The largest sniper. Best Snipers of World War II: List

Good sniper It should not be a personnel military. This simple postulate was well awarded the fighters of the Red Army, participating in the winter war of 1939. One successful shot also does not make a person sniper. Good luck is very important in war. Only the true skill of the fighter, who knows how to hit the goal at a huge distance, from unusual weapons or with an uncomfortable position, has a larger price.

Sniper has always been an elite warrior. Not everyone will be able to bring up in itself. Inspired by the new Bayopic of the Clint Isovda about the most effective sniper of America, we decided to make a material about his colleagues - the best arrows from around the world.

Carlos Hatchcock

Like many American teenagers from the depths, Carlos Hatchcock dreamed of getting into the army. A 17-year-old boy, in the cowboy hat of which a white feather cinematic hat, met in barracks smiles. The first polygon taken by Carlos from the Okokok, turned the seizure of colleagues into a reverent silence. The guy was not just talent - Carlos Hatchcock was born solely for the sake of the exact shooting. 1966 The young fighter met in Vietnam.

On its formal account, just a hundred dead. In the memoirs of the surviving colleagues of the hatchkok appear significantly big numbers. This could be written off at quite an explanatory boasting of fighters, if not a huge amount put out northern Vietnam for his head. But the war ended - and Hatchcock went home without receiving any injury. He died in his bed, without surviving up to 57 years of just a few days.


This name has become a kind of war symbol immediately for both countries participating. For Finns, Simo was a real legend, the personification of God's very meal. In the ranks of the fighters of the Red Army, Sniper-Patriot received a name White Death. For several months of winter, 1939-1940, the shooter destroyed more than five hundred enemy soldiers. The incredible level of skill Simo Hyayuha emphasizes the weapon used by them: a rifle m / 28 with an open sight.

Lyudmila Pavlichenko

309 enemy soldiers on the Russian Sniper's account Lyudmila Pavlyuchenko make it one of the best shooters in the entire history of world wars. Patzanka since childhood, Lyudmila rushed to the front from the first days of the invasion of the German invaders. In one of the interview, the girl confessed that he was difficult to shoot in a living person only for the first time. The first day of the combat duty of Pavlyuchenko could not force himself to click on the trigger. Then she overpowed a sense of duty - it also saved the fragile female psyche from the incredible load.

Vasily Zaitsev

In 2001, a picture of the "enemy at the gate" was published in the world rolling. The main character The film is the real fighter of the Red Army, legendary Sniper Vasily Zaitsev. Until now, it is not known exactly the place reflected in the film the confrontation between Zaitsev and the German arrow: most Western sources tend to the version of the propaganda launched by the Soviet Union, Slavophiles argue the opposite. However, this fight is practically nothing in the overall standings of the legendary arrow. In the documents of Vasily, 149 successfully affected purposes are. The real number is closer, rather, to the five hundred killed.

Chris Kyle

Eight years - the most suitable age in order to make his first shot. If you, of course, was born in Texas. Chris Kyle methyl in the target all the conscious life: sports targets, then animals, then people. In 2003, Kyle, who was already taking place in several secret operations of the US Army, receives a new appointment - Iraq. The glory of a merciless and very skilled killer comes a year later, the next business trip brings Kylich's Kite "Shaitan from Ramady": respectful-frightened tribute to the arrow confident in her right. Officially, Kyle finished off exactly 160 enemies of peace and democracy. In private conversations, the arrows mentioned three of the large numbers.

Rob Furlong

For a long time, Rob Furlong served in the rank of a simple corporal of the Canadian Army. Unlike many other snipers mentioned in this article, Rob did not have an explicit talent of the arrow. But the guy's stubbornness would have enough for a completely inflated warrior. Permanent training of Furlong developed the ability of ambidexter. Soon the Croral was transferred to a special purpose squad. Operation "Anaconda" has become a top point for the top of the career: in one of the battles, the sniper made a successful shot at a distance of 2430 meters. This record keeps so far.

