Chilingarov Artur Nikolaevich contacts. Artur Nikolaevich Chilingarov

A well-known explorer of the Arctic and Antarctic, a prominent Russian oceanologist, statesman and political figure. Hero Soviet Union and Hero Russian Federation(one of four people awarded these highest titles in both the USSR and Russia). doctor geographical sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Born in 1939 in Leningrad. Armenian. Two years after his birth, the family found themselves in a besieged city.

For many years, A. N. Chilingarov worked in ordinary positions: as a researcher at the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, as a hydrological engineer at a laboratory in Tiksi, at the mouth of the Lena River. Initiative, a penchant for organizational work, and the ability to get along with people were noticed. In the 1970-80s, A. N. Chilingarov was promoted to high positions in the system State Committee USSR in hydrometeorology - from the head of the territorial department in Amderma to the deputy chairman of the committee.


In 1963 he graduated from the Leningrad Higher Marine Engineering School (now the State Maritime Academy) named after Admiral Makarov with a degree in oceanology.


He began his career as a fitter at the Baltic Shipyard.

1963 - work at the Arctic Research Observatory in the village of Tiksi as a hydrological engineer; studied the Arctic Ocean and the oceanic atmosphere.

1965 - election as first secretary of the Bulunsky Republic of Komsomol of the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In the entire history of the Komsomol, he was the only non-party secretary of the district committee.

1969-1971 - headed the high-latitude scientific expedition "North-21". The results obtained made it possible to substantiate the possibility of year-round use of the Northern Sea Route along its entire length. He was the head of the drifting stations "SP-19", "SP-22".

Since 1971 - chief Antarctic station Bellingshausen of the 17th Soviet Antarctic Expedition.

1974-1979 - head of the Amderma territorial department for hydrometeorology and control natural environment.

1979-1986 - Head of the Personnel Department and educational institutions, member of the board of the USSR State Committee for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Control.

1982 - with the help of the chairman of the Union of Friendship Societies and Cultural Relations with foreign countries cosmonaut Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova, Artur Nikolaevich was approved as president of the USSR-Canada society.

1986-1992 - Deputy Chairman of the USSR State Committee for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Control, Head of the Main Directorate for Arctic, Antarctic and World Ocean Affairs. Leader of the scientific expedition on the nuclear-powered icebreaker "Sibir" to the North Pole and the transcontinental flight "Il-76" to Antarctica.

1993-1996 - Deputy State Duma first convocation:

Member of the Deputy Group “New Regional Policy - Duma-96”.

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma. Member of the Defense Committee.

Chairman of the Commission for verifying the use of benefits by deputies of the State Duma and employees of the State Duma apparatus.

President of the Russian Association of Polar Explorers.

1996-2000 - Deputy of the State Duma of the second convocation:

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma.

Co-chairman of the deputy group “Russian Regions”.

Member of the All-Russian Union “Renewal” party.

Member of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian United Industrial Party (RUPP).

1999 - led the ultra-long flight of the Mi-26 multi-purpose helicopter, which demonstrated the capabilities of operating rotorcraft in central regions Northern Arctic Ocean.

2001 - one of the curators of the conference “The Arctic on the threshold of the third millennium: new challenges”, held in October in Brussels within the framework of the European Union, USA, Russia, Canada.

2002 - Chilingarov led the flight of a single-engine An-3T aircraft on South Pole. The effectiveness of using light aviation technology on the Antarctic ice sheet: a notable achievement against the backdrop of curtailing Russia’s presence in Antarctica. However, the transport Il-76, which delivered the small An-3T from Russia to the expedition, was then unable to tear itself away from the glacier and return home. Experts explained that the car was old and needed replacement for a long time, and production of the Il-76 had practically ceased. The Americans came to the rescue: they sent expedition members on their planes. Chilingarov did a lot for the development of Arctic (in the official terminology extreme) tourism, organizing air excursions to the North Pole with hundreds of people landing on the ice, often with children.

2000-2003 - Deputy of the State Duma of the third convocation: member of the deputy group “Regions of Russia (Union of Independent Deputies).” Deputy Chairman of the State Duma.

2003 - through the efforts of Chilingarov, the long-term drifting station “North Pole-32” was opened, the first after the curtailment of the Arctic research program in 1991.

