Encyclopedia of traveling the Netherlands. Holland

Resorts of Holland, this is the pearl of the state. Rotterdam and Amsterdam, villages, and small towns scattered around the country, somewhere there, here you can meet windmills, brings romantic thoughts. Most tourists visiting Amsterdam, Hague and Rotterdam, believe that they saw the whole country, but this is not so. In order to feel this state with all your heart, it is necessary to leave away from the urban bustle of major cities.
Almost all small cities are the resorts of Holland, which are of interest to tourists, because their entry has not changed during the centuries and civilization on the mentality of local residents, somehow does not act in a radically, the isochki chickens and windmills, canals and dams, all This is preserved in primeval form. Therefore, it is so beautiful for tourists holidays in Holland, prices, like everything here, impregnated with air of real freedom of views and worldviews.
The climate of Holland is a moderate sea, rather wet. At one time, the noticeable part of the sushi was dismantled by people by the sea: the inhabitants of the Medieval Holland did not dock the channels, forcing the sea to be sighted. This imposed her imprint on the weather of Holland. In general, the weather in Holland is the usual European weather.
Traditional Dutch cuisine is famous for its "rustic" thoroughness, wide use of products that are disturbed at first glance, and excellent traditions in the preparation of seafood. Favorite dish - "Haring", i.e. special method Cooked low-headed herring with salted cucumber sliced \u200b\u200bor onion. Fresh herring fillets are also popular with a bow skid stewed with vegetables, smoked eel with a garnish of eggs and lemon, fresh fillet of herring - "Matchhess", fried fish or meatballs "Croquetten", as well as numerous river fish dishes, Shrimps and mollusks (according to their consumption, the country ranks first in the world). Baked fish dishes are usually supplied with a sheet salad or potato-fri "Potaton". There are usually many vegetables and dairy products in the menu. In addition, pancakes are counted for truly Dutch dishes. Meat is consumed relatively a bit, but they try to use any piece - even by-products and meat trimming are going to move, however, with a big fantasy prepared. The most typical dish - "Hotspot" ("Datspot" or "Hot Pot") - tender boiled or stewed meat with vegetable puree, also worth trying "Stamp" - potato mashed potatoes with cabbage, lard or smoked sausages, stewed pork legs, beans with Shkvarka "Canties", the sausages "Tver" and a national dish of rice, meat and vegetables - Riystafel.
Very loved by the Dutch canceled soups - soup of crushed pea with smoked sausage "Erten-soup", soup from celery, broth with slices of ham and carrots "Consider Pot-a-Fy".
It is impossible to present Dutch cuisine without hot sandwiches of all varieties. The most "famous" hot three-layer sandwich with scrambled eggs, heap and ham - "Russhmeister", tartinki with cheese, ham and butter, Bruujes balls with all sorts of filling, Apeldorn sandwiches with apples or Rotterdam sandwiches with bare and tomatoes. The main ingredient in them is the first-class Dutch cheese - the subject of the country's special pride. As a separate snack often serves cubes from solid cheese with pieces of fruits, vegetables or meat products. Dutch salads also imply the mandatory availability of cheese. With alcoholic beverages, the Dutch prefer all kinds of beer varieties and vodka, giving preference to juniper, more similar to Jean, Eneber. Also in the country there are first-class liqueurs, the famous "Orange Better" is most popular.
The Netherlands is a fairly small country located on the coast of the North Sea, and the population density here is one of the highest in Europe. Capital: Amsterdam. Currency: EUR. Do not confuse the Netherlands with Holland - it is not at all synonyms. Holland is just one of the Netherlands provinces, albeit one of the biggest. The word "Holland" means "wooded country", from the ancient Frisian HOLT (tree) and land (country, ground). In the east, the kingdom borders Germany, in the south - with Belgium. Basically, the country is located on coastal lowlands and areas of drained land - the pondars known for their fertility. The highest point of the Netherlands - Mount Waalgersberg rises barely above 300 meters above sea level. The main river of the country is the majestic Rhine. The Netherlands are located in its lower current. Rhine is widely known in the pictures of local artists Maas and Shelda. Administratively, the Netherlands are divided into 12 provinces (the last province of Flevoland was established in 1986 at the drained territories), the provinces on the city and rural communities. The reminder of the past maritime value of the Netherlands remains and overseas territories are the Netherlands Antilles.

"Encyclopedia of Travels." The book invites readers in different countriesTo tell and show how interesting and unique any corner of the earth! Travel, imaginary or real, is one of the best ways to know the world. The book will help to prepare for the journey, will spend readers in many wonderful places, and after the trip will offer interesting tasks. The "Encyclopedia of Travel" is addressed to younger schoolchildren. It is designed to work in the lessons on the subject " The world"I. extracurricular activitiesFor independent reading by the child at home and joint classes with adults.

Travel Encyclopedia. Countries of the world. Pleshakov A.A., Pleshakov S.A.

Description of the textbook

Good luck!
In the light of more than 200 countries. Where to go? We chose five countries and make five travels. Only five. But they say that in one trip, even if it lasts just a week, you can get knowledge and impressions more than a few months ordinary life. Well, check!
From the countries that we chose, the closest is Hungary. On an airplane from Moscow to Budapest, the capital of Hungary, you can fly 2 hours for 45 minutes. We will go there first. Then we visit Austria. Flight from Moscow to Vienna, the capital of this country will take 3 hours.
The next our journey is to Greece. Before Athens, the capital of Greece, you can fly from Moscow for 4 hours 20 minutes. And then we will go to the United Arab Emirates. To fly there from Moscow about 5 hours.
Finally, we will visit Argentina. Getting from Moscow to the capital of Argentina, the city of Buenos Aires, not less than 20 hours!
Travel is better with those who love. In all countries, a very friendly family is visited with us: | Seryozha, his sister Nadia, their dad and mom. Dad Seryoga and Nadi is an artist, and mom works in the botanical garden.
So, the travel plan is compiled. Curious team assembly. Good luck!
Parliament Building in Budapest
Some schoolchildren wrote in their notebooks a feat handle, and ink but they were in a bubble. How much trouble was!, With these inks! Self-in the notebooks were put the blots, and sometimes ink and shed at all by negligence. And then a handle appeared, which could be written for a long time and without
all sorts
Ink! It was a shaky handle. The SS stem inserted with special paste and ball at the end. Invented such a handle Hungarian inventor Lasshlo Chero. Therefore, Hungary can be considered a homeland ballpoint handle. And what is more remarkable Hungary? To find out this, let's go to our first journey!
We consider the business card of Hungary
We study "personal data" of Hungary
Full name: Hungarian Republic. Capital: Budapest. Head of State: President. State language: Hungarian. Monetary unit: Forinth.
We teach polite swap whom Hungarians enjoy
(Meet the safety rules
Traveling in Hungary does not pay special dangers. However, it must be remembered that even in a safe country, you must carefully follow the safety of the wallet and documents. Do not leave things unattended, especially cameras, camcorders and mobile phones. On the streets and roads you need to comply with the usual safety rules. When visiting the famous Hungarian purchases, it is necessary to remember that water in some pools is quite hot, so caution does not prevent. Of course, when bathing needs to be carried out and generally accepted rules of behavior on water.
Hungary is a small state that is located in Central Europe. The neighbors of Hungary are 7 countries: Slovakia in the North, Ukraine in the North-East, Romania in the East, Croatia and Serbia in the south, Austria and Slovenia in the West. No go to the sea at Hungary.
The capital of Hungary is very beautiful city Budapest, located on the Danube River. This is the largest city in the country. In the top five, the largest Hungarian cities also includes adhesives, Miskolc, Szeged and Pecs. On the Hungarian language, the name of the country sounds like "Meta-Yarsag", which means "Magyar Country". Magyars (the Hungarians themselves called themselves) settled in the territory of the current Hungary in the 9th century. Magyars were not the first inhabitants of these lands, Long before them, Celtic tribes lived here, and then Romans.
Many centuries in Hungary ruled kings. Particularly honored the Hungarians King Mathiash, who lived in the XV century. He was a wise ruler, a talented commander, the patron saint of scientists and artists. Over the years of his reign, Hungary has become a powerful kingdom, where science and art flourished. The first printed book was published in Hungary, which was called the "Chronicle of Hungarians".
From 1867 to 1918, Hungary was part of the Austro-Wenger of the Empire. In the XX century, the country survived a lot from being, both heavy, tragic and joyful. Her great role in the history of Hungary played her liberation from the fascists with Soviet troops in 1945. Contemporary? The Hungarian Republic was proclaimed in 1989.
And now I will look into the history of the Hungarian capital - Bu Dapaset.
Two thousand years ago, in his place was the ancient Roman city of Akvink (Akawinkum). His ruins found in the excavations of archaeologists. Now you can go through the streets of the ancient city and see the ruins of many buildings: residential buildings, temples, shops, baths.
Ruins Aquinka
Later, the cities of Buda and Pest have arisen. They are located on opposite shores of the Danube: Buda - on the right, mountainous shore, Pest - on the left, flat. In 1873, these independent cities were combined. Connected cities, connected and their names. So Buda and Pest became Budapest.
The flag of Hungary consists of three horizontal strips: red, white and green. The value of the colors of the Hungarian flag is explained by this. Red color symbolizes the struggle for the freedom and independence of the country. White color is the purity and nobility of the thoughts of the people, his loyalty to the Motherland. Green color means hope for the best future of Hungary.
The coat of arms of Hungary is a shield topped with the royal crown. The crown resembles the past of the country, which, as we already know, many centuries were the kingdom. The cross on the shield speaks about the Christian faith of the people. Green hills in the lower part of the coat of arms symbolize the mountains of the country, and the silver stripes on the left - river.

Travel Encyclopedia. Countries of the world.

Netherlands (Informal name Holland) - the state in the north-west of Europe. In the north and west, it goes to the North Sea, the length of marine borders is about 1 thousand km. In the north, the border of the Netherlands passes along the coastline of the five West Frisian Islands of the North Sea (Vliland, Tersheling, Texel, Schirmonicat and Amiland). In the east, the Netherlands borders with Germany, in the south - with Belgium.

