore important things. Negative emotions are completely natural, and they do not always need to be suppressed. It is important to maintain balance.

Emotions, in fact, have a physical manifestation

Emotions are not only a psychological phenomenon. We feel not only our brain, but also in the rest of the body. Certain parts of the body are activated when we are experiencing emotions of love, happiness, pride. At the same time, such emotions, as depression and sadness are associated with numbness of certain parts of the body.

Emotions are infectious

Studies have shown that people subconsciously imitate the emotional expressions of the surrounding people. We simply can't catch the emotions of others, whether it is a smile or despondency.

How we feel always written on your face

When a person is experiencing strong emotions, but he tries to hide them, he gives out the face microwave - a short unproval expression of emotion. Microwaves arise so quickly that they are practically not visible in real time, but they can be seen and analyzed during slow surveys to understand the true emotional state of the person.

Colors affect how we feel

Different colors cause certain emotions, as we associate them with shades in nature. For example, blue - soothing color and contributes to relaxation, as it is associated with the ocean, and yellow is considered joyful, as it is associated with the sun.

It is difficult for me to deal with my feelings - the phrase, with which each of us came across: in books, in the cinema, in life (whose or her own). But it is very important to be able to deal with their feelings.

Wheel of emotions Robert Plotchik

Some consider - and perhaps they are right, that the meaning of life in feelings. And in fact, at the end of life, only our feelings, real or in memories remain with us. Yes, and the measure of what is happening, too, our experiences may be: than they are richer than, more diverse, brighter, the more fulfiguous we feel life.

What is feelings? The simplest definition: feelings - this is what we feel. This is our attitude to one or another (objects). There is a more scientific definition: feelings (higher emotions) - special mental states, manifested by socioly determined experiences that express the long and sustainable emotional relations of a person to things.

What feelings differ from emotions

Feelings are our experiences that we experience through the senses, and we have five. Feelings are visual, auditory, tactile, taste and smell sensations (our sense of smell). With sensations, everything is simple: the stimulus - the receptor - the feeling.

Our consciousness is intervened in emotions and feelings - our thoughts, installations, our thinking. Our thoughts affect emotions. Conversely - emotions affect our thoughts. About these relationships Read more Talk to a little later. But now let's remember once again one of the criteria for psychological health, namely, paragraph 10: we are responsible for our feelings, they depend on us. It is important.

Fundamental emotions

All human emotions can be distinguished by the quality of the experience. The most vividly this aspect of the emotional life of a person is presented in the theory of differential emotions of the American psychologist K. Isard. He highlighted ten qualitatively different "fundamental" emotions: interest-arousal, joy, surprise, grief-suffering, anger-rage, disgust, disgust, contempt, dissemination, fear of horror, shame-shyness, wing-repentance. The first three emotions of K. Isard refers to the positive, the rest of the seven - to the negative. Each of the fundamental emotions underlies the entire spectrum of states that differ in terms of severity. For example, as part of such a single-variable emotion, as joy, you can allocate joy-satisfaction, joy delight, joy-smoothness, joy-ecstasy and others. From the connection of fundamental emotions, all other, more complex, complex emotional states arise. For example, anxiety can combine fear, anger, guilt and interest.

1. Interest is a positive emotional state that promotes the development of skills and skills, the acquisition of knowledge. Interactive interest is a feeling of capture, curiosity.

2. Joy - positive emotionassociated with the ability to fully satisfy actual need, the probability of which before was small or uncertain. Joy is accompanied by self-satisfaction and satisfaction with the outside world. Obstacles to self-realization are obstacles and for the emergence of joy.

3. Surprise - not a clearly pronounced positive or negative sign, an emotional reaction to suddenly arising circumstances. Surprise brakes all previous emotions, directing attention to a new object and can go to interest.

4. Suffering (grief) is the most common negative emotional state associated with obtaining reliable (or apparent) information on the impossibility of meeting the most important needs, the achievement of which before it seemed more or less likely. Suffering has the character of asthenic emotion and more often flows in the form of emotional stress. The most severe form of suffering is a grief associated with an irrevocable loss.

5. Anger is a strong negative emotional state that occurs more often in the form of affect; Arises in response to an obstacle in achieving passionately desired purposes. Anger has the character of a raven emotion.

6. Disgust - negative emotional state caused by objects (subjects, people, circumstances), contact with which (physical or communicative) comes into a sharp contradiction with the aesthetic, moral or ideological principles and installations of the subject. Disgust if it is combined with anger, maybe interpersonal relationship Motivate aggressive behavior. Disgust, like anger, can be directed towards yourself, while reducing self-esteem and causing self-arrangement.

