He did not admit guilt and did not repent: General Kosenkov received three years for the attempted murder of his father-in-law. Media about Russian Railways The guest of the Red Star editorial office this week was the head of the Main Directorate of the Railway Troops, Lieutenant General Oleg Kosenkov

October 3 in Moskovsky district court The high-profile murder trial ended Alexandra Shishkina, Honored Military Pilot. He became a victim of his own son-in-law - a famous general Boris Kosenkov, former high-ranking army political officer, former leader regional council of veterans, former adviser to the governor of our region. The defendant met personally with the Russian President twice Vladimir Putin.

The investigation lasted more than a year, examinations and investigative experiments were carried out, and evidence was collected. The judicial investigation became no less protracted; it lasted from September 17, 2018, when a criminal case from the Sustainable Investigation Department for the Kaliningrad Region was submitted to the Femida for consideration. About 40 meetings took place. The trial was postponed more than once due to the “weak” health of the defendant, and in July a break was announced due to the vacation of the judiciary. Witnesses, victims (the natural daughters of the late Alexander Shishkin), the general himself, and experts were questioned. The defense of the defendant was actively carried out by his own daughter Irina Kosenkova, former investigator and lawyer. The second defender of the criminal was a famous lawyer Vitaly Gorobchenko.

In court, General Kosenkov did not admit his guilt (although he initially wrote a confession), and was generally guided by Article 51 of the Constitution. On May 14, he announced that he refused to testify and intended to silently accept the verdict. The defendant began talking when he was given the last word:

I do not plead guilty. He did not commit any crime against Alexander Yakovlevich Shishkin. The criminal case is fabricated and ordered. The accusation has no motive, no evidence, no proof - just verbiage. The head of the investigative committee and the Prosecutor General of Russia will become aware of the illegal dirty methods of work of the investigation and law enforcement agencies of the Moscow region. Meanness, deceit and betrayal ex-wife obvious to me. Your Honor, I ask you to make a fair decision and acquit. I am not guilty.

After which, the judge announced a two-week break necessary to prepare the verdict.

And on Thursday the judge Elena Dmitrikovskaya put an end to a high-profile criminal case. It took almost two hours to announce the verdict. Decision - Boris Kosenkov is guilty and sentenced to 3 years in prison. Real deadline. The sentence did not enter into legal force. Irina Kosenkova was not present at the last meeting.

Let us recall that on October 10, 2017, Kosenkov was in an apartment with the seriously ill Alexander Yakovlevich Shishkin. Out of hostility, the general squeezed the neck tightly with his hands and pressed until the victim stopped showing signs of life. Conclusion of the court and investigation: “Kosenkov committed a crime under Part 3 of Art. 30, part 1 art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – attempted murder, i.e. intentionally causing the death of another person, if the crime was not completed due to circumstances beyond the control of this person.”

Head of the Main Directorate of the Railway Troops, Lieutenant General


Born on April 21, 1959 in the village of Temrovichi, Chaussky district, Mogilev region, Belarusian SSR. Graduated from Leningradskoye higher school railway troops and military communications named after. M.V. Frunze (1980).

From 1980 to 1985 he served in the Mongolian People's Republic in the railway troops as commander of a piledriver platoon and commander of a concrete work company of a separate railway battalion.

From 1985 to 1990 - commander of a concrete works company, chief of staff, and then commander of a separate railway battalion.

In 1990 he entered Military Academy logistics and transport to the command military transport faculty.

After graduating from the academy (1993), he served as deputy commander and commander of a separate railway brigade.

In 1997 he was enrolled as a student at the Military Academy General Staff Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

1999 - 2001 - commander of a separate railway brigade, and then deputy commander of the railway corps.

In 2001, he was appointed deputy head of the Military Transport University - head of the faculty for training management personnel of the VTU Railways of the Russian Federation.

2002 - 2008 - Chief of Staff - First Deputy Commander of the Railway Corps. In 2008, he was appointed to the position of chief of staff - first deputy commander of the Railway Troops.

Since 2010 - Head of the Main Directorate of the Railway Troops.

Awarded the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree, “For Military Merit”, Medal “For Development railways" Honored Military Specialist of the Russian Federation.

Married, has two daughters.

Oleg Ivanovich, at one time the Railway Troops built almost half of the Baikal-Amur Mainline. The other part of the BAM was laid by civil builders. But now there are no such large-scale construction projects. What are your subordinates doing?

Believe me, our railway battalions have enough work to do. For example, to increase the survivability and fire protection of missile and artillery arsenals, railway mechanization battalions have carried out gigantic amounts of work on bunding storage facilities since 2010. The total volume of excavation work amounts to hundreds of thousands of cubic meters.

Troops are repairing access roads at dozens of military facilities, including the Plesetsk cosmodrome in the Arkhangelsk region.

The troops were solving a task of national importance. I'm talking about the construction of a double-track electrified railway section Zhuravka - Millerovo with a total length of 177 kilometers. Before this section was built, trains traveling south from Moscow had to travel part of the way through Ukrainian territory. So it was decided to urgently build a highway bypassing the country, where the hell is going on. And we solved this problem.

We are also involved in the development of the infrastructure of the Military Patriotic Park of Culture and Recreation of the Armed Forces “Patriot” in the Moscow region, and in the construction of a fuel refueling complex at the Chkalovsk military airfield.

- Do your troops participate in military exercises?

Of course. Railway troops in last years participated in all without exception large-scale exercises. During the maneuvers, our special units trained to quickly build approaches to floating railway bridges, installed overpasses across small rivers and built floating railway bridges over large water barriers. Such as the Yenisei, Volga, Amur, Zeya and Bureya.

During one of the exercises in Yaroslavl region When creating a temporary transshipment area, two different pontoon structures were joined for the first time - a floating railway bridge and a modern ribbon bridge. I assure you, this is a very difficult technical task. And it was decided. This expanded our arsenal of means of quickly establishing crossings needed by troops in a combat situation.

