Black color of St. George's ribbon. The true history of the St.George ribbon

In 1769, Empress Catherine II established an award for officers of the Russian Army, presented for personal bravery shown on the battlefields - the Order of St. George, it was supposed to be worn on "a silk ribbon with three black and two yellow stripes", later the name was stuck with it - St. George Ribbon.

What does black and yellow mean? In Russia, they were the colors of the imperial, state, corresponded to the black two-headed eagle and the yellow field of the state emblem. It was this symbolism, apparently, that Empress Catherine II adhered to, approving the colors of the ribbon. But, since the order was named after St. George the Victorious, the colors of the ribbon may symbolize St. George himself and denote his martyrdom - three black stripes, and the miraculous resurrection - two orange stripes. It is these colors that are now called when denoting colors. St. George ribbon... In addition, a new award was awarded exclusively for military exploits. And the colors of war are the colors of the flame, that is, orange, and of the smoke, black.

One of the first holders of the Order of St. George were participants in the naval battle in the Chesme Bay, which took place in June 1770. In this battle, the Russian squadron, under the general command of Count A.G. Orlov, completely defeated the outnumbered Turkish fleet. For this battle, Count Orlov was awarded the Order of St. George of the first degree and received an honorary prefix to his surname "Chesmensky".

First medals for St. George ribbon were awarded in August 1787, when a small detachment under the command of Suvorov repulsed an attack by an outnumbered Turkish landing striving to capture the fortress of Kinburn. Suvorov, who was in the forefront of the fighting and inspired them personal example, in this battle he was twice wounded, the courage of the Russian soldiers allowed to defeat the Turkish landing. For the first time in Russian history The medal was not awarded to all those who participated in the battle; it was awarded only to those who showed the greatest personal courage and heroism. Moreover, it was the soldiers who took a direct part in hostilities to decide who was more worthy of the award. Among the twenty awarded for this battle was the grenadier of the Shlisselburg regiment Stepan Novikov, who personally saved Suvorov from the Janissaries who attacked him. Black - orange ribbons were also given for other medals of this war, which were awarded to the participants in the heroic assault on Ochakov and those who distinguished themselves during the capture of Izmail.

St. George ribbon at Russian awards.

The ribbon of the Order of St. George begins to occupy a special position in the design of military awards given for personal bravery. This also affected the collective awards of various military units of the Russian Army. These include the so-called St. George's pipes, introduced in 1805. These pipes were made of silver, the image of the St. George's cross was applied to the body and an inscription indicating why this distinction was given. In addition, a lanyard made of black and orange tape was attached to the pipe. There were two types of pipes - cavalry and infantry. The differences between them were in their form. The infantry was curved, and the cavalry was straight.

Since 1806, St. George's banners appear among the collective incentives. At the top of these banners there was a white order cross, and under the top the St. George ribbon with banner tassels was tied. The Chernigov dragoon regiment, two Don Cossack regiments, the Kiev grenadier and Pavlograd hussar regiments were the first to receive such a banner. They were awarded "For exploits at Schengraben on November 4, 1805 in a battle with an enemy of 30 thousand."

In 1807, Emperor Alexander 1 established a special award for the lower ranks of the Russian Army for personal bravery in battle, which was named - the Insignia of the Military Order. The wearing of the cross was prescribed on a ribbon, the colors of which corresponded to those of the Order of St. George. It was from this period that the popularity St. George Ribbon becomes popular, since the common Russian people saw such awards much more often than golden orders officers Russian Army. This sign was later called the soldier's or soldier's George (Yegoriy), as he was popularly called.

Since 1855, officers who received the award gold weapon "For Bravery" were ordered to wear lanyards from the St. George ribbon for a more visible distinction.

In the same year, 1855, the medal "For the Defense of Sevastopol" was instituted. For the first time in the history of the Russian Empire, a medal was awarded not for a heroic victory, but specifically for the defense of a Russian city. This medal was silver, intended both for military officials and for civilians who participated in the defense of Sevastopol. For generals, officers, soldiers and sailors of the Sevastopol garrison who served there from September 1854 to August 1855, the medal was awarded on the St. George ribbon.