7. Despite is a negative emotional state that occurs in interpersonal relationships and generated by the mismatch of life positions, views and behavior of the subject with such a sense object. The latter are submitted to the subject as lowlands that do not correspond to the adopted moral standards and ethical criteria. The person treats whom he despises.

8. Fear is a negative emotional state that appears upon receipt by the subject of information about possible damage for its life well-being, about real or imaginary danger. Unlike the suffering caused by direct blocking of the most important needs, a person, surviving the emotion of fear, has only a probabilistic forecast of possible disadvantage and acts on the basis of this forecast (often insufficiently reliable or exaggerated). The emotion of fear can have both a light and asthenic character and leak either in the form of stressful states, or in the form of a sustainable mood of the depression and anxiety, or as an affect (horror).

9. Shame - a negative emotional state, expressed in awareness of the inconsistency of its own thoughts, actions and appearance not only by the expectations of others, but also their own ideas about appropriate behavior and appearance.

10. Wines - a negative emotional state, expressed in the awareness of the non-residents of his own act, thoughts or feelings and expressing in regret and repentance.

Human feelings and emotions table

And I also want to show you a collection of feelings, emotions, states that a person experiences during his life is a generalized table that does not claim to be scientifically, but it will help to understand it better. The table is taken from the "Community of Dependent and Considerable", the author is Mikhail.

All senses and emotions of a person can be divided into four types. This is fear, anger, sadness and joy. Which type include this or that feeling can be found from the table.

  • Anger
  • Anger
  • Disturbance
  • Hatred
  • Offense
  • Angry
  • Irritation
  • Avenue
  • Insult
  • Militancy
  • Rebellion
  • Resistance
  • Envy
  • Arrogance
  • Disobedience
  • Contempt
  • Disgust
  • Depression
  • Vulnerability
  • Suspicion
  • Cynicism
  • Alertness
  • Concern
  • Anxiety
  • Fear
  • Nervousness
  • Trembling
  • Concern
  • Fean
  • Anxiety
  • Excitement
  • Stress
  • Fear
  • Exposure to an obsession
  • Feeling threat
  • Stunity
  • Fear
  • Sadness
  • A feeling of deadlock
  • Interest
  • Lost
  • Disorientation
  • Incoherence
  • Feeling trap
  • Loneliness
  • Isolation
  • Sadness
  • Sadness
  • Gore
  • Oppression
  • Gloom
  • Despair
  • Depression
  • Devastation
  • Helplessness
  • Weakness
  • Vulnerability
  • Spreful
  • Severity
  • Depression
  • Disappointment
  • Backwardness
  • Shyness
  • Feeling of lack of love
  • Endness
  • Surability
  • Nimuality
  • Adducity
  • Fatigue
  • Stupidity
  • Apathy
  • Complacency
  • Boredom
  • Depletion
  • Disorder
  • Prostration
  • Wastiness
  • Impatience
  • Hot temper
  • Yearning
  • Blues
  • Shame
  • Wines
  • Juice
  • Infringement
  • Embarrassment
  • Inconvenience
  • Severity
  • Regret
  • Ukole conscience
  • Reflection
  • Sorrow
  • Alustitude
  • Awkwardness
  • Surprise
  • Defeat
  • Soloman
  • Amazement
  • Shock
  • Impressionability
  • Desire
  • Enthusiasm
  • Emotion
  • Excitation
  • Passion
  • Ambassy
  • Euphoria
  • Trembling
  • Spirit of rivalry
  • Solid confidence
  • Determination
  • Self confidence
  • Audacity
  • Readiness
  • Optimism
  • Satisfaction
  • Pride
  • Sentimentality
  • Happiness
  • Joy
  • Bliss
  • Funny
  • Delight
  • Triumph
  • Luck
  • Pleasure
  • Creditness
  • Dreamy
  • Charm
  • Prerequisite for advantage
  • Appreciation
  • Hope
  • Interest
  • Interest
  • Interest
  • Liveness
  • Livity
  • Calm
  • Satisfaction
  • Relief
  • Mirity
  • Relaxity
  • Contentment
  • Comfort
  • Restraint
  • Susceptibility
  • Forgiveness
  • Love
  • Serenity
  • Location
  • Adoration
  • Delight
  • Awe
  • Love
  • Attachment
  • Safety
  • Respect
  • Friendliness
  • Sympathy
  • Sympathy
  • Tenderness
  • Generosity
  • Spirituality
  • Puzziness
  • Confusion

And for those who read the article to the end. The purpose of this article is to help deal with their feelings, which they are. Our feelings are largely dependent on our thoughts. Irrational thinking often underlies negative emotions. By correcting these mistakes (working on thinking) we can be happier and achieve more in life. There is an interesting, but stubborn and painstaking work on yourself. You are ready?

It will be interesting for you:

P.S. And remember, just changing your consumption - we will change the world together! © Econet.