Torsion fields in simple words. Torsion fields – the future reality of humanity? Practical application of knowledge about torsion fields

Cartan first spoke about torsion fields in 1913 year, in France, his report was based on the theory of rotation, where electrons rotate around the nucleus, and the nucleus itself rotates around its axis. Subsequently, the theory was studied by the Japanese scientist Uchiyama, who came to the conclusion that each of them should have its own field: mass - gravitational, charge – , and back – torsion bar. Distinctive feature torsion fields is axial symmetry, which extends in the form of two cosines from the sources.

They were classified according to strength, range, and versatility; for each of the fields, the primary source is the physical vacuum. Some scientists considered torsion fields to be the fifth state of matter, from which a vacuum arises, and then elementary particles and atoms are born.

Shipov and Akimov - Hypothesis of torsion fields 1

Properties of torsion fields

One of the main properties of torsion fields is the ability to regenerate, as well as to arise during distortion of the structure of a physical vacuum. Let us assume that a curved body is placed into the linearly stratified structure of any physical vacuum, a reaction will immediately occur and a certain spin structure will form around the body, which will subsequently become a torsion field.

For example, during a conversation, air particles become denser and create a torsion field around which there are torsion fields. This suggests that any spoken word, drawn line, or even sound can disrupt the homogeneity of space and create an effect, in other words, a torsion field around itself. The first torsion generators were Egyptian pyramids, as well as some temple domes and spiers.

The most important property of any torsion field is the ability to form many microvortices of space, so each molecule has own moment rotation, which forces the substance to constantly be in a torsion field. In addition, there are statistical and wave torsion fields that set the vacuum in motion.

As a rule, torsion fields arise due to a violation of the geometry of space, and unlike electromagnetic fields, the charges of which repel, torsion fields are always of the same sign, and are attracted accordingly. IN in this case like attracts like, and the physical vacuum in which the charges are located behaves completely stable in relation to torsion waves.

Generated by classical spin, when an object is acted upon, only its spin state changes. Torsion waves propagate faster speed light and can pass through natural environments with protection.

Human hands generate spin - torsion - axion fields

  • Components of any electrical magnetic field are torsion waves, so electronic and radio devices can improve or worsen a person’s well-being. In addition, all torsion fields have memory and repeat it in a circle; after some time, the physical vacuum is stable and retains the spin structure even after the torsion field is removed. Such a phenomenon is called a phantom, and can be formed by both people and objects;
  • By influencing the substance, spin polarization occurs, which persists for a long time after the external field is removed. Therefore, the torsion memory effect allows you to record information on any substance, salt, sugar, water;
  • Torsion fields are capable of transmitting information and also become multi-layered. The main source of torsion fields are thoughts that are visualized both in the past and in the future; in a word, torsion fields are the beginning of all beginnings, and the basis of the universe.

Akimov A.E. Torsion fields. Bulgaria. 2006

Practical application of knowledge about torsion fields

Currently, scientists are working on the effectiveness of the acquired knowledge and are looking for opportunities to apply it in the social and military sphere. Torsion technologies already cover today social sphere and almost all sectors of the national economy. Torsion technologies are used in the field of transport, energy, communications, geophysics, geology, ecology in chemical production, waste disposal and nuclear production, in agriculture and certainly in medicine.

In the last decade, more than one hundred and fifty organizations have had the opportunity to independently verify the possibilities of implementing all areas, after which some of the technologies were introduced into production and brought to the commercial level. Most technologies have experimental confirmation of their effectiveness and practical implementation.

By and large, torsion technologies make it possible to look beyond the boundaries of the possible, to read information about a person’s fate from a photograph; such skills are predominantly possessed by clairvoyants and psychics.

In the near future, the NGO plans to launch space flying saucer operating without fuel using the newest principle movements. The ability to draw energy from space allows you to forget forever about the lack of resources and receive an unlimited amount of energy.

Currently, it is planned to develop technology for the disposal of waste from nuclear production, as well as technologies for cleaning areas from radioactive contamination. Every day the technological application of torsion fields is being improved, and the theory of physical vacuum is looking for its application in practice.

According to the assumption of esotericists, Russia will remain a monopolist in the industry of torsion technologies for a long time, and it will be Russia that will become the guide to the New Epoch and the birth of a new race.

Anatoly AKIMOV. Interview No. 1

Man and torsion fields

The main idea in the theory of torsion fields is the ability of spin effects to explain problems of consciousness and thinking, which represent the overall picture of ideas about the world. A torsion field is formed around a person, which explains many events in life. Everyone is familiar with the situation of déjà vu, when you are sure that certain events have already happened, in most cases this is explained by the ability of the torsion field to foresee situations and provide information at a certain time.

Quite often, torsion fields play fateful roles, for example, for a long time, being depressed emotional state, the torsion field begins to work as usual, so the more clouded you are and have a negative attitude towards life, the more often you will find confirmation of your words.

More about torsion fields. Akimov A. E.

Thus, having minimal knowledge in the field of chemistry, esoteric physics, you can use knowledge of how torsion fields work. After all, having learned to work with your thoughts and attitudes, you will be able to create your life, in the full sense of the word.

It is not for nothing that scientists say that thoughts are material, because sooner or later all your thoughts turn out to be reality, and what kind of reality it will be depends on you. Dream, engage in self-development and meditation, this will allow you to gain spiritual harmony and balance after some time. And the main thing to remember is that any theory is just a theory until you begin to implement it in life; torsion fields will do the rest for you.

Torsion fields are carriers and distributors of a field form of life, which is formed by various types of information before the material form of life.

Torsion fields are not directly related to matter and are independent of it.

Torsion fields are not formed due to axial rotation.

Most likely, torsion fields, being in constant motion, which is associated with the transfer of information, generate axial rotation of particles. And this axial rotation is not associated with matter.

Although torsion fields carry three types of information, they themselves do not correlate with them. Torsion fields are divided into two types - torsion fields that carry only one information, and fields that carry information along with energy.

Scientists called torsion fields that carry information in its pure form primary, and fields that carry information along with energy - secondary.

The physical vacuum is considered by scientists as a matrix of possible matter of various natures. Particles can spontaneously appear in it and disappear again.

Thus, the first level of torsion fields begins with absolute emptiness (Absolute Nothing), which can be in both an ordered and disordered state.

The transition to an ordered state is associated with consciousness and psychic energy.

Primary torsion fields

Primary torsion fields act as primary non-energy excitations of absolute vacuum. They can be ordered or unordered.

The ordered state of the primary torsion field can be represented in the form of straight twisted threads that are not curved.

At this level, the torsion field represents elementary vortices that do not transfer energy, but carry information.

The ordered primary torsion field forms a soliton, which has superconsciousness and limitless activity.

This primary torsion field does not divide the vacuum into time and space, that is, it does not form a space-time continuum. Because he does not need the process of awareness.

This means that the ordered primary torsion field has the qualities that religion attributes to God.

Superconsciousness is part of the Divine presence, and God does not create matter, but plans and plans - solitons.

And these solitons - plans and plans - create human souls and the souls of other living beings.

Entire worlds and realities can be formed from such fields, just as our reality is formed from secondary material or rather “physical” torsion fields.

All this is in accordance with the existing theory of the multidimensional structure of the Universe, in which the existence of worlds built on pure information is quite possible.

In this case, the radiation of primary torsion fields has a high penetrating ability. The energy and momentum of such fields are zero, so there is no point in talking about the speed of their propagation - they are present everywhere and always.

The ordered primary torsion field forms vortices of right and left torsion, which determines the binary coding of information.