The name of the country comes from the Dutch Nederland - "Low Evening Country".

Official name: Kingdom of the Netherlands (Holland).


The area of \u200b\u200bthe land: 41.5 thousand square meters. KM

General population: 16.4 million people.

Administrative division: Netherlands consist of 12 provinces: North Holland, South Holland, Utrecht, Fle Woland, Gelderland, Drenthe, Groningen, Friesland, Oves Raissel, Zealand, North Brabant, Limburg. Provinces are divided into communities.

Form of government: A constitutional monarchy.

Head of State: King (queen).

Population composition: 80.8% - Netherlands, 2.4% - Germans, 2.4% - Indonesians, 2.2% - Turks, 2.0% - Surinames, 1.9% - Moroccan, 1.5% - Indians, 0 8% - antibans and streets, and 6.0% other ethnic groups.

Official language: netherlands (Dutch). In Friesland, they are talking on the Frisian language, a local dialect is also highlighted in Limburg province. Almost all in the Netherlands speak English quite well. Many residents of the Netherlands also own German and French.

Religion: 31% - Catholics, 21% - Protestants, 4.4% - Muslims, 3.6% - others.

Internet domain: .nl

Voltage in the power grid: ~ 230 V, 50 Hz

Country Code: +31

Country barcode: 870-879


The climate of the Netherlands is typical of the marine moderate zone, to which the entire territory of the country belongs. This type of climate implies primarily a pleasant non-fit summer and a soft winter. The dimensions of the Netherlands are small in geographical standards imply uniformity of climatic characteristics for all its districts, except that only the frequency of sunny days in different provinces Slightly differs from each other, and even more according to the Dutch themselves. They argue that in the provinces of Zealand and Limburg, the sun shines more often than on the rest of the territory.

Typical summer weather is a partable cloud, when the rain stops, do not have time to begin, five to six times per day and air temperature order +17 .... + 22 degrees. In winter, snow cover is very rarely installed here - the snow felling usually becomes quickly, because the air temperature is rarely lowered below the zero mark for a long time.

In the cold period of the year, minus temperature air temperatures here - rather an exception than the rule, because it stands to the wind from the sea - as the frosts can be forgotten, because the air always has a temperature above zero above the sea. The temperature of the ocean water off the coast is kept in the area of \u200b\u200b+4 ... + 6 degrees, which allows the world-famous Netherlands ports to receive ships year-round. At times, the frost rain, sometimes accompanied by wet snow or snowy, is the same inalienable attribute of the Dutch winter, as well as fogs on the British islands.

In the coldest month of the year - January - the average air temperature is kept in the area of \u200b\u200b+1 ... + 4 degrees, which in combination with high humidity and wind creates not particularly comfortable weather.

However, there are also harsh winters when the flow of cold air from the continent is the Netherlands channels so much that they freeze. However, for local residents, it is most likely a pleasant surprise - after all, it is in such winter great amount Speeding competitions, the love of which lives in the soul of every native of the lower lands.


The Netherlands is a fairly small country located on the coast of the North Sea, and the population density here is one of the highest in Europe. Do not confuse the Netherlands with Holland - it is not at all synonyms. Holland is just one of the Netherlands provinces, albeit one of the biggest. The word "Holland" means "wooded country", from the ancient Frisian HOLT ("Tree") and Land ("Country, Earth"). On the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kingdom of the Netherlands less than the Moscow region - it covers a territory of 41.5 thousand square meters. km, 40% of which is located below sea level.

In the east, the kingdom borders Germany, in the south - with Belgium. Basically, the country is located on coastal lowlands and areas of drained land - the pondars known for their fertility. The highest point of the Netherlands - Mount Waalgersberg rises barely above 300 meters above sea level. The main rivers of the country is the majestic Rhine - the Netherlands are located in its lower current, as well as well-known in the pictures of local artists Maas and Shelda.

Administratively, the Netherlands are divided into 12 provinces (the last province of Flevoland was established in 1986 at the drained territories), the provinces on the city and rural communities. The reminder of the past maritime value of the Netherlands remains and overseas territories are the Netherlands Antilles.

Flora and fauna

Vegetable world

About 70% of the territory of the Netherlands occupy cultural landscapes (seeded meadows, pashnya, settlements and others). Forests (from oak, beech, grab, ash with an admixture of tees) are represented by separate groves and covered (together with soap forests and roadside forests) 8% of the territory. In the sandy locations, peers are common with a shrub (outering, rocket, juniper). On the dunes - pine bors and borrowed sea buckthorn. On the shores of the sleeves of large rivers - Ivnyaki.

Animal world

Animal world is very dinner. Wild rabbits are found on the dunes, in the forests - protein, hare, cunning, chore, roe, in the Netherlands there are about 180 species of birds. In the Delta of Rhine, Maas and Shelda - protected areas of mass wintering of waterfowl (geese, barrocks, seagulls, slices). The North Sea is rich in fish (herring, cod, mackerel).


Holland itself, 40% of the territory of which is located below the sea level, and the land is literally "created by" people can already be considered a self-sufficient monument of culture. All coastline Countries are surrounded by a system of protective dams and other hydraulic structures, the total length of which exceeds 3 thousand km.

The cities of Holland are masterpieces of medieval architecture, connecting majestic cathedrals, scenic channels, ancient houses, churches, town halls and modern structures. Color plantations are the "business card" of Holland, in the spring almost the whole country is covered with a multicolor carpet of flowering plants, which in contrast with a constantly gray sky of the sea coast, creates an indescribable flavor of this land. Another integral part of the Dutch landscape is mills, many of whom still perform their functions.

Amsterdam ("Dam on the Amstel River") is a city of hundreds of channels, through which more than 600 bridges roll. The most beautiful of them are: Blauburg and Maher-Bruges ("Skinny Bridge"). Channels are an indispensable attribute of all excursions in the city. From water you can explore most of the sights of Amsterdam, hundreds of picturesque bridges, feel the spirit of the city and its indescribable atmosphere.

Banks and currency

From January 1, 2002, the Netherlands currency is Euro (EURO). Euro (EURO), 1 euro \u003d 100 Euro CENT. Banknotes: 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 euros. Coins: 2 and 1 euro; 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 cents.

Banks work on weekdays from 9.00 to 16.00. Part of banks on Fridays closes one hour earlier. Currency exchange in Amsterdam also deals with the organization "GWK". Most of the "GWK" exchange items are near railway stations. They work from 8.00 to 20.00 all days except Sunday; On Sunday, points are open from 10.00 to 16.00. Exchange currency can also be in post offices.

The most favorable exchange rate in the branches of banks and by mail (exchange is made at the official rate and are charged the lowest commission). Currency exchange, as well as the cash checks and credit cards, can be made in the "GWK" offices (the central exchange offline system) - the main financial organization of the country specializing in currency operations.

Credit cards of major world systems are accepted almost everywhere, it is possible to cash out in most branches of banks and in all branches of "GWK" (including on border points). According to ISIC student cards or youth FYTO, the currency exchange is made without deducting commission.

Return of VAT (BTW, 17.5%) is possible when purchases in the amount of over 150 euros, subject to the personal export of goods from the country no later than 30 days from the date of purchase. In most shops, for this you need to fill a special form (a passport is required), which when leaving is presented at customs. Some stores give a special check, which is cashing at the airport, while others send a check by mail. VAT for hotels is 6% (included in the price), and in some settlements introduced "tourist tax" (1-2 euros).

Useful information for tourists

In this country, exceptional accuracy should be observed at each meeting or invitation. Handshaws should be avoided, not to make compliments. The Dutch is very restrained and tolerant for someone else's opinion, and their politeness became even theme for sayings. Putting into the room local residents Be sure to greet all those present, and this concerns not only business offices, but also public places, shops and railway coupe. There are a lot of animal defenders in the country, so it is recommended not to wear a fur coats from natural furs and genuine leather clothes.

It is not accepted in restaurants to dance, for this there are many discos and danceings. Also one of the "restaurant traditions" is considered to pay each of those sitting at one table, even if these are friends, only their share in the general feast. At the festivities, official receptions and parties, a rich table with drinking and snack is also not accepted. The concept of "lunch" means usually between 18.00 and 20.00, late is considered a sign of bad tone.

The hotels and restaurants are usually included in the amount of an account of 15% for the service, otherwise it is customary to leave the wait of the tips in the amount of up to 10% of the account amount, the taxi driver - in the amount of about 10-15% of the meter, porter, maid or guide 0.5-1 euro.

The content of the article

NETHERLANDS,Kingdom of the Netherlands, the state in Western Europe. Area 41 526 sq. M. km. It borders in the east with Germany (577 km.), In the south - with Belgium (450), the northern and western shores are washed by the Northern Sea (coastline 451 km.). Often, the country is called Holland on the name of the most rich and influential from the seven provinces, originally included in the Republic of United Netherlands in the 16th century.

The surface of the country is flat and lowland, so throughout its history had to fight maritime elements. Over half of the country area (including drying strip, exposed to tides and tides) is below sea level. The Dutch was walked by the sea. Considered territories and created the prosperous industry and agriculture. Thanks to the profitable geographical position The Netherlands became one of the largest trading countries in the world. The country has made a significant contribution to visual arts, literature, science.

The Kingdom of the Netherlands, in addition to the main territory in Europe, includes the Netherlands Antilles and O. Aaruba in West Indies.

At the beginning of the 11th century The end of the Scandinavian Viking raids on coastal areas of Europe, including the Netherlands, was put. Northern coastal areas, especially Holland and Zealand, in a slightly lesser extent - Friesland, began to direct fishing and commercial vessels to the North Sea, competing with rich cities in the Hanseatic Union. In the south of the Rhine delta, Flanders and Brabant, the provinces of Flanders and Brabant began to develop manufactory. There in cities made thin cloth and wool clothes, which was imported from England and Spain. An important center foreign trade The Flander Port Bruges became.

