The peoples of the Voronezh Territory are currently. The history of the settlement of the Voronezh region

A.Z. Vinnikov, V.I. Dynins, S.P. Tolkachev

Local ethnic groups in the South Russian population of the Voronezh Territory

The extensiveness of the ethnic territory of the Russians led to the presence of many ethnographic and subethnic groups as part of the Russian people, each of which has its own specific features in the language (show) and traditionally consumer culture. The population of the Voronezh Territory in the past was divided into several locally ethnic (ethnoterritorial), ethnophical, ethnocon confessional and other subecadetic groups (monastic, zuchanas, economic / monastery peasants, Old Believers and others).
Local-ethnic groups in the South Russian population of the Voronezh Territory, in particular, are:
Tsukans are an ethno-territorial group in the composition of the South Russian population, distinguished and on the estate category: in the XIX - early twentieth century, Tsukana treated the ranks of the landlord and monastic peasants. Within the Voronezh Territory (according to researchers of the XIX - the beginning of the twentieth century, N. I. Promet, A. M. Puttseva, D. K. Zelenina) Zuchani lived with a compact mass in the river basin. Rushostan: Moscow village, Mozhaisk, Kolomenskoye, Kashirskoye, Novoklinskoe, Veresky, Mosalskoye, Dorogoguzhsky, Odoevskoe, Left Rossosh (within the Voronezh County); Kopanishche, Tresorukovo, Maryino, Pochep, christmas, deer-well, Dracino, Davydovka, Solonsy, Borschevo (within the short cycle). These villages arose in the 1760-1770s, when former monastery peasants were sent here, transmitted to the work of the savings and called economic college. Special villages in Nizkansky (Berezovo, Odintsma, Snowing), Zemlyansky (Caveryino / Taleszhanets, Ivanovka, Korovkina), Valuisk (White Welcome), Novokhoperer (Kamenka / Sadovka), Novokhoperer (Kamenka / Sadovka). In these villages, there were landlord peasants.
Ethnographic materials collected in the central chernozem in last years, It is evidenced that the Tsukanans still refer to themselves the inhabitants of some villages of Semiluksky district of the Voronezh region (Novosilskoye, Ivanovka, Dolgovokhovka), as well as the village of Nalokovo, Baryshnikovo, Danilovka, Vasilyevka, and Small Bills of the Terbun district of the Lipetsk region. In p. Trinity (Semiluksky district) "Tsukanans" called "visitors from the Lipetsk region", "not indigenous". In p. Usmansk Voronezh region (Paninsky district of the Voronezh region) one local resident called "Tsukuka" - "on her husband", which he himself was "from Kondrash" (from the village Kondrashka).
It is assumed that the local ethnonym "zuchanas" was initially assigned as the nickname residents of those listed above villages-one-name neighbors and indicates the features of their dialect: the so-called "Zucania" (or "Cocanier") is the indemnity of the Affricat C and Part in " Explanatory dictionary"V.I. Dalya read:" Tsukan (Tambov, Voronezh) - the Tsocalker who speaks C instead of h. " Another opinion was held at one time by the Voronezh Regional A. M. Putintsev, which assumed that the ethnonym-nickname "Tsukan" occurs either from Chukowy ("Cavigated, Mathematical"), or from Chunk - "Skogol". There are a number of and folk etymologies. For example, according to the information of the informants from the Terbouss Lipetsk region, in the village of Casinka, Zucani, or Sukans, "-" in the old Barin of Stratum, allegedly changed the fortress on the bitches, is probably hence the name. "
It should be noted that in the past the Cocan was indeed one of characteristic features Tsukanov talks; However, the majority of residents of the "Tsuanki" villages lost this feature of the show at the beginning of the twentieth century. According to the village of Baryshnikovo, Tsukana, "talking on s - Pijamu, Mykarona," and in the village of Danilovka - "on and".
Odnodvores - the estimated ethnocultural group of the South Russian population by origin, the descendants of the military-serving people of the lower category (Sagittarov, Pushkin, Cossacks, etc.) settled in the XVI-XVII centuries. On the southern outskirts of the Moscow state to protect steppe boundaries. Within the Voronezh Territory, one-friendly villages were located preferably in the northwestern part of it (for example, within the Voronezh county, this village Nikolskaya, Privalovka, Upper Hawa, Spassky, Chertovitsky, Usman-Dogino, Kurino, Rogachevka, Kamyshino, Stupino and others). According to ethnographic studies of the 1990-2000s., "Odnodvores" called themselves in the past (or called so far) residents of a number of settlements of the Zadonsky district of Lipetsk region (Sela Ksizovo, Mukhino, Balakhna, etc.), Khlevlensky district ( s. Bicycle), Terbun district (villages Uritsky, Soldier, Novosilskoe, Berezovka, Small Bills, 2nd Terbune, Casinka, Dubrovo), Semiluksky District of the Voronezh region (village Trinity, Voronovka). Ksizovoy village, for example, according to the testimony of informants, in the past was shared into two parts - the "One-Downtown" and "Barechina"; "The boy's guys and the barbecans did not go half to each other"; Different and their talk.
In the composition of the one-friendly population of the Voronezh Territory, smaller locally ethnic groups with their ethnonyms are allocated (or stood in the past).
Talagia (Tagаlayshchina) is a local group of Odnodvords, who lived in Nizhnevitsky (New Olshanka village, top and bottom tours, viscosant) and Shozokaksky (Mastyugino, Oskino, Plata, Rossoshki, Krasnolypej) counties. Tarabia and Talagushki are still called residents with. Kolomenskoye (in Kashirsky district).
As for the origin of the ethnonym-nickname "Taga" various points of view were expressed. According to D. K. Zelenina, for example, he comes from tag, or talalalalak - "bad, kartvo talk." Other researchers agree that the nickname of the Odnodvords "Tagaja" literally means "loafers, Nevuge." IN AND. Dahl indicates several different meaning of the word "Tag": Lazy, Schitun, Tuneyad; Big Dick, Unclear, Neusalea; (Voronezh sword) Odnodvorets; Generally strange, someone else's man, distinguished by clothing; (Symbirskoye) Mordovian women's top shirt. A. M. Putinsev believed that the nickname "Taga" is associated with the features of the clothing: Nizhnevitsky county monodvorsa allegedly wore a long white shirt with "shelters", like women (so-called Talacious - the upper Mordovian women's shirt with embroidery).
Yaguna is a one-friendly group living in the western part of the Lower Devytsky county (village of Peshino, ash, Berezovo, old and new chalome, cochagur, blue Lipyagi, Bogoroditsky, horny, keys, potted, soldier). Nickname "Yaguna" occurs, apparently, from the peculiarities of their dialect (the pronunciation of Kago, Yago).
Ionki - Nizhnevitsky County Odnodvorsa, a group more educated than others, which has incurred by the beginning of the twentieth century Archaisms in the show, who worn a city costume. The nickname "Ionks" again is associated with the peculiarities of the show (according to the pronunciation of Ion / Yong instead of him).
The cheeks are a group of the One-Armenian "coarse-like", who lived in the Nizhnevitsky and the Shortock County and sometimes equated to Taladen. According to N. I. Lebedeva, cheeks (or cheekers) - local ethnonym also residents with. Road (B. Belgorod region). Residents with. Annovka of the Bobrovsky district was nicknamed a swine, which folk etymology produces from the castle (in their show, the sound of h is replaced by Shch: Cutton \u003d SHUGUKU). In the "explanatory dictionary" V.I. Daly Schekun, her cheek (Voronezh) is the one who says so or Shah instead. The cheek is generally typical feature A number of South Russian govors (including the Sayan suspension in the Kursk region, for which the absence of affrust and pronunciation in accordance with the Soft W, and in accordance with C - C).
Moskali (i.e. "subordinates Moscow") - so called residents with. Tatarino (Kamensky district of the Voronezh region). In the language, culture and everyday life of this village there is a rather strong Ukrainian influence, but in general the traditional Russian culture remains.
Katsapi - self-esteem of residents of a number of settlements in the Terbun district of Lipetsk region (village Yakovlevo, Vilapan Polyana, Ozerski), Rekey district of the Voronezh region (s. East).
Gamai - local ethnonym-nicknames of residents with. Dolgogovka (Semiluksky district), villages Yakovlevo and Vilac Polyana (Thermobun region of the Lipetsk region). According to the informants from p. Dolg Dolgovka, in the past, Gamai had "loosely for Barin"; They differed from Tsukanov talking (they said, for example, come), we wore a wide skirt. Etymologically, the word of Gamai is likely to be associated with Hamit or Haman / Gamanete - "Homon, speak loudly, noisy, shout." The etymological relationship of the local ethnonym "Gamai" with a grass gallean - "Man, Oluk, Grubian, Nevezhi"; In a number of places in the Voronezh province, the word "Galmans" was a nicknamed Odnodvords. You can also assume the connection of the word "Gamay" with dialecticism of the Balam, which occurring in a number of places in the Voronezh and Kursk regions and having the meaning of the lazy, darkeerad, a slang, lesion. " At the beginning of the twentieth century, the launched nickname "Baghai" was also used by Voronezh Promenanners in relation to rural residents in general.
Taldons - the nickname of residents of the "village of Krasnensky" (s. Red Kashirsky district?), Which said: Vaneshka, taking a scalring. Etymologically, it is possible that it is associated with Taldon, Taldykha - "Talking Miscellaneous" (Wed. Tambov-Penzensky dialecticism to donate / Ditond - "Chat, volatile, talk a lot").

