Methods of mnemonics in psychology for the elderly. Practical techniques of mnemonics and memory training

Mnemonic- means "associated with memory or pertaining to it" but science mnemonics It is also a tool to help you remember better. mnemonics has been around for a long time - so long that it was named after a Greek goddess Mnemosynes, who was the goddess of memory, the daughter of heaven and earth (Uranus and Gaia), and the mother of the Muses.

    Find bright, unusual images, pictures, which, according to the "binding method", are connected with the information that must be remembered. For example, we need to remember a set of words: pencil, glasses, chandelier, chair, star, beetle - it will be easy to remember if you imagine them as "characters" of a bright, fantastic cartoon. In order to increase the efficiency of memorization using the "connection method", it is useful to greatly distort the proportions (a huge "beetle"); represent objects in active action ("pencil" is suitable); increase the number of items (hundreds of "stars"); swap the functions of objects ("chair" on "chandelier").

    Free association method is a sequence of support images formed according to the following principle. Remember an arbitrary image, fix your attention on it and wait until the next image appears in your mind by association with it. After forming a chain of free associations, reinforce it with mental repetition. Memorable information is linked by associative links to the sequence of selected reference images. The method is based on the fact that in memory there are already a huge number of associations formed in a natural way (spoon cup saucer table ...). Used to extend other methods. For example, for the formation of additional images to a distinctive feature when memorizing information about a person, formulas and constants. The same technique can be used to obtain additional images for figurative codes of numbers and letters of the alphabet.

    The method of suggestive associations allows you to convert almost any word into a visual image or association. It is used as part of other methods for memorizing geographical names, terms, concepts, foreign words, surnames, as well as meaningless letter combinations. It is a combination of the symbolization technique, the binding to well-known information, the coding by consonance and the formation of a word by syllable. Which combination of the above memorization techniques will be used depends on the memorized word. Often there are names, for the transformation of which into images it is necessary to apply several methods at once. Those. in one association denoting the name, the images will be obtained by different encoding methods.

For example: the state of North Dakota "Northern" is transformed by the symbolization technique (polar bear), Dakota - by the consonant coding technique (TWO CATS). The name of this state can be fixed by the association "Two cats are sitting on the head of a polar bear." The visual images obtained in the process of coding can easily be remembered sequentially and, when recalled, prompt (induce) the word we need. As a result of mental repetitions, words remembered in images are fixed in memory and subsequently reproduced directly (immediately in the form of an audio message). The information remembered by this method is unmistakably recognized in the text.

    Cicero method (placement method) based on associations formed naturally, is a sequence of reference images. They are formed by recalling well-known premises. You can remember a well-known road (for example, from home to the subway). Imagine that you are walking around your room, where everything is familiar to you. Arrange the information that you need to remember mentally as you walk around the room. Memorable images and associations are "attached" to the objects you selected by the method of forming an associative connection. You can recall the information again by imagining an apartment - everything will be in the places where you placed them during the previous "bypass". This method is mainly used to memorize the sequence of the first images of different associative chains and blocks of information. We recommend fixing reference images in memory, repeatedly remembering random numbers on them. The fixed system of support images can be further used for long-term memorization of blocks of information.

    Chain method. This technique memorizes horizontal relationships, for example, a sequence of precise information in a passage of text. The images are associated in associations in pairs. The sizes of the images are approximately the same in each pair. When you have formed a connection between the first and second image, the first image is removed from consciousness by transferring attention to the second. After that, a relationship is formed between the second and third image, and so on. When a chain of images is remembered, three to five images appear in the mind at once. A chain of images comes out of memory, appears in consciousness and disappears again in memory. Always form connections according to a certain system. If the association is horizontal, place the first image on the left. If the association is vertical - place the first image at the bottom. If the images penetrate each other when connected, place the second image in the first one. When recalling, read the images in the same order.

Visualize the first two words and make a connection between them using visual images or events. Suppose you want to memorize a list: milk, cabbage, oranges and cottage cheese. For example, to remember milk and cabbage, you could imagine a tub full of milk. Suddenly, a huge head of cabbage breaks through the ceiling and falls into the tub with a terrible splash, and then the door opens, and four huge oranges march into the room, singing cheerfully at the top of their lungs. The oranges suddenly stop, staring in horror at the cabbage floating in the milk bath, and these oranges reach into their backpacks, pull out packs of cottage cheese from them and begin to throw them at the unfortunate shabby cabbage. Repeat this story in your mind several times, and you will memorize the entire list! This mnemonic method is bad only because you cannot immediately remember, for example, the 10th item from the list.

    hanger words- these are mnemonic systems in which you first need to learn a set of words, and then "hang" on them the words and phrases that you need to remember. These systems are good for remembering lists, especially when you have to remember the seventh item on the list (for example) rather than the whole list in a row.

In one of the simplest mnemotechnical hanger word systems, each number is linked to a word that rhymes with it. Here is an example: number one is an orange, number two is tops, number three is lanterns, number four is in kefir, number five is a bed, number six is ​​wool, etc. Suppose you need to remember a lamp, toothbrush, horse, mirror and kangaroo." A silly picture or one that evokes an emotional reaction is remembered better. Number one, orange - a brightly glowing LAMP in the shape of an ORANGE. Number two, the tops, this will become the "hanger" for the toothbrush: TOP = TOOTHBRUSH. You arrived at the dacha and the first thing you go to look at is your favorite bed with carrots - the bed is in order, only instead of HOLMS, multi-colored TOOTHBRUSHES stick out of the ground. Number three, lanterns, must be associated with the horse: LANTERNS = HORSE, etc.

    Reception "Matryoshka". The images are connected in pairs. The first image of an association is always greater than the second and contains the second. After connecting the first and second images, transfer your attention to the second image (the first should disappear from consciousness). Mentally enlarge the second image and create an association between the second and third images. And so on. Images are constantly nested in each other. At the same time, only two images should always be clearly visible in the association. Recall is carried out in a similar way. Imagine the first image and wait for the second to come from memory. Switch your attention to the second by increasing it, and wait for the third to appear, and so on. Please note: this method of connecting images is used very intensively. It should be carefully worked out. The first image of the connected pair of images must be much larger than the second. With a mental increase in the first image, try to highlight a sub-image in it, to which then attach the second (small) image of the pair. Example. Connect "Matryoshka" two images: "Thermometer" and "Bucket". Imagine a thermometer very large. Highlight in it the sub-image "Hercury column". Mentally tie a small bucket to this sub-image. As a result of such a connection, the image of the "Bucket" is almost invisible if you imagine a thermometer of ordinary sizes. The bucket appears in our imagination only after conscious execution mental operation"Image Enlargement". This technique remembers: a sequence of paragraphs, a sequence of dates in a chronological table, a sequence of names when memorizing telephone numbers and mixed tables. Reception "Matryoshka" allows you to save support images. With this technique, memorized information is linked into a block. Different blocks of information are additionally fixed to a sequence of reference images well fixed in memory (for example, by the Cicero method).