In the Netherlands there were many rich and influential cities (IPRs, Ghent, Brugge, Liege), who were able to achieve privileges and self-government. In these cities, the largest craft organization system and merchant guilds in these cities were developed: there were guilds of merchants who traded with other countries and associations (shops) of artisans of various professions, especially the workshops made by clothing and cloth. A gradual transition control in the hands of citizens was accompanied, however, as in the cities-states of Northern Italy, cruel conflicts, especially between the burghers and worked with artisans. There were several uprisings. The largest of them are the uprisings of Suknanels, which were headed in 1338-1345 Jacob Van Arteveld, and in 1382 he is his son Philip. Between the cities themselves also existed severe competition, local wars were often conducted, and the competing family dynasties fought for power in the provinces.

At the 14th century Netherlands territory turned into relatively independent areas. This happened in those times when the brother of the French king, the Duke of Burgundy Philip-bold in 1384 became the ruler of Flanders and Artoi, and his successors joined Holland, Zealand, Eno, Namur, Limburg and Luxembourg. The Burgundy Dukes became one of the most powerful rulers of Europe, according to the number of army and the magnificence of the courtyard rival with the kings. but military power And the luxury of the courtyard was paid at the expense of taxes from cities that increasingly expressed dissatisfaction with the defeats and violation of their privileges. Karl was sought to create an independent kingdom located between France and Germany. However, only after his troops suffered a final defeat, and he himself died in 1477, the Netherlands again gained independence at his heiress of the Duchess of Maria Burgundse. After the death of Maria Burgundy in 1482, the husband of the deceased, Maximilian Austrian from the Dynasty of the Habsburgs, managed the country as the regent of their minor son Philip. With this provision, not all areas agreed, the uprising broke out in protest, but for 10 years Maximilian managed to cope with the opposition. In 1493 he became the successor to his father on the throne of the emperor. So the Netherlands fell under the power of the Habsburgs.

Board of Habsburg and Revolution in the Netherlands.

In 1496, the son of Maria Burgundskaya and Maximilian Habsburg Philipp Beautiful married Huan, the princess of Castilskaya and Aragon. Their eldest Son of Karl, born in Ghent in 1500, inherited the ownership of the Habsburgs in Germany and the Netherlands. And after the death of Philip Beautiful in 1506, his son became not only the ruler of the Netherlands, but also by the King of Spain Carlos I. in 1519, resorting to the bribe, he became Emperor Carl V. When Karl was still minors, and later during his departures to fulfill duties The King of Spain and the Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire, the Netherlands managed his relatives, and then the country had to take on the financing of Habsburg wars against France. However, Karl V joined his lands through peaceful agreements and seizures of the Netherlands for several more provinces: Friesland in 1524, Utrecht and OveriSalel in 1528, Groningen and Drenthe in 1536, Gelderland in 1543. He took measures to centralize the country, founding the secret council with large administrative and financial powers, as well as advice on management and finance for provincial states and formally united 17 Netherlands provinces and Duchy Burgundy in the so-called. "Burgundy Ring" within the Sacred Roman Empire. As in Germany, he tried to suspend the spread of the ideas of the Reformation in the Netherlands, and more successfully, since there were no princes among the adherents of the new faith, which would protect it from the emperor. Karl V by force suppressed the revolution of revolutionary anabaptists in Gent in 1539-1540, and the cities of the Netherlands were deprived of their historical privileges and self-government. Nevertheless, his country flourished on board, and Antwerp became the most important center of European trade. Protected by water area, such as Zyder-Ze and Sleeves, Rhine, Maas and Shelda, attracted fishermen who built small coastal cities. To protect against flooding in cities, construction of durable dams was taken. Divided by the sea of \u200b\u200bthe Earth took under Pashnyi.

When in 1555 Karl V, he renounced the throne, he gave 17 of the Netherlands provinces, as well as Spain with her colonies to his older son Philip, and the sacred Roman empire moved his younger son Ferdinand. Philip II occupied an even more irreconcilable position in the Netherlands separatism. His tough measures taken by the eradication of heresy strengthened the sympathy for his victims even on the part of Catholics, many of which, like Erazm Rotterdam, were supporters of violence. The Netherlands nobility, both large and small, as well as the cities indisted about using Philip II of the country's financial reserves for the hostilities of Spain against France. They caused the perturbation and attempts to the king to remove them from participating in the Board, as well as the fact that he listened to the Councils of Cardinal Granvella, and not more reasonable governors, a consolidated Sister Philip II, Margarita Parm. The most powerful of the nobility, the holders of the Order of the Golden Rune and the members of the State Council, in 1562 they demanded the resignation of Cardinal Granvella. For the first time, the system of the Board of Philip II was questioned, nominated not to the nobility, but to the Spanish army posted on the territory of the Netherlands.

Behind the speech of the nobles in the State Council in 1566, a protest of a small nobility against Polipip II policy was followed. 300 officials of the lower nobles filed a vicar of the petition in which they demanded the restoration of the "liberty" of the country and mitigate the "posters" against heretics. Without having sufficient forces to suppress such a mass opposition, the king sent the granular to resign. However, his determination to subordinate the Netherlands did not weaken, especially after the crowds of Calvinists began to loud Catholic churches. In 1567 Philip II sent the Duke Alba to the Netherlands, who replaced Margarita Parm as a governor. Duke Alba got a task to deal with rebels and eradicate dissent.

Alba arrested and executed the counts of Egmont and Gorna, who headed the noble opposition in the State Council. The most prominent representative of the opposition, Prince Wilhelm Orange, subsequently called Wilhelm silent, fled to Germany, where he headed the resistance and organized military campaigns against Alba. All of them were not crowned with success, but Prince Wilhelm did not stop the struggle. His attempts to resist Albe seemed hopeless, while in 1572 a detachment of "sea goose" did not capture the port of Brill (modern Brill). Soon, all Zealand and Holland, except Amsterdam, were in the power of "sea goose" and their accomplices - "forest goes", mostly militant Calvinists. Representatives of the prosperity segments of these provinces met in Dordrechte in 1572 and recognized Wilhelm Orange with their ruler - Stathauder. Soon after that, he returned to the country and headed the fight against Philip II. Coastal areas, protected from the penetration of the Spanish troops with the sleeves of the Rhine Delta, Maas and Shelda, turned into a stronghold of the rebels. In 1574 residents of Leiden managed to win a brilliant victory over the Spaniards, precipitated the city. Wilhelm Orange became a recognized leader in resistance to foreign domination. He relied on the support of Calvinists, although he defended religious reconciliation and violence, and also defended the traditional provisions privileges. His goal was the expulsion of the Spaniards and the association of 17 provinces of the Netherlands into a single free state.

Attempts by Wilhelm Orange to reconcile various segments of the population were crowned with the convening of general states in Gent in 1576, where all 17 provinces adopted the text of the so-called. "Gent pacification." According to this document, the provinces were united under the leadership of Wilhelm Orange, although the Supreme Power of the Philip King II was recognized. The general states voted for the conclusion of foreign troops, the introduction of a more liberal form of government, as well as for the abolition of "posters" against heretics. However, the new governor Alexander Farneshene, the Duke of Parm, directed by Philipp II in the Netherlands in 1578, prevented the fulfillment of the political course of Wilhelm Orange, declaring the prince out of law. First, Farneshee dismissed the French-speaking provinces of Artoi and Gennagau in the Far Southern South, who joined the Arrask Unia, who recognized the king and the dominant role of Catholic religion in exchange for the provision of political rights to citizens of these provinces on January 6. After that, Farneza conducted a series of brilliant military operations and captured the greatest part of the land south of the Rhine until Antwerp, which surrendered after a long siege in 1585.

Farneza conducted a softer policy regarding Protestants than Philip II, but could not suppress resistance. Several provinces located north of the Rhine, united with the cities of Flanders and Brabant and signed the Utrecht Ulya on January 23, declaring the intention to fight until the end of the political independence and freedom of religion. In 1580 Philip II declared Wilhelm Orange with his enemy. In response, the general states of the seven northern provinces stated that henceforth did not recognize Philip II as a sovereign. The act of lowland of Philip II was signed on July 26, 1581.

Connected provinces.

Several decades have passed before the independence of the northern provinces recognized even their allies, England and France. Since Wilhelm Orange considered it necessary to enlist the patronage of the great powers to protect the country from the Spaniards, the general states appointed the Duke of Anjou new sovereign Netherlands. The search for foreign patrons continued even after the return of the duke of Anjou to France and the treacherous killing of Wilhelm Orange in 1584. The proposal to become a sovereignt of the Netherlands was transferred to the English Queen Elizabeth, but she rejected him by sending it in 1585 to the United Province of his approximate Graph Lester, who was proclaimed by the governor in 1586.

As a stranger Count Leicester led a double game. To the surprise and annoyance of the queen, becoming the governor of the United Provinces, the Graph Lester could not earn the confidence of the provincial states and to understand the important role of the province of Holland and its merchants in the formation of a new state. All leather attempts to take a key position in the government of the United Provinces led to the fact that now the influence of the State Council (in which two English meets) decreased, and the role of general states represented by delegates from the provinces of states has increased. After the return of the Lester's graph in England in 1587, the general states stopped searching for a new sovereign, took over the management of the country, actually putting the foundation of the Republic of United Netherlands. The decentralization of power and enhancing the provinces continued with John Van Oledenbarnweh, the Great Pennsionaria of the province of Holland, and Morice Nassau, the son of Wilhelm's silence, who became Stathauder (Stathauder - First, the provincial official, the state governor in the province of Holland and Zealand, as well as the commander-in-chief of the army in 1585. The functions of the Commander-in-Chief of the Army and the Fleet Stathauder were performed during the war years.

The defeat of Spanish invincible Armada in 1588 joint efforts of the British and Dutch and the brilliant military operations Moritz Nassau on land prepared the ground for the offensive of the Republic of the Republic in 1595, which took several important cities. By the end of the 16th century. The independence of the United Provinces was strengthened and was recognized by the Allies.

