Ivory Coast - description, history and interesting facts. Cote d'Ivoire in the pre-colonial period

Côte Divuar - Republic of Côte d'Ivoire.

Côte d'Ivoire - go-so-dar-st-in on the za-pa-de of Central Africa. In the south, ohmy-va-et-sya Guinea-skim hall. At-lan-ti-che-sko-go ocean (length-on the be-re-go-howl line 515 km). Gra-ni-chit on the se-ve-re with Ma-li and Bur-ki-na-Fa-so, on the east with Ga-na, on the za-pa-de with Li-be-ri- her and Guinea. The area is 322.5 thousand km2. Population 20.8 million (2008). Sto-li-tsa - Yamu-suk-ro. The official language is French. De-nezh-naya unit-ni-tsa - CFA franc. Administrative-territorial division: 19 regions (table).

Côte d'Ivoire is a member of the UN (1960), IMF (1963), IBRD (1963), WTO (1995), African Union (1963, until 2002 OAU).

Political system

Côte d'Ivoire is a unitary state. Con-sti-tu-tion pri-nya-ta on July 23, 2000. The form of rights-le-niya - pre-zi-dent-sky res-pub-li-ka.

The head of state and executive power is pre-zi-dent, from-bi-rai-my on all-general elections for 5 years (with the right of one go re-re-from-branding). Can-di-dat must be older than 40 years old, a citizen of Côte d'Ivoire and live in the country for a continuous 5 years before you-bo-ditch . The pre-zi-dent is-la-is-sya Ver-khov-ny main-but-to-man-blowing-shchim, na-know-cha-is pre-mier-mi-ni-st-ra, member new pra-vi-tel-st-va and other higher due-no-st-th persons.

The highest for-co-no-dative body - one-but-pa-lat-ny par-la-ment (National Assembly), from bi-rai-my on-se-le- nothing for 5 years.

Pra-vi-tel-st-in - Co-vet mi-ni-st-ditch, func-tsio-ni-ru-et under the leadership of pre-mier-mi-ni-st-ra.

In Côte d'Ivoire, there are so-sche-st-woo-et-m-p-par-ty-ny system-te-ma. Leading political parties: Ivu-a-r-sky People's Front, De-mo-kra-tic party, Ob-e-di-non-republic kan-tsev.


Be-re-ga of the Guinea-nei-th Bay is weakly due to re-behind-na, in the western part - rocky, in the east - in a loge, a dog -cha-nye, with a pro-tya-wife-noy chain of la-guns (over 300 km, the largest ones are Eb-rie, Abi, Ehi), connected with mo- rem artificial canal in the area of ​​the city of Abidjan.

Côte d'Ivoire is located in the southern part of the Se-ve-ro-Guinean height. In the reli-e-fe ter-ri-to-rii of the country pre-ob-la-da-yut weak-bo-race-member-equals-ny height 200-500 m. The western part beyond -ni-ma-yut so-kol-nye de-well-yes-qi-on-ny flats-to-mountains and heights-shen-no-sti. On the edge of it for-pa-de on ter-ri-to-riu Côte d'Ivoire for-ho-dyat from-ro-gi so-kol-nyh blocks-bo-vyh Leo-no-Li-be- riysky mountains (mass-si-you Dan, Tu-ra) height up to 1752 m (mountain Nim-ba, the highest point of the country). In the eastern part of the races-pro-countries-not-us-elevated de-well-yes-qi-on-equals, the top of some hours then os-loose-not-on-granit-ny-mi os-tan-tsa-mi (so-called in-zel-ber-ga-mi). Pe-re-go to ak-ku-mu-la-tiv-noy seaside low-men-no-sti Gwine-ney-go-gulf in the south of Côte d'Ivoire clearly you-ra -women se-ri-her in-ro-gov and in-do-pa-dov.

Geo-lo-gi-che-structure and useful is-ko-pae-mye.

Ter-ri-to-ria K.-d'Ivoire lo-ka-li-zu-et-sya in the south-eastern part of the early-not-to-something-Brian-go West-but- Af-ri-kan-sko-go-kra-to-on the Af-ri-kan-platform-we. On the surface you-stu-pa-yut run-not-pro-the-ro-zoi-skie me-ta-mor-fi-zo-van-nye vul-ka-no-gen-no-ter -ri-gen-nye breeds of Bir-rim-th belt-sa east. part of Leo-no-Li-be-riy-sko-go shield-ta, torn gra-ni-ta-mi. On the seaside low-men-no-sti of the Gwine-ney-sky-bay for-le-ga-yut neo-gene-four-vertical-sea and al-lu-vie-al -nye sediments, re-roofing more ancient car-bo-nat-no-ter-ri-gen-nye from lo-zhe-niya.

The most important useful is-co-pae-my Côte d'Ivoire - zo-lo-to (place-ro-zh-de-niya Iti, An-go-via, Sub- re, etc.), oil and natural combustible gas (shelf-fields-sto-rozh-de-niya Bao-bab, Es-pu-ar, Lay-on, Pan- ter). They have me-hundred-ro-zh-de-niya al-ma-zov (ko-ren-nye and dew-loose), ores of manganese, iron-le-za, me- di, ni-ke-la, co-bal-ta, nio-biya and tan-ta-la, bok-si-tov, as well as cement-no-go raw, quartz-out sand, clay, gravel, boo-to-go stone, etc.

In the southern part of the country, the climate is eq-va-to-ri-al-ny, a hundred-yan-but-humid. On the coast, you-pa-da-et from 1800 (Abidzhan) to 2300 (Ta-bu) mm of precipitation per year, from-no-si-tel-naya humidity du-ha in those of the whole year, do not drop below 75%. In the eastern part of the river, there are two periods with the maximum amount of precipitation (March - July and October - no-November, over 100 mm of precipitation per month) and two from-no-si-tel-but su-hih period-da (de-camber - february and august - september ). Less than everything before-f-day (less than 50 mm) you-pa-yes-et in Jan-va-re and Feb-ra-le. In zap. hour-ty-be-re-zhya from-me-cha-et-xia one short-to-time-men-ny from-no-si-tel-but su-hoy per-ri-od in jan-wa -re - February-ra-le (less than 50 mm precipitation), and in the rest of the months of the year (from March to December) you-pa-da- there is more than 100 mm of precipitation every month, the most rainy month is June (more than 500 mm). The annual course of the temperature of the air-du-ha is equal-dimensional: the average temperature of the hottest months (March - April) 27-28 ° С, sa- my cool cold (Aug-August - September-September) 24-25 ° С.

Su-be-k-va-to-ri-al-ny climate of the central and northern parts of the country ha-rak-te-ri-zu-et-sya less sum-my precipitation and clearly you-ra-wife-ny se-zone-y-y-la-g-no-no-eat. On the equals, you-pa-yes-et about 1100 mm of precipitation per year, in the north-ro-for-pa-de, in the foothills of Leo-no-Li-be-ry-sky mountains, - 1300-1500 mm (on the slopes of the Nim-ba mountain - up to 2200 mm). The duration of the rain-whether-in-the-se-zo-for 7-8 months (March - October-October), the most-neck-whether-che-st-in precipitation you-pa-yes-et in July - September-September-re (more than 150 mm per month). The average temperature ranges from 23-24 °С (December - July) to 28-29 °С (February - March). In the mountainous regions of se-ve-ro-for-pa-da countries, the climate is cooler (at a height of 1500 mm, average temperatures are 16-19 ° C) . In the dry season on the ter-ri-to-rii Côte d'Ivoire, the northeast su-hoy wind - har-ma-tan - dominates.

Inland waters.

The river network is dense, attaches, above, the main way to the bass-this-well Guinea-nei-th hall. The base of the river: Ban-da-ma (square of bass-sei-na in the pre-de-lahs of the country is 97 thousand km2, length is 1050 km), Ko-moe (78 thousand km2, 1160 km ), Sa-san-d-ra (75 thousand km2, 650 km), Ka-val-li (15 thousand km2, 700 km). An insignificant part of the ter-ri-to-rii in the se-ve-re of the country (23.7 thousand km2) from no-sit-sya to the basin of the river. Ni-ger (re-ki Bau-le, Ba-goe). Because of the thresholds in the middle and lower ones, those more-shin-st-in rivers are not-su-to-walk-us. Significantly-chi-tel-us ko-le-ba-niya of the river-but-one hundred in se-zo-us. River-days-we-we-for-we-weak-bo, that’s why in summer in pe-ri-od to-f-day re-gu-lyar-but they-cha-ut-sya on-water-non-niya. For the be-re-go-howl of the zone, ha-rak-ter-ny in-tru-zia of the sea. waters (annual volume 0.74 km3). Create-yes-but not. in-do-hra-ni-lisch: Ko-su on the river. Ban-da-ma (area 1500 km2), Buyo on the river. Sa-san-d-ra (plozad 900 km2), Aya-me on the river. Bio (area 186 km2).

Every year, but in-goiter-newly-lying-my water resources are 81.14 km3, water supply is 4853 m3 / person per year (2002). Most of the required water (67%) is used for the needs of agriculture (the area of ​​irrigated land is 72.8 thousand hectares, 2003), 22% - on whom -mu-nal-but-to-voe-to-supply, 11% is required by industrial enterprises.

Soil-you, ra-ti-tel-ny and living world. Ras-pre-de-le-tion of the main types of soils under-chi-nya-et-xia latitude-but-zo-nal-nym for-to-no-dimensions. In the forest zone, not in the west. parts of the country in the basins of the rivers Ka-val-li and Sa-san-d-ra pre-ob-la-da-yut red-yellow and red fer-ral- cast soils. On the east, along with the red-but-yellow-you-mi-soil-va-mi, not-big-study-st-ki for-ni-ma-yut yellow farms ral-cast. On the seaside ak-ku-mu-la-tiv-noy bottom-men-no-sti sfor-mi-ro-va-lis mar-she-soils. In the zone of les-so-sa-vannes, a complex of fer-ral-lithic soils and fer-ro-zems is developed. In the central part of the country in the same-no-yah races-pro-countries of black tropical soil. In the zone of sa-baths, pre-ob-la-da-yut fer-ro-ze-we; a significant area for-ni-ma-yut ancient (on the upper-no-ties you-equal-ni-va-niya height is 350-550 m) and young (150-200 m) os-tat-ki la-te-rit-nyh cores you-vet-ri-va-nia (ki-ra-sy). In the valleys of large rivers, there are areas of hydro-morphic all-lu-vi-al soils.

In the composition of the flora there are more than 3.5 thousand species of higher races (of which over 100 are under the threat of extinction, St. 60 en-de-mich-ny). In the southern regions of the country, pre-ob-la-give one-hundred-yan-but-wet ever-but-green-le-s and lu-fox-then-fall-forests Guinean zone. In the ever-green-le-forests of shi-ro-ko, the tree-spring species from the seeds of bo-bo-vyh (par-kiya, pip-ta -de-nia, erit-rof-le-um, etc.). In the po-fox-and-fall forests, there are many-numbers-of-lens-we-by-gens from the families of mallow, ster-ku-lie-vy, elm-zo-vy and here and there. For both types of forests, ha-rak-ter-ny de-re-vya with valuable wood-ve-si-noy - en-tan-d-rof-rag-ma and kaya. In modern ras-tit. in-cro-ve le-sa for-ni-ma-yut 7.1 million hectares (2002), for the time of farms. os-war-niya ter-ri-to-rii area of ​​forests su-sche-st-ven-but decreased and continued-to-be-str-ro-to-beautify -sya. The pace of deprivation of le-se-nia in Côte d'Ivoire is the most you-so-ky in Africa and one of the most you-so-ky in the world (up to 7 % in year). Causes of deprivation-le-se-niya: le-so-for-go-to-ki (including non-le-gal-nye), ras-shi-re-nie plan-ta- tsy ka-kao, ko-fe and one-year-old culture-tour (ku-ku-ru-za, rice, ma-ni-ok, ba-nan). In the place of the venerable eternal-but-green-le-forest-owls pre-ob-la-yes-there would be-st-ro-ra-studying pioneer-ner-ra-ti- body-ness (fun-tu-miya, ho-lar-re-na).

To the north from the Guinean zone with an increase in the length of the so-ho-go se-zo-na up to 3-4 months -sa change-nya-yut-sya le-so-sa-van-na-mi. Ty-pich-nye you-with-ko-herbal sa-van-ns of the Su-Dan zone, for-no-may-ing 1/3 of the territory of the country, races -countries in the northern part. Of the ancient species for sa-baths, ha-rak-ter-na is pre-hundred-vi-te-whether bo-bo-vyh -bur-keya, af-ze-lia, iso-ber- line, as well as com-bre-tum, lo-fi-ra, etc. godfather, an-d-ro-po-gon, elio-nu-rus, etc., che-re-blowing-schi-mi-sya with over-ros-la-mi kus-tar-ni-kov from bau- hi-nii, com-bre-tu-ma and gar-de-nii. Along the rivers before us in the sa-vann zone, yes-le-ko in the north for-ho-dyat ha-le-ray-nye-sa with pre-ob-la-da-ni-em qi-no-met-ry. On the per-rio-di-che-ski for-p-lyae-my teachings of river floodplains pre-ob-la-da-et gi-par-re-niya. In the zone of sa-vann shi-ro-ko once-ve-something bo-gar-noe zem-le-de-lie (ku-ku-ru-za, rice, ara-his, clap-chat-nick) , you-ra-schi-va-yut-sya mas-la-noe de-re-vo (ka-ri-te), man-go, etc.

In the mountains of the north-western part of the country, you are-ra-same-at-height-hundreds of clarity. The lower part of the slopes is new for-nya-you forever-but-ze-le-ny-mi ek-va-to-ri-al-ny-mi le-sa-mi (lo-fi-ra, chlo-ro-fo-ra, ter-mi-na-liya, etc.), at an altitude of 600-1600 m they are replaced by eda-phic sa-van-ny with ha-le-rei-ny-mi le-sa-mi. You-she races-on-the-same-we-you-so-mountain-meadows with Af-ro-al-piy-sky race-ti-tel-no-stu and teaching-st-ki re -face-of-you-from-to-mountain-forests.

The living world is rich and its own-ob-ra-zen.

In the composition of the fauna there are 230 species of mammals (19 under the threat of extinction), over 250 species of nests shish-sya birds (12 under the threat of ex-chez-no-ve-niya), 125 species of pre-sm-kayu-shchi-sya and approx. 40 species of terrestrial-water-nyh, including living-in-ro-dya-toad. Especially-ben-but many-numbers-len-us and different-about-times-we monkeys-I-we (St. 10 species of pri-mats), among them - pa- vi-an anu-bis, mar-tysh-ki (dia-na, mo-na, etc.), ko-lo-bu-sy, western subspecies of shim-pan-ze, outside -sen-ny in the IUCN Red Book, as well as sweat and ha-la-go. From the West, but 28 types of pairs-but-to-pyt-nyh: bo-ro-yes-voch-nick, kiss-te-eared pig, en-de-mich-ny for Zap. Af-ri-ki kar-li-ko-vy be-ge-mot, different-but-about-different in-lo-ro-gie (bush-bok, du-ke-ry, bon-go, si -ta-tun-ga, ori-bi, lo-sha-di-naya an-ti-lo-pa, water-dya-noy and marsh goat-ly, Af-ri-kan-sky bui- ox), etc. Over 25 species of predatory, including different-but-different-vi-ver-ro-vye (ge-not-you, qi-ve-you), medium -di rare species - le-o-pard, golden af-ri-kan-sky cat, gie-no-vid-naya so-ba-ka. For the fauna of Côte d'Ivoire, ha-rak-ter-we are also lizards and pipes-to-tooth. Once upon a time shi-ro-ko ras-pro-country-ny on the ter-ri-to-ri country of the Af-ri-kan-sky elephant we-do not obi-ta-et pre-im. in pre-de-lah oh-ra-nyae-my ter-ri-to-riy. On the territory of re-zer-va-ta Abu-kua-mek-ro in-tro-du-tsi-ro-van white but-so-horn. In all-me-st-but a lot of birds (fran-ko-li-ny, me-to-decree-chi-ki, ti-me-lii, ya-t-re-bi-nye, etc. ), snakes (pi-to-us, etc.). In the rivers, there are cro-co-di-ly: Nile, Af-ri-Kan-sky narrow-to-ry-ry and tu-po-ry-ry. Ras-pro-stra-not-na mu-ha tse-tse. V-li-ko raz-but-ob-ra-zie of their-thio-fau-na of coastal waters (over 250 species of fish).