    Lead method- replacement of numbers with images. The digital alphabet will allow you to memorize any number. An alphanumeric code is used to encode digits and numbers into words. Each digit from 0 to 9 corresponds to two consonants of the alphabet. To use the alphanumeric code in practice, learn it by heart and bring it to an automatic (reflex) level of recall. Digits and numbers must be converted to letters without delay and vice versa.

1 - GJ; 2 - DT; 3 - CH; 4 - CHS; 5 - PB; 6 - ShL; 7 - NW; 8 - VF; 9 - RC; 0 - NM

You can replace numbers with letters and words. For example, 0 is a circle, 1 is a pencil, 2 is glasses, 3 is a chandelier, 4 is a chair, 5 is a star, 6 is a beetle, 7 is a week, 8 is a spider, etc.

Reflex level of recall - a direct relationship is established between different analyzer systems; in this case - between visual and speech. Provides instant recall (eliminates the coding step).

    Association list method. Fixed figurative codes two-digit numbers. In order to memorize numerical information quickly enough, you need to memorize one hundred images. Each image is rigidly assigned to its number (from 00 to 99). As soon as you memorize this list, you will immediately get the opportunity to memorize without errors large amounts of any digital information, for example, dozens of phone numbers.

Encoding of two-digit numbers is carried out through an alphanumeric code.

12 GJ DT GJ DT Guitar image guitar

35 CH PB Kx PB Cube image of a cube

The numbers 01. 02. 03. ... 09 in the numerical series are encoded into images as 1. 2. 3. ... 9. When recalling, zero is added to them on the left.

05 - PB PB Wallpaper Image

06 - ShL shL yula image

07 - NW NW OSA image

Separately, remember: 0 - number; 00 - barrels.

    When memorizing numbers, numbers to identify arithmetic dependence between groups of digits in a number, for example, in the phone number 358954, the dependence is 89= 35+ 54;

    Reception of symbolization used to memorize abstract concepts that do not have a clear figurative meaning. The same word can be encoded into images in different ways by different people. But, as a rule, it is possible to use various symbols, well ingrained in the minds of most people. Symbols surround us on all sides. translating road signs V meaning, we are engaged in mnemonics. When a first grader learns relationship between the sign "A" and the sound "A", he is also engaged in mnemonics. When coding a word with this technique, you should ask yourself the question: “How can I visually designate this?” Examples of encoding words into images using symbolization: cold "Ice", heat "Warmer", eternity "Pyramids", infinity "Mathematical sign of infinity", winter "Snowflake", spring "Bouquet of Mimosa", summer "Sun", autumn "Yellow Maple Leaf". We can't imagine summer at all. But we can imagine grass. This image is easy to remember.

    Acceptance of binding to well-known information in memory. New remembered information may consist of elements of well-known information. Examples of familiar information would be: 1917, 1941, 1812 and 1861, your own name and the name of the street where you live, your telephone number, and the word SONY on the television. New information, consisting of elements of well-known information, is easily remembered. So, it is easy to remember the phone number 917-41-45. It immediately brings to mind famous historical events. For example, in the number 859314, select the 85th year of the brother's birth, 314 - the first digits of the number "pi", etc.

The method of binding to well-known information is best used for encoding into images. geographical names, terms, names and surnames. This approach is not universal. It encodes into images only what is encoded. It depends on the content of your memory.

Examples of coding words into images by binding to well-known information. The state of Washington "Dollar", the planet Mars chocolate bar "Mars", 1380 380 volts (image of wires), number 220 - "Electrical socket", surname Black image "Black Square", 1912 (the first issue of the Pravda newspaper was published) familiar 1812.

    Reception of the formation of a word by consonants. This technique is used in conjunction with an alphanumeric code. When the numbers are translated into letters, a word is selected by letter, which can be represented as an image. IN this technique are only of interest consonants letters (since there are no vowels in the alphanumeric code). Examples . TLF TeleFon; PMT PLIT; SBC Dog; CLN CLOWN.

If the word is not spelled out, you can apply the following "trick" - to pick up an image denoted by two words (adjective and noun). In this case, the first consonant of the adjective and the first two consonants of the noun are significant. When remembering, you can clearly distinguish which image is indicated by one word, and which by two. Examples. ZTR Green Trava; GLN huge moon; PPC Striped Bee. Any word can be easily translated into numbers. Remembering the sequence of words, you remember the sequence of numbers.

This technique is actively used when memorizing historical dates, telephone numbers, addresses, car numbers, various codes and ciphers. Based on this technique, figurative codes of three-digit numbers are compiled.

    Reception of the formation of a word from syllables used alone or in combination with coding by consonance, symbolization and linking to well-known information, mainly for memorizing names, terms, surnames and other similar information. Examples. MASH MACHINE, RULE RUDDER, VON LANTERN, KAM STONE, KNI BOOK. This technique allows you to accurately remember completely meaningless letter combinations. Examples. MASHFONRUL association "car lamp steering wheel". The State of Wisconsin VIS KON SIN association "WHISKEY CANDY BLUE". In this technique, you can improvise by removing or adding one significant letter at a time. Example. Sahara association "SUGAR RAK". You can make the last letters significant. Examples . ZOR TV, AKA DOG, NICK RECEIVER, KNO WINDOW, YULIA PAN.

    Education semantic phrases from initial letters memorized information ("Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting" - about the sequence of colors in the spectrum: red, orange, etc.)

    Rhythmization- translation of information into poems, songs, lines connected by a certain rhythm or rhyme.

    Memorizing long terms using consonant (key) words(for example, for foreign terms, they look for similar-sounding Russian words; in order to remember medical terms"supination" and "pronation", use consonant and joke phrase"she carried the soup and spilled it").

Very many foreign words, names, terms, surnames in their sound are similar to words that are well known to us. These words are easy to represent in the form of visual images, for example: the state of Alaska is the image of "Carriage"; brother-in-law (relative) image "Door". As long as you don't have to remember meaning unfamiliar words, it is enough to fix in memory their exact pronunciation and sequence.

    Memorization technique for different parts of the same image. Imagine a guitar in your mind. Place it vertically in your imagination. Enlarging and moving this image, you can select different details (subimages) in it. Let's single out the following sub-images in the "Guitar" image: "Tings", "Vulture", "Hole in the body", "String holder", "Belt". Always try to select subimages in a certain order, for example, from top to bottom or from right to left. It doesn't matter what system it will be, the main thing is that it should always be the same.

The method of selecting sub-images on the image allows you to fix the sequence of memorized images with the utmost accuracy. The most important advantage of this memorization method is that the memorized numbers can be repeated as many times as you like and you will never confuse them. Recall is carried out with mathematical precision. It is used to memorize figurative codes. Any figurative codes should be remembered only in isolation from each other, through another image. (Memorizing the name and patronymic on the image of the surname, memorizing the phone numbers on the image of the "owner" of the telephone number.)

    Return Acceptance. When memorizing by this technique, different parts of the previous image of the memorized sequence are used as reference images. This technique combines the "Chain" technique and the "Memorization technique for different parts of the image". It is used to isolate figurative codes when memorizing exact information in a passage of text. The return technique combines the reliability of memorization for reference images and the speed of memorization in a chain.

    Memorization by serial numbers(based on fixed figurative codes of numbers). It is used for quick memorization of information with subsequent overwriting by other methods. You can record exact information in your memory under serial numbers during the day; then slowly organize this information, collecting it in blocks or thematic sequences.

