The important research of the ice of Antarctica. Studying Antarctica: from the opening of the mainland to modern studies

Representatives: V. Altist Danilov, Anatoly Kim "Proteka", "Kentaurov's village", Fazil Iskander "Rabbit and Flyava", Vyach. Fishermen "Do not have time", Vladimir Winovich "Moscow 2042", Al. Razbakov "Non-return", A. Atamovich "Last Pastoral", L. Petrushevskaya "New Robinsones", Pelevin "Insects Life" and others. Proza in the cat was created Conditional, fantastic worlds arise in the conditions of impossibility of direct thin statement, in conditions of censorship. Peak of interest and development of this prose is the mid-end of the 80s. Behind myth, fairy tale, fantasy guessed fancy, but recognizable world. UMP saw B. real life Absurd and alogure. A catastrophic paradoxes guess on the everyday. It depicts something nadindividual, imperpotional. Even when the hero possesses K.L. Dominant feature, it is not so much Har-r. How many social or phil. a type. There are 3 types of convention: fabulous, mythological, fantastic. In fabulous items and situations are filled with modern meaning. The miracle and allegory can be the dominant convention, the initial impetus for the development of action. Human, social world can be represented by allegorically in the form of animals, as in folklore, with fixed signs of perception - put. or otr-th. Commitable simplicity, clear line of plot, clear lines. In the mythological type of conventionality in the narration, original layers of national consciousness are introduced, where mythological elements are preserved, characteristic of a specific people or global myphols and images. PRESS of the late 20th centuries. Mythcentric. Writers turn to the myifa actively in situations of the change of the picture of the world, in transitional times, in crisis, when there is a need to appeal to the origins, when it is necessary to streamline chaos. This does not mean that the works in the cat writer uses the mythological type of conventionity coincide with other legends, they are more constructed under the myth. Orientation on other myths are obvious: a) in the use of archetypical images and plots (about the birth and end of the world, lost paradise, revival); b) in using illusion and reality mixing techniques; c) in the appeal to the cultural mentality, which is its expression in folklore, oral legends, phenomena of mass culture (Petrushevskaya "Legends southern Slavs.", P. Peprestein" Mythogenic Love Cast ". A fantastic type of conventionality implies a projection into the future or any closed space, transformed socially, ethically. Fantastic elements can be combined with real, mystical and real neighbor in real life. The most vivid examples of the use of Phanto-th type of conventionality is the texts in the genre of antiutopia.

Types of convention in the conditionally metaphorical prose: fabulous, mythological, fantastic.