Thomas Plaquett

Only two shots led ordinary soldier of the British army of Thomas Plankett in the category of the best sniper of his time. In 1809, the battle of Monroe took place. Thomas, like all his colleagues, was armed with Musket Brown Bess. Field classes were enough to soldiers in order to hit the enemy at a distance of 50 meters. If, of course, the wind was not too strong. Thomas Plankett, a pretty aiming, shot down from the horse of the French general at a distance of 600 meters.

The shot could be explained by incredible luck, magnetic fields And aliens, aliens. Most likely, the comrades of the arrow, recovering from surprise. However, here Thomas demonstrated his second virtue: ambition. He calmly reloaded a gun and shot the General Adjutant - on the same 600 meters away.

A good sniper does not have to be a personnel military. This simple postulate was well awarded the fighters of the Red Army, participating in the winter war of 1939. One successful shot also does not make a person sniper. Good luck is very important in war. Only the true skill of the fighter, who knows how to hit the goal at a huge distance, from unusual weapons or with an uncomfortable position, has a larger price.

Sniper has always been an elite warrior. Not everyone will be able to bring up in itself.

1. Carlos Hatchcock

Like many American teenagers from the depths, Carlos Hatchcock dreamed of getting into the army. A 17-year-old boy, in the cowboy hat of which a white feather cinematic hat, met in barracks smiles. The first polygon taken by Carlos from the Okokok, turned the seizure of colleagues into a reverent silence. The guy was not just talent - Carlos Hatchcock was born solely for the sake of the exact shooting. 1966 The young fighter met in Vietnam.

On its formal account, just a hundred dead. In the memoirs of the surviving colleagues, hatchkok appear significantly large numbers. This could be written off at quite an explanatory boasting of fighters, if not a huge amount put out northern Vietnam for his head. But the war ended - and Hatchcock went home without receiving any injury. He died in his bed, without surviving up to 57 years of just a few days.


This name has become a kind of war symbol immediately for both countries participating. For Finns, Simo was a real legend, the personification of God's very meal. In the ranks of the fighters of the Red Army, Sniper-Patriot received a name White Death. For several months of winter, 1939-1940, the shooter destroyed more than five hundred enemy soldiers. The incredible level of skill Simo Hyayuha emphasizes the weapon used by them: a rifle m / 28 with an open sight.

3. Lyudmila Pavlichenko

309 enemy soldiers on the Russian Sniper's account Lyudmila Pavlyuchenko make it one of the best shooters in the entire history of world wars. Patzanka since childhood, Lyudmila rushed to the front from the first days of the invasion of the German invaders. In one of the interview, the girl confessed that he was difficult to shoot in a living person only for the first time. The first day of the combat duty of Pavlyuchenko could not force himself to click on the trigger. Then she overpowed a sense of duty - it also saved the fragile female psyche from the incredible load.

4. Vasily Zaitsev

In 2001, a picture of the "enemy at the gate" was published in the world rolling. The protagonist of the film is the real fighter of the Red Army, the legendary Sniper of Vasily Zaitsev. Until now, it is not known exactly the place reflected in the film the confrontation between Zaitsev and the German arrow: most Western sources tend to the version of the propaganda launched by the Soviet Union, Slavophiles argue the opposite. However, this fight is practically nothing in the overall standings of the legendary arrow. In the documents of Vasily, 149 successfully affected purposes are. The real number is closer, rather, to the five hundred killed.

5. Chris Kyle

Eight years - the most suitable age in order to make his first shot. If you, of course, was born in Texas. Chris Kyle methyl in the target all the conscious life: sports targets, then animals, then people. In 2003, Kyle, who was already taking place in several secret operations of the US Army, receives a new appointment - Iraq. The glory of a merciless and very skilled killer comes a year later, the next business trip brings Kylich's Kite "Shaitan from Ramady": respectful-frightened tribute to the arrow confident in her right. Officially, Kyle finished off exactly 160 enemies of peace and democracy. In private conversations, the arrows mentioned three of the large numbers.

