Appendix to the agreement, additional agreement and protocol of disagreements. How to register correctly

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Documents that supplement, clarify, change contractual terms in the process of preparing a contract for conclusion or in the process of fulfilling obligations can be divided into several types:

  • attachment to agreement;
  • additional agreement;
  • protocol of disagreements;
  • Protocol for reconciliation of disagreements.

To avoid confusion, we will analyze the main differences between the listed documents and determine the specifics of their execution. And also consider the possibilities of using these documents within the framework of Federal Law No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 44-FZ) and in procurement activities in general.


Attachment to agreement- this is a document that clarifies or reveals in more detail the content of contractual terms. Let’s say that the contract only names the subject of the work to be performed, and in the annex to the contract there is a technical specification of already detailed content or a specification is given that lists both the types of work and their cost.

The application is drawn up on one or several sheets, which will become an integral part of the contract. The preparation of the introductory part of the document must begin by indicating the name (“Appendix”) and its serial number. A reference to the contract itself, its number and date of preparation is required.

Next, you should title the main part of the document based on its content. In the final part of the application, you must indicate the details of your counterparties. They, along with a reference to the number and date of the contract, are important factors confirming that the document belongs to the main contract.

There are also places for signatures of authorized persons of each party, indicating their positions, surnames and initials. The application must be signed simultaneously with the conclusion of the contract. Otherwise, if such a document is drawn up later, an additional agreement to the contract should be drawn up, and not an appendix.

Procurement Application

Today, the concept of “ booby-trapped documentation" “Mined” documentation is considered to be documentation that is somewhat misleading to the order placement participant (hereinafter referred to as the order placement participant), and when reading it diagonally, it is very difficult to notice important points.

One of these methods of “mining” is the distribution of requirements throughout the text of the documentation. For example, in the documentation there are one requirements for the provision of services, but in the draft contract they are different. Moreover, in the documentation itself the requirements are described in detail, but in the annex to the contract, technical specifications are reduced to 1-2 pages. At the same time, the participant, having read the technical specifications regarding the documentation, being frightened by such volumes and the Customer’s demands on the work, may stop analyzing the documentation further and decide not to participate.

The important thing is that after concluding a contract, the main document for both parties is the contract with all its integral annexes. And all other conditions reflected in the documentation, notice, etc., but not included in the contract, are no longer significant for the parties.

The contractor must be guided by the draft contract. The procurement rules are the rules for selecting a Supplier, and there is no need to carry out work according to the documentation.

Additional agreement

An additional agreement, unlike an annex, is drawn up to an already concluded agreement. Hence, additional agreement- this is a document that makes changes to an already valid and previously signed agreement. When initially agreeing on the terms of the contract, it is incorrect to draw up additional agreements, since the contract itself does not yet exist.

In addition, an additional agreement may be aimed at expanding the terms of the contract, extending its validity, etc. Moreover, this document always indicates from what moment (in the form of a specific date or the wording “from the moment of signing”) it begins to operate. Until this point, the original wording of the contract is valid.

When drawing up additional agreements, you should comply following rules:

  1. Take the preamble from the agreement, replacing the words “concluded this agreement” with the words “concluded this additional agreement”;
  2. Confirm the additional agreement with the signatures and seals of the parties, indicate the validity period of the additional agreement.

If you make changes (additions) to the contract by your additional agreement, then, in order to avoid future misunderstandings and discrepancies, it is most advisable to formalize it as follows:

  1. 1. State the p... of the agreement in the following wording:
  2. "__. ____________________” (and write a new version of this paragraph);
  3. 2. Clause ___ (in clause ___ the words “___”) should be deleted from the text of the agreement;
  4. 3. Add paragraph ___ as follows to the text of the agreement:
  5. «__. ____________________».
  6. 4. Amend Appendix No.___ to the Agreement and accept it in a new edition in accordance with Appendix No.___ to this Additional Agreement No.___.
  7. 5. Supplement the Agreement with Appendix No.___ “_________________”, and accept it as amended in accordance with Appendix No.___ to this Additional Agreement No.___.

Additional agreement within the framework of Law No. 44-FZ

In the practice of tender procedures, there is often a need to conclude an additional agreement to the contract. The change in the terms of the contract is regulated by Part. 1-7 tbsp. 95 of Law No. 44-FZ.