However, more than 97% of the total population accounts for two people: Russians (94.1%) and Ukrainians (3.1%). The number of Russians is about 2,200,000 people. The second largest people are Ukrainians (more than 70,000 people). For decades, the third people were Belarusians for decades.

Recent years have made substantial adjustments to the national population. From 1989 to 2009, over 5 500 Azerbaijanis arrived in Voronezh region, 3,000 Armenians, 4,500 Georgians, more than 5,500 Moldovan, 1,800 Kazakhs, 1,500 Kyrgyz, more than 1,500 Tajiks and Uzbeks. According to not official data, these numbers are significantly higher. In the Voronezh region there are several tens of thousands of Azerbaijanis and Armenians. The Azerbaijanis became the third in numbers of the Ethnicity of the Voronezh region.

The modern ethnic composition is largely connected with the history of settlement and modern migrations. In 1897, Voronezh province had 2,500,000 inhabitants, of which 1,000,000 are Ukrainians. Moreover, in the southern regions, the Ukrainians accounted for an overwhelming majority: for example, 89% - in the Bogucharsky county, 96% - in the Ostrogozhsky district.

Already by the beginning of the 20th century, Ukrainians greatly mixed with Russians. This mixed type received the household name "Khokhli", most of which are named Russian, which confirms and modern statistics. Only 3% of the population of the Voronezh region consider themselves Ukrainians, and 15 years ago they called themselves more than 5%. But the Ukrainian type is still clearly traced, especially in rural areas - in the layout of settlements, living area, round "cellar", in a special show, kitchen and microculture.

The migrations of the late 1980s-1990s also contributed to the change in the national composition of the Voronezh region. Despite the fact that the Russians make up the main part of migrants, forced immigrants and refugees, their share of more than 10% lower than in national composition indigenous population. In recent years, the share of the Russian population has slightly decreased in a number of settlements and districts. Row rural settlements The region has become "National Anklava", for example, the village of Flavor (Podgorensky district) - the compact accommodation of the Meskhetians Turk, the village of Verkhnya Khava - Chechens, the repaint region - Armenians.

Russian includes themselves 94% of the population of the region, as a rule, the southern branch of the Russian people.

The Voronezh region gave the country of many writers and poets, a significant number of scientists and other figures, which allowed Vladimir Pavlovich Semenov, the famous Russian geographer, to name the Voronezh region not only "material", but also the "spiritual resident of Russia."