- Are the Zheldor troops involved in eliminating the consequences of natural and man-made emergencies?

Certainly. Our troops help civilians affected by natural disasters, fires, floods and man-made accidents. This was the case, for example, during powerful floods in the European part of the country, in Far East, in the cities of Abakan, Krymsk and others.

- Where are specialists trained for the Railway Troops?

Our base university, the Military Engineering and Technical Institute of Railway Troops and Military Communications, is located in St. Petersburg. Relatively recently, it became part of a large educational and scientific center - the Military Academy of Logistics named after Army General A.V. Khrulev. This merger has its advantages. It provides a system of continuous military education that is holistic in focus, fundamental in content and methodology at all levels, profiles and specialties.

A few years ago there were few people willing to study at the institute. Enrollment in 2009 was small, and in 2010 and 2011 enrollment in programs higher education was not produced at all. But now the situation has changed. Nobody remembers the shortage of applicants anymore.

Educational and scientific innovations are being adopted. At the institute, individual elements of a promising Center for the Study of Educational Technologies and the Implementation of Educational Innovations are being created as administrative and scientific-methodological resources. Cadets successfully participate in international Olympiads.

There are groups distance learning using electronic content of official publications and educational materials. There are speech training groups for military personnel. In them, cadets master the basics of military rhetoric and the rules for organizing effective communication in service and combat activities. Public control groups have been created educational activities Institute and Education Audit Group. The university has entered into a cooperation agreement with the St. Petersburg State University of Transport named after Emperor Alexander I. We maintain working contacts with the Belarusian State University BelGUT.

S. BUNTMAN - Well, we are holding our regular meeting, but it is recorded. Anatoly Ermolin, Sergey Buntman presenters. Our guest is Oleg Ivanovich Kosenkov, head of the Main Directorate of Railway Troops. Oleg Ivanovich, good afternoon.

O. KOSENKOV - Good afternoon.

S. BUNTMAN - We will now solemnly celebrate the 160th anniversary of the railway troops. And, of course, we will not tell the whole story of the railway and the troops. But let’s also begin to look at the recent past. In the current state, how did you go through the transition to a new management system in general, to everything that is called a new look? What's the most important thing that happened to you? Lately.

O. KOSENKOV - Well, firstly, taking this opportunity, I would like to congratulate all the personnel of the railway troops, veterans of the railway troops on the occasion of the 160th anniversary of the formation of the railway troops, wish them good health, all the best.

S. BUNTMAN - We join.

A. ERMOLIN - With pleasure.


O. KOSENKOV - Answering your question, it means that like all armed forces, the railway troops, accordingly, have undergone changes in the organizational and staffing structure, in the organization of command and control of the railway troops. This means that today the railway troops, according to their organizational structure, consist of the Main Directorate of the Chief of the Railway Troops, and four directorates of the railway troops of the military districts. This corresponds to the new system of district deployments - the western control of the railway troops of the western military district, the control of the railway troops of the central military district, the southern and eastern. Accordingly, the administration of the railway troops of the districts... they include separate railway brigades. In total, the railway troops have 10 separate railway brigades of constant readiness. And the units of central subordination, which are connected to the head of the Main Directorate of the Railway Troops, are mainly training units for the training of junior specialists. Well, both in the entire system of the Ministry of Defense, and in the railway troops, that means educational institution- Military Transport Institute, it is a branch of the Academy of Logistics and Transport. Accordingly, they are subordinate to the Department of Education of the Ministry of Defense. This is the training of officers, the training of non-commissioned officers, and platoon commanders.

S. BUNTMAN - Now it is also suspended, yes, like everyone else, reception is suspended.

O. KOSENKOV - Yes, as in all armed forces ah, the same thing about the Military Transport Institute of Railway Troops. Today the number of railway troops is 24.5 thousand personnel. Of these, 1,870 are officers, 3,332 are contract soldiers/sergeants, 2,500 are civilian personnel, and the rest are conscripted military personnel. If we take the ratio of contract servicemen and conscripted servicemen, then according to the payroll, 18% of conscripted personnel are contract sergeants. This means that today, if you look at the analysis of the staffing level of the railway troops, it means that they comply with all the requirements of the governing documents of the General Staff, the Minister of Defense, that is, they are staffed with personnel, equipped with serviceable equipment - up to 100%, with the personnel equipment necessary to carry out tasks the normal purpose of the troops.

S. BUNTMAN - What is the main equipment of the railway troops?

O. KOSENKOV - The equipment of the railway troops is... if we divide it this way, it means that if we take the railway, it consists of a subgrade, the upper structure of the track and artificial structures. In our case, artificial structures include bridges, culverts, and tunnels. This means that in terms of the technology for constructing the roadbed and also for restoration in the event of destruction, we have equipment for carrying out the construction and restoration of the roadbed, these are separate railway mechanization battalions, which are mainly armed with excavator complexes (the so-called mechanization company), bulldozer complexes and, accordingly, cars, dump trucks for transporting soil, either for the construction of an embankment, or for restoration when it is destroyed. If we take the complex of work execution further, these are the upper structures of the track. This is a rail and sleeper grid that is laid... either it can be reinforced concrete or a wooden sleeper. But mostly we are using reinforced concrete now.

S. BUNTMAN - On reinforced concrete, of course, yes.

O. KOSENKOV - Separate railway track battalions are designed for this, which have the main weapons on themselves - these are track layers for laying the upper structures of the tracks, not by element, but that is, they completely lay the rail and sleeper grid, it is sewn up on link assembly stands, the so-called ZSS 500, This is the productivity per day, that is, 500 meters of grating can be produced per shift, followed by loading it on a roller platform and sending it to the site for laying the superstructure of the track. After laying the upper structure and track, the track is ballasted accordingly. For this, we have separate operation platoons as part of a separate track railway battalion, which are armed with hopper and dump car turntables, this is for transporting, so to speak, inert materials, bulk materials - either a sand-gravel mixture for ballast, or crushed stone . Next comes the ballasting of the upper track structure, respectively, with hopper turntables. There are also shunting diesel locomotives, in a platoon there are three diesel locomotives, 20 hopper turntables and 20 dump car turntables. Accordingly, heated cars for accommodating the crew are also turntables. Accordingly, next comes the finishing of the upper structure of the track: these are cars. Continuous action for straightening the track, straightening the track, aligning the track with an axis, setting the track... that is, finishing completely to reduce manual labor. If you paid attention, in our part of the road, for example, railway workers do, then there is a power station, the so-called B-4, a sleeper tamper, this is what we will call a finely mechanized tool for performing small amounts of work, there, 10-15 -20 meters. And large volumes – this is the technique I told you.

