Syntax errors. Task A5 - Let's talk about violations of syntactic norms Incorrect sentence

please help me remake this verse in Russian so that it turns out to be a real poem and the meaning does not change, so that there is a rhyme.)

please help me translate it so it's a real poem\. in rhyme and the meaning has not changed

Every year at this exact moment

In cold and dark December

Families around the world

Everyone gathers to remember

With gifts and parties,

With feasts and fun,

Customs and traditions

For people young and old

That's why every year around the world

In all lands and peoples,

People of all ages love

December holidays.

Help!! People, maybe someone has a story called One is drowned. They read it to us in class from some book (there are all kinds of funny stories in there), and I can’t do it

I can find the text on the Internet, I’ve already searched everything, please help. This story is about fishermen who went fishing, and then when it was time to return home, they counted everyone and were missing one person...

please help me translate the text, I need it urgently... I can’t do it myself. Just not through a translator, please, there are a lot of errors there

Battle of Stalingrad

By mid-summer 1942, the battles of the Great Patriotic War We also reached the Volga.

The German command includes Stalingrad in the plan for a large-scale offensive in the south of the USSR (Caucasus, Crimea). Germany's goal was to seize industrial city, the enterprises in which produced military products that were necessary; gaining access to the Volga, from where it was possible to get to the Caspian Sea, to the Caucasus, where the oil necessary for the front was extracted.

Hitler wanted to implement this plan in just a week with the help of Paulus's 6th Field Army. It included 13 divisions, with about 270,000 people, 3 thousand guns and about five hundred tanks.

On the USSR side, German forces were opposed by the Stalingrad Front. It was created by decision of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command on July 12, 1942 (commander - Marshal Timoshenko, since July 23 - Lieutenant General Gordov).

The difficulty was also that our side experienced a shortage of ammunition.

The beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad can be considered July 17, when, near the Chir and Tsimla rivers, the forward detachments of the 62nd and 64th armies of the Stalingrad Front met with detachments of the 6th German Army. Throughout the second half of the summer there were fierce battles near Stalingrad. Further, the chronicle of events developed as follows.

Defensive stage of the Battle of Stalingrad

August 23, 1942 German tanks approached Stalingrad. From that day on, fascist aircraft began to systematically bomb the city. The battles on the ground also did not subside. It was simply impossible to live in the city - you had to fight to win. 75 thousand people volunteered for the front. But in the city itself, people worked both day and night. By mid-September german army broke through to the city center, fighting took place right in the streets. The Nazis intensified their attack. Almost 500 tanks took part in the assault on Stalingrad, and German aircraft dropped about 1 million bombs on the city.

The courage of the Stalingrad residents was unparalleled. A lot of European countries conquered by the Germans. Sometimes they only needed 2-3 weeks to capture the entire country. In Stalingrad the situation was different. It took the Nazis weeks to capture one house, one street.

The beginning of autumn and mid-November passed in battles. By November, almost the entire city, despite resistance, was captured by the Germans. Only a small strip of land on the banks of the Volga was still held by our troops. But it was too early to declare the capture of Stalingrad, as Hitler did. The Germans did not know that the Soviet command already had a plan for the defeat of the German troops, which began to be developed at the height of the fighting, on September 12. Development offensive operation“Uranus” was handled by Marshal G.K. Zhukov.

Within 2 months, in conditions of increased secrecy, a strike force was created near Stalingrad. The Nazis were aware of the weakness of their flanks, but did not assume that the Soviet command would be able to gather the required number of troops.

On November 19, troops of the Southwestern Front under the command of General N.F. Vatutin and the Don Front under the command of General K.K. Rokossovsky went on the offensive. They managed to surround the enemy, despite resistance. Also during the offensive, five enemy divisions were captured and seven were defeated. During the week of November 23, Soviet efforts were aimed at strengthening the blockade around the enemy. In order to lift this blockade, the German command formed the Don Army Group (commander - Field Marshal Manstein), but it was also defeated.

The destruction of the encircled group of the enemy army was entrusted to the troops of the Don Front (commander - General K.K. Rokossovsky). Since the German command rejected the ultimatum to end resistance, Soviet troops moved on to destroy the enemy, which became the last of the main stages of the Battle of Stalingrad. On February 2, 1943, the last enemy group was eliminated, which is considered the end date of the battle.

