Organization of distance learning. Modern forms of education: distance learning – “what’s inside it?” and “how does it work? What companies use distance learning?

For the successful functioning of subsidiaries, a certain level of informatization of society is first of all necessary.

The following educational services can be provided with the help of educational institutions:

· training courses;

· getting an education;

· continuation or improvement of professional education;

· certified programs;

· contract programs based on orders.

Potential consumers of the subsidiary system are:

· persons living in areas remote from university centers;

· persons wishing to improve their qualifications, acquire new knowledge or obtain a second education;

· applicants;

persons with disabilities physical capabilities;

· military personnel and members of their families;

· persons wishing to receive education in foreign educational institutions;

· persons seeking to master the educational program in a short time, etc.

Consumers act as listeners (when receiving additional education) and students (when studying in specialist training programs). Consumers must have computer and Internet skills.

The educational process at preschool education is provided by the following specialists:

· teaching course developers and teaching consultants (tutors);

· administrators and managers structural divisions and system administrators of information resources;

· designers and programmers;

· technical support staff.

It is important to note that many DO specialists also perform their functions remotely.

Specialists must have appropriate qualifications.

The material basis of the subsidiary is computer and telecommunication equipment and communication channels. DO software is installed on global network servers. Another name for the software and information complex is the DO shell. The network address of the shell is called a portal (educational portal) - this name has taken root on the Internet behind popular and visited web systems.

Educational portal, however, does not imply an idle visit, but authorization and daily work: participation in electronic seminars on a forum or chat, receiving assignments and tutor consultations by email, passing tests, etc.

Educational resources of educational institutions can be represented by documents of various formats and purposes. Typical documents are a study guide, recommendations for self-study of the course, tests, and an electronic library (reader). The entire set of documents and means for processing them can be called a network educational, methodological and information complex (SUMIK).

The entire complex of software, communication, information, administrative and pedagogical means is called the information and educational environment. This is a virtual educational institution.

1.2 Global trends in the development of open education

The global educational space has accumulated vast experience in the implementation and use of DL. At the same time, despite the presence of purely virtual educational institutions, DL is recognized as one of the forms of education along with others.

Initially, distance programs were not much different from the correspondence form of education known to us: educational material was offered on paper, students were in contact with the nearest regional representatives of the university (1962, Delhi University, India). There was, however, one significant “but” that distinguished distance education even then from our correspondence education: the student had a choice of course program, tutor, training schedule, etc.

With the improvement of television broadcasting technologies, DL on a television basis has become possible. One could talk about the use of multimedia in the educational process (60s, China).

The real boom in educational activities began at the turn of the 80s and 90s of the 20th century, with the spread of personal computers and global networks.

In the United States, where motivation for innovation is high, by 1999 about 60% of educational institutions used technology distance learning. Any National program There is no development of DL, but there is a wide variety of approaches to DL: from partial use of distance learning to complete virtualization of learning. DO resources are offered as open access (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), and on a paid basis. The creation of free educational resources was made possible thanks to large-scale government support. Many states now provide financial support to subsidiaries both at the national and local levels, understanding the socio-political significance open education.

The USA and Great Britain are on the way to creating a worldwide network of leading universities in their countries. Builds open university space and a united Europe. A number of major meetings on DL issues (1998, Sorbonne; 1999, Bologna; 2001, Salamanca and Prague) allow us to talk about the convergence of European DL from the planned nature of DL in Germany, pre-university DL in France, transitional DL in Eastern European countries.

The main resource of subsidiaries is training courses. Major centers DOs offer from several hundred to several thousand courses.

According to the data, the world's leading centers of subsidiaries are:

· National Center BEFORE France, year of creation 1993, number of students 400 thousand people;

· Fern-University of Hagen (Germany), 1974, 55 thousand people;

· Open University of Great Britain, 1969, 200 thousand people;

· National University Spain, 1972, 124 thousand people;

· Anadolu University (Türkiye), 1982, 300 thousand people;

· Californian virtual university(USA), 1997, 28 thousand people;

· Canadian Open University in Athabasca, 1972, 14 thousand people;

Expert: in area information technologies and educational video

Distance learning systems have been known to university teachers for quite some time. But schools have recently discovered e-learning. With the help of distance learning technologies, you can not only shift a number of routine pedagogical actions onto the shoulders of a computer, but also organize truly high-quality, individual, differentiated learning. Our article today is devoted to a review of the three most famous free systems and three paid ones distance learning.