S. BUNTMAN - In practice, you can build a railway.

O. KOSENKOV - Almost yes.

A. ERMOLIN - This is probably why they were created...

O. KOSENKOV - Railway troops are intended: for the construction of new lines, bypasses (in case of use on war time), as well as for the restoration of technical cover, barriers and dimensions of railways, this applies to wartime. If we take the difference in the technology of the Russian Railways company...

S. BUNTMAN - I just wanted to ask, yes.

O. KOSENKOV - This means that their equipment is mostly, not mostly, but all the equipment is intended, let’s say so, for capital construction and restoration. All their equipment is on the railway. That is, in order to drive the equipment to the stage, let’s say so, from the station and perform certain tasks on some stage, there, station A to station B, which means that their equipment leaves only by rail. And in the event of the destruction of this station, there is no approach to the tracks. This means that their equipment will be released after interrupted traffic can be restored to carry out work on some stretch, there, or in some area. Our technology, well, it is a more cumbersome technology, it differs in that we basically have all the equipment on a combined move. That is, we have rail and road traffic. We send our equipment via highway or along the highway, so we’ll call it. We find a low place where the equipment can go. It is set for a combined move. And then the equipment goes, accordingly, by rail.

S. BUNTMAN - I wonder why civil railway construction cannot apply this... this, perhaps, has alleviated many of our sufferings with the reconstruction and repair of railways?

O. KOSENKOV - And civil engineering also applies some elements. We have a question about... together with the joint-stock company "Russian Railways" on cooperation in this area. Apply.

S. BUNTMAN - Very close cooperation is necessary.

O. KOSENKOV - Very close is necessary.

S. BUNTMAN - Because and with the planning of those paths that you said, bypass and additional. All this must be part of a single system.

O. KOSENKOV - Well, if we call it that, we have a unified plan for the technical cover of our country. And there the forces have been identified to carry out these tasks, including the railway troops, divisions of the Russian Railways company and the Transstroy corporation. All these structures are headed by the Ministry of Transport and Construction. That’s why we have close cooperation here. Both in wartime and in peacetime. Carrying out all the tasks that our troops now face, if we do not closely cooperate with the Russian Railways joint-stock company, then it will be very difficult, so to speak, for us alone.

S. BUNTMAN - No, well, it’s simply impossible.

O. KOSENKOV - It’s not even possible.

A. ERMOLIN - And as for GOSTs, SNIPs, there... when you build, say, in wartime conditions, do you immediately build a capital road or then it must be converted into an ordinary one?

O. KOSENKOV - No. According to technology, throughout science, we have three types of restoration. The most basic type of recovery is short-term. How is it different, the type of recovery is short-term? It is necessary to skip the train, you understand? If destruction has occurred, there has been a congestion at a station or on a train route, the most important task is to ensure the passage of traffic. Once we have ensured the passage of traffic, the next step is to build up this movement. That is, we pass one pair of trains, for example, two pairs of trains per day. And you need 24 pairs of trains per day. Next comes the build-up, that is, the construction of second tracks, the restoration of some other tracks that have been restored. Immediately we make a smooth move, that is, we missed it; an interrupted movement - it went. The main type is short-term recovery. Next comes a temporary recovery. And then comes this capital construction. Short-term recovery – let’s literally say, for an operation, or for a day. Temporary – up to a month. And the capital one is no less than 100 years old.

A. ERMOLIN - If only such an approach could be used to solve the problems of Moscow traffic jams.

S. BUNTMAN - Yes. I unloaded one, yes, and then deal with it thoroughly. In general, a wonderful thing, of course. And who decides what type of restoration is needed now? Or they automatically enter….

O. KOSENKOV - In the course of the current situation, a decision is made. If, as I already said, we have what is necessary... and we have a big jam, then it is imperative to use only short-term restoration. But it is the main type of restoration according to all legislative documents.

S. BUNTMAN - Please tell me, Oleg Ivanovich, how much now... well, we talked about technology, but there are also instruments, diagnostics of paths, because here we see, we see with our eyes, there is a gap, right? You never know what happened. There's an explosion, or it's unknown what. How deep and far does the damage to railway tracks go? Now, do you already have electronic diagnostics for this?

O. KOSENKOV - Well, about electronic diagnostics, we will say that we are giving in. These issues are currently being worked out. We have both OKR and R&D work. Now, accordingly, we are carrying out R&D work on new track machines. Accordingly, there will be an idea... there won’t be, but it is already an idea for those issues that you just mentioned.

S. BUNTMAN - Because it’s probably important. It just seems...

O. KOSENKOV - Without fail.

S. BUNTMAN - Because what may await us, what... you know, as they say, they say about the same cars - hidden damage may be unknown where.

A. ERMOLIN - The construction of railways in our country, at least sometimes, is influenced by very surprising factors. Here one of our guests was the commander missile forces strategic purpose. And he said that thanks to those trains that carried ballistic missiles and moved around the country, we have very high-quality railways. That is, such a thing was put there...

S. BUNTMAN - Reserve?

A. ERMOLIN - The margin of safety is huge, that you still have to be grateful not only to the railway workers, but also...

O. KOSENKOV - I disagree to some extent, and rightly so. I will not reveal military secrets. Yes, there was such an order. It was called, let's say so, it had a name - 625th. It was for the construction of what you just called.