Sis-te-ma oh-ra-nyae-myh natural ter-ri-to-riy dos-ta-toch-but re-pre-zen-ta-tiv-na and oh-va-you-va - is ok. 17% of the country's area. In the list-juice of the All-world-but-on-the-follow-dia, I will include nat. par-ki Ko-moe (an area of ​​​​1.15 thousand hectares, one of the largest in Western Africa) and Tai (one of the largest ma-lo-na -ru-shen-nyh wet ever-green-le-forests), from-not-soy-same to bio-spheral re-zero-va-there UNESCO, trans- border re-zer-vat Mon-Nim-ba (Cote d'Ivoire, Guinea).


Over-pressing pain-shin-st-in on-se-le-niya Côte d'Ivoire go-vo-rit in ni-ge-ro-kon-go-lez languages: on in the south-east of the country, they live in na-ro-dy qua (31%), including Akan - 26% (bau-le 16%, anyi 4.4%) and la-gun -nye on-ro-dy; on se-ve-ro-in-sto-ke - gur (18.2%, including mo-si 12%, ku-lan-go, lo-bi, lig-bi, etc.); on se-ve-re - se-nu-fo (9.6%); in the south-west of pas de cru (8.5%, including be-te 3.4%, ge-re and in-be 2.9%, di-da, gre-bo, nyab -va, go-dieu, kru-men, ai-zi, bak-ve, etc.), etc.; in the west, se-ve-ro-for-pa-de and se-ve-ro-in-drain - man-de-lingual peoples (28.7%), including man - den 19.4% (malinka 9.6%, bam-ba-ra 5%, du-la 2.4%, mau, vo-ro-du-guka, etc.), southern man-de - 8.3% (dan 4.4%, gu-ro 2.6%, ben, tu-ra, mu-an, uan, yau-re, etc.), as well as so-nin-ke, bo -zo, bi-sa, etc. In the cities of Côte d'Ivoire, there are also ful-be (2.1%), hau-sa (0.6%), yoruba ( 0.5%), ara-by (0.3%), French-zu-zy, Germans, ang-li-cha-ne, etc.

Since the second half of the 20th century, the number of people in the country has increased by more than five times (3.9 million people in 1960; 20.8 million people in 2008); average-not-first-to-high rates of natural growth on-se-le-tion are declining (2.2% in 2008; 4.4% in 1973- 1982). The birth rate (32.7 per 1000 inhabitants; 2008) significantly exceeds the death rate (11.2 per 1000 inhabitants). For-ka-for-tel fer-til-no-sti 4.2 re-byon-ka for 1 woman-schi-nu; infant mortality is 69.8 per 1000 live-in-ro-w-days. In the age structure, pre-ob-la-yes-et on-se-le-work-to-spo-of-own-age-ra-ta (15-64 years old ) - 56.3%, for children under 14 years old 40.9%, persons 65 years and older - 2.8%. The average age for-se-le-ning is 19 years (2008). The average life expectancy in May is 54.6 years (men - 53.9, women - 55.4 years). Co-from-no-she-nie man-rank and women, for example, but equal. Sal-to external mi-gra-tsy in a lo-zhi-tel-noe, most of the labor-to-mi-grants come from neighboring countries (mostly from Bur-ki-na-Fa-so, Ma-li, Guinea). The average population density is 64.5 people / km2 (2008; one of the highest in Tropical Africa). The most densely occupied is the south of the country (up to 384 people / km2 in the Abid-ja-na area, 106.2 people / km2 in the Fro-ma-zhe region). In the northern, eco-no-mi-che-ski less times-vi-ty areas, the average population density is significantly lower (14.6 person/km2 in Den-ge-le region). To-la mountains. on-se-le-niya would-st-ro increase-li-chi-va-et-sya at the expense of a hundred-yan-no-go at the same time rural residents-te-lei and them- mi-grants (24% in 1965; 42% in 1985; over 50% in 2008). Large cities (thousand people, 2008): Abi-jan (3900), Bua-ke (624.5), Da-loa (234.7), Yamu-suk-ro (227 ), Ko-ro-go (200.2), San Ped-ro (160.2). The economy employs 6.9 million people, of which approx. 68% in agriculture(2007). Level without-ra-bo-ti-tsy 40% (estimate). Beyond the poverty line, 42% of the country's population lives (2006).


About 40% on-se-le-nia (2006, estimate) Côte d'Ivoire - mu-sul-ma-ne -sun-ni-you, about 28% - christian-ne (in t h. about 19% - ka-that-li-ki, about 6% - pro-tes-tan-you), approx. 30% - adherents of traditional cults. They also have affiliated women of af-roh-ri-sti-an-sky sin-kre-ti-che-cults (char-rism, etc.), bud-di -sta, in-dui-sta, ba-hai-you, etc.

Dei-st-vu-yut 4 mi-tro-po-lii and 11 dio-ce-calls of the Rome-ca-to-personal church. The largest pro-tes-tant organization is the Ob-e-di-nyon-naya me-to-di-st-church of Côte d'Ivoire (os-no-va-na in 1924 year, self-standing status since 1985). Right-in-glorious parishes are on-ho-dyat-sya in the juris-dik-qi-and Alek-san-d-ri-sky great-in-glorious-church-vi.

Is-to-ri-che-sky essay

Côte d'Ivoire to ob-re-te-niya not-for-vi-si-mo-sti. Archaeological-logical walks (the so-called non-o-li-tic masters along the banks of the rivers) sw-de-tel-st-vu-yut about for -se-le-nii ter-ri-to-rii Côte d'Ivoire in the stone ve-ke. In III-II millennia BC. e. in the zone of sa-van-ny, and then in the forest zone, on-cha-elk, the development of the earth-le-de-lia; in the first millennium A.D. e. shi-ro-some race-pro-country-non-nie in-lu-chi-li-le-zo-de-later production, gon-char-noe re-mes-lo, tka-che-st - in, to-by-cha zo-lo-ta. At the beginning of the 2nd millennium, people who came from se-ve-ro-for-pa-da to-ro-dy se-nu-fo were scattered here; the city of Kong, founded by them, became one of the largest centers of ka-ra-van-noy trading-li in Western Africa. In the XV-XVI centuries, se-nu-fo would be from-tes-not-na to se-ve-ro-za-pad man-de-language-us-mi-na-ro-da-mi (ma-lin -ke, du-la, etc.), creating-dav-shi-mi at the beginning of the 18th century a state education with a center in Kong. In the 15th century, in the inter-f-du-re-whose rivers Ka-moe and Cher-naya Vol-ta, a state was formed on-ro-da ab-ron - Bo-no; on the za-pa-de from the Ban-da-ma river - the ran-not-go-state-gift-arrangement of anya and bau-le. The northern part of the territory of Cote d'Ivoire is included in the sphere of influence of the states of Western Su-da-na - Ga-na, Ma-li and Son-gai.

At the end of the 15th century, on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea, they began to pro-no-kat ev-ro-pei-tsy, mainly port-to-gale-tsy, you-in- ziv-shie from-here-yes ivory (name of the country - Côte d'Ivoire in re-re-vo-de from the French language oz-na-cha-et Be-reg Slo-no -howl Kos-ti, BSK), gold-and-slave. Na-cha-lo ko-lo-ni-za-tion of Côte d'Ivoire in lo-ji-li in 1637 French mis-sio-ne-ry. In the 1840s, the French-tsu-zy for-kre-pi-were on the be-re-jee Côte d'Ivoire, in the 1880s they began to move in the interior of the country. In 1887-1889, France-tion on-vya-za-la a number of so-called. so-uz-nich. to-go-vo-ditch of the great-vi-te-lyam of the African states and in-zh-dyam of the tribes. In 1892, according to the Franco-li-be-riy-sky con-vention, were there op-re-de-le-ny gra-ni-tsy of the French authorities-de-ny and Li-be-riy ( in the wake of the decision of the convention of not-one-but-times-but re-smat-ri-va-lied in favor of France), in 1893 according to French-British convention - borders with the British co-lo-ni-her Zo-lo-toy Be-reg.

In 1893, the BSC was declared by a co-lo-ni-her France (before that, for-hva-chen-nye franc-tsu-za-mi ter-ri-to-rii ad-mi- no-st-ra-tiv-but enter-di-li into the composition of the co-lo-nii Se-ne-gal), in 1895 he was included in the composition of the French West-pad-noy Af-ri-ki. The main from-ras-lyu ko-lo-ni-al-noy eco-no-mi-ki BSK became-la mountain-but-do-by-vayu-shaya industry (do-by-cha zo-lo-ta, al-ma-zov, mar-gan-tse-voi ru-dy), as well as the development of forest riches; in-lu-chi-lo development of the plan-tats. ho-zyay-st-vo, cul-ti-vi-ro-va-lis ex-port cul-tu-ry - ka-kao, co-fe, ba-na-na.

At the end of the 1930s, in the BSK, there arose trade unions and public organizations of af-ri-kan-tsev, you-stup-fell with tre-bo -va-niya-mi pre-dos-tav-le-niya im-lytic rights. In October 1946, the BSC received the status of the overseas territory of France (within the framework of the French Society); part of the on-se-le-niya of the BSK became-la teaching-st-in-vat in you-bo-rach before-hundred-vi-te-lei in the French par-la-ment, as well as in the gene -ral council of ter-ri-to-ri, on-de-len-ny with co-translating functions (in 1952, pre-ob-ra-zo-van in ter-ri- then-ri-al-nuyu representative as-samb-ley, in 1958 - into the educational as-samb-ley). In 1946, the creation of the first party of the African on-se-le-nia - De-mo-kra-tic party (DP; ter-ri-to-ri-al-naya section Af-ri-kan-sko-go de-mo-kra-ti-che-sko-go ob-e-di-non-niya) led by D.F. Ufue-boo-a-ny. According to-the-voice-but for-to-well 1956, in the time-ra-bot-ke of some-ro-go with-no-small participation of Ufue-Bu-a-nya, enter-di-moose everything -general of-bi-rational law, up-dividing-nya-elk de-le-nie from-bi-ra-te-lei into two ku-rii (Af-ri-kan-sky and ev- ro-pei-skuyu), ras-shi-rya-lis pra-va ter-ri-to-ri-al-noy for-to-no-dative as-samb-lei. According to re-zul-ta-tam re-fe-ren-doo-ma, so-hundred-yav-she-go-sya on September 28, 1958, BSC in-lu-chil the status of the state - a member of the French So -general-st-va. There was a sfor-mi-ro-va-but pra-vi-tel-st-vo, Ufue-Bu-a-nyi became his pre-se-da-te-lem.

Ivory Coast since 1960.

Res-pub-li-ka Côte d'Ivoire was pro-voz-gla-she-on August 7, 1960. She left the French Societies, but kept close ties with the former. metro-ro-po-li-she (in 1961, the right-vi-tel-st-vo Côte d'Ivoire for the key-chi-lo with France a series of agreements on eco -no-mic and military co-labor-no-che-st-ve). In November 1960, there was a pri-nya-ta con-sti-tu-tion of the country. For-mal-but it does not for-pre-scha-la the activities of the oppositional political parties, but-on-to-fak-ti-che-ski one-st-ven -noy par-ty-her Côte d'Ivoire recognized the DP, under the control of someone-swarm, would all trade-union unions and about -schestvennoy org-ga-no-for-tion. In November 1960, the DP oder-la-la-po-du-doo at the National Assembly, then D.F. Ufue-Bu-a-nyi was elected by the pre-si-den-tom of the res-pub-li-ki. The next-blowing pre-zi-dent-sky and par-la-ment-skie you-bo-ry also pro-ho-di-li on without-al-ter-na-tiv-noy os -but-ve. Pra-vi-tel-st-in pro-di-lo li-be-ral-nuyu eco-no-mich. po-li-ti-ku; a course was taken to attract foreigners. ka-pi-ta-la, raz-vi-tie cha-st-no-go pre-at-ni-ma-tel-st-va. In the 1960s-1980s, the pace of economic growth would be very high-with-ki-mi (due to the use of funds, best-tea-my from ex -port-ta ko-fe and ka-kao-bo-bov), which in many ways is able to-own-stvo-va-lo under-der-zha-ny inside-ri-po-li-tich. sta-bil-no-sti in re-pub-li-ke.

In the 1980s, following the st-vie pa-de-niya of the world prices for coffee-fe and ka-kao-bo-would eco-no-mi-ka the country entered-pi-la into - severe crisis. In-flation, mass-co-vaya without-ra-bo-ti-tsa and a sharp pa-de-tion of the standard of living-no on-se-le-niya became pri-chi-noy ros-ta an-ti-pra-vi-states. on-building. In May 1990, D.F. Ufue-Bu-a-nyi le-ha-li-zo-val activity of the opposition-positional political parties and or-ga-ni-za-tsy. On the pre-si-dent-sky-bo-rakh on October 28, 1990, he won in be-du over the can-di-da-tom from L.K. Gbag-bo.

In front of the pre-si-dent elections of 1995, the National Assembly of Côte d'Ivoire pri-nya-lo right-ku to con-sti-tu- tions, according to the voice, but some-swarm ball-lo-ti-ro-vat-sya on the pre-si-dent post could only be the one who had ro-di-te-lei-ivua- p-tsev (one or both). This right-ka li-shi-la li-de-ra op-po-zits. parties Ob-e-di-non-nie res-pub-li-kan-tsev (os-no-va-na in 1994 as a result of ras-ko-la DP) A.D . Uat-ta-ru, bur-ki-niy-tsa according to pro-is-ho-zh-de-niyu, the possibility of learning-st-in-vat in you-bo-rah. On October 22, 1995, pre-si-den-tom, the chairman of the DP E.A.K. was elected. Be-dieu (other can-di-da-you fight-ko-ti-ro-va-whether you-bo-ry).