Note that the beginning of Part 1 of Art. 95 of the new Law may raise questions, since it states: “Changing the essential terms of the contract during its execution is not allowed, with the exception of their change by agreement of the parties in the following cases...”, despite the fact that the concept of “essential conditions” is not disclosed either in this norm, nor in any other norm of Law No. 44-FZ. We believe that this concept should be applied in the sense in which it is given in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, on which, among other things, we recall, Law No. 44-FZ is based.

Let's consider the main conditions under which it is possible to make changes to an already concluded contract:

  1. 1. Protocol of disagreements within the auction. The winner of the electronic auction with whom the contract is concluded has the right to send a protocol of disagreements to the government contract to the customer using the functionality of his personal account on the electronic platform.

    The protocol of disagreements to the contract will be signed electronically in personal account, so there is no need to send the customer a signed and scanned document. In the current version of Law No. 44-FZ, there are no restrictions on the number of specified protocols that the winner of an electronic auction can place. The deadline for their submission is 13 days from the date of posting the application review protocol in the unified information system.

    However, officials from the Russian Ministry of Economic Development have prepared draft amendments to the Law on the Contract System. In particular, they propose adding a rule according to which the winner of an electronic auction will be able to submit no more than one protocol of disagreement.

    The authors of the project propose to change Part 4 of Article 70 of Law No. 44-FZ. It will establish that the protocol of disagreements cannot be sent more than once and later than 5 days from the date the customer posted the draft contract. Accordingly, the 13-day period will be excluded from the text of the law.

  2. 2. Protocol of disagreements within the framework of a tender or request for quotations. The winner of the competition does not have the right to send a protocol of disagreements to the customer. Disagreements regarding a government contract sent by the winner of the competition to the customer may be regarded as an evasion from signing it.

    When submitting an application for participation in the competition, the procurement participant agrees with all terms of the tender, including all provisions of the draft government contract, which, based on the results of the tender, includes only the contract price and, in the case of a tender, other conditions for its execution, which were the subject assessments. Therefore, the submission by the winner of the bid to the customer of disagreements regarding the government contract can be regarded as an evasion from signing it, which is the basis for including the corresponding supplier in the register of unscrupulous suppliers.

  3. In total, the possibility of submitting a protocol of disagreements is established by Law No. 44-FZ only for conducting an auction in electronic form.

    Protocol for reconciliation of disagreements

    The party that received the protocol of disagreements signs it if it agrees with new edition. As a result, the corresponding provision of the agreement will be in effect as amended by the protocol of disagreements, and not the agreement. However, it is likely that some of the proposed conditions may not suit the counterparty. In this case, a protocol of agreement (settlement) of disagreements is drawn up for the protocol of disagreements.

    This document is drawn up by analogy with the protocol of disagreements with the addition of the “Agreed edition” column, in which the disputed condition is written down, taking into account the requirements of both parties. In this case, a note is made in the initial protocol of disagreements “With a protocol for reconciling disagreements”.

    If, even after drawing up a protocol for reconciling disagreements, the parties cannot come to a common opinion, then we can offer two options for further actions: either draw up a new text of the agreement and start all the work all over again, or look for a new counterparty. And although in practice there are protocols of disagreements No. 2 for protocols for reconciling disagreements, in order to avoid unnecessary paperwork it is more logical to use the first option of the proposed actions.

    It is advisable to send the draft agreement, protocol of disagreements and protocol of reconciliation of disagreements with cover letters, which should contain an offer to sign the documents being sent. The letter may also indicate a deadline for consideration of this issue.

    All documents reviewed to agree on contractual terms allow the parties to reduce their risks and bring the controversial terms of the contract to “ common denominator" Use all methods of resolving disagreements that arise both during the conclusion of the contract and during its execution. How do you go about it in practice, to paraphrase the famous saying, “A contract is more valuable than money!”

(4.85 - rated by 27 people)

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    1. Which is correct: according to the order, agreement, instruction or according to the order, agreement, instruction?

    Right: according to the order, contract, regulation, staffing table, etc.

    Preposition "according to" in modern Russian requires the DATIVE case. That's right: according to WHAT, not what. Already in the 19th century, the design was in accordance with what, that is, with genitive case, was regarded as a characteristic feature of official business, clerical speech. And in modern Russian literary language it is not normative for formal business style either. Now the only correct thing is: according to which, that is, with the dative case.