This presence of a binary code allows you to record any information, and the interaction between elementary vortices allows you to transfer this information.

Characteristic properties of primary torsion fields:

The ability to store and transfer information without energy consumption;

Instant information transfer speed;

Unlike electromagnetism, structures with the same direction attract, and those with the opposite direction repel;

The ability of information to spread both into the future and into the past.

This means that time travel becomes possible already at the level of primary torsion fields.

It is obvious that all space-time phenomena are directly related to torsion fields, including individual cases of people “falling through,” both into the past and into the future.

However, “punctures” of space-time are quite possible under the influence of electromagnetic and gravitational fields, which can change the course of time.

Yet the original connection between time, gravity and electromagnetism occurs through torsion fields.

Perhaps, thanks to the property of the primary torsion field to instantly transfer information without transferring energy, many parapsychological phenomena can be explained.

The disordered state of the primary torsion field can most likely be called a vacuum or ether, in which there is no conscious information and the process of awareness. Although information may be present in it, it is not in an orderly, unconscious state.

Secondary torsion fields

Primary torsion fields, forming solitons (souls), when interacting with the ether, generate secondary torsion fields.

As a result, a process of awareness arises in the vacuum or ether, creating thought forms and psychic energy, which contributes to the birth of life in material forms.

This means that any matter has consciousness, and the higher the degree of interaction of matter with the soliton - the soul, the higher its consciousness.

Secondary torsion fields create biological torsion fields.

The most important properties of secondary torsion fields (radiations), in addition to those endowed with primary fields, are:

When a torsion field acts on an object, only its spin state will change. For example, when photographing any objects, the own torsion fields of these objects falling on the photographic emulsion along with the electromagnetic (light) flux change the orientation of the spins of the emulsion atoms in such a way that the spins of the emulsion repeat the spatial structure of this external torsion field. As a result, in any photograph other than visible image there is always an invisible torsion image;

There are two types of vacuum spin polarization - longitudinal and transverse. In a state of longitudinal spin polarization, the vacuum manifests itself as a gravitational field (G-field). If the vacuum is in a state of transverse spin polarization, then it manifests itself as a spin field;

The ability to pass through physical media without interacting with those media, i.e. no loss;

The group speed of torsion waves is no less than 109 C km/s - greater than the speed of light. The high group velocity of torsion waves eliminates the problem of signal delay even within the Galaxy;

Since everything known substances have a non-zero collective spin, then all substances have their own torsion field. The spatial-frequency structure of the own torsion field of any substance is determined by the chemical composition and spatial structure of molecules or crystal lattice of this substance. A large amount of homogeneous substance will create a collective (for a given substance) torsion field. Locally concentrated homogeneous matter located at an arbitrary depth of the Planet will create the same characteristic torsion field outside the planet as if this matter were on the surface of the planet. Therefore, by registering the spatial-frequency structure of the torsion fields of the Planets, it is possible to obtain important information about their internal structure;

Torsion fields have memory. A torsion source with a certain spatial-frequency structure of the torsion field polarizes the physical vacuum according to the classical spin in a certain space surrounding it. In this case, the resulting spatial spin structure is preserved after the specified torsion source moves to another region of space.

Biological torsion fields have lower field frequencies electromagnetic vibrations and a lower value of the angular velocity of the vortex W than the primary torsion fields. In all other respects, these fields are identical, but due to the huge difference in frequencies, their action differs qualitatively.

Biological torsion fields have one more fundamental difference compared to primary torsion fields - they can have either a right-handed or left-handed twist of the vortex. While primary torsion fields, with the exception of one structural formation - the positron, always have one vortex twist - right.

Man-made or tertiary torsion fields

These torsion fields are formed as a result of the vital activity of various types of living beings created by biological (secondary) torsion fields.

For example, when a person built a house for life, made furniture, plowed the ground, then all these actions and creations automatically generate torsion fields. Even when a person breathes and speaks, this generates torsion fields.

The difference between these fields and the primary and secondary fields is that they do not have a soul. Therefore, when a person does something with love, they say that he has put part of his soul into it.

In addition to love, a person can put into his creation some idea, a plan, which will create a tertiary torsion field of a certain direction. If the plan and idea are positive, then the torsion field has a right twist of the field, and if the plan and idea are negative, then the torsion field has a left twist of the field.

Tertiary or man-made torsion fields are further divided into static and variable.

Static torsion fields arise when objects rotate with constant angular momentum, and their description is associated with torsion additions to the potential interaction energy.

Static torsion fields are also created by the geometry of the object.

For example, if you place a body in a vacuum, a certain torsion field appears around it.

For example, when a person speaks, air compactions arise, they create heterogeneity, a sound wave, and as a result, torsion fields appear.

Any structure built on Earth, any line drawn on paper, a written word or even a letter - not to mention a book - violates the homogeneity of space, which generates a static torsion field (form effect).

The effect of shapes was known to people in ancient times and was used, for example, in the construction of the pyramids of Egypt, as well as to preserve mummies by placing them at points of greatest concentration of the torsion field.

Research has shown that right and left torsion fields have different effects on biological torsion fields.

For example, left torsion fields slow down the flow of biological processes, right - accelerate.

Therefore, architectural forms in which right or left torsion fields are used have different effects on the human psyche.

In rooms with flat ceilings a person feels depressed.

If the ceiling has a spherical shape, then a person has a feeling of lightness and freedom, and the efficiency of the intellect increases.

As a result scientific research A special technique was developed that allows one to determine the intensity and direction (left or right) of the torsion field of a figure.

The figure shows the results of measurements of static torsion fields of some flat geometric figures, obtained using a Shkatov torsimeter.

Figures 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 And 11 create right torsion fields, and 1, 2, 3, 4 - left.

Results of measuring torsion contrast (TC) of flat geometric figures:

1 - equilateral triangle,
2 - reverse swastika,
3 - five-pointed star,
4 - square,
5 - square with loops,
6 - a rectangle with a golden aspect ratio (aspect ratio equal to D=1.618),
7 - cross with a golden ratio,
8 - six-pointed star,
9 - a cross with fractals (i.e. with parts similar to the whole),
10 - straight swastika,
11 - circles.

Values ​​of torsion contrast of letters of the Russian alphabet measured using a Shkatov torsimeter.

The figure shows measurements of torsion fields created by letters of the Russian alphabet. From these data it is clear that the letters WITH And ABOUT, most similar to a circle, create maximum right torsion contrast, and the letters A And F- maximum left.

Torsion contrast words equal to the sum TK of letters that make it up.

Also, the torsion field of a word is equal to the sum of the torsion fields of its constituent letters with an accuracy of 10-20%.

For example, using the data presented in the figure, you can calculate that the TC words Christ equals +19.

Effects of enhancing torsion energy using geometric shape were and are still used, for example, in architecture these are church domes, Egyptian pyramids, honeycomb construction.

For example, several rows of honeycombs located above a person’s head relieve headaches, expand the nasal passages, and raise blood pressure.

Designs having sharp corners, distort the surrounding space and time. For this reason, for example, folk superstitions reflect the knowledge that one should not sit opposite the corner of the table.

The same rule applies to any corners (especially sharp ones) inside and outside buildings and structures, which is reflected in the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui.

The source of the static torsion field is also permanent magnets, in which not only the unidirectional magnetic moments of individual atoms are summed up, but also their torsion fields.

For example, a strong static torsion field of a permanent magnet arises due to the spin (magnetic) ordering inside it. Therefore, any magnet has a strong static torsion field.

Strong static torsion fields can lead to the effect of magnetizing the object on which they act. Perhaps this is why the healing properties of magnets on the human body are associated with torsion fields of right rotation.