Military distinctions and clergy were not spared. Back in 1790, a special decree was issued on the award of military priests for exploits in participation in military battles. At the same time, a premium gold pectoral cross on the St.George ribbon was established. Many of the regimental priests of the Russian Army took a direct part in the hostilities of the Russian troops and deserved this high distinction with their heroic deeds. One of the first recipients of the pectoral cross was the regimental priest Trofim Kutsinsky. During the storming of the fortress of Izmail, the commander of the battalion, in which Father Trofim was a priest, died. The soldiers stopped in confusion, not knowing what to do next. Father Trofim, unarmed, with a cross in his hands, was the first to rush at the enemy, dragging along the soldiers and supporting their fighting spirit. In total, during the time from the establishment of the golden pectoral cross to Russo-Japanese War, they were awarded one hundred and eleven people. And behind each such award was a specific feat of the regimental priests of the Russian Army.

The medal "For Courage", approved back in 1807, was also worn on a black and orange ribbon, in 1913 it was numbered with the Order of St. George and, along with the St. George Cross, became the most massive soldier's medal awarded for personal bravery.

During the existence of the black and orange ribbon of St. George, from the moment of its appearance in 1769 and until 1917, it was an indispensable attribute of various awards of the Russian Empire for military courage. Gold officer crosses, lanyards of gold weapons, insignia, medals, as well as collective - silver trumpets, banners, standards. So in the award system of Russia, a whole system of military incentives was formed, among which the St.George ribbon was a kind of connecting link of all of them into a single whole, being a symbol of military valor and glory.

The day of the establishment of the Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George on November 26, 1769 in the history of Russia was considered the Day of the Knights of St. George. This day was celebrated annually. On this day, not only in the capital of the empire, but also in almost all corners of the Russian land, the knights of St. George's honors were honored. They honored everyone, regardless of ranks and titles, since the deeds that these people performed were not performed in the name of awards, but in the name of their Fatherland.

Not only on Wikipedia, you can find out what the St. George ribbon means, on the site you are looking at now detailed information and images of most of the awards worn on this glorious ribbon are selected: more than a hundred images of various designs. A large selection of genuine.

I recommend to watch the video a plot created in the form video for Igor Rasteryaev's song "St. George Ribbon", pictures, photos of the war years are interspersed with video sketches from the expedition of the search club "Rubezh" engaged in finding and burying the remains Soviet soldiers perished during the Great Patriotic War. As a result, we got very emotional and most importantly lively, real pictures illustrating the words of a popular song, as in the place of battles ... "soldiers lie and sprout with new forests", "three per square meter" that finally they came to them, to the place last fight:

Dig me up brother
I am Vershinin Sanya.
5th mortar regiment,
I myself am from Ryazan

To see how from the sealed cartridge case, which hung like a medallion on the neck of the deceased Red Army soldier, his suicide note gets. How carefully they unfold a piece of paper that has decayed from time to time, with the hope that the name and surname of the deceased soldier could be preserved there. This is a great success, it will allow you to write the names of the heroes on the created grave and reduce the number of nameless soldiers missing in years. last war, to convey to relatives the news about the created burial place of their father or grandfather.

You will not feel all this when rereading the articles on Wikipedia, but you can see and really feel it by watching the video sketches created by the guys by search engines in the format of a video for the song of Igor Rasteryaev. It is from them that one can understand what the St. George ribbon means, what significance it has acquired in our peacetime, as a black - orange ribbon, has become a symbol of memory of the fallen defenders of the Motherland.

V recent times video recordings appear on the network, reflecting the psychosis prevailing in the puppy-dead American colony in relation to the St.George ribbon. Moreover, the virus of madness, hatred for this attribute of celebration Great Victory, which became a symbol of the glory and heroism of our fathers and grandfathers during the Great Patriotic War, amazed many representatives of the liberal community, from whom you can often hear reproaches about someone wearing a St. and festive events.