    2. Which syllable is stressed in the word calling?

    The emphasis falls on the ending in all forms: ringing AND t, ringing AND m, ringing AND sew, ring I t, the same in prefixed verbs: call AND t, call AND msya, call back I etc.

    3. Which is correct: in the city of Moscow or in the city of Moscow?

    Right: in the city of Moscow.

    The rule is this: a geographical name used with the generic names city, village, station, settlement, river, etc., acting as an appendix, is consistent with the word being defined, that is, it declines if the toponym is of Russian, Slavic origin or is a long-borrowed and mastered Name. That's right: in the city of Moscow, in St. Petersburg, in the city of Vladivostok.

    The custom of not declining geographical names has taken root in the professional speech of military men and topographers and, under the influence of this professional terminological language, has become widespread in modern speech, but it cannot be considered a norm.

    Details about declination geographical names cm. .

    4. Which is correct: in Ukraine or in Ukraine?

    Literary norm of the modern Russian language: in Ukraine, from Ukraine.

    In 1993, at the request of the Government of Ukraine, options to Ukraine (in Ukraine) and, accordingly, from Ukraine should have been recognized as normative. Thus, in the opinion of the Ukrainian Government, the unsatisfactory etymological connection of the constructions between Ukraine and the outskirts was broken. Ukraine with the preposition in received, in the opinion of the Government of Ukraine, linguistic confirmation of its status as a sovereign state, since the names of states are formalized in the Russian tradition using the prepositions in (in) and from.

    However, the literary norm of the Russian language, according to which one should speak and write in Ukraine, is the result of the historical development of the language over several centuries. Combination of prepositions in and on s certain words explained solely by tradition. Wed: at school, at the institute, in the pharmacy, in the department, but: at the factory, at the post office, at the resort, in the warehouse, etc. The literary norm cannot change overnight due to any political processes.

    5. Which is correct: agreement or agreement? How to put emphasis on plural?

    Literary norm: dogov ABOUT r, dogov ABOUT ry. However, some dictionaries already recognize as acceptable (but only in casual oral speech!) the variant agreement, agreement. Here is what K. S. Gorbachevich, author of the “Dictionary of Difficulties of Pronunciation and Stress in the Modern Russian Language” writes:

    Now it is still difficult to say with certainty whether over time the emphasis on agreement will become as normative and aesthetically acceptable as agreement. There are prerequisites for this. Not only part of the intelligentsia, but also some modern famous poets use the contract variant: “But don’t be scared. I will not break our agreement, There will be no tears, no questions, not even reproach” (O. Bergholz, Nothing will return...). In the book “Alive as Life,” K. Chukovsky predicted that the variants of agreement, contractA would become the norm of the literary language in the future.

    6. What letter is the word president written with? How are job titles written?

    The names of the highest government positions and titles are written with a capital letter (President Russian Federation, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, etc.) in official texts, for example: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin.

    However, in unofficial use (for example, in the text of a newspaper article), these words are written with a lowercase letter, for example: the President of Russia signed a decree, the Prime Minister criticized deputies, the Prosecutor General brought charges, etc.

    The title of the position of minister is written with a lowercase letter.

    Job titles such as CEO, company president, department head, etc. are also written with a lowercase letter.

    7. Which syllable is stressed in the word money?

    Literary norm: money A m, money A mi, oh money A X. The option for money, money, about money in dictionaries is considered acceptable, but outdated.

    The emphasis on the first syllable is retained in the saying Money does not buy happiness, as well as in the title of A. N. Ostrovsky’s play “Mad Money”: in “Mad Money” by A. Ostrovsky.

    8. Which is correct: I miss you or I miss you?

    Both options are possible, but for now the preferred option is I miss you.

    Missing (as well as being sad, yearning, etc.) for you is the old norm; for you - new. Previous linguistic publications recommended as normative only to miss you, to miss us. Today these options compete, which is reflected in reference books. Thus, “Russian Grammar” (M., 1980) considers the forms miss you and miss you as variable.

    In the reference book by D. E. Rosenthal “Management in the Russian Language” it is indicated that with nouns and 3rd person pronouns it is correct: to miss someone or something, for example: to miss your son, to miss him. But with personal pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person plural. numbers are correct: miss someone, for example: missed us, miss you.

    But the option of missing someone, which is also asked quite often, is not normative and goes beyond the scope of the Russian literary language.