In 1609, a truce was signed for 12 years, and independence was actually provided to the republic. Over the next decade, there was an acute struggle between the Great Pennsiosa of Holland Holdenbarnweld and Moritz Nassau. The first was a supporter of violence, traditional autonomy of provinces, the rights of a merchant oligarchy to maintain power in their hands. Moritz Nassau sought to expand his personal power, relying on the nobility and Calvinist consistory. Thus, the toiletrism of Stathauder faced the reluctance of the provinces to give him a part of his power. But the fraction of the merchant oligarchy suffered defeat. In 1619, Altenbarnwelt was arrested, accused of state treason and executed.

War with Spain resumed in 1621. But its character has changed, now it was about the consolidation and expansion of the success of the republic. During the reign of the consolidated brother and successor to Morita Nassau Prince Frederick Heinrich (1625-1647), the territory of Flanders and Brabant, south of the Rhine, passed under the authority of the general states, was seized by an important fortress Maastricht on Maus. The Republic did not participate in the struggle between Protestants and Catholics in Germany (during the so-called. Of the thirty-year war), but focused on the protection of its eastern borders. In 1635, France entered war on the side of the United Provinces. The Dutch won several important marine battles with Spain, which was eventually defeated. According to a peace treaty, signed in Münster in 1648, Spain fully recognized the independence of the Republic of the United Provinces. This agreement, which was part of the Westphalian peace treaty, laid the end of the period that the Dutch is called the eightieth war. He began with the uprising 1568 against Philip II, he moved to the war for the independence of seven northern provinces and ultimately coincided with the completion of the pan-European conflict - the thirty-year-old war.

The conclusion of the world with Spain, however, did not give the republic of the long-awaited rest. It seemed that the country could again be involved in the War with Spain, when Stathauder Wilhelm II Orange, the son of Frederick Herrich, tried to implement an armed coup in 1650 to shift supporters of the Republican party of the Dutch merchant oligarchy, traditionally opposed military conflicts. After his death in 1650, when the Republican opponents of the Orange dynasty again came to power, they abolished the post of Statchwood from 1634. In the second half of the 17th century. The republic was involved in the war with England (1652-1654, 1665-1667, 1672-1674) and France (1672-1678, 1688-1697, 1701-1713), which were competitors of the United Provinces in politics and trade. During the first of these wars, the British, obsessed with revolutionary fervor and had a powerful fleet, caused a crushing defeat of a weakly prepared Dutch army and a fleet. Restoration on the throne of Charles II in 1660 instead of the world led to an even greater strengthening of rivalry between England and the Republic and the next war. However, this time the connected provinces won a number of victories over english fleet. Karl II persuaded to conclude an alliance with them and Sweden in 1668 to prevent France to conquer the Southern (Spanish) Netherlands during the Devolutionary War (1667-1668), but the king was obsessed with revenge. In 1670, he concluded a secret alliance with the King of France by Louis XIV and in 1672 untied new war against the connected provinces.

Over the period of the so-called. The first brand, Yang de Witt came to the political arena, the golden of the Dutch merchant oligarchy, from 1652 - the Great Pennsionary (Prime Minister) of the Republic. De Witt achieved removal from the authority of Prince Wilhelm Orange, the son of Stathawder Wilhelm II, born a week after the death of his father, and provided the suppression of repeated insurgents of oranges, including those provoked by British agents after the second English-Dutch war. His higher achievement was victory over England in this war (1666), wanted to the sea well equipped with a Dutch fleet. During a powerful popular uprising of 1672, who broke down after the attack of France to the republic, Jan de Witt was removed from power (later he was confused by a crowd, incited oranges), and Wilhelm III was elected Admiral, Commander-in-Chief and Stathauder.

Wilhelm III continued the war with France, despite the strong opposition in Holland and especially in Amsterdam. In 1674, the Dutch won the sea, coming out winners from the Second English-Dutch war, but they hardly restrained the penetration of the French to the inner provinces of the republic. Only the skillful foreign policy of Wilhelm III and his marriage in 1677 on the daughter of the English king Yakov II allowed the republic to create a new union against France and without losses to get out of this war in 1678. Having entered into the English throne in 1689, Stathauder Wilhelm III managed to rall the strength of both countries against Louis XIV. Naturally, in wars Augsburg League And in the war for Spanish legacy, the United Provinces united with England vs. France. However, the victory over France, crowned with the Utrecht world of 1713, expected the republic itself, which, as in 1648, was again burdened with huge debts. Moreover, France became an opponent instead of England, the Dutch fell mainly to fight on land, giving birth to the British the advantage of the sea.

Golden age.

Despite the permanent wars, the 17th century. There was a period of the heyday of the Netherlands economy. Netherlands merchants dominated in the domestic European markets, the Baltic and Mediterranean Seas, in Germany and the United Kingdom. Pissing Antwerp, Amsterdam became the center of European trade. Dutch fishing vessels prevailed on the North Sea. The republic has extended its influence on distant overseas territories and thanks to the unusually enterprising Eassets and West Indian companies seized the colony on in Southeast Asia (starting with the seizure of Portuguese possessions) and in America. The Netherlands East India Company (OIC), founded in 1602, enjoyed the trade monopoly in the indian and quiet oceans. The OIC kept competition from the British and sent large loads of spices and other exotic goods to Europe. On behalf of the general states of the OIC, he had the right to announce the war and the conclusion of the world, could build a coin in the colonies of the city and fortress, to conclude contracts with the native authorities, to appoint officials. Her colossal profits were of great importance for the accelerated economic lift. Achievements of the Netherlands West India company were more modest. Initially, she was engaged in trading slaves and kaperism, i.e. seizure of Spanish and Portuguese courts. The reference points of the activity of this company were in settlements in the Caribbean and in the colony of New Holland (on the site of the modern states of New York and New Jersey), which in the 1660s the United Provinces gave way to the British.

The activities of most Netherlands were largely related to overseas trading. Construction of ships using mechanical saws using windmill energy, sugar production, clothing manufacturing, banking, wholesale and retail facilitated cities prosperity. In the countryside, where rich dairy farms have come long ago, made cheese and oil for sale in the city and for export. The greatest part of the grain remaining the main food, had to be imported from the Baltic countries.

Wealth allowed the United Provinces to create an unusual state device. Political power belonged to general states and state council. Having one vote in general states and having the right veto, each province remained almost completely independent in solving its internal issues. Provincial states with which general states were considered in their decisions, in turn depended on the decisions of urban magistrates. Magistrate members were not elected, but were appointed vacant posts by other members. It was a frankly oligarchic system. Magistrates were taken predominantly from rich families, and appointment necessary people Favorable posts became the main source of income for members of the magistrates. Nevertheless, as the republican rule authorities, magistrates were protected from the Oranian princes, who, being Stathauders (representatives of the central government in the provinces) and the Commander-in-Chief of the Army, personified monarchical power. The confrontation of unitary monarchical strength in the face of Stathauderov and the Republican system, which was represented by the Pennionary of Holland, existed for 17-18 centuries. And yet the princes from the House of Orange - Nassau sought to create such a monarchy, in which the traditional constitution would be preserved, and inherent in privilege provinces.

The government's policy was aimed at the development of trade and navigation, as well as to ensure the security of the country. In the Netherlands, trading interests and the main philosophical principles were harmoniously combined, which favored the acquisition of the Dutch of personal freedom and was an unprecedented phenomenon for Europe of the time. The Netherlands Reformed Church received recognition of the state and was not taxed. It was allowed to preach almost all of the Protestant sects, including Lutheran and Anabaptists, as well as the Jews, although adherents of these religions were usually not appointed to government positions. Although the activities of the Catholic Church officially misunderstood, with the unlawful patronage of the authorities, half-closed services were allowed. Freedom of the press and freedom of expression were not absolute, but censorship was less strict than in other European countries.

In the 17th century In addition to the Dutch themselves, immigrants, such as Hugenot, who contributed to the development of the Netherlands culture were found in the country. At this time, such talented writers, like Yost Van Den Vontell, Konstantin Högens, Peter Cornelis Hoft, Jacob Katus and Herbrand Bredero. In addition to the Great Rembrandta, there were such painters in Holland as Jan Vermer, Jacob Van Ryutsdal, Yang Walls and France Hals. In philosophy, Baruch of Spinosa and Hugo Grounds became famous. Outstanding architects were Jacob Van Campen and Hendrik de Cayzer. Among the prominent figures of science, we note the biologists of Yana Swamemerdam and Anthony Levenguka, Mathematics Simon Stewina and Physics of Christian Guigens.

Decline in 1700-1795.

After the death of Wilhelm III in 1702, the Netherlands entered into the second period of Bessthathauncher Board (1702-1747). War for Spanish legacy was hardly reflected in the country's economy. Although the republic could still support the economy at the level achieved in the 17th century, France and especially England already went to the first roles in Europe. In international relations, the Netherlands adhered to neutrality, which contributed to the stabilization of the domestic political situation in the country and gave advantage of trade with warring states.

In 1723, the heir to the orange dynasty, subsequently known as Wilhelm IV, was recognized by the Stathauder only three provinces and the region of Drenthe. The remaining four provinces decided to adhere to the existing form of the Board - the authorities of the merchant oligarchy and regents. English diplomacy and the desire of England strengthen the power of Stathauder did not enjoy popular among the Dutch Regents. Great power They had trade-house sentiment. In 1741, the republic was involved in the war for the Austrian legacy (1741-1748). Worsening position in the country and invasion french army The territory of the Netherlands contributed to the rise of orange sentiment in the republic, and in 1747 Prince Wilhelm was proclaimed by Stathauder of the United Provinces, Captain General and Admiral of All Armed Forces of the Republic. In 1748, Stathauception began to be inherited.