In connection with the democratization of society, the religiosity of the population is growing. The vast majority of residents - followers of Russian Orthodox churchwhich has tens of temples in the area. Many of them have reached over recent years. There is a revival of monasteries, among which - the famous Akatov Women's monastery in the city of Voronezh, Cave monasteries in the village of Kostomarovo and the village of Belogorier (Podgorensky district), Museum-Reserve "Divnogorier" (Liskinsky District) and a number of others.

Orthodox religion, Russian, Ukrainians and Belarusians profess. A group of Islamic peoples make up the Meskhetians, Tatars, Azerbaijanis, the peoples of the North Caucasus. Most Armenians are supporters of the Christian Armenian-Gregorian Apostolic Church. Many Jews who live mainly in cities, as well as in the village of Ilyinka Talovsky district, are confessing Judaism. The Jewish community of the city of Voronezh returned the building of the synagogue. In the Voronezh region several hundred followers of Christian Protestant currents and sects: Jehovah's Witnesses, Evangelical Christian Baptists, Pentecostals and others.

(edition of 05/29/2014)

The population of the Voronezh region on the results of the All-Russian Census of 2010 amounted to 2 million 338 thousand 177 people. This is the third place in the population among the regions of the Central federal District (after the city of Moscow and the Moscow region).

The proportion of residents of the Voronezh region in population Russian Federation Composed 1.6%, in the number of Central Federal District - 6.1%.

Compared to the transition of the population of 2002, the population of the Voronezh region decreased by 43.4 thousand people, or 1.8%. The decline in the number occurred in all districts and urban areas of the region, with the exception of the city district, the city of Voronezh (+ 5.1%, or 47 thousand people), Noviusmansky district (+ 13.6%, or 8.8 thousand people). In Rossoshansky district, the number remained at 2002.

The Russian population is the most numerous and amounts to more than 90% of those indicating the national affiliation. Nevertheless, the number of Russians decreased by 114.9 thousand people for the inter-propical period. This happened mainly due to the natural loss, which was not able to compensate for the migration growth of Russians.

For the inter-propical period, due to emigration and natural loss in the Voronezh region, the number of Jews and Ukrainians decreased by 1.7 times, Belarusians and Mordov - in 1.5, Germans and Chechens - 1.4 times. In general, since 2002, the migration increase from Regions of Russia decreased by 1.9%.

Basically, due to the migration increase, the number of Tajiks (2 times), Uzbeks (1.9 times), Moldovan (1.6 times) was significantly increased.

According to the census, there is a population of 178 nationalities in the region, including 89 nationalities with a number of 15 people and more, 34 are single (1 person).

For the interpersonal period, the number of nationalities whose population exceeded 500 people increased in the Voronezh region from 21 to 25. It included Koreans, Kurds, Kyrgyz, Kazakhs and Avars; And dropped out - Poles. According to the census, the number of eight nationalities living in the Voronezh region exceeded three thousand people.

Nationality Population census data
thousands of people.
2010 year 2002.
Russians 2124,59 90,97% 2239,5 94,1%
Ukrainians 43,05 1,84% 73,7 3,1%
Armenians 10,37 0,44% 8,8
Gypsy 5,15 0,22% 4,8
Azerbaijanis 5,085 0,22% 4,2
Turks 4,21 0,18% 3,4
Tatara 3,34 0,14% 3,5
Belorus 3,26 0,14% 5,0

A significant part of the population of the South of the Voronezh region refers to the Don Cossacks.

The main reason for the reduction in the population: the number of dead exceeds the number of born. From the end of the eighties in the Voronezh region, mortality exceeds fertility, that is, the population of the region decreases, so to speak, naturally. This confirmed the last census. It is significant that the dynamics of the main proceedings of the population in the Voronezh region repeats all-Russian trends. Natural decline in the inter-desk period was 143.5 thousand people. Despite the minor increase in the last years of the population's migration growth (from 3,438 people in 2003 to 5,346 people in 2010), he compensated for a natural loss of only 20.5%.

The main causes of the mortality of the adult population were the diseases of the circulatory system (61.4% of total Deadscent), neoplasms (12.2%), accidents, poisoning and injury (7.9%), respiratory diseases (4.1%). The causes of the death of each second child were the states arising in the perinatal period, and each fifth - congenital anomalies, i.e. Diseases, closely related to the health of the mother.

Another trend is the ongoing process of aging population and reduce the number of children and adolescents.

However, in the Voronezh region, according to Rosstat, the lowest level of population decline in the country. This is due to the fact that gradually in the area, though slowly, but growing fertility. For example, from 2009 to 2010 it increased by 0.1%. Another important factor contributing to the improvement of the demographic situation is a decrease in infant mortality: in 2010, compared with 2009, it decreased by the region by 10.3%. And in many areas of children's mortality, in 2011, not recorded at all: in such as Verkhnekhavsky, Kashirsky, Nizhnevitsky, Paninsky, Petropavlovsky, Ramonsky, Khokholsky ...

In the Voronezh region, the outflow of the population from the countryside in cities, which are more attractive to accommodate due to their development. The number of urban population continues to grow. Living in urban settlements increased by 14.8 thousand people, and in rural areas - decreased by 58.2 thousand people. According to the results of the All-Russian Census of the 2010 population, the share of citizens in the total number amounted to 63.7%, Sellian - 36.3%. For comparison: following the results of the All-Russian census of 2002, the proportion of residents of urban settlements in the total number was 61.9%, residents of rural settlements - 38.1%. The 2010 population census showed that 1486.6 thousand inhabitants of the Voronezh region live in 36 city settlements (in 15 cities, 4 urban-type settlements, 17 working villages) and 848.8 thousand people - in 1717 rural settlements. Among the settlements in which the main part of the population of the region, cities are celebrated: Voronezh (38.1% of the total population), Borisoglebsk (2.8%), Rossosh (2.7%), Liski (2.4%), Ostrogozhsk and Novovoronezh (1.4%), Semiluki,. Pavlovsk and the village of New Ussman (1.3%) and the city of Buturlinovka (1.2%). SAME large cities In the region after the regional capital, Borisoglebsk, Rossosh and Liski are recognized. In the Voronezh region, small cities are dominated with the number of residents of up to 50 thousand years of age (73.3% of all cities), but only 17.8% of citizens live in them.