In fabulous items and situations are filled with modern meaning. The miracle and allegory can be the dominant convention, the initial impetus for the development of action. Human, social world can be represented by allegorically in the form of animals, as in folklore, with fixed signs of perception - put. or otr-th. In the fabulous type of conventionality, simplicity is required, clear line of plot, clear lines. In the mythological type of conventionality in the narration, original layers of national consciousness are introduced, where mythological elements are preserved, characteristic of a specific people or global myphols and images. PRESS of the late 20th centuries. Mythcentric. Writers turn to the myifa actively in situations of the change of the picture of the world, in transitional times, in crisis, when there is a need to appeal to the origins, when it is necessary to streamline chaos. This does not mean that the works in the cat writer uses the mythological type of conventionity coincide with other legends, they are more constructed under the myth. Orientation on other myths are obvious: a) in the use of archetypical images and plots (about the birth and end of the world, lost paradise, revival); b) in using illusion and reality mixing techniques; c) in the appeal to the cultural mentality that has its own expression in folklore, oral legends, phenomena of the mass culture (Petrushevskaya "Legends of the South Slavs", P. Peprestein "Mythogenic Love Custom". The fantastic type of conventionality implies a projection into the future or any closed space, Transfigured socially, ethically. Fantastic elements can be combined with real, mystical and real neighboring in real life. The most vivid examples of using the Phanti type of conventional texts in the genre of antiutopia. Antiutopia is genetically connected with utopia. Genre close to science fiction, describing the genre Model of an ideal society: 1. Technocratic (social. Problems are solved by accelerating scientific and technological progress. 2. Social (the possibility of changing people of his own society). Among the socially, a). Egolitarian, idealizing and absoluting principles of universal equality. Garm. Personal Development (Efremov "Timbal Andromeda"); b). Elite, defending the construction of society, divided according to the principle of justice and feasibility (Lukyanov "Black Pawn"). Antiutopia is a logical development of utopia and formally can also be attributed to this area, however if the classical utopia considers the positive blacks of the collective device, then the anti-nightopia seeks to identify negative traits of society. An important feature of the utopia is static, while for anti-wasteopias are characterized by describing social Life in development, i.e. It works with more complex soci-models. Utopia: Platon "State", T.M. "Utopia", Tommaso Campnell "City of the Sun", Francis Beckon "New Atlantis", K. Merezhkovsky "Paradise"; Antiutopias: Dr. Moro Isle ", Orwell" 1984 ", Aldos Huxley" On the wonderful new world", Zamyatin" We ", Winovich" Moscow 2042 ", Tatiana fat" see ". Negative utopia or dystopia has the nature of assumptions - depicts the consequences associated with the construction of an ideal society, in relation to reality, the anti-wasteopia is a warning, it becomes the status of a futurological forecast. Historical events We are divided into 2 segments: before the implementation of the ideal and after. Hence the special type of chronotope - the localization of events in time and space, all events occur after the coup, revolution, war, disaster and in some particular and limited place from the rest of the world.

Phenomenon "Other" prose

Representatives: Sergey Kalled, Mikhail Kuraev, Tatiana Tatstaya, Victor Erofeev, Vyacheslav Namuch, Leonid Gavrushev, Lyudmila Petrushevskaya, Oleg Ermakov, etc.

DP has become a kind of negative reaction to the global claims of official literature, so there are other situations and techniques in it. K.P. externally indifferent to any ideal - moral, social, political; Ideal is either meant or present in the second plan. The copyright position in the DP is practically not expressed, it is important for the writer to portray a reality as if needless (as is). Refuses the sustainable tradition of Russk-th lit-ry to educate, preach, so the author rises with the tradition of dialogue by the author-reader; He portrayed and eliminated. The author depicts a destroyed, tragic life, in the cat-M coincidence, the absurdity, the cat is manages the fate of people and it is in everyday life that he is experiencing an awareness of himself. Appeal to the preceding cultures is revealed as an ironic rethinking, and not as follows the traditions. In DP, the role of time is extraordinary, it can act as an independent artistic image ("Night" Petrushevskaya). This time is a standstone leaving the gap between the dates, the time is absurd of human life, makes it a hostage of aimless existence that becomes everyday life. Space in DP K.P. Clearly defined and limited, but always real. Many features, signs of the Konky city, countries, habits, life. In DP, 3 currents can be distinguished: 1. Historical, in the cat-M event event shows not under an ideological angle of view, but no matter how removed, the fate of a person is not a pathosna, but is commonplace. Big History Replaced with a small history (Mikhu Kurayev "Captain Dixtein"). 2. Genuine course, or cruel realism. Genetically dates back to the genre of a physiological essay with its frank and detailed image of the negative aspects of life, the "bottom" of life (by People. Petrushevskaya "His Circle", Sergey Kalin "Smempted Clay"). In the image of the negative aspects of life in the DP, a prominent role was played by the so-called. Women's prose, college collections "Non-red evil" 1990, "Clean Life" 1990. 3. Ironic Avangard. An ironic attitude to reality when life is similar to a joke, paradox absurd (Genad. Golovin "Dead Birthday", Vyach. Piezzah "New Mosk-I Philosophy"). Ironic avant-garde was the forerunner of PM and a number of writers, the cat. They wrote during this period automatically fell into the workshop of postmodernism. Subject little man. Cruel realism (or natural flow). Refers to one of the currents of the "other" prose. Genetically dates back to the genre of a physiological essay with its frank and detailed image of the negative aspects of life, the "bottom" of life (by People. Petrushevskaya "His Circle", Sergey Kalin "Smempted Clay"). In the image of the negative aspects of life in the DP, a prominent role was played by the so-called. Women's prose, peculiar manifestomy became collegiate collections "Non-red evil" 1990, "Clean Life" Related beyond special social conditions - in front of it reflects the nightmare inside the normal life, love relationship, family life. The innovation of the FA is that it destroys the traditional for Russian culture ideal ideas about female modesty, loyalty, sacrifice, nominating the life of a female body (paying attention not only for sex life, but also other corporate processes). The female body is subjected to humiliation and violence, pleasure is inseparable from suffering and disease. The hospital often becomes central chronotope (filled with a distinct philosophical meaning), here among the cries of pain in dirt and weakness there are birth and death, being and non-existence. Such a "specific" description of the life of the body in the LCP Apparently the result of disappointment in the mind and its divisions, utopians, concepts, ideologies.