For Russian liberals, as well as for the possessed admirers of Bandera in Ukraine, the St. George ribbon is a symbol of the nonexistent aggression of Russia in the Donbass .. In fact, the liberal democrat, which is in captivity of its illusions, has taken up the myth invented by the Kiev bandera-fascist junta to justify its failures and criminal actions that plunged Ukraine into a civil war, chaos, chaos and poverty. Well, in the very amazing country nothing that happens in it has to be surprised anymore:

St. George ribbon: history and meaning

The St. George ribbon is one of the most recognizable symbols of Russian reality in recent years. This black and orange ribbon is one of the main attributes of the Great Victory Day. Patriotic War(WWII) - one of the most respected holidays in our country. Unfortunately, few of those who tie the St.George ribbon on their clothes or cling to the car know what it really means.

The St. George ribbon is a ribbon consisting of two colors (orange and black), which in pre-revolutionary Russia relied on several awards dedicated to St. George the Victorious. These included the St. George Cross, the St. George Medal and the Order of St. George.
Also, starting at about XVIII century The St. George ribbon is actively used in Russian heraldry: the ribbon was used as an element of the St. George banners (standards), it was worn on uniforms by the soldiers of the most distinguished units, the St. George ribbon was on the peakless caps of the sailors of the Guards crew and sailors of ships awarded with St. George banners.

History of the St.George Ribbon

Already at the beginning of the 18th century, black, orange (yellow) and white began to be considered the state colors of Russia. It was this color scheme that was present on the state emblem. Of the Russian state... The sovereign eagle was black, the field of the coat of arms was gold or orange, and white meant the figure of St. George the Victorious, depicted on the shield of the coat of arms.

In the middle of the 18th century, Empress Catherine the Great instituted a new award - the Order of St. George, which was awarded to officers and generals for services in the military field (although the empress herself became its first cavalier). This order relied on a ribbon, which was named St. George's in honor of the order.

In the statute of the order, it was stated that the St.George ribbon should have three black and two yellow stripes... However, initially it was not yellow that was used, but rather Orange color.

In addition to matching the colors of the state emblem of Russia, this color scheme had one more meaning: orange and black are symbols of “fire and gunpowder”.

At the beginning of the 19th century (1807), another award was established dedicated to St. George the Victorious - the insignia of the Military Order, which was unofficially called the St. George Cross. This award was bestowed on the lower ranks for the deeds performed on the battlefield. In 1913, the St. George Medal appeared, which was also awarded to soldiers and non-commissioned officers for their courage in the face of the enemy.

All of the above awards were worn along with the St. George ribbon. In some cases, the ribbon could be an analogue of the award (if the gentleman for some reason could not receive it). During the First World War, the Knights of the St.George Cross in winter time instead of an insignia, a ribbon was worn on an overcoat.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the St. George banners (standards) appeared in Russia, in 1813 the Marine Guards crew was awarded them, after which the St. George ribbon appeared on the caps of its sailors. Emperor Alexander II decided to grant ribbons for merit to entire military units. At the top of the banner was placed the St.George cross, and under the pommel the St.George ribbon was tied.

The St. George ribbon was actively used in Russia until October revolution 1917: after her, the Bolsheviks abolished all tsarist awards. However, even after that, the St.George ribbon remained part of the reward system of the White movement. The White Guards used this attribute in their insignia, which appeared already in the period Civil War.

In the White Army, there were two especially respected insignia: "For the Ice Campaign" and "For the Great Siberian Campaign", both of them had bows from the St. George ribbon. In addition, the St. George ribbon was actively used in the White movement: it was worn on headdresses, tied on uniforms, and attached to battle flags.

After the end of the Civil War, the St. George Ribbon was one of the most common symbols of the emigre White Guard organizations.

The St. George ribbon was very widely used by various organizations of collaborators who fought on the side of Nazi Germany during the Second World War. The Russian liberation movement(ROD) consisted of more than ten large military units, including several SS divisions, which were manned by Russians.

Guards tape

After the devastating defeats of the initial period of the Great Patriotic War, the leadership of the USSR desperately needed symbols that could unite the people and raise morale at the front. The Red Army had very few military awards and insignia of military valor. This is where the St.George ribbon came in handy.

The USSR did not completely repeat the design and name. The Soviet tape was named "Guards", and its appearance.