According to the 2002 census, there were 125 settlements without a population in the region, in 2010 they are 76. Mainly, these changes are related to the elimination of settlements due to the lack of inhabitants and references of officials, cordons, travels to the nearest settlements - explain the statistics. Most of all settlements In the Nizhnevitsky district (15.7% of the total number of villages), Rekey (14.3%), Bobrovsky (9.1%), Kantemirovsky (8.5%), Ternovsky (7.3%), Talovsky (7.1 %) Areas and in the Borisoglebsk City District (8.3%).

The ratio of men and women in the census data shows that women in the region are 19% more than men. Statistics showed that the disproportion towards an increase in the number of women in the region remains for many years. For 8 years, it is increased by 10.5% (from 8.5% to 19%). In general, the area exceeded 202.6 thousand people against 201.8 thousand people in 2002, which is associated with the high premature mortality of men of working age. According to the results of the 2010 census, 1,000 men in the Voronezh region account for 1190 women (against 1185 women in 2002). The predominance of women's numbers over the number of men in the region is celebrated from the 32nd age (in 2002 - from 33 years of age). Compared to the 2002 census data, women became 0.1% more, and men are as much less, the male population is slowly, but it is true ...

According to the All-Russian Census of the 2010 population in the region, 937577 households were recorded. Of these, 937372 amounted to private households in which 98.8% of the inhabitants of the region lived. The average size of the household in the region was 2.5 people against 2.6 - in 2002. Low the average size households due to availability big number Households consisting of one and two people (57%).

With a census of 2010, the economic activity of the population aged 15-72 years living in private households was studied. Of the total number of people employed in the economy at the age of 15-72, the absolute majority - 94.4% were employed.

In the interpersonpex period (2010 by 2002), the number of children and adolescents of the Voronezh region at the age of 8-15 years decreased by 35.3%. At the same time, the number of children under 8 years old, due to the growth of fertility, increased by 14.1%.

The population in the working age for the inter-propical period increased by 25.3 thousand people, or by 1.8%. At the same time, the population of older than working age since 2002 slightly decreased - per 1,000 people.

For the inter-propical period, the average age of the inhabitants of the region increased by 1 year and amounted to 41.5 years. For men, this indicator is 38.5 years old, and for women - 44.1 years.

Note of travelers: Dyakon Ignatia and Metropolitan Pimen (1389), Venice Ambassador of Contarini and Moscow Marco Rufa (1476), Turkish Ambassador of Feodorita Komala and Russian Nobleman Alekseeva (1514) - indicate that in the XIII-XV For centuries, the territory where the Verkhnoyamon district is located, did not have even permanent settlements.

After the collapse of the Golden Horde, Tatars were still devastated by the Tip - from the West Crimean Horde, from the East - Nogai. As a result of the terrible invasion of the Collet Hire to Moscow in 1571, the Russian land lost a huge part of his population, and Muscovites remembered his visit even in the XVII century.

Tsar Ivan Grozny accepted a number of security measures. In the dwelling days of October-November 1571, when the wind was in the direction of the steppe, 3 stages left the city of Dankova (6 people each) burn the steppe. From the vesets on both sides of the river Savolya and Teleorman - "thick impassable forest" Tellermanovsky. From Dankova down the Don to Ust Pacific, from the upwards e` to the dona river. As a more radical measure, the king organized the guard and the Static Service from the children of Boyar, Cossacks, Streltsov, part of the hunters (volunteers), headed by "stood heads" from the last Russian cities in the southernmost state.

By order of Ivan IV on January 1, 1671, Prince Vorotynsky appointed the head of the Russian watchdog basement. According to the 1971 painting, there were 73 Stores, who were divided into 12 groups, or discharges, including Donetsk, Putivl and Ryazan, Ryazan. For control, there were 5 standing heads. Each guard consisted of a man. They drove around 2 people to the right and left. Stores existed in the XVII century.

From September 1, 1575 to August 31, 1576, people "In the first place - on the Donets on the Seversky Ust, Ivan Vasilyevich were sent ... In Oscol, Ust, Ustok ... On Don Ust, Gogato Zaton (now. Liski) ... between Don and Volga Under the Tellerman Forest "(in the fall of the river crows in the housing).

From Storaby to worse, armed detachments were driving. On the dominant heights and on specially arranged arrangers, in the case of danger, the signal lights were lit, quickly notifying the danger on hundreds of versts forward. Experienced intelligence officers went on the road to the enemy's army, and at its state determined the number of warriors. Then on removable horses overtook the attackers and brought the information about the opponent to standing heads.

Residents hid in the forests, ravines, in the wetlands of rivers. The Tatars did not have time to hide. The valuable captives hurriedly hid on horses the bulk of adults were associated with belts and chased on foot, and children were touched in special baskets. The captives were then sold at the slave markets in different countries of beautiful girls and women sent to the Khan harem. Valuable property, bread, cattle was taken, the villages were burned.

Then the cities of Viennese, Epifan, Mobile, Dankov, Ryazhsk, Volkhov, Eagle appeared. At first they were small, with wooden walls, towers, surrounded by Rips. Then they growed at the expense of bold and brave people, not obliged to carry the majority. That were sons and nephews of serve, subsidence, peasants.

It is appropriate to say here about the appearance of the Cossacks, whose roots are lost in history. It originated in the south when a collision with the Tatars.

Cossack, Cossacks - the words of Tatar. Cossack - homeless tramp. Subsequently, the Cossacks - the genus of warriors from such vagrants. Previously, the Russians existed the Cossacks Tatar in the same meaning of free stray deals. In 1586, Kursk and Voronezh were resumed in the south, other fortresses are arranged.