Pe-ri-od on-ho-zh-de-niya Be-die on the pre-zi-dent-stu was from-me-chen further-shey des-ta-bi-li-za-qi -her inside-ri-po-li-tich. ob-sta-nov-ki, called-in, including dis-cree-mi-nat. is it-ti-coy right-vi-tel-st-va from-no-she-niyu to them-mi-gran-there (about a quarter-ti-on-se-le-niya Kot- d'Ivoire is made up of you-walkers from other countries, mainly from Bur-ki-na-Fa-so, Benin, Gana, Guinea). In 1999, on-ka-well-not new pre-zi-dent-sky you-bo-ditch in the hundred and other cities of the country passed mass-co-de -mon-st-ra-tion in support of A.D. Wat-ta-ry. Vos-pol-zo-vav-shis si-tua-qi-ey, military-en-nye, led by a retired gene. R. Gue-em co-ver-shi-li state re-re-in-mouth. It was announcing-yav-le-but about the p-os-ta-nov-le-nii dei-st-via con-sti-tu-tion, displacement of pre-zi-den-ta, growth pus-ke pra-vi-tel-st-va and par-la-men-ta. Power passed to the National Committee for Public Spa-senation. In January 2000, sfor-mi-ro-va-no-re-move-noe pra-vi-tel-st-vo, in some-rum Gyu-ey took over the post of pre-zi-den-ta res-publics and ministries of defense.

On July 23, 2000, at the re-fe-ren-doo-me, it was approved-re-on the new Con-sti-tou-tion Côte d'Ivoire (entered-pi-la into si-lu on August 1, 2000 of the year); article about tre-bo-va-ni-yah to can-di-da-tu in pre-zi-den-you remained without iz-me-not-ny. On October 22, 2000, pre-si-dent-sky you-bo-ry for-we-we-were-li-de-ra Ivoi-r-th people's front-ta (INF; created-dan in 1983 in France) L.K. Gbag-bo. According to the rezul-ta-tam of the par-la-ment-sky elections (December 10, 2000 - January 14, 2001) INF and DP in-lu-chi-li, approximately equal to whether-che-st-in places. You-bo-ry didn’t bring to the norm-ma-li-za-tion about-sta-nov-ki in the country. September 19, 2002 in-en-nye for-hwa-ti-li power in the cities of Abi-jan, Bua-ke and Ko-ro-go. Mya-tezh managed to-yes-twist, one-on-one pov-stanch. group-pi-ditch-ki took control of all the north, as well as part of the central and western regions. There were clashes on ethnic grounds (me-zh-du ivua-r-tsa-mi and im-mi-gran-ta-mi, as well as me-zh -du pre-hundred-vi-te-la-mi of various nations).

In March 2003, the sfor-mi-ro-va-no coalition government of the national pri-mi-re-niya, some of the members of the INF, DP, rebel organ-ga-ni-za-tsy and Ob-e-di-non-niya res-pub-li-kan-tsev. One-on-one, already a year later, mi-ni-st-ry, representing-becoming-op-po-zi-tion, announce-reveal-whether about fight-to-te ra-bo-you are right -vi-tel-st-va in connection with the different ma-ni-fe-sta-tsy si-la-mi security-no-sti Côte d'Ivoire (in death-lo St. 100 people). In na-cha-le April 2004, for an eye-for-a-help-of-pra-vi-tel-st-vu in ur-gu-li-ro-va-ni con-flik-ta in the country would-whether on-right-le-na military sub-raz-de-le-tion of the UN.

In the summer of 2004, in the city of Ak-kra (Ga-na), there was a summit of the heads of 13 African states, on some international tel-st-vom Côte d'Ivoire and pov-stan-tsa-mi would-lo dos-tig-well, an agreement about the ure-gu-li-ro-va-nii of the internal con- flick-ta. One-to-si-tua-tion is still not-mu-os-ta-va-las not-stable-bil-noy, since it’s about-ty-in-bor-st-vou-shchi hundred-ro-ny from-ka-for-lis-ra-zo-ru-reap-sya. In these conditions, L.K. Gbag-bo made a decision about re-re-no-se at a later date of the pre-si-dent-you-bo-ditch, someone first -chal-but plan-ni-ro-va-elk about-weight-ti in 2005 (in the future, they still a few times from-kla-dy-wa-lis). In na-cha-le March 2007 Goa in the hundred-li-tse Bur-ki-na-Fa-so - Wah-ga-doo-gu for-ver-shi-li-pe-re-go-vo -ry me-zh-du Gbag-bo and li-de-rum of the Ivois-r-op-positional forces of G.K. So-ro. Hundred-ro-we under-pi-sa-li co-gla-she-nie, pre-du-smat-ri-vayu-shche creation of but-in-go-re-move-no-go pr-vi-tel-st-va of the country led by So-ro (sfor-mi-ro-va-no April 7, 2007). Before the pra-vi-tel-st-vom of Côte d'Ivoire, they stand for-da-chi according to the ra-zo-ru-same-tion of the stanitsa detachments, re-stand-new- le-niyu raz-ru-shen-noy in-fra-structure-tu-ry, ure-gu-li-ro-va-niyu me-zhet-nicheskih pro-ti-vo-re-chi, as well as according to the obes-pe-che-niyu pro-ve-de-niya pre-zi-dent-sky and par-la-ment-sky you-bo-ditch.

Di-plo-ma-tic relations between the USSR and Côte d'Ivoire us-ta-nov-le-ny in 1967 (pre-rva-ny right-vi-tel- st-vom Ivory Coast in 1969; The to-va-ro-turnover between two countries is 153.2 million US dollars (2004). RF after-to-va-tel-but you-stu-pa-et for the poli-tic ure-gu-li-ro-va-nie conflict-ta in Côte d'Ivoire.


Os-no-wa eco-no-mi-ki Côte d'Ivoire - agriculture. Since the beginning of the 2000s, the eco-no-mic-lo-same-lo-lo-moose because of the internal-ri-lytic non-stability. Since 2004, more-beautiful-but cre-di-to-va-nie Côte d'Ivoire World-wide bank-com. Per-spec-ty-you-development of the country are connected with di-ver-si-fi-ka-qi-ee eco-no-mi-ki, no-you-no- I eat ro-whether cha-st-no-go sec-to-ra, with-vle-che-ne-im-foreign in-ve-sti-tsy, pre-odo-le-ni-poor-no-sti.

The volume of GDP is 33.1 billion dollars (according to pa-ri-te-tu in-ku-pa-tel-noy ability; 2007); in race-those per capita on-se-le-niya 1.7 thousand dollars e place among 177 countries of the world). Growth in real GDP 1.6% (2007; 11% in the 1960s, 6% in the 1970s - early 1980s, 5% in the late 1990s). In the structure of GDP, the share of services is 50%, agriculture - 28%, industry - 22%.


An important role is played by do-by-cha coal-le-vo-do-ro-dov in the eastern part of the shelf of the Guinea-nei-go-go bay. The total volume of upstream oil (na-cha-ta in 1980) is 52 thousand barrels per day (2007; 15 thousand barrels per day in 2002). The largest deposits (2007): Es-pu-ar (28.1 thousand barrels / day), Bao-bab (21.1 thousand barrels / day) , Lai-on (1.9 thousand barrels per day). Do-by-cha is conducted mainly under the control of the state. company "So-ciété Nationale d'Opera-tions Pétrolières de la Côte d'Ivoire" ("Pet-roci"). OK. 60% of oil ex-port-ti-ru-et-sya, of which 2/3 - to the countries of Western Europe (mainly to Germany) and to Ka-na-du .

Production of natural gas has been going on since the beginning of the 1990s (16 billion m3 in 2002; 22 billion m3 in 2006). Leading companies: Foxtrot International, Petroci, Energy de Côte d'Ivoire, etc. All gas is used within the country (mainly tre-bi-tel - electric-tro-energy-ge-ti-ka).

The need for electricity in electricity is full of roofs at the expense of their own top-p-living re-sur-owls. Us-ta-nov-len-naya capacity of power plants 1.1 thousand MW (2005). Electricity production 5.3 billion kWh, export - 1.1 billion kWh (2006). Most of you-ra-ba-you-vae-my energy is produced from-in-dit at thermal power plants (ra-bo-ta-yut on natural gas). The largest thermal power plant is Azi-to in the Abid-ja-na area (1999; installed capacity of 288 MW, over 1/3 of you-work-you -vae-my electric-tro-energy). About 1/5 of electricity is produced from-in-dit-Xia at hydroelectric power stations; the most important ones are “Ayame I” and “Ayame II” on the river. Bio, "Kossou" and "Taabo" on the river. Bang-da-ma, "Buyo" on the river. Sa-san-d-ra.

The only refinery in the country of the company "Société Ivoirienne de Raffinage" (SIR) located in Abid-Jean (capacity 65 thousand barrels per day ; 47.3% of the shares are owned by the state). Construction (since 2008, commissioning in 2011) of the second refinery in the Abid-ja-na area (capacity 60 thousand barrels per day). The ex-port of nef-te-pro-duk-tov in Ma-li, Bur-ki-na-Fa-so, Niger.

It’s going to do-by-cha gold-lo-ta (1.3 tons in 2006, 3.6 tons in 2002; deposits of Iti and Sub-re; large the largest companies - French "La Man-cha Resources Inc." and the state "Société pour le Développement Minier en Côte d'Ivoire"), al-ma-zov (300 thousand carats in 2006; paradise -ons Tor-tiya and Se-ge-la on se-ve-re and beyond-pa-de of the country).

De-st-vu-yut small-scale metal-lurgy and metal-lo-ob-ra-ba-you-making enterprises (production of steel-no- a sheet of imported for-go-to-woks, metal-personal cr-vel-nyh ma-te-ria-lov, ar-ma-tu-ry, pipes, production -lo-ki, etc. in Abid-zha-ne), factories for collecting av-to-mo-bi-lei, mo-to-tsik-lov, ve-lo-si-pe- dov and by-the-out electrical-tro-tech-nich. from-de-liy (Abi-d-zhan), numerous chemical enterprises (production of la-ko-kra-juicy from-de-liy and plastic masses , steam-fu-mer-no-kos-me-tic production, by-it-howl chemistry, convenient-re-ny, pest-ti-ci-dov, etc.), plant for the production of cell-lu-lo-sa (San Ped-ro; about 200 thousand tons of cell-lu-lo-sa per year), two tech-style comb-bi-na-ta (Bua- ke and Dim-bok-ro; mostly cotton-cha-to-boo-mazh-nye fabrics from me-st-no-th cotton and in-significantly-whether-che-st- ve - syn-te-tic fabrics from imported raw materials). They have several not-large-sized leather-veins-but-shoe enterprises, a sleep-chech-factory (60-100 million co-ro-side in year), su-do-construction-tel-nye and su-do-re-montage ver-fi (in Abid-ja-ne). Be-st-ro times-vi-va-yut-sya le-so-for-the-vi-tel-naya and de-re-vo-ob-ra-ba-you-vayu-shaya from-ras -li (about 600 thousand m3 of pi-lo-ma-te-ria-lov per year); most of the enterprises are co-medium-to-that-che-on in the south. districts of the country. For-met-nuyu role in the eco-no-mi-ke plays the production of construction-ma-te-ria-lov. It’s working to-by-cha dog, gravel, from-west-nya-ka, other construction raw materials. Acts-vu-et ke-ra-mic-water plant in Abid-ja-ne. The food industry is of great importance. The main production is many-number. not-large enterprises - palm-mo-voe mas-lo, mas-lo ka-kao, ra-tvo-ri-my coffee-fe, con-ser-vi-ro-van-nye ana -on-sy and fruit juices, fish con-ser-you. Large mu-ko-mol-nye and bread-bo-pe-kar-com-bi-on-you - in Abid-zhan and San Ped-ro.


Leading from-branch - ras-te-nie-water-st-vo. Along with modern ag-ro-technical methods-to-da-mi (especially ben-but in the plantations of hosts-st-wahs), practical-ti-ku-et-sya sis -te-ma pe-re-loose-no-go earth-le-de-lia. Ob-ra-ba-you-va-et-sya 10% of the ter-ri-to-rii of the country (in a hundred-yan-but approx. 4%), of which approx. 1/2 pri-ho-dit-sya on the ka-kao garden. In terms of the production of ca-cao-bo-bov, Côte d'Ivoire is ranked 1st in the world (over 1 million tons in 2005; cf. approx. 46 % of world production; 15% of the cost of GDP). Export port value also has co-fe (collection of 130.8 thousand tons of green grains in 2005; 11th place in the world, mainly variety ro-bus-sta, about 5% - ara-bi-ka), ara-his (72.5 thousand tons); cashew nuts (59 thousand tons; 7th place in the world), ba-na-ny (36.1 thousand tons), ana-na-sy (34.8 thousand tons ; 18th place in the world), sa-har-ny tro-st-nick (22.8 thousand tons), ko-ko-so-nuts, avo-ka-do, man th, clap-chat-nickname. Means. square-di for-nya-you under the plan-ta-tion-mi mas-personal-palm-we (kul-ti-vi-ru-yut for pro-from-va palm-mo-vo-go mas -la), under the garden-ka-mi he-wei. Côte d'Ivoire - the largest in Africa pro-iz-vo-di-tel na-tu-ral-no-go kau-chu-ka (72.4 thousand tons in 2005 ; 8th place in the world). The most important food crops (collection, thousand tons; 2005): yam 605, plan-tein 299, rice 245, ma-ni-ok 108, ku-ku-ru-za 106. Lives-here-but-water-st-in times-vi-something mainly in the northern regions, in the central and southern regions, but-sit of an eye-go-vy ha-rak-ter. In the top-lo-vie (thousand heads; 2005) pre-ob-la-da-yut goats and sheep - 2700; large horned cattle 1500, pigs 333.

One of the first-range-of-races is fish-bo-fishing-st-vo. Annual catch approx. 70 thousand tons (mainly tu-nets and sar-di-ny).


Côte d'Ivoire has a branched road network, its density is especially ben-but ve-li-ka in the southern regions. About 80 thousand km, including 6.5 thousand km with hard smoke on the roof (2006). Av-to-trans-port provides-pe-chi-va-et delivers-tav-ku prak-ti-che-ski of all export-tailor-production to the point-there you-in-for-on -be-re-jee and trans-port-ti-ditch-ku of import cargo in various regions of the country. Av-to-ro-ga-mi, pro-le-guy-schi-mi along the be-re-zhu Guinea-nei-go bay., Côte d'Ivoire is connected with Ga- Noah, To-go, Be-ni-nom, Ka-me-ru-nom, Ni-ge-ri-she. The length of the one-st-ven-noy iron-lez-noy to-ro-gi (Abid-jan - gra-ni-tsa with Bur-ki-na-Fa-so) - 660 km; volume-e-we pass-sa-zhi-ro- and gr-zo-pe-re-vo-zok co-beautiful-scha-ut-sya because of the age-melting con-ku-ren- tions with auto-pe-re-cart-mi. Seaports - Abi-jan (gross-so-turnover is about 19 million tons per year, the largest in Western Africa; provides over 90% of external -not-tor-go-vyh per-re-vo-zok) and San-Ped-ro (in the main way you-carry wood-ve-si-ny and pi-lo-ma-te-ria-lov). 7 air-ro-ports have a take-off-but-sa-daughter-on-lo-su with solid smoke on the roof (2007). Me-zh-du-folk air-ro-port-you - in Abid-ja-ne, Yamu-suk-ro and Bua-ke.

International trade.