Moodle distance learning system

Moodle distance learning system

Short description

We will start our review of distance learning services with Moodle - this is one of the most popular distance learning systems in Russia (abbreviated as SDO).

The advantages of this method:

  • you don’t need to install anything - you register and get a ready-to-use system;
  • there is a free tariff;
  • there is support for the Russian language;
  • there is a video conference plugin;
  • automatic update (a small thing, but nice).

However, you may encounter certain disadvantages of the cloud service:

  • a third-level domain that is difficult for students to remember;
  • only 50 registered users (for a school this is very little);
  • there is no way to install your own modules;
  • There are advertisements that cannot be turned off.


Edmodo distance learning system

The next thing we will look at is the Edmodo web application, because... a special service on the Internet that does not need to be installed anywhere. Edmodo positions itself as social network for education or Facebook for education - it is built on the principle of social educational networks, and the interface resembles appearance Facebook.

Characteristics of Edmodo

The operating logic in this application is as follows. The teacher creates a group (in fact, it is an electronic course). The group has its own unique link and code that must be shared with other participants educational process. A group may have learning elements such as notes (in the form of a test or files), quizzes, assignments, and polls. You can import content from other services, such as news feeds from a school website, videos from YouTube, content from other services.

There are no special bells and whistles in Edmodo, but there are simple and necessary elements - a calendar (for recording educational events, a journal for grading, the ability to check homework etc.).

Advantages and Disadvantages of Edmodo

Let us outline the advantages of the service:

  • free;
  • no advertising;
  • simple registration;
  • users are divided into three groups: teachers, students, parents (each group has its own separate registration, its own access code).

There are also certain disadvantages:

  • lack of Russian language - although the interface is simple and clear, English language may serve as a significant barrier to implementation;
  • Edmodo groups cannot be combined, i.e. the student will have a bunch of inconvenient (and they are inconvenient) links, with a bunch of codes;
  • overall arsenal educational elements although sufficient, it is relatively poor - the same tests do not contain additional strategies, there are no thematic tests, etc.

Edmodo has some admin tools. Perhaps they will make it possible to create a unified electronic school environment based on this application, which can significantly facilitate the implementation of DL in an educational institution.

Google Classroom

Remote control system Google learning Classroom

Our review of free learning services ends with an application from one of the leaders in the IT industry. It should be noted here that Google previously had a large number of educational tools in its arsenal. At some stage, Google decided to combine all these tools into a certain platform, which resulted in the creation of Google Classroom. Therefore, Classroom can hardly be called classical system distance learning, it's more like a tape collaboration– the same Google for education, only collected in one place. Therefore, Google Classroom is ineffective, it cannot be particularly surprising, and the organization of truly effective collaboration requires, in my opinion, a lot of effort from the teacher and, most importantly, a significant restructuring of the educational process.

Previously, Google Classroom had a relatively complex system for registering and accessing courses for users, but about six months ago Google opened up free registration and now access to Classroom is as simple as accessing Facebook.

Other features of Google include:

  • using only Google tools (Google Drive, Google Dox, etc.);
  • participants in the educational process create a shared “Class” folder on Google Drive;
  • The Class folder is available for both an individual student and the class as a whole.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of Google's solution are:

  • Russian language support (Edmodo has existed longer and has a better interface, but it never became popular due to the lack of support from the great and mighty);
  • free;
  • brand – everyone knows Google and using the world leader’s products looks solid;
  • Google was created specifically for schools, unlike Moodle, which is more suitable for universities;
  • Google's traditional functions are implemented well: it is possible to publish theoretical material, assignments, give grades in a journal, and there is a calendar.

Let us highlight the disadvantages of this solution:

  • very poor arsenal of educational elements. One of the poorest sets of educational elements. On the other hand, if we consider it as a collaboration feed, then the main thing in Google will be the organization of collaboration, and not controlling elements such as tests (which, by the way, Google does not have);
  • links to Classroom are not convenient;
  • The interface leaves much to be desired.

