Student circles. Scientific student circles




1.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with:

Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 (as amended on December 31, 2014) “On Education in Russian Federation»;

Federal Law No. 127-FZ of August 23, 1996 “On Science and State scientific and technical politics";

Charter of FSBEI HPE "Samara State University of Communications" (hereinafter referred to as the University) and other local acts.

1.2. This Regulation has been developed in order to define the concept, types and procedure for holding meetings of student scientific circles (hereinafter referred to as the SSC), regulating relations that arise between the participants of the SSC.

1.3. Student scientific circles are one of the forms scientific activity students of Samara state university means of communication and its branches (hereinafter referred to as the university), aimed at developing, supporting, stimulating and expanding scientific potential, developing the skill of research activities in their free time or specially provided time, uniting on a voluntary basis students (hereinafter referred to as students) involved in scientific research.

1.4. Activities in the SNK are expressed in attracting students to scientific activities, assistance in choosing scientific direction, holding scientific, problem meetings, hearing and discussing reports at them, in preparation for participation in scientific conferences, competitions and other scientific events.

1.5. SNK is created on a voluntary basis at the initiative of both teachers and students.

1.6. The name of the Council of People's Commissars and the head are approved by the order of the rector (director of the technical school) on the basis of the presentation of the head of the department (deputy director of the technical school responsible for student scientific work).

1.7. The activities of the Council of People's Commissars are: holding scientific and problematic meetings of the Council of People's Commissars (it is possible to hold them in the form of field meetings); preparation of students' scientific papers for participation in competitions of scientific papers and projects, olympiads, exhibitions; preparing students for participation in conferences, symposiums, round tables, seminars; development of scientific reports, messages and abstracts on topical issues within the framework of the research activities of the university, speaking with them at meetings of the Council of People's Commissars; preparation for publication of scientific articles, abstracts and other materials based on the results of scientific research of students; other areas of activity.


2.1. The main objectives of the work of the SNK are:

Increasing the level of theoretical and practical knowledge;

Activation of research work of students;

Development of skills for participation and management of innovative processes within the framework of the work of the scientific circle;

Skill building project activities in solving practical problems and problems;

Creation and development of favorable conditions for the formation of research competencies;

Providing an opportunity for every student to realize their right to creative development personality in accordance with his abilities and needs;

Selection of promising youth for the formation of a reserve scientific and pedagogical personnel within the framework of the scientific shift training system.

2.2. The main tasks of the SNK are:

Assistance in raising the level of scientific training of students;

Creation of conditions for the formation of creative scientific activity;

Quality improvement vocational training students;

Assistance to students in independent scientific research and organizational support of their scientific work;

Timely informing students about planned scientific conferences, competitions, exhibitions, etc. and the possibility of participating in them.

Student circles

Within the walls of the university, not only the program of the future professional life of the student was laid, but also his friendships, his worldview was born, the foundations of the moral position were formed. They warmly and excitedly recall this time of spiritual freedom and at the same time intense spiritual work of I.A. Goncharov: "The spirit of youth rose, it flourished under the rays of freedom that fell after school and home captivity. He performed the first conscious act of his will, came to the university himself: his parents do not send him, as in school. There are no school teaching methods, no lessons are given , no one controls his use of his hours, days, evenings and nights. Further steps follow more and more seriously and consciously, a "degree of maturity" is reached without any gymnasium diploma for it. Free choice of science, requiring a conscious look at one's attraction to one or another branch knowledge, and the definition of one's future vocation arising from this - all this captured not only the mind, but the whole young soul. The university opened wide gates not only to the scientific sphere, but to life itself. From the educational soil, he steps on the scientific. its horizon expands, the perspectives and parallels of the sciences and the whole endless distance of knowledge open before it, and with it the real, legitimate freedom - the freedom of science.