Since 2003 - Deputy of the State Duma of the fourth convocation:

Member of the Presidium of the United Russia faction

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma

Member of the State Duma Committee on Defense

In 2007 he made two notable polar expeditions. Together with the head of the FSB, Nikolai Patrushev, he flew to the South Pole in a helicopter. In August 2007, on the bathyscaphe Mir, together with seven other researchers, sank to the bottom of the Arctic Ocean in the area North Pole.

In 2008, at the general meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences, he was elected a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


Hero of the Russian Federation (January 9, 2008) - for courage and heroism shown in extreme conditions, and the successful conduct of the High-Latitude Arctic Deep-Sea Expedition

Hero of the Soviet Union (February 14, 1986) - for exemplary performance of the task of freeing the research vessel "Mikhail Somov" from the ice of the Antarctic, skillful management of ships during rescue operations and during the period of drift, and the courage and heroism shown at the same time

Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" III degree(June 12, 2007) - for active participation in legislative activities and the successful conduct of the High-Latitude Air Expedition to the South Pole

Order "For Naval Merit" (January 27, 2003) - for great contribution to the study, development and use of the World Ocean

The order of Lenin

Order of the Red Banner of Labor

Order of the Badge of Honor

Order of Bernardo O'Higgins (Chile, 2006)

USSR State Prize - for developing a methodology for loading and unloading operations on the Yamal fast ice

Medal "Symbol of Science" (2007)

Political activity

Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of Russia of the first to fourth convocations (1993-95, 1995-99, 1999-2003, 2003-) (in the Nenets single-mandate electoral district No. 218 (Nenets Autonomous District)), Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the first to fourth convocations, co-chairman public association"Regions of Russia", Chairman of the Russian United Industrial Party (RUPP), member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party.

Participation in public organizations

President of the Association of Polar Explorers (formerly the Association of Soviet Polar Explorers) since 1990. Member of the International Explorers Club (founded in the USA in 1905), member of the British Royal Geographical Society, co-chairman of the Foundation for International Humanitarian Aid and Cooperation, member of the Russia-Armenia society.


Wife - Tatyana Aleksandrovna Chilingarova. Son - Nikolai, born in 1974, daughter - Ksenia, born in 1982.

Chilingarov Artur Nikolaevich, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the first, second, third, fourth and fifth convocations (1993-1995, 1995-1999, 1999-2003, 2003-2007, 2007), former deputy chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation (1993-1995, 1995-1999, 1999-2003, 2003-2007), Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of Russia.


In 1963 he graduated from the Arctic Faculty of the Leningrad Higher Marine Engineering School named after Admiral S.O. Makarov with a degree in oceanologist.
Doctor of Geographical Sciences.
Honorary Professor of the State Maritime Academy named after Admiral S.O. Makarov.
Corresponding Member Russian Academy Sciences in the Department of Geosciences (2008).
President of the State Polar Academy.
In 2001 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the problems of the Far North.