Back in the fall of 1941, the honorary title of "Guards" was accepted into the award system of the USSR. The following year, the Army received the "Guard" badge, and the Soviet Navy adopted its own similar badge - "Sea Guard".

At the end of 1943, a new award was established in the USSR - the Order of Glory. He had three degrees and was issued to soldiers and junior officers. In fact, the concept of this award was largely repeated by the tsar's St. George Cross. The block of the Order of Glory was covered with a Guards ribbon.

The same ribbon was used in the medal "For Victory over Germany", which was awarded to almost all military personnel who fought in western fronts... After the victory in the Second World War, this medal was awarded to about 15 million people, which was approximately 10% of the total population of the USSR.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the black and orange ribbon in the minds of Soviet citizens became a real symbol of victory in the war over Nazi Germany. In addition, after the end of the Second World War, the Guards Ribbon was actively used in a wide variety of visual agitation related to the theme of the war.

Modern Russia

V modern Russia Victory Day is one of the most popular holidays. For state propaganda, the theme of the Second World War is one of the main tools for raising the patriotism of the population.

In 2005, in honor of the sixtieth anniversary of the victory over Germany, an action at the state level began to promote the St. George ribbon as the main national symbol Great Patriotic War.

On the eve of the May holidays, St.George ribbons began to be distributed free of charge right on the streets of Russian cities, in stores and government agencies... People hang them on clothes, bags, car antennas. Private companies have begun to frequently (sometimes even too often) use the tape in their product advertisements.

The slogan “I remember, I am proud” became the motto of the action. In recent years, actions related to the St. George ribbon have begun to take place abroad. First, the tape was distributed in neighboring countries, in Last year shares were held in Europe and the USA.

The Russian society took this symbol very favorably, and the St.George ribbon received a second birth. Unfortunately, people who wear it usually have little knowledge of the history and meaning of this sign.

The first thing to say: St. George's ribbon has nothing to do with the award system of the Red Army and, in general, the USSR. This is the insignia of pre-revolutionary Russia. If we talk about the period of the Second World War, then the St. George Ribbon is more likely associated with collaborators who fought on the side of Nazi Germany.

In 1992, by decree of the President of Russia, the St.George Cross was restored in the country's award system. The current St. George ribbon in its color scheme and the arrangement of stripes completely coincides with the royal insignia, as well as with the ribbon worn by Krasnov and Vlasov.

However, this is not a big problem... The St. George ribbon is really a real symbol of Russia, with which the Russian army went through dozens of wars and battles. The debate that Victory Day is celebrated with the wrong ribbon is stupid and insignificant. The differences between the Guards and St. George ribbons are so small that only historians and specialists in heraldry can understand them. It is much worse that this sign of military valor is actively used by politicians and, as usual, not always for good purposes.

St. George ribbon and politics

In the past few years, this distinction has been actively used in politics, and this is done both within Russia and abroad. This trend was especially aggravated in 2014, after the annexation of Crimea and the outbreak of hostilities in the Donbas. Moreover, the St. George ribbon became one of the main distinguishing marks of those forces that were directly involved in these events.
The St. George ribbon is very actively used by supporters of the DPR and LPR. Russian propaganda is trying to draw a parallel between the fighters of the separatist formations in eastern Ukraine with the Red Army soldiers who fought against the Nazis during World War II. In the role of Nazis, the Russian media usually portray the modern Ukrainian government.

Therefore, in the past few years, the St.George ribbon has turned from a symbol The great war into a propaganda tool. This sign is increasingly perceived as a symbol of support for the current government. And this is very wrong. And the St. George ribbon on vodka, toys or the hoods of Mercedes looks quite an insult. After all, both the St. George Cross and the Order of Glory could only be earned on the battlefield.

The Great Patriotic War is such a grandiose and tragic event that May 9 should become a day of remembrance for the millions of those killed, whose remains are still scattered throughout our forests.

Very soon we will be celebrating the 70th anniversary of that great day when one of the bloodiest wars for our country ended. Today, everyone is familiar with the symbols of Victory, but not everyone knows what they mean, how and by whom they were invented. In addition, modern trends bring their own innovations, and it turns out that some symbols familiar from childhood appear in a different embodiment.