The mental life of the students was especially stormy in circles, where people with common interests and inclinations gathered, sympathizing and trusting each other. In general, the government and university authorities did not like any form of public organizations, which were born on the initiative of the students themselves, without organizational efforts from above, and in the 1830s, shortly after the Decembrist uprising, distrust grew into a serious fear, and a subscription was taken from students that they were not members of secret society. Therefore, any participation of students in circles was not encouraged, and students who were seen in craving for secret gatherings were disposed of at the first opportunity. This is evidenced by a number of cases at Moscow University, which are known from the memoirs of Herzen, Belinsky's friends and other students of that time. Indeed, circles, even non-political ones, were far from being so harmless from the point of view of a defensive strategy. Young people, establishing a different order of life in their small republic, their own rules of conduct, subsequently did not want to humbly and without objections fit into the existing social order, trying to adapt it to an organization convenient for themselves, and, consequently, carried into life the spirit of rebellion and nonconformism. Forms of friendly communication in the student circles of Stankevich and Herzen, different in ideology, prepared young people for a collision with life. In the laboratory environment of the youth circles of the 1830s, the characters of people were forged, capable of looking at everything critically, talking about everything directly, as they used to talk about themselves. “Friendship of the 1830s,” writes Herzen’s researcher L.Ya. Ginzburg, “difficult, demanding, in frankness knows no boundaries. It refined the skills of psychological analysis. self-disclosure". In addition, the members of the circles were not only fond of psychological analysis, but also looked for motives for actions in the social environment. It is not for nothing that these searches are developing, as it were, in parallel with the birth of realism in Russian art, which presupposed both the depth of psychological analysis and the application of the principle of social determinism to explain the motives of human actions. Another consequence of this interest will be the strengthening social issues in literature, art and, of course, in journalism.

Student circles maintained a high intensity of mental life not only through heated debates and mutual spiritual enrichment, but also through reading. All student circles of that time closely followed the novelties of foreign scientific and journalistic literature, since the domestic one was not rich. The source of novelties was not only books officially allowed for import into Russia or censored translations, but also literature secretly imported from abroad, which could be obtained in coffee houses and bookstores. Political emigrant, Decembrist N.I. Turgenev in his book "Russia and the Russians" wrote that in Moscow in bookstores they can supply new books, even those prohibited by censorship. - for French, third - for English editions.According to the memoirs of members of the Moscow circle of N. Stankevich, it is known how many hours they spent over the book and its subsequent discussion, what heated disputes flared up regarding its interpretation, a similar picture was in other student groups. memories testify that the circle of reading was a kind of password for the decency and independence of the way of thinking among the students. books read students determined: "ours" or "alien" in front of them. The interest generated by the disputes within the circle was broadcast to the rest of the student audience. After a while, the total amount of knowledge increased significantly, regardless of whether or not others agreed with the ideas that agitated young minds.

Thus, student circles were one of the ways of development, spiritual self-education of the youth of that time. In addition, the formed habit of communicating and discussing the pressing problems of inner life will later lead most of them to journalism as authors of critical and popular science articles, polemicists and reviewers.


Department of “Hotel and Tourism Management”

Volgograd state academy physical culture

1.General provisions

1. Student scientific circle (hereinafter referred to as SNK) is a form of student self-government, uniting on a voluntary basis students of 1-5 courses of the specialization "Management of the organization" of the VSAPC, actively participating in the scientific, organizational and research work, as well as professors, teachers and researchers of the department who manage this type of student activity.

1.2. The activities of the Council of People's Commissars are subordinated to the Council for NIRS and UIRS of the university.

1.3. The Council of People's Commissars in its activities is guided by the Charter of the All-Russian State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports, the Regulations on NIRS.

2.Goals and objectives of the Council of People's Commissars

2.1. The purpose of the SNC is to promote the work of the department and the university to improve the quality of training qualified personnel, identify and support talented youth, maintain scientific and technical potential and adapt the activities of organizing research and development work to the new economic conditions.

2.2. The tasks of the SNK are:

Attracting young people to science at the earliest stages of studying at a university and gaining a foothold in this area;

Formation of motivation for research work and promotion of student mastery scientific methods knowledge, in-depth and creative development educational material, propaganda among students of various forms of scientific creativity in accordance with the principle of unity of science and practice, development of interest in fundamental research as a basis for creating new knowledge;

Cultivating a creative attitude towards one's profession through
research activities;

Teaching students methods and means independent solution scientific and technical tasks;

Attracting the most gifted students to purposeful scientific and scientific-organizational work in various scientific teams, mastering high technologies;

Selection of promising young people for the formation of a reserve of scientific and pedagogical personnel within the framework of the system for preparing a scientific shift;

Organization and holding of scientific seminars, conferences, competitions of student scientific works, review-competitions of coursework, diploma, educational and research works.

3. Structure of SNK

3.1. The governing body of the SNK is the Assembly of the SNK, which includes members of the SNK.

3.2. The meeting of the Council of People's Commissars elects the head of the Council of People's Commissars from among the members of the Council of People's Commissars by a majority vote for a period of one academic year. Also, the meeting of the Council of People's Commissars may re-elect the head of the Council of People's Commissars ahead of schedule.