15. Antiutopia and its varieties (social, technogenic, environmental, post-core) in the Russian ambassador of the 4th 20th century. "Island Crimea" Aksenova.

Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov r. 1932 Island Crimea - Roman (1977-1979)

Random shot of a ship tool, made by the English lieutenant Bailey Lend, prevented the capture of Crimea with parts of the Red Army in 1920 and now, during the reign of Brezhnev, the Crimea turned into a prosperous democratic state. Russian capitalism has proven its superiority over Soviet socialism. Imagination Ultra-modern Simferopol, Stylish Feodosia, Skyscrapers of International Companies of Sevastopol, Stunning Villas Evpatoria and Gurzuf, Minarets and Bani Bakhchisaray, Americanized by Jiank and Kerch.

But among the inhabitants of the Island of Crimea, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe SOS party (the Union of Common Fate) is distributed - mergers with the Soviet Union. Party leader - influential politician, editor of the newspaper "Russian Courier Andrei Arsenievich Archers. His father, during the civilian fought in the ranks of the Russian army, became the leader of the nobility of the Feodosian province and now lives in his estate in Koktebel. The Union of the total fate includes classmates Luchnikova on the third Simferopol gymnasium Tsar-Liberator - Novosillese, Denikin, Black, Beklemishev, Nulin, Karetnikov, Sabashnikov, etc.

Andrei Archers are often in Moscow, where he has many friends and there is a mistress - a sports commentator "Time" Tatiana Lunina. His Moscow relations cause hatred from the members of the "Wolf Hundred", which is trying to organize an attempt on the archetic. But a classmate is watching his safety, Colonel Alexander Chernok, commander of the Crimean special forces "Er-Forsiz".

Archers comes to Moscow. In Sheremetyev, Garley Mikhailovich Kuzenkov is welcomed - the employee of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the "smoking" island of Crimea. Archers learns from him that the Soviet authorities are satisfied with the course for reunion from the USSR, which holds his newspaper and the party organized by him.

Once in Moscow, the archers are hiding from the "leading" of his state security officers. He succeeds in imperceptibly to leave Moscow with the rock band of his friend Dima Shempo and exercise a long-time dream: a self-journey through Russia. He admires people with whom getting acquainted in the province. The famous borders of Ben-Ivan borders, home-grown esoteric, helps him get out to Europe. Returning to the island of Crimea, Archers decide in order to carry out their idea of \u200b\u200bthe merger of the island with a historic homeland.

KGB will recruit Tatiana Lunina and instructs her next to the archers. Tatiana arrives in Yalta and, unexpectedly for himself, becomes a random mistress of the old American millionaire Freda Baxter. After a night spent on his yacht, Tatyana kidnap the Volcotens. But the guys of Colonel Chernok free it and deliver to the archers.