Source variable torsion field There may be variable magnets.

An example is the plasma processes taking place on stars, which are accompanied by powerful alternating magnetic fields.

An alternating torsion field occurs when, under the influence of an alternating magnetic field, the spins of a large number of plasma particles are reoriented.

(Interview with A.E. Akimov, magazine "Peasant", No. 3, 1995)

Physicists are taming the “third force”

Medical scientists from St. Petersburg brought a mysterious videotape from an international scientific symposium. What they saw on the screen did not fit into the concepts of the brain known to science. The human head was photographed using the latest electronic tomography technology. The hero of the video is calm and motionless. An incomprehensible life is boiling inside his skull: luminous waves pulsate with the frequency of his heartbeat. They penetrate the bones like a breeze through a tulle curtain, and shade the space around the head.

The physician must know that the substance of the brain is “rigidly” fixed in the cranium and cannot pulsate under any circumstances; no vibrations were observed in the bone tissue. And even more so around the head. The luminous waves will certainly be of interest to physicists, the doctors decided and invited to watch a video of the head of the Interindustry Scientific and Technical Center for Venture Non-traditional Technologies, Academician Anatoly Evgenievich Akimov.

After watching the video (it happened last fall), Anatoly Evgenievich Akimov, according to him, experienced the happiest moments in the last ten years. What he saw on the monitor, without a doubt, was another confirmation of the theory and experiments that the scientific and technical center he led has been engaged in for 15 years. The physicist explained to doctors that the luminous waves are nothing more than a biofield, which the latest electronic equipment has made visible not only to psychics, but to everyone. For you and me, this is not surprising. We have known for a long time from the press that there is a biofield, but doctors still have doubts about this. Give them visible facts, a scientific experiment. Akimov immediately offered doctors a way to accurately determine the nature of the luminous waves shown on the videotape. The experiment, or rather its result, can produce a complete revolution in traditional medicine, in its understanding of man. Physicists have known for 15 years that not only a person has a biofield, but also a stool, an umbrella, every letter and comma. Where it comes from and what it is - all this Anatoly Evgenievich Akimov kindly agreed to explain as popularly as possible.

Anatoly Evgenievich, one modern scientist stated that there are more physical phenomena in man than biological and chemical ones taken together, that only at the level of the atoms of which we are made can one understand what thought is, what motivates kind person and pushes the evil one. What do you think?

In 1913, the French scientist Elie Cartan, who has great authority in scientific fields, suggested that the world is controlled not only by the forces of gravity and electromagnetism, but also by a certain “third force,” and thus opened the door to an unexplored world. Further research was already promoted in the 60s thanks to psychics; by that time, so much evidence of their phenomenal abilities had accumulated that it simply became indecent not to notice it. Psychics became bolder and began asking scientists “uncomfortable” questions. For example, how is it that we can read minds from a distance? Among the physicists there were kind ones, patient people, who popularly explained to a strange person that science says: we have hardly enough electricity reserves to transmit a weak radio signal from the bedroom to the kitchen about readiness for breakfast. Stubborn psychics continued to claim that they communicated with a friend from Vladivostok without the help of a telephone. As a rule, a condescending and tired smile settled on the faces of physicists, and the person asking about telepathy retreated in shame. What to do, and in the scientific world conservatism is strong, so serious conversation about the “third force” begins only now.

We know partly from school textbooks that gravitational forces are generated by masses, electromagnetic forces by charged particles - electrons. What motivates the “third force”?

It acts where rotation is present, that is, everywhere. Electrons revolve around the nucleus of an atom, the nucleus rotates around its axis, and planets revolve around the Sun. Having become convinced of the existence of a “third force”, physicists gave it a name - a torsion field. Its presence was proven using formulas. Psychics helped to understand how the new force works, who, at the whim of nature, became a source of quite powerful torsion radiation (in common parlance, a biofield). Physicists did not like to depend on psychics, their mood and character traits. The torsion fields of trees, chairs and telephones are quite weak. We called them “background”. Studying such fields is like studying the strength of electric current, using electrical discharges that occur between your palm and a cat's fur for experiments. And we invented artificial (not natural) sources of torsion field.

Anatoly Evgenievich, on your table there is an Akimov generator - a source of torsion radiation. It was recently filmed by Japanese television. The curious Japanese were intrigued: torsion radiation, like radio waves, is invisible. But psychics claim that they see biofields.

Now there is no doubt about it. I had the following experience: I configured the device so that it would emit several torsion beams, differently directed. Psychic Natasha Kremneva - an engineer from the famous "Podlipki" (space design bureau Korolev) - took a pencil and accurately drew all the rays, the direction of which was known to me. Science does not yet understand how the psychic’s brain perceives what is invisible to most. This remains to be determined by medicine.

We continued experiments with an artificial source of torsion field. In order to understand how the torsion signal propagates, we turned to the most influential and well-funded organizations at that time - the Ministry of Defense and the KGB. On the military side, technical specialists from the Main Directorate of Space Facilities took part in the experiment; on the KGB side, the most talented engineers from the Government Communications Department took part. With their help, we found a technical solution to our problems - after all, torsion wave transmitters are completely different from the radio wave transmitters we know, and torsion signal receivers have nothing in common with radio receivers. High-class engineers of the two monsters helped in the creation of torsion equipment. In 1986, for the first time in Moscow, information was transmitted using the torsion method. It turned out that in this way it is possible to transmit everything that radio waves still transmit - sound, image. It turned out that the “flight” speed of the torsion signal is billions of times higher than the speed of light. For comparison: a radio signal reaches the Moon in 10 minutes, a torsion signal - instantly.

Anatoly Evgenievich, in order for us to use the power of electric current, scientists around the world have made hundreds of inventions - from a light bulb to an electric train. And so Russia became the birthplace of the inventors of the first torsion bar technology. You called it the technology of the third millennium. Why?

We've come quite a long way in our development since 1986. Ten years of research by theoretical physicists, engineers from our center, scientists from the Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics of St. Petersburg, Tomsk University and 120 more scientific institutes Russia spent a lot of time trying to figure out the main question: what is cheaper and more efficient - radio wave transmitters, electric motors or torsion wave transmitters and torsion engines. Now it is clear to us that everything with torsion bars is millions and trillions of times more effective, more economical, and more reliable than what we use now. We were also convinced that the use of new force is possible wherever electricity now “works”. Now we can quite accurately imagine how people will talk on a torsion bar telephone in the 21st century, what they will use to fry eggs, and why the terrible words “gasoline price” will forever lose their edge. The fact is that when scientists and engineers invent torsion technology and it replaces the one we use today, the world will change. The dream of the “greens” will come true: the land will no longer be damaged by quarries and oil wells. A torsion engine does not require fuel. Its “heart” will be a part that rotates in a certain way.

So, each of us (like any matter consisting of rotating atoms) can be considered a source of torsion radiation, in the usual sense - a biofield. I wonder how human radiation interacts with each other?

In science there is a model of the brain that explains its work (thoughts, ideas, illness and health) by a certain orientation of rotating atoms. Their orientation can be changed in two ways: by the influence of the internal life of the body and by influence from the outside. So, it turned out that the torsion field of a psychic can change the orientation of rotation of the atoms of the brain of any person. The subject, under the influence of the psychic’s biofield, without feeling anything, recovers or falls ill. Moreover, he may have new thoughts and images. Here is an explanation for the transmission of thoughts at a distance. You and I already know that torsion signals are transmitted instantly, which means that communication between a psychic and a friend who may be located not only on the other side of the Earth, but also in another galaxy is quite possible. This does not require heavy-duty broadcasting installations - any torsion signal is transmitted almost instantly.