3.3. The head of the SNK is called upon to perform the following functions:

1. appoints a deputy, secretary and organizers of the scientific
student work (SSR) on courses from members of the SNK;

2. determines the date and place of the meeting of the Council of People's Commissars, at least 1
once a month;

3. presents and agrees on the topic of discussion for the next meeting of the Council of People's Commissars with members of the Council of People's Commissars, announces speakers from among the same
members of the Council of People’s Commissars barking to speak, determines with them the form of
conduct of the meeting and regulations;

4. monitors compliance with the rules of the meeting.

3.4. It is called upon to perform all the functions of the head of the Council of People's Commissars in his absence.
Deputy Head of the SNK.

The duties of the secretary of the SNK include:

Reception and accounting of written applications for membership in the Council of People's Commissars.

4.Organization of the work of the Council of People's Commissars

4.1. The work of the Council of People's Commissars is organized in accordance with the Charter of the VSAFC and these Regulations;

4.2. The activities of the SNK are supervised by the head of the SNK.

4.3. General management and coordination of the work of the Council of People's Commissars is carried out by the Vice-Rector for scientific work and head of the Department of Management.

4.4. The activities of the student scientific circle, taking into account the directions of the scientific work of the department, its specifics and traditions.

4.5. The scientific supervisor of the student circle draws up a plan for the work of the circle, selects an assistant from among the most actively engaged in scientific activities of students, organizes the work of the scientific

4.6. The forms of work of a student scientific circle can be the most
diverse and determined by the specific conditions and traditions of the organization of research work at the department;

4.7. The result of the activities of the student scientific circle at the department
is the provision of a report on their activities in it by students in the form of a message at a meeting of the circle.

5. Membership in the Council of People's Commissars, rights and obligations

5.1. Students of any course, who are active participants in the educational process, make presentations at student scientific conferences or participate in subject Olympiads, and professors, teachers, university staff, can be members of the Council of People's Commissars.

5.2. Members of the Council of People's Commissars have the following rights:

Engage in scientific circles on scientific problems of interest to them;

Use the necessary equipment in planned studies,
including laboratory facilities, computers, etc.;

Make presentations at student scientific conferences of the university, participate in competitions in the specialty, competitions for graduation, course projects, etc.;

Express your point of view and challenge others at meetings
SNK, make proposals regarding the activities of the SNK, and demand them

Students-members of the Council of People's Commissars have a preferential right to receive increased and nominal scholarships, to enroll in postgraduate studies of the university;

Scientific guidance of the SNK can be recorded in the individual plans of teachers (up to 50 hours)

5.3. Member Responsibilities:

Comply with this Regulation;

To assist the Council of People's Commissars in every possible way in carrying out their activities;

Attend meetings of the Council of People's Commissars, observe the established rules of law, the rules of the meeting.

6. Financial activity.

6.2. The formation of SNK funds is carried out at the expense of
both public and non-budgetary sources.

Student Chairman

scientific circle, art. teacher ___________ //

Department head

hotel and tourism management ___________ //

As part of the conduct and organization of scientific and educational work 2 scientific circles are organized and constantly operate with students: for students of the faculty continuing education and for law students.

The head of the scientific circle on criminal law for students of the faculty of continuing education is Gurin D.V.

The head of the scientific circle on criminal law for full-time students of the Faculty of Law is Prostoserdov M.A.

The goals of scientific student circles. Organization of research and information and analytical work of students outside of school hours, the formation of students' motivation for research work, instilling in students the skills of independent research activities, the activation of student forces Russian Academy justice for discussion topical issues in the field of criminal law and criminology, as well as promoting the work of the university to improve the quality of scientific-theoretical and scientific-practical training of specialists.

Tasks of scientific student circles. The work of scientific circles is aimed at the formation of potential leaders, experts, analysts, young scientists among the students, aimed at understanding by students the most complex and topical issues of criminal law and criminology. Student circles involve the development of a culture of discussion, the construction of the logic of speech, the improvement of practical skills oratory students, development of skills in working with legal acts, scientific literature. At the meetings of the club, students get acquainted with the changes in the criminal legislation of Russia and foreign countries, and also present their projects to change the Criminal Law, which additionally forms students' skills in the correct application of the rules of legal technique. Within the framework of the discussion club, students are prepared for participation in interuniversity, all-Russian, international scientific conferences, competitions, round tables in the disciplines of the criminological cycle.