Results of the Battle of Stalingrad:

Losses in Battle of Stalingrad on each side there were about 2 million people.

Significance of the Battle of Stalingrad

The significance of the Battle of Stalingrad is difficult to overestimate. Victory Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad had big influence on the further course of the Second World War. She intensified the fight against fascists in all European countries. As a result of this victory, the German side ceased to dominate. The outcome of this battle caused confusion in the Axis countries (Hitler's coalition). A crisis of pro-fascist regimes in European countries has arrived.

The first president of the United States, as is known to all Americans as the “father of the nation,” was George Washington. George was born in Virginia into the family of a planter

When the boy was eleven, his father died. The family had a lot of land, but not enough money to send George enough to school in England, as wealthy families used to do at the time. The boy went to a private school, and then two private teachers taught him to be a soldier and a Virginia gentleman. George learned to ride a horse, hunt, shoot, sail and sail. Because he was good at arithmetic, he also learned to measure land. The young man went to distant parts of the country to measure land for those who built their houses there. He spends hours riding in all types of weather. He learned to sleep on the street, eat his own food, and work hard every day. Everyone liked it and young George George Washington began his career in the service industry oh Ntry as a chief in the Virginia militia and later Ander commander-in-chief of the colonial army during the Revolutio Com “He was among those who write the American Constitution of Philadelphia People respected him or his courage honestly. After the War they wanted Reti to Mount Vernon, where he had a beautiful house and plantation, but he knew that his duty was to serve his capital since he was in New York, which was April 30, 1789, before the big one. Washington prom crowd

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Sentences containing "incorrect"

We found 79 sentences containing the word "incorrect". Also look at the synonyms for "incorrect".
Meaning of the word