The cost of goods-var-no-go ex-port is 18.5 billion dollars, import - 6.1 billion dollars (2007 od). In this var-noy structure-tu-re ex-port-ta do-mi-ni-ru-et ag-rar-naya production: ka-kao-bo-by (about 30% of the cost-mo- sti) and ka-kao-pro-duk-you, co-fe, clap-chat-nick, cau-chuk, palm oil, fruit; OK. 25% of the cost of ex-port provides oil and oil products. Among other to-va-ditches are dre-ve-si-na and pi-lo-ma-te-ria-ly, fish con-ser-you. The main ones are ku-pa-te-li (2006): Germany (9.7% of the cost), Nigeria (9.1%), Ni-der-lan- dy (8.4%), France (7.3%), USA (7%), Bur-qui-na-Fa-so (4.4%). Côte d'Ivoire im-por-ti-ru-et oil and oil-te-pro-duct-you (st. 33% cost-mo-sti), machines and equipment and equipment -tion, transport media-st-va, pro-to-vol-st-vie. The main suppliers of to-va-dov are Nigeria (30.5% of the cost), France (16.4%), China-tai (6.7%) .

Armed forces

The armed forces (AF) of Côte d'Ivoire are composed of Su-ho-way troops (SV), the Air Force, the Navy, the Pre-Zi-Dent Guards and the Gendarme -me-rii (over 17.1 thousand people; 2007), as well as military for-mi-ro-va-nia - mi-li-tion (1, 5 thousand people; 2007). Year-to-howl military budget 300 million dollars (2007).

The supreme chief-but-to-man-blowing is-la-is-sya pre-zi-dent, someone-ru-ko-vo-dit of the Armed Forces through the Ministry of Education us and the headquarters of the Armed Forces. SV (6.5 thousand people) include 4 military districts, 1 tank and 3 infantry. ba-tal-o-na, from-del-nye art. di-vi-zi-on, pa-ra-shut-no-de-sant group-pu, engineering ro-tu and ze-nit-no-art. ba-ta-ray. There are 15 tanks (including 5 light ones), 31 armored personnel carriers, 25 armored personnel carriers, 4 105-mm how-bi-tsy, 16 120-mm mi-no-myo- comrade, pro-ti-in-tank and anti-aircraft media. In the composition of the Air Force (700 people) is required, transport, communications and helicopter flight es-cad-ri-lyi (several sa-mo -le-tov and ver-to-le-tov, including 4 combat sa-mo-le-ta). In the co-hundred-ve of the Navy (950 people) there are several de-sant and patrol ka-ter-ditch. The number of the Pre-Zi-Dent Guards is 1.4 thousand people, the gendarme-rii is 7.6 thousand people. Weapons and military tech-no-ka mainly of French production.

A set of things-to-va-nie of the sun on the basis of-no-ve all-general-schey in-in-vintage according to wine-no-style of male-on-la persons at the age of 18 years , as well as you-bo-roch-but on a contract. Under-go-to-ka officer-tser-sko-go and un-ter-ofi-tser-sko-go co-hundred-va osu-sche-st-in-la-et-sya mainly in France . Part of the officers of the junior level is on the go-it-is in the nat. in the en-nom school and in the flight school in Boua-ke. Mo-bilization resources 4 million people, including 2.1 million people year-old for military service. In 1961, France and Côte d'Ivoire under-pi-sa-li do-go-thief about co-joint ob-ro-ne (dis-lo-qi-ru-ut-xia French voi-ska - about 3.8 thousand people).


In Côte d'Ivoire, per 100,000 inhabitants, there are 12 doctors, 60 persons of a secondary medical per-so-na-la, 2 hundred-ma-to-lo-ha, 6 pharmacists -tsev-tov (2004). The total cost of health care is 3.9% of GDP (2005) (budget fi-nan-si-ro-va- nie - 27.6%, private sector - 72.4%) (2003). Right-in-re-gu-li-ro-va-nie sys-te-we are healthy-in-protection-not-nia os-sche-st-in-la-et-sya For-ko-nom about for -shchi-those health on-se-le-niya and the environment of obi-ta-niya from the action of industrial and radio-active wastes (1988 ). The system of health-in-protection includes city parts of medical and sto-ma-to-logical education. In a rural area, medical assistance is og-ra-ni-che-na in volumes and ka-che-st-ve because of the day-st-via cad- ditch. The most-boo-ra-pro-counter-infections - bak-te-ri-al-naya di-zen-te-riya, he-pa-tit A, ma-la-riya, yellow li-ho-rad-ka, shis-to-so-ma-toz (2008). The main causes of death of an adult-on-the-le-le-tion: AIDS, ma-la-ria, diseases of the lower respiratory tract, that -ber-ku-lez, ser-dech-but-so-su-di-stye for-bo-le-va-niya, trauma-we, cancer (2004). Seaside climatic resort of Grand Ba-sam.

National Olympic Committee founded in 1962, recognized by the IOC in 1963. Sports shifts of Côte d'Ivoire have been taking part in the Olympic Games since 1964 (with the exception of 1980); the only-st-ven-nuyu on-gra-du for-war-shaft easy-to-at-years G. Tya-koh, who took 2nd place in the 400 m run (Los -And-same-forest, 1984). In 1960, uch-re-zh-de-but the Ministry of mo-lo-de-zhi and sports. In the 1960s, the first sports federations were created in the country and a number of national events were held.

The most popular types of sports: judo, boxing, football, handball, easy at-le-ti-ka, rowing on a Bai-Dar- kah and ka-noe. Collective team-da Côte d'Ivoire on foot-bo-lu us-pesh-but you-stu-pa-et on the international-folk-roar-but-va-ni-yah - ob-la-da-tel (1992) and fi-on-list (2006) Cup of Af-ri-ki, teaching-st-nik fi-nal-noy hour-ty than-pio-on- that world in Germany (2006). The strongest footballers of the country are you-stu-pa-yut in the leading European clubs: D. Drog-ba - in co-hundred-ve lon-don -sko-go "Chel-si" than-pi-on of England (2005, 2006); A. K. Kei-ta - in the co-hundred "Lio-on" than the pi-on of France (2008); K.Kh. Tu-re - in "Ar-se-on-le" (London, since 2002 ode); his brother Y. Tu-re - in "Bar-se-lo-ne" (since 2007); B. Sa-no-go - in "Ver-de-re" (Bre-men, since 2007) and others. -gr-shah Cube Af-ri-ki.

Education. Uch-re-zh-de-niya nau-kii kul-tu-ry

Management of education-re-g-de-niya-mi osu-sche-st-in-la-et Ministry of national education and scientific research -follow-to-va-ny. The network of pre-school-l-nyh uch-re-zh-de-niy time-vi-that is weak-bo, basically they function-tsio-ni-ru-yut in large cities. System-te-ma ob-ra-zo-va-niya includes (2008) obligatory free 6-year-old initial education for children from 6 years of age, 7 years of middle age (4 years of incomplete and 3 years of age) ob-ra-zo -va-nie in the state-state and not-go-su-dar-st-ven-ny educational institutions-ve-de-ni-yah (col-led-zhah and faces), vocational education (on the basis of primary and incomplete secondary school) in the centers of teaching-no-che-st-va and those -nic faces, higher professional education. Pre-school-l-nym re-pi-ta-ni-em oh-va-che-but 3% of children, at-initial education-che-ni-em - 71%, middle - 32 %. The literacy rate for-se-le-nia at the age of over 15 years old is 62.1% (2006). The system of the highest professional education includes: Ko-ko-di University, d'Abobo-Ad-ja-me University (both in Abid-ja-ne ); University in Boua-ke - all universities you-de-li-lis in 1995 from the National University (os-no-van in 1958 as the Center for Higher Education in Abid-Ja -not), National Polytechnic Institute (1996) in Yamu-suk-ro, National School of Management (1960), Higher National School of Fine Arts kusstvo (1963) - both in Abidzhan; National Engineering School (1963), Higher Ag-ro-no-mic School (1996) - both in Yamu-suk-ro. The main museums, bib-lio-te-ki, scientific uch-re-g-de-niya are on-ho-dyat-sya in Abid-ja-ne, Bua-ke, Ko-ro-go.

Mass media

Leading periodical publications: daily government newspapers “Fraternité Ma-tin” (you-go-dit since 1964, circulation 25 thousand copies), "Ivoir' Soir" (since 1987, 10 thousand copies); monthly government. Bulletin "Jour-nal Officiel de la République de Côte d'Ivoire" (since 1958, 25,000 copies); daily independent newspapers Le Jour (since 1994), Le Patriote (since 1991), La Nou-velle République, Notre Voie; monthly Eburnéa (since 1967) (all in Abidjan, on French) and others. Radio-ve-shcha-nie since 1949 (since 1951 re-gu-lyar-no), te-le-vi-de-nie since 1963. Trans-la-tion te-le- and radio-pe-re-dachas (in French and local languages) os-sche-st-v-la-et public service “Ra- diodiffusion-Télévision Ivoirienne "and others. National information agency - Agence Ivoi-rienne de Presse (AIP; created in 1961).


Li-te-ra-tu-ra of Côte d'Ivoire raz-vi-va-et-sya in French. In the 1930s, for-ro-zh-yes-et-sya national drama-ma-tour-gy. In 1938, the "Tu-earth-the-atr" was created, where there were plays-by-you, historical, and also under- maw-shi te-mu ko-lo-ni-al-noy exploitation (creation-che-st-vo B.B. Da-dieu, F.J. Amo-on d'Aby and others .). In 1952, the uch-re-zh-de-na Folk aka-de-miya of literature and poetry, in 1962 - the national As-so-cia-tion pi-sa-te-lei, pi-shu-shih on French. The heyday of drama-ma-tur-gy began after about-re-te-niya not-for-vi-si-mo-sti. In the 1960s and 1970s, a heroic-ko-is-to-rice drama appeared. The influence of the French class-si-cis-ma from-me-che-on di-logia E. Der-ve-na: drama “Sa-ran, or Pre-stup-naya ko-ro -le-va", in some way an image of the wise African right-vi-te-la was created, po-li-ti-ka and half-ko-vod-tsa, and " Language and scor-pi-on ”(both 1968). Sh. No-kan in the play “Go-re-sti Cha-ko” (1968) in-sta-vil about the power-sti-te-la and on-ro-yes; in os-no-woo so-tsi-al-no-uto-pic plays "Ab-raa Po-ku, or Ve-li-kaya af-ri-kan-ka" (1970) in-lo- lived le-gen-du about pro-is-ho-zh-de-nii on-ro-yes bau-le. The struggle of the African peoples against ko-lo-no-for-the-ditch found from-ra-the-same-nie in the plots of cha-go-teyu-shih to epic-no-sti dramas "Be-at-ri-che from Kon-go" (1970) and "Ost-ro-wa bu-ri" (1973) th connection-for-but also for-ro-g-de-nie of the sa-ti-ric comedy (“Gos-po-din To-go-Ni-ni”, 1970; “Mua -Sel, 1979). Heroes-for-tion is-to-rich. past-go-go - in the os-no-ve play "So-fa" B. Za-di Za-uru (1975).

Poetry and pro-za na-cha-li bur-but raz-vi-vat-sya in the 1950s. A bright example of revolutionary an-ti-ko-lo-ni-al-noy poetry: collections “Af-ri-ka in full growth” (1950), “Lyu-di all kon-ti-nen-tov ”(1967) B.B. Yes-die; “Su-ro-vy call to-de-zh-dy” Zh.M. Bon-i-ni (1961). In the 1970s, in the poetry of yav-st-ven-ny ten-den-tion of ro-man-ti-za-tion of the past Af-ri-ki (creation-che-st-vo B. Za-di Za-uru, A. Ka-nie). With the name of Da-dieu, there is a connection-for-but and a new-le-nie pro-zy: the collection "Af-ri-kan-sky le-gen-dy" (1954), a book of folk tales -lor-noy os-no-ve "Black in elm-ka" (1955); auto-bio-graphic novel “Clem-bier” (1956) and others. the roof in the ro-ma-ne “Ko-kum-bo is a black student” by A. Lo-by (1960). Ost-ro-toy an-ti-ko-lo-ni-al-no-go pa-fo-sa, ro-mantic pa-fo-som, stylistic syn-kre-tiz-mom ( co-che-ta-nie li-riz-ma and public-li-qi-stich-no-sti) from-li-cha-yut-xia ro-ma-ny “For-no-ma-et-sya black -ny race-light "(1962) and" There was a strong wind "(1966) Sh. No-ka-na. In the 1970s, in-lu-cha-yut dis-pro-country-non-nra-in-pi-sa-tel-nye ro-mans, in some you are in the foreground -ho-dyat traditional African values. In Russian neg-ri-tu-da - ro-ma-ny “Young-sha from Bua-ke” M. Ko-ne (1963), “Uaz-zi” J. Do-do, “Mas- se-ni "T. De-ma," Us-mi-ryon-ny under-zhi-ha-tel "P. du Prey (all - 1977). The “black” was something-pi-sa-tel-st-vo, a depiction of the gloomy phenomena of the traditional African so-tsiu-ma (magic, coll dov-st-vo, secret communities) kha-rak-ter-no for ro-ma-na “U-po-ga ir-re-al-no-go” A. Ko -not (1976). In in-tel-lek-tu-al-nom ro-ma-ne-parr-che “Udo-ve-re-personality” Zh.M. Ad-yaf-fi (1980) in the symbol-in-personal form you-ra-wives call to restore-stand-but-twist-van-nye-ko-lo-no-for-that-ra- we have connections with the spiritual and cultural on-the-follow-di-e-ancestors. Sample you-so-ko-hu-do-same-st-ven-no-go sin-te-for in-di-vi-du-al-no-av-tor-sko-go-iro- nical style, elements of oral tradition on-ro-yes ma-lin-ke and modern ro-man-noy tech-no-ki became creative A. Ku-ru-we (“Mon-ne, or Humiliating bro-sa-yut calls”, 1990; “Waiting for the go-lo-co-va-niya di- some animals, 1998, etc.).

Ar-khi-tek-tu-ra and iso-bra-zi-tel-noe art-kus-st-vo

The peoples of the southern, forest part of the country are building rectangular dwellings with a roof of palm branches. The peoples have bau-le and any oval in terms of do-ma ok-ru-same-us on-ve-cat. On the se-ve-ro-for-pa-de races-pro-countries-not-us are round in plan-not to-ma with ko-nich. so-lo-men-ny-mi roofs-sha-mi. This type of housing in the east of the country is changing clay-but-bit-us-mi-rectangle-us-mi in terms of do-ma-mi with a flat roof. In the central part of Côte d'Ivoire, the house has a rectangular plan with a circle of len-us-mi and a 3-4 raz-de-le-na in-me-shche-tion. The walls of the houses are sometimes dis-pi-sy-va-ut-xia with a geo-metric or-on-men-tom, fi-gu-ra-mi of people and animals.