Tatiana lives with archers in his luxurious apartment in Simferopol skyscraper. But she feels that her love for Andrei passed. Tatiana annoys his obsession with an abstract idea of \u200b\u200bcommon destiny, who sacrifice which he is ready to bring a blooming island. She rustles with archers and leaves with a millionaire Baxter in love with her.

Andrei son Lychnikova, Anton, marries American Pella; From day to day, young people are waiting for a child. At that time Soviet government "It goes towards the treatment of the Union of Common Fate and begins a military operation for the accession of the Crimea to the USSR. People die, the established life is destroyed. The new Belunikov Kristina Parsley is dying. Before Andrei, rumors reach that his father died. Archers know that he became grandfather, but the fate of Anton and his family is unknown. He sees what his crazy idea led.

Anton Archers and his wife and the newborn son are saved on a boat with a captured island. The boat leads esoteric Ben-Ivan. Soviet pilots receive an order to destroy the boat, but seeing young people and baby, "shifting" the rocket aside.

Andrei Archers comes to the Vladimir Cathedral in Chersonese. Khorontia Christina Parsley, he sees a graveyard at the Cathedral of Tatiana Lunina. The abbot of the cathedral reads the gospel, and the archers asks in despair: "Why is it said that the temptations are needed to him, but the grief of those who will pass the temptation? How to run to us these deadlocks? .. "For the Cathedral of St. Vladimir over the captured Island of Crimea, a festive firework takes off.

Similar information.

Conditionally metaphorical prose, using several types of convention, including a fabulous, allows "brighter to show the essence of reality hidden behind the fler's conditional forms and techniques."

In the story of N. Ruzankina "Market" is implemented a fabulous type of conventionality. The writer is a fantastic situation, which is a mirror image of reality, namely: people have become for beasts with a child. The heroine of the story, on behalf of which and the story is conducted, learns about it, hitting the market where the raincoats and jackets from human skin are sold. The wolf performing the role of the conductor in the world of animals does not understand her surprise and horror at the sight of human skin products: "We kill the game, guest ... and we do not ask Dichi if she wants to be killed. After all, you do the same. From your skin we sew things, we wear these things and remember dark times when our skins lay on your shoulders, our fur served the decoration of your females, and much, we remember much. We wait, we will wait our hour. We are very patient, guest, and very hungry, although your meat leaves much to be desired ... But here your skins are suitable for us. "

A fantastic meeting of man and the beast is a kind of warning about the possibility of the emergence and development of the conflict, at the moment the non-existent in real life, and the likely opponents in this confrontation - people and animals, the writer calls representatives of different peoples. Civilization of animals, outlined by N. Ruzankina, several strokes, other, but still being a reflection of human culture. They, like people, there are not only trade, crafts, but also their deity, which forced the wolf to find a person who can tell about the impending danger. Representative of people who see the probable consequences of their consumer attitudes towards animals, should prevent the coming misfortune: "... Tell me that we are waiting for and will be ruthless if you are ruthless. You have done the living in the world, we will make the living in your life ... And what then, Guest? This land will eventually reset you, and we will remain fresh, young, deserted and disturbing. Scary ... ".

The final of the story destroys the fabulous convention: a young woman who was dropped from the market shelves from the skin, placed on a survey in a psychiatric hospital. The reader for Allegria again sees the reliability.


1. Nefaginag. L. Russian prose of the second half of the 80s of the 90s. XX century / g. L. Nafagin.- MN: NPZ "Finance, Accounting, Audit", "Economic", 1997. -231 p.