Quizzes in Google Classroom

There are no tests in Google, so many people create tests based on Google Forms. It is designed to create surveys, but with a little imagination, surveys with a flick of the wrist ..... turn into tests. I recommend trying OnLineTestPad - an independent online service for creating tests.


This is a free service for testing via the Internet. The networked nature of testing means that you store all of the student's attempts, all of their scores, all of their correct and incorrect answers. Let us briefly outline the features of OnLineTestPad:

  • The service has a large number of forms test tasks(no graphical questions only);
    flexible settings (there are educational testing strategies, there are random (thematic) questions, various restrictions, etc.);
  • the main disadvantage is great amount advertising. You can try to disable it using “legal” actions, but this requires additional labor.
  • this service evokes positive responses from teachers and teachers, and is one of the best services for organizing testing.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

The organization of any project begins with a clear understanding of the development goal and identification of tasks, the solution of which ensures the achievement of the goal. So in our case, distance learning cannot in itself be an end in itself. The actual goals of introducing distance components into the educational process should be formulated first. Let’s try, based on experience, to formulate some of them, considering them objective, independent of the point of view of the administration of a particular educational institution

1. Individualization of training. A commonly found goal in the literature (i.e., theory). Sometimes people talk about adaptive learning. Ultimately, this goal comes down to the potential to improve the quality of learning by taking into account individual characteristics students in relation to the statistical average. And components act as a tool for individualization remote technologies. The characteristics of students include: level of initial training, speed of information perception, preferred forms of information presentation, volume and depth of material, motivation to learn, subject area, tendency to group work and a number of others.

2. Personalization of the educational process. The most common goal in practice. The essence is training not within the framework of a study group, where the learning process is somehow synchronized between students (everyone works according to the same schedule), but training students according to an individual schedule. Moreover, this schedule can be quickly changed in accordance with the current employment of the student and his pace of perception of information.

3. Intensification or change in the nature of the teaching resource. Today in Russia, most likely, this is the most realistic motive for introducing distance learning. And, indeed, it has long been no secret that the average age of the teaching staff of higher education, the constantly decreasing qualifications (according to various reasons), increasing hourly load. How can a teacher save his time? How to attract teachers from other universities by providing them with preferential working conditions? With this formulation of the issue, distance learning is perhaps the only way out of the situation, which, unfortunately, runs into the natural conservatism of both administrative and teaching staff.

4. Increasing the quality of training. The first thing that comes to mind when these words are uttered is new learning technologies. Perhaps this goal is the most vague and controversial. There are many emotional arguments for and many concrete ones against. Moreover, the main argument against is historical experience in the form of a countless series of conferences over decades, a whole “army” of professors, associate professors and programmers who believe that their technologies are best suited for this purpose. But, nevertheless, the use of new principles, techniques and technical means, which include access to non-traditional educational materials via CD, Internet, etc., is a manifestation technical progress, should, ultimately, if used correctly, bear fruit.

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5. Capturing new segments of the educational services market (for example, in remote territories). This goal is perhaps the most pragmatic of all. Indeed, if we consider training as one of the types of business ( paid training), then business goals should be set. In this case, distance learning, as one of the means that does not recognize boundaries, saves time for all parties and, because of this, brings, of course, more money into the educational process, acquires special significance. For example, the provision of educational services in those market segments where previously access to the demand segment was difficult due to distance, cost, or an unacceptable mode of service provision (on-the-job training or on a fixed schedule).

6. Preservation and replication of pedagogical experience, knowledge and teaching methods. Indeed, unique original educational courses, delivered by teachers, disappear over time into nowhere only because they are not recorded or archived. Couldn't that serve a purpose? Maybe it should.

7. Reducing the cost of components of the educational process. One of the most pragmatically possible goals. It can be achieved, for example, through electronic rather than printed publication of educational materials. This is economically justified, since printing often cannot be carried out for financial reasons, which, in turn, is determined by both direct costs and relatively small circulations, and the short “lifetime” of such materials. This goal, given existing services like Email can be completely and easily implemented.