Professional activity

In 1957, he worked as a fitter at the Baltic Plant in Leningrad.
From 1963 to 1965 - hydrological engineer at the Arctic Research Observatory of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (Tiksi village).
From 1965 to 1969 - first secretary of the Bulun district committee of the Komsomol of the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
From 1969 to 1971 - head of the high-latitude scientific expedition "North-21", then - head of the drifting stations "North Pole - 19" and "North Pole - 22".
From 1971 to 1973 - head of the Bellingshausen research station in Antarctica.
From 1974 to 1979 - head of the Amderma territorial department for hydrometeorology and environmental control (Nenets Autonomous Okrug).
From 1979 to 1986 - head of the Department of Personnel and Educational Institutions, member of the board.
From 1986 to 1992 - Head of the Main Directorate for Arctic, Antarctic and World Ocean Affairs - Deputy Chairman of the USSR State Committee for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Control.
In 1985, he led an expedition to rescue the research vessel "Mikhail Somov" from ice captivity.
In 1986, he took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
In 1987, he led a scientific expedition on the nuclear icebreaker "Sibir" to the North Pole.
In 1988, he led an expedition to inspect foreign scientific stations in Antarctica.
From 1991 to 1993 - Advisor to the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR on Arctic and Antarctic issues.
In 1991 - co-chairman Russian Fund international humanitarian assistance and cooperation.
In 1992, he joined the All-Russian Union "Renewal" (VSO) party and the "Civil Union" coalition.
From 1993 to 1995 - deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the first convocation in the Nenets electoral district No. 218. He was nominated by the Civil Union bloc and a group of voters.
He was a member of the Defense Committee, chairman of the subcommittee on military-technical policy and international military cooperation, and was a member of the New Regional Policy (NRP) deputy group.
In 1994 - Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
In 1995 - co-chairman of the "Regions of Russia (RR)" association (chairman - Vladimir Medvedev).
In 1995, he participated in the creation of the Russian United Industrial Party (RUPP), and was elected one of the three deputy chairmen of the party.
In 1995, on behalf of the “Regions of Russia” association, together with a group of political figures led by Ivan Rybkin, he signed a statement on the creation of a “Bloc of center-left orientation.”
From 1995 to 1999 - deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the second convocation on the Nenets Autonomous Okrug No. 218, nominated by the Ivan Rybkin Bloc.
He was a member of the Russian Regions deputy group.
In 1995, he headed the deputy group "Russian Regions".
In 1996 he became a member of the Council on Issues civil service under the President of the Russian Federation.
In 1996, he was again elected Deputy Chairman of the State Duma.
in 1996, he was a member of the Ecological Party "Kedr", but did not take an active part in the activities of the party.
In 1996, he was included in the Russian Government Commission on Operational Issues.
In 1997, by decision of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, he was appointed chairman of the joint government-deputy commission on military reform.
In 1997 - member of the Presidential Council of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
In 1997, at an extended meeting of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian United Industrial Party (ROPP), he was elected chairman of the ROPP.
In 1997, he was elected co-chairman (together with Yuri Petrov, Anatoly Panfilov, Lyudmila Vartazarova, Svyatoslav Fedorov) Russian movement "For New Socialism" (RDNS).
In 1997 - member of the Board of Directors OAO Sovcomflot.
In 1998, he was included in the Government Commission for the implementation of the Concept of State national policy.
In 1999, he was approved as the head of the headquarters of the all-Russian political public organization"Fatherland" in preparation for the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the third convocation.
From 1999 to 2003 - deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the third convocation in the Nenets single-mandate electoral district No. 218, nominated by the Fatherland - All Russia (OVR) electoral bloc. He was Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the third convocation, and was a member of the “Regions of Russia” deputy group.
In 2000, he notified the election commission of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug of his intention to run for the post of head of the district administration in the elections on January 14, 2001, but did not submit Required documents for registration.
In 2000, elected to the Management Board Russian Union industrialists and entrepreneurs (employers) (RSPP).
In 2001, he was elected a member of the Supervisory Board of the Russian Gold group of companies.
In 2001, he was elected a member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party.
In 2001, he was elected president of the public organization "Non-profit partnership for coordinating the use of the Northern Sea Route."
In 2001, at the founding congress of the All-Russian Party "Unity and Fatherland" he was elected a member of the Supreme Council of the party, consisting of 18 people.
From 2003 to 2007 - deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fourth convocation in the Nenets district No. 218. He was a member of the United Russia faction, again became Deputy Chairman of the State Duma.
In 2004, he became a member of the State Duma Committee on Defense.
In 2004 - member of the Maritime Board under the Government of the Russian Federation.
In 2005 - Special Representative of the President of Russia on issues of the International Polar Year.
In 2007, he was appointed a member of the newly formed Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Development physical culture and sports, sports highest achievements, preparation and holding of the XXII Winter Olympic Games and XI Winter Paralympic Games 2014 in Sochi.
In 2007, he was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the fifth convocation as part of the federal list of candidates nominated by the All-Russian political party "United Russia". First Deputy Head of the United Russia faction. Member of the State Duma Committee on Defense.
In 2011, he led an expedition to the Far Eastern coast of the Russian Federation to study the impact of the accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant on the flora and fauna of the region.

President of the Association of Polar Explorers (1990), member of the British Royal Geographical Society, member of the Moscow English club, co-chairman of the Presidium of the National Civil Committee for interaction with law enforcement, legislative and judicial bodies and the National Foundation for Public Recognition.
Member of the British Royal Geographical Society.

Recipient of the Golden Badge of Honor "Public Recognition" (1998); laureate of the USSR State Prize for developing a technique for unloading ships onto the ice pier of the Yamal Peninsula; awarded the titles of Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of the Russian Federation; awarded the Order of Lenin, the Red Banner of Labor, the Badge of Honor, and medals; Honored Meteorologist of the Russian Federation.

Hobbies: football.