  • It was incorrect solution because somewhere in the middle of his puppy throat a chicken head is stuck.
  • Apparently, this incident inspired the British incorrect idea about us.
  • In general, Warnke’s thoughts have not lost their value, although he expressed incorrect assumption that in 1603
  • Parents often criticize their children for incorrect raising their grandchildren.
  • The expression "internal ice" by which this formation is known actually gives incorrect performance.
  • Having chosen once incorrect direction in our existence, we continue to delve into it.
  • During my student years I fell deeply in love, but she realized that I directed my feelings into incorrect channel, and kept me from getting married.
  • If lies crept into the teachers' speech, the students' thoughts would take incorrect direction.
  • On the other hand, this would sanction incorrect Nicholas II's assumption that he had the right to make Michael Emperor.
  • For a long time it even existed incorrect the opinion that the scientist was born in Toulouse, where he subsequently lived and worked for a long time.
  • This incorrect and the false designation actually expresses the fact that there is no established order in the country.
  • They gave it to read, but it would have been better not to have done this, since when reading everything seemed incorrect, and often what was correct was forwarded to incorrect.
  • I think the decision has been made incorrect, but he showed himself to be a great guy.
  • One incorrect movement and it will slide down.
  • This is a very significant statement and, in my opinion, very incorrect.
  • Therefore, it is indicated incorrect drinking place.
  • She had long felt that there was something fundamentally important in the sequence suggested by the script. incorrect.
  • The people of Israel had incorrect and an erroneous idea of ​​one’s head and master.
  • Hugo was born at the root incorrect understanding of the Romantic movement he was about to lead.
  • Probably, from the incorrect reading of the word “Simbiryachka” a new and incorrect"Siberian".
  • I was told that for the first six months I was on probation, and any incorrect the movement automatically resulted in dismissal.
  • This opinion is so incorrect, that it is not worth stopping at refuting it.
  • So, either a prophecy incorrect due to the lack of reliably identified descendants.
  • Therefore, people felt incorrect impression.
  • On the other hand, I can’t say that he accepted absolutely incorrect decision considering how much wealth he has achieved.
  • He was clearly afraid to accept incorrect solution.
  • One incorrect movement in the last five days, they said, and I would have been paralyzed forever.
  • Thus, the reader may have a completely incorrect impression of these Hitler monologues.
  • And Babel wrote about the First Cavalry in such a way that the reader gets the impression incorrect an idea of ​​the cavalrymen, as well as of the entire Red Army.
  • It is clear that farmers will never turn to wrong mu, to a kaafir.
  • It is at the root, deep, incorrect, stupid.
  • Refuted Philoponus and others incorrect Aristotle's position that heavy bodies fall faster than light ones.
  • Everything was fine, but in one word you did incorrect emphasis.
  • Travinsky compiled incorrect performance.
  • I bitterly regret that I gave up medicine and doomed myself to incorrect existence.
  • Incorrect the use of intonation can lead to a distortion of the meaning of what is said.
  • What is said can create incorrect the impression that the Danes did not resolutely defend their national interests.
  • Saying “ incorrect”, I resorted to a euphemism, but behind it there was real drama.
  • Very beautiful, but absolutely incorrect comparison.
  • There is a walking and incorrect the opinion that every scientist lives exclusively buried in his books, that science dries out the mind and freezes the heart.
  • She wrote down when we dictated the course of our decisions, and made an expressive pause when we were carried into incorrect direction.
  • They decided that by showing the whole world such poverty, our presence on the streets creates incorrect idea of ​​society.
  • One of them is incorrect understanding the origin of the surname Ruchkin, its relationship with the meaning of “pen” as a writing instrument.
  • This is, firstly, essentially incorrect repetition of Kautsky's wrong idea.
  • Incorrect interpretation of the root word ruch, roch, rach.
  • She rolled wrong mu admirer has a terrible scandal, accusing him of wrong truth and betrayal.
  • At the core wrong th the child’s statements may be based on a living fantasy or desire like.
  • Inaccurate translation of key terms such as "nirvana" and "Enlightenment" has led to significant wrong mu interpretation of the purpose of Buddhism.
  • Wrong estimating the size of the Earth, Columbus did the same incorrect the conclusion is that he will reach India faster by the Western route than by going around Africa.
  • And now he will not allow anyone to carry him away wrong mu ways.
  • How many of his paradoxes have become widely known thanks to their wrong mu interpretation by less scrupulous politicians, both left and right!
  • Your plan will be fulfilled, he will give freedom to the serfs: and after that he will beat the Turks and free the Slavs from the yoke wrong th.
  • After all, I remember your cry well: “What should I do in Leningrad?” This is, of course, true, and wrong, Very wrong.
  • The League of Nations inherited weaknesses stemming from wrong th application of Wilson's principles.
  • This right was achieved not even by the young Flaubert himself, but by his body, which protested so energetically and painfully against wrong th course of life.
  • A little more, and Mayakovsky would have followed this wrong mu path, but in time “put a bullet point at the end.”
  • He objected and said that we unfaithful data and unfaithful assessments.
  • The dead brides kill the forester Hilarion with their dance, but they save them with their dance wrong th beloved Giselle.
  • The teacher treated me well, and I told her how I realized that I had followed wrong mu ways.
  • She never stopped loving her wrong th friend and suffered inexpressibly from the consciousness that she had been abandoned.
  • To say that he was smart is the same wrong how blatant wrong say he was stupid.
  • This wrong, and at the same time wrong and the opinion that the NEP is only a retreat.
  • Let's go, let's tie up the wonderful Petro, our kraht-kandilanafta, and hand him over to the authorities wrong mu so that he would be strangled, not me.
  • The young man imagined himself defeating the most desperate wrong th, heard Muslims praising him.
  • Fourth: the head of another wrong th being given to you as an unacceptable gift.
  • Having complained to Empress Catherine, the crown princess received unexpected advice: to repay wrong mu the same coin.
  • The fight was no longer certain, nor wrong th, neither single, nor even married to someone else.
  • Wanting revenge wrong mu wife, Gwendoline recruited an army in Cornwall and, leading it, set out on a campaign against Locrin.
  • Chernovetsky cited this example as an illustration wrong th approach to your business.
  • But the thirst for revenge wrong mu spouse stronger than love to the children.
  • There is no doubt that she promised Nadezhdin a “bullet in the forehead” as wrong mu to a lover.
  • MaLu, meanwhile, demanded from her wrong th The spouse must stop contacting Sylvia within a year.
  • What a grief it is for a mother to part with her child, to simply take him and give him to be raised by her wrong mu husband and his second wife.
  • Try to keep in your heart the remnant of love for wrong mu, she will protect you from temptation.
  • But, Allah willing, this is geometry, science wrong th Euclid.
  • For some time now I have not been able to shake off the belief that Stalin was pushing out wrong th friend "Bukharchik" from the country.
  • It's often wrong understood wrong interpreted, tarnished his reputation.
  • As the apostle said: whoever does not take care of his own is worse wrong th.
  • There are no concessions here wrong mu understanding what “teenage” literature is.