6. Rob Furlong

For a long time, Rob Furlong served in the rank of a simple corporal of the Canadian Army. Unlike many other snipers mentioned in this article, Rob did not have an explicit talent of the arrow. But the guy's stubbornness would have enough for a completely inflated warrior. Permanent training of Furlong developed the ability of ambidexter. Soon the Croral was transferred to a special purpose squad. Operation "Anaconda" has become a top point for the top of the career: in one of the battles, the sniper made a successful shot at a distance of 2430 meters. This record keeps so far.

7. Thomas Plankett

Only two shots led ordinary soldier of the British army of Thomas Plankett in the category of the best sniper of his time. In 1809, the battle of Monroe took place. Thomas, like all his colleagues, was armed with Musket Brown Bess. Field classes were enough to soldiers in order to hit the enemy at a distance of 50 meters. If, of course, the wind was not too strong. Thomas Plankett, a pretty aiming, shot down from the horse of the French general at a distance of 600 meters.

The shot could be explained by incredible luck, magnetic fields and aliens. Most likely, the comrades of the arrow, recovering from surprise. However, here Thomas demonstrated his second virtue: ambition. He calmly reloaded a gun and shot the General Adjutant - on the same 600 meters away.

Snipers of World War II are almost exclusively Soviet soldiers. Indeed, only in the USSR in the pre-war years, the rifle preparation was actually universal, and since the 1930s special sniper schools acted. So there is nothing surprising in the ten, and in the twenty of the best shooters of that war, only one foreign name is Finn Simo Häyuhuya.

On the account of the first dozen of Russian snipers - 4200 confirmed enemy fighters, the first twenty - 7400. At the very best shooters of the USSR - 500 with excess killed for everyone, while the most efficient Sniper of World War II among Germans has an account of only 345 goals. But the actual accounts of snipers are actually more than confirmed - about two or three times!

It is still still reminding that in the USSR - the only country in the world! - Not only men, but also women fought snipers. For 1943, in the Red Army there were more than a thousand women's women who were killed in a total of more than 12,000 fascists during the war years. Here is a three of the most efficient: Lyudmila Pavlichenko - 309 enemies, Olga Vasilyeva - 185 enemies, Natalia Kovshova - 167 enemies. According to these indicators, Soviet women left behind most of the best snipers from among their opponents.

Mikhail Surkov- 702 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Surprisingly, but the fact: despite the biggest expense of defeats, Surkov was not awarded the title of Hero Soviet UnionAlthough it seemed to him. The unprecedented account of the most effective Sniper Sniper of the Second World War was more than once, but all the defeats were documented, as the rules opened in the Red Army. The foreman of Surkov really killed at least 702 fascists, and taking into account the possible difference between real and confirmed defeats, the bill can go for thousands! The striking accuracy of Mikhail Surkov and amazing ability For a long time to track down his opponents, apparently, they are explained simply: before calling to the army, he worked as a hunter in a taiga in his homeland - in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Vasily kvachantradze - 534 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Starin Quachantiradze fought from the first days: in his personal case it was emphasized that he is a participant in the Great Patriotic War Since June 1941. And finished the service he only after the victory, having passed all great War without overlooking. Even the title of Hero of the Soviet Union Vasily Kvachantiradze, who killed over half-hundred-sighted soldiers and officers of the enemy, was appropriated shortly before the end of the war, in March 1945. And to his native Georgia, the demobilized foreman returned to the cavalier of two orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner, the Order of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree and the Order of the Red Star.

SIMO HYUYUHYA - Over 500 soldiers and officers of the enemy

If in March 1940, the Finnish Capral Simo Häyuhya was injured in the discontinuous bullet, perhaps the title of the most effective Sniper of the Second World War would have belonged to him. The entire period of participation of Finn in the winter war of 1939-40 is exhausted by three months - and with such a terrifying result! It is possible that this is due to the fact that by this time the Red Army has not yet had sufficient overseas experience. But even taking into account this, it is impossible not to admit that Khyayuha was a professional professional. After all, most of their opponents he killed, without using special sniper devices, and shooting from an ordinary rifle with an open sight.