The restoration of Orange authorities had to spread the philosophy of enlightenment in Europe, which was criticized by the idea of \u200b\u200binheritance of privileges. The ideology of enlightenment was adopted formed in the Netherlands in the second half of the 18th century. Party "Patriots". "Patriots" performed for holding in the country democratic transformations And the overthrow of the state of Stathader. In 1785 they managed to take power in their hands, and Stathauder retired from his affairs left Hague. Thanks to English support and assistance, Prussia, the fall of 1787 Stathauder was restored in his rights. "Patriots", hoping for the help of France and not received it, were forced to retreat.

Napoleon's era.

After the return of Wilhelm V in 1787, the Patriots began persecuted in the United Provinces, and many of them fled mainly to France. Leaders of the Netherlands Patriots (Dandeles, Van Gof) played there not a last role in pre-revolutionary agitation, and several years later, together with the French Revolutionary Army, they returned to the Netherlands to continue the case started in the 1780s. After the invasion of the French revolutionary troops in the republic in 1795 Wilhelm V fled to England. In January 1795, the Government formed by "Patriots" proclaimed the Batav Republic. Instead of Utrecht Uly, a new constitution was introduced, guaranteed more centralized management, although with some concessions to historical provinces. The main achievement of the Party of Patriots was the modernization of the country's political and social system. As a result of wars on the side of France against England, the Batava republic lost a significant part of their colonies.

The Batava Republic existed to 1806, when the French emperor Napoleon turned it into the Dutch kingdom, putting on the throne of his brother Louis Bonaparte. However, the new king in a much greater extent took into account the interests of their subjects than the interests of their own brother, especially during continental blockadeAnd ultimately in 1810 Napoleon removed him from power. The Netherlands were attached to the French Empire and ceased to exist as an independent state. After the defeat of Napoleon in the battle near Leipzig in 1813, the French were expelled by the 5-thousand Russian corps under the command of A.H. Benkenforef in November 1813, in the same year by the temporary government headed by Karel Wo Hohentdorpom, the son of the last Stathawder Wilhelm V Prince Wilhelm Orange was proclaimed The sovereign state owner of the Netherlands under the name Wilhelm I.

Kingdom of the Netherlands: 1815-1914.

After the final defeat of Napoleon in 1815, European powers gathered at Congress in Vienna and to create effective protection from France, decided to unite the Netherlands with the Southern Netherlands into the United Kingdom of the Netherlands under the rule of King Wilhelm I. 15 years after the battle with Waterloo steel for the country, the period of progress and prosperity. Most of the colonies were returned, the industry developed a rapid pace.

Wilhelm I played an important role in turning the Netherlands in modern state. However, the new Constitution practically did not limit his power. The two-bearet parliament (general states) did not actually manage the finances of the country, colonies and their management. Wilhelm I was granted the right to appoint members of the Upper Chamber and to form a government. The independent provincial system was eliminated, all power belonged to the center. At the same time, economic liberalism was combined with moderate monarchical authoritarianism, which accelerated the adaptation of the Netherlands to the conditions of 19 V. The country flourished as long as the crisis has come in relations with the southern provinces.

In the southern provinces, Wilhelm I met resistance. Walloni responded to attempts to recognize the Netherlands state, and although some Flemis agreed with the preservation of their language in literature and mass culture, others preferred to speak French. Catholics equalized in the rights with Protestants were unhappy with their secondary role in the government, which was practically completely Protestant and in composition, and in spirit. Southerners expressed dissatisfaction with insufficient representation in the legislative bodies. The opposition forces were united, and under the influence of the July Revolution of 1830 in France, a revolution began in the Southern Netherlands, demanding at the beginning of autonomy for Belgium (as the southern provinces were called now), and then its complete independence. Attempts by Wilhelm I again, the resistance of the Belgians themselves, and the diplomatic opposition of the great powers, prevented Belgian. In the London Agreement, 1839 Wilhelm I formally recognized the independence of Belgium. After that, 11 northern provinces remained in the kingdom of the Netherlands

In 1840, the king renounced the throne. His son Wilhelm II tried to continue the policy of his father, but faced a powerful liberal movement. In 1848, when the revolution was raised in Europe, Wilhelm II was forced to go on the revision of the Constitution. The draft of the new Constitution was prepared by a liberal historian and a state-owned by Johan Rudolph Tórobeck. The new Constitution limited the power of the king, the government became responsible to the general states whose authority was expanded. Wilhelm III, who became the king in 1849, appointed Torbek by the head of the government, which took several liberal laws, including the expansion of electoral law.

History of the Netherlands last third 19th century It was characterized by a continuation of the struggle between the two main parties - liberals and conservatives. The most hot debates flared up when it was about the colonies. The Colonies of the Netherlands in Southeast Asia (Indonesia), returned by England after the Vienna Congress, significantly replenished the state treasury. However, under the influence of criticism in the address of the exploitative methods of the Dutch colonial administration, there was a transition from forced natural payment (so-called "" cultural systems ") to traditional taxation. The Netherlands needed 35 years to suppress the local population uprising on Sumatra.

At the end of the 19th century In the Netherlands, fierce disputes between the church and the state on education were not ceased. On this soil there was a new political union. Catholics, who worked closely with liberals in the previous decades, opposed them in public financing issues, which the liberals insisted, only to schools were provided to those schools where religious education was not allowed, and joined the Protestant political parties demanding the provision of equal state aid as confessional and secular schools. In the same period, especially in the 1880-1890s, the rise of national culture is noted. Big successes were achieved in painting, literature, music, architecture and science.

World War II and interwar period.

During World War I, the Netherlands adhered to neutrality policies. The life support of the country largely depended on foreign trade, but due to the sea blockade had to rebuild the economy in such a way as to produce a greater part of the necessary products on its territory. To prevent hunger, the government was forced to introduce a strict distribution system. Nevertheless, during this period, important political reforms were carried out. Regardless of the level of welfare, all citizens of the country were guaranteed social security, and all adult men (1917) and women (1919) were given the right to be given. The discussion on school education was completed by the adoption of the "conciliation" law 1917, which ensured equal state subsidization of both confessional and secular primary schoolsthat took this question from the agenda. Nevertheless, the Netherlands society was increasingly organized on the basis of religious ideological oblats. Not only schools, but also trade unions, unions of employers, newspapers, sports clubs and almost all other voluntary organizations gradually divided into three "parties" - Catholic, Protestant and general, which included liberals, conservatives and atheist socialists.

After the war, social and political reforms continued. However, during the economic depression, which began in 1929, reducing production, price increases and unemployment increased political tensions. The Nazi party emerged, which received support in circles of the bankrupt shallow bourgeoisie and rural residents, as well as conservatives. Ultimately, the Social Democrats united with religious parties and liberals and in 1939 created a coalition government.

The Second World War.

Despite the statement of the Netherlands about neutrality, the German troops invaded the country on May 10, 1940. The Queen of Wilhelmin and the government emigrated to London. At first, the Netherlands provided the Germans to the Germans, but the forces were too unequal and from May 15 in the country the regime of the occupation authorities headed by Reikhskyist A.Zeis-Inquart was established. The Netherlands were released on May 5, 1945. During World War II, about 240 thousand Netherlands died in the Netherlands, Indonesia and other places as a result of hostilities or occupying measures. The Jewish population of the Netherlands underwent cruel persecution. The country operated the movement of resistance oriented on the allies.

Post-war period.

After the end of the war, the government was engaged in the restoration of the economy, the revival of the country and the strengthening of economic relations with the countries of Western Europe. The development of the heavy industry continued. Netherlands, always famous for their cities, now turned out to be one of the most important urbanization centers in Europe; The whole territory from Dordrecht and Rotterdam, through Delft, Hague, Leiden and Harlem, to Amsterdam formed a huge conurb called Randstad.

For the post-war Netherlands, the question of the fate of the colonies was very relevant. After independence proclaimed by the Republic of Indonesia (1945), relations between the two countries remained tense, since Indonesia insisted on the transfer of the Netherlands New Guinea (Western Irian), which remained under the Dutch control. Relationships even more aggravated when in 1957 the Government of Indonesia began to nationalize the Netherlands property. It caused a strong damage to the economy of the Netherlands, since Netherlands investments in Indonesia exceeded $ 1 billion. In 1962, the relations with Indonesia were broken, the Netherlands troops were sent there. The voltage was removed only after an agreement was reached on the transfer of Indonesia of Western Iriana. In 1975, independence was provided to Surinam, who was under the authority of the Netherlands from 1667.

After World War II, the Netherlands became an active participant in the integration of Europe. In 1948, the Customs Union was created Benilyux, which included Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. In 1960, the Economic Union Benilux, aimed at the full economic integration of three countries, began to operate. The Netherlands also acceded to the European Association of Coal and Steel in 1952 and UES (now EU) in 1958. In 1949, the Netherlands became a member of NATO, refusing the traditional neutrality policy.

Political leadership in the country after the war passed to the Catholic People's Party. Catholics went to the coalition with the work created in 1946 and formed the government that existed until 1958. They united with other religious parties and liberals from 1958 to 1973, when the left-center coalition came to power headed by the Labor Party. In the late 1960s - early 1970s, small political parties arose, who challenged the traditional "confessional" parties. The Catholic People's Party was able to preserve the electoral parity with the Labor Party by entering the union with two major Protestant Party. This alliance was called a Christian-democratic appeal (HDP).

After the elections, 1977, the HDP became the head of the Centerful Coalition (which included liberals included). The program of this political coalition emphasized the need to limit the expenditures of the government and increasing the competitiveness of the Dutch goods in the global market. HDP began to lose its influence in the 1990s, and in 1994 for the first time after 1917, Catholics were not included in the government.

In 1976, the very existence of the monarchy in the Netherlands was the question. Supports Queen Juliana Prince Bernhard turned out to be involved in the scandal with payments of large amounts to the American aviation enterprise for military deliveries, but contrary to the desire of some opposition representatives, the Queen still took over, and the continuity of the monarchy was confirmed. In 1980, Queen Julian at the age of 71 renounced the throne in favor of his older daughter Princess Beatrix.