    Memorization in alphabetical order. Used to store information in alphabetical order. You can memorize addresses, phone numbers, last names and other information in the order of letters in the alphabet without prior systematization.

    Remembering names. For example, you met a person whose name is, for example, Harry King and you want to remember him. 1. At first, you can just repeat his name often (for example: "how are you Harry" or "can I treat you to Harry", etc.) 2. For example, you got to know him better and he told you his story. Then you just need to remake it a little so that it contains some passages from the name. For example: This person loves to eat rice for a garnish and loves the movie KING-Kong "Next, your brain will do everything by itself! 3. Well, in extreme cases, his name and appearance can be associated with Harry Potter.

    Information compression method used to memorize anecdotes, encyclopedic information and texts of a small amount (within a textbook paragraph). From a logically complete passage of the text, a meaning is extracted (the main idea of ​​this passage), which is indicated by an image and is remembered in sequence with other images denoting the meaning of other passages.

When memorizing textual information, there are two main problems: how to remember the sequence of presentation of textual material, not to confuse the order of paragraphs in the text, and how to remember the exact information contained in the textual material.

This method, which does not provide a deep understanding of textual information, allows you to formally remember the sequence of semantic passages in the text. Using mnemonics to memorize a sequence of logically unrelated passages is easier than memorizing plain text. In isolated passages, it is easier to isolate the meaning and fix it in memory.

    Reception of "focusing" of information on one image used to memorize a sufficiently large amount of the same type of information. A typical example of such information is a small chronological table. The memorized information is divided into several parts, and each part is fixed on an image extracted from the main image. It is used to create a reliable system of support images and to “assembly” a block of information on one image (collection of several chains on one image, receiving “focusing” of information).

The central image is disassembled into parts by the method of selecting invisible parts of the image. Each selected sub-image is associated with the beginning of a chain of reference images, on which specific information is recorded. It is better to choose a collecting image from frequently encountered objects (a fountain pen, a telephone, etc.). It is convenient to use an image selected by the Cicero method as such an image. In this case, the sequence of information blocks is automatically fixed.

    Method for highlighting a distinctive feature of a person. The nickname highlights the distinguishing features. It is individual, by it you can immediately understand who we are talking about. The nickname reflects the most important thing in a person or in abbreviated form resembles his last name. It is also very important that nicknames, as a rule, are words that are quite easy to represent in the form of a visual image, any association can be attached to this image. Additional information about a human.

A distinctive feature allows you to remember a specific person. Any exact information (full name, address, phone number, pager, car number, place of work, profession, etc.) can be attached to a distinguishing feature. Distinctive features can be remembered sequentially, allowing no-order to recall information about a group of people.

Isolation of a distinguishing feature in a photograph. As soon as you remember the distinguishing feature, you will have a generalized image of the corresponding person in your imagination. A distinctive feature in a photograph can be: elements of clothing and hairstyle, defects in appearance and resemblance to someone, even a background element. (For example, a window in the background, an unusual-looking chair, and even a scratch in the picture.) But there are often photographs in which it is very difficult to find bright distinguishing features. Then carefully look at the face in the photo and try to determine its resemblance to someone or something.

In a similar way, you can remember the sequence of any pictures, for example, illustrations in a textbook or paintings in an exhibition. The illustrations themselves can be used as blocks of reference images for memorizing other information. To do this, it is necessary to mentally select from each illustration the images that make it up.

Identification of a distinctive feature in a person you know well. In this case, the distinguishing feature is distinguished by the type of activity of a person, his hobbies, good or bad habits, by oddities in his behavior, manner of walking, speaking, dressing, by his character. If your friend is an athlete, you can assign him the image "Barbell". It makes sense to assign distinctive features even to your close relatives.

Isolation of a distinctive feature in a stranger standing in front of you (situation "Acquaintance"). In order not to forget the name and patronymic of the person you just met, it is useful to call your interlocutor by name during the conversation, specifically referring to him. If you are going to get acquainted, highlight the distinguishing feature of a person in advance before he introduces himself to you. Immediately link his surname to the selected feature, and fix the name and patronymic on the image of the surname; during the conversation, repeat the memorized information, calling the person by his name several times. Good distinguishing features can be: the figure of a person (height, fullness, thinness), his resemblance to people known or familiar to you, unusual behavior, look, features of speech, gait, gestures. Clothing or hairstyle may change. If someone looks like Kobzon, tie him a holster with an umbrella. If a person has a jumping gait, he can be mentally represented as a “Frog”, etc.

Isolation of a distinctive feature in a person whose image is unknown to you. In this case, you only have the last name of the person. It is necessary to single out a distinctive feature from it. If a person is Svetlov, he can be designated as "Lamp". If his last name is Tikhonov - "Turtle" or "Snail". Our domestic surnames are quite easily translated into images. Foreign surnames are divided into several parts, each of which is translated into an image. These images are combined into an association. The name and patronymic should be fixed on one of the images of the association denoting the surname. Martenson mar-ten-son. "Mark" "Tent" "Bed".

The selection of a distinctive feature from the interior of the room. Often it is enough to pay attention to the interior element of the room in which the person you need is located. So, in a dentist's office it can be a chair, in a clinic - a reception window, in a car service - a car lift. The necessary information is tied to the items you have selected.

    Organizing charts (filling the structure). All mnemonic systems are based on structuring information so that it is easier to remember and reproduce. The basis for structuring information can be place, time, spelling, sounds, images, etc. A very effective mnemonic technique is the organization of information into semantic categories, which can then be used as signs for reproduction. Material organized in some way - visually, semantically or by classification - is remembered better than unorganized material.

When memorizing a textbook, the main (key) points are fixed in memory. You can dilute a clot of accurate information with “water” with the help of a small additional response plan. It is very easy to remember, as such a plan consists of only a few points. The content of this plan is up to you.

The presence in the memory of accurate information and detailed plans for different sections and for different subjects allows comparison, analysis and generalization of information. After all, these mental operations are possible if the information is in your memory. Otherwise, there is simply nothing to compare and analyze.

From the point of view of mnemonics, information is the relationship between phenomena, facts, events. Therefore, any new connections between already known facts are new information. The new information you receive can also be included in the answer in the lesson or on the exam.

    Reception of mental drawing. The method of mental drawing refers to the stage of combining images. In this technique, one (reference) image is mentally connected directly with the sign that you draw in your imagination. As a result of this operation, the new icon is "glued" to the reference image and becomes available for recall. It is necessary to clearly distinguish the usual mental representation of images from the process of mental drawing.

When drawing signs, it is advisable to draw them large enough, in bold lines. Imagine that you are writing with a thick felt-tip pen on a sheet of paper or with your finger on a dusty surface. The sign is written out gradually. It’s good if at the same time you try to imagine the movement of your hand (you don’t need to drive with your hand).

mental drawing carried out against the background of the reference image(or on the reference image), because the main task of this technique is to associate the icon with the reference image.