Married, has a son and daughter.
His wife, Tatyana Aleksandrovna, works at the International Labor Organization at the UN.
Son - Nikolai - (born 1974) graduated from MGIMO.
Daughter - Ksenia - (born 1982).

Income data:
Name of organization - source of income payment, total income (RUB):
Office of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Lukoil-Neva LLC, 1511306.0.
Land plots (sq.m):
Moscow region, 1783.
Apartments (sq.m):
Moscow, 93.7.
Dachas (sq.m):
Moscow region, 91.
Garages (sq.m):
Moscow, 30.
Cash in accounts with banks and other commercial organizations (name of organization, account balance (rubles):
VTB, 93763.84; Sberbank, 4686627.7; Vneshprombank, 612869.89.
CEC data for 2007.

Touches to the portrait

02/26/2010 | "Infox" (article "The son of the State Duma vice-speaker turned out to be a co-owner of Vneshprombank") Vneshprombank revealed the ownership structure. Among its shareholders is the son of the famous polar scientist and current Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Artur Chilingarov. As it turned out, Nikolay Chilingarov
is a shareholder of Vneshprombank through the Promstroyproekt company. He has a 19.723% stake in Promstroyproekt, which owns 7.75% of Vneshprombank. In addition to Chilingarov, the company has four other shareholders who own approximately equal shares - just over 19%.

According to Forbes Russia for November 2009, Vneshprombank is one of the hundred largest banks in terms of assets. The bank's reporting for the third quarter of last year states that the volume of its assets amounted to 33.422 billion rubles. The volume of deposits from individuals reached 3.44 billion rubles.
evidence that the Arctic Ocean shelf (rich in gas and oil) is a continuation of the Siberian continental
platform and is structurally identical to the coastal part of the northern border of Russia. Chilingarov personally supervised the dives of the Mir-1 and Mir-2 deep-sea vehicles to the ocean floor at the North Pole. It was reported that Mir-1 (with Chilingarov and a United Russia member on board) installed a titanium Russian flag and “a capsule with a message to future generations” at the bottom.
This step was regarded by US representatives as propaganda and was criticized from a scientific and legal point of view. A few days
later, Chilingarov, at a press conference dedicated to the results of the expedition, said: “We don’t give a damn about those who are dissatisfied. The Arctic has always been Russian and
remained Russian."
( from 2007)


2002 | In August 2002, Chilingarov announced that he intended to involve the head of the administration of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug Vladimir Butov to criminal liability for libel. The essence of the slander was the dissemination of the transcript of Butov's press conference in the Interfax news agency. In it, in particular, Butov stated that Chilingarov participated in the illegal procedure of “tax siphoning” in the amount of $50 million from the budget Nenets district
to the budget of the Komi Republic in 1996. This scandal was associated with the re-registration of oil producing enterprises from one region to another. The interview was also completely reprinted by the local newspaper Nyaryana Vender, which, according to Chilingarov, discredited his honor and dignity before voters.

(SeverInform (North-West) from 08/05/2002)

2006 |

In May 2006, a loud scandal broke out around the election of academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences: the list of applicants included more than a dozen officials and businessmen, including Chilingarov. The academicians felt that a high proportion of VIPs would discredit them, doubting the scientific merits of the applicants, and gave the applicants a ride already at the stage of scientific sections. (kommersant, 02/18/2008)

Telephone in the State Duma: 692-30-90, 692-80-44, 692-76-50
Office: 03-50 (old building)

Assistants in the State Duma:
Skoropupov Vladimir Ivanovich
Bogatyrev Alexey Mikhailovich

Lobbying activities:

07.17.2009 / Pavel Tolstykh/ - website

Education Lobby(in the interests of State Unitary Enterprises; State Universities; Academies of Sciences). February 25, 2009 a bill “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the issues of creating budgetary scientific and educational institutions business entities for the purpose of practical application (implementation) of the results intellectual activity". (in terms of legal support for the opportunities established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation for institutions of science and education to be participants and founders of business entities engaged in practical application(implementation) of the results of intellectual activity, the rights to which belong to these institutions).
The bill provides for the possibility of creating budgetary scientific and educational organizations business companies, in the authorized capital of which the rights to use the corresponding results of intellectual activity (programs for electronic computers, databases, inventions, utility models, industrial designs, etc.) under licensing agreements.
Subject of the right of legislative initiative: Deputies of the State Duma, , , , , , .