Ivan Sidorenko- 500 soldiers and officers of the enemy

He had to become an artist - and became a sniper, he had time to finish before military school And to open the mortar rota. Lieutenant Ivan Sidorenko is one of the few Sniper officers in the list of the most efficient shooters of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War. Despite the fact that it fought hard: for three years on the front line, from November 1941 to November 1944, Sidorenko managed to receive three heavy injuries, which in the end and prevented him to study at the Military Academy, where he was sent by the authorities. So in the reserve, he came out by Major - and the hero of the Soviet Union: this title was assigned on the front.

Nikolai Ilyin- 494 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Little to the honor of Soviet snipers dropped out such an honor: shoot from the nominal sniper rifle. Starin Ilyin deserved it, becoming not only a tidy shooter, but also one of the initiators of the sniper movement on the Stalingrad front. His account was already more than a hundred killed fascists, when in October 1942 the authorities handed him a rifle named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Hussein Andruhaeva - the poet Adyg, Politruck, one of the first days cried in the face of the upcoming enemies "Russians do not surrender!". Alas, Ilyin himself was killed, and his rifle was referred to as the rifle "named after the heroes of the Soviet Union H. Andruhaeva and N. Ilina".

Ivan Kulbertinov- 487 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Hunters among snipers of the Soviet Union were quite a few, but Yakut reindeer hunters - a little. Ivan Kulbertinov became the most famous of them - the peer of Soviet power: he was born exactly on November 7, 1917! Once at the front at the very beginning of 1943, he already in February opened his personal account for killed enemies, which by the end of the war brought almost five hundred. And although the chest of the Hero Sniper adorned many honorary awards, he did not receive the highest title of the Hero of the Soviet Union, although, judging by the documents, was represented twice. But in January 1945, the authorities handed him a personal sniper rifle with the words "best Snayper Senior Sergeant Kulbertinov I. N. from the Military Council of the Army."

Vladimir Pchelins - 456 soldiers and officers of the enemy

The best Soviet snipers. Vladimir Pchelintsev. Source:

Vladimir Pchelintsev was, so to speak, a professional sniper, ending with sniper and a year before the war, who received the title of Master of Sports on shooting. In addition, he is one of two Soviet snipers staying in the White House. It happened during a trip to the United States, where the hero of the Hero of the Soviet Union was held in the US Sergeant, he went to the International Student Assembly in August 1942 - to tell how the USSR fights with fascism. The company was a colleague Sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenko and one of the heroes of the partisan struggle Nikolai Krasavchenko.

Peter Goncharov- 441 soldiers and officer of the enemy

Peter Goncharov Sniper became accidental. The worker of the Stalingrad plant, he in the midst of the offensive of the Germans went to the militia, from where it was taken to the regular army ... in the back. Then Goncharov got to the Masonic, and only the case brought him into snipers when, hitting the forefront, he set up an enemy tank from someone else's weapons. And Goncharov received his first sniper rifle in November 1942 - and did not part with her until the death of 1944. By this time, the former worker had already carried the epaulets of Senior Sergeant and the title Hero of the Soviet Union, which he was awarded for twenty days before death.

Mikhail Budenkov - 437 soldiers and officers of the enemy

The biography of Senior Lieutenant Mikhail Budenkova is very bright. Departing from Brest to Moscow and who came to East Prussia, who fought for a mortar settlement and became a sniper, Budound, before calling to the army in 1939, managed to work and the ship mechanic on the ship, which went through the channel name of Moscow, and a tractor driver in his native collective farm ... But the vocation Still, made himself to know: the exact shooting of the commander of the mortar calculation attracted the attention of the bosses, and the Budound was a sniper. Moreover, one of the best in the Red Army, for which in the end in March 1945 and was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Matthias Hetzenauer - 345 soldiers and officers of the enemy

The only German sniper in the top ten most effective snipers of World War II fell here not by the number of killed enemies. This indicator leaves the hetcenauer efreitor far beyond even the first twenty. But not to pay tribute to the ability of the enemy, thereby emphasizing that Soviet snipers committed, it would be wrong. Moreover, in Germany, the success of Hetzenauer was called the "phenomenal results of the Sniper War." And there were not far from the truth, because the German sniper scored his result in just a partial year, having finished sniper courses in July 1944.