    9. What do the words glamorous, creative, brutal mean?

    Glamor - from English. glamor - 'charm, charm'; 'romantic halo'; 'enchantment, magic', (colloquial) 'luxury, chic'. Glamorous - outwardly attractive, possessing external brilliance, brilliant.

    Creative - creative, constructive. In addition, the word creative has the following shades of meaning: non-standard, non-banal, fresh, talented.

    Brutal (from the French brutal< лат. brutalis) - грубый, жестокий.

    10. What type of noun is invoice? How to inflect this word?

    Invoice - noun male. Correct: an invoice has been issued, an invoice has been received, etc. When declension, both parts of this word change:

    Invoice invoice
    invoices invoices
    invoice invoices
    invoice invoice
    invoice invoices
    about invoices about invoices

    Question: ...According to the additional agreement to the employment contract concluded by the bank with the top manager being hired, the bank and the employee reached an agreement to pay the employee an entrance bonus - remuneration in a set amount if the employee fulfills the following conditions: work in the bank for at least a year; organization of activities of a structural unit of the bank determined by the parties; implementation of the plan according to certain quantitative indicators characterizing the effectiveness of the activities supervised by the employee structural divisions bank for a specified period of time. Does the bank have the right to take this payment into account for income tax purposes? How detailed should the performance indicators for which payments are made be specified? (Expert consultation, 2012)

    Question: According to an additional agreement to the employment contract concluded by the bank with the top manager being hired, the bank and the employee reached an agreement to pay the employee a so-called entrance bonus - remuneration in a set amount if the employee fulfills the following conditions:

    Work in a bank for at least one year;

    Organization of activities of a structural unit of the bank determined by the parties (formation of the structure, staffing, preparation of the regulatory framework);

    Fulfillment of the plan according to certain quantitative indicators characterizing the effectiveness of the activities of the bank’s structural divisions supervised by the employee (growth of the deposit base, loan portfolio, number of guarantees issued, the amount of commission income from the activities of the divisions supervised by the employee, etc.) for a specified period of time.

    Does the bank have the right to include this payment as an expense when calculating the tax base for income tax?

    How detailed should the performance indicators for which payments are made be specified?

    Answer: In our opinion, the bank has the right to include a payment to a top manager in the form of an entrance bonus as part of labor costs when calculating income tax.

    In the text of the additional agreement to the employment contract, in order to minimize controversial situations during tax control activities, it is advisable to:

    a) indicate specific values ​​of indicators, the achievement of which determines the payment of remuneration to the employee,

    b) establish the procedure for assessing the employee’s fulfillment of the conditions for payment of remuneration established by the additional agreement, including the bank’s management body whose competence is responsible for conducting the assessment, and the form of the document confirming the conduct and results of the assessment.

    Justification: According to Art. 56 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employment contract is an agreement between an employer and an employee, in accordance with which the parties assume the following responsibilities:

    employer - provide the employee with work according to the specified labor function, ensure working conditions provided for by labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing standards labor law, collective agreement, agreements, local regulations and by this agreement, pay the employee wages in a timely manner and in full;

    employee - personally perform the labor function determined by this agreement, comply with internal rules labor regulations valid for this employer.

    Conditions of remuneration (including the size of the tariff rate or salary (official salary) of the employee, additional payments, allowances and incentive payments) Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are classified as mandatory conditions employment contract. At the same time, from the contents of Art. 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation it follows that the following are recognized as wages or remuneration for an employee:

    Remuneration for labor depending on the employee’s qualifications, complexity, quantity, quality and conditions of the work performed;

    Compensation payments (additional payments and allowances of a compensatory nature, including for work in conditions deviating from normal, work in special climatic conditions and in areas affected radioactive contamination, and other compensation payments);

    Incentive payments (additional payments and bonuses of an incentive nature, bonuses and other incentive payments).

    According to the provisions of Art. 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee’s wages are established by an employment contract in accordance with the wage systems in force for a given employer. Remuneration systems, including tariff rates, salaries (official salaries), additional payments and allowances of a compensatory nature, including for work in conditions deviating from normal, systems of additional payments and incentive allowances and bonus systems, are established by collective agreements, agreements, local regulatory acts in accordance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms (Article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Consequently, issues of bonuses and payment of incentive bonuses to employees are regulated by labor legislation and by virtue of the provisions of Art. Art. 5 and 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are established by local regulations.