A. ERMOLIN - Well, this is the BZHRK - a combat railway missile system.

O. KOSENKOV - I had to take part, being a company commander, chief of staff of a separate bridge railway battalion, battalion commander. And repeatedly I handed over many such stations to Vologda region, Kostroma region and Yaroslavl region. This is all fresh in my memory. The requirements for the access roads and dead ends for the missile storage of these BZHRKs - they were a little higher even than the requirements for those for the main passage, where ... the passage was going on. Why and why this is, I think, you don’t need to explain, you will understand it yourself. And for what.

A. ERMOLIN - It is very heavy. More precisely, dangerous.

O. KOSENKOV - Yes, very heavy. God forbid this composition works. You yourself noted this... but considering, I’ll tell you, that now... as for the railways, let’s do this, in general, our roads of the Russian Federation, then, accordingly, JSC Russian Railways is very scrupulous about both major repairs and replacements ... here, on December 22 last year, the president of the joint-stock company "Russian Railways" was present at the summing up of the results... a very large amount of work has been completed, namely on the new construction of railways, but a very large amount is also being carried out on major repairs, including replacing, as we have already said, wood with reinforced concrete.

S. BUNTMAN - Are there many wooden ones still preserved?

O. KOSENKOV - Still preserved. But mostly...

S. BUNTMAN - In general, there should be a replacement.

O. KOSENKOV - Yes, replacement is underway. Even if the sleepers were wooden for 5-7 years, and at least 25 years it would be a reinforced concrete sleeper.


A. ERMOLIN - Well, the BZHRK has been taken out of production, out of service. But now completely new models of traffic organization are appearing, like Sapsan, expressways. Does this somehow affect you or is it just local areas? Moscow-St. Petersburg, Moscow-Novgorod.

O. KOSENKOV - But how can they affect us, the railway troops... they don’t affect us at all.

S. BUNTMAN - But in principle.

A. ERMOLIN – Standards don’t change? The same GOSTs, construction.

O. KOSENKOV - Approaches? They change. The quality of the path changes, that is, the continuous path. Already, accordingly, the excess of the outer rail over the inner rail. Accordingly, of course, standards change. Depending on the speed, of course, there are already approaches to the requirement of the superstructure of the track.

A. ERMOLIN - But you are not focusing on them yet? Are you currently focusing on...

O. KOSENKOV - No, we focus on the standard... it’s all the same to... we focus. If we make some kind of secondary access road, accordingly, the diagram of the sleepers changes there, you know, the higher the speed, the larger the diagram of the sleepers to hold the rail...

A. ERMOLIN - I heard so many new words in this program.

O. KOSENKOV - And if there is some kind of access secondary track, then, accordingly, there is less diagram there, and why put some kind of reinforced concrete there, lay down an R-65 rail, if you can put an inventory R-50 there. Now Russian Railways has passed... is no longer applicable. The most minimal type of rail is the R-65 rail. 50th, 43rd... these are rails...

S. BUNTMAN - What is the main difference?

O. KOSENKOV - This is the height along the rail head.

S. BUNTMAN - Height. Yes?


S. BUNTMAN - That's amazing. You say that you have now learned so many new words. But you understand what's going on. Why do I love overseas cinema? That in any film, action, any thriller, etc., there is so much technique and you learn so much. Two big films about the railway came out in a row. And about this... I am amazed once again why we cannot make a sensible film with intense action, but which would correspond to reality, correspond to some interesting things. I know half of everything about modern railways from American cinema.

O. KOSENKOV - Invite us more often.

S. BUNTMAN - Yes, we would be happy to.

O. KOSENKOV - We are with the Russian Railways joint-stock company.

S. BUNTMAN - It would be our pleasure.

O. KOSENKOV - With the president or the boss, the head of the department...

S. BUNTMAN - To the point that they produce absolutely amazing... and the Germans make any model railways that millions of people are passionate about.

A. ERMOLIN - There is some kind of psychological here...

S. BUNTMAN - Millions of people who are keen on these... I saw a scary Bavarian guy, I thought - here is some kind of nationalist, and he opens the book “Catalog of Model Railways” and begins to read it, collect it all. This is a very educational thing. Well, which one is possible? And your equipment should be in these models. We must model this for the guys, for collectors. This is a good thing, here, some 16 mm path. I retreated like this because it is always very inspiring. 160 years ago, railway troops appeared. Did the importance of railways as means of communication become clear immediately or some time after the first railways?

O. KOSENKOV - You know that the first railway was created from St. Petersburg to Tsarskoe Selo and for what purposes. Accordingly, the first operational company was created to operate this road. Accordingly, this is where the name of the railway troops came from. Accordingly, when industry and the economy developed, and the development of railways showed that the main mode of transport, and let’s not leave now, which is the bulk of transportation, is still carried by railway transport. Today, congratulating those awarded with a government award, a departmental award of the Ministry of Transport, the Minister of Transport even answered, on the eve of... August 7 is Railwayman's Day.


O. KOSENKOV - Celebrated. First Sunday in August. Considering that there is a lot of competition water transport, air, and railway still share modern stage transports only railway transport, I quoted the words of the Minister of Transport. Accordingly, with the development of the economy, the development of railways also progressed. And therefore, every year it became increasingly clear that without railways it would be possible at all...

S. BUNTMAN - No, they are simply developing, being modernized, but as such the railways remain and...

A. ERMOLIN - The standards are practically...

S. BUNTMAN - Nobody has come up with anything yet.

O. KOSENKOV - But I think we won’t come up with anything else. We are already coming up with different designs that used to need to be built for a bridge, now there are floating bridges, there are various others, you know, we used to have... one. We could pass a two-axle car... the 50th rail went, the 65th rail went. Let's go the dockless route. Wooden sleepers were replaced by reinforced concrete. Well, and a number of others. Previously, the turnout was translated using a transfer mechanism with a weather vane, but now it is... Therefore, the process does not stand still. The movement is moving forward.