First way- mentally imagine a reference image, separate it from oneself with an imaginary glass and draw an icon on this imaginary glass (holding the reference image in the imagination as well). Second way- mentally enlarge the reference image and draw the icon directly on it. AND third way is to try embed icon in the reference image. To do this, it is better to imagine it not drawn, but made of thick wire or any other suitable material. Present the memorable sign as an independent image (or several images). Then the memorization process will be no different from the formation of an ordinary artificial association between several images.

    Active repetition method. Repetition is a process where information is reproduced mentally, orally, or written down solely from your memory. If you repeatedly read information from a textbook, this is not a repetition, this is a repeated perception and there is no guarantee that the associations formed will be activated. To fix information in memory, it is necessary to recall it. Repeated recall of imprinted information is called active repetition. The word "active" in this definition emphasizes the guaranteed activation of all formed associations. Therefore, even before the beginning of the repetition, all information must be memorized in full and without errors. Why repeat then? To save. Usually a person repeats to remember. Mnemonists repeat what has already been memorized in order to save.

    Reception of mental pronunciation. This technique is the basis of the cramming method. When you hear the phone number you need on the radio, you start looking for a pencil and paper and at this time mentally (and even aloud) repeat the number. He manages to be kept in consciousness due to the great inertia of the speech analyzer (about 4 seconds). If you repeat a phone number long enough, it will stick in your memory. The disadvantage of cramming is that only one phone number fits in short-term speech memory. Therefore, memorizing phones (and other information) by cramming takes a lot of time. In addition, jagged information tends to be erased from memory very quickly. Historical dates stored in the visual analyzer can be stored in memory almost permanently. The chronological tablet, jagged before the control work, “evaporates” from the head within a few days.

Mnemonics uses the technique of mental pronunciation not for memorization, but to secure in the memory of already memorized information, to form a direct connection between the image of the icon and its pronunciation. This technique refers to the stage of combining images. There is a fixation of the relationship between the visual image of the sign and its speech representation. When you imagine a new sign, mentally pronounce its sound many times.

The ability to learn a new alphabet in 2-4 days is a very good result (you can read and write slowly immediately after imprinting, after 1.5-2 hours).

Many people are interested in how to learn to memorize large amounts of information - for study, for work, for personal purposes. And for sure, many have heard that various mnemonics techniques. However, not everyone knows how to master them, use them correctly and how they generally work. In this article, we will talk what is mnemonics, on what principles she's based like her apply and develop and also discuss some features of various techniques.

Mnemonics: what is it and who can use it

In general, mnemonics is a combination of various techniques that make it easier to remember large amounts of information. It sounds intriguing, and if you remember that some who have mastered these techniques can immediately memorize a sequence of 100 cards drawn at random, then mnemonics looks like real magic. Or did people capable of memorizing a list of several dozen abstract words already have supermemory, and such a system only improved it? Well, they may have had super memory, but that doesn't mean you can't achieve the same results, even if you think your memory leaves much to be desired.

After all one of the main advantages of mnemonic techniques is that anyone can master them: It does not require any superpowers or special knowledge. A It's not too late to start exercising at any age: adults, teenagers, and children can use various techniques. Mostly success depends only on how much effort and time you devote to the development of mnemonics.

The most important thing here is understand the basic principles for yourself and use mnemonics in practice, honing your skills and not stopping there. Moreover, in our opinion, the techniques of mnemonics are just the area that you can learn on your own: for free, from online sources. For example, in this article we give general advice on the use of mnemonics, and in other materials you will find more detailed descriptions the most common and effective techniques and techniques. However, before moving on to them, familiarize yourself with the principles of operation and some secrets of mnemonics.

Receptions of mnemonics: basics, or a little theory

Let's see how this memory system works in principle. Briefly essence of mnemonics can be conveyed as follows: it is difficult for us to remember abstract and / or disparate data (numbers, lists of words and other sequences, points of speech and other units of information) and it is easier to remember the connections between objects, the connections between new information and already existing, associations, our emotions in relation to something, etc. In other words, it is much easier to remember logical, associative, figurative and other connections between objects, and not the objects themselves. Through these connections, it is easier for us to find information in memory, and, having found it, to reproduce it. Hence, if any data does not have such links, they must be created. It is on this that most of the techniques of mnemonics are built.

In order to create such connections, there are various techniques. Many of them work like this: an image is “assigned” to a certain unit of information, and then these images are associated. To remember (play) this information, the order of action will be reversed: interconnected images are recalled, and then what was meant by them. So in fact we first encode, encrypt data in a form that is easy to remember, and when we need them, we get them from memory and decipher. Sounds difficult? In fact, when you master this or that technique at the proper level, it will happen almost automatically.

The question may arise, why bother with this garden at all? Let's memorize what we need, not some codes! However, as we said, it is much easier to remember connections (in the broadest sense of the word), and for abstract units of information it is impossible to create them in any other way (except for encoding - decoding). Besides, mnemonics unifies the process of creating links, its use becomes a certain a skill that can be trained(in other words, transfer the process to an automatic level, as we talked about above), and this is essential speeds up memorization. Also, mnemonics allows you to use those images and connections between them that are closer to you, and therefore it will be much easier to keep them in memory.

How long can we keep such "encrypted" messages in our heads? Generally - As much as needs. The use of mnemonics helps to remember a speech for a presentation, a shopping list, or 50 words for an argument - that is, that? what needs to be stored in memory once and then reproduced once (usually after a short period of time). However, similar techniques can be used for something that you want to keep for a long time. Moreover, if you reproduce this information more or less often, then this will surely lead to the fact that it will “crash” into your memory, that is will be available without decoding and generally without mnemonics. So these tricks will help you transfer certain information into long-term memory, acting as a kind of buffer. However, until they are transferred there, from time to time remember what you encoded and reproduce the necessary information (more details below). For clarity, let's analyze in practice how to use the techniques of mnemonics based on the theory described above.

How mnemonics work in practice

Mainly, memorization in mnemonics occurs on the basis of visual thinking: we imagine images and invent connections between them. However, we note right away that “mainly” does not mean “just like that” - there are other kinds of tricks. However, for now, let's focus on visual thinking, since many well-known techniques are based on it, including the memory palace or Cicero's road.

An example of memorizing numerical information

For example, to memorize long numbers, we can assign an image to each digit in this number and link them in a certain sequence. Images are thought up by associations, external similarity of figure and object, etc. - choose what is closer to you. As a rule, 10 images (one for each digit) are thought out in advance, and then used to memorize any numbers. Let's say 1 is a crane (external similarity), and 3 is the Serpent Gorynych (3 heads + the number 3 and the letter Z are similar). Then, in order to remember the number 13, you need to imagine a crane, which is controlled by the Serpent Gorynych.

If 5 is a palm or a fist (5 fingers) and 0 is a square (external form), then 1350 is a crane operated by Zmey Gorynych, and right now he is installing a giant statue in the shape of a fist of the Hulk in the central square.
Imagine a crane, the Serpent Gorynych is sitting in the cab, he is pulling the levers, and the Hulk's fist is hanging on a metal cable, which must be installed exactly in the center of the square. If 1350 is a pin code from a bank card, then at the mention of this card, the picture described above should pop up in your head. To better tie it to the pin code, you can imagine that a large image of this card is drawn on the cockpit.