    The amount of remuneration for managers and deputies and chief accountants of organizations not financed from federal and local budgets is determined by agreement of the parties to the employment contract (Article 145 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    As follows from the question, remuneration in accordance with the additional agreement is paid in addition to the employee’s official salary. Accordingly, within the meaning of Art. 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the remuneration in question is an incentive payment and forms the salary established for the employee by the employment contract.

    By general rule, established by paragraph 1 of Art. 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, when calculating the tax base for income tax, the taxpayer reduces the income received by him by the amount of expenses incurred, with the exception of those mentioned in Art. 270 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, expenses for the purposes under consideration are expenses (and in cases provided for in Article 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, losses) incurred by the taxpayer in activities aimed at generating income, corresponding following conditions:

    Validity, which is understood as the economic justification of costs, the assessment of which is expressed in monetary form;

    The incurrence of expenses is confirmed by documents drawn up in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, or documents drawn up in accordance with business customs applied in the foreign state in whose territory the corresponding expenses were incurred, and (or) documents indirectly confirming the expenses incurred.

    The question of the validity and economic justification of expenses over the past years has repeatedly been the subject of consideration by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, as a result of which the legal position of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation has been formed on the main points related to the interpretation of these concepts and the application of the norms of Art. 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (using the example of Definitions dated 06/04/2007 N 320-O-P and dated 06/04/2007 N 366-O-P):

    1) expenses are justified and economically justified if they were incurred to carry out activities aimed at generating income. In this case, only the purpose and direction of such activity matters, and not its result (paragraph 3, 4 paragraph 3 of Definition N 320-O-P, paragraph 3, 4 paragraph 3 of Definition N 366-O-P);

    2) the economic justification of expenses cannot be assessed based on their feasibility, rationality, efficiency or the result obtained (paragraph 5, paragraph 3 of Definition N 320-O-P, paragraph 5, paragraph 3 of Definition N 366-O-P);

    3) only the taxpayer alone has the right to evaluate the expediency, rationality, and efficiency of financial and economic activities, since he carries out the activities independently and at his own risk. Thus, based on the principle of freedom of entrepreneurial activity, the courts are not called upon to check the economic feasibility of business decisions made by the taxpayer (paragraphs 5, 6, paragraph 3 of Definition N 320-O-P, paragraph 5, 6, paragraph 3 of Definition N 366- O-P);

    Thus, the economic justification of the expenses under consideration, in the sense of the expediency of their incurrence, is determined exclusively by the bank as an economic entity and, when carrying out tax control measures, should not be disputed by tax department specialists.

    Depending on their nature, as well as the conditions for implementation and areas of activity of the taxpayer, costs are divided into costs associated with production and sales, and non-operating costs (clause 2 of Article 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). By virtue of paragraphs. 2 p. 2 art. 253 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, expenses associated with production and sales include labor costs, which, according to Art. 255 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation recognizes any accruals to employees in cash and (or) in kind provided for by the norms of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, labor agreements (contracts) and (or) collective agreements, including:

    Incentive accruals and allowances;

    Compensation charges related to work hours or working conditions;

    Bonuses and one-time incentive accruals;

    Costs associated with maintaining these workers.

    Labor costs for profit tax purposes include, in particular (Article 255 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation):

    Amounts accrued at tariff rates, official salaries, piece rates or as a percentage of revenue in accordance with the forms and systems of remuneration accepted by the taxpayer (clause 1, part 2);

    Incentive accruals, including bonuses for production results, bonuses to tariff rates and salaries for professional excellence, high achievements in labor and other similar indicators (clause 2, part 2).

    At the same time, by virtue of the provisions of Art. 270 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, when determining the tax base for income tax, expenses in the form of:

    Any remuneration provided to management and (or) employees in addition to remuneration paid on the basis of employment agreements (contracts) (clause 21);

    Bonuses paid to employees using special purpose funds or targeted revenues(clause 22) .

    Thus, based on the provisions of Art. 255 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the remuneration considered in this issue may be included by the bank in labor costs when calculating the tax base for income tax.

    In terms of documentary evidence of the costs of paying remuneration in accordance with the additional agreement in relation to the situation under consideration, in our opinion, it is advisable to take into account the following.