8. Mobilization of administrative resources. In our conditions, this goal can be formulated differently - the creation of the right administrative resource. Often historically administrative system is cumbersome, inconvenient or does not meet today's requirements. By creating an alternative to it based on computer technology, you further stimulate the increase in the efficiency of the old administration, exposing it to the inevitability of competition with new technologies.

Objectives of distance learning

Tasks, unlike goals, are solved as they are implemented. The priority of solving problems is determined by the purpose of implementation, existing infrastructure, equipment and budget. Let's look at them briefly.

Compliance with the traditional forms of education adopted in the educational institution, in other words, to what extent changes will affect the existing organization of the educational process and the activities of teachers. The distance learning system, for example, can be considered not as an independent alternative training system, but as complementary to the traditional one, allowing to optimize the educational process in terms of the teacher’s workload. In this case, such integral components of the educational process as training part or the dean’s office will turn out to be secondary in relation to information resources, means of communication and the testing system.

If the distance learning system is considered as a new component, an alternative to traditional education, then, of course, the requirements for the created system must include an electronic dean’s office, synchronization of courses with each other, collection of statistics on the educational process and other traditional functions of the dean’s office.

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Organization of delivery of educational material to students. How to properly, quickly and cheaply organize students’ receipt of educational literature required to study materials, tests, etc. when students are remote from the teacher and, possibly, from the educational institution? To a large extent, the solution to this problem correlates with various technologies for delivering information and related media - the Internet, intranet, ADSL, CD-ROM, video cassettes, case technologies, mailing printed products, etc. and aspects of their application. At first glance, the choice of technical means is not so great (if you do not take exotic solutions, which are usually extremely expensive), but, on the other hand, even the Internet, which has become traditional, integrates more and more different subtechnologies, the consideration of which is necessary for the right choice solutions. When solving the problem of delivering educational materials, it is necessary to pay attention to what type of information predominates - textual, graphic or other, as well as the amount of information necessary to adequately support the educational process.

Certification of knowledge, which exists in the traditional educational process in the form of tests and exams, is implemented in distance learning systems in almost the only way - interactive tests, the results of which are most often processed automatically. There are other types of organization of control and certification of knowledge, such as: test papers and exams completed by students offline. In this case, we are talking about organizing the return delivery of material from the student to the teacher. Here the main critical point is not so much the organization of delivery itself (there is sufficient quantity technical means and proven solutions in this area), as well as ensuring the reliability that the materials received by the teacher from the student were actually prepared by this student without outside help. Today, none of the remote tools provides a 100% guarantee of this. Solving this problem is the main problem faced when implementing a distance learning system. Two standard solutions can be proposed:

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a special allocated place (classroom), the staff of which guarantees the identification of students, their regime individual work at the time of certification and knowledge testing;
personal interest of the student himself, motivated, for example, by payment for learning results.
By correctly redistributing the certification load between the system of self-assessment of knowledge, correspondence assessment and full-time certification, it is possible to build a reliable educational process.

Organization feedback with students during training. If the previous task was clearly related to testing knowledge at a particular point in time during the learning process, then in this case we are talking about accompanying (helping) students during the educational process. The essence of such support is prompt adjustment of the educational process and its individualization.

Therefore, it is important to have constant and prompt communication associated with natural and necessary discussions during the learning process, and with the help of the teacher when analyzing material that requires additional individual comments. To solve this problem, you can use face-to-face meetings, traditional telephone communications, IP telephony, e-mail, bulletin boards, chats, and conferences.

Conducting the educational process. In this case, we should talk about solving the problem of flexibility of the distance learning system, both as a whole and its individual components in relation to the participants (subjects) of the educational process - students, teachers, administration. Each of them makes its own, often conflicting, demands on the distance learning system.

Students may make (perhaps implicitly) demands on the form of presentation and nature of the material, on the depth of elaboration and speed of learning the material, on the frequency and nature of interaction with the teacher.

The teacher would like to modify certain parts of the training course in accordance with his own, author’s ideas about the nature of the material, its relevance, etc.

The administration requires the availability of up-to-date statistics on the educational process, tracking progress, and the quality of teaching and learning.