2. Ruzankina N. Market // Wanderer. - 1997. - №4. - P.94-98.

Representatives: V. Altist Danilov, Anatoly Kim "Proteka", "Kentaurov's village", Fazil Iskander "Rabbit and Flyava", Vyach. Fishermen "Do not have time", Vladimir Winovich "Moscow 2042", Al. Razbakov "Non-return", A. Atamovich "Last Pastoral", L. Petrushevskaya "New Robinsones", Pelevin "Insects Life" and others. Proza in the cat was created Conditional, fantastic worlds arise in the conditions of impossibility of direct thin statement, in conditions of censorship. Peak of interest and development of this prose is the mid-end of the 80s. Behind the myth, fairy tale, fancy, but the recognizable world is guessed. UMP saw in real life absurd and alogure. A catastrophic paradoxes guess on the everyday. It depicts something nadindividual, imperpotional. Even when the hero possesses K.L. Dominant feature, it is not so much Har-r. How many social or phil. a type. There are 3 types of convention: fabulous, mythological, fantastic. In fabulous items and situations are filled with modern meaning. The miracle and allegory can be the dominant convention, the initial impetus for the development of action. Human, social world can be represented by allegorically in the form of animals, as in folklore, with fixed signs of perception - put. or otr-th. Commitable simplicity, clear line of plot, clear lines. In the mythological type of conventionality in the narration, original layers of national consciousness are introduced, where mythological elements are preserved, characteristic of a specific people or global myphols and images. PRESS of the late 20th centuries. Mythcentric. Writers turn to the myifa actively in situations of the change of the picture of the world, in transitional times, in crisis, when there is a need to appeal to the origins, when it is necessary to streamline chaos. This does not mean that the works in the cat writer uses the mythological type of conventionity coincide with other legends, they are more constructed under the myth. Orientation on other myths are obvious: a) in the use of archetypical images and plots (about the birth and end of the world, lost paradise, revival); b) in using illusion and reality mixing techniques; c) in the appeal to the cultural mentality that has its own expression in folklore, oral legends, phenomena of the mass culture (Petrushevskaya "Legends of the South Slavs", P. Peprestein "Mythogenic Love Custom". The fantastic type of conventionality implies a projection into the future or any closed space, Transfigured socially, ethically. Fantastic elements can be combined with real, mystical and real neighbor in real life. The most vivid examples of the use of Phanto-th type of conventionality is the texts in the genre of antiutopia.

Types of convention in the conditionally metaphorical prose: fabulous, mythological, fantastic.

In fabulous items and situations are filled with modern meaning. The miracle and allegory can be the dominant convention, the initial impetus for the development of action. Human, social world can be represented by allegorically in the form of animals, as in folklore, with fixed signs of perception - put. or otr-th. In the fabulous type of conventionality, simplicity is required, clear line of plot, clear lines. In the mythological type of conventionality in the narration, original layers of national consciousness are introduced, where mythological elements are preserved, characteristic of a specific people or global myphols and images. PRESS of the late 20th centuries. Mythcentric. Writers turn to the myifa actively in situations of the change of the picture of the world, in transitional times, in crisis, when there is a need to appeal to the origins, when it is necessary to streamline chaos. This does not mean that the works in the cat writer uses the mythological type of conventionity coincide with other legends, they are more constructed under the myth. Orientation on other myths are obvious: a) in the use of archetypical images and plots (about the birth and end of the world, lost paradise, revival); b) in using illusion and reality mixing techniques; c) in the appeal to the cultural mentality that has its own expression in folklore, oral legends, phenomena of the mass culture (Petrushevskaya "Legends of the South Slavs", P. Peprestein "Mythogenic Love Custom". The fantastic type of conventionality implies a projection into the future or any closed space, Transfigured socially, ethically. Fantastic elements can be combined with real, mystical and real neighboring in real life. The most vivid examples of using the Phanti type of conventional texts in the genre of antiutopia. Antiutopia is genetically connected with utopia. Genre close to science fiction, describing the genre Model of an ideal society: 1. Technocratic (social. Problems are solved by accelerating scientific and technological progress. 2. Social (the possibility of changing people of his own society). Among the socially, a). Egolitarian, idealizing and absoluting principles of universal equality. Garm. Personal Development (Efremov "Timbal Andromeda"); b). Elite, defending the construction of society, divided according to the principle of justice and feasibility (Lukyanov "Black Pawn"). Antiutopia is a logical development of utopia and formally can also be attributed to this area, however if the classical utopia considers the positive blacks of the collective device, then the anti-nightopia seeks to identify negative traits of society. An important feature of utopia is static, while for anti-wasteopia is the attempts of describing social life in development, i.e. It works with more complex soci-models. Utopia: Platon "State", T.M. "Utopia", Tommaso Campnell "City of the Sun", Francis Beckon "New Atlantis", K. Merezhkovsky "Paradise"; Antiutopias: Dr. Moro Isle ", Orwell" 1984 ", Aldos Huxley" On the wonderful new world ", Zamyatin