The more alive the picture in your head, the better - the easier it will be to reproduce these images.. Try adding emotions(The Serpent Gorynych has been trying to get to the center of the square for the third hour, but still nothing), movements(“consider” how our hero moves the levers, how the hanging statue sways), characteristics(“touch” a cold statue, a stretched cable from a crane, etc.). It is believed that movement and a certain sequence of events are remembered better than something static, in addition, many people remember unusual, funny / sad, even absurd images better. To understand what works best in your case, you need to experiment and try everything.

If a number consists of a large number of digits (for example, it is a bank card number or a telephone number), then it makes sense to divide such a number into parts, and turn the connections between images into a story. For example, from the crane (1), which was controlled by the Serpent Gorynych (3), the fist of the Hulk (5) came off, and at that time a swan (2) walked across the square (0). It's good that he managed to jump back - right on the rainbow (7). He slid down it like a hill (4), and at the bottom he was met by a matryoshka doll (8). And so on.

An example of memorizing non-numeric information

There is a similar memorization technique for non-numerical information - the famous memory palace, Roman room and Cicero's road. As part of these techniques, the memorized information is divided into semantic parts, which are also tied to certain images (the so-called strong points). The Cicero road allows you to remember the sequence, so it makes sense to use it when you need to remember, for example, a shopping list or the theses of a speech (in fact, these mnemonics were developed and actively used in Ancient Greece, which was famous for its excellent speakers and developed oratory). In turn, the memory palace is not connected with sequences and helps to remember certain information regardless of each other.

Mnemonics and memory: do they influence each other?

Of course, the concept of "supermemory" is very close to mnemonics, but we must be aware that To common development memory mnemonics has a rather indirect relationship. For example, it definitely won't make you an eidetic (that is, it won't give you a photographic memory). Mnemonics is a system for storing information, so if you want, for example, to keep the contents of a book you read in your head, you need to use the techniques of this system. For example, to build a book into a memory palace, dividing it into parts and tying them to support images. Also, mnemonics will not help you remember what you did a week ago unless you specifically put this information in your palace.

Thus, if you are interested in the general strengthening and development of memory, you should take a closer look at other methods (some of them are described in the article “Is it possible to develop eidetic memory”), and use mnemonics for its intended purpose - to memorize specific units of information. On the other hand, the use of mnemonics will certainly allow you to develop your own brain, including visual and associative thinking, so such training will definitely not go in vain.

In conclusion, a few tips - they will be useful for those who are just planning to master mnemonics, and for beginners, and for those who already practice various techniques and want to improve their use.

How and what to train

If your goal is the active use of any technique of mnemonics for domestic or work purposes, take note of the main rule: impressive results can be achieved only through numerous trainings. Memorization using mnemonics (especially for speed or for a long time) is a skill. Any skill needs to be developed and brought to automatism in order to perform certain actions easily and
at ease and so that this skill does not fail at the right time. And it is important to train both processes - both decoding and decoding.

In fact, in order to develop mnemonics, you just need to use it. First on something not too long and important, Over time, set yourself more difficult tasks. Anything can serve as exercise. For example, if you want to remember numbers, use phone numbers, credit cards, IDs. Come up with long numeric passwords - and protect accounts, and develop mnemonics. Although at the beginning of his journey, of course, don't forget about insurance: write down passwords or set reminders of who to congratulate when.

If you want to memorize non-numerical information, you can practice on books, but we recommend choosing non-fiction. In fiction, as a rule, there is a plot, and the plot is a logical (to one degree or another) sequence related events. The presence of connections makes the use of mnemonics in this case"foul play". Remember better those areas of knowledge that you have always wanted to study (physics, history, geography, etc.), and combine immersion in this science (including at the popular science level) with the training of mnemonics. Another option is to set aside a room in the memory palace for all information about colleagues: pets, number and names of children, etc. This will allow you to keep up the conversation and/or build relationships on occasion.

Choice of method

For best results, you need find the most suitable memorization method. To do this, it makes sense to try each and practice on it, and then choose the most effective and convenient. In addition, you can modify the classic methods to get what works best for your type of thinking and perception. For example, the palaces of memory or the roads of Cicero, in principle, are designed for people who have a better developed visual memory. Does this mean that for those who have it poorly developed, it is better not to even take up mnemonics? No, it is important to simply upgrade the original version so that it becomes more convenient for you.

For example, use not only visual images, but also music, smells or tactile sensations as a semblance of strong points. Let's say you need to memorize a speech for a presentation. Divide the text of the speech into parts and tie it to the songs in the music album that you know well, and when actually giving a speech to the audience, mentally move from track to track. Of course, you can go a more complicated way - first develop visual memory, and then master mnemonics. The choice is yours, but let's subtly hint that one does not interfere with the other.

Choice of images and connections

It is also important to understand what is the principle of selecting images to strong points and what connection between images is most effective for you. It is easiest for someone to imagine more or less real objects; it is easier for someone to remember comical, contrasting images located in clearly inappropriate places; for someone, the most important thing is the emotional attachment or associations with similar events that happened to them in reality. Some prefer to
connected images interacted in one way or another, but for some this is not so important, the main thing is that the images are in motion.

Let us also draw your attention to the fact that in some sources the recommendations are too unambiguous: you need to represent it this way, the objects should be such and such, you need to do something with them. In our opinion, such harsh directives can only be used as reference points in order to understand what to start from. Transforming raw information into images is a somewhat personal process. based on our experience, associations, etc., and they are different for everyone. For example, it may be easier for someone to remember a pink hippopotamus, because he had such a favorite toy as a child, and someone closer to a spider the size of a skyscraper, because he loves horror movies. To understand what is best for you, you can do the first step - practice.

Calm, only calm

Learning, especially at first, is worth the most relaxed environment(from an emotional point of view). This means that you can practice even in the subway, if you are able to completely abstract from the environment. While you are just adjusting to a particular method, do not let unwelcome emotions (including stress, anxiety, etc.) and associations influence this process. Firstly, it is more difficult to understand whether this or that method suits you or not, and secondly, its use in the future may be associated with these associations, which sometimes interferes with effective memorization.

Don't forget from repetition

Do not forget to reproduce from time to time that you need to remember something for a long time, but that you don't use it too often. Repeat memory phrases, walk through the palaces of memory and the roads of Cicero, etc. Thus, you will show your memory that this information is relevant for you and it is too early to get rid of it, in addition, it will not be pushed to the farthest end of your memory, from where it will be more difficult for you to get it.

One of the mistakes of beginners is to encode information, repeat it a couple of times in the next two days, and then safely forget both the images and what was hidden behind them. And at the right moment, it suddenly turns out that Cicero's road has been blocked, and half of the memory palace has collapsed. To prevent this from happening practice getting out of memory, including the information that you put there a long time ago(if you still need it). This skill will be useful not only for mnemonics, but also for general strengthening of memory.

Mnemonics (mnemonics techniques) are special methods of memorizing certain types of information based on the peculiarities of human psychology, as well as on the four rules of memorization that were given in previous lessons. Knowledge and use of special mnemonics will allow you to better remember digital information, specific texts and terms, names, faces and surnames, foreign words, expressions and much more. This lesson will cover the basics of mnemonics, and will also describe the basic techniques and methods of memorization various types information.