The settlement of our region began with a south of the Russian state in the south of the Russian state, which included the lands of the present Kharkov, part of Sumy, Donetsk, Lugansk regions of Ukraine, part of the Voronezh, Belgorod and Kursk regions of Russia. This territory, or the "field", was called the "Polish Ukrainian" - Slobodskaya Ukraine. It was placed by Slobodsky shelves: Sumy, Akhtyrsky, Ostrogozhsky (Rybinsky) and Kharkov, from which Izyumsky stand out.

The Ostrogogian Slobodsk Regiment is a semi-regulatory military compound that existed within the Voronezh Territory in the XVII-XVIII centuries. It was formed in 1652 from the Ukrainian settlers (Cherkas) and the Watchtop service within the Ostrogogian county.

The regiment was a military-administrative district with a division of hundreds, which appeared something like volosts. In 1734, 18 hundred was listed in the Ostrogozhsky regiment. Mathed towns were Kalitva, New Kalitva, halter, Boguchar (Boguchar), bull, chalk, Shiryaevo, Kalach, Trostyanka, Olshansk, Tolcchevka and others. The regimental city was Ostrogogsk.

The current Verkhnoyamonsky district borders with the lands of the former Ostrogozhsky Slobodsky Regiment in the West, the South and Southeast, partially occupying its territory in the Olkhovat, Gorokhovsky, Derezovsky and Sturgeon councils.

On the ways of the raids of the Crimean and Nogai Tatars in 1638, construction of a Belgorod feature began - a fortified line on the Don River, quiet pine, Voronezh, Usman. By 1652, 6 new cities were built: Kostensk (1642), Olshansk (1644), Orlov (1646), Svoykik (1647), Urupp (1648), Ostrogozhsk (1652) . The city in the Belgorod Dami in the middle of the XVII century was Voronezh. Simultaneously with the completion of the construction of the Belgorod feature in 1658, a large military union was formed - the Belgorod Regiment and a military administrative unit was created - Belgorod discharge. Management of Belgorod featured in Belgorod.

The reinforced line was protected from Tatar invasions the extensive territory of Russia, contributed to the development of extensive lands, marked the decisive turn in relations between Russia and the Crimean Khanate. Significantly increased the number of residents in the Voronezh Territory, new fortresses have grown, equipped with garrisons from small seruners: Sagittarov, Cossacks, Pushkur, Draguns. The social composition of the population has changed.

The Moscow government at the Belgorod line sent serviced people to carry a fortress and field service, a custody of the city, to make a drive, keep in dangerous locations of the guard. In some places (short, Ostrogozhsk, Old Kalitva, Losevo) "Cherkasy (Ukrainians) were setted from the Lithuanian side to the eternal life with wives and children. As with other seruners, they were "ordered to give Sovereign a salary, looking at families, with the entrepreneur that they serve the Sovereign and Sovereigns: with the Crimean, Nogai, Lithuanian and german people Bess, and the sovereign does not change, and in the Crimea, and in Lithuania, other states, not going anywhere, and the courtyards for the eternal life are to be built, and the listed plows plow and sow bread, and do not steal bread, and do not steal the bread, ... do not keep And they don't drink tobacco, and not to rob to anyone, and do not break, and do not steal, and no one will take anything to anything. " Soon new settlers began to come: immigrants from Moscow, Tula, Ryazan cities and from Ukraine. Among them were noblemen, boyars, Sagittarius, Cossacks, Soldiers, Draguns, Raitara, Pushkari, Doggy, Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Yamchiki. The noblemen and boyars received for the service of the estate, others - initially a salary and food, and then the government and other seruners began to endow the earth, give the use of fish and animal fishing.

Voronezh region, starting from the 1640s, settled various nations; Russians, Cherkasy, Lithuanians from Belarusians, Migrants and prisoners of the Polish and Sai breed, rubbing Germans, baptized and unresolved Kalmyki, Kyrgyz (Kazakhs), Tatars, Mordva. Here were going to runaway peasants, slats, splitters, tramps. The government referred here from various criminals. The population was originally strong to fortified cities, and then from the south and north there was a lot around the edge. Migrants settled among old-timers or founded new villages. From the born villages, individual bumps went to the farm, creating new races. At this time, the landowners who came here were removed from the serfs from different places in Russia and created new villages, for example, the village of Mamonovka. Other landowners were invited to themselves free people who are temporary privileges, and then they fixed them. Pavlovsky and Bogucharsky county, actively settled at the beginning of the 18th century, when the Don Cossacks began to approach from the south, ranking land on Don, Hopra, Idar.

Interesting documents related to the history of spill plots (bums, or care). On the map, placed in the book by V.P. Zaporvsky "Belgorod Dam", it can be seen that Belosatsky Yurt (the territory on which Verkhnoyamonsky district is located) did not have any permanent settlements. Separate sections of the "Wild Field" were leased to monasteries and individuals - even serfs, for hunting, fishing and berthortania. These sites were called extensive or care (in Tatar Yurt), where people lived on the seasons of arteel man in forty. In the "sentiment" - a description of the Voronezh County, composed of the Kireevsky scribe in 1615, indicated; "The behavior of Belosaton's lesserie - for the fret of the fetcot for the Fedotovy Son Sazonov, and twelve ruble with the collapse of TEM wrapped." This busy Voronezh Voivod began to pass "on the spill" from September 1, 1614. This is the first documentary mention of our places. In the "Book of Big Drawings" for 1627, the Rivers of Betyuk, Mammets, Bowchar are mentioned. In the diary "Pevichi Dyakov", who were with the commander-in-chief of the neck in Azov campaign 1696, recorded: "... Maya on 5 day on Tuesday afternoon sailed the Bowchar River, flowing with Nagorno on the right side. Here the fishing of the Divnogorsk Monastery, and give in the lifts of the city of Fisheries (Ostrogozhsk) men. " Undoubtedly, our rivers have their names long before the first Russian settlers. For example, the Tanais Sarmati River and Alans began to call Don, which meant "water", "River". The name of the Mamon River Dali Greeks, borrowing it from Hebrew: Mamo-us - property, condition. In Russian, this word came as "Mamona" with the meaning of "wealth, earthly treasures." "Mamon's river received its name for fertile land and the abundance of game" 20. River Gnilusha, Olkhovka, Sukhodol, Yar, Zhuravilin, sturgeon, Mammon, Vyzny-Sky, Round, White, Beavers, Lake Podgorny, Sazan, Mamono and others were named Russian. Lake at the White Mountains, connected with Don Protokuy, called the White Zaton. On him later received the name of Belosatant Luckers (Yurt).