"We", Voinovich "Moscow 2042", Tatyana Tolstaya "Sharby". Negative utopia or dystopia has the nature of assumptions - depicts the consequences associated with the construction of an ideal society, in relation to reality, the anti-wasteopia is a warning, it becomes the status of a futurological forecast. Historical events are divided into 2 segments: before the implementation of the ideal and after. Hence the special type of chronotope - the localization of events in time and space, all events occur after the coup, revolution, war, disaster and in some particular and limited place from the rest of the world.

Argentina, South Africa, etc., signed an agreement on Antarctic. The contract proclaimed freedom scientific research and the use of this region only for peaceful purposes. Antarctica became the first continent in the world, on which all military activities are prohibited, it is called the mainland of the world and international cooperation.

Currently, the Antarctic Treaty was signed by about 50 states.

In 2008, 50 years of active studies were fulfilled in Antarctica. Many states created research stations on the mainland (Argentina, Germany, China, Russia, USA, Chile, etc.). The USSR at different times built several stations, such as East, Mirny, Komsomolskaya, Novolazarevskaya, Pioneer, Youth. The Southern Geographical Pole constantly operates the Southern Antarctic Station Amundsen-Scott (USA). During this time, several targeted international Studies polar regions (international polar years). So was the 2007/2008 polar year, the purpose of which was a study of global climate change Earth.

In the coming years, the Belarusian Antarctic Station "Mount Evening" will be created 18 km from the Russian Station "Youth".

Scientific research is supported by the International Environmental Fund. Meteorological, oceanographic, biological, cosmic, astronomical, medical studies are the main directions of scientific research in Antarctica. Antarctica is a natural laboratory for integrated geographical and other studies. The main goal of modern research is the definition of current and evaluation of future climate change, state ambient and the consequences of these changes for the Antarctic, the development of proposals for the protection of nature under the conditions of a changing climate.

Changes in the Antarctic Natural Environment may affect development. According to certain scenarios, as a result of climate change, the melting of the Holego Shield Antarctica is possible, which will lead to the flooding of many mastered areas of the Earth. Various countries The problem is studied, atmospheric processes and their effect on the formation of the land climate. Valuable natural resource It is fresh water of a glacial shield. Under the condition of intensive contamination surface water Sushi Ice Antarctica can be the only source of clean drinking water on the ground.

The East Fast Lake is in isolation from around the world about a million years and is the object of studying scientists. Studies of ice samples from various depths of Antarctica at the East station obtained at deep drilling, Allow the story for the last hundred thousand years.

For half a century, more than 100 Belarusian polar explores visited Antarctica. They participated in all allied expeditions to the South Pole. In November 2006, researchers in the 52nd Russian Antarctic Expedition were organized in the region of the evening field scientific base to ensure research of Belarusian scientists. Here, annually, near the Russian Station "Youth", Belarusian scientists conduct research of the mainland by a special program.

Antarctica Nature Protection

The nature of Antarctica is very susceptible to a minor effect on the human side. Poor species composition of the animal and vegetable world The coast, close natural natural bonds between certain species in the harsh require a careful attitude towards nature from a person. In the coastal part of the continent there were constant and seasonal scientific stations, to service which the air and ground transport routes were arranged, aviation and seaports. For the continent, sea vessels arrive annually with a provisional and scientific equipment, fuel and lubricants, aircraft with a changeable composition of expeditions.