In the ancient Indian philosophical Vedas of two thousand years ago we read: “When you are angry, you attract currents of evil from the ether. Even after you have calmed down, the storm in the atmosphere around you will rage for at least another two days,” or: “Be the force that absorbs the waves of irritation of those you meet and extinguishes them, like earth fire.” Agree that it is written as if the sages had an idea about torsion fields and waves.

And in ancient times there were psychics who saw human torsion fields. Now we understand that when they wrote “fire” and “light,” they attached a completely different meaning to these words. The fact is that torsion radiation, like electromagnetic radiation (light), has different frequencies, which are perceived by people as different colors (rainbow). The human torsion field is very diverse in frequency, which means that psychics see it in color. Moreover, by the color and its intensity they judge which organ in a person is not in order. The ancients were wrong about only one thing. Human torsion fields can be this or that not for two days, but for any number of years. They can generally exist separately from us. We discovered this using instruments.

So this means that the shadow of his father could appear to the Prince of Denmark?

Well, why only Hamlet's father? For example, you finish the conversation, leave, and your shadow (“phantom”, as scientists say) will calmly remain in my office. Unclear? I'll explain in more detail. We have already found out that torsion fields have much in common with magnetism. In the 7th grade, when studying magnets, they conduct the following experiment: metal filings are poured onto a sheet of paper, a magnet is brought from below, and the sawdust is aligned along the magnetic field lines. We remove the magnet, and the sawdust continues to represent its field. Something similar happens with the torsion field. Only it “builds” not the sawdust, but the space in which it is located. It is important to understand what kind of space it is. The ancient Hindus called it "pralaya", Newton - ether, modern science- Physical Vacuum. This is what remains when, say, all the air is pumped out of a light bulb and every last one is removed. elementary particle. It turns out that what remains there is not emptiness, but a kind of matter. Recently it became known that it is the Physical Vacuum that is the progenitor of everything in the Universe; atoms and molecules are born from it. And it is no coincidence that we write these words with a capital letter. They are equivalent to the concept of God or the Absolute. So, the torsion field violates (physicists say: “polarizes”) the internal strict order Physical Vacuum like a sawdust magnet. And when we remove the source of the torsion field, its exact picture, imprint, shadow, whatever you want to call it, remains in space. This shadow - the imprint of the torsion field - is recorded by our devices.

It turns out that we live in the kingdom of shadows (phantoms). It is difficult to imagine how many imprints of human torsion fields are located, say, not far from the Moscow Kremlin.

All this is true, only torsion fields can maintain their spatial structure until other torsion fields disturb them. It happens that a psychic introduces a program of self-stabilization and stability into the structure of the torsion field. Then such a field is indestructible. And your shadow will occupy this chair until someone comes and sits on it. It will turn out as if a slide was superimposed on a slide, everything will be blurry. One can more likely assume that somewhere in a secluded corner of Mikhailovsky or Trigorsky, where numerous pilgrims do not penetrate, an exact copy of Pushkin’s torsion field has been preserved, and in Yasnaya Polyana lives the undisturbed shadow of Tolstoy.

You mentioned a device that records the so-called “biofield”. Please tell us more about it.

The first such device was known more than two thousand years ago to the ancient Chinese and Indians. This is the frame of a dowsing specialist. Many people know that any rigid wire bent at a right angle begins to turn in your hands. A ring suspended on a thread begins to rotate in our hands - this is where torsion fields manifest themselves. Since ancient times, with the help of frames and wicker flyers, they determined where to build a house and where to place a bed. The fact is that the earth is also a source of torsion radiation, which can be positive and negative (and in scientific terminology - right and left). The alternation of plus and minus in the torsion field of the earth occurs in a strictly defined sequence. Scientists have discovered a so-called “grid”, where the positive field occupies a square of one and a half meters earth's surface, negative - a longitudinal strip of 40 cm. When we walk, we find ourselves thousands of times in one field or another, and in the positive one more and more often. But when we sleep or sit at the table, we don’t have a choice: we can be exposed to a harmful negative field for a long time. It disrupts the structure of cells, and the person begins to complain of feeling unwell. The negative (left) margin is where the frame in your hands turns to the left. There are also people with a negative torsion field (for the most part we are all positive). He may be a decent person, but it will be bad for us with him, and for him with us. Scientists who study torsion fields have found that they act completely opposite than electromagnetic ones: like torsion charges attract, and opposite ones repel. But if you find that your bed is on the negative field line, don't despair. In our Interdisciplinary Scientific and Technical Center, a material has been found from which it will be possible to make a rug, put it under the bed, and it will act as a torsion field reflector. We have already found a contractor for the project, and I hope that soon such rugs will be sold in kiosks along with Snickers and detective stories.

This means that a scientific discovery is translated into what is said to be a commercial product. Meanwhile, the physicists' thoughts move on. And we certainly have something to be surprised by.

Yes, the torsion field presents its researchers with a lot of surprises. Recently a discovery was made: a torsion field can arise on its own and without any rotation. Physicists already know when this happens. Any geometric figure violates (“polarizes”) the strict order of the Physical Vacuum, and a torsion field immediately forms next to it. Curious people have long tried to understand why there is a feeling of lightness and beauty next to one building, but unpleasant to be next to another. They called this the "shape effect." So, this effect is the action of torsion fields with which the Physical Vacuum reacts to the beauty of architecture. It is known that near the Cheops pyramids two torsion radiations are formed, positive (right) at the top and negative (left) at the foot. If you draw a pyramid on paper, the same picture will appear: at the top there will be a (of course, very weak) field with a plus sign in the corner opening, at the bottom - with a minus sign. So we came to the conclusion that any letter or comma in its own way violates the space of the Physical Vacuum, to which it immediately reacts with a torsion field. It follows from this that any book or article is millions of rainbows (physicists say “spectra”) of bizarre torsion fields. They undoubtedly interact with our field, the reader's field. So reading books, articles and poems is not as simple a process as it seems.

Well, let's hope that we will soon learn more about this, if only because more than a hundred scientists in the world are now working on torsion fields. And half of them live in Russia. You said that your center’s programs are supported by the Academy natural sciences Russia, the Ministry of Science, that you have close ties with scientists in various fields of knowledge, including doctors. Do you think that physicists’ experiments will change scientists’ ideas about human nature?

In order to be absolutely sure that the video, where luminous waves pulsated in the skull and around it, makes the torsion field visible, you need to do one simple thing: place between the person and the electronic equipment that so successfully records the radiation, transparent but impenetrable for torsion waves screen. We know how and what to make it from. Remember when I talked about rugs that you can put under your bed and sleep peacefully in a geopathogenic zone? Our screen will be made similar to such a rug. If, having placed the screen, we do not see anything on the monitor, that is, the biofield cannot pass through our barrier, the conclusion is clear: the technology records precisely torsion radiation and makes it visible. I can promise the readers of The Peasant Woman that they will learn about the results of the experiment.

The history of the development of man and society is the history of the development of science and human consciousness. Research in recent years has shown that everything living and nonliving contains a torsion component that carries information about the processes occurring in them. Torsion fields have a high penetrating ability and cannot be shielded, but their impact on the user is fraught with danger...

Many people know that any rigid wire, bent at a right angle, begins to turn in the hands of a dowsing master, and a ring suspended on a thread in our hands also begins to rotate - these are forces called torsion fields that manifest themselves through the influence on the subconscious of the dowsing master. With the help of a frame, vine flyers have since ancient times determined where to build a home, where water or minerals are located, and were widely used in fortune telling or fortune telling. According to one version, these devices predetermined the concept of a “magic wand” in the past.