S. BUNTMAN - And even with temporary repairs, when you do some workarounds, you still have to save some... you never know what will go bad, the old ones have to be preserved...

O. KOSENKOV - Definitely.

S. BUNTMAN - Both manual switching and...

O. KOSENKOV - Definitely, yes, yes.

S. BUNTMAN - There must be those devices that insure in the event of failure of very many modern... modern equipment. I want to remind you that our guest is Oleg Ivanovich Kosenkov, head of the Main Directorate of Railway Troops. And we will try to ask all your questions. I remind you that the program is recorded. We will talk about how military personnel live and what they face literally daily, monthly, weekly, because these are precisely the troops, these are the working troops who work throughout our, thank God, peacetime. Now we will pause for a few minutes, and then we will continue.

S. BUNTMAN - We continue our program. It is hosted by Anatoly Ermolin and Sergei Buntman. And our guest is Major General Kosenkov, head of the Main Directorate of Railway Troops. Please tell me, when at the end of the previous part I said that these are working troops, it feels like you are constantly involved. Or repairs, or God forbid a natural disaster, destruction of tracks, constant monitoring, the same monitoring, buzzword, which we like to say. Checking the condition of everything. This is how it really works, both regularly and externally, how do the railway troops serve? So, what does it normally consist of?

O. KOSENKOV - Well, as usual... as in all armed forces, in the railway troops, because they are part of the armed forces for logistics. The academic year begins on December 1 and ends, respectively, in the month of November with a preparatory period of October (checks). Accordingly, we will call it that there is a training period from December-January-February, usually where we prepare theoretically, well, starting from March and usually until October 1st we complete tasks. If our other troops do not go to the ranges, they have their own regular ranges, where they conduct firing, where missiles are launched, then our regular ranges are facilities for carrying out production tasks. Basically, we have tasks - they are big tasks for us, but we will say that we solve them with honor. This is the repair of access roads to the facilities of the Ministry of Defense, to complex logistics bases, to the facilities of the Space Forces, Strategic Missile Forces, we have already mentioned the commander of the troops, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, and a number of others, I will not list... air strength, navy... that is, I will say this, to all kinds, to all types, it is necessary to bring in material supplies, material resources, to create them so that people can fulfill the assigned tasks, so that people are fed and provided with everything. Everyone has some kind of storage somewhere, and all this is supplied, accordingly, by rail. You can’t deliver it like that with a car. Everyone has access roads everywhere. In order to operate them, to maintain them in good condition, they need to be put in order, and this task has been set by the Minister of Defense so that the maximum can be completed next year. And as we told you, not in the short-term restoration, as we called it, but in the capital one. And don’t go there for 25 years. Put it all in order. It turns out that we have troops scattered throughout the districts. Accordingly, these objects... we try, when the troops became part of the districts, so that, for example, the western railway brigade of the district is attracted to the central or eastern... no, it has its own brigades, 2-3 of them, so if we have 10 brigades. They perform within the district. But sometimes it turns out not, because there are space troops, there are missile troops, so they can be located in another district, and since all the units that are located in the same territory of this district are occupied, we also use railway brigades from other districts. Depending on the task at hand, well, we are trying, and the Deputy Minister of Defense, General of the Army Bulgakov, demands from us, we carry out his instructions, accordingly, to begin all this work somewhere in March, we begin their implementation in March, tasks. We start en masse after May 9 and finish them before October 1, followed by departure to points of permanent deployment, preparation for the final test, and passing the final test. Accordingly, preparation for the new school year. And on December 1, the new academic year begins. This is what concerns staffing.

S. BUNTMAN - This is a normal situation, yes.

O. KOSENKOV - The normal situation was set by the Minister of Defense, the Deputy Minister of Defense, Army General Bulgakov. This mechanization unit, I already told you what it is, a separate railway mechanization battalion, performs the task of diking the arsenals of the main missile and artillery department.

A. ERMOLIN - This is very relevant.

O. KOSENKOV - Yes, storage facilities, open areas for storing ammunition, others... that is, the construction of earthen ramparts around these storage facilities, that is, embankment is underway. The mechanization battalion is engaged in its normal duties. These are his quarries, land, cart, laying, well, let's say that it doesn't turn out to be that long, but still if it's a length, then it turns out to be very voluminous.

A. ERMOLIN - It’s always been like this, or, well... taking into account what’s happening at the arsenals now, it’s just yours...

O. KOSENKOV - We started this... the embankment was underway, but we did not bring in the railway troops before that. A number of storage facilities have been diked, but many have not yet been diked. There is still a lot to be done. Last year we made 462 storage facilities. So, this year we have a goal of 361 storage facilities. This turns out to be about 1,200,000 m^3 of land. This is if you take it by quantity. 5 separate railway battalions are currently carrying out mechanization. With the same task, as I named, the other parts also begin in May and finish by October 1st. In October, we pass the inspection, the permanent deployment point, we carry out equipment repairs. Well, I won’t repeat which one I named. And, accordingly, further training of specialists in classes, dismissal, call-up of personnel. But in connection with the situation that may arise in our country, we will not go far into examples; the events that happened in Abakan, across the Abakan River, when a support was washed away by floods and a 55-meter span fell, are very fresh in our minds . Then, accordingly, by the decision of the Minister of Defense, on the instructions of the Minister of Defense, it was decided to provide assistance, help, so that our economy would not suffer, to restore this railway bridge. There was already a situation here that, accordingly, a unit was alerted... a separate railway bridge battalion of the 5th separate railway brigade in Abakan. Even those tasks that were set - they had to be postponed a little for now, because there is such a task.

S. BUNTMAN - Extraordinary.

O. KOSENKOV - Extraordinary, yes. Here, the Russian Railways joint-stock company provided us with great assistance, regarding the allocation of an additional set of prefabricated overpass, and accordingly, the government of the Russian Federation quickly made a resolution, that is, it once again showed that our system works, and God forbid, there were no natural disasters, but all this was done quickly.