Active economic activities It can strongly affect Antarctica and cause significant changes in the land climate. Some large states decided to create international tourist routes. In some years, at the time of cruises, Antarctic is visited by up to 5 thousand tourists.

The most significant problems are pollution of the atmosphere, as well as pollution of stations with solid waste, disposal and export of these waste.

The Antarctic Treaty prohibits any military events, nuclear tests and disposal of waste.

An international ban on the extraction of minerals from the depths of Antarctica. New offered to establish an Antarctic Natural Park of about 12 million km2.

The problem of the destruction of the ozone layer is one of actual problems Modern studies of Belarusian polar explorers. The ozone layer absorbs a portion of solar radiation and protects everything alive on the earth's surface from the dangerous effects of ultraviolet radiation. The disruption of the ozone layer is manifested in the occurrence of ozone areas with a reduced ozone content - "ozone holes", with which the changes in the earth are associated. These fluctuations in Antarctica are especially noticeable. It can not but disturb humanity. Since 1988, research of the ozone layer is underway. Adopted International Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer.

The intense catch of Krill creates the problem of optimizing the catch and the preservation of the feed base for the animal world in the Antarctic, its reproduction and preservation of the equilibrium ecosystem in the coastal zone of Antarctica. Despite the remoteness of Antarctica from large and paths, there is a problem of pollution of antarctic waters, pollution of the coast. In large research stations, plants for the processing and disposal of waste are created.

Antarctica is a natural laboratory for studying global climatic changes on Earth. The processes occurring in Antarctica inevitably affect the nature of the entire planet.

Up until the beginning of the XIX century, a large white spot was placed on globes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe South Pole, because there were no reliable information about these places. The unknown southern land persistently, but without successful seafarers, starting from the XVI century.

I was looking for her and the famous English captain James Cook, whose geographical discoveries created him world famous and indisputable authority. In 1775, his ships crossed the southern polar circle and reached 71 Yu.Sh., but Icebergs, ice and snow storms blocked them the way. Cook words: "I bypassed the ocean of a southern hemisphere and indisputably rejected the possibility of the existence of the continent" redeemed interest in finding unknown land For many years.

Fig. 1. F.F. Bellinshausen and M.P. Lazarev

At the beginning of the XIX century, a young fleet of Russia came to the opening and research of the oceans for the opening and study of new lands. In summer 1819-1820 The Russian expedition under the command of F.F. Bellinshausen and M.P. Lazareva on the "East" and "Mirny" gateways bypassed south mainland, it came close to the shore of the unknown continent and put on the map the sections of the coasts of Antarctica (see Fig. 1).

In the XIX century, many ships approached the banks of Antarctica. In 1823, the Englishman James Weddell in search of sealing fokeries reached 74 grams. Yu. Sh., having passed on the sea deep in land. In 1840.g. The French expedition of Jules Dimone D'Yurville opened several small islands off the coast of the mainland.

And the study of Antarctica by the English expedition of James Ross in 1841 led to the discovery on the mainland of a mountainous country, called the name of Queen England - Earth Victoria, and two volcanoes - Erbus and Terror. The world's largest shelf glacier was discovered. The greatest geographical discovery has become attainment in December 1911 of the Southern Pole of the Earthnorwegian R. Amundsen. A month later, Scott's expedition perished later.

Who owns Antarctica?

And nobody!

Antarctica is the only continent who does not belong to anyone, but is a continuing international cooperation (see Fig. 2). The real owners of the continent are scientific workers from different parts of the world.

In accordance with convention on Antarctica, Signed on December 1, 1959 and entered into force on June 23, 1961, Antarctica does not belong to any state. Only scientific activities are allowed.

Fig. 2. International Status of Mainland

The placement of military facilities, as well as the approach of warships and armed vessels of the south of the 60th degree latitude is prohibited. In the 80s of the 20th century, Antarctica was also declared a nuclear-free zone, which excluded the appearance of atomic vessels in its waters, and at the continent - nuclear power units.