Another interesting document. In 1631, the Igumen of the Assumption Monastery of the Feodosius Protopopov asked for the Oblocheatan Yurt's lifts "on the structure, candles and incense." In a literacy of August 2, 1631, Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich prescribed the prince of Vasily Romanovich Prieda and Artemia Vasilyevich Lododagina to give the Belosaton Yurt Monastery on September 1, 1631 for the monastic structure without a comma. Documents for 1651, 1652, 1678 and other years, mentioning this yurt are also known.

By the beginning of the XVIII century, especially after the victory of Peter I on the Turks, a number of counties of Russia and Malorus regions rushed into our lands. On June 19, 1702, the monastery order was the singing bishops of Eremee Popov, with a request to give him a white plot for 23 rubles (the monastery paid 13 rubles). For those times it was a lot of money. The cost of a horse in the second half of the XVIII century was 1 ruble 38 kopecks, 1 kopeck paid for 12 hours. Popov's request was satisfied, but soon at the request of the Akatov Archimandrite Nikarra White Zaton was returned to the monastery. Obviously, Eremee Popov was one of the first inhabitants of Mamon, which confirm the village of Oterov Yar village. But this will be said below.

As noted above, the settlement of the southern counties of the Voronezh region in modern borders It began from the southwest, to which there were important historical reasons.

With the strengthening of the feudal and national oppression in Ukraine from the middle of the XVII century every year, until the XVIII century there was a resettlement of Ukrainians (Cherkas). Especially wide scope, it took in the 50s-70s. The last wave of mass relocation from the Right Bank of Ukraine was in 1711-1715. The mass resettlement of the Ukrainian people to Russia was determined by the internal and external position of Ukraine, which was in 1848 in the authorities of Polish feudal. In 1848-1867, the liberation war of the Ukrainian people and the war of Russia with Poland was concluded with the variable success. Ukraine at that time was free, it was subjected to cruel attacks of Polish feudal and tatar ORD. According to Andrusovsky truce, the left-bank part of Ukraine has departed to Russia. Right-bank another 100 years old was superfluous under the rule of the Commonwealth. In the 70s of the XVII century, the Right Bank Ukraine has twice experienced the destructive invasion of the Turks on the Podolia and the Kyiv region, the reinforcing resettlement of Ukrainians to Russia.

"The main and decisive strength of this war," the Tezisses about the 300th anniversary of Ukraine's reunification with Russia (1654-1954), "was the peasantry, which fade against the social nest of the Polish and Ukrainian feudal feudalists and ingenic enslavers. Together with the peasantry in of the liberation war There were extensive masses of the Cossacks and the urban population, as well as Cossack Starin. " Leaded by this struggle Bogdan Khmelnitsky.

The first settlers the Russian government arranged away from the borders with Ukraine: in short, Voronezh, Kozlov, in the Symbirian province and other cities, "And in the near cities, it is impossible to live for a quarrel."

It was in the first half of the 1950s of the XVII century a lot of cities and Slobod appeared in the region. And from these Slobod, founded by Ukrainians and named by the impostor "Slobodskaya places", the region was called "Slobodskaya Ukraine". In them, the peasants were "slobs", had a number of benefits.

In March 1652, about 2 thousand people with families came to Putivl. At the head of them stood Chernigov Colonel Ivan Dzik, or, as he recorded himself, Dzikovsky.

In Oppiski, Putvlskiy Voevod F. Hilkova and P. Protasyev said the government: "And with a colonel and with them, from the centurion, came to Putuft from Chernigov, from Baturin, from Borzna, and from the Nazin, from the brick, from the new sandyana, with Konotop , s bakhmacha, from Ivagorod, and those cities and the villages ... and with children, and with all your belly. " The government settled them at the merger of Solazhka and Quiet Pine.

Upon arrival in Ostrogozhsk, immigrants occupied ready-made houses with all the buildings and a margin of food (grain). Under Ivan Nikolayevich Dzikovsky, except family members and servants, clerk Matvey Mikhailov, Matvaya Fedor Scholata with family and cheesery, regimental judge Andrei Stepanov Vasily with the family, Esauli Vasily Denisov with a family, Mushka Fedorov with a family, Ivashka Ivanov, Stepan Sidorov with family, Vasshin Vasshin, Sotnik Ivan Astafiev Krasovsky with a wife, Alexander Grigoriev with a wife, Gerasim Ivanovich Karabut with his wife, Zahar Ivanov with her family, Fedor Akulov Dubovikov with his family, Ivan Nesterov with his family, Fyodor Vasilyev with family and 5 banquenters with families. Then 828 families of Cossack, 19 arable peasants, 3 families of the mesh. For them moved by traffic on the will and horses, herd out of 1789 horses, a series of 982 cows with calves, a flock of sheep from 1503 heads, a series of 750 pigs, 736 oxen. Only 52 families did not have livestock, including the regimental clerk and the judge. Migrants immediately became agriculties and warriors.

The shelf had 9 hundreds with different number of people. A hundred headed by Sotnik. There were no hundreds of hundreds in the colonework. It was a detachment of the Khorunzha Cossacks - the Guard of Colonel. Hundreds were called at the place of immigrants: 1 Borzenskaya, 2 Baturin, 3 Karabutskaya, 4 Chernigovskaya, 5 Baturin, 7 Konotopskaya, 8 Rajnikovskaya (from here Lushnikovka - part of the city of Ostrogozhsk). In 1676, there were 10 hundred in the Ostrogozhsky regiment. The latter was called new. From here Sloboda New Sota.