Frequency of meetings of scientific student circles. Every year, at the first meeting of the circle, which is of an organizational nature, the students, together with the head of the club, determine the frequency of the club's work. However, the frequency of meetings cannot be less than once a month.

Membership in scientific student circles. Students of any course and faculty can become members of these circles on criminal law and criminology. The list of members is maintained by the head of the scientific circle. The participation of free listeners who are not participating in the discussions, but who are interested in the issues under discussion, is also welcome. Entrance to club meetings is free.

Meeting formats

  • - Round table
  • - Parliamentary and judicial debates
  • - Presentation and defense of the bill
  • - Video lecture hall
  • - slide presentation
  • - Speech by an invited expert

Organization of meetings

1. The meeting is held within the framework of a pre-selected topic. Topics are proposed by students and the head of the circle. The topic of the next meeting is chosen by a general vote of the circle members. The form of the meeting is determined and the roles of the participants are distributed.

2. Not later than 7 days before the meeting, the head of the circle posts an announcement in the Academy building about the topic, time and place of the club meeting. Responsibilities for providing a free audience, by order of multimedia equipment are assigned to the head of the circle.

3. Not later than 2 days before the meeting, the discussion participants present to the head of the circle rough plan his speech, presentation, report. The head of the circle conducts a review of the submitted texts, determines the degree of scientificity, novelty, relevance and presentability. Not later than 1 day before the meeting, the head of the circle offers his own version of making changes (additions, reductions, deletions) to the speeches, presentations, reports of the participants.

Rules for holding meetings

1. The rules of the meeting depend on the specific form of work of the club chosen by the participants. The regulations are discussed with all participants of the circle before the meeting. However, regardless of the form of the meeting, all participants observe general rules discussion club.

2. The moderator of the meetings is the head of the scientific circle.

3. You can not interrupt the participants during the performance.

4. One-time performance of each participant should not exceed 10 minutes.

5. Any listener who is not a member of the circle and present at its meeting has the right to ask questions, make comments.

6. Extremely not allowed high boost voices, insults and other unethical actions.

7. The time of the meeting should not exceed 4 hours.

8. Each of the participants in the scientific circle has the right to the last remark, the final speech at the end of the meeting.

Results of the meetings. Final decision, resolution, results of debates, conciliatory act, are recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the scientific circle. Current Solutions contemporary problems criminal law, bills, science articles, based on the results of additional review and determination of the degree of scientific novelty, can be presented by the head of the scientific circle to the Department of Criminal Law. Students actively participating in scientific work, demonstrating high level scientific and theoretical training, may be recommended by the head of the scientific circle for encouragement for success in scientific work.


about the student scientific circle

I. General provisions

1.1. The Student Scientific Circle (hereinafter referred to as SNK) is an association created on the initiative of students and representatives of the faculty of the Institute of Law and National Security (hereinafter referred to as the Institute), united to achieve the common goals specified in this regulation.

1.2. SNK is created in order to involve students in research work as an essential component of the system for training modern highly qualified specialists in the field of law, economics and other branches of knowledge.

II. Goals, objectives, forms of work of the Council of People's Commissars

2.1. The Council of People's Commissars is created at the department of the Institute and functions outside of school hours during school year. In agreement with the deputy director of the institute for scientific work, several SNKs can be created at the department. Scientific co-leadership of the SNK is allowed. Seminars, practical and other classes conducted as part of the educational process do not belong to the forms of conducting the SNK.

2.2. To account for the activities of the Council of People's Commissars, its documentation is required in the form of a written decision of the head of the department on the creation of the Council of People's Commissars indicating its subject matter, the annual work plan of the Council of People's Commissars approved by the scientific director of the Council of People's Commissars (Appendix No. 1), minutes of meetings of the Council of People's Commissars (Appendix No. 2), endorsed by the head of the department and approved the dean of the faculty of the annual report on the activities of the Council of People's Commissars (Appendix No. 3).

2.3. The forms of activity of the SNK are:

Preparation of student scientific reports, presentation with them at meetings of the Council of People's Commissars, scientific conferences and other scientific forums of various levels;

Preparation for publication of scientific articles (abstracts) of students in print media of various levels;

Preparation of students for participation in competitions of student research works, subject Olympiads, business games, scientific and educational projects, programs, internships, etc.