History of the St.George ribbon

There are symbols that tell us about a particular event. For several years in a row, the St. George ribbon has been used as such a symbol of Victory. It is handed out on the streets of Russian cities before the holiday, it is tied to car antennas and handbags. But why exactly such a ribbon began to tell us and our children about the war? What does the St. George ribbon mean?

The St. George ribbon is made in two colors - orange and black. Its history begins with the soldier's order of St. George the Victorious, which was established by Empress Catherine II on November 26, 1769. This tape was later included in the USSR award system under the name "Guards tape". They gave it to the soldiers as a sign of special distinction. The ribbon was wrapped around the Order of Glory.

What do the colors mean?

The St. George ribbon is a symbol of Victory, the colors of which mean the following: black is smoke, and orange is flame. The Order itself was given to soldiers for certain military deeds during the war, and it was considered an exceptional military award. The Order of St. George was presented in four classes:

  1. The order of the first degree consisted of a cross, a star and a ribbon in black and orange; such an order was worn over the right shoulder under a uniform.
  2. The order of the second degree assumed the presence of a star and a large cross. It was decorated with a thin ribbon and worn around the neck.
  3. The third degree is the order with a small cross around the neck.
  4. The fourth degree is a small cross, which was worn in the buttonhole of the uniform.

What does the St. George ribbon mean in terms of color besides smoke and flame? Black and orange colors today embody military valor and glory. This award was presented not only to people, but also to the insignia that were issued military units... For example, silver trumpets or banners.

St. George's banners

In 1806, the award-winning St. George banners were introduced in the Russian army, which were crowned with the St. George Cross and tied with a black-orange ribbon with banner tassels almost 4.5 cm long.In 1878, Emperor Alexander II issued a decree establishing a new insignia: now St. George ribbons were issued as awards for military exploits of an entire regiment.

The traditions of the Russian army were passed down from generation to generation, and the Order of Glory did not change. During the Second World War, he was of three degrees, in a yellow-black ribbon, which reminded of the St. George's Cross. And the ribbon itself continued to serve as a symbol of military valor.

Ribbon today

Modern symbols of Victory originate in ancient Russian traditions. Today, on the eve of the holiday, young people tie ribbons on clothes, distribute them to motorists and just passers-by in order to remind everyone of the feat of our people and express their solidarity. By the way, the idea of ​​holding such an action, as it turned out, belongs to the staff of the Ria Novosti news agency. As the employees themselves say, the task of this action is to create a symbol of the holiday, which will become a tribute to the surviving veterans and once again remind of those who fell on the battlefield. The scale of the action is really impressive: every year the number of popular ribbons increases.

What other symbols?

Probably, in every city there is a Victory Park, which is dedicated to this glorious feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Very often, various actions are timed to this event, for example, "Plant a tree". The symbol of Victory can look and be interpreted in different ways, but the most important thing is to show your involvement in this. important event... In addition, it is important to foster a feeling of love and respect for the Motherland in our children, and just such important actions help in this. Thus, on the eve of the 70th anniversary of Victory, the Lilac of Victory campaign has started, within the framework of which entire alleys of these beautiful flowering plants will be planted in the Russian hero cities.

History of the Victory Banner

Many of us have seen the Victory Banner in pictures and in movies. In fact, it is the assault flag of the 150th II degree of the Idritsa Infantry Division, and it was it that was hoisted on the roof of the Reichstag in Berlin on May 1, 1945. This was done by the soldiers of the Red Army Alexei Berest, Mikhail Egorov, and Russian legislation established the 1945 Victory Banner as an official symbol of the victory of the Soviet people and the country's Armed Forces over the Nazis in 1941-1945.

Outwardly, the Banner is an improvised and created in military field conditions, the flag of the USSR, which was attached to the pole and was created from a single-layer red cloth measuring 82 by 188 cm.On the front surface there are depicted a silver sickle, a hammer and a five-pointed star, and the name is written on the rest of the cloth divisions.