04/17/2009 / Tolstykh P.A./ - website

Regional lobbying. On April 17, 2009, Bill No. On Amendments to Chapter 30 of Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation was submitted to the State Duma.
According to the Tax Code, regional budgets can only receive profit from the tax on real estate of the Unified Gas Supply System (UGSS) of OAO Gazprom. Revenues from the tax on movable property of the system, used throughout the country, are credited to the treasury of Moscow. The bill proposes to change this procedure by tying income from the company’s movable property to the regions where it is located.
According to the FEO, in 2009 Gazprom must pay 3.1 billion rubles for this tax. If the bill is passed, this amount will be distributed among 43 regions. Most of all should go Yamalo-Nenets District(700 million rubles), as well as Astrakhan, Orenburg and Saratov regions(100-200 million rubles)
The subject of the right of legislative initiative is deputies of the State Duma: deputies of the State Duma (in the interests of Russian Technologies). On October 28, 2008, bills No. "On amendments to the Federal Law "On the State Corporation "Rostechnologies"" and No. "On the specifics of the transfer of the property contribution of the Russian Federation to the State Corporation "Rostechnologies" and on amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation were introduced into the State Duma in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law "On the State Corporation "Rostechnologies"".
The draft of the first law vests the state corporation with the powers of the manager and recipient of budget funds in the implementation of federal target programs (FTP) and the federal targeted investment program (FAIP). If the amendment is approved, the state corporation will manage not only the assets contributed by the state to the authorized capital, but also budget funds. The bill proposes to give Russian Technologies the right to be a state customer in the execution of state defense orders and federal targeted programs. This will allow the state corporation to manage an amount of more than 1 trillion. rubles
The bill “On the specifics of the transfer of Russia’s property contribution to the state corporation “Russian Technologies”” regulates the mechanisms for the privatization of federal state unitary enterprises (a total of 183 of them will be transferred to the state corporation). The initiative is aimed at accelerating the process of introducing enterprises into the authorized capital of the state corporation.
The subject of the right of legislative initiative is deputies of the State Duma, etc.
For more information about this, see.