After the pro-vo-gla-she-tion of not-for-vi-si-mo-sti began to erect 1-4-story residential buildings; building multi-storey buildings, embracing races-lo-women in the lower part of the tor-go-th center, hotel, res-to-ra-ny and cor-pu-sa apartment or con-tor: Nur al-Kha-yat center (ar-hi-tek-to-ry A. La-je, J.P. Lu-pi, J. Mae), office complex “La Pi-ra-mid” with an aluminum section (architect R. Olivier-e-ri, engineer R. Mo-ran-di; both - in Abid-zhan, 1960-1970s), air-port near Abid-zhan (1969, ar-hi-tek-to-ry M. Du -charm, J. More-ro, J.P. Mi-no), the Cas-ka-dy hotel in Mane (1969, Du-charm, K. Lar-ra, Mi-no); the administrative building of SCIAM in Abid-zhan (1975, J. Se-my-chon) in the inter-na-tsio-nal style. Some hotels (in Sa-san-d-re, architect Be-nua-Bar-ne; in Asi-ni, ar-hi-tek-to-ry J. Se-mi- Sean, L. Re-nar, A.K. Vee) sti-li-zo-va-ny under hi-zhi-ny with so-lo-men-ny-mi blood-la-mi. Creation of cultural centers in Abid-zhan and Bois-ke, covered markets. In construction, they use the same-le-zo-be-tone and glass, to from-de-local-ra-bo-there at-at-ca-yut- Xia me-st-nye re-mes-len-ni-ki. In the 1970s, O.K. Ka-ku-bom raz-ra-bo-tan the general plan of the city-ro-da Yamu-suk-ro and you-built a complex of public buildings in the forms of bru-ta-liz- ma: Palace of Con-gres-sa, Palace of Pre-zi-den-ta, hotel "Pre-zi-dent", buildings of the mayor and Fond-da Ufue-Bou-a-ny. In the 1980s, the voz-ve-de-ny ka-to-lich. temples: Cathedral of St. Paul in Abi-ja-ne (1985, architect A. Spi-ri-to) with elements-men-ta-mi in stmo-der-niz-ma, the grand di-oz-ny cathedral of Notre-Dame-de-la-Paix in Yamu-su-cro (1986-1989, architect P. Fa-khu-ri; the building is re- there is a com-po-zi-tion co-bo-ra of St. Peter in Wa-ti-ka-ne); both co-equipment of the design of the le-na wit-ra-zha-mi.

Living-in-writing as an independent art form arose in Côte d'Ivoire only in the 1960s. Among the hu-doge-ni-kov of this-go period-yes - M. Ko-dio and E. J. San-to-ni; both in-lu-chi-li ob-ra-zo-va-nie in France. On the rub-be-same of the 1980-1990s, Ya. bottom-ma co-che-ta-yut-xia with me-st-or-na-men-tal-noy tra-di-qi-she. A special-fighting place in the artistic life-neither for-no-ma-yut before-hundred-vi-te-whether on-ive-no-go art-kus-st-va (Z. Mak-re, F. Bru-li-Bou-ab-re), continuing the re-mess-len-tra-di-tion of getting-to-le-you-ve-juice. The most famous sculptor is K. Lat-thier, who worked in France and in the ro-di-ne; creates-da-et pro-from-ve-de-niya from metal-la, elements-men-tov cor-zi-night-no-go weave, ve-ryo-wok and fabric . Ke-ra-mic sculpt-tu-swarm in the spirit of tra-di-ci bau-le for decorating architectural structures for-ni-ma-et-sya S. Before th Yao; K. Mu-ru-fie also works in this genre. Raz-vi-you carving on de-re-vu (mas-ki, fi-gur-ki people-day), about-ra-bot-ka gold-lo-ta, bronze and me-di, weaving. In the district of Ka-tio-la co-medium-do-to-che-but pro-due to gon-char-nyh from de-liy, the Se-ge-la district knows-me-nit graceful -we-mi co-court-mi "ka-na-ri", in the area of ​​​​Ko-ro-go from-go-tov-la-yut spher-rich. pots and og-rum-nye re-zer-vois-ry for grain. Raz-vi-va-et-sya traditional. ros-pis do-mov.

Musical cul-tu-ra ti-pich-na for West Af-ri-ki; representing-becoming-le-on professional tra-di-tion-mi dan, ma-lin-ke (group-pa man-ding-go), bau-le, ve (group-pa cru), se-nu-fo . At given mu-zy-ka you-de-le-na are in a sa-mo-stand-up branch of traditional culture, to a significant extent its connection was preserved with a cult-howl practice-ti-koy (pro-is-ho-zh-de-nie mu-zy-ki connection-zy-va-et-sya with the world of spirits; in magical tse -lyah use-pol-zu-yut-sya is-ka-zhayu-shchy voice-los mas-ki run-bo). Professional m-zy-kan-you ob-e-di-nya-yut-sya in as-co-cia-tion, sp-cia-li-za-tion re-da-et-sya on the trail -st-woo; on-us-not you-so-tse-nit-sya master-ter-st-in-singers-im-pro-vi-for-the-ditch (solo f-yes-et-sya game on ar-fe, la-mel-la-fo-not). Mu-zy-ka - not-wean-le-may part of the rituals of ini-tsia-tion, ri-tua-lov, pre-cooking hunting, etc. Ig-ra on the ba-ra-ba-nah co-pro-vo-g-da-et labor-do-vye dey-st-via zem-le-del-tsev, co-stya-za-niya in the fight and dance -tsy. Kas-ta of professional singers and mu-zy-kan-ts at ma-lin-ke - je-li (griot-you; ak-com-pa-ni-ru-yut se-be on ko-re, xi -lo-fo-not, ar-fe, etc.); among the general-st-ven-but-significant functions of the je-li - on-put-st-viya warriors-us and their glorification. You-so-cue status has professional music and in society. life-no bau-le: races-pro-countries-not-us songs in honor of deities and spirits of ancestors; in su-deb-practice-ti-ke use-pol-zu-yut-sya ba-ra-ba-ny, some-rye-ta-yut-sya in-medium-no-me -well-du people and du-ha-mi ancestors; on communities. co-b-ra-ni-yah in co-pro-in-g-de-nii ba-ra-ba-nov and signal idio-fon-nov races-ne-va-yut ethical tech -st and in words. For bau-le ha-rak-ter-but two-go-lo-this (pe-nie and play-ra on in-stru-men-tah par-ral-lel-ny-mi ter-tion-mi). At ve in the signal function, use the so-called. go-in-rya-shchy ba-ra-ba-ny, on them rises-about-out-of-the-dyat-sya also praise-leaven-songs-no-w-dyam and warriors-us. Se-nu-fo kas-you mu-zy-kan-tov from-sut-st-vu-yut, but mu-zy-ka has a great meaning in rituals husband -sky and women's secret societies; especially-ben-but in-te-res-us songs-no rites of ini-cia-tion, some-rye-so-pro-in-g-da-yut-sya pain-shi-mi-in -st-ru-men-tal-ny-mi an-samb-la-mi. In the cities of the races-pro-countries-not-us to-su-go-vye forms of mu-zi-tsi-ro-va-nia. Muses. about-ra-zo-va-nie and the study of traditional mu-zy-ki with-medium-do-that-che-but in Abid-zhan.

Te-atr, ta-nets

The national theater-at-ral-tra-di-tion takes on-cha-lo in the art of griots. In 1938, you-pu-sk-ni-ki school U. Pon-ti (Da-kar) or-ga-ni-zo-wa-li in Abid-zha-ne "Tu-earth-th- atr ”, paying special attention to the play itself, on the right-len-nim against shar-la-tan-st-va kol-du-nov (“Bus-sa- tie, or the Secret of the black-no-go-kol-du-na "F.J. Amo-on d'Aby, 1939, etc.). In the early 1940s, there appeared a sa-ti-ric in-sta-nov-ki G. Koff-fi (one of the foundations of the African te-at-ra) according to own play - "Na-shi zhe-ny" (1940) and "My husband" (1941); in 1943, he staged his an-ti-ko-lo-ni-al-ny play “The Song of the Return”. In 1953, the “Tu-earth-the-atr” was pre-ob-ra-zo-van in the “Cultural and folklore circle”, which took a prominent place -a hundred in the cultural life of the whole of Western Africa. Re-per-to-ar included plays by-it-in-the-go and historical content (including “Ko-ro-na with auction-cion- on "Amo-na d'Abi," Eeyore-on-da "Koff-fi," At-key-che-ko-zy "D. Ma-ha-ma-na). In 1958, under the leadership of K. Ngua-na, there was-lo os-no-va-no Te-at-ral-noe society Be-re-ga Slo-no-how Kos-ty. At this time, shi-ro-ko became plays of me-st-nyh dra-ma-tur-gs (“Rural Kol-du-nya” by M. Ber-te, “Ter- mi-you "E. Der-ve-na, and others). Pol-zo-wa-las us-pe-hom troupe-pa of Abid-jan-th university “Mas-ki and ba-la-fo-ny”. In 1959, the School of Dramatic Art was opened in Abi-d-zha-not, followed by the pre-ob-ra-zo-van-naya in te-at-ral school at National Institute arts (created in 1967). Middle means. spec-so-lei of this-go period-da: “Three pre-ten-den-ta, one husband” G. Oh-oh-no Mbia (1968), “Gos-po-din To-go- Nyi-ni ”B. B. Da-die (1970),“ Tus-sio ”G. De-man-Go (1971). In 1971, on the Abidjan stage, the com-media “Re-vis-zor” N.V. Go-ho-la. In the 1980s and early 2000s, playwright and director M. Ekis-si (“Time of red be-re-tov”, 1988; “Tra -ge-diya ko-ro-la Christo-fa", 1993; "Ges-to-kiy holiday", 1999; "My name is Bra-khi-ma", 2001) . One of the largest te-at-ral-nyh dei-te-lei of Côte d'Ivoire early XXI century - ak-ter and re-gis-ser S. Ba-ka-ba. Since 1993, every 2 years in Côte d'Iouar, a Me-d-du-folk festival of arts has been held.

Particularly ben-but in-pu-lyar-ny in Côte d'Ivoire was based on folk-lo-re dances-tse-val-nye in-sta-nov-ki. In 1974, the National Ballet of Côte d'Ivoire was created in Abidzha. The most famous dance-tse-val-collective-lek-ti-you: "Mant-che" (1998), "Ji-giya" (1999), "Dan-kan" (2006), "1 So-mni-ak" (2008). Among the is-pol-ni-te-lei (early 2000s) - A.B. Bam-ba, A. Dra-me, K. Ma-ma-di.

For-ro-zh-de-nie of the national ki-ne-ma-to-gra-fa is connected-for-but with the name of T. mouth-to-measurement films “On the dunes one-no-che-st-va”, “Sixth furrow-rose-yes”, “Fire in the bar-se”, etc. He in 1969, the first national full-length film “Woman with a knife” was released, for -no-she-niya afr. and app. qi-vi-li-za-tsy. In the 1970s, pro-ble-we-we-we-st-vi-tel-no-sti came from-ra-zhe-nie in the ki-no-len-tah "Amanie" and "Hat-pa » R. M'Bala and "Scream mu-ed-zi-na" E. N'Da-bi-ana Wo-dio. In the 1980s, the films “Che-lo-vek from da-le-ka” by M. Trao-te, “Jel-li” by K. Lan-si-ke Fe-di were released in the country -ke, "An-zha-Tio" J.L. Ku-la, “Da-lo-kan” M. Do-sa, “Tse-li-te-li” S. Ba-ka-by. In 1983, the film “Pe-tan-ki” by I. Ko-zo-loa (together with Ni-ge-ri-ey) was released. Significant spectator interest called “Ek-zo-ti-che-ko-media” K. Tu-re (1985) - about the life of a traditional -sche-st-va se-nu-fo. The most-bo-lea of-west-ny-mi ki-ne-ma-to-gra-fi-hundred-mi yav-la-yut-sya re-zhis-syo-ry D. Eka-re (“Con- cert for iz-gnan-ni-ka", 1968; "France for the two of us", 1970; "Faces of women", 1985) and A. Du-parc ("Mu- na, or the Sword-ta hu-dozh-ni-ka", 1969; "Family", 1972; "Wild grass", 1977; "I chose life", 1987; “Ball in the Cloud of Dust”, 1988; “Sixth Finger”, 1990; “Coffee Color”, 1998), -their ra-bo-tah ak-tu-al-nye moral and social themes and tya-go-teyu-shchie to the genre of tra-gi-ko-media. In 1974, about-ra-zo-va-na As-so-tsia-tion of professional ki-no-dea-te-lei Côte d'Ivoire-ra (included in Pan-af-ri-kan-skuyu fe-de-ra-tsu ki-ne-ma-to-gra-fi-stov). Since 1969, Ivory Coast films have been learning-st-woo-yut at the All-af-ri-kan-ki-no-fes-ti-va-le (FESPACO) in Wa-ga-dugu.

Republic of Côte d "Ivoire. A state in West Africa. Capital - Yamoussoukro (about 120 thousand people - 2003). Territory - 322.46 thousand sq. Km. Administrative-territorial division - 18 regions. Population - 21 million 058 thousand 798 people (2010 estimate) Official language - French Religion - traditional African beliefs, Islam and Christianity Monetary unit - CFA franc National holiday - August 7 - Independence Day (1960) Côte d "Ivoire is a member of the UN since 1960, the Organization of African Unity (OAU) since 1963 and the African Union (AU) since 2002, the Non-Aligned Movement, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) since 1975, the Economic and Monetary Union of West African States (UEMOA) since 1962 and the General Afro-Mauritian Organization (OKAM) since 1965.

State flag. A rectangular panel with three vertical stripes of the same size in orange, white and green (the white stripe is in the center).

Geographic location and boundaries.

Continental state in southern West Africa. It borders in the west with Guinea and Liberia, in the north - with Burkina Faso and Mali, in the east - with Ghana, the southern coast of the country is washed by the waters of the Gulf of Guinea. Length coastline- 550 km.


Most of the territory is occupied by hilly plains, turning in the north into a plateau with a height of more than 400 m above sea level. In the northwest there are large mountain ranges Dan and Tura with deep gorges. The highest point is Mount Nimba (1752 m). The minerals are diamonds, bauxite, iron, gold, manganese, oil, nickel, natural gas and titanium. The climate of the northern and central regions is subequatorial dry, and the southern one is equatorial humid. The zones of these climates differ mainly in the amount of precipitation. The average annual air temperature is +26° (Celsius). The average annual rainfall is 1300-2300 mm per year on the coast, 2100-2300 mm in the mountains and 1100-1800 mm in the north. Dense river network: the rivers Bandama, Dodo, Cavalli, Komoe, Nero, Sasandra, etc., which are not navigable due to the presence of rapids (except for the Cavalli river). The largest river is the Bandama (950 km). Lakes - Warapa, Dadier, Dalaba, Labion, Lupongo and others. Côte d "Ivoire is one of the 12 African countries that meet the needs of the population in clean drinking water.

The southern regions are covered with evergreen equatorial forests (African lofira, iroko, red Basam tree, niangon, ebony tree, etc.), in the north there are forest savannahs with gallery forests along river banks and tall grass savannahs. Due to deforestation (in order to expand arable land and export timber), their area has decreased from 15 million hectares in the beginning. 20th century up to 1 million hectares in 1990. Fauna - antelopes, hippos, buffaloes, cheetahs, hyenas, wild boars, leopards, lions, monkeys, panthers, elephants, jackals, etc. Many birds, snakes and insects. The tsetse fly is widespread. There are a lot of shrimps and fish (sardine, mackerel, tuna, eel, etc.) in the coastal waters.


The average annual population growth is 2.105%. The birth rate is 39.64 per 1000 people, the death rate is 18.48 per 1000 people. Child mortality - 66.43 per 1000 newborns. 40.6% of the population are children under the age of 14. Residents who have reached the age of 65 make up 2.9%. Life expectancy is 56.19 years (55.27 for men and 57.13 for women). (All figures are current as of 2010).