How the Banner was hoisted

Victory Symbols are various elements that are popular from year to year. And the Victory Banner among these elements and symbols plays the most important role. Recall that at the end of April 1945, fierce battles were fought in the Reichstag area. The building was attacked several times, one after another, and only the third assault gave its results. On April 30, 1945, a message was broadcast on the radio, which was broadcasting around the world, that at 14:25 the Victory Banner was hoisted over the Reichstag. Moreover, at that time, the building had not yet been captured, only a few groups were able to get inside. The third assault on the Reichstag took a long time, and it was crowned with success: the building was captured Soviet troops, several banners were hoisted on it at once - from divisional to homemade ones.

The symbols of Victory, the Great Patriotic War, the heroism of Soviet soldiers, namely the banner and ribbons, are still used in various processions and actions timed to coincide with the celebration of May 9. carried across Red Square during the Victory Parade in 1945, and for this purpose the flag bearers and their assistants were specially trained. The Main Political Administration of the Soviet Army, by a decree of July 10, 1945, handed over the Victory Banner to the Central Museum of the USSR Armed Forces in Moscow, where it was to be kept forever.

History of the Banner after 1945

After 1945, the Banner was again carried out in 1965 for the 20th anniversary of the Victory. And until 1965 it was kept in the museum in its original form. A little later, it was replaced with a copy that exactly repeated the original version. It is noteworthy, but the Banner was prescribed to be stored only horizontally: the satin from which it was created was too fragile material. That is why, until 2011, the Banner was covered with special paper and folded only horizontally.

May 8, 2011 in the hall "Banner of Victory" in Central Museum The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation put on public display the original flag, and it was displayed on special equipment: the banner was placed in a large glass cube, which was supported by metal structures in the form of rails. In this form - genuine - this and other symbols of victory in the Second World War could be seen by many visitors to the museum.

A noteworthy fact: the Banner (the real one, which was hoisted on the Reichstag) lacked a strip 73 cm long and 3 cm wide.A lot of rumors circulated about this and continues to circulate. On the one hand, they say that one of those soldiers who took part in the capture of the Reichstag took a piece of the canvas as a souvenir. On the other hand, it is believed that the Banner was kept in the 150th Infantry Division, where women also served. And it was they who decided to keep a souvenir for themselves: they cut off a piece of fabric and divided it among themselves. By the way, according to the testimony of the museum staff, in the 70s one of these women came to the museum and showed her a piece of the Banner, which matched it in size.

Victory Banner today

To this day, the most important flag telling us about the Victory over Nazi Germany is a mandatory attribute when holding festive events on Red Square on May 9. True, a copy is used. Other copies as symbols of the Victory in the Second World War can be hung on other buildings. The main thing is that the copies correspond to the original appearance of the Victory Banner.

Why carnations?

Probably everyone remembers from the time of his childhood the demonstrations dedicated to the celebration of May 9. And most often we place carnations at the monuments. Why exactly them? Firstly, this one is a symbol of courage and bravery. Moreover, the flower received such a meaning back in the third century when the carnation was called the flower of Zeus. Today the carnation is a symbol of Victory, which in classical heraldry is a sign of passion, impulse. And already since Ancient Rome carnations were considered the flowers for the winners.

The following attracts attention historical fact... Carnation was introduced to Europe back in the days crusades and was used to heal wounds. And since the flower appeared along with the warriors, it began to be perceived as a symbol of victory, courage and a talisman from wounds. According to other versions, the flower was brought by German knights from Tunisia to Germany. Today for us a carnation is a symbol of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. And many of us lay bouquets of these flowers at the foot of the memorials.

Since the time French Revolution In 1793, the carnation became a symbol of the fighters who died for the idea and became the personification of revolutionary passion and devotion. The victims of terror, who went to their deaths, were sure to attach a red carnation to their clothes as a symbol of confrontation. Modern flower arrangements based on carnations symbolize the blood that our grandfathers, great-grandfathers and fathers shed during the Great Patriotic War. These flowers not only look beautiful, but also retain their decorative appearance for a long time when cut.

Popular flowers-symbols of Victory are tulips of deep red color. They are also associated with the red blood of Soviet soldiers shed for the Motherland, as well as our love for our country.