    The payment of remuneration in accordance with the additional agreement is conditioned, in particular, on the achievement of certain planned indicators by the structural units supervised by the employee. The question does not indicate which of the bank’s management bodies and in what form makes the decision to determine the planned indicators for the bank’s structural divisions, as well as the procedure for bringing information about the planned indicators to the attention of managers at all levels of the bank and employees of the relevant departments. In addition, it is logical to assume that the determination of planned indicators involves an assessment of their implementation. Accordingly, payment of remuneration in accordance with the additional agreement must be carried out on the basis of a document generated by the authorized body of the bank and confirming the fact of fulfillment of planned indicators (protocol, order, instruction, etc.).

    How to correctly: in Ukraine or in Ukraine?

    Literary norm of the modern Russian language: in Ukraine, from Ukraine.

    “In 1993, at the request of the Government of Ukraine, the options to Ukraine(and correspondingly from Ukraine). Thus, according to the Government of Ukraine, the etymological connection of the constructions, which did not suit it, was broken to Ukraine And to the outskirts. Ukraine seemed to receive linguistic confirmation of its status as a sovereign state, since the names of states, and not regions, are formalized in the Russian tradition using prepositions V (in) And from...” (Graudina L.K., Itskovich V.A., Katlinskaya L.P. Grammatical correctness of Russian speech. M.: Nauka, 2001. P. 69).

    However, the literary norm of the Russian language, according to which one should speak and write in Ukraine, is the result of the historical development of the language over several centuries. Combination of prepositions V And on with certain words is explained solely by tradition. Wed: at school, at the institute, at the pharmacy, in the department, But: at a factory, at a post office, at a resort, at a warehouse etc. A literary norm cannot change overnight due to any political processes.

    How to correctly: according to the order, agreement, disposition or according to order, agreement, disposition?

    Right: according to the order, agreement, regulation, staffing table etc.

    Pretext according to in modern Russian it requires the dative case, correctly: according to which, Not what. Already in the 19th century, the design according to which, that is, with the genitive case, was regarded as a characteristic feature of official business, clerical speech. And in modern Russian it is not normative for the official business style. Now the only correct thing is: according to which, that is, with the dative case.


    The accent falls on the ending in all forms: Calling, calling, calling, calling, the same in prefixed verbs: They'll call, we'll call, they'll call back etc.

    How to correctly: in Moscow or in Moscow?

    Right: in Moscow; in Moscow, in the city of Moscow(the last two options should be characterized as specifically clerical, i.e., used primarily in official business speech). Options in Moscow, in the city of Moscow do not correspond literary norm.

    The rule is: geographical name used with generic names town, village, hamlet, hamlet, river, acting as an appendix, agrees with the word being defined, that is, it declines if the toponym is of Russian, Slavic origin or is a long-borrowed and adopted name. Right: in the city of Moscow, in St. Petersburg, in the city of Vladivostok.

    The custom of not declining geographical names has taken root in the professional speech of military men and topographers and, under the influence of this professional terminological language, has become widespread in modern speech, but it cannot be considered a norm.

    Details about the declension of geographical names and the use of abbreviations before city names G. and words city see in "Writer".

    How to correctly: agreement or contract? How to put emphasis on the plural?

    Strict literary norm: contract, CONTRACTS, in casual oral speech the option is acceptable agreement, agreement. Let's give interesting quote from “Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in the modern Russian language” by K. S. Gorbachevich:

    Now it is still difficult to say with certainty whether over time the emphasis on agreement will become as normative and aesthetically acceptable as agreement. There are prerequisites for this. Not only part of the intelligentsia, but also some modern famous poets use the contract variant: “But don’t be scared. I will not break our agreement, There will be no tears, no questions, not even reproach” (O. Bergholz, Nothing will return...). In the book “Alive as Life,” K. Chukovsky predicted that the variants of agreement, contractA would become the norm of the literary language in the future.

    A small note: many people believe that the option agreement, agreementA – innovation recent years. However, an indication of the admissibility of such an emphasis in colloquial speech can be found in publications half a century old, for example in the dictionary-reference book by R. I. Avanesov, S. I. Ozhegov “Russian literary pronunciation and stress” (M., 1959 ).

    What letter is the word written with? the president? How are job titles written?

    The names of the highest government positions and titles are written with a capital letter ( President of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary etc.) in the texts of official documents, for example: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin.