Citizens of Côte d "Ivoire are called Ivorians. The country is inhabited by more than 60 African peoples and ethnic groups: Baule, Anyi, Bakwe, Bambara, Bete, Here, Dan (or Yakuba), Kulango, Malinka, Mosi, Lobi, Senufo, Tura, Fulbe etc. The non-African population in 1998 was 2.8% (130 thousand people Lebanese and Syrians, as well as 14 thousand French). Of the local languages, the languages ​​of Anyi and Baule are the most common. Approximately 25% of the population are immigrants who came to earnings from Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Guinea, Mauritania, Mali, Liberia, Niger, Nigeria, Togo and Senegal.In the late 1990s, the government began to tighten immigration policy. civil war most of the immigrants became refugees and internally displaced persons. According to UN estimates, 600 thousand inhabitants of Côte d'Ivoire fled to neighboring African states (the contingent of Ivorian refugees in Liberia in 2003 numbered 25 thousand people). Approximately 50% of the population live in cities: Abidjan (3.1 million people - 2001), Agboville, Bouake, Korhogo, Bundiali, Man, etc. In April 1983, the capital was moved to the city of Yamoussoukro; cultural center countries.

State device.

Republic. The first constitution of an independent country was adopted in 1960. The constitution approved by a referendum of July 23, 2000 is in force. The head of state is the president, who is elected on the basis of universal and direct suffrage by secret ballot. He may hold office for no more than two five-year terms. Legislative power is vested in the president and a single-seat parliament (National Assembly). Members of Parliament are elected by universal direct and secret suffrage for five years.

Judicial system.

All administrative, civil, commercial and criminal cases are heard in the courts of first instance. A military tribunal was established in 1973. The supreme body of judicial power is the Supreme Court.


The national army was formed in 1961. In August 2002, the armed forces of Côte d'Ivoire consisted of ground forces(6.5 thousand people), the air force (700 people), the navy (900 people), the paramilitary presidential guard (1350 people) and the 10,000th contingent of reservists. Gendarmerie units numbered 7.6 thousand people, police - 1.5 thousand people. In December 2001, compulsory military service was introduced. In 1996, with the assistance of France, a military training center was opened in the country. In July 2004, 4,000 French troops were in the buffer zone between government troops and rebel forces (according to the UN decision, they will remain there until the 2005 elections). France supplies Côte d'Ivoire with equipment and assists in the military training of its army units.

Foreign policy.

An important place is occupied by bilateral ties with France (diplomatic relations were established in 1961). She is the main trading partner of Côte d'Ivoire, she has a paramount role in resolving the political crisis of 1999-2003. Côte d'Ivoire became the first African country to establish diplomatic relations with South Africa (1992), one of the first in Africa to establish them with Israel. Interstate relations with Ghana, Mali, Nigeria, Niger and other countries are complicated because of the problem of refugees.

Diplomatic relations with the USSR were established in January 1967. In May 1969 they were severed at the initiative of the government of Côte d'Ivoire without an official explanation of the reasons. Diplomatic relations were restored on February 20, 1986. In 1991 Russian Federation recognized as the successor of the USSR. New agreements are being prepared in the field of improving the legal framework for bilateral relations between the Russian Federation and Côte d'Ivoire.


It is based on a private form of ownership. Most mixed enterprises are controlled by foreign capital (mainly French). Côte d'Ivoire is one of the largest producers and exporters of Robusta coffee and cocoa beans in the world market. (300 thousand tons annually.) The consequences of the military coup seriously affected the country's economy: GDP growth rates in 2000 amounted to minus 0.3%, in 2003 - minus 1.9%.Inflation in 2003 - 4.1%.


Côte d'Ivoire is a country with developed commercial agriculture. The share of agricultural products in GDP is 29% (2001). The area of ​​cultivated land is 9.28%, irrigated - 730 sq. km. (1998). They grow pineapples, bananas, sweet potatoes , cocoa beans, coconuts, coffee, corn, cassava (cassava), millet, rice, sugar cane, sorghum, taro, cotton and yams Livestock (raising cows, goats, sheep, pigs) and poultry farming due to the spread of the fly tsetse is developed only in the northern regions. 65-70 thousand tons of fish are caught annually. Côte d'Ivoire is one of the largest suppliers of timber and timber from their valuable tropical species.


The share of industrial production in GDP is 22% (2001). The mining industry is underdeveloped. Diamond mining in 1998 amounted to 15 thousand carats, gold - 3.4 tons. The manufacturing industry accounts for approx. 13% of GDP (enterprises for the processing of agricultural products (including the production of palm oil and rubber), wood and metal processing plants, shoe and textile factories, as well as chemical industry enterprises). In con. In the 1990s, Côte d'Ivoire was in fourth place in the world in terms of the development of the cocoa bean processing industry (225 thousand tons annually). Local production of consumer goods is well established.


In 2001, 61.9% of electricity was generated at thermal power plants, 38.1% - at hydroelectric power plants (Ayame, on the Belaya Bandama River, in Taabo). Ivory Coast exports electricity to neighboring countries (1.3 billion kW - 2001). Oil is being produced (1027 thousand tons - 1997).


Total length railways- 660 km, roads - 68 thousand km (6 thousand km are paved, most of the roads are laid in the south) - 2002. The main seaports are Abidjan and San Pedro. In 2003 there were 37 airports and runways (7 with hard surface). International airports are located in the cities of Abidjan, Bouake and Yamoussoukro.

International trade.

Côte d'Ivoire is one of the few countries in Africa whose foreign trade balance is dominated by exports. In 2003, exports amounted to 5.29 billion US dollars, and imports - 2.78 million US dollars. Main export commodities: coffee , cocoa beans, petroleum, construction timber and timber, cotton, bananas, palm oil, fish Main export partners: France (13.7%), Netherlands (12.2%), USA (7.2%), Germany (5.3%), Mali (4.4%), Belgium (4.2%), Spain (4.1%) - 2002. Main import commodities - oil products, equipment, food. Main import partners: France (22.4%), Nigeria (16.3%), China (7.8%) and Italy (4.1%) - 2002.

Finance and credit.

The monetary unit is the CFA franc, which is divided into 100 centimes. In December 2003, the exchange rate of the national currency was: 1 USD. US = 581.2 CFA francs.
administrative device.

The country is divided into 18 regions, which consist of 57 departments.

political organizations.

A multi-party system has developed: in 2000 there were 90 political parties and associations. The most influential of them are: the Ivorian Popular Front, FPI (Front populaire ivoirien, FPI). ruling party. Founded in 1983 in France, legalized in 1990. Chairman - N "Gessan Affi (Affi N" Gessan), Secretary General - Ureto Sylvain Miaka Oureto; Democratic Party of Côte d "Ivoire, PDCI (Parti démocratigue de la Côte d" Ivoire, PDCI). The party was founded in 1946 as a local section of the Democratic Rally of Africa (DOA). Leader - Bedier Henri Konan (Henri Konan Bedié); Ivorian Workers' Party, IPT (Parti ivoirien des travailleurs, PIT). Party of Social Democrats, became legal in 1990. General Secretary - Francis Vodier (Srancis Wodié); Association of Republicans, OR (Rassemblement des républicais). The party was founded in 1994 as a result of the split of the DPKI. Influential in the northern Muslim regions. Leader - Alassane Dramme Ouattara Ouattara, General Secretary - Henriette Dagba Diabaté; Union for Democracy and Peace of Côte d "Ivoire, UDPCI (Union pour la democratie et pour la paix de la Côte d" Ivoire, UDPCI). Founded in 2001 as a result of the split of the DPKI. Leader - Akoto Yao Paul (Paul Akoto Yao).

P union associations.

General Union of Workers of Côte d "Ivoire (Union générale des travailleurs de Côte d" Ivoire, UGTCI). Founded in 1962, it has 100,000 members. The General Secretary is Adiko Niamkey.


55% of the indigenous population adhere to traditional beliefs and cults (animalism, fetishism, the cult of ancestors and forces of nature, etc.), 25% are Muslims (mostly Sunnis), 20% of the population profess Christianity (Catholics - 85%, Protestants - 15%) - 1999. (The number of Muslims is much larger, since they are the majority among illegal foreign workers. Muslims live mainly in the northern regions of the country). There are several Afro-Christian churches. The spread of Christianity began in con. 19th century


Necessarily elementary education(6 years), which children receive from the age of six. Secondary education (7 years) begins at the age of 12 and takes place in two cycles. In the 1970s, the television teaching method was widespread in elementary and partially secondary schools. A network of educational institutions providing vocational education has been established. into the system high school includes three universities and eight colleges. In 2000, 45,000 students studied and 990 teachers worked at twelve faculties and departments of the National University in Abidjan (founded in 1964). Training is conducted in French. Education in public educational institutions is free. In 2004, 42.48% of the population were literate (40.27% of men and 44.76% of women).


Tropical diseases are common - bilharzia, yellow fever, malaria, "sleeping sickness", schistosomiasis, etc. A serious disease called "river blindness" is widespread in the river valleys. There is one of the highest rates of leprosy (leprosy) in West Africa. The problem of AIDS is acute. In 1988, 250 people died from it, in 2001 - 75 thousand people, there were 770 thousand HIV-infected. In the middle In the 1990s, national radio began broadcasting a special outreach program, Talking Drum, about AIDS. In con. In the 1980s, the United States opened a research center in Abidjan to study and control this disease.

Press, radio broadcasting, television and the Internet.

Published in French: the daily newspapers Ivoire-soir (Ivoir-soir - Ivoire Evening) and Voie (La Voie - The Way, the INF press organ), the weekly newspapers Linen (Le Bélier - " Aries"), "Democrat" (Le Démocrate - "Democrat", printed organ of the DPKI), "Nouvelle Orizon" (Le Nouvel horizon - "New Horizon", printed organ of the INF) and "Jeune Democrat" (Le Jeune démocrate - "Young democrat"), the weekly Abidjan Set Jour (Abidjan 7 jours - "Abidjan in a week"), the monthly newspaper Alif (Alif - Alif), covering the problems of Islam, the monthly magazine Eburnea (Eburnéa), etc. The government news agency is the Ivorian Press Agency, AIP (Agence ivoirienne de presse, AIP). Established in 1961. The government service Ivorian Broadcasting and Television was founded in 1963. AIP and the service are located in Abidjan. 9 thousand Internet users (2002).


The country has a whole range of necessary conditions for the development of the tourism industry: a favorable climate, a variety of rich flora and fauna, beautiful sandy beaches on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea and an original culture local peoples. The active development of the tourism industry began with the implementation in 1970 of a special program, calculated until 1980 (22% of investments were foreign investments). Eight tourist zones were identified, on the territory of which more than 170 hotels were built by the end of the 1980s different class. In the 1990s, fashionable ultra-modern Golf and Yvoire hotels were built in Abidjan, equipped with golf courses and ice tracks. Until 1997, tourism revenues were approx. $140 million. In 1998, 301,000 foreign tourists visited the country. In 1997, 15 travel agencies successfully operated on the market, many of which were also involved in the organization of business tourism.

Attractions in Abidjan: National Museum (traditional arts and crafts are presented, including a rich collection of masks), Chardy Art Gallery. Other attractions - national park Komoe, the famous Gbon Coulibaly Museum in Korhogo (pottery, blacksmithing and wood crafts), picturesque mountain landscapes in the area of ​​Man, the Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace (very reminiscent of St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome) in Yamoussoukro, Mont Tonkui waterfall. The Thai National Park (in the southwest) with a large number of endemic plants is included in the category of world heritage by the UN. National cuisine - "atyeke" (a dish made from cassava, with fish or meat sauce), "kejena" (fried chicken with rice and vegetables), "fufu" (balls of dough made from yams, cassava or bananas, which are served to fish or meat with the addition of sauces).


The architectural forms of traditional dwellings are diverse: in the south - rectangular or square wooden houses with a gable roof made of palm leaves; in the central regions, rectangular adobe houses (sometimes rounded corners) under a flat roof, divided into several rooms, are common; in the east - rectangular with flat roofs. roofs, and in other areas the houses are round or oval in plan, the thatched roof has a conical shape. The outer side of adobe houses is often covered with drawings. geometric shapes, birds, real and mystical animals, which are made with yellow, red and black paints. Fashionable hotels and supermarkets made of reinforced concrete structures and glass have become a sign of modern cities.

Fine Arts and Crafts.

An important place in traditional Ivorian culture is occupied by wooden sculpture, especially masks. The ritual masks of the Senufo people are especially diverse. Among the Dan and Here peoples, there are masks with a movable jaw. The wooden sculpture of the Baule people is considered by art historians to be the best example of African round sculpture of a non-cult nature. In addition to traditional figurines depicting ancestors, animals and various patron spirits, Baule craftsmen make small figurines-toys for children. Clay funerary figurines of the Anyi people are of interest. Artistic folk crafts are well developed: weaving baskets and mats from ropes, straw and reeds, pottery (making household utensils and interior decor items), painting the outside of houses, making jewelry from bronze, gold and copper, as well as weaving. The production of batik is developed - original paintings on fabrics depicting animals or floral ornaments. Batiks of the Senufo people are represented in many museums around the world. Professional fine arts began to develop after independence. Outside the country, the name of the artist Kadzho Zhdeims Khura is well known. In 1983, the National Association of Artists organized the first professional exhibition of Ivorian painters, in which more than 40 artists took part.


Modern literature is based on the traditions of oral folk art and develops mainly in French. Its formation is connected with national dramaturgy. The largest of the writers is considered the poet, prose writer and playwright Bernard Dadier. Writers - M. Asamua, E. Decran, S. Dembele, B. Z. Zauru, M. Kone, A. Loba, Sh. Z. Nokan and others. Amadou Kurumy (died in France in December 2003). His first novel, The Sun of Independence (1970), is included in learning programs many African, American and European universities. The most famous poets are F.Amua, G.Anala, D.Bamba, J.M.Bognini, J.Dodo and B.Z.Zauru.

Music and theatre.

Musical and dance art has a long tradition and is an important part of the culture of the peoples of Côte d'Ivoire. Of the musical instruments, balafons, tom-tom drums, guitars, bark (xylophone), rattles, horns, peculiar harps and lutes, rattles, pipes and flutes are common. Choral singing is accompanied by original dances.The ritual dances of the Baule people, the ge-gblin (“people on stilts”) dance of the Dan people, as well as the kinion-pli (harvest dance) are interesting.In the 1970-1980s, the National Folk Dance Ballet Company and the group “Gyula.” At the All-African Music Festival, held in 2000 in Sun City (South Africa), one of the awards was received by the famous Ivorian musician Vanamh.

The development of theatrical art began with the creation of amateur school groups in the 1930s. In 1938, the so-called Indigenous Theater was created in Abidjan. After gaining independence, a professional theater school was established at the National Institute of Arts, in which actors from France taught. Plays by French and Ivorian authors were staged. The play “Tunyantigi” (“Speaking the Truth”) by the local writer A. Kuruma was popular. In the 1980s, the Koteba theater troupe was especially popular.


Developed since the 1960s. The first film, On the Dunes of Solitude, was directed by T. Basori in 1963. In 1974, the Association of Professional Filmmakers was established. In 1993, the Ivorian director Adama Ruamba made the film In the Name of Christ. In 2001, the film Adanggaman by the famous Ivorian director Roger Gnoan M "Bala (about the problems of slavery) and the film Skins from the Bronx (about life in Abidjan) by the French director Eliard Delatour, who lives in Côte d" Ivoire, was released.


pre-colonial period.