Modern symbols of Victory

May 9 is widely celebrated throughout the post-Soviet space every year. And every year the symbols of Victory change, supplemented with new elements, in the development of which many specialists take part. For the 70th anniversary of the Victory, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation has released a whole selection of symbols that are recommended to be used for graphic and font design of various documents, presentations, and souvenirs. As the organizers say, such symbols are an opportunity to remind everyone once again of the great feat of the people who were able to defeat absolute evil.

The Ministry of Culture recommends using the selected symbols as a basis for decorating almost all communication formats of holidays. The main logo, which was specially created this year, is a composition depicting a white dove on a blue background, a St. George ribbon and inscriptions made in the colors of the Russian tricolor.


The symbols of Victory are seemingly simple elements, but they carry a deep meaning. And the meaning of these symbols would not hurt to know every inhabitant of our country, who is proud of their homeland and their ancestors, who gave us life and made it possible to live in relatively peaceful conditions. And the St.George ribbon, which is almost the main symbol of Victory, will soon appear on all cars of the country and wardrobe items of Russian citizens. The main thing is that people understand what exactly this symbol means. We remember, we are proud of the feat of our soldiers!

In Tomsk, as in many cities of Russia, the traditional action "St. George's Ribbon" is taking place. Distribution of ribbons starts on April 24 and will last until May 5 (read more about the places and times of distribution in our material). As a symbol of memory, ribbons are tied on handbags, baby carriages, car mirrors and antennas, and pinned to clothes. On the eve of Victory Day site editorial office decided to find out how to wear the St. George ribbon correctly and what one of the main symbols of the holiday means.

Why was the tape named "St. George"?

For the first time, the St. George ribbon appeared during the reign of Empress Catherine II, it was attached to the soldier's order of St. George the Victorious. The order had four degrees: The first degree was a set of a cross, a star and a ribbon, which had two yellow and three black stripes. Then the yellow was changed to orange. The ribbon was worn under the uniform over the right shoulder.

In 1917, the tape was banned and revived only in 1941. During the Great Patriotic War, the Order of Glory was approved. It was a five-pointed star with a block covered with an orange-black ribbon. This color combination was reminiscent of the Order of St. George. As in the time of Catherine II, the ribbon again symbolized courage, military valor and continuity of traditions.

In 1992, the old order of St. George and the distinctive sign "St. George's Cross" were restored. This is how we got a symbol that united traditions. different eras.

How did the St. George ribbon become one of the most popular symbols of the holiday?

The first action "St. George's Ribbon" took place in 2005 in the year of the 60th anniversary of the Victory. The action was initiated by RIA Novosti news agency and ROOSPM Student Community. They chose the St. George ribbon as a symbol that was supposed to symbolize the unification of several generations. Since then, the action under the motto "I remember! I am proud!" takes place annually.

What do the orange and black colors of the St.George ribbon mean?

It is believed that the St. George ribbon combines the black color of gunpowder (black) and the orange color of fire. However, there is an opinion that these colors correspond to the colors of the coat of arms of the Russian Empire: a black eagle on a gold background.

How to wear a St. George ribbon?

The site of the All-Russian public movement "Volunteers of Victory" (organizers of the action "St. George's Ribbon") has published a material that tells about the rules for wearing St. George's ribbon.

"Victory volunteers use three traditional ways to tie ribbons, which are also described in the memo. The movement advocates that the ribbon be worn at the heart, during the action volunteers will remind Russians of this," the message said.

It is a mistake to believe that the St.George ribbon is an ornament that can be attached anywhere. Volunteers of the movement ask you not to forget that for veterans it is a symbol of reward and memory, and such treatment is unacceptable.

Updated based on materials from sites,, volunteerspobedy.rf

Today, young people perceive the St. George ribbon as a fashion accessory, which on the eve of the Great Victory Day must certainly be attached so that it is in full view. Here, not everyone knows the measure - they fix it wherever possible and impossible. Few people think about why this is done, and what it actually symbolizes - only a few know. Unfortunately, not many older people can answer these questions. But this "ribbon" has a rich history, which dates back to the 18th century.