Modern science, as we know, does not stand still. New data is constantly appearing, leading to its development and improvement, and underestimation at this stage of this information can eventually lead to serious consequences and the need to make up for lost time and opportunities at a galloping pace. The shortcomings of modern theories and hypotheses about the structure of the world have led to the emergence of new visions of the existing problem. Yes, indeed, many hypotheses do not stand the test of time and are forgotten. Others, on the contrary, acquire new breath and relevance over time.

Background of the issue

Since ancient times, people have noticed that with the help of a simple device it is possible to predict events, find water and minerals. This question It has ancient history, but with scientific confirmation, in the modern sense of the word, that is, the instrumental (instrumental) method of confirmation, there is a problem. Thus, from the depths of centuries, pendulums made of clay and stone and dating back to the 7th millennium BC have reached us. These pendulums were in use by the people of the Trypillian culture on the territory of Ukraine and were used to obtain certain information, find minerals and water. Chinese engravings dating back over four thousand years show a man with a vine searching for water. Of course, now we can talk about the unscientific nature of these search methods, but the fact remains, and no one denies this - many sources of water, as well as promising silver mines in the Czech Republic and Germany, were found precisely in this way. This is evidenced by engravings and chronicles of the 17th century that have survived to this day, depicting a search engine with a Y-shaped vine, this unique and rather simple device.

Thousands of years ago, treatises were written on the structure of the atom and the structure of the Universe, on the multidimensionality of the Universe and the origin of man. Centuries pass, and we have to remember what our ancestors knew well and successfully used. Many great scientists and political figures of the past who left their significant trace in science and public life, were not ordinary people. They also possessed amazing paranormal abilities: clairvoyance, telepathy..., and in our country there are generally a number of terms to designate these human abilities that have ancient roots: “characterniki”, “baidas”, “lozari”. National history includes such people as hetmans Pyotr Konashevich-Sagaidachny, Semyon Arsonist, Pyotr Orlik, Koshevoy ataman Ivan Sirko, and leader of the oprishki Karmelyuk. And this is not surprising. They had special innate abilities and selected sensitivity and skillfully used their abilities to foresee the consequences of certain events, diagnose and treat various diseases, thanks to which they enjoyed honor and respect among their compatriots.

The Zaporozhye Cossacks were generally spoken of as people who could perform miracles and predict fate. In the Zaporozhye army there was a hut - kurin (military unit), where exactly such Cossacks lived; they were also called “baids”.

The main task of the canoes in preparation for and during combat operations was to suppress combat effectiveness and have a negative impact on the enemy, while at the same time they had to influence their troops with positive side and in every possible way mentally contribute to the successful conduct of hostilities. The Baydycharacterists tried in every possible way to detain the enemy for as long as possible in previously identified so-called “unfavorable”, from their point of view, places (as they now say, in places of pathogenic radiation). This was supposed to cause the enemy an unreasonable feeling of fear, panic, making erroneous decisions by the command and, as a result, predetermined defeat. Based on specific circumstances, the canoes-characterniks found more suitable locations for their troops. During the battle itself, as a rule, they did not take part, but were concentrated on negatively influencing the enemy, which is most likely why the expression “beat the canoes” appeared, that is, do nothing.

The word "baida" itself probably originates from the name of the famous historical figure, founder Zaporozhye Sich Prince Baida Vishnevetsky, who was a recognized characterist and was well versed in the art of a sorcerer and seer. According to contemporaries, the prince was a man of high education and unique abilities, he was well trusted strong of the world this.

It should be noted that these abilities are generally acquired at birth; Statistically, 20% of men and 60% of women own them. Abilities can be acquired as a result of appropriate training, but naturally they do not have the same strength as that obtained through purposeful development.

IN Lately Due to the rapid development of science and technology, these abilities began to fade into the background, however, in complex and difficult situations they are remembered. Thus, during the Second World War, when an extremely difficult situation arose in the Red Army with mine detectors (many were lost and left in the occupied territory during the retreat), the technique of searching for mines using G- figurative frames and Y-shaped vine. And this is in a country where government policy there was materialism and atheism! Truly, when it comes to extremes and you are threatened with execution, you will carry out the assigned combat mission with anything, despite any prejudices and prevailing views. It should be noted that the troops completed the assigned task of mine clearance successfully - G-shaped frames and Y-shaped vines worked in any conditions. Rain, snow, and severe frost were no obstacle to the search and neutralization of mines and explosive devices.

After the end of the war, when, as a result of studying captured documents, it became known that, while retreating, the Germans left 40 wells with powerful explosive devices on the Minsk Highway, but there were no maps of the stash, and searches with mine detectors did not produce results, modern “characteristics” came to the rescue. In 1970, they conducted an experiment - they invited dowsers to study. First, mines were searched for by moving an L-shaped frame over a 1:100,000 scale map of the area. It was not possible to obtain results with the required accuracy - only the approximate locations of the explosives were obtained. When visiting the area, operators used frames to determine directions to objects. At the intersections of the frames, sappers after some time unearthed fully combat-ready “gifts.” But the search with mine detectors did not give any results, since the explosive devices were wooden boxes with TNT, which were equipped with brass fuses and did not have a single metal part.

An interesting way of finding a person was carried out in Nazi Germany at the end of the war, when Duce Benito Mussolini was arrested and hidden by the forces of the Italian Resistance. The results of the search carried out by ordinary reconnaissance actions did not give positive results. By order of Adolf Hitler, clairvoyants were gathered, one of them, working with a pendulum over a map of Italy, pointed to a small island near the island of Sardinia. It was there at that time, as it became known later, that Mussolini was located.

Nowadays, the non-instrumental search technique is used in national economy when carrying out geological exploration and engineering work in places where cable telephone lines, oil and gas pipelines, and especially power supply lines may pass through, if it is necessary to urgently carry out the work, and there are no maps or laying diagrams.

Now it has not been officially established what kind of force causes the frame to rotate in the operator’s hands in one direction or another, signaling places of energy minimum or maximum, but the results of introducing this effect into everyday practice are obvious. Presumably, these are ideomotor reactions of the hands of a dowsing master under the influence of information received at the subconscious level.

In the USA, within the framework of the “Project for the Use of Psychic Powers” ​​program at Fort Midi (Maryland), work is being carried out on the comprehensive study and use for military purposes of people with a powerful biofield. According to experts, it is now difficult for the Pentagon to predict the prospects for the use of psychics. However, many of them believe that the country that is the first to achieve a breakthrough in this area will gain a significant advantage over its potential enemy. This advantage can be compared with the efficiency of application nuclear weapons. There is information about an experiment conducted in the United States to identify extrasensory abilities in soldiers, called “Jedi” (in honor of the characters of the popular film “ star Wars"). Particular emphasis was placed on identifying military personnel with far-sighting abilities, such as the Swedish-American Ingo Swann. Ingo realized early on that he had paranormal abilities, and worked hard to improve them, relying on the experience of the Frenchman Etienne de Bottoneau. Bottono lived in XVIII century. Serving at one time on the island of Mauritius, he accurately predicted the arrival of ships from the metropolis several days, or even weeks in advance. Swann, relying on his experience, learned to accurately observe what was happening at extremely long distances. To do this, he only needed exact geographical coordinates.

Consequences of ignorance

Famous French scientist, laureate Nobel Prize Louis de Broglie once said that it is advisable for scientists to periodically submit to a deep revision of principles that are somehow recognized as final. There is a well-known historical example when the radiation discovered in 1896 by Roentgen and named after him was for a long time considered almost unreal, since there were no measuring instruments until the scientist Geiger developed a measuring device in 1932. By that time, many people had died, since no one really had an idea about the consequences of exposure to radioactive radiation on the human body. Humanity has paid dearly for the open secret of nature.