Hero of the Russian Federation

Hero of the Soviet Union

Artur Nikolaevich Chilingarov is a famous explorer of the Arctic and Antarctic, a prominent Russian oceanologist, statesman and political figure; Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of the Russian Federation (one of four people awarded these highest titles by both the USSR and Russia); USSR State Prize laureate; Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; Professor of the Academy of Military Sciences, Professor of the UNESCO International Chair; President of the Russian Association of Polar Explorers; Honored Meteorologist of the Russian Federation. Awarded with orders“For services to the Fatherland” III degree, “For naval services”, Lenin, Red Banner of Labor, “Badge of Honor”, ​​“ Polar Star"; Order of Bernardo 0"Higgins (Chile, 2006), medal "Symbol of Science" and other awards.
A. N. Chilingarov was born on September 25, 1939 in Leningrad, Armenian. Two years after his birth, the family found themselves in a besieged city. In 1963 he graduated from the Leningrad Higher Marine Engineering School (now the State Maritime Academy) named after Admiral Makarov with a degree in oceanology. He began his career as a fitter at the Baltic Shipyard. Since 1963, he worked at the Arctic Research Observatory in the village of Tiksi as a hydrological engineer; studied the Arctic Ocean and the oceanic atmosphere. In 1965, he was elected first secretary of the Bulunsky Republic Committee of the Komsomol of the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In the entire history of the Komsomol, he was the only non-party secretary of the district committee. In 1969-1971 headed the high-latitude scientific expedition "North-21". The results obtained made it possible to substantiate the possibility of year-round use of the Northern Sea Route along its entire length. He was the head of the drifting stations "SP-19", "SP-22". Since 1971 - head of the Bellingshausen Antarctic station of the 17th Soviet Antarctic expedition. In 1974-1979 - Head of the Amderma territorial department for hydrometeorology and environmental control. In 1979-1986 - Head of the Department of Personnel and Educational Institutions, member of the board of the USSR State Committee for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Control.
In 1982, A. N. Chilingarov was approved as president of the USSR - Canada society.
In 1986-1992. - Deputy Chairman of the USSR State Committee for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Control, Head of the Main Directorate for Arctic, Antarctic and World Ocean Affairs. Leader of the scientific expedition on the nuclear-powered icebreaker "Sibir" to the North Pole and the transcontinental flight "Il-76" to Antarctica.
1993-1996 - Deputy of the State Duma of the first convocation: Member of the Deputy Group “New Regional Policy - Duma-96”; Deputy Chairman of the State Duma; member of the Defense Committee; Chairman of the Commission for verifying the use of benefits by deputies of the State Duma and employees of the State Duma apparatus.
1996-2000 - Deputy of the State Duma of the second convocation: Deputy Chairman of the State Duma; co-chairman of the deputy group “Russian Regions”.
In 1999, he supervised the ultra-long flight of the Mi-26 multi-purpose helicopter, which demonstrated the capabilities of operating rotorcraft in the central regions of the Arctic Ocean. In 2001, A. N. Chilingarov was one of the curators of the conference “The Arctic on the threshold of the third millennium: new challenges”, held in October in Brussels within the framework of the European Union, USA, Russia, Canada. In 2002, Chilingarov led the flight of a single-engine An-ZT aircraft to the South Pole. The effectiveness of using light aircraft on the Antarctic ice sheet was demonstrated: a notable achievement against the backdrop of curtailing Russia's presence in Antarctica. However, the transport Il-76, which delivered the small An-ZT from Russia to the expedition, was then unable to tear itself away from the glacier and return home. Experts explained that the car was old and needed replacement for a long time, and production of the Il-76 had practically ceased. The Americans came to the rescue: they sent expedition members on their planes. Chilingarov did a lot for the development of Arctic (in the official terminology extreme) tourism, organizing air excursions to the North Pole with hundreds of people landing on the ice, often with children.
In 2000-2003 - Deputy of the State Duma of the third convocation: member of the deputy group “Regions of Russia (Union of Independent Deputies)”; Deputy Chairman of the State Duma.
In 2003, through the efforts of Chilingarov, the long-term drifting station “North Pole-32” was opened, the first after the curtailment of the Arctic research program in 1991.
Since 2003 - deputy of the State Duma of the fourth convocation: member of the presidium of the United Russia faction; Deputy Chairman of the State Duma; Member of the State Duma Committee on Defense.
In 2007, A. N. Chilingarov made two notable polar expeditions. Together with the head of the FSB, Nikolai Patrushev, he flew to the South Pole in a helicopter. In August 2007, on the bathyscaphe Mir, together with seven other researchers, sank to the bottom of the Arctic Ocean near the North Pole. In 2008, at the general meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences, he was elected a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In April 2011, he led an expedition to the Far Eastern coast of the Russian Federation to study the impact of the accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant on the flora and fauna of the region. Since 2011, A. N. Chilingarov has been a member of the Russian Federation Council Committee on International Affairs.
By Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated February 14, 1986, for the exemplary performance of the task of freeing the research vessel "Mikhail Somov" from the ice of the Antarctic, skillful management of ships during rescue operations and during the drift period, and the courage and heroism shown to the head of the rescue expedition on the icebreaker "Vladivostok" Artur Nikolaevich Chilingarov was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.
By decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated January 9, 2008, for courage and heroism shown in extreme conditions and the successful conduct of the High-Latitude Arctic Deep-Sea Expedition, Artur Nikolaevich Chilingarov was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation with the Golden Star medal.
Arthur Nikolaevich is a member of the international Explorers Club (founded in the USA in 1905), a member of the British Royal Geographical Society, co-chairman of the Foundation for International Humanitarian Aid and Cooperation, a member of the Russia-Armenia society.

The name of Artur Nikolaevich Chilingarov is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the first person who, within six months, managed to visit both poles of the planet - North and South. A bronze bust of A. N. Chilingarov was installed on the Alley of Heroes in Moscow Victory Park in St. Petersburg.

Artur Chilingarov was born on September 25, 1939 in St. Petersburg. Two years after his birth, the family found themselves in a besieged city. As a teenager, he moved with his family to North Ossetia, where he lived for a long time in Vladikavkaz. In 1963 he graduated from the State Maritime Academy named after Admiral Sergei Makarov with a degree in oceanology.

Chilingarov began his career as a fitter at the Baltic Shipyard. In 1963, he worked at the Arctic Research Observatory in the village of Tiksi as a hydrological engineer; studied the Arctic Ocean and the oceanic atmosphere.

In 1969, he led the high-latitude scientific expedition “North-21”. The results obtained made it possible to substantiate the possibility of year-round use of the Northern Sea Route along its entire length. He was the head of the drifting station "SP-19", deputy head of the station "SP-22". Since 1971 - head of the Bellingshausen Antarctic station of the 17th Soviet Antarctic expedition.