The history of the emergence of the St.George ribbon

In 1769, the Russian Empress Catherine II approved the Order of St. George. It was awarded to the officers who distinguished themselves most in the fields. Russian-Turkish war... According to etiquette, it was worn on a silk ribbon with stripes of the state colors of the Russian Empire: three black, two yellow. By the name of the order, she went down in history as Georgievskaya.

The first knight of this order was Count Alexei Grigorievich Orlov-Chesmensky, under whose command the Russian squadron on the night of June 26 (July 7) in the Chesme Bay defeated more than twice the superior forces of the Turks. Historians will call this battle one of the largest naval battles of the era of the sailing fleet.

The medal "For Distinction in the Battle of Kinburn" on the ribbon was awarded to the most distinguished soldiers who, under the command of General-in-Chief Suvorov, on October 1 (12), 1787 were able to withstand the onslaught of the superior forces of the Turkish landing and defend the fortress of Kinburn. This was the first major victory for Russian weapons in this war. For the first time and probably the only time in history, worthy of the award were chosen by the soldiers themselves, who had just, hand in hand, repulsed enemy attacks.

Color ribbons national flag Empires were also used for other awards, which were awarded to those who stormed the Turkish fortress of Ochakov, who showed valor during the siege and capture of Izmail.

These awards were worn on the St. George ribbon, which was equal in value to the award received. Until the cavalier was awarded an order, cross or medal, then she was the official replacement.

In view of special reverence, entire military units are awarded with the ribbon of the Order of St. George. At the beginning of the 19th century, the St.George Banners were introduced as such an award. A white order cross was attached to the top, a ribbon was placed below. For the bravery shown in the battle on November 4, 1805, a 5 thousandth corps with a French 30,000th army near the village of Schöngraben (Austria), such a banner was awarded to the Chernigov, Dragunsky, two Don Cossack, Pavlovsky hussars, Kiev grenadier regiments.

At that time not all combat formations had banners (for example, sappers), but the necessary accessories for each were pipes, horns for signaling. This is how the tradition arose to reward units with silver pipes, which were later called St. George's pipes, for special merits. The St.George cross was knocked out on the case, short description feat, and the ribbon of the colors of the imperial flag served him as a lanyard. They were produced in several varieties - curved - for infantry units, straight - for cavalry.

Such a ritual existed until the Bolsheviks finally abolished the previously existing tsarist awards. The revival of the tape falls on the time of the severe trials of the Great Patriotic War.

Guards tape

Especially in the first months of the terrible battles with German fascist troops and their allies, they needed a symbol capable of raising the morale of the soldiers, leading to the attack and winning. There were few awards, they had not yet had time to deserve due respect, so they remembered the St. George ribbon, which for many was the personification of Victory, courage and heroism of the Russian soldier. Although, for ideological reasons, some adjustments were made to the appearance: the name was changed to "guards", but the essence remained unchanged.

Today, opinions about the St.George ribbon are divided. In the press and on TV, liberal-minded citizens deny her involvement in the Great Patriotic War, Soviet army, call it "Colorado" (the color of the American beetle).

It is pointless to argue with them: they either do not know how to think and compare facts, or are thoroughly infected with the Russophobia virus. Here are some examples that will be enough for thinking people.

Let's start with the question of why the Guards, in fact, the St. George ribbon is a symbol of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

On the day of the signing of the surrender by fascist Germany, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a decree approving the medal "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." It was awarded to everyone who took part in hostilities: soldiers, officers, who were transferred to another job or were previously dismissed from military service due to injury or demobilization. Let's take a look at the colors framing the last.

From approval to the present time, the orange and black ribbon, the ribbon of the Order of St. George, framed the stocks of various orders of the Empire, and then the Soviet, Russian army. They were awarded to servicemen for their courage, heroism, and loyalty to the Fatherland. In addition, the ribbon adorned the lanyards of award weapons, insignia, officer gold crosses, it was used to frame collective awards of military units - silver trumpets, banners, standards. Thus, she is a connecting link, a symbol military glory and the valor of Russian weapons and soldiers.

All data is taken from open sources, so if you have other, confirmed information, you do not agree with the facts given here, you want to dispute or supplement them, then write about it in the comments. We are grateful.

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