The modern territory of Côte d'Ivoire was inhabited by pygmies as early as the beginning of the Stone Age. From the 1st millennium AD, other peoples began to penetrate from the west with several migration flows. The first settlers were the Senufo, who gradually began to join agriculture. The settlement process , which lasted for several centuries almost until the beginning of the colonial conquest, was largely associated with the slave trade in the coastal regions of the Gold Coast (modern Ghana), from which local residents fled.

colonial period.

Europeans (Portuguese, British, Danes and Dutch) landed on the coast of present-day Ivory Coast at the end of the 15th century. French missionaries began colonization in 1637. Economic development began in the 1840s: French colonists mined gold, harvested and exported tropical On March 10, 1893, the Ivory Coast was officially declared a colony of France, and included in French West Africa (FZA) in 1895. The local population actively resisted the colonialists (anya uprisings in 1894-1895, Guro in 1912 -1913, etc.). It intensified during the First World War in connection with forced recruitment into the French army. In the interwar period, the colony became a major producer of coffee, cocoa beans and tropical timber. In 1934, its administrative center became Abidjan. First batch African population- Democratic Party of the Ivory Coast (DP BSK) - created in 1945 on the basis of unions of local farmers. It became a territorial section of the DOA (Democratic Association of Africa) - the general political organization of the FZA, headed by the African planter Felix Houphouet-Boigny. Under the influence of the national liberation movement, in 1957 France granted the BSC the right to create a territorial legislative assembly (parliament). In 1957 BSK received the status of an autonomous republic. After the elections to the legislative assembly (April 1959), a government was formed headed by F. Houphouet-Boigny.

Period of independent development.

Independence was proclaimed on August 7, 1960. F. Houphouet-Boigny became President of the Republic of the Ivory Coast (BCC). The policy of economic liberalism was proclaimed, which was based on
inviolability of private property. DP BSK became the sole and ruling party. In the 1960s-1980s, a distinctive feature of the country's development was the high rate of economic growth (mainly due to the export of coffee and cocoa beans): in 1960-1970, GDP growth was 11%, in 1970-1980 - 6-7%. Per capita income in 1975 - 500 US dollars (in 1960 - 150 US dollars). In the 1980s, an economic recession began due to falling world prices for coffee and cocoa beans. F. Houphouet-Boigny remained the permanent president. In October 1985, the country received the name "Republic of Côte d'Ivoire", DP BSK was renamed DPKI - "Democratic Party of Côte d'Ivoire". Under pressure from the public movement for democratic freedoms, a multi-party system was introduced in May 1990. F. Houphouet-Boigny won the 1990 presidential election. main direction economic policy in the 1990s, privatization expanded (more than 50 companies were privatized in 1994-1998). After the death of F. Houphouet-Boigny (1993), his successor Henri Conan Bedier (elected in 1995) became president. Until 1994, the economy was in a state of decline due to the collapse of world prices for coffee and cocoa beans, the rise in oil prices, the severe drought of 1982-1983, the ill-considered spending of foreign loans by the government, as well as cases of their outright plunder. The government began to pursue a policy of encouraging foreign investment in the economy. In October 1995, the country hosted the Invest in Ivory Coast forum, in which Russian companies participated among 350 foreign companies. In 1996, the Mountain Forum was held. GDP growth in 1998 was about 6% (1994 - 2.1%), inflation rate in 1996-1997 - 3% (1994 - 32%).
A characteristic feature of the country's development in 1960-1999 was political stability. In the middle In the 1990s, more than 50 political parties were active. An amendment to the constitution (Article 35 - giving the right to be elected to public authorities only to persons with Ivorian citizenship by birth, due to marriage or naturalization) did not allow the candidacy of Allasan Ouattara (a Burkinian by origin) to be nominated for the presidency. He was nominated by the United Republicans (OR) party and was a serious competitor to A. Conan Bedier, the only candidate in the upcoming presidential elections of 2000. Thousands of demonstrations organized by the opposition in September 1998 to protest against the discriminatory article of the constitution were accompanied by clashes with the police. Political tension intensified in October 1999 - mass demonstrations in support of AD Ouattara took place in the capital and other cities, arrests of opposition activists began. They were supported by the soldiers, dissatisfied with the delay in paying their salaries. The authorities underestimated the seriousness of the situation. The speech of the military was led by retired General Robert Gay. The rebels took control of all the key services of the capital. It was announced the suspension of the constitution, the removal of the incumbent president, the dissolution of the government and parliament. Power passed to the National Committee of Public Safety (NCOS), headed by R. Gay. The situation in the country was soon normalized. In January 2000, a transitional government was formed, in which General R. Gay took over as president of the republic and minister of defense.

In July 2000 approved by referendum and adopted new constitution(its 35th article remained unchanged). Presidential elections were held on October 22, 2000. The leader of the opposition "Association of the Republicans" A. Ouattara again could not stand as a candidate because of the discriminatory article of the constitution. The victory was won by the representative of the Ivorian popular front» (INF) Laurent Gbagbo (60% of the vote). The military regime was abolished. Parliamentary elections were held from December 10, 2000 to January 14, 2001. The INF received 96 mandates, the Democratic Party of Côte d'Ivoire - 94, independent candidates - 22. On September 19, 2002, a military mutiny was raised in the cities of Abidjan, Bouake and Korhogo: 750 military personnel stormed government offices and residences of government members. In fact, it was an attempted coup d'etat, since President L. Gbagbo was at that time on an official visit to Italy. With the help of the army units of the ECOWAS member countries, the rebellion in Abidjan was suppressed. However, the rebel groups managed to take control of all the northern, as well as part of the central and western regions. In some areas, clashes began on ethnic and confessional grounds. Armed groups from Liberia and Sierra Leone came out on the side of the rebels, which aggravated interstate relations between Côte d'Ivoire and these countries.

In March 2003, a coalition government of national reconciliation was formed, which also included representatives of the opposition (since January 2003, the rebels began to call themselves the New Force). The official end of the civil war was declared in July 2003, but the country remained divided into two parts: the government-controlled south and the opposition-controlled north. At the end of February 2004, to help the government resolve the conflict, the UN Security Council sent a unit of 6240 people to Côte d'Ivoire. Regular meetings of the coalition government took place until March 2004. The opposition ministers announced their boycott after the security forces dispersed the demonstrations organized by " New force "(there were casualties). Armed rebels in July 2004 continued to completely control the northern part of the country. In the same month, the parliament discussed a number of problems that the opposition demanded to solve, in particular the issue of land ownership in the northern regions. The President promised after the unification of the country hold a referendum on the issue of nationality.At the summit of 13 African countries held in Accra (Ghana) in late July and early August 2004, an agreement was reached between the government of Côte d'Ivoire and the rebels on the settlement internal conflict. The New Force has pledged to begin disarmament after October 15, 2004, the completion date for the political reforms agreed to in January 2003. But the issues that sparked the civil war, such as land reform and citizenship issues, remain unresolved.
On October 31 and November 28, 2010, the first presidential elections since 2000 were finally held in Côte d'Ivoire, which were postponed for almost a decade due to the civil war. A total of 14 candidates took part in the elections. None of the candidates managed to gain an absolute majority of votes, and by law, the two candidates with the most votes advanced to the second round.

The incumbent President Laurent Gbagbo, who won a little more than 38% of the vote and enjoys the support of the South of the country, and the leader of the opposition, former Prime Minister Alassane Ouattara, who enjoys the support of the population of the northern part of the country and won about 33% of the vote, went to the second round.
On December 2, 2010, preliminary voting results were announced, according to which A. Ouattara won 54% of the vote. But immediately the constitutional council called these results invalid. On December 3, Laurent Gbagbo was declared the winner. Alassane Ouattara also declared himself victorious and also took the presidential oath. The United States, France, the UN, the African Union, the Economic Community of West African Countries (ECOWAS), the European Union supported Ouattara. In response, Gbabgo ordered UN peacekeeping troops to leave the country. However, the UN Security Council extended the mandate of the peacekeeping mission in Côte d'Ivoire until June 30, 2011. The World Bank stopped lending to the country.

The situation of political crisis in the country was accompanied by riots, borders were closed, broadcasting of foreign satellite TV channels was stopped. The number of refugees in neighboring Liberia has increased (according to the UN, by mid-February 2010 their number was 50 thousand people, and by April 2011 it will exceed 100 thousand people). Against the backdrop of political instability, the epidemiological situation in the country also aggravated - outbreaks of yellow fever, malaria and a cholera outbreak were recorded in the municipality of Abidjan.

Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, a state in West Africa, the most rich country from the former colonies that were part of French West Africa. In the south it is washed by the waters of the Gulf of Guinea, in the east it borders on Ghana, in the north - on Burkina Faso and Mali, in the west - on Guinea and Liberia. Area 322.5 thousand square meters. km. Population 15 million (1998). Since 1983, the capital is the city of Yamoussoukro in the central part of the country, all ministries and foreign diplomatic missions are located in the former capital, Abidjan. The independence of Côte d'Ivoire was proclaimed on August 7, 1960.

Ivory Coast. Capitals: Yamoussoukro (official), Abidjan (actual). Population - 15 million people (1998). Population density - 45 people per 1 sq. km. Urban population - 48%, rural - 52%. Area - 332.5 thousand sq. km The highest point - Mount Nimba (1752 m) Official language - French Main religions: Islam, Christianity, local traditional beliefs Administrative-territorial division - 49 departments Monetary unit - franc CFA National Holiday: Independence Day - August 7. National Anthem: "Hello, Land of Hope."