Source – introductory fragments of books from liters.

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Many novice writers, copywriters, journalists, and PR specialists are faced with the problem of stylistic errors. It happens like this: I wrote a text, read it, checked it, and everything seems logical, moreover, it’s easy and interesting to read. But once you let other people evaluate what you’ve written, some difficulties arise. In one place there is a thematic gap and it is not entirely clear what the author wanted to say; in another, there was a strong fascination with details and a departure from the main topic; in the third, when trying to give the text artistic beauty, complex phrases are used, and therefore logic and consistency are lost. Often these and other stylistic errors arise due to inattention and ignorance of certain rules.

Tautology (identity)

Tautology is semantic redundancy, manifested in duplication within the utterance of the same or related words. These are cases of using unnecessary words and entire sentences that do not convey anything new about the subject of the text, but only repeat what has already been said.


In their stories N. Nosov told about school life.

He walked towards and smiled wide smile.

The antique furniture department sold excellent wood red table tree.

How to avoid? Read the written text out loud, let other people listen, because it’s the same sounding words It's easier to detect by ear. Check yourself carefully, trying to eliminate repetitions or replace them with synonyms.

Violation of lexical compatibility

When choosing a word, you should take into account not only its meaning, but also lexical compatibility. Not all words “suit” each other. The boundaries of lexical compatibility are determined by the meaning of words, their stylistic affiliation, emotional coloring, and grammatical properties.


The Sunday sale had cheap prices. Price is determined by the adjectives “high”, “low”, while only a product can be described as “expensive” or “cheap”.

He took care of her. You can pay attention, but they show care.

Sasha read the site materials and broadened my horizons. You can broaden your horizons, but not improve them.

Incorrect use of ambiguous words

Another type of lexical compatibility errors is the incorrect use of polysemantic words. Despite the fact that, thanks to the context, they are generally understood correctly, in some cases they can form incorrect constructions.


Deep after midnight- Right. But you can't tell late afternoon.

Blind wall- Right. Blind door- No.

How to avoid? In order to avoid making lexical compatibility errors, you need to use the “Russian Word Compatibility Dictionary”.

Poverty and monotony in the construction of sentences and the choice of constructions

This often happens when a novice author, trying not to make mistakes in complex sentences, writes the text as much as possible. simple sentences. This case cannot be called a complete mistake, but how many people will want to read this poor presentation?


An ordinary apartment. There is a window to the left of the entrance. On the right is a closet. In the center there is a table and a couple of chairs. There is a bedside table in the far corner with a TV on it.

How to avoid? If this is not the author’s technique, you can “decorate” the text by using various artistic means - epithets, allegories, comparisons, metaphors, hyperboles, etc.

Illogical word order

The order of words in Russian depends on the position of the subject and predicate in a sentence and can be direct or reverse. Minor members and function words are consistent with the words on which they depend in meaning. If this rule is not followed, the word order will be disrupted and the sentence will either become more difficult to understand or will change the meaning.


I walked along the main street and along a couple of small alleys. The wrong meaning is created by the phrase “a couple more,” you need “a couple more,” because we're talking about about continuation of action.

The difficult fate and ups and downs of life are described here. Possible, but not the best option construction of the text. Better: The difficult fate and ups and downs of life are described here.

How to avoid? Follow the rules for constructing sentences. For intonation emphasis it is better to use others artistic media, since incorrect word order does not always guarantee correct understanding of what is written.

Be careful and write correctly!

  • His first thought was that the infidel was lying.
  • Ours themselves took the wrong, unacceptable tone.
  • The infidel king found out about this and sent them to catch up.
  • Lightning fell again, its uncertain light illuminating the space.
  • I saw its lights for some time, but it took the wrong course.
  • I repent the way people repent when they make a wrong move in a game.
  • He realized that he had made the wrong move and tried to correct the mistake.
  • Finally, at sunset, the wind rose, at first uncertain, uncertain.
  • The next morning the unfaithful king calls the young man and shows him his twelve daughters.
  • They advised carefully, remembering that incorrect advice could result in a bullet to the forehead.
  • The gas burner, which threatened every minute to burn the dancers' heads, cast an uncertain light around.
  • The infidel king hit the ground out of anger, but there was nothing to do - turn the shafts home.
  • For one wrong step, an instant hesitation, a second of dizziness meant inevitable death.
  • Some debuggers, on the contrary, focus on the first prefix in the chain, which gives an incorrect result.
  • If the name server gives the wrong address for any server, having a persistent entry can restore access.