S. BUNTMAN - What are the conclusions? Because on the one hand, these are all terrible and alarming incidents, natural disasters. But their elimination, the fight against them - it should... there should be some lessons from it. So, what lessons have you learned from this? What was the most important thing for you? Well, we can learn a lesson... everything works as well as it is lubricated... we need to tweak it here, we need to do something here. Was it useful?

O. KOSENKOV - It was useful. The first lesson had to be done, let's say that the engineering composition of the units, formations, brigades are in charge of making a decision... but it seems like we made a decision, but we need to make it correctly the first time, you know? Assess the situation, evaluate the river itself, how it is, that it is still a mountain river, it is unpredictable. You see, it’s not like there’s some ordinary river in the European part, where it’s calm, its course is long... in this regard, what... and sometimes such a formulaic solution that we’ve already become accustomed to it, that such shocks, we’ll there was no such thing as saying that. Although last year an exercise was carried out on a tributary of this in Minusinsk... only from this... in terms of equipment, in terms of equipment, which means that no lessons had to be done, that is, the sanitary structure is equipped, here... just in this regard.

A. ERMOLIN - What are your most difficult jobs?

O. KOSENKOV - The most difficult work is considered to be pavement.

S. BUNTMAN - Pavements, after all.

O. KOSENKOV - Yes, yes, after all, pavements. The most difficult work is the construction of, let's say, any bridge, even small, medium, large. And as the bridge workers say, I myself graduated from higher education military school railway troops and military communications in the 80th year, faculty of construction of artificial structures. And as bridge builders say, if you’ve built a support, you’ve built a bridge. The most difficult thing about a bridge is to build the supports, on which you need to install or, there, push the span. This is very labor-intensive work, especially on rivers such as Abakan, Yenisei, this...

S. BUNTMAN - Very serious engineering training is needed.

O. KOSENKOV - Very serious engineering training, very serious.

A. ERMOLIN - By the way...

S. BUNTMAN - Are the tunnels really less complicated?

O. KOSENKOV - Tunnels are also difficult. I just... bridges... I mean man-made structures. Also very difficult. Any artificial structure is complex. Let’s even take an inventory pipe, a small one, maybe a meter in diameter, two meters, and even then this is a complex engineering structure. If the area is swamped, everyone else. If you don’t even give it the same engineering importance as it should, if you follow the same technical conditions, the same building codes and rules, then you can also get into trouble later on in operation.

S. BUNTMAN - If it’s a bridge, there’s a lot to take into account, of course. But tunnels too... this is a completely unique preparation that is needed. And it depends on what kind of blockage it is in the tunnel, and what is there. And the appropriate use of appropriate technology. How to remove these rubbles? Will I suddenly have to go through it again?

O. KOSENKOV - Also complex engineering structures. Yes, this is undeniable.

S. BUNTMAN - Yes. Please tell me, here, now... here you are speaking. That's what we talk about all the time. When the bridge is the supports. When there are tunnels, we remember how they were passed through before, but then shields and many, many other things appeared, and tube layers, and other things. Is something completely new in technology coming to both yours and civilians now? Because we thought a lot about how to make bridges often and how to make unsupported bridges, structural calculations, plus windage, there, and so on. So, is something coming to you, or even more so, are some witty, interesting new engineering solutions emerging from among you, from your troops? How does science work?

O. KOSENKOV - Science is moving forward, we probably won’t even say that... it’s moving forward. This has already been shown during the construction of the St. Petersburg ring road, we have them here in Moscow, everywhere. Bridge construction is underway. Also in the railway building. As for the tunnels, I also agree with you that progress is also being made regarding excavation and other issues. We are like railway troops, we don’t have a tunnel battalion... general course at the Military Transport University, of course, they go through... a bridge worker, not knowing the construction of tunnels, is not a bridge worker... but we don’t have such units or units. And special equipment for performing tasks...

S. BUNTMAN - And if something happens, who does this?

O. KOSENKOV - This is what the Russian Railways joint-stock company is doing. They have specialized tunnel detachments... and even if we open the pages of the technical cover plan like this, then this task is entrusted to the Transstroy corporation and JSC Russian Railways. And large artificial structures - bridges, pipes... well, we don’t count pipes. And the big bridges, the middle ones... they, accordingly, are entrusted to us. As for what innovations are in the railway troops, well, you yourself have already said here, too, and I said that the main task of the troops is, after all, organizing the restoration and technical cover of the railways. Troops are troops, in order to carry out tasks in wartime, not to interrupt our movement, so... we won’t say that Russia has how many roads it has... there is probably no country in the world that has the same number of roads as Russian Federation. And we are working in the field of using new designs, new technologies for restoration, as we called it, by type of restoration, so that it seems to be short-term, but this restoration will be considered temporary based on the use of these or other structures.

S. BUNTMAN - Well, of course, but nothing should happen during this time... that’s what’s the matter.

O. KOSENKOV - Here. If we use, for example, for the short-term restoration of any... well, not any bridge where we have water barriers, respectively, not in width, but in depth of the river, in terms of flow speed, floating railway bridges. It is called “NZhM-56”, the floating railway bridge NZhM-56. This is already, let’s say, I don’t know, there are ones built in ’56, there are ones built in ’59, my peers, there are others... good designs, of course, that’s all. Accordingly, the troops developed a new ribbon bridge, NZhM VT, which was successfully tested across the Volga in Yaroslavl. It was put into service by order of the Minister of Defense. And now serial production of this bridge is underway. This bridge allows, that is... its guidance... its fastening directly to the rail pontoons... the passage of any trains, then both automobile and tracked vehicles can pass over it. If only automobile equipment passed along NZhM-56, there was a wooden flooring made on the side directly on the pontoons for the passage of only automobile equipment, then this one is already directly... and accordingly can withstand the modern load, not the loads that were 30-50 years ago...