Flag of Ivory Coast


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Nature. The main part of the country's territory is occupied by an undulating plain, which gradually rises from the coast to the north and turns into a plateau with a height of more than 400 m above sea level. The flat surface is disturbed by remnants composed of volcanic and crystalline rocks. The relative height of these landforms sometimes exceeds 100 m. In the north-west of Côte d'Ivoire there are mountains composed of crystalline rocks - granites, amphibolites and quartzites. The Odienne and Man mountains with massive ridges up to 1100-1200 m high and deep valleys are especially distinguished and gorges.At the junction of the borders of three countries - Côte d "Ivoire, Guinea and Liberia - rises Mount Nimba (1752 m), the highest point in the country. The plains and plateaus of Côte d'Ivoire in the meridional direction cross the rivers Cavalli (along the border with Liberia), Sassandra, Bandama and Komoe. They are not navigable (mainly because of the rapids), but are widely used for timber rafting. The territory of Côte d'Ivoire cross from north to south three geographical zones: Sudanese, forest and coastal. Coastline length approx. 550 km. To the west of the border with Ghana to the city of Fresco, the coast is lined with sandy bays and laced lagoons. The largest of them is the Ebriye lagoon with an area of ​​550 sq. km and a depth of up to 7-8 m. After the construction of a canal through the bay in 1950, this lagoon turned into a convenient sea harbor and in subsequent years was connected by channels with neighboring lagoons - Make in the west and Ob in the east. In the area west of Fresco to the border with Liberia, a plateau approaches the coast, which breaks off with rocky ledges from 20 to 50 m high. The climate of the coastal zone is equatorial, constantly hot and humid. The average annual rainfall is 1900-2400 mm in the west and east, and somewhat less in the central part. There are two maxima of precipitation (May-June and September-November). Average monthly temperatures are 27-28°C in December-April and 23-24°C from July-September. The forest zone has a width of approx. 300 km in the east and west and less than 130 km in the central part of the country in the Bandama river basin. In the south of this zone, wet rainforests with evergreen tree species, in the north the role of deciduous species increases. These forests are concentrated large stocks valuable commercial wood. Here grow kaya (mahogany, or mahogany), high chlorophora, prickly argan (the so-called iron tree) and the famous cola. Temperatures in the forest zone are also high, but their amplitude is greater than in the coastal zone, and the humidity and precipitation are lower - usually less than 1500 mm per year. The vegetation of the Sudanese zone gradually changes from savanna woodlands in the south, where Guinean oil palms, acacias, breadfruit trees and baobabs rise among the grasses, to true grass savannas further north. Average monthly temperatures range from 30°C in April to 25°C in August-September. Two seasons are clearly expressed - wet (June - October) and dry (December - February), when the northeast harmatan wind blows from the Sahara. The animal world is distinguished by its richness and diversity of species. In the forests there are monkeys, elephants, hippos, forest antelopes, buffaloes, in the savannas - different types antelopes, predators - leopards, cheetahs, hyenas, jackals. Characterized by an abundance of birds, snakes and insects. The tsetse fly is widespread. Created to protect wild animals National parks(Komoe, Tan, Marahue, Mont Peno) and nature reserves (Nimba).
Population. According to the 1988 census, 10.8 million people lived in Côte d'Ivoire, and in 1998 - about 15 million. In the early 1990s, the birth rate was 49 per 1 thousand people, and the death rate was 15 per 1 thousand people, i.e. natural increase reached 3% per year.In 1985, more than 42% of the country's inhabitants were under 15. The most densely populated forest areas in the west and southeast of the country and on the coast. the valley of the Bandama River and the railway from Abidjan north to Burkina Faso. Big city Côte d'Ivoire - Abidjan (approx. 2 million inhabitants), followed by Bouake, a shopping center and transport hub in the interior of the country, Daloa in the west, Korhogo in the north and the capital Yamoussoukro in the central region. Ethnic composition The population of Côte d'Ivoire is heterogeneous. There are five main ethnic groups. The largest of them is the Anyi-Ashanti group (Baule, Anyi and Abro), concentrated in the forests in the southeast of the country. southwest (west of the Bandama River. The Mande group (Malinke, Diula) lives mainly in the northwestern mountainous regions. The Senufo live in the savannas in the north, and the Dan and Guru live in the savanna woodlands in the middle part of the Bandama river basin. . About 40% of the inhabitants of Côte d'Ivoire profess Islam, 25% are Christians, the rest are animists. The Muslim population predominates in the northwest, Muslims include the majority of the Mande and a large part of the Senufo. The stronghold of Christianity is the south, where at the end of the 19th century. the first Christian missions appeared. The population of Abidjan is almost equally divided between Muslims and Christians. 30% of the population are foreign nationals, predominantly from Burkina Faso and Mali, who are employed in agricultural work. They make up about a third of the country's wage earners. Abidjan has a population of approx. 90 thousand Lebanese and Syrians and 35 thousand Europeans, mostly French. According to the UN, in Côte d'Ivoire in 1997 there were 220 thousand refugees from Liberia. Some of them are integrated into the local society, the rest, with the assistance of the UN, are repatriated to their homeland or resettled in Sierra Leone. The official language of the country is French. Among more Of the 60 African languages, the most widely spoken languages ​​are the Kru (especially Anyi) and Mande (especially Malinke) groups.
Public education. During the years of independence, significant progress has been made in the development of the education system. In 1947 primary schools countries studied 9% of children of the appropriate age, and in 1993 - approx. 70%. In 1995 ok. 30% of budget expenditures were directed to education. During the colonial period, the system built on the French model schooling aimed at preparing students for continuing education in high school and the university. However, the government of independent Côte d'Ivoire made changes to this system, focusing on the development of technical schools, whose graduates could replace Europeans in key positions in the economy. In 1994, 1,554 thousand children studied in primary schools, 448 thousand in secondary schools ., in technical schools - 8.9 thousand, and at the National University in Abidjan - 15.5 thousand students.
Political system. According to the 1960 constitution, the head of state and government is the president, who is elected by direct universal suffrage for a term of five years. The president appoints and removes members of the government who are personally accountable to him. The legislature is a unicameral National Assembly of 175 deputies who are elected by universal and direct suffrage simultaneously with the president for a five-year term on a single national list. Although the constitution formally provides for the separation of powers, the actual powers of the National Assembly are very limited. The highest court is the Supreme Court. Administratively, the territory of the country is divided into 49 departments. Each of them has an elected General Council, which adopts the local budget. The chief executive of the department is the prefect, representing the central government. The leading political force is the Democratic Party of Côte d'Ivoire (DPKI), led by President Henri Conan Bedier. The party arose from the first mass organization - the African Agricultural Syndicate, an association of large agricultural producers created at the end of World War II by the future first president of the country Felix Houphouet-Boigny, who was then a leader, doctor and businessman.From 1946-1950 this party collaborated with the French communist party, but then F. Houphouet-Boigny broke with the communists and began to pursue a policy of close cooperation with the French government. IN post-war period other parties were created in Côte d'Ivoire. However, since none of them enjoyed mass support, the DNAI won the first general election in 1957 and remained ruling until the death of its leader F. Houphouet-Boigny in 1993. She was the only the party that fielded candidates in the elections of 1959, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980 and 1985. After the introduction of a multi-party system in 1990, the first alternative presidential elections took place, in which F. Houphouet-Boigny’s rival is a veteran of the opposition movement and leader of the Ivoire Popular Front (FNP ) Laurent Gbagbo was defeated.In the same year, a constitutional amendment regarding the order of succession of power was adopted.It provided that in the event of the death of F. Houphouet-Boigny as president, the supreme power in the country passes to his compatriot, the chairman of the National Assembly, Henri Conan Bedier. At the same time, an amendment was made to the constitution to create the post of prime minister, thereby creating a second center of power, the head of which could also claim the post of president. Alassane Ouattara was appointed prime minister. When F. Houphouet-Boigny died on December 7, 1993, Gbagbo and Ouattara opposed the transfer of power to Bedier. However, France decided the dispute in favor of Bedier, almost immediately recognizing him as the legitimate president. Two days after the death of F. Houphouet-Boigny, A. Ouattara resigned from the post of prime minister. After the 1990 elections, an atmosphere of political instability and tension persisted in the country. In the 1995 presidential election, Bedier won. Ouattara was denied the right to run in these elections, since only an indigenous citizen who had lived in the country for the past five years could become a candidate for the presidency. Supporters of Ouattara, formerly members of the DPKI, have formed a new centrist party, the Rally Republicans (OR). United in the ranks of the Republican Front (FR) OR, INF and other opposition parties created a political counterbalance to the DPKI. The foreign policy of independent Côte d'Ivoire was pro-European and conservative. The country's government is a consistent supporter of close Afro-French cooperation. Although Côte d'Ivoire became the first Black African state to establish diplomatic relations with South Africa (1992), it provided significant support fight against the apartheid regime. Côte d'Ivoire played a leading role in the creation of the Union of Concord - an amorphous political and economic association, which includes Côte d'Ivoire, Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger and Togo, as well as the pro-French Common Afro-Mauritian Organization (OKAM) . Under the Lomé Convention, Côte d'Ivoire enjoys economic benefits in relations with the EU. Since 1960, a member of the UN, and since 1963 - the Organization of African Unity. In 1995, Côte d'Ivoire joined the Economic Community of West African Countries (ECOWAS) and provided significant support the efforts of this organization to end the civil war in Liberia (1989-1997). However, unlike other members of ECOWAS, Côte d'Ivoire did not send its troops as part of the peacekeeping force (ECOMOG) to Liberia and even allowed the fighters of Charles Taylor's Liberian group to be on its territory. After ECOMOG planes mistakenly dropped bombs on the border region of Côte d'Ivoire near Danane, his relations with the ECOWAS countries became more complicated.
Economy. Côte d'Ivoire is one of the most economically developed states among the former colonies of French West Africa. In 1996, the GDP amounted to $ 10.4 billion, or about $ 707 per capita. In the 1960s, the economic growth was 11% per year, in the 1970s - early 1980s - 6%. In 1987-1989, prices for the main export items of Côte d'Ivoire - coffee and cocoa - fell sharply on the world market, and in 1987- 1994 GDP did not increase, and sometimes even decreased. In the early 1980s, the country's external debt reached a critical level. The government was forced to negotiate with foreign creditors, the IMF and the World Bank to defer loan payments. In 1991, the authorities of Côte d'Ivoire launched a program of structural adjustment of the economy, which included cutting government spending, liberalizing the economy and leaving the state from many areas of economic activity. In 1994, the CFA franc was devalued by 50%, but this was followed by a temporary increase prices and an economic recovery began, as a result of which export sales increased by almost 33% in 1995. In the late 1990s, the average annual GDP growth was approximately 5%. Côte d'Ivoire maintains close relations with France, which provides it with significant economic help. French investors account for most of the foreign private investment. Europeans occupy many key positions in the economy of Côte d'Ivoire, and most industrial enterprises are owned by foreign capital. In the 1990s, the main task remains the development of the national economy, which requires further structural reforms. the fact that the government supported measures to develop and diversify agricultural production. Agriculture plays an important role in the country's economy, employing approx. 60% of the working population. The main commercial products are coffee, cocoa beans, cotton and bananas. Côte d'Ivoire is a leading supplier of cocoa beans to the world market. Income from the sale of cocoa beans and valuable wood species (primarily mahogany) abroad accounts for approximately 75% of all export earnings. In the late 1960s In 1999, the country began to export pineapples, rubber, and palm oil.Most of the export crops and timber are produced in the forest zone in the south of the country, but income inequality in both regions has significantly reduced due to the increase in cotton production in the north. Whereas in the interwar period most coffee and cocoa beans were grown on large plantations owned by Europeans, in the 1960s these crops were cultivated mainly on small farms of African peasants. Other export crops continue to be grown on European plantations. Logging is carried out mainly by foreign companies. Large planters hire workers from neighboring countries, mainly from Burkina Faso. The main food crops grown for own consumption or for sale in the domestic market are yams, sweet potatoes, cassava, bananas and rice. In addition, taro is cultivated (for the sake of edible tubers rich in starch), corn, and in the north of the country - millet and sorghum. Animal husbandry is less developed, including sheep, goats, poultry and cattle. The development of this industry is limited to the far north, since the rest of the territory is included in the range of the tse-tse fly. An important sector of the economy of Côte d'Ivoire is fishing, primarily tuna fishing; canned fish is one of important articles export. The mining industry plays an insignificant role in the country's economy. The exception is diamond mining (84.3 thousand carats in 1994). Gold placers are exploited on a small scale. Large reserves of high-quality iron ore have been discovered in the Bangolo region. In the 1970s and 1980s, the development of oil and gas fields on the shelf began in Côte d'Ivoire, but in the early 1990s, the level of oil production dropped sharply. In the mid-1990s, new oil reserves were discovered on the continental shelf .In the independent Côte d'Ivoire, industry developed rapidly. In this respect, of the former colonies of French West Africa, only Senegal is ahead of it. The share of industry in GDP in 1995 was 20% against 8% in 1960. In the 1950s, the main industries were food, cotton, woodworking, brick and tile production, and soap making. During the years of independence, new industries have been created: the assembly of bicycles and cars from imported parts, the production of steel frames and metal containers, chemical, pharmaceutical, plastics and matches, oil refining and canning. Most industrial enterprises are located in Abidjan, Bouake and their environs. Further development of the industry of Côte d'Ivoire rests on the need to expand the energy base. In 1995, 2915 million kW of electricity was produced in the country, with 60% generated by hydroelectric power plants. The power of the Kosu hydroelectric power station, built on the Bandama River in 1972 and then considered one of the largest in Africa, is 175 thousand kWh.In 1994, the new Vridi power plant, operating on local gas, came into operation.From 1960 to 1980, the volume foreign trade Côte d'Ivoire increased annually by an average of 7%. In subsequent years, the growth rate of exports slowed down and in 1980-1990 amounted to about 1.9% per year, and in 1990-1995 - less than 1%. In 1996, the value of exports amounted to 4.4 billion dollars, and imports - 2.5 billion. The main imports are petroleum products, machinery, electrical equipment, cars, fish, rice and medicines. The main exports are coffee, cocoa, timber and lumber, cotton, fish, bananas, palm oil and natural rubber.Côte d'Ivoire's traditionally exported agricultural products enjoyed trading privileges in the French market, and later in the EEC countries. In the 1990s, France, Nigeria and Mali remained the main trading partners of Cote d'Ivoire. After 1960, a significant part of coffee was sent to the United States. Most of the foreign trade operations are carried out through the port of Abidjan. Foreign and wholesale trade of Cote d'Ivoire is controlled by several large European companies. Often, Syrian and Lebanese entrepreneurs are intermediaries between companies and manufacturers. Most of the retail trade is in the hands of small African traders. Côte d'Ivoire is part of the French franc zone. The country's currency, the CFA franc, is issued by the Central Bank of West African States, which also serves Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo. The transport system was created to serve the export sector of the country's economy and provide access to seaports for Burkina Faso.Almost all the main roads pass through the territory of the southern regions of the country, where most of the export products are produced.In 1996, the total length highways was 55 thousand km, of which paved roads were approx. 6 thousand km. In 1972, the construction of a deep-water port in San Pedro was completed. Abidjan is connected by rail with the capital of Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou (its length in Côte d'Ivoire is 660 km). In Abidjan and Yamoussoukro there are international airports. See below
Côte d "Ivoire. HISTORY

The country lies in two climatic zones- subequatorial in the north and equatorial in the south. Average monthly temperatures are 25-30 °C everywhere, but the amount of precipitation and its regime are different. In the equatorial climate zone, oceanic air dominates all year round and there is not a single month without precipitation, the amount of which reaches 2400 mm per year (mainly in March-June and December-January). In the north - in the subequatorial climate - there is less precipitation (1100-1800 mm) and a dry winter period is pronounced.


The surface of the country is predominantly flat, low in the south in the oceanic zone and turning into a low-mountain plateau 500-800 m high in the north. In the west, in the mountains of Dan - the highest point in the country (1340 m). Almost throughout the territory there are outcrops of ancient rocks of the African Platform: in the west and north, granites predominate, in the east - clay shales. Deposits of gold, diamonds, manganese, and iron ores have been discovered here. The shore of the Gulf of Guinea is slightly indented and separated from the sea by a strip of sand drifts. The main rivers - Komoe, Bandama, Sasandra, Cavalli - are not navigable.

Flora and fauna

In the vegetation cover in the south, moist equatorial forests are widespread, where more than 600 species of trees grow, including valuable species (about 35 species are used for timber harvesting, of which 5 species are mahogany). To the north, moist forests give way to forest savanna, into which islands of gallery forests wedged along the river valleys. Further north, the islands of trees disappear and most of the territory is covered with tall grass savannah. Both vegetation and animal world The Ivory Coast is better preserved than in other countries of West Africa: monkeys (monkeys, chimpanzees, Gverets, etc.) are numerous in the forests, elephants, hippos, forest antelopes, bush pigs, water deer are found; found in the savannas different kinds antelope, as well as leopard, cheetah, serval. A network of reserves and national parks has been created, including on the slopes of Mount Nimba (on the border with Guinea and Liberia), the Banco National Park near Abidjan.


The population of Côte d'Ivoire includes representatives of more than 55 linguistic communities, many of which are distinguished by a peculiar exotic culture. There are three subgroups of nationalities: Guinean (Kru, Baule, Anyi, etc.), Volt (Senufo, Lobi, Bobo, Kulango, Mosi) and Mande (Malinke and others). The majority of the population is employed in agriculture (cocoa, coffee, etc.) and retains both the traditional way of life and traditional animistic beliefs.

Big cities

The country's largest city is Abidjan (about 4.4 million inhabitants), whose rapid growth began after 1950. Now it's industrial centre, a large port, there is a university, a research center. Abidjan is a modern city with numerous hotels, restaurants and other elements of tourism infrastructure. The capital of Côte d'Ivoire is Yamoussoukro, where 281 thousand people live. Other major cities of the country are Bwake, San Pedro, Korhogo, Ferkesedugu.


The territory of modern Côte d'Ivoire was inhabited by pygmies as early as the 1st millennium BC. Soon other peoples began to move there, the first of them were the Senufo.

For the first time, Europeans began to land on the shores of modern Côte d'Ivoire in the 15th century. The Portuguese, Dutch, Danes visited here then. The Portuguese visited here in the 1460s. Colonization began with the arrival of the French, who from the middle of the 19th century began the economic development of the land. Local tribes were destroyed until 1917. The French exported diamonds and gold, coffee and cocoa from here, had banana plantations here. On March 10, 1893, the Ivory Coast was declared a colony of France, and in 1895 included in French West Africa. The Ivory Coast became a major producer of coffee and cocoa for the French markets. In 1934, Abidjan was declared the center of the colony. In 1945, the first political party arose - the Democratic Party of the Ivory Coast, at first leaning towards Marxism, but from the beginning of the 50s it switched to positions close to the French right. In 1957, France granted local government to the colony.

On August 7, 1960, the independence of the country was proclaimed. the leader of the Democratic Party, Houphouet-Boigny, became its president, the DP became the ruling and sole party. The principle of inviolability of private property was proclaimed. The country continued to be an agrarian and raw materials appendage of France, but by African standards, its economy was in good condition, economic growth rates reached 11% per year. The Ivory Coast in 1979 became the world leader in the production of cocoa beans, but success in this area was based on a good market environment and a combination of excellent managers, foreign investment and a large number of cheap labor, mainly guest workers from neighboring countries. However, in the 1980s, the prices for coffee and cocoa on world markets fell, in 1982-1983 the country suffered a severe drought, an economic recession began; by the end of the 1980s, per capita foreign debt exceeded that of all African countries except Nigeria. Under public pressure, Houphouet-Boigny made political concessions, legalized alternative ruling political parties, initiated the electoral process, and in 1990 was elected president.

In 1993, he died, and the country was headed by Henri Conan Bedier, who had long been considered his heir. In 1995, a forum was held on investment in the country's economy, in which Russian companies also participated. In the late 90s, political instability increased, Bedier had a serious competitor: Allasan Ouattara, but he is a Burkina by origin, while the country's constitution allowed only Ivorians to vote. This circumstance greatly deepened the already outlined split of society along ethnic lines. By that time, from a third to a half of the country's population were people of foreign origin, mainly working earlier in agriculture, which had fallen into decline due to the bad economic situation.

On December 25, 1999, a military coup took place in the country, the organizer of which, Robert Guey, held the presidential elections the following year, marked by fraud and riots. Opposition leader Laurent Gbagbo was officially declared the winner of the election. On September 19, 2002, a military rebellion was organized in Abdijan, which was suppressed, but became the beginning of a civil war between political groups representing the north and south of the country. In 2003, an agreement was reached to end the clashes, but the situation continued to be unstable. A lasting peace agreement was only signed in the spring of 2007.


Côte d'Ivoire is a presidential republic. The President of the country is directly elected for a term of 5 years with the possibility of re-election only once. He has full executive power, appoints and dismisses the prime minister. The president has the legislative initiative along with the parliament (unicameral).