Almost all of the first researchers died, not knowing about the insidious habits of this radiation and working without any precautions. As noted in 1933 by M.I. Nemenov, one of the founders of Soviet radiology, at congresses of radiologists even at that time one could meet veterans of radiology without fingers and even without an entire limb due to amputation due to radiation-related cancer. But these are learned men - luminaries of science, but what about ordinary mortals?

An example of the high mortality rate of shoe sellers in US supermarkets shocked the public. In the 20s of the last century, X-ray machines were installed in stores in order to see how the foot was positioned in the shoe - both attractive and interesting, and you can also take an unusual photo - a gift from the company. Naturally, the sellers were the first to show how to do this using their feet as an example. Over time, they noticed that the most zealous of them began to quickly quit, suffering from unknown leg diseases, and a significant part even died. Later it was found that many sellers irradiated their feet in the same place 150-200 times a day - the negative consequences affected very quickly.

A similar situation has developed in our society, since we live in a saturated electromagnetic space, which is created primarily by household appliances: televisions, computers, video systems, microwave ovens, radiotelephones and in general all electrical devices, by the way, including hidden electrical wiring. Many scientists associate the acceleration of the post-war generation of humanity with the increased exposure to strong electromagnetic fields, including radiation from radar stations (the height of Napoleon’s French guards was less than 160 cm - now this is not even the average height; the chain mail of Ilya Muromets in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra also testifies to the far from heroic physique of the epic hero). In this case, one should keep in mind the huge torsion component of this complex process.

A number of publications have recently published information about the positive effects of torsion fields on material substances in a wide range - from increasing the conductivity of metals to the therapeutic effect in medicine. As measurement techniques in publications devoted to experimental confirmation of the existence of torsion fields and the effects caused by them, such seemingly exotic methods and materials as dowsing and “water structured by human thought” were used, which, although they have worked perfectly for thousands of years, have no official status Dont Have.

Torsion field theory

Since the mid-80s, the USSR has deployed scientific program on the experimental study of “torsion fields” under the guidance State Committee on science and technology of the USSR - first in closed mode (with the active participation of the KGB and the Ministry of Defense), then from 1989 to 1991 - in open mode. Parent organization open research The speakers were first the Center for Non-Traditional Technologies, then the ISTC “Vent” (headed by A.E. Akimov). In July 1991, shortly after the establishment of the Vent ISTC and the assignment of responsibilities for maintaining the torsion research program, at a meeting of the Committee on Science and Technology under the Supreme Council of the USSR, this research program was declared unscientific and ceased with the collapse of the USSR. Meanwhile, it was at this stage that it became clear that the results obtained had great potential for creating a whole range of new generation technologies. In essence, we were talking about technologies that promise primacy in the coming decades. On the other hand, these results made us think about the need for a significant revision of the generally accepted physical picture of the world. In many ways, the results obtained then for the first time and their significance have not yet been fully comprehended; they await interpretation and further development.

In the world of science, four types of physical fields are officially recognized:

- gravitational;
- strong (nuclear);
- weak.

In 1913, the French mathematician Elie Cartan pointed out the possibility of the existence of torsion fields that arise around any rotating body, regardless of whether it is an atom, a machine flywheel, or a planet. This, according to the authoritative belief of prominent scientists, is the fifth fundamental physical field - torsion.

Torsion fields are a physical term originally coined by mathematician Elie Cartan in 1922 to refer to a hypothetical physical field generated by the torsion of space. The name comes from the English word “torsion” - torsion. Modern physics considers torsion fields as a purely hypothetical object that does not make any contribution to the observed physical effects.

It is believed that torsion fields are informational, that is, they carry information about the processes that occur in physical objects. Recently, some American scientists have supported the idea.
The theoretical possibility of the existence of torsion fields has served as the basis for various scientific studies in many fields of knowledge. The “theory of torsion fields” of academicians of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Shipov and Akimov became very famous, which, although it was not officially recognized, nevertheless found wide practical application. In their interpretation, “torsion fields,” unlike physical fields, do not have energy; for them, “there is no concept of the propagation of waves or fields,” but at the same time they “transfer information,” and this information is present “immediately at all points of space-time " The theory of “torsion fields” by Akimov-Shipov, based on a broader interpretation of the Einstein-Cartan field theory, is in practice widely used in various fields of knowledge and practical activity.

If hypothetical gravitational fields are generated by mass, electromagnetic fields are generated by charge, then torsion fields are generated by classical spin, which is a quantum analogue of angular momentum. The constant of spin-torsion interactions, which serves as an indicator of their strength, is estimated to be extremely small, which initially did not attract much attention from scientists due to the extreme weakness of these fields (for such fields it is impossible today to have a physical process meter).

The theory of torsion fields contains a number of amazing properties that are fundamentally different from generally accepted scientific dogmas. The energy and momentum of the torsion field are zero, as is the potential energy of the spin-torsion interaction. The torsion field carries information without transferring energy. This was experimentally proven by Ukrainian scientists V.P. Mayboroda and I.I. Tarasyuk when exposed to a torsion generator on a crystal of the cadmium-mercury-tellurium type. In this case, a change in the magnetic properties was observed by an amount that required a million times more energy expenditure than was expended on the operation of the torsion generator. Even more amazing macroscopic effects are demonstrated by John Hutchinson's generators. They make it possible to change the structure of metals even at room temperature; when exposed remotely (at a distance of about 1.5-2 meters from the radiating antenna) they lead to mechanical movement small items of various natures (metal, glass, wood, plastic, etc.) and even demonstrate a decrease in the weight of objects, levitation and anti-gravity.

Unlike gravitational and electromagnetic fields, which are characterized by central symmetry, torsion fields of spin objects have axial symmetry. The inverse square law does not work here, therefore the intensity of the torsion field does not depend on the distance from the field source and has exceptional penetrating ability in any natural environments. Low-energy relic neutrinos act as torsion field quanta - tordions.

Torsion fields are similar in nature to gravitational fields; they are also impossible to shield.

If gravity in modeling is interpreted as spin longitudinal polarization, then torsion fields are interpreted as transverse polarization of the physical vacuum.

At the same time, the physical vacuum behaves in relation to torsion waves in accordance with the laws of holography. When photographing any objects on a photographic emulsion, along with the electromagnetic flux from the photographed object, torsion radiation is also recorded, changing the spin orientation of the atoms of the emulsion.

The next unique property of the torsion field is the mutual attraction of like and repulsion of unlike torsion charges. The torsion field, which has “memory,” contains 24 independent components and is decomposed into three independent parts. These three parts of the field form a certain community called the torsion field.

Spin-torsion interactions, due to their long-range action, can be used in studying the structure of the Universe and its history. Under the leadership of academicians M.M. Lavrentyev and A.F. Pugach were successful and at a high technical level N.A.’s experiments were repeated. Kozyrev on recording radiation from the present, past and future positions of stars. In these experiments, as in the experiments of N.A. Kozyrev, after pointing the telescope at the object, its entrance was shielded with metal foil to avoid influence electromagnetic radiation. The results of the experiments encouraged scientists in the possibility of developing torsion astronomy. When the speed of light is exceeded many times over, torsion fields can make it possible to see the Universe much further than the boundary visible in the electromagnetic spectrum. In this case, it becomes possible to obtain information about that part of the Universe that is closer to us in time than about its part perceived by traditional astrophysical methods.