The colonel had a hetman government: she was engaged in the device, the polenity of the regiment, claimed the sentences of the court, distributed the subordinates and land and occupied himself. All orders argued with universals at his own sign and stamp. To the signature, like Hetman Malorussey, added "hand to the authority." On the exercises and glads on the Maidan had in the hands of Pernarch (Maulava) - the sign of power.

Regimental foreman: Colonel, Oboy, Judge, Esaul, Horujij, Cheric. All of them were elected regimental rather and approved by the regimental elder for life. The right to choose Colonel with free voices The Ostrogozhsky Regiment has retained for a short time.

A hundredth elder: Sotnik, Ataman, Esaul, Khoruzhiy, clerk. The centurion elected the regimental foreman. The regimental molded was headed by regimental artillery and replaced the colonel in his absence with the title of an apparent colonel. Regimental judge conducted civil cases and attended the regimental rat. Shekkova Esaul performed orders of the colonel along the military unit. Shekkova Horunzhiy supervised the khorunzha Cossacks and regimental music. In the campaign kept the banner of the shelf. The clerk performed the position of the secretary.

Esaul and Khorunzhiy - Assistants of the Sotnik on the military unit. Last B. war time Headed a hundredth icon. During the hikes, hundreds and in the absence of the centurion, by all the affairs, I was given Ataman, who did not go to the campaign.

Cossacks were chosen from Sellian and carried the service. They were shared on the registries, guns and khorunzhev. The first was the regiment, the second served the guns, the third were at the headquarters of the shelf and submitted to the Colonel.

Next to the regimental ranks were in the city and officials government, administrative, judicial and fiscal. They limited the regimental government and led Russian migrants. The Meshchansky population had his own way. Film migrants landowners seined benefits (for 7 years). Agiculated for the landowner sediments who occupied the best sites for the settlement.

The landowners from the immigrants received a voluntary tribute from Ralz Ralz (on the Day of the Nativity of Christ). Depending on the location, the Ralts has increased or decreased to the landlord.

Migrants moved not only from Ukraine. Velikorsia and Raskolniki arrived. The latter settled along Don, Majer, Hopra. There were runaway from Slobodsky regiments, but they were caught and returned to the previous place.

In 1702, by order of the government of Malorosseyn, from the cities of Zemlysk, Taletsk and the village of Endovishi were translated into Kalitvu. In Belogor, the Russians settled earlier than 1696 and lived there for 20 years. In 1711 russian population Translated in a short and village of Tatarino Biryuchian county. Instead of Russians settled Ukrainians from the earthlings.

In 1765, they were attached to them former Cossacks of Kharkov, Izyumsky, Sumy, Akhtyra Regiment and Sloboda Orlik Kursk province. At the same time runs Settlement by don's tributaries - Icorcu, Bituge and Hying. There were workers' leaving (Luckers). On the bitge, for example, beaver rias, fishing and other fields for a long time were at whining at the Kozlovsky Trinity Monastery.

In 1697 they took them to spill for 202 rubles a year Ostrogogsky Colonel P. Bulart. The settlement of this area was sanctioned by Peter I in 1697. This year, the settlers - Sidicchy I. Serkov, Ukrainians F. Golubov, I. Krovantaevsky, M. Ostroderhov, P. Golovka, V. Storozhev, A. Grigoriev - came from different places of Ukraine to the mouth of Bituga. A. Butov on behalf of 800 people asked the king to send servicors to protect against the attacks of Tatars and Kalmykov before the construction of the Ostrog, as well as to give them weapons. In p. The Red Island came by E. Chalenko and with him 50 people from the Poltava Regiment, M. Ostroely and with him 50 people from the Kharkiv regiment. Following them, they came in 1698 from various cities of the Left Bank of Ukraine and the Slobozhanch region of the group of 30-50 people.

In 1702, a group of Ukrainians led by S. Popov came to with. Lose. At the same time, the Red Islands settled about 200 families of the Ukrainians of the Red Kuta, Burluk, the collapse of the Poltava regiment. The rate of settlement of this area did not satisfy the government. By the decree of Peter I of November 17, 1698, it was offered to the BITYA ordnance man P. Losev, describe all the lands of Icourt and Bituge and the free of them to settle with palace peasants. According to this decree, in 1701, it was exported to the Bitue of the Palace Peasants from the Great Seli Volost of the Rostov County of 226 yards, from the Yukhutskaya volost of the Yaroslavl County - 225, from the village of Poshekhonsky County of the Court 334. Total of 4 counties 1021 courtyard in which men 4919.

Local conditions for immigrants were very severe. Most of the Ukrainians who came here voluntarily visiting a short time, went to other places, could not get used to this terrain of many Russian people. Of the 4919 people (1021 yard) in 1701 - 1703, 1141 people ran, 3409 died. It remains to live on a bitch 369 people. In 1703, the 601 yard lived on Ichorka and the Bitue of the Russians and Cherkas.

In 1704, the Government again reacted here from the village of Balahonsky, Kostroma, Suzdal, Vladimirsky, Pereyaslav-Zalessky counties of peasants of 999 yards or more than 4500 people. Of these, according to the discharge of an ordinary person, E. Danilov dated November 3, 1705, 410 people fled, 1062 people died. In addition to those named, in 1687-1725, Ukrainian settlements arose in the territory of the Ostrogozhsky Regiment: Saguna, Query, Kostomarov, Berezovo, Markovka and others. Russian villages appeared: Yelchanskoye, opposing, Shubino. The lands of the southern regions of the Ostrogozhsky regiment were settled in the XVIII century predominantly by Malororsia. Representatives and other peoples settled: Volokha led by Kantemir, five families of Latvians in the village of Croyts, in 1766 the German group in Rybizdorf.

Ukrainian settlers brought the traditions of Cossack self-government. The Russian government has found a convenient system of the military administrative device in the fight against Tatar raids.