Netherlands at the end of the 20th - early 21 centuries.

Having victory in the parliamentary elections, the Social Democratic "Labor Party" (PT) in the block with small left-handed parties "Democrats-66" and "Political Party of Radikalov" came to power. However, her leader Joop Den Oil had to form a coalition with the participation of the Catholic People's Party (KNP) and the "anti-removal party" (ARP). An unstable government was constantly shocked by the disagreements between partners. In 1973, the country survived difficult days In the period of the global oil crisis. In 1975, the independence of Surinam was provided. In 1977, the government coalition broke up, and Den Oil appointed early elections. Three Christian Parties of the Netherlands (KNP, ARP and the "Christian-Historical Union") were united in the Block of the Christian-Democratic Call (XDP, in 1980 transformed into the Political Party of the same name). Fri achieved success, but D-66 and PPR suffered severe defeat. The new cabinet formed in December 1977 the leader of the HDP Andreas Van Agte, who invited the right-wing liberals from the "People's Freedom and Democracy" (NPSD) to participate in it. Andreas Wang Agta's government, possessing the minimum majority in the second chamber, tried to carry out a cautious course, avoiding sharp changes in domestic and foreign policy. It went on some restriction of spending on social needs, education and health care, and also at the same time increased defense costs. The main disputes in the country's political circles during this period caused the issue of accommodation in the Netherlands of American nuclear missiles of medium-range. Opposition PT, D-66 and other left parties strongly rejected these plans. Opponents of rockets organized powerful protest demonstrations. In the elections held in May 1981, the ruling coalition lost the majority in parliament.

In September 1981, Wang AGTU managed to form a new left center government from representatives of the HDP, PT and D-66. But in October, it was faced with a crisis due to disagreements on financing a plan to reduce unemployment. In May 1982, the office left PT, without consistent with the measures of tough economy in the socio-economic sphere. After conducting early elections, the Rudolfus Government (Rouuda) of Lubers was formed, in which the HDP and the NPSD were again entered. The new government continued to reduce state regulation and social spending, began to implement a wide privatization program, reduce taxes from entrepreneurs, and in 1985, despite opposition's objections and mass demonstrations of protest, achieved a decision on the parliament to accommodate American medium-range rockets in the Parliament ( It was canceled after signing the agreement between the USSR and the United States in the con. 1980s).

Thanks to the reduction of government spending and freezing salaries with civil servants, the Government of Lubers has achieved a decrease in the budget deficit. This allowed him to keep in power after the general elections held in 1986. In 1989, the coalition broke out due to disagreements on the financing of the environmental protection plan, and after the elections, Lubers shaped the office with PT. Partners have agreed on the next measures to reduce government spending, as well as increasing taxes and prices. In subsequent years, HDP insisted on a decrease in social assistance and unemployment benefits, salary freezing, a number of other benefits and payments. In 1991, an agreement was reached on the reduction of the army by 1/3 over the next 10 years. Parliament voted for the possibility of the exercise of euthanasia of hopeless patients and the legalization of prostitution.

In the elections held in May 1994, both ruling parties suffered a serious defeat. The leader of PT Willem (VIM) COC formed in August Government of the so-called. "Lilovna" coalition with the participation of Social Democrats, the right-wing liberals (NPSD) and the Party of D-66. The new government continued to reduce social spending (benefits for children, unemployment benefits, etc.), but promised to create new jobs. In 1996, the Parliament voted to cancel compulsory insurance, due to which disease benefits were paid. However, the overall improvement in the state of the economy helped the Coca government to remain in power and after the 1998 elections. The office faced the next crisis in 1999, when the Party D-66 declared the exit from the coalition after her proposals were rejected on political reforms (direct elections of mayors and changing the electoral system). The Prime Minister managed to agree on the restoration of the ruling bloc. After terrorist acts in the United States in September 2001, the Government of the Netherlands announced its support for the policy of war against terrorism. Parliament approved the participation of the Dutch Armed Forces in providing peace in Afghanistan (without direct participation in hostilities). In April 2002, the Coca government resigned after sharp discussions that broke out after the Dutch parts were charged in the fact that they did not prevent mass violence over the civilian population in the Bosnian city of Srebrenica in 1995.

The general elections in May 2002 were held in the atmosphere of rapid growth in the popularity of the extreme right supporters of limiting immigration from Muslim countries. Perfect a week before the vote, the murder of the leader of opponents of IMMIGRATION FORTEP only contributed to the growing of public sympathies in favor of his movement. In the PT election suffered severe defeat, being in fourth place (23 places in parliament). HDP won 43 places, "List of FTein Pima" - 26 seats and NPSD - 24 places.

In July 2002, the representative of Christian Democrats Prime Minister of Balekenend created the government with the participation of the members of the Forte List and the NPSD. Cabinet approved American plans military operation against Iraq, reducing government spending, subsidies for public transport and to create new jobs. But the aggravation of disagreements in the office between representatives of the "Foreign list", Christian Democrats and the NPSD led to the fall of the government in October of the same year. After consultations with the political leaders, the Queen of the Netherlands appointed early elections for January 2003.

After the election, there were long negotiations on the formation of a new cabinet, as a result of which the balkenende managed to agree on the coalition with both liberal parties - NPSD and D-66. Created in May 2003 The government began to fulfill duties in the context of economic difficulties and unemployment growth. It has reduced medical aids and expenditures on the nursing homes, limited wage growth, canceling the binding of wages to increase the profit. In September 2004, after exiting D-66 of the deputy of Vilders, the government majority in the second chamber decreased to 2 seats. When in March 2005, the first chamber voted against changes to the Constitution that allowed the possibility of direct choice of mayors, the Minister of Constitutional Reforms, a member of D-66 TED, the Count resigned, and two other ministers from this party declared determination to leave the coalition. After negotiations with partners, the Prime Minister still managed to maintain the government. The new test for the political elite of the Netherlands was the referendum of 2005, during which the majority of votes rejected the project of the European Constitution.

Another political shock for the country was the resignation of the government of Balkenend in February 2010. The reason was the differences in the Afghan issue. Parliament in 2007 decided to complete the conclusion of the Dutch troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2010. The main supporter of the withdrawal was a labor party. However, the Prime Minister of Balkenend and Christian Democrats began to insist on the further discussion of the issue. As a result, the labor party came out of the government, and the left-centrist coalition broke up. The Prime Minister announced the resignation of the government. Queen of the Netherlands Beatrix February 23, 2010 stated that on June 9, 2010 general elections will be held in the country.

In the parliamentary elections, which took place in June 2010, the Ploulebean "People's Party for Freedom and Democracy" won the victory. The party leader since 2006 Mark Rutte was headed by the Coalition Government, which included the "People's Freedom and Democracy", "Christian-Democratic Call" and the ultra-making "Freedom Party".

On April 23, 2012, Rutte resigned, in connection with the disagreements that arise the differences in the package of anti-crisis measures. They had to be aimed at reducing the state budget for 16 billion euros. The "Freedom Party" refused to support this bill, because the leader of the party believes that the country does not need to keep the budget deficit in the limits established by the European Union.

M., 1964.
Silver L.R. Netherlands. Essays country studies.M., 1973.
Oshis V.V. History of the Netherlands Literature. M., 1983.
Nikulin N.N. Art of the Netherlands of the XV-XVI BB. L., 1987.
Busygin A.V. Winning sea. About Holland and Dutch. M., 1990.
Silver L.R. Netherlands: traditions and modernity. M., 1990.
Tsoregorodtsev A.N., Asoyan E.B. and etc. How to make a business in the Netherlands. M., 1995.
Shatokhina-Mortrentseva G.A. Foreign policy of the Netherlands 1713-1763. The formation of Dutch neutrality.M., 1998.
Shatokhina G.A. Netherlands in the new and the latest time. M., 2002.
Shatokhina G.A. Netherlands from ancient times to end of XVI in. M., 2004.

 Scholitsa: Amsterdam

Geography: The state with a total area of \u200b\u200b42 thousand kv.km. In the northwest of Europe. In the East borders Germany, in the south with Belgium. In the north and west is washed by the Northern Sea.

Big cities: Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Hague, Utrecht, Eindhoven, Groningen.

Time: Loading from Moscow for 2 hours

Nature: The lowest country of Europe, in all languages \u200b\u200bis called "lower lands". B. h. Countries - flat lowland plain. OK. 40% terr. Lies below ur. m. (separated from the sea dunes, dams and dams, turned into Polders) and is under constant threat of flooding. The shores of the North Sea in the north of the country are raised with shallow bays (Eiselmer, etc.), along the coast - a group of Western Frisian O-Greats. West Bank aligned, sandy, in the southwest - the total Delta PP. Rhine, Maas, Shelda. In the south-east - the spies of Ardennes (sum up to 321 m). Rivers are full, many of them are shipping and connected by channels. OK. 70% terr. Netherlands - Cultural Landscapes (settlements, Pashnya, Sown meadows). Wide and pine forests (b. Seeded) forests occupy 8% terr. Along the coast and in the East - heather's empty, thickets of sea buckthorn.

IN national Parks (Velulusoma, Kenneurian dunes, de-Hoge velor), reserves are protected by numerous birds (the Netherlands lie on their annual migration), some mammals (deer, badgers, foxes are preserved. In the rivers, canals and the sea coast, a fish is replete, on sea shallows - oysters.

Climate: The country is located in the zone of moderate climate. The average temperature of the cold month of January + 2c. The hottest month is July, the temperature is about + 17c. There are not many precipitation, about 800 mlm. in year.

Political system: Constitutional monarchy, head of state - Queen. At the monarch there is a deliberative body - State Councilwhose members are appointed by the ruling monarch. Legislative power belongs to the Queen and general states (parliament), consisting of 2 chambers (first and second). The first (75 deputies) is elected by provincial states based on a proportional representation for a period of 4 years. The second (150 deputies) is elected by the population for a period of 4 years. The executive authority belongs to the Queen and the Cabinet of Ministers led by the Prime Minister (the leader of the party or coalition who climbed the majority of votes in the parliamentary elections).