Syntactic errors consist of incorrect construction of phrases, violation of the structure of simple, complicated and complex sentences.

Errors in the structure of phrases:

1. Violation of agreement with the main word in gender, number and case of the dependent word, expressed by an adjective, participle, ordinal number, pronoun: “This summer I was in the steppe Trans-Volga region.”

2. Impaired control. Errors in unprepositioned management (wrong choice of preposition): “If you touch a birch tree on a hot day, you will feel the cool trunk.”

3. Wrong choice of case with a correctly chosen preposition: “He looked like a deathly tired man.”

4. Omission of a preposition: “After a hasty lunch, I sat at the helm and drove (?) to the field.”

5. Using the unnecessary pretext “Thirst for fame.”

6. Omission of the dependent component of the phrase: “He gets into the hot cabin again, turns the steering wheel shiny from his palms again, (?) drives.”

Errors in the structure and meaning of the sentence:

1. Violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate: “But neither youth nor summer last forever,” “The sun had already set when we returned.”

2. Lack of semantic completeness of the sentence, violation of its boundaries: “Once upon a time during the war. A shell hit the poplar.”

3. Syntactic ambiguity: “Their (the girls’) dream came true, they (the fishermen) returned.”

4. Violation of the type-temporal correlation of verbs in the sentence: “Grinev sees Pugachev getting into the carriage.”

Errors in a simple two-part sentence:


– Pronominal duplication of the subject: “Children sitting on an old boat with its keel overturned, they are waiting for their father.”

– Violation of agreement between the subject and the pronoun replacing the subject in another sentence: “Apparently, there is a storm at sea, so it is full of dangers.”


– Errors in the construction of the predicate: “Everyone was happy.”

– Violation of the agreement of the predicate in gender and number with the subject, expressed collective noun, quantitative noun phrase, interrogative and indefinite pronoun: “My mother and I stayed at home,” “A sheaf of sun rays entered the room.”

– Pronominal duplication of the addition: “Many books can be read several times.”


– Incorrect use inconsistent definition: “On the right hang a lamp and my portrait from the kindergarten.”

– A conglomeration of agreed and inconsistent definitions relating to one member of the sentence: “Huge, beautiful world the life of our country and our peers is revealed in millions of books.”

– Incorrect choice of morphological form of the adverbial form: “I study my lessons on the table” (at the table).

Errors in one-part sentences:

1. The use of two-part structures in place of one-part ones.

2. Use of dee participial phrase in an impersonal sentence: “When I saw the dog, I felt sorry for it.”

Sentences with homogeneous members:

1.Usage different parts speeches in role homogeneous members sentences: “I like the room because it is bright, large, and clean.”

2. Inclusion in a series of homogeneous terms of words denoting heterogeneous concepts: “When it’s spring and a clear day, the sun illuminates my whole room.”

3. Incorrect use coordinating conjunctions to connect homogeneous members: “The boy was big-faced, but serious.”

4. Incorrect attachment of logically heterogeneous secondary members to one main member: “There are books in the closet, newspapers and glassware on the shelves.”

5. Errors in coordination homogeneous subjects with the predicate: “Anxiety and melancholy froze in her eyes.”

6. Violations in the area of ​​homogeneous predicates:

a) the use of different types of predicates as homogeneous: “The sea after the storm is calm, gentle and plays with the rays of the sun”;

b) violation of the uniform design of compound nominal predicates: the use of different case forms of the nominal part of homogeneous compound nominal predicates: “Their father was an experienced fisherman and a brave sailor”; adding an addition to homogeneous verbal predicates, which is controlled by only one of the predicates: “Everyone is really waiting and worried about the soldiers”; use of short and full forms adjectives and participles in the nominal part: “My room has recently been renovated: whitewashed and painted.”

7. Combining members and parts of different sentences as homogeneous ones: “Mushrooms and berries grow under the birch tree, snowdrops bloom in the spring.” “The children were waiting for their father and when his boat would appear.”