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This does not exhaust the tasks that arise during the educational process. One of the most difficult tasks in establishing a distance learning system is managing the educational process (dean’s office), which includes recruiting study groups, organizing individual training courses, recording progress, synchronizing the educational process, distributing the workload of teachers, drawing up final reports, issuing certificates, diplomas, etc. At its core, the task is close to the task of document flow and can be successfully implemented using existing specialized systems.

Components of distance learning

The main components when introducing distance learning are:

subject of implementation;
form of training;
training mode;
technological means;
As a rule, when implementing a distance learning system of one level or another, they are based on an already existing infrastructure, including the presence of one or another technical base and the traditional educational scheme for the educational institution. After all, most people intuitively see the introduction of new technologies as a mechanical transfer of traditional methods of organizing the educational process to a new technological base. This point of view cannot be ignored when organizing distance learning, since the subjects of the educational process, both in the role of teachers and administrators, are people who consider distance learning as a continuation of full-time education and who know their subject from the point of view of conducting the traditional educational process. Therefore, it is extremely important to determine what is the subject of implementation from a training point of view. Let's consider the possible options:

a separate training course;
many offline training courses;
interrelated courses within educational trajectory;
the entire distance education system as a whole.
A lot depends on the choice of one option or another.

If a separate educational course is chosen as the subject of implementation, the costs will be minimal; the implementation itself is motivated by a specific teacher and aspects of his work with his students.

In the case of deploying a distance education system, it is necessary to establish the entire technological chain of training, starting with the support of a separate distance course and ending with components related to the preparation and optimization of the class schedule, taking into account various forms of training, all typical and atypical situations, taking into account academic performance, the relationship of training courses, etc. In general, this task is enormous and without will and material support leadership cannot be resolved.

The next parameter is the forms of training. Traditionally these include: full-time, evening and distance learning. Distance learning has its own forms of learning. The student and teacher exist in the educational process both in parallel, using means of communication, and, accordingly, can simultaneously interact with each other (online), and sequentially, when the student performs any independent work(offline). A distance learning system can use either both forms of interaction (parallel and sequential), or can be built according to one principle or another. The choice of form will be determined by the specific types of classes, the scope of the course and the role of the teacher in it.

The third parameter is training modes. These should include modes of interaction between students both within the study group and within the framework of performing work in small groups.

Should students be grouped into study groups, as is traditionally done in, for example, higher school? Or should I maintain an individual training schedule? Both modes are not excluded in computer distance learning systems. The most common modes are those associated with study groups. However, there are successful examples of training on individual schedules. Besides, individual training it is possible both in a mode based on a strict schedule (schedule) and on constant synchronization of acquired knowledge and the curriculum (“until he learns”).

Technological tools should include those solutions that affect the delivery of educational material to students, the organization of feedback and certification, communication between teachers and students, and management of the educational process. Strictly speaking, technical means exist in almost all components of distance learning.

The budget for a distance learning system can be divided into two parts. The first determines the initial investment in the deployment of a distance learning system (including costs for the technical part, software, and the development of the training courses themselves). The second is the costs of maintaining courses (equipment depreciation, channel rental, teachers’ salaries, etc.). Naturally, depending on the complexity of the task, which is determined by the subject of implementation, the ordinal values ​​of budgets for initial investments will vary significantly.

Important aspects related to the budget include not so much the implementation of the distance learning system itself, but rather the specific “filling” of the system with training courses. In this case, you should consider the question of who will be the authors of the courses - your own teachers (in which case you should additionally pay for the work to create high-quality content of the training course) or external teachers (in this case we're talking about actually about purchasing courses).

Another aspect is related to the work schedule of teachers involved in providing and maintaining training courses. Is the teacher permanent? Is it necessary to support the learning process? Does one teacher need to support the course or does he need assistants? How many? Is the support of a distance course constant or carried out at certain time intervals (at the beginning and end of the semester)? These are the questions that need to be answered when considering a particular distance learning option.

Typical problems of distance learning

In conclusion, I would like to note the problems that will be encountered when introducing distance courses or a distance learning system. These include the need for course authors to independently structure educational material, inevitably adapting it to the requirements of a personal computer. For many (especially humanists) this process is not obvious and is extremely painful.

Conservatism of the teaching staff is an