Now the contract participants are 28 states (with the right to vote) and dozens of observer countries. However, the existence of a contract does not mean that the states who joined him refused their territorial claims to the continent and the adjacent space.

On the contrary, the territorial claims of some countries are huge. For example, Norway applies to a territory exceeding its own time at ten (including the island of Peter I, an open expedition Bellinshausen - Lazarev).

Huge territories announced with its United Kingdom. Australia considers its almost half of Antarctica, which, however, the "French" land of Adelis is inclined. Presented territorial complaints And New Zealand. The United Kingdom, Chile and Argentina claim almost the same territory, including the Antarctic Peninsula and the South Shetland Islands.

The United States and Russia, who said that, in principle, they can nominate their territorial claims in the Antarctic, although this is not done yet. With that, both states do not recognize the claims of other countries, as well as complaints of each other.

Modern study of the mainland

After the first acquaintance with Antarctic, it was presented with economically unjustified and unpromising. Scientific study of the sixth continent began in fact only in the XX century.

The first wintering expeditions on ice continent Faced with tremendous difficulties and deprivations. Names Robert Scott (see Fig. 3), Ruila Amundsen, Carsman Borchgrö Vinc, Ernest Shekldon, Douglas Muson And other "pioneers" of Antarctica compiled a glorious page in its study.

Fig. 3. Robert Scott

In our time, the combined targeted efforts of scientists have come to replace the enthusiasm and courage. In Antarctica, large, well-equipped expeditions are working every year, and sometimes thousands of various specialists. Studies are conducted using modern icebreakers, all-terrain and aircraft.

Beginning the newest stage In Antarctic studies, an international geophysical year should be considered (1957 - 1958).

Soviet expeditions made a great contribution to the study of Antarctica.

The first Soviet Antarctic Expedition (SAE) headed the hero Soviet Union Mikhail Mikhailovich SomovAnd on February 13, 1956, the first Soviet scientific station Mirny, located exactly on the Southern Polar Circle, entered into force.

During the preparation for the International Geophysical Year on the coast, about 60 databases and stations belonging to 11 States (including Soviet - Observatory Mirny, Oasis Stations, Pionerskaya, East-1, Komsomolskaya and East) were founded on the coast, glacier shield and the islands. See Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Station East

From the late 50s. In the seas that wash the continent, oceanological works are underway, regular geophysical studies are performed at stationary continental stations; Expeditions are also being taken inside the continent.

Soviet scientists carried out a sannel-tractor campaign to the geomagnetic pole, a pole of relative inaccessibility, the southern pole (see Fig. 5).

Fig. five. Modern research

In the interior of Antarctica also worked as Australian, Belgian and French scientists.

Why do you need learning and mastering Antarctica?

Antarctica - the last resource reserve of mankind is last placewhere humanity will be able to produce mineral raw materials after its exhaustion on the five rolled continents. Geologists found that Antarctica's subsoil contain a significant amount of minerals. Watching climatic and meteorological processes on the continent, which, like a golfranch in the northern hemisphere, is a climate-forming factor for the whole land. Antarctica is up to 90% of world stocks. fresh water. In Antarctic, exposure to space and processes occurring in earth Kore. Glyciology, studying the structure of ice, today brings serious scientific results, informing us of what the land was a hundred, thousand, hundreds of thousands of years ago. Antarctica provides a unique chance to see and explore microorganisms who lived millions of years ago. Antarctic bases, especially Russian, located all over the perimeter of the continent, give ideal opportunities to track seismological activity throughout the planet. Antarctic bases are tested by technology that in the future is planned to be used for research, development and colonization of the Moon and Mars.



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2. Geography. Earth and people. 7 CL: Atlas. Series "Spheres".


1. N.A. Maximov. Behind the pages of the textbook geography. - M.: Enlightenment.

5. Encyclopedia around Arches ().