2.4. The indicators of the effective work of the SNK are:

Number of publications by SNK members (≥ 5);

Arithmetic mean number of publications per SNK member (≥ 1);

The number of scientific papers prepared by members of the Council of People's Commissars for participation in the annual scientific conferences "Speran Readings" and "Snesarevsky Readings", in other competitions and olympiads held by the IPiNB, its faculties and departments, the Scientific Student Society of the Institute and in other events of a scientific nature (conferences, competitions student research projects, subject Olympiads, business games, scientific and educational projects, programs, internships, etc.) at the international level (≥ 1);

The number of diplomas, certificates, other awards received by members of the Council of People's Commissars in "external" events of a scientific nature (≥ 2);

Number of publications about the work of the SNK in the media (optional criterion ≥ 1).

2.5. In the case of effective work of the Council of People's Commissars and proper (according to the established nomenclature of cases of the Council of People's Commissars - Appendix No. 4) documentation of its activities, confirming at least 10 meetings of the Council of People's Commissars held during the academic year, the scientific guidance of the Council of People's Commissars is taken into account in the teaching load according to the individual plan of the teacher. Payment for the teacher's work is carried out in accordance with the norms of hourly payment in force at the Institute.

2.6. Meetings of the Council of People's Commissars can be held in various organizational forms (dispute, report, case, etc.), but are usually devoted to teaching the members of the Council of People's Commissars the basics of the methodology of conducting scientific research, listening to reports and discussing the results of the scientific work of the members of the Council of People's Commissars, carried out since the last meeting, planning further scientific activities of the members of the Council of People's Commissars, preparing the participation of members of the Council of People's Commissars in scientific events of various levels, etc. At the end of the meeting, the minutes of the meeting of the Council of People's Commissars are drawn up.

III. SNK structure. Rights and obligations of members

and senior management of SNK

3.1. The SNC includes:

Scientific supervisor (leaders) of the Council of People's Commissars, who is an employee (employees) of the department under which the Council of People's Commissars was created;

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, who is a student member of the Council of People's Commissars elected to this position at a meeting of the Council of People's Commissars;

Members of the Council of People's Commissars, who are students who have expressed in a free form a desire to participate in research activities on the subject of the Council of People's Commissars.

3.2. The scientific supervisor of the SNK is obliged to:

Involve students in the activities of the Council of People's Commissars;

To carry out scientific management of the activities of the Council of People's Commissars and its members;

Inform the members of the SNK about scientific events in which students can participate and ensure their participation;

Organize and conduct meetings of the scientific Council of People's Commissars;

Maintain a nomenclature of affairs of the Council of People's Commissars at the department;

Control the maintenance of the minutes of the Council of People's Commissars, keep records of the list of publications of members of the Council of People's Commissars, the list of awards received by members of the Council of People's Commissars;

For the record scientific leadership The Council of People's Commissars in the training load to submit in the prescribed form a report on the activities of the Council of People's Commissars no later than May 31 of the corresponding year.

3.3. The scientific supervisor of the SNK has the right to:

Involve teachers of the department in the work of the Council of People's Commissars;

Participate in the leadership of the section of the scientific-practical conference of students and graduate students on the subject of SNK;

Represent the Council of People's Commissars in relations with the Institute and its structural divisions;

Receive material remuneration for the hours actually worked according to the approved work plan of the Council of People's Commissars;

Keep records and provide information to the dean and deputy director of the institute for scientific work on the hours actually worked according to the approved work plan of the Council of People's Commissars by teachers involved in the work of the Council of People's Commissars.

3.4. The Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars is obliged to:

Involve students in the members of the Council of People's Commissars;

Inform members of the Council of People's Commissars about events of a scientific nature in which students can participate, and organize their participation;

Organize meetings of the Council of People's Commissars;

Maintain SNK protocols.

3.5. The Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars has the right:

Receive information about scientific events in which students can participate;

Participate in the leadership of the section as a secretary of the scientific-practical conference of students and graduate students on the subject of SNK;

Represent the Council of People's Commissars in relations with the Student scientific society Institute and its structural subdivisions.

3.6. Members of the SNK are obliged:

Constantly attend meetings of the Council of People's Commissars (attendance level of at least 50%) and actively participate in its work.

3.7. Members of the Council of People's Commissars have the right to:

To take part in all events of a scientific nature held by the Council of People's Commissars and (or) the Student Scientific Society of the Institute;

Receive information about activities of a scientific nature in which they can participate;

Participate in the work of several SNKs, move from one SNK to another at will;

Under the direction of supervisor SNK prepare reports, speeches, other research work, speak with them at events of a scientific nature;

Publish the results of their scientific activities in the form of scientific articles (abstracts) in printed publications of various levels;

Send their representatives to the governing bodies of the NSO of the Institute according to the established quota.