What is mnemonics?

If you need to remember some numbers for a long time, then for this you can use the following mnemonics:

Association with other familiar figures. Dale Carnegie advises memorizing dates by associating them with significant dates that you know. For example, it is easy to remember that the Battle of Kulikovo took place exactly 600 years before the Summer Olympic Games in Moscow.

Shedd system (Shed system). Small numbers, such as historical dates or short telephone numbers, can be learned by composing a special phrase, each word in which is in a strictly defined order and has a number of letters corresponding to the remembered digit. For example, if you want to remember the number 467, then you need to come up with a phrase in which the first word will consist of 4 letters, the second - of 6, and the third word - of 7 letters. So, the number 467 corresponds to the phrase "an elephant runs at a gallop" (4, 6 and 7 letters, respectively). Zero in this system often corresponds to a word of 10 or any more letters.

Rhymes. It is often convenient to memorize a large number of numbers by creating rhymes or poems. This method is suitable if you need to remember certain numbers for a long time, having the opportunity to spend some time on it. So you can easily remember which characters come after the decimal point in the number "Pi".

Remembering names and faces

Very often we need to remember people we just met. We all tend to be nice to those who remember our name. In order to quickly and accurately remember the names and faces of people, there are the following mnemonics.

Show interest in the person, chat a little, addressing him by name. There are several memorization rules at work here. Firstly, you show interest in a person, and also receive information about him, which can serve as the basis for building associations with him. Secondly, you repeat his name several times, which also improves memorization.

An association with another person well known to you with the same name. For example, many of us will easily remember the name of a person if he is your namesake. It is also easy to remember the names of people who match the names of your parents and good friends. But even if you do not know the name of the person you need to remember, try to remember famous people with the same names: actors, politicians, musicians.

Selection of other modifications of his name. For example, the name Alexander has several modifications Sasha, San, Shura. Once the person has introduced himself, silently try to name a few modifications of his name.

Name spelling. Think about how a person's name is spelled - imagine it visually. How many letters are in this name? What is the first letter? The answers to these questions will further fix the image of the person's name in your visual perception. If possible, you can even write the person's name on paper to enhance comprehension.

Remembering surnames. You can memorize surnames using mnemonic techniques based on visual associations. You need to start with the search for a mental replacement or modification of the surname. For example, my surname Buyanov can be associated with Buyan Island from children's fairy tales, as well as with a violent temperament. Then some noticeable feature of a person is selected, for example, a facial feature or a character trait (which is more suitable for the surname Buyanov), which must be tied to the selected surname association.

Memorization of foreign languages

Language mnemonics will be useful for memorizing words, expressions, grammar rules, verb forms, etc.

Method of phonetic associations (MPA). This method appeared due to the fact that in all languages ​​of the world there are words or parts of words that sound the same, but have different meaning. Moreover, in different languages there are words that have a common origin. For example, the word look (look) can be remembered by associating it with the similar-sounding Russian word "bow". And slicing the “onion”, we cannot “look” at it, as our eyes water.

Method of interaction of all sensations (MVVO). This mnemonic approach is useful for those who want to learn how to communicate fluently in foreign language. If the words don't automatically pop into your memory, you won't be able to speak the language fluently. Therefore, the main thing is not to remember foreign word as a translation of a native word, but immediately associate a foreign word directly with the concept corresponding to it. To learn the word "cup" imagine a cup with a handle, and keeping the image in your mind, say "cup" several times, trying not to remember the word "cup".

Any person has to remember a certain amount of accurate information. Mnemonics will allow you to better remember any necessary information. Consider the basic mnemonic techniques; types of mnemonic information, to understand why one type is remembered well (images), the other is worse (texts), and the third (exact information) is remembered by many people the worst; as well as practical exercises to train memory at work.

1. Who needs mnemonics?

  • In life. Any person has to remember a certain amount of accurate information. We are accustomed to write it all down in electronic or notebooks. Train yourself to write down the information you need in your brain. Then you will not depend on the batteries in your phone or tablet. You cannot lose information. It is very convenient to remember everything you need. Sometimes it is much faster to write down and find information there in memory.
  • Speakers. Without this, oratory does not make sense at all. Professional speakers learn mnemonics, which is why their speeches flow so smoothly.
  • Schoolchildren and students. Mnemonics will help you remember information better. In exams, you will copy from your memory. It's much safer. In addition, if you want, the information can be stored in your memory for a long time. This may be required if you want to become a highly qualified specialist, a professional in your field. Mnemonics will significantly reduce your preparation time for exams.
  • Teachers. Mnemonics arose as part of oratory. When a teacher looks at the notes, this does not add respect to him. By memorizing the lecture material, you will never have to spend time preparing again.
  • Business people. Businessmen have an extensive circle of contacts. Thanks to mnemonics, you can better remember information about the people with whom you do business.
  • To maintain health. Everything that we do not use in the body will atrophy sooner or later. Imagine a man who lay in a cast whole year. What will happen to his muscles? They will become thin and weak. And what happens to a person who does not use his memory? Memory will also begin to "die" as unnecessary. Being engaged in mnemonics even for prevention, like physical education, you will keep your memory in excellent shape until old age.

2. Receptions of mnemonics

2.1. Reception "chain". The images are connected in association in pairs. The sizes of the images are approximately the same in each pair. When you have formed a connection between the first and second image, the first image is removed from consciousness by transferring attention to the second. After that, a relationship is formed between the second and third images, and so on. When a chain of images is remembered, three to five images appear in consciousness at once. A chain of images comes out of memory, appears in consciousness and disappears again in memory. Always form connections certain system. If the association is horizontal, place the first image on the left. If the association is vertical - place the first image at the bottom. If the images penetrate each other when connected, place the second image in the first one. When recalling, read the images in the same order.

2.2. Reception "matryoshka". The images are connected in pairs. The first image of an association is always greater than the second and contains the second. After connecting the first and second images, transfer your attention to the second image (the first should disappear from consciousness). Mentally enlarge the second image and create an association between the second and third images. And so on. Images are constantly nested in each other. At the same time, only two images should always be clearly visible in the association.

Recall is carried out in a similar way. Imagine the first image and wait for the second to come from memory. Switch your attention to the second, increase it, and wait for the third to appear, etc. Please note: this method of connecting images is used very intensively. It should be carefully worked out. The first image of the connected pair of images must be much larger than the second. With a mental increase in the first image, try to highlight a sub-image in it, to which then attach the second (small) image of the pair.

2.3. Acceptance of symbolism. The symbolization technique is used to memorize abstract concepts that do not have a clear figurative meaning. The same word can be encoded into images in different ways by different people. But, as a rule, it is possible to use for encoding symbols that are well fixed in the minds of most people. Symbols surround us on all sides. Very many foreign words, names, terms, surnames, in their sound are similar to the words we are familiar with. These words are easy to represent in the form of visual images, for example: factor - the image "Tractor"; kami (Japanese "hair") - "Fireplace"; kubi (Japanese "neck") - "Cube"; the state of Alaska - "Carriage"; brother-in-law (relative) - "Door". While you do not need to memorize the meaning of unfamiliar words, it is enough to fix their exact pronunciation and sequence in memory.