Administrative and territorial division: 12 provinces.

Population: 16.15 million people (2003). Mononational country, sv. 96% - related peoples: Dutch, Flemis and Friezes; 3.5% of the population are foreigners, mainly refugees from Muslim countries. Flemish people live in the south of the country, friezes - in the north. The Netherlands rank first in the population density in Europe - 388.9 people. 1 km2 (in the province of North Holland and South Holland 800-950 people. per 1 km2).

Language: Official language - Dutch. In the province of Friesland, the official language is also possessed.

Religion: Believers - Catholics (40%), Protestants (34%).

Economy: Highly developed country with advanced industry and agriculture. The country occupies leading places in the world in the areas of greenhouse farms, the production of poultry meat, eggs, milk, butter (1/5 of world exports), cheese (many varieties are the names of the Netherlands cities and villages). The main cultures are potatoes, sugar beets, grain are grown. From 17 century In the Netherlands, the "tulip fever" began, the memory of which remained in the form of the current flower abundance. The Netherlands are a recognized world leader of sales of cut colors and floral bulbs and other planting material obtained mainly by cloning. Center - Harlem City.

Industry is developed both producing and processing. The rich fields of natural gas (Groningen deposit) and oil (in the district of Hague and Schuebek, in the North Sea) are under the control of the Transnational Corporation "Roalyal Dutch-Shell". The world-famous concern "Philips" owns the enterprises of the electro-technical and electronic industry (Eindhoven), chemical engineering is developed in Amsterdam and Utrecht. The Netherlands occupy the 3rd place in the world according to the total tonnage of the merchant fleet and are one of the leaders of shipbuilding (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Schidam, Flissinggen). The Netherlands give up to 1/10 world exports of chemical products: production of nitrogen fertilizers, ethylene, ammonia, synthetic rubber, plastics and pharmaceutical products. The food industry is highly developed. Exported meat-dairy products, confectionery (especially chocolate), beer.

From own car brands - DAF company (trucks). In the Netherlands there are large enterprises to assemble cars "Volvo" and Mitsubishi. Amsterdam from 17 V. He is a world leader in diamond grave.

The Netherlands play an important role as one of the centers of world communications. Rotterdam is one of the world's largest ports in the world. The Netherlands airline KLM takes the 7th place in the world for the carriage of passengers.

The Netherlands are one of the global financial and shopping centers. It was here that the first stock exchange (Amsterdam) was founded.

Main attractions: Holland itself, 40% of the territory of which is located below the sea level and it is literally "created by" people, can already be considered a self-sufficient monument of culture. The entire coastline of the country is surrounded by a whole system of protective dams and other hydraulic structures, the total length of which exceeds 3 thousand km. The cities of Holland are masterpieces of medieval architecture, connecting majestic cathedrals, scenic channels, ancient houses, churches, town halls and off-line facilities. Color plantations are the "business card" of Holland, in the spring almost the whole country is covered with a multicolor carpet of flowering plants, which in contrast with a constantly gray sky of the sea coast, creates an indescribable flavor of this land. Another integral part of the Dutch landscape is mills, many of whom still perform their functions.

Amsterdam ("Dam on the Amstel River") - the city of hundreds of channels, through which more than 600 bridges roll up, the most beautiful of them - Blauburg and Maher-Bruges ("Skinny Bridge"). Channels - an indispensable attribute of all excursions in the city - from the water you can explore most of the sights of Amsterdam, hundreds of picturesque bridges, feel the spirit of the city and its indescribable atmosphere.

Most of the city's excursions begins from a beautiful red brick building with a clock and a vane in the neo-neothic style - the Central Station (XIX century), separating the city itself from the old Harbor hey. Streets and "Grachti" - Canals of Amsterdam, including the main street of the city - Damurak, on which you can get to the historic center of the city - the "Quarter of the Big Channels" from the station. His singles channels ("defensive"), Heerengraht ("Lord Channel"), Kaisersgraht ("Imperial"), Princenght ("Channel of Princes") and many others, divide the city on 90 islands. "Quarter of big channels" is first of all the famous Dam Square, the center of attraction of "informals" from all over the world, on which the Royal Palace with a Huge Museum is also located (XVII century, the royal family now does not live here), the monument of freedom (1956 , Based on the foundation capsules with the land of those countries where the Dutch was fought), Nywe-Kerk ("New Church", 1408, was repeatedly rebuilt) - the location of the Netherlands monarchs, and the famous Madame Madame Tussao museum. Nearby Building Building Berlagi (1897 - 1903), which served in the Middle Ages, the Wooden Tower of Munta with Spires and Quarants (1620), the zero point of sea level reference for the whole world is Amsterdam's futers, a complex of buildings of the East India Company, One of the most interesting buildings of the city is the house of ships, the Museum of Torture and the Museum of Sex on Damrak, as well as numerous picturesque residential buildings of the XVI-XVII centuries.

In Amsterdam, a huge number of churches, among which the oldest church of the city is highlighted - Gothic Ude Kerk (1300, "Old Church") in which organ concerts are regularly held, the largest Renaissance Church in the Netherlands - Westerkerk ("Western", 1619 g .) With the grave of Rembrant, the first Protestant Church of the country - Zyudkerk ("South"), Nordererk ("Northern", 1620-23) and the world's largest Portuguese synagogue in the world (1675), as well as one of the biggest European Catholic Cathedrals - Amstelkring (XVII century), in which the museum is now located.

Amsterdam is one of the largest artistic and museum centers of the world. You can visit the largest Art Museum of Holland and one of the best in Europe - Reyxmüzeum (1885, Flemish painting XV - XVII century), Dutch Historical Museum in the East Wing of Rexmüzeuum, Museum of Contemporary Art Strettelik (Contemporary Art), Van Gogh Museum with the most The world's large collection of its works (about 200 paintings and 580 drawings), Rembrant Museum in the XVII century building. Amsterdam's historic Museum, the famous Museum of Tropics, Anna Frank Museum, Numerous Museums of Diamond Factory, Heineken's Breeding Museum, Cabinet Cabinet, Jewish Historical Museum in the United Building of 4 synagogue, the only Museum of Hashisha, Marijuana and Cannabis at Udziyds Akhterbürgwalle, as well as a tattoo museum located in the next building and many other, no less than original assemblies.

In addition to historical and cultural monuments, many guests attracts the famous "quarter of the Red Lights" opposite the Central Station and the magnificent trading points of the city - from the "flea markets" of Watreluplain and Spain Square, "Flower Bazaarov" along the Single and Mountain Square (Mustplain), to chic jewelry Stores Bonfire Daimonds, Amsterdam Daimonds Centr and others. Traditional places for shopping are the districts of Kalverstet, Nywe-Wendiyk, Rockin, Dushstart, Leidsent and Viiselstrat, as well as the areas of Jordan and Magna Plaza. Market complex Zvart Markt, located 15 km. north of the city, considered the largest market in Europe.

In the zandam laying 20 km. To the north of Amsterdam, it is necessary to visit the house of Peter I and the architectural museum under the open-air "Zandam in the XVII century.". The north of Zanda is located the famous Alkmar ("surrounded by water") is the only city in the world, where medieval cheese fairs have been preserved to this day and even the guilds of the bearers of cheese. Interesting narrow medieval streets, numerous city canals, St. Lawrence Cathedral and Gothic Town Hall. There is also a beautiful museum of cheese, the Cancers Museum Complex Chance, the National Beer Museum in the building of the Old Brewery, the Netherlands Chimney Museum and the City Museum of History and Arts.

Lying to the west of Amsterdam City Harlem from the XI to XIII centuries. There was a residence of the Dutch Palatzgrafs, and therefore is saturated with histories of history and culture no less than Amsterdam or Hague. City Center - Grotto Markt Square, surrounded by picturesque medieval buildings. Here are the town hall, the Church of Sint-Bavo with the grave of France Hals and the famous authority (1738), the Old Harlemskaya Laddle (1608) is located nearby, which is now located the city museum of Chals. The Episcopal Museum, the Museum of Industrial Art in the castle of the XVIII century, the Church of Grote Kerk (XV - XVI centuries) and old "meat rows" (XVII century).

Hague (graphenhage) is the residence of the government, parliament and the royal court, the third largest and one of the oldest (1248) cities of the country, although the status of the city of Hague received only 1811. This is the city of officials, diplomats and pensioners. There is also a palace of the world in which the UN International Court of Justice. Around the ancient castle Binnenhof (1248), in which the Parliament of the country is now sitting - general states, the historic center of the city lies. In front of the castle, on Plain Square, a monument to Wilhelm I Orange, and around - a lot of beautiful architectural and historical monuments - the building of the Tribunal Ridderzal (XIII century), a medieval Guhevageport prison (now there is a museum of the Inquisition), the Ministry of the Colonies, the oldest city of urban Passage (1882 - 1885), Ministry of Justice and DE Witte Literary Club. Nearby is the palace of former governor of the Netherlands in Brazil - Mauritzhais (1633-1644), which hosts one of the best art galleries of the world - the Royal Art Gallery with the meeting of the works of Dutch and Flemish masters of painting XV - XVII centuries. - Rembrandt, Vermeer, Hals, Wall, etc. Nearby, on the Town Hall Square, placed the Gothic Old Town Hall, Berlage Exchange, and the most famous Cathedral of the city - the church of Grote Kerk (XV - XVI centuries) with the coat of arms of the Knights of the Golden Runa depicted on the front The symbol of the city is a bell with a stork image.