S. BUNTMAN - Well, yes.

O. KOSENKOV - Two-axle cars with 12 tons per axle, namely the modern load.

S. BUNTMAN - Biaxial, I don’t know... except for museums...

O. KOSENKOV - Well, I’ll take it... it was calculated for this a long time ago. Under modern loads. That is, if we, for example, let a train of 20 cars through, then these are ordinary 46 cars, all loaded, the bridge passes freely, there is no need to tighten any bolts somewhere, put them on anchors again, look at the pontoons, that’s all. He works like a whole tape in these matters... Accordingly, we also have technical questions on pile driving, on pile driving, on inventory bridge structures. Here, I told you the inventory bridge structure... the design, let’s say so, is a good design, so we used it when restoring the bridge across Abakan, we installed 55 meters with RM-500, so, but it allows passage, let’s just say, basically railway transport. If you are installing a deck, then you can let vehicles through, but not tracked ones, that is, it will not withstand such a load. Now we have developed and are manufacturing an experimental model, and we plan to test it in the 12th year, in the 12th year, it’s called an “inventory railway bridge”, which can handle modern loads, which, without re-equipment, flooring and everything else, will be able to pass automotive equipment, and also modern tracked equipment that we now have.

S. BUNTMAN - Is it already included in it? It contains this reserve and this opportunity.

O. KOSENKOV - And if this design RM-500 is used mainly on small watercourses, which means with denser soils, then this one can already be used on deeper watercourses, with a higher flow speed, if at two meters per second this is already scary , because there is a washout under the support, shoes... there will be subsidence, accordingly, collapse, then these structures are already built on screw piles, they have support under the shoes for turning... and weak soils are not scary, and there are already such watercourses in this...

S. BUNTMAN - Well, yes, great.

O. KOSENKOV - Therefore, science does not stand still, it moves forward.

S. BUNTMAN - Because we remember even the civilian one stands and stands... something there... 35 years ago the piles were completely... absolutely unrecognizable, unrecognizable.

A. ERMOLIN - Do you have confidence that there are combat standards? And what are they? Here's how much you owe...

O. KOSENKOV - There are combat standards. If there were no combat standards... then it would be possible to say how it was done... we can’t keep, for example, if we don’t have a standard that we need a train in a day, so that it can already go and pass, the troops require... the troops need material resources, the troops need fuel, the troops need ammunition, and we, with our regulations, will say that, excuse me, you stand for a month, because we will not restore? There are standards. There are standards. They are prescribed... if we restore the bridge with the preparation of structures, we must restore 30-40 linear meters of the bridge per day. The track battalion must restore the upper structure of the tracks 3 kilometers per day, while laying the tracks, this includes finishing and passing 3 kilometers. The mechanization battalion has production capabilities, it’s all been tested, it’s all been tested in exercises, it’s all a collection of standards... which means it must produce up to 14 thousand cubic meters per day, it’s a full-fledged full-time battalion, which is armed with 9 excavators, it’s worth 8 bulldozers, one of them heavy, and 42 dump trucks, respectively, and finishing equipment, I mean rollers, graders, and so on and so forth. If a floating railway bridge, this is a short-term restoration for the main types of restoration, this is a bridge that we quickly built, and you understand, there is no need to build any supports, nothing, nothing, if the water flow allows, and accordingly it has already been determined... in case of destruction there is an option restoration, how it is restored - along the old axis or on a bypass, or a floating railway bridge. All this is provided. There are already approaches to some bridges cordoned off for floating railway bridges. It is aimed within 24 hours, its length is 500 meters. One set of 500 meters should be aimed within 24 hours. This is with the structure when they are already lying on the shore. That is, the ferry is being assembled, the ferry is being inserted onto the axis of the bridge, and that’s it, within 24 hours we must, accordingly, with a ready approach to the bridge, I mean pouring the embankment, laying the track, let traffic pass. And all this goes together. We won’t act like we built a bridge and are waiting for the railway workers, for example, to do it for us superstructure... it all comes together. It all comes together.

S. BUNTMAN - And everything is calculated, how, when, what should be done.

O. KOSENKOV - And all this was calculated in peacetime, even in cooperation, as I called it, with the Transstroy corporation, a joint-stock company " Russian roads», floating bridges We direct, and the approaches are all done by Russian Railways JSC, and all this is in cooperation, and we conduct joint exercises. Right now, literally in September, we will have the Center-2011 strategic exercises, and on the eve of this exercise, special exercises will be held under the leadership of the Deputy Minister of Defense, Army General Bulgakov.

S. BUNTMAN - Until there is additional training.

O. KOSENKOV - Then it will go...

S. BUNTMAN - Teaching for training?

O. KOSENKOV - No, well, this is for the preparation of units, units, and then those units, respectively, similar to these exercises. And the railway troops, accordingly, are involved in the exercises together with the Russian Railways joint-stock company and the Transstroy corporation. We will play one of the questions at a real technical cover site across the Yenisei; a 448-meter long floating railway bridge will be built near Abakan. And the rest of the work, all that relates to the approaches to the bridge, will be carried out by divisions of the Russian Railways joint-stock company... on all these issues.

S. BUNTMAN - In this regard, by the way, well, many years have passed since the Great Patriotic War, so now former saboteurs began to write in their memoirs that the so-called rail war was not effective because the enemy restored the destroyed areas too quickly.

O. KOSENKOV - That is, yes.

S. BUNTMAN - By the way, are there now analogues of yours in some other countries, namely railway troops?

O. KOSENKOV - Are there analogues in other countries? Well, if it was when Soviet Union, then there were analogues in Bulgaria, Poland, and Germany. I haven't heard it now.

S. BUNTMAN - That is, this is solved with the help of ordinary, private railways.

O. KOSENKOV - Well, let's say so. They have railways... let's call it that... one of our regions, some Moscow region, there, or Leningrad. And we have a length of railways, a network...

S. BUNTMAN - Oleg Ivanovich, please tell me, you still studied the history of both your troops and railways... after all, in the end, the factor that our gauge is wider than in Europe played some role, during collisions?