    However, outside of such use (for example, in the text of a newspaper article), these words are written with a lowercase letter, for example: The Russian President signed a decree, the Prime Minister criticized deputies, the Prosecutor General brought charges and so on.

    Job Title minister written with a lowercase letter.

    Job titles such as CEO, company president, department head etc., are also written with a lowercase letter.

    Which syllable is stressed in the word? money?

    Literary norm: money, money, about money. Option about money, about money, about money in dictionaries it is considered acceptable, but outdated.

    The emphasis on the first syllable is preserved in the saying money can not buy happiness, as well as in the title of A. N. Ostrovsky’s play “Mad Money”: in "Mad Money" A. Ostrovsky.

    Is it true that the word coffee now neuter?

    Truth is a word coffee can be used colloquially as a neuter noun, not true - that Now: we find an indication of the admissibility of such use in dictionaries of the 1970-80s. (see, for example: Skvortsov L.I. Are we speaking correctly? Russians? M., 1980). It is necessary to emphasize: the neuter gender of the word coffee(both before and now) – acceptable colloquial use; according to strict literary norms the word coffee(both before and now) is a masculine noun.

    In which case so(same), then(same) are written together, in which - separately?

    fused or separate writing these words depend on the meaning.

    When writing together Also has the meaning “also” or “also”, for example: I also need this; she will also take part in the round table. Separate writing - Also– has the meaning “to the same extent”, “in the same way”, for example: I need it just as much as you do; he's having as much fun as you are; read the instructions and do the same.

    The spellings differ in the same way Same And Same. When writing together Same has the meaning “equally, equally, also”, for example: he is tired, so am I; she will also take part in the round table. Separate writing - Same– has the meaning “same”, “same”, for example: she wore the same dress today as yesterday.

    Exercises to consolidate this rule can be found in the “LITERATE TEXTBOOK”.

    How to correctly: I miss you or I miss you?

    I missfor you– old norm; for you– new. Previous linguistic publications recommended as normative only miss you, miss us, but these days these options compete, which is reflected in reference books.

    In the reference book by D. E. Rosenthal “Management in the Russian Language” it is indicated that with nouns and pronouns of the 3rd person it is correct: miss someone, For example: miss my son, miss him. But with personal pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person plural. numbers are correct: miss someone, For example: missed us, miss you. Thus, in the directory of D. E. Rosenthal the old norm was supported; in modern reissues of this directory (see, for example, the 2005 edition) this recommendation is preserved.

    “Russian Grammar” (M., 1980) forms miss you And miss you considered as variable.

    In the “Dictionary of grammatical compatibility of words of the Russian language” by E. M. Lazutkina (M. 2012) management miss someone already called obsolete. As a standard, this publication recommends miss someone or something.

    Here's an option miss someone which is also asked quite often, is not normative, and goes beyond the scope of the Russian literary language.

    What conjugation are the verbs? ? Endings -it, -yat, and in indefinite form -there are, they are not included in the list of 11 exceptions...

    Fly, thunder, burn, ring - verbs of the second conjugation.

    The rules for determining conjugation are as follows. Conjugation is determined in indefinite form only for verbs with unstressed personal endings: II conjugation includes all verbs ending in - it, except shave, to rest, to sway(about the verb lay see the answer to question No.), as well as 11 exceptions: 7 verbs ending in - eat (look, see, endure, turn, depend, hate, offend) and 4 verbs starting with - eat (hear, breathe, drive, hold). The remaining verbs belong to the I conjugation.

    If the personal endings of the verb drums, then the conjugation is determined by graduation; in this case, it does not matter which vowel is in the infinitive form of the verb. Yes, verbs sleep,fly, thunder, burn, ring belong to the II conjugation (sleep, fly, rattle, burn, ring), and, for example, the verb drink - to I conjugation (drink-eat). It is important to remember: all prefixed verbs derived from such verbs with unstressed endings also belong to the same conjugation. Therefore the verb burn out second conjugation: will burn out, burn out, and the verb drink - first conjugation: drink, drink.

    Note that in school the second part of the rule (that for verbs with stressed personal endings the type of conjugation is determined by the endings) is often omitted, since the type of conjugation must be determined in order to correctly write unstressed personal endings. If personal endings are stressed, then they do not cause any difficulties in writing, and therefore, there is no need to think about what type of conjugation the verb belongs to.