In addition to the above masters of rifle art and there were others. The list of the best Soviet snipers, and these are only those who destroyed the minimum of 200 enemy servicemen, enter more than fifty people.

Nikolay Kazyuk - 446 soldiers and officers of the enemy

The best Soviet snipers. Nikolay Kazyuk.

Highly qualified snipers were on gold weight in the period II World. Fighting on Eastern Front, Tips for positioning of snipers, as experienced shooters, noticeably dominant in many parameters. The Soviet Union is the only one, taught snipers for ten years, preparing for war. Their "mortal lists" superiority are the experienced snipers killed many people and, undoubtedly, represented tremendous value. For example, Vasily Zaitsev killed 225 opponents soldiers during Stalingrad battle.

10. Stepan Vasilyevich Petrenko: 422 killed.

During World War II, the Soviet Union had more qualified snipers than any other country on Earth. Because of their ongoing learning and development during the 1930s, while other countries have reduced their Sniper Specialist Teams, the USSR of the Best shooters in the world. Stepan Vasilyevich Petrenko was well known among the elite.

His highest professionalism confirm 422 killed enemy; efficiency soviet Program Training sniper confirmation Tagged shooting and extremely rare misses.

During the war, 261 arrows (including women) each of which killed at least 50 and people, were awarded the title of an outstanding sniper. Vasily Ivanovich Votos was one of those who were awarded such honor. His death lists the 422 enemy killed.

8. Fedor Trofimovich Dyachenko: 425 killed.

During World War II, 428,335 people are believed to have learned the training of the Sniper of the Red Army, of which 9,534 used the resulting qualifications in death. Fyodor Trofimovich Dyachenko was one of those interns who allocated. The Soviet hero with 425 confirmations, received a medal for outstanding merits "High heroism of wired operations against an armed enemy."

7. Fedor Matveyevich Okhlopkov: 429 killed.

Fedor Matveyevich Okhlopkov, one of the most respected Snipers of the USSR. He and his brother were recruited into the Red Army, but the brother was killed in battle. Fyodor Matveyevich swore revenge for his brother. Who took his life. The number of enemies killed by this sniper (429 people) did not care. Whom he killed from the machine gun. In 1965. awarded the Order Hero of the Soviet Union.

6. Mikhail Ivanovich Budenkov: 437 killed.

Mikhail Ivanovich Budenkov was among those snipers to whom few others could only strive. Surprisingly successful sniper with 437 killed. This number did not entered the killed from the machine gun.

5. Vladimir Nikolaevich Pchelins: 456 killed.

Such a number of killed can be attributed not only to the skill and skill of owning a rifle, but also knowledge of the landscape and the ability to competently disguise. Among these qualified and experienced snipers was Vladimir Nikolayevich Pchelins, who killed 437 enemies.

4. Ivan Nikolaevich Kulbertinov: 489 killed.

Unlike most other countries during World War II, in the Soviet Union, women could be snipers. In 1942, two semi-annual courses in which the women were trained exclusively gave their results: almost 55,000 snipers were trained. Active participation in the war received 2,000 women. Among them: Lyudmila Pavlichenko, who killed 309 opponents.

3. Nikolai Yakovlevich Ilyin: 494 killed.

In 2001, the film was filmed in Hollywood: "The enemy at the gate" about the famous Russian sniper of Vasily Zaitsev. The film depicts events, Stalingrad battle in 1942-1943. The film about Nicolae Yakovlevich Illyine is not filmed, but his contribution to the Soviet military history It was also important. Killing 494 enemy soldiers (sometimes listed as 497), Ilyin was a deadly shooter for the enemy.

2. Ivan Mikhailovich Sidorenko: Approximately 500 killed

Ivan Mikhailovich Sidorenko, was called in 1939 at the beginning of World War II. During the battle of 1941, Moscow, he learned to shoot from shelter and became famous as a gangster with a deadly purpose. One of his most famous his acts: he destroyed the tank and three others vehiclesUsing incendiary ammunition. However, after the wound received in Estonia, his role in the next years was primarily a teaching. In 1944 Sidorenko was awarded the prestigious title of hero of the Soviet Union.