The Queen's residence is located in the Köninkalk Palace of Nordende (1533 - 1655), which in the summer is open to free visits (the queen itself lives in the Hays-Ten Bos Palace). Another landmark of the city - Madodam Park, a kind of open-air museum, in which almost the whole country and all its monuments are presented on 1: 25, and all these skillfully performed layouts operating! Also interesting is the ultra-modern quarter of the residence, over the creation of which the best architects of the world worked. Many tourists are attracted by Napoleon Bonapart Vallian Church (1807), House-Museum Spinoza, Unique Candy Museum and Caramel Haagsha Hofye, Old Catholic Church (1722), Palace of the World (1913), Prince Wilhelma Picture Gallery V, International Press Museum, Postal Museum and Costume Museum, as well as an aquarium and a maritime center, where the underwater tunnel and excellent ecological expositions are acting on the bottom of the ocean.

Not far from the Hague, the world famous sea resort of Schwäningen and the old city of Delft (1246) - the birthplace of the famous Dutch white-blue porcelain, famous along with this Renaissance Town Hall (1619) with a sentinator, monastery of St. Agatha (XIV .), Chapel of St. Ippolit (1400), the Church (1250) with the "Falling Bell Tower" (1325), as well as the National Museum of Lambert Van Merten and the Gothic Church of Nywe-Kerk (XV - XV centuries) With the graves of the members of the royal dynasty. It is said that the Market Square of Delft, with the 109-meter bell tower of Nywe-Kerk - the most beautiful in the country.

Rotterdam, the largest port of Europe and the second largest city of the country lies on one of the northern sleeves of the extensive Delta of the Rhine - r. Lek. For the first time, the chronicles mention him in 1238, and by 1340 Rotterdam was already one of the significant cities in Europe. The old town was almost completely destroyed during World War II, so the old monuments were almost preserved, but the restored modern Rotterdam strikes guests with bold architectural solutions and business activity.

The most surviving part of the city is the district of the Delft port - DelfTShaven, saturated with narrow streets, canals, old buildings and windmills. Here is the first "skyscraper" in Europe - Hat Witte Hace (45 m., 1898). The territory of the old port is tightly surrounded by new buildings. In the center of the city, the bronze museum of Prince Handrick, a bronze monument "Creek" ("devastated city" surrounds) in memory of the old town destroyed by the fascists, the historical museum in the Palace of the XVII century, Kunsthal building (exhibitions artwork XIX - XX centuries) and a building in the form of a tower with a lighthouse - the famous Museum of Boyman Wang Beningen with the best collection of Flemish masters of the XV - XVI centuries. You can visit the City Cathedral of St. Laurentgerk (XVI century) with the monument to Erasmu Rotterdam installed in front of him, or the largest town hall in the country (1920), a monument to Peter I on the shore of Maas, as well as the mail and stock exchange. Over the city rises the bulk of the broadsword Eornomast (1960, 185 m.), At the top of which the rotating observation deck is located with which the majestic panorama of the city and the huge port is located. In Klockgen's quarter, an excellent botanical garden is located, and leading to the business center area, you can admire the modern high-altitude buildings of banks and offices, many of which are only in meters lower than the Eornomast. Among the museums are interested in the Academy of Arts, Conservatory, Museum of Ethnography, Museum of Entomology, Historical Museum and Wonderful Rotterdam Zoo.

Utrecht is an ancient university city located in the center of the country. Feature Cities - bunk canals associated with numerous bridges with adjacent houses, which in the Middle Ages served warehouses - loads from the barge on the warehouses turned directly. Now the terraces of the first tier are turned into numerous charming cafes and restaurants, and the channels themselves serve, for the most part, for entertaining walks and rest. The "Business Card" Utrecht is the oldest Gothic Cathedral of the country with the highest in the Netherlands by the spire - Domkers (1254 - 1517), and the town hall (XIX century), the famous University (valid from the XVII century), Museum of Coins, Museum Societies of art and science, railway Museum, Central Museum (collection of works of art of the beginning of the XVII century), medieval residential buildings and one of the largest collections of medieval art in the Museum of Christianity.

Maastricht, one of the most ancient cities of the country and administrative center Limburg Province lies in the south of the country, on the border with Belgium. One of the main attractions of the city - the remains of the defensive line Van du Mulin (walls, bastions, underground mining gallery, etc.), as well as a labyrinth of 20 thousand caves Sint-Petersburg, also used as the inches and warehouses during numerous ocead of the city . No less interesting guarding as architectural monuments Medieval Burgers houses "Old Town", narrow streets and bridges, the most ancient city gates in the Netherlands (1299), Town Hall (XVII - XVIII), the symbol of the city is the Cathedral of Sint Servas (Sint Servaskerk, VI century) , Many museums - Episcopian, art and antiquities, Bonntenten Art Museum, as well as the most beautiful Romanesque Basilica of the Netherlands - Church of Onz Live-Frauwe (or Onz Live-Violence, XII century) on the Square of the same name. Not far from Tilburg is a unique Safari Park and Amusement Park Eufethetng.

Lying in the north of Groningen is famous for its churches - St. Martin (XIII - XVI centuries) with a tower (XVI century), AA (XIII century) and Nywe-Kerk (XVII century), as well as the remnants of the Roman settlement. Groningen Maritime Museum and the original Tobacco Museum are considered one of the best in Europe, and in the library of the city is kept in the Latin translation of the New Testament, made by the Erasmus Rotterdam with the notes of Martin Luther.

Along the northern coast of the country, the province of Friesland and Wadden Islands, interesting, first of all, with their "wild" landscapes, dunes, numerous lakes, pine forests, marine resorts and secluded villages, which preserved the originality of the culture of the ethnic group of friezes living here. The capital of the province - Leuwarden, is interesting for its ancient bastions, the Palace of Justice, Town Hall, the best collection of porcelain and faience products of the country in the estate of Maria Louise Hesse-Kassel and a unique Frisian museum telling about the artistic traditions and culture of this interesting province. In the village of Walcloster there is a branch of this museum with a wonderful collection of toys. In the bottom - another museum of Frisian folk art, in Forecker - a unique planetarium (XVIII century), his university (who was considered the second in due date after Leiden) and the building of the oldest student hostel. In the snack there is a Frisian Museum of Waving and an excellent yacht club, and in Collum - luxurious houses in the traditional style and a majestic town hall (XV century). De Kennermenen National Park (Kenneurian Dunes) occupies more than 1000 hectares of a natural dune section on the North Sea coast, being one of the few areas with natural vegetation, a plurality of small ponds, as well as beautiful pine and leaf falling forests with natural fauna.

The largest National Park of the country - de Hoge Velul is known, among other things, one of the largest museum of sculpture in Otterlo in Europe is more than 20 hectares of the masterpieces of the most famous European wizards of the twentieth century, as well as the richest private art collection. Cherler-Muller couple.

In the Netherlands, many medieval fortresses, palaces and castles have been preserved. The fortress Ammesienne (XIV century) is famous for the exposition of items found in the excavations in the fortress Rive, Middakhten Castle (1190. Rebuilt in the XVII century) - one of the few fully preserved together with the entire situation medieval castles Countries, Valkenburg built on the rocky basis (1100) and is famous for the system of underground strokes leading to an extensive labyrinth of the caves, the castles de Haar, Breda (XIV century) and others are also interesting.

Historical essay: The modern Netherlands is the northern provinces of the historical Netherlands who separated as a result of the struggle against the domination of the Spanish Habsburgs. In 1579, seven provinces concluded Utrecht Ulya, which agreed on the future federal political structure of the country. The core of the Anti-Sispan resistance was the province of Holland. Formed soon as a result of the Netherlands Revolution, the Republic of the United Provinces was often unofficially called Holland. It was the first republic in Europe in a new time. Legislative authorities belonged to general states. At the head of the country stood Stathauder - from the Orange House, as Prince Wilhelm Orange stood at the head of the Anti-West armies. Wilhelm III Orange (1650-1792) became the last Stathauder. The Republic of the United Provinces has achieved great success in shipbuilding and led trade with all of Europe. The Dutch West Indian Company, having received the monopoly law of trade and colonization in America and West Africa, seized part of Brazil, a number of West India Islands, part of the eastern coast of North America, where the city of New Amsterdam (now New York) was founded. A number of reference points of the company on the west coast of Africa became bases for Dutch slave trade. Holland led trade even with Japan closed for all Europeans. It was in Holland that King Peter I came to teach ship skills. But to confront such strong powers as England and Portugal, the Dutch could not and lost a significant part of possessions by the middle of the 18th century. In 1795, the country seized the revolutionary France, the dependent Kingdom of Holland was formed here. After the overthrow of Napoleon in 1815, Holland was transformed into the kingdom of the Netherlands, but only partially recovered the economic potential.

In the First World War, the Netherlands did not participate, during the second were occupied by Germany in 1940-1945. In the postwar years, the country has lost all its colonies (with the exception of Antil) and nevertheless remained one of the most stable and prosperous states of the world. The head of the state - Queen Beatrix, who joined the throne on April 30, 1980. In 1980, Villem Alexander, the eldest son of Queen Beatrix, was officially proclaimed by the Crown Prince.

The Netherlands come in the EU, Benilux, NATO. Modern Netherlands Society has increased tolerance for "minorities", the Netherlands the first of european countries Drugs legalized, euthanasia.

National holiday: April 30 (Queen Beatrix's birthday).

National domain: .Nl

Travel Rules: The country is included in the Schengen zone. For entry, it is necessary to have a passport and a visa obtained on the basis of an invitation. There are no restrictions for movement in the country.

Customs regulations: Import and export of currency is not limited. It is prohibited to import and export without a special permission of objects and things representing historical and artistic value, weapons, drugs and animals, flower bulbs without a certificate of health issued by the phytopathological service of the Netherlands, as well as non-confined meat products (other non-conformed products are declared).

When importing goods from outside the EU, it is possible to import no more than 200 cigarettes, or 100 small cigars, or 50 cigars, or 250 gr. Tobacco, 1 l. Alcoholic beverages Fortress over 22% or 2 liters. Alcoholic beverages Fortress up to 22%, up to 250 ml. toilet water, 50 ml. perfume, 500 gr. Coffee, 100 gr. Tea, as well as other goods worth not higher than 60 euros. Restrictions on the importation of goods from the EU countries are absent if the goods are imported exclusively for personal use and the tax paid with them.

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