The Earth is also a source of torsion radiation, which can be positive and negative (in scientific terminology - right and left field).

The alternation of plus and minus in the torsion field of the earth occurs in a strictly defined sequence. Scientists have discovered a so-called “grid”. When we walk, we find ourselves thousands of times in one field or another, and in a positive field almost four times more often. But when we sleep or sit at the table, we don’t have a choice: we can be exposed to a harmful negative field for a long time. It disrupts the structure of cells, and the person begins to complain of feeling unwell.

The negative (left) margin is where the frame in your hands turns to the left. There are also people with a negative torsion field, but for the most part we are all positive. We have observed more than once that a person can be decent, but we feel bad with him, and he feels bad with us, and people are drawn to someone else, although there seem to be no apparent reasons. Scientists who study torsion fields have found that it acts completely opposite than electromagnetic: like torsion charges attract, and opposite ones repel.

To date, there are a number of experimental measuring techniques and technical devices suitable for diagnosing a number of objects of animate and inanimate nature.

A device has already been developed in Russia, which has found wide use in Ukraine - this is a geoanomaly indicator (IGA-1), with which you can determine the torsion radiation of televisions, monitors, personal computers, mobile phones and other electronic equipment.

Torsion radiation and man

In principle, there are as many physical processes in a person as there are biological and chemical ones combined. At the level of the atoms from which we all consist, one can understand what thought is and how it moves a person.

This phenomenon is present where there is rotation, that is, everywhere. Electrons rotate around the nucleus of an atom, and the nucleus rotates around its axis. At first, psychics helped to understand how the new force works, who, at the whim of nature, became a source of quite powerful torsion radiation (in common parlance - a biofield). The appearance of a gas-discharge visualization apparatus based on the Kirlian effect (discovered in 1939 by the spouses S.D. Kirlian and V.H. Kirlian) marked new stage in knowledge of human nature. Currently, work in this direction has been successfully continued by Professor Konstantin Georgievich Korotkov (St. Petersburg). He created a unique computer complex “GDV-Camera” with software that allows you to see a person’s aura and proves that the innate abilities of psychics are completely scientifically confirmed.

Each of us (like any matter consisting of atoms) can be considered a source of torsion radiation, in the primary understanding - a biofield. In science there is a model of the brain that explains its work (thoughts, ideas, illness and health) by a certain orientation of rotating atoms. Their orientation can be changed in two ways: by the influence of the internal force of the body and by external influence. In principle, a psychic can change the orientation of the rotation of the atoms of the brain of any person. The subject, under the influence of the psychic’s biofield, without feeling anything, recovers or falls ill. Moreover, he may have new thoughts and images. This also explains the transmission of thoughts over a distance. Torsion signals are transmitted instantly, which means that communication between a psychic and a subject of study, who can be located any distance away, is quite possible. This does not require heavy-duty broadcasting installations - any torsion signal is transmitted almost instantly.

According to academician A.E. Akimov, in ancient times there were psychics who saw human torsion fields. The fact is that torsion radiation, like electromagnetic radiation (light), has different frequencies, which are perceived by people as different colors (rainbow). The human torsion field is very diverse in frequency, which means that psychics see it in color. Moreover, by the color and its intensity they judge which organ in a person is not in order.

Torsion fields have much in common with magnetism. At school, when they study magnets, they conduct the following experiment: metal filings are poured onto a sheet of paper, a magnet is brought from below - and the filings line up along the magnetic field lines. We carefully remove the magnet, and the sawdust continues to represent its field. Something similar happens with the torsion field. Only it “builds” not the sawdust, but the space in which it is located.
The torsion field violates (physicists say: “polarizes”) the internal strict order of the Physical Vacuum, like a sawdust magnet. And when we remove the source of the torsion field, its exact copy, imprint, shadow, whatever you want to call it, remains in space. This shadow - the imprint of the torsion field - is recorded by the instruments.

People have long dreamed of looking into the past. And Genrikh Mikhailovich Silanov, geologist, specialist in laboratory research from the city of Voronezh, did this. He invented equipment that can photograph past events.

Silanov believes that he has discovered a hitherto unknown physical effect, which he calls the field memory phenomenon. In his opinion, any material structure at any moment of its existence leaves its imprint on the power lines of energy fields. It is the reflection (excitation) of such prints that is recorded by special photographic equipment.

Experiments show that the latest electronic equipment makes it possible to make the human biofield visible not only to psychics, but to everyone. And this is not surprising. Recently, a popular program was shown on television in which a person mentally controlled the movement of a vehicle resembling a wheelchair.

Yes, at this initial stage the movements are quite simple and not very varied - but this extremely complex device is moving. There is a very complex device on a person’s head with a bunch of all kinds of sensors, but this is just the beginning. Control is already carried out by the power of human thought, and this is already a lot and is an indirect confirmation of the theory of the torsion field and its materialization in a specific product.

Developments of domestic scientists

The developments of domestic scientists in the field of torsion fields can not only reduce the influence of radiation from electromagnetic fields of technology, but also significantly reduce the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. Thus, scientist, Doctor of Sciences A.V. Kinderevich developed a device - a generator of structuring and destructuring torsion radiation, which consists of two chambers. In one chamber the intensification of physical processes increases, in the second it decreases. During the experiment, during research, a piece of concrete-like fuel material from a destroyed reactor was placed in the first chamber Chernobyl nuclear power plant. In less than 10 days, as a result of accelerated spontaneous fission of isotopes, the material turned into dust, which contains radioactive elements. After the material is transferred to the intensity reduction chamber, their radioactivity disappears. The material has become stable. In the future, the invention can be used to carry out disinfection of radioactive radiation sources both at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant itself, and to eliminate other consequences associated with radioactive substances.

In Ukraine as a candidate technical sciences A.R. Pavlenko developed a device to protect people from the negative effects of radiation from monitors, televisions, and other electronic equipment. The device is protected by patents from Ukraine, the USA and France, and according to test results it is considered the best in the world. The device was manufactured at the Kiev State Research and Production Enterprise "Electronmash". The introduction of the device gave positive results to the users of monitors - students of rural schools. Based on the results of more than three years of testing of the device carried out by the Institute of Human Ecology (director Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences M.V. Kurik), a conclusion was issued on a significantly reduced impact of monitor radiation on the functional state of all organs and body systems of students.

IN 2002 year in Kyiv at a round table meeting, academician Russian Academy Sciences A.E. Akimov reported on a study of the possibility of degassing toxic substances such as mustard gas, flooded in the Baltic Sea after the end of World War II, using a torsion field generator. The scientist noted that 6-7% degassing of OM was achieved, but due to the cessation of funding, the work was stopped.

Interesting research was carried out by candidate of biological sciences T.P. Reshetnikova from Kyiv. Was

it has been proven that psychics are capable of changing chemical composition different biological objects- wheat grains, chicken embryos, human blood, etc. In this case, a transmutation of chemical elements occurs, say, sodium turns into potassium. Until this time, it was believed that such processes were possible only in nuclear reactors, under conditions of strong neutron fluxes. Experiments with isolated blood from humans and animals showed a significant change in its composition of magnesium and iron. Moreover, in one case, the amount of iron in the blood decreased by 30%. Taking into account that this chemical element is the main component of blood hemoglobin, it is not difficult to imagine the consequences of such a phenomenon on a possible object of influence.

It has been established that the action of the biofield generated by psychics can promote the development of the body, inhibit it and, in the future, lead to fatal outcome. Reshetnikova proved the protective effect of a “positive” biofield on wheat grains that were irradiated with a dose of 10 thousand roentgens.