From 1986 to 1992, Artur Chilingarov worked as Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in hydrometeorology and environmental control, head of the Main Directorate for Arctic, Antarctic and World Ocean Affairs, and also led a scientific expedition on the nuclear-powered icebreaker "Sibir" to the North Pole and the transcontinental flight "Il-76" to Antarctica.

Artur Nikolaevich, in 1999, led the ultra-long flight of the Mi-26 multi-purpose helicopter, which demonstrated the capabilities of operating rotorcraft in the central regions of the Arctic Ocean.

Through the efforts of Chilingarov, the long-term drifting station “North Pole-32” was opened in 2003, the first after the curtailment of the Arctic research program in 1991.

In 2007 he made two notable polar expeditions. Together with the head of the FSB, Nikolai Patrushev, he flew to the North Pole in a helicopter. In August 2007, on the Mir submersible, together with seven other researchers, he sank to the bottom of the Arctic Ocean near the North Pole, where he and his team planted the Russian flag on the ocean floor. In 2008, at the general meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences, he was elected a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In October 2013, he lit the Olympic flame at the North Pole as part of the Olympic torch relay of the Winter Games in Sochi. In the same month, he became an advisor-mentor to the governor of the Tula region, Vladimir Gruzdev, and also headed the subcommittee on Arctic development.

In the 2016 parliamentary elections, Chilingarov headed the United Russia party list for Krasnoyarsk region and the Republic of Tuva. Member of the International Affairs Committee. Member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party. Start date of authority: September 18, 2016.

During the 2018 presidential elections, he was a member of the initiative group that nominated the candidacy of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In the Catherine Hall of the Kremlin November 21, 2019 the award ceremony took place state awards Russia. For his great contribution to the strengthening of Russian statehood, the development of parliamentarism and many years of conscientious work, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin awarded Artur Nikolaevich Chilingarov the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.

Awards and Achievements of Artur Chilingarov

Russian Federation:

Hero of the Russian Federation - for courage and heroism shown in extreme conditions, and the successful conduct of the High-Latitude Arctic Deep-Sea Expedition 2008

Hero of the Soviet Union - for exemplary performance of the task of freeing the research vessel "Mikhail Somov" from the ice of the Antarctic in polar winter conditions, skillful management of ships during rescue operations and during the period of drift, and the courage and heroism shown at the same time

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (September 9, 2019) - for his great contribution to the strengthening of Russian statehood, the development of parliamentarism and many years of conscientious work

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree - for active participation in legislative activities and successful conduct of the High-Latitude Air Expedition to the South Pole

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree - for active legislative activity and many years of conscientious work

The order of Lenin

Order of the Red Banner of Labor

Order of the Badge of Honor

USSR State Prize - for developing a methodology for loading and unloading operations on the Yamal fast ice

Certificate of Honor from the Government of the Russian Federation - for great personal contribution to the development of Russian legislation

Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation - for many years of fruitful legislative activity

Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation - for his great contribution to the preparation and holding of the World Conference on Climate Change

Gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation - for active participation in the preparation and holding of the celebration of the 850th anniversary of the founding of Moscow

Gratitude from the Government of the Russian Federation - for services in lawmaking and active participation in the development of parliamentarism in the Russian Federation

Order of the Polar Star

Order "For Naval Merit" - for great contribution to the study, development and use of the World Ocean

Honored Meteorologist of the Russian Federation - for services in the field of meteorology

Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh, 1st degree, Russian Orthodox Church

Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, II degree - in recognition of his works, for active participation in the development of church life and in connection with the 70th anniversary of his birth, Russian Orthodox Church

Badge "Honorary Polar Explorer"

Big Golden medal Russian Geographical Society - for outstanding contribution to research of the Arctic and Antarctic

Medal "Symbol of Science"

National award "Russian of the Year" - for supporting the geopolitical prestige of Russia

insignia “For Services to Moscow” - for a great personal contribution to the socio-economic development of the capital, many years of fruitful activity for the benefit of the city and Muscovites

Honorary diploma of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg - for outstanding personal contribution to the development of parliamentarism, many years of successful professional activity and on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of his birth

Winner of the People's Friendship Prize "White Cranes of Russia" in the category "Pride of Russia", with the presentation of the order of the same name

Other countries:

Anania Shirakatsi Medal - for contribution to the strengthening and development of Armenian-Russian friendship

Order of Bernardo O'Higgins, Chile

Order of St. Mesrop Mashtots - in connection with the 17th anniversary of the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Armenia

Order of Friendship - for his great contribution to strengthening relations of friendship and cooperation between peoples, active assistance in the process of development of democracy and parliamentarism in the Republic of South Ossetia and providing practical assistance to its citizens in the exercise of voting rights

Artur Chilingarov is a Soviet and Russian explorer of the Arctic and Antarctic, a major Russian oceanologist, statesman and politician, Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, President of the State Polar Academy.