O. KOSENKOV - In what sense? In victory in the Great Patriotic War

S. BUNTMAN - Well, in principle, yes.

O. KOSENKOV - I think not.

S. BUNTMAN - No, after all...

O. KOSENKOV - I think not. Who cares?

S. BUNTMAN - What's the difference? Still, everything can be done and redone. Here. Well, yes, even now, in my opinion, we have overcome all these technical inconveniences. In general, there was an amazing decision, of course, to make completely different tracks. Tell me, please, what is most important now? In what field? We talked about technology, we talked about tasks, about structural reorganization. They did not talk about the financial situation of the military personnel. So, what state is it in now? And provision, and new allowances, housing, life... for officers, first of all, and contract military personnel.

O. KOSENKOV - Well, if we talk about material support for military personnel, firstly with officers, accordingly, it means that it turns out that, in addition to receiving the monetary allowance that is due according to his regular position, our military personnel... we get 3 railway brigades, respectively, with the decision of the commission of the Ministry of Defense and at our request they receive 400 - To the order, all officers. These are the brigades that, based on the results of combat training and the results school year achieved better results. We have a separate railway brigade in Ryazan, a separate railway brigade in Abakan and a separate railway brigade that is stationed in Bryansk, well, this is the brigade department. Battalions - they are also deployed in other regions. In addition, monthly, respectively, quarterly payments are made by order of the Minister of Defense of the so-called, it is called 1010, this is a saving of money, accordingly, payments are made to officers. There are no delays now. If an officer rents an apartment, then he doesn’t have such a problem that the money will come to him tomorrow, he receives it on time, month after month, that is, he came on the 15th, that’s it, he wrote a report, he received the money , but maybe they sometimes don’t coincide with renting an apartment, which can be more expensive there... in this regard, only if some cities, let’s say, are large... That's... the fact that providing an officer now... with cash... well, such I haven’t heard a single complaint from a single officer, being in the troops and attending the graduation that we had just recently in June, the graduates have now all arrived, 100%, complaints about pay so... well, of course, we always want more...

S. BUNTMAN - Everyone is waiting for the prime minister to fulfill his promise, when the lieutenant will receive 70,000.

O. KOSENKOV - You see, I believe that the more money, the better, probably... there is never too much of it. Therefore... but there are no such complaints. And while talking, now analyzing the arrival of officers, we want to gather all the graduate officers of this year on the 22nd, to sum up... which means that not a single officer who arrived in the troops has yet written a dismissal report. Those who left, let's say so, immediately after graduation, expressed a desire to retire as a reserve lieutenant, so everyone was satisfied with the order of the Minister of Defense, accordingly, all this was implemented, this order. Well, as you already said, our Supreme Commander-in-Chief, summing up the activities of the armed forces for the 10th year and setting tasks for the 11th year, from the rostrum of the General Staff Academy club in front of the entire leadership of the armed forces, assured that from January 1 In the 12th year, accordingly, there will be an increase in pay for military personnel. Here. The Minister of Defense of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief... not a question, but during the course a question was asked to the minister... that is, the president asked... in this regard, what do you think about leaving financial incentives further... if, for example, a serviceman receives normally... 400th order, order 1010... the president said to work on this issue, and this incentive will definitely remain, that is, it is not the case that... and in the 11th year we received the 400th... increased, and it will not happen.

S. BUNTMAN - No, we just talked about this.

O. KOSENKOV - Most important issue... that money is important, that a military officer, a contract soldier, a sergeant, he must live somewhere as a family, and even a bachelor in a hostel. Today, we have a question regarding the provision of housing for military personnel, let’s say that the issue is being resolved, well, the issue is being resolved well. If we take the centrally subordinate units, as of today 19 officers and military personnel under contract from me have not received only a notice to receive housing. The rest got everything.

S. BUNTMAN - Only 19?

O. KOSENKOV - These are the parts of central subordination I mean.

S. BUNTMAN - I see.

O. KOSENKOV - The rest received it. For the troops, the situation is a little bit worse, but we got it from... that is, the housing department is going well, that is, officers are receiving notifications, very fruitful work has now begun on drawing up social rental agreements so that military personnel can move in and, accordingly, live. That is, this program is not worth it, I unequivocally declare...

S. BUNTMAN - So she’s coming?

O. KOSENKOV - She is coming.

S. BUNTMAN - God willing, it will come true. Once again we congratulate you on the anniversary of the troops. Oleg Ivanovich Kosenkov, head of the Main Directorate of Railway Troops. Thanks a lot. This concludes the transmission.

O. KOSENKOV - Thank you, all the best.

A. ERMOLIN - Thank you.

Head of the Main Directorate of the Railway Troops, Lieutenant General


Born on April 21, 1959 in the village of Temrovichi, Chaussky district, Mogilev region, Belarusian SSR. Graduated from the Leningrad Higher School of Railway Troops and Military Communications named after. M.V. Frunze (1980).

From 1980 to 1985, he served in the Mongolian People's Republic in the railway troops as commander of a piledriver platoon and commander of a concrete works company of a separate railway battalion.

From 1985 to 1990 - commander of a concrete works company, chief of staff, and then commander of a separate railway battalion.

In 1990 he entered the Military Academy of Logistics and Transport at the command military transport department.

After graduating from the academy (1993), he served as deputy commander and commander of a separate railway brigade.

In 1997, he was enrolled as a student at the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

1999 - 2001 - commander of a separate railway brigade, and then deputy commander of the railway corps.

In 2001, he was appointed deputy head of the Military Transport University - head of the faculty for training management personnel of the VTU Railways of the Russian Federation.

2002 - 2008 - Chief of Staff - First Deputy Commander of the Railway Corps. In 2008, he was appointed to the position of chief of staff - first deputy commander of the Railway Troops.

Since 2010 - Head of the Main Directorate of the Railway Troops.

He was awarded the Order “For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR”, III degree, “For Military Merit”, and the Medal “For the Development of Railways”. Honored Military Specialist of the Russian Federation.

Married, has two daughters.