See: Syesovsky N.I. Fatherland. - Voronezh, 1996. - 628 p.

Voronezh region over the centuries, being a border area Russian state, formed as a multinational region. Mixing various languages, cultures, religions are a rather significant feature in the history of the edge. The relevance of the issue is that the state of interethnic relations is the most important factor for any multinational state and region. Especially since it is important for the Voronezh region, which has recently encountered with the manifestation of ethnic intolerance. Despite the difficulties of relationships, it is necessary to remember that we are a single family of the Voronezh region, Russia, Eurasia and the world. We need to understand each other to achieve the goals in various spheres of the life of modern society. Moreover, the economic situation is an important, but not the main indicator. The atmosphere of mutual understanding is the key to successful development not only financial and economic and political system, but also the cultures of our region. "The whole story of mankind has since we know her, there is a movement of humanity to a greater and greater unity. Unity is performed by the most diverse means, and not only those who work for him, but even those who oppose to him. " L.N. Tolstoy. Active changes in the composition of the edge began during the years I-th world Wars when the refugee flow from the Western province was injured in the province Russian Empire. Now in Voronezh and the Voronezh region, representatives of 178 nationalities live. Of these, about 30 already have or preparing to form and officially register national community organizations. According to the results of the All-Russian census 2010, the population of the Voronezh region amounted to 2331147 people .. Our region is one of the densely populated regions of Russia and has enough homogeneous ethnic composition. At the same time, a number of ethnic minorities are historically living here, each of which has its own specifics and historical roots. The new trend of the development of the Voronezh region is to increase the number of non-Slavic peoples. This is due to the enhancement of migration processes after the collapse of the USSR. Among the reasons affecting the influx of migrants are allocated economic (job search) and related security issues (military conflicts in the countries of traditional residence). The main regions - the sources of migrants are the countries of Central Asia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Ukraine. Significant part of them are to areas in which industrial production facilities are concentrated, construction, which makes it possible to find the places of application of your work. Belarusians, Moldovans are posted everywhere, and Ukrainians are resettled in the southern regions (Cantemirovsky, Bogucharsky, Rossoshansky, Olkhovatsky, Ostrogozhsky, Kalacheevsky). Muslim ethnic groups are presented in all areas of the region, but especially in the central regions (Novovoronezh, Paninsky, Verkhnekhavsky). Russians are the largest people living in the Voronezh region. According to the 2010 Census, the number of Russians is 2124587 people .. they are the absolute majority of the population in almost all parts of the region, with the exception of southwestern. The main traditional occupation of the people is agriculture, animal husbandry, poultry farming. Russian - Christian Orthodox people. Currently goes active process Revival of the traditional culture of the Russian people. Voronezh Land - the Motherland of the People's Chorals known worldwide. Now there are dozens of creative groups in the area, reviving the ancient Russian song, dance, folklore (for example, "Voronezh Girls", "Pavetie", "Chernozem"). Ukrainians are the 2nd major people in the Voronezh region (43054 people). Mass relocation is associated with the formation of the Ostrogog's Cossack Regiment. Because of this, many Ukrainian settlements appeared in Ostrogozhsk, Rossoshi, Boguchar, Kalach, Olkhovatka. Then part migrated to other areas of the region. The basis of the economic life of Ukrainian immigrants was agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries. Local autonomy of Ukrainians actively participates in public Life Areas. It annually organizes a number of charity and cultural events (for example, the action "Tell us about the war", the action of "Aliens does not happen", the project "Charitable Easter Marathon"). Armenians. The official number of the Armenian community is about 10,400 people. (according to the community itself, about 30 thousand Armenians). Traditional classes: agricultural farm. Among the crafts. Embroidery, weaving lace, jewelry art. Most of the believers Armenians are Christians. One of the main activities of the Voronezh Armenian community is the formation of local offices in the areas of residence of Armenians. In Voronezh and in the field there is an Armenian Sunday School, which conducts training to Armenian language and history. It employs vocal and dance groups. The community produces the Russian-Armenian newspaper. Gypsies. In Voronezh Territory, they traditionally live mainly by Roma Sirva. The official number of the Gypsy Diaspora in the Voronezh region, according to the 2010 census, is more than 5100 people. For this community itself, 20 thousand gypsies of different "nationalities" and religion are lived in our region. The structure of classes is the unshakable basis of Gypsy life. Throughout history, this people dealt with almost the same. Depending on the external conditions, some professions could temporarily disappear. Basic classes: crafts, trade, singing and dancing, animal performances. Especially they specialize in such a craft as a blacksmith and jewelry, wood carving. Gypsy singing is now popular. For example, on children's competition The Eurovision Songs of 2008 was a Gypsy from the Voronezh Region. Azerbaijanis. The official number of Azerbaijani diaspora in the Voronezh region, according to the 2010 Census, is more than 5,000 people. (according to the community itself about 14 thousand people). The regions of the compact residence of them are not identified in the region (however, it is possible to allocate enough cohesive national communities in the cities of Rossosh, beavers and Liski). They are engaged mainly in retail trade, primarily food. Traditional exercises of the rural population - agriculture, horticulture, sheep. In the active participation of representatives of the community regularly conduct cultural - mass events, sports competitions, educational projects (Study of the Azerbaijani language, the history of Azerbaijan at school No. 37 of the city of Voronezh). I believe that we live in a multinational region and we need to establish a strong friendly relationship. To do this, you need to solve the following tasks: you need a permanent job on the adaptation of migrants; active interaction with organizations that are emerging in the region expressing the interests of various diasporas; participation in the prevention of conflicts in the field of interethnic relations; Strengthening understanding and friendship between nations. But there are already progress in this area: representatives of association and communities participate in the organization of charitable shares, thematic conferences, thereby enriching the cultural life of the region. The efforts of the communities are held exhibitions dedicated to the issues of history and cultural heritage Voronezh region. Naturally, it should positively affect the image of the region, its attractiveness and socio-economic Welfare.