1.Simo Highham: 542 killed (perhaps 705)

Simo High, Finn, is the only one soviet soldier in this list. Noin "White Death" by the troops of the Red Army because of the camouflage disguised under the snow. According to High Statistics, the most bloody sniper in history. Before participating in the war, he was a farmer. Incredibly, but in the weapon, he preferred an iron sight optical.

The best snipers of the Second World War. German, Soviet, Finnish arrows played a rather important role in war time. And in this review, an attempt will be made to consider those of them that have become the most productive.

Appearance of sniper art

From the moment of occurrence in the army of personal weapons, which provided the opportunity to strike the enemy at large distances, from the soldiers began to allocate the tagged shooters. Subsequently, individual divisions of Hiekers began to be formed. As a result, a separate variety of infantry was formed. The main tasks that soldiers received were the destruction of officers of the enemy troops, as well as demoralization of the enemy due to the label of the shooting at significant distances. For this, armed with special rifles.

In the XIX century, weapons modernization occurred. Changed, respectively, and tactics. This was facilitated by the emergence during the First World War, snipers were part of a separate cohort of saboteurs. Their goal was to quickly and efficiently defeat the living enemy force. At the very beginning of the war, snipers were mainly used by the Germans. However, special schools began to appear in other countries. In the conditions of protracted conflicts, this "profession" has become popular enough.

Finnish snipers

In the period from 1939 to 1940, Finnish arrows were considered as the best. Snipers of the Second World War learned a lot precisely thanks to them. Finnish shooters nicknamed "cucks". The reason for this was the fact that they were used by special "nests" on the trees. This feature was distinctive for Finns, although the trees were used in this appointment in almost all countries.

So who exactly are the best snipers of the Second World War? The most famous "cuckoo" was considered Simo Highhe. He was called "White Death". The number of confirmed killings committed by him exceeded the mark of 500 liquidated soldiers of the Red Army. In some sources, its indicators were equal to 700. He received a rather serious injury. But Simo was able to recover. He died in 2002.

Propaganda played its role

The best snipers of the Second World War, namely their achievements, were actively used in propaganda. It often happened that the Persons of the shooters began to figure out legends.

The famous domestic sniper was able to destroy about 240 enemy soldiers. This indicator was average for effective shooters of that war. But at the expense of propaganda, he was made by the most famous Red Army Sniper. On the modern stage Historians seriously doubt the existence of Major Kenig, the main opponent of Zaitsev in Stalingrad. The main merit of the domestic arrow should include the development of a program of training of snipers. He personally participated in their preparation. In addition, he formed a full-fledged sniper school. Her graduates called "Runs."

The most efficient arrows

Who are they, the best Snipers of the Second World War? The names of the most efficient shooters should be known. In the first position is Mikhail Surkov. They were destroyed about 702 enemy soldiers. Following him, Ivan Sidorov is in the list. He destroyed 500 soldiers. The third position is located Nikolai Ilyin. They were killed 497 enemy soldiers. With a mark of 489 killed after him, Ivan Kulbertinov goes.

The best Snipers of the USSR of World War II were not only men. In those years, women actively entered the ranks of the Red Army. Some of them subsequently became quite effective arrows. About 12 thousand enemy soldiers were destroyed. And the most effective was Lyudmila Pavlichenkov, whose account was 309 killed soldiers.

The best Sovies of the USSR in the Second World War, which were quite a lot, have a large number of efficient shots on their account. For about fifteen arrows, more than 400 soldiers were destroyed. 25 snipers killed more than 300 enemy soldiers. 36 shooters destroyed more than 200 Germans.

About enemy arrows information

Data on "colleagues" with the enemy side is not so much. This is due to the fact that no one tried to praise with their expatory. Therefore, the German best Snipers of the Second World War in the titles and names are practically not known. It can be reliably said only about those arrows who were awarded knightly iron crosses. It happened in 1945. One of them was Friedrich Pain. They were killed about 200 enemy soldiers. The most productive, most likely, was Matias Hetzenauer. They were destroyed about 345 soldiers. The third sniper, who was awarded the Order, called Josef Allerberg. He left the memoirs in which it was quite a lot written about the activities of German shooters during the war. Sniper itself killed about 257 soldiers.