After irradiation, the grains were germinated, those that were protected by the biofield developed almost normally, while almost all of the unprotected ones died or did not sprout. Further study of this experience may open up prospects for the protection of personnel when operating in conditions of radioactive contamination of the area.

Experiments conducted with a group of mice irradiated with a lethal dose of radioactive cesium-137 provide certain prospects. After this, some of the mice were placed in a torsion field (right-sided) - the group lived much longer than the control. This makes it possible to achieve more meaningful results as research continues.

Torsion fields and mobile phone

Today, few people doubt the adverse effects of mobile phones on the human body. This influence is associated with the active electromagnetic radiation of these devices, constantly operating in the “receive-transmit” mode. With this mode, only its ability to exert a thermal effect on the tissues of the head, including the brain, is taken into account. However, this approach to existing problem is insufficient, since in this mode the mobile phone emits a non-thermal information or torsion field that is of a non-electromagnetic nature. These radiations can cause a number of specific diseases.

IN last years Numerous studies have been carried out in the direction of the influence of torsion fields in different countries. Thus, Russian academician V.P. Based on numerous experiments, Kaznacheev came to the conclusion that left torsion fields enhance cell mitosis, while in the right fields the synthesis of polysaccharide proteins occurs normally. This confirms the version about the occurrence of cancerous tumors in mobile phone users. It has been shown that five minutes of irradiation of animal and human cells with frequencies adequate to the radiation spectrum of mobile phones, at a significantly lower power, leads to the onset of cell division, which occurs due to the negative influence of left torsion fields.

In standby mode, mobile phones do not provide any protective measures, and the user spends 10-12 hours a day in it, while talking takes from minutes to hours a day. Taking into account this specificity, in a number of developed countries, individual devices have been created and launched that reduce the level of only electromagnetic radiation, leaving the torsion component unchanged.

In Ukraine, candidate of technical sciences A.R. Pavlenko developed a device for protecting Spinor mobile phones directly from torsion fields (Ukrainian patent No. 29839, another version - Safe Tek-1 (US patent No. 6,548,752)). The Spinor device has proven its high efficiency during numerous studies (USA, Ukraine, Romania, France, etc.), which is also confirmed by the Protocol dated February 27, 2009 of the immunology laboratory of the Kyiv City Oncology Hospital GUOZ in Kyiv.

The introduction of Ukrainian protective devices is a priority, as these devices prevent the negative impact of electronic technology on the gene pool of the nation.

The materials in this article characterize one of the interesting directions in the development of science. As world practice shows, any monopoly on a service, product, or information is detrimental and only leads to regression of the industry; a monopoly in science is even more detrimental; this is already akin to the medieval Inquisition. Will it not end up that, by fighting for the purity of the experiment - as in this case - academic methodology kills in the bud a promising direction that dates back thousands of years and has proven itself well in practice. History teaches us that in some cases it is worth moving away from established and ossified stereotypes and paradigms. It is worth remembering that chemistry originated from “demonic” alchemy. Scientific revolutionaries included Galileo Galilei, Charles Darwin and Sigmund Freud. And, which is typical, because there is no scientific explanation this phenomenon, it does not cease to exist.

The experience of the past millennia is evidence of this.

Vladimir Golovko


Torsion waves

Several years ago an experiment was carried out in Moscow, which perhaps marked the approach new era in the field of communications... On the ground floor of one of the houses in Yasenevo, located a few hundred meters from the ring road highway, a transmitter of signals carrying binary information was installed. The receiver of these signals was also located on the first floor of a house in the area of ​​​​Dzerzhinsky Square at a distance of 20 kilometers from the transmitter. Along the way, the transmitted signals had to pass through big number reinforced concrete buildings, which were reinforced concrete structures, and the reinforcement of these structures according to production conditions construction work was grounded. In addition, due to the natural curvature of the earth's surface, almost half the distance separating the transmitter and receiver, the transmitted signals had to pass through the thickness of the earth. For conventional radio signals, such obstacles would be insurmountable.

However, already in the first series of experiments it became clear that the transmitted signals not only reached the receiver, but were received without any distortion. From the point of view of conventional radio engineering, such a result looked absolutely surprising, especially since the energy consumption of the transmitter was only about 30 milliwatts. This is 10 times less than the energy consumption of a flashlight bulb with a coin cell battery. For comparison, it is also worth noting that the power of radio transmitters on such routes reaches tens and hundreds of kilowatts, and in the situation described, even this most likely would not be enough.

In the second series of experiments, the transmitter was delivered to the receiving point and the transmission of the same signals was repeated. And it was found that the intensity of the signals received this time coincided on average with those transmitted from a distance of 20 kilometers.

This meant that in the first experiment the signals traveled their way without being weakened by either distance or obstacles.

What were the signals that transmitted information in the experiments described? What was their physical nature?

The experience of studying various phenomena, primarily in the field of physics, convinces us that any changes occurring in the world around us inevitably give rise to certain consequences. Thus, the appearance of any masses inevitably leads to the emergence of gravitational fields - gravitational fields, and the movement electric charges– to the formation of electromagnetic fields. With the advent general theory Einstein's relativity revealed a deep connection between the geometric properties of space and the forces of gravity - gravity. And since then, numerous attempts have been made to “geometrize” other physical fields. In 1922, the French mathematician E. Cartan drew attention to the special role of another geometric characteristic - “torsion,” that is, the curvature of space caused by rotation. The physical fields that arise in this case are called “torsion fields” or “torsion fields.” But for quite a long time it was believed that torsion effects are so weak that they cannot make any noticeable contribution to the observed phenomena.

At the same time, however, a comparison of torsion fields with other physical fields was made by comparing the so-called interaction constants inherent in these fields. For very strong nuclear interactions this constant is equal to unity; for electromagnetic fields it is 1/137, and for gravitational fields it is about 10 -40. For torsion fields, the “interaction constant” was estimated to be less than 10 -50.

It was on this basis that the conclusion was drawn that the effectiveness of the manifestation of torsion fields is so insignificant that they are practically impossible to observe. However, this did not take into account the essential circumstance that the constant about which we're talking about, is valid only for so-called static torsion fields. For those cases when rotation is accompanied by the emission of torsion waves, it is not defined at all. And in principle, there may be torsion fields that can cause quite powerful effects.

A specialized specialist has been studying such torsion fields since 1989. scientific organization, headed by A.E. Akimov.

In the experiment described above, torsion waves were used as radiation that transferred information from the transmitter to the receiver. These experiments showed that torsion radiation has almost absolute penetrating power and can easily overcome the most difficult obstacles. Therefore, the intensity of received torsion signals does not depend on absorption, and therefore, on distance.

In 1995, the Moscow Expo Center hosted the International Telecommunications Conference, which was attended by representatives of the world's largest companies working in this field. At the final plenary session, A. Akimov made a report “Torsion communications and communications of the third millennium.” This paper was then published in the collection of conference proceedings. And since from that time on scientific publications, no materials have appeared in the communications of patent organizations indicating that there are any similar developments in this direction in the world, thereby clearly establishing the priority of Russia as the birthplace of torsion connection.

The first torsion field generators were special devices that used electrical processes associated with rotation, for example, circular rotation of ion flows or rotation of electromagnetic fields. In this case, conventional radio-electronic equipment was used, with the help of which the signals that were to be transmitted were formed through appropriate modulation. But in the transmitter, these signals were not fed to power amplifiers and an antenna, as in conventional radio transmission, but to a torsion generator, which converted the modulated electrical signals into torsion signals.

In the receiving device, the recorded signals were converted back into electrical ones, which were then amplified by standard means used in conventional radio engineering.

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