Sentences with introductory words and introductory constructions:

1. Wrong choice introductory word: “The girls peered intensely into the distance of the sea: a boat would probably appear on the horizon.”

2. Using an introductory word that leads to ambiguity: “According to the fishermen, there was a storm at night, but now it’s calm.”

3. Consumption introductory sentence as independent: “A book is a source of knowledge. As many say."

Offers with separate members:

1. Violation of word order in sentences with participial phrases.

– Separation of the participial phrase from the word being defined: “But again a misfortune happened to the tree: its low branches were cut off.”

– Inclusion of the defined word in the participial phrase: “Girls have their eyes fixed on the sea.”

2. Violation of the rules for constructing participial phrases.

– Construction of a participial phrase according to the model subordinate clause: “The painting shows a girl who has just gotten up.”

- Using a participial phrase instead of an adverbial phrase: “And every time we returned back, we sat down under a poplar tree and rested.”

3. Errors in sentences with isolated circumstances, expressed participial phrase: Resting in a chair, the painting “March” hangs in front of me.

Methods of transmitting direct speech. Direct and indirect speech:

3. Direct mixing indirect speech: Grandfather said that in childhood they had this law: on birthdays we gave only what we made with our own hands.”

4. Errors when introducing quotes: K. Paustovsky said that “A person who loves and knows how to read is a happy person.”

Complex sentences:

1. Violation of the logical-grammatical connection between the parts of a complex sentence: “My father did not forget this story for a long time, but he died.”

2. Use of a pronoun in the second part of a complex sentence, leading to ambiguity: “May hopes come true and they will return.”

3. Errors in using complex conjunctions:

a) connective - to connect parts of a complex sentence in the absence of adversative relations between them: “Yesterday there was a storm, and today everything was calm.”

b) adversatives - to connect parts of a complex sentence in the absence of adversative relations between them: “We have a birch tree growing in our yard, but buds are also swelling on it”;

c) double and repeated: “Either a bird has landed on the water, or the wreckage of a broken boat is floating on the sea”;

d) unjustified repetition of conjunctions: “And suddenly the girls saw a small black dot, and they had hope”;

e) unsuccessful choice of alliances: “Mitrasha was just over ten years old, but her sister was older.”

Complex sentences:

1. Inconsistency between the type of the subordinate clause and the meaning of the main one: “But they will still wait for their father, since the fishermen must be waited on the shore.”

2. Using composition and subordination to connect parts in a complex sentence: “If a person does not play sports, he ages quickly.”

3. Weightening of structures by “stringing” subordinate clauses: “The sail appeared in the sea as happy news that the fishermen were all right and that the girls would soon be able to hug their parents, who were delayed at sea because there was a strong storm.”

4. Omission of the required demonstrative word: “Mom always scolds me for throwing my things around.”

5. Unjustified use of a demonstrative word: “I have an assumption that the fishermen were delayed by the storm.”

6. Incorrect use of conjunctions and allied words when choosing them correctly:

a) the use of conjunctions and allied words in the middle of a subordinate clause: “There is a TV on the nightstand in the room, on which I watch entertainment programs after school”;

b) violation of agreement union word in a subordinate clause with a substituted or qualifying word in the main clause: “On two shelves - fiction, which I use when preparing for lessons.”

7. Use of the same type of subordinate clauses with sequential subordination: “Walking along the shore, I saw two girls sitting on an overturned boat, which was lying upside down on the shore.”

8. Using a subordinate clause as an independent clause: “The girls are worried about their relatives. That’s why they look so sadly into the distance.”

Non-union complex sentence:

1. Violation of the unity of designs of homogeneous units within the non-union complex sentence: “The painting shows: early morning, the sun is just rising.”

2. Decomposition of parts of a non-conjunctive complex sentence into independent sentences: “The girls are dressed simply. They are wearing summer cotton dresses. The eldest has a scarf on her head.”

3. Simultaneous use non-union and union connections: “The girls’ clothes are simple: the older ones with a scarf on their heads, in a blue skirt and gray blouse, the younger ones without a scarf, in a purple dress and a dark blue blouse.”

Complex sentence with various types connections:

1. Violation of the order of parts of the sentence: “The waves are still foaming, but they calm down near the shore; the closer to the horizon, the darker the sea; and therefore the girls have hope that their father will return.”

2. Using pronouns that create ambiguity: “We see that the girl's bed is not made, and she confirms that the girl just got up.”