Sniper terror

It should be noted that in Normandy in 1944 there was a landing for Anglo-American allies. And in this place, the best snipers of World War II were in that period. German arrows killed many soldiers. And their effectiveness contributed to the terrain, which simply abounded by shrubs. The British with Americans in Normandy collided with a real sniper terror. Only after that, allied troops thought about the preparation of specialized shooters who could work with an optical sight. However, the war has already come to an end. Therefore, America's snipers and England could not establish records.

Thus, the Finnish "cuckoo" in due time was taught good lesson. Thanks to them in the Red Army, military service passed the best snipers of World War II.

Women fought on a par with men

Since ancient times, men are engaged in the war. However, in 1941, when the Germans hit our country, all the people became defending it. Holding a weapon in the hands, being with the machines and on the collective farm fields, the Soviet people fought with fascism - men, women, old men and children. And they were able to defeat.

In the chronicle, a lot of information about women who received and the best snipers of war among them were also present. Our girls were able to destroy more than 12 thousand enemy soldiers. Six of them got a high title and one girl became a full cavalier of the soldiers

Legend Girl

As mentioned above, the famous sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenova was destroyed about 309 soldiers. Of these, 36 were enemy arrows. In other words, she could destroy the almost whole battalion. According to her feats, a film called "Battle for Sevastopol" was shot. On the front, the girl went voluntarily in 1941. She took part in the defense of Sevastopol and Odessa.

In June 1942, the girl was injured. After that, in combat actions, she no longer accepted. The wounded Lyudmila was made from the battlefield Alexei Kizhenko, in which she fell in love. They decided to submit a report on marriage registration. However, happiness was not too long. In March 1942, the lieutenant received a difficult wound and died on his wife's hands.

In the same year, Lyudmila became part of the delegation of Soviet youth and went to America. There she made a real furyor. After returning, Lyudmila became an instructor at the school of snipers. Under her leadership, several dozen good shooters were prepared. These are here they were - the best Snipers of the USSR in World War II.

Creating a special school

Perhaps the experience of Lyudmila serves that the country's leadership began to teach the girls to small art. Specially formed courses on which girls did not inferior to men. Later, these courses were decided to reorganize in the Central Women School of Sniper Training. In other countries, only men were snipers. In the Second World War, the girls did not teach this art professionally. And only in the Soviet Union, they have suffered this science and fought along with men.

Brutal attitude was to girls from enemies

In addition to the rifle, sperm shovel and binoculars, women took grenades with them. One was intended for the enemy, and the other for himself. Everyone knew that with snipers, German soldiers turned cruelly. In 1944, the fascists managed to capture the domestic sniper Tatyana Baramzin. When our soldiers were discovered, they could only find out on hair and outfit. The body of enemy soldiers is staturated by daggers, the chest cut out, the eyes of the rinse. In the stomach they stuck the bayonet. In addition, the Nazis focused on the girl from the anti-tank rifle. Of the 1885 graduates of the Sniper School to Victory could not live about 185 girls. They were trying to save themselves, they did not quit very difficult tasks. But nevertheless, the glare of optical sights in the sun were often given the shooters, which then found enemy soldiers.

Only time changed the attitude towards women-shooters

Girls are the best Snipers of World War II, whose photos can be seen in this review, in due time survived terrible. And returning home, sometimes came across contempt. Unfortunately, a special attitude was formed in the rear to the girls. Many of them were unfairly called hiking and field wives. Hence the contemptuous views that women sniper were honored.

For a long time, they did not talk to anyone about what was fought. They hid their awards. And only after 20 years, the attitude towards them began to change. And it was at that time that the girls began to reveal, talking about their numerous exploits.


In this review, an attempt was made to describe those snipers that became the most productive for all the time that the second was world War. There are many of them. But it should be noted that it is not known about all the arrows. Some tried to spread about their exploits as little as possible.