After graduating from school, he entered the Leningrad Higher Marine Engineering School. Admiral Makarov to the Arctic Faculty. After graduation, he received a specialty as an oceanologist.

For a long time he worked as a researcher at the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute and as a hydrological engineer at a laboratory in Tiksi.

He is married and has two children - a son and a daughter.

In 1965, Chilingarov was elected first secretary of the Bulun district committee of the Komsomol.

In 1969, he headed the drifting station "North Pole-19", and in 1971 took over the leadership of the staff of the "Bellingshausen" station of the 17th Soviet Antarctic Expedition.

In 1973, he organized the drifting station "North Pole-22" on the icebreaker "Vladivostok".

In 1979, Chilingarov began working in the system of the USSR State Committee for Hydrometeorology. For the development of a methodology for using fast ice for loading and unloading operations (participation in scientific basis the first experimental voyages in the winter-spring period along the Northern sea ​​route) was awarded the USSR State Prize.

The media have repeatedly talked about courage. He personally participated in the rescue of the research ship "Mikhail Somov". In 1985, Chilingarov led a rescue expedition to him on the icebreaker Vladivostok. For his dedication he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

In 1986, Chilingarov participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident that occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

In 1987, he led the voyage of the nuclear icebreaker Siberia, which reached the North Pole in free navigation.

In 1993, Chilingarov became a candidate for deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

“I devoted my whole life to the North and suddenly realized that my life’s work was crumbling before my eyes... It was possible to do something only through the power structures,” Chilingarov explained his coming to parliament.

In December 1995, Chilingarov was re-elected to the State Duma. He was nominated by the Ivan Rybkin Bloc.

In 1998, Chilingarov joined the political council of the Fatherland movement created by Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov.

In 1999, he led the ultra-long flight of the Mi-26 multi-purpose helicopter, which demonstrated the capabilities of operating rotorcraft in the central regions of the Arctic Ocean.

In the fall of 2000, Chilingarov announced his intention to run for governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, but never submitted registration documents to the district election commission.

In May 2001, Chilingarov received his doctorate from St. Petersburg state university. And in December of the same year he was elected a member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party.

In 2003, he became a State Duma deputy for the fourth time and again took up the post of vice speaker.

In 2007 he made two notable polar expeditions. Together with the head of the FSB, Nikolai Patrushev, he flew to the South Pole in a helicopter. In August 2007, on the bathyscaphe Mir, together with seven other researchers, sank to the bottom of the Arctic Ocean near the North Pole.

In 2008, at the general meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences, he was elected a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

On January 10, 2008, for courage and heroism in extreme conditions and the successful conduct of an Arctic expedition on the ship "Akademik Fedorov", Chilingarov was awarded the title of Hero of Russia. He became the fourth person to receive the title of Hero both in the USSR and in Russia.

In April 2011, he led an expedition to the Far Eastern coast of the Russian Federation to study the impact of the accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant on the flora and fauna of the region.

Chilingarov personally supervised the dives of the Mir-1 and Mir-2 deep-sea vehicles to the ocean floor at the North Pole. It was reported that Mir-1 (on board were Chilingarov and United Russia deputy Vladimir Gruzdev) installed a titanium Russian flag and “a capsule with a message to future generations” at the bottom. Representatives of the United States of America regarded this step as propaganda and was criticized - from a scientific and legal point of view.

He put forward a number of national assistance programs for the North, ensured the formation of the Polar Credit Fund, and became practically the only statesman who really tried to draw the government's attention to the problems of the North.

The media noted that Chilingarov is fond of polar bears - he collects their figurines from various materials, as well as everything related to these animals. According to some reports, Chilingarov is a gambler and an avid casino visitor.

Based on materials from, Lenta.Ru.