By translating road signs into meaning, we are engaged in mnemonics. When a first grader memorizes the relationship between the “A” icon and the “A” sound, he is also engaged in mnemonics. Olympic pictograms symbolize different kinds sports; everyone is familiar with the symbols of peace ("White Dove"), death ("Skull"), slowness ("Turtle"), power ("Crown") and many others. When coding a word with this technique, you should ask yourself the question: “How can I visually designate this?”

Examples of coding words into images using symbolization: cold - "Ice", heat - "Water bottle", eternity - "Pyramids", infinity - "Mathematical sign of infinity", winter - "Snowflake", spring - "Mimosa bouquet", summer - " Sun”, autumn - “Yellow Maple Leaf”.

We can't imagine summer at all. But we can imagine grass. This image is easy to remember.

Example: it is necessary to connect two images with “Matryoshka” - “Thermometer” and “Bucket”. Imagine a thermometer very large. Highlight in it the sub-image "Hercury column". Mentally tie a small bucket to this sub-image. As a result of such a connection, the image of the "Bucket" is almost invisible if you imagine a thermometer of ordinary sizes. The bucket appears in our imagination only after the conscious execution of the mental operation "Image Enlargement".

How not to forget about what needs to be done after a certain period of time? Imagine that in 8 days you are going to travel by train to visit your parents. You want to remember to buy chocolate. What should be done so as not to forget to do this?

You must create an association between some action that you are sure will happen and a purchase that you can forget about.

In this example, you will definitely buy a train ticket. How to associate the purchase of this ticket with the purchase of chocolate? It's very simple: you have to imagine that you are at the box office where tickets are sold, and you receive a "mountain" of chocolate from the cashier. You can imagine this scene instantly. It's good to mentally see the detail - the cashier who gives you a “mountain” of chocolate through the window. When you arrive at the station a week later and find yourself at the ticket office, you can be sure that a large amount of chocolate will appear in your mind's eye and make you remember the purchase.

Another example: you need to remember to take an electric shaver on the road. Quickly imagine that you want to shave the hair on your suitcase. When you pack your suitcase for the road, this picture will spontaneously arise in your mind.

At first, try to keep the desired picture in your memory for 20-30 seconds. Later you will notice that it takes you much less time. It is preferable to choose pictures in motion. The more the picture strikes with its comicality or exaggeration, the faster and easier it will appear in your mind. Think about what you need to do tomorrow. Then try to connect these cases with some events (your usual actions) that will definitely happen tomorrow. Or try to connect the things you have planned to the things you will definitely look at tomorrow (your toothbrush, your shoelace, your office door, etc.). Thus, you will create associations that tomorrow will spontaneously remind you of what and in what sequence you should do.

3. Types of mnemonic information

In mnemonics, all memorized information is conditionally divided into three types: figurative, speech (text) and exact. Figurative information includes visual images perceived by a person, speech information includes perceived oral speech and readable texts. Accurate information includes information that does not make sense to remember approximately, which should be remembered with 100% accuracy. These are phone numbers, dates historical events, addresses, terms and concepts, car numbers, ciphers and codes, last names and first names, and other similar information. Let's take a closer look at each of these types of information and try to understand how they differ from each other, why one type is remembered well (images), the other is worse (texts), and the third - accurate information - many people remember very poorly if you do not use a special technique.

3.1. Figurative information. Our brain is “tuned” to images, operates with images and remembers images “automatically”. Any person can accurately remember the situation of his apartment, the way from home to work. It is enough to see the first frames of the film to make a conclusion whether we watched this film or not. The images (objects) of the world we perceive have relationships that are fixed by the brain without our conscious participation and are well preserved in memory.

3.2. Speech (text) information. Not every word perceived by a person is converted in the brain into a visual representation. The recreating imagination draws images in our imagination, which in the language are denoted by nouns. But there are many words in the language that convey not the images themselves, but the various relationships between them. Read the following statement and watch what appears in your imagination at that moment: “On the huge ... there is a small ...” Something is missing in this statement. In the imagination, a feeling of emptiness, understatement is created. Recreating imagination is the process of spontaneous translation of perceived speech into visual representations with a spatial organization of images. This provides understanding of speech.

Words can be conditionally divided into two large groups: words that convey specific visual images, and words that control these images in our imagination. Let's call them spatial operators. These are prepositions, auxiliary parts of speech, verbs and adjectives. For the same purpose, case endings of words serve. Spatial operators aimed at the mechanism of thinking are perceived by thinking and through it they build images in our imagination in accordance with the perceived text or speech.

Why is speech remembered worse than images? Firstly, speech contains much fewer words-images than in the world we actually perceive. Secondly, these images created by our brain on the basis of words are not as powerful as the images perceived through the visual analyzer. Therefore, when perceiving information by ear or through text, fewer interconnections are formed in the brain than during the work of vision, and these interconnections are much weaker. The visual analyzer is a part of the brain, the perceived image passes the "nerve path" from the retina of the eye to the primary (striate) visual cortex, located in the back of the head.

3.3. Accurate information. It is of particular interest for mnemonics. Accurate information is fundamentally different from figurative and speech (text). If we consider a series of random numbers, we will not find in it either images or spatial operators. When perceiving a digital series, images do not arise in the imagination, and the apparatus of thinking turns out to be “turned off”. The brain skips the number series through itself (as the running line moves across the screen) and does not remember anything. He simply does not respond to this kind of information. A person can only reproduce the last piece of information (5-9 digits) from the number series just viewed.

It is accurate information that creates problems for a person in the learning process and in Everyday life. Inventive schoolchildren and students solve them with the help of cheat sheets. Teachers, on the other hand, try not to ask their students what they themselves cannot remember. In other words, the inability to remember accurate information by tacit agreement has long been considered the norm. All training programs are tailored for students who do not know how to memorize accurately. If a school or university conducts a survey on accurate information, the results will be deplorable.

4. We train memory at work

4.1. Exercise 1. At the beginning of the work day, ask yourself: “What should I do today first, second, third, etc.?” If you are unable to fully answer this question, mentally reproduce the page of the diary or electronic calendar filled out for this day. Try to remember all the details: features of the abbreviations you made, the order of entries, blots. The exercise can be modified as follows: at the end of the working day, you visually "photograph" the page filled in the next day.

4.2. Exercise 2. Break your working day into four equal intervals. At each of these intervals, try to mentally "photograph" a particular work situation or the face of one of your colleagues. You need to do this in the following way. When a certain situation arises in the workplace, mentally "place" it in a frame, like the one that photographs have. Hold the situation in the "frame" for 3-5 seconds. After each of the four time periods, replay the key situation, and then all the events that took place during that time. The next day, in order to remember your tasks, it will be enough for you to reproduce yesterday's key situation. The "key" can also be a mental portrait of one of your colleagues.

4.3. Exercise 3. This is a body-oriented exercise. Recreate one of the brightest positively colored states that you have experienced before: calm, inspiration, joy. Analyze all the muscle components of these states. As a rule, they will be pleasant sensations of relaxation of the muscles of the face, neck and chest and a slight tone of the abdominal muscles. However, this General characteristics. Joy, peace, inspiration have a large number of differences. Differences in posture and rhythm of breathing are especially noticeable. All differences must also be identified. After you feel the details of each state, fix them. Having entered one of the states, mentally “scroll” the information necessary for remembering. In order to return to it later, it is enough to recreate the initial state. At the very beginning of classes, it is more expedient to use neutral information to train memory in the proposed way.

4.4. Exercise 4. Arrange objects on your desktop not in the usual order, but in such a way that their arrangement makes you subsequently pay active attention to them. Correlate the position of each object with a specific action that you must take in the near future.

Ekaterina Evgenievna Basilieva - doctor pedagogical sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy natural sciences

  • Leadership, Management, Company management

Data based on the specifics of human psychology and memorization rules.

The study and application of mnemonic techniques helps to better assimilate information of a different nature:

  • numbers, dates;
  • specific texts;
  • terminology;
  • personal data;
  • foreign vocabulary.

The main principle of any mnemonic techniques is the substitution of abstract objects with those concepts that have a visual or sensory representation.

How does mnemonics work?

By the age of 18, millions of nerve cells and ways that help to process incoming data in optimal time, find solutions to problems and perform standard actions with minimal mental activity. However, if you constantly use only proven skills, the brain will stop developing. Therefore, periodic shake-up for the brain is very important.

Memory in its properties is similar to a muscle, i.e. she also needs training to be in good shape, as well as the body. If you do not deal with it, then over time it will begin to fail. The more the brain is loaded, the better it analyzes and remembers information. The most effective exercises break the routine of mental activity, and stimulate interest in self-improvement.

Mnemonics have been known to mankind since ancient times. Already in ancient Greece, it was noticed that memory is interconnected with the senses. And the more emotions a person receives in the process of life, the brighter the memories will be. Therefore, when training in memorization, it is necessary to connect vivid associations.

In order for the memory to store the received data for a long time, it is necessary to replace the facts with representations that have a kinstic, visual and auditory form. That is, replace a dry fact with a bright image.

The techniques of mnemonics are quite diverse, but each of them has specific criteria:

  • New. It doesn't matter what task is chosen and how difficult it is - if it is new, then the benefits from it will be great. The main goal of the reception is to get out of the familiar and ordinary zone.
  • Difficulty level. As tasks, it is necessary to choose the exercise that requires mental effort, and, therefore, gives knowledge. For example, you can learn a language or learn a musical instrument.
  • Interest. The more a person is fond of a new occupation, the higher the chance that this hobby will last for a long time. Remember that the level of difficulty of training should be high, but not so much as to admit that you are incapacitated. It is necessary to choose classes in increasing order.

Receptions of mnemonics with regular training give an effective result. You can memorize all contacts from the phone book, easily understand the grammar rules in English, play notes, and more.

Memorization techniques

Numbers, dates and various events associated with them can be memorized through associations with other significant figures or thanks to the Shed system. According to this approach, dates from history or house numbers can be remembered if you compose a phrase consisting of words arranged in a certain order. In this case, the letter in such a word will correspond to a certain number. For example, in order not to forget the number 896 through mnemonics, you need to compose a phrase in which the first word will have exactly 8 letters, the second will consist of 9, and so on.

With specific texts that do not lend themselves to the usual methods of memorization or memorization, mnemonic techniques will also help.

Especially the method of associations. Searching for vivid associations that will be connected with remembered information can be not only useful, but also an exciting experience. Even texts of a similar plan can be memorized in the form of rhymed lines, which also contribute to memorization. The same method can be used to memorize numbers.

Terms and concepts can become easy to remember by using techniques such as consonance. Many words from scientific terminology have consonant "analogues" in a simpler version of the language.

Trouble remembering faces and names. What to do?

In order to fix personal data about a new person in memory and bind them to him, you can associate him with another person who is the "namesake" (parents, acquaintances, friends, politicians, actors and other personalities).

To remember the last name, you can use mnemonic techniques based on visual associations. Start by exploring the possibility of replacing or compiling an analogue of the new surname. In addition, some remarkable feature of a person that can be associated with an association can help you.

Presentation: "Know yourself. What do you know about your memory?"

The simplest of the mnemonic methods that will help fix the desired name is a combination of the following techniques: show interest in a person,

  • celebrate his achievement or give a compliment,
  • repeat the name again;
  • associate the received information with a specific person.

Mnemonics in language learning

Take on board the method of phonetic associations, which appeared due to the fact that in every language of the world you can find words or parts of phrases that will sound about the same. In addition, in different languages ​​you can find words that have a common origin. For example, the word constantly (adverb, constantly) can be remembered if you associate it with a similar word from the Russian language “constant”.

The method of interaction of different sensations is a mnemonic approach that will be useful for those who are aimed at fluency and want to communicate in a foreign language.

According to this memorization approach, you need to memorize a foreign word not as a translation from mother tongue, but as an association with a unit of foreign vocabulary. In this case, the necessary concept is also remembered. For example, to memorize the three-letter word “cat”, you need to imagine a tail and paws, and, holding a similar image in your mind, say (out loud) “cat” a couple of times, trying not to think about the word “cat”.

Important: All cheat sheets should be created independently. Thus, the information is better absorbed by the brain. But if there are problems with fantasy or time, you can use ready-made techniques and templates.

How to remember historical facts using mnemonics?

Everyone remembers how difficult it was to prepare for exams in history, because remembering all the data and events is quite difficult. But this is only because they do not use mnemonic techniques to prepare for texts. In this case, we propose to combine several methods.

The first thing to do is to realize that history is not only dry dates, but a certain sequence of events. In order to remember them in the right order, you should make an associative series.

Consider, for example, the date of the fall of Byzantium - 1453.

  1. Let's compose a code from numbers and letters, i.e. each number is a letter. For example, 1 - s, 4 - t, 5 - o, 3 - g. Think of a word from these letters. You can take any symbols and words.
  2. Then we will encode the word by sound, i.e. a visit is more suitable for Byzantium.
  3. Mention of great empire associated with the king.
  4. Link these elements in the brain. For example, the king paid a visit to the table and it fell.

After some training and making consistent associations, the history of any empire can be learned and reproduced quite easily. It's all about practice.

Mnemonic works

Most people, having barely looked at the proposal to form the above association, will not do this, because. find it difficult. After all, to remember one date you need to come up with a story.

Of course, this process at first seems laborious, because you need to strain your imagination, which a person rarely uses in the daily rhythm. However, after 2-3 such tasks, the exercise does not seem so difficult.

The mnemonics chains work. And this is due to the fact that the memory does not store dry dates and facts, but images filled with emotions retain for a long time. This is a scientifically proven fact.

In ancient Egypt, the priests had secret knowledge about the science of imagery. They carefully kept it from the general population. Why was it so important?

If you transfer your attention from the outside to the inside and follow how thoughts are formed, you can see that they appear in the head as an image, but not in the form of a digital series. If the word "king" is easily associated with an empire and a person uses this association, then the information received will be easily remembered.

Each of the mnemonic techniques can be used to memorize any material or information. Different mnemonics constantly intersect, helping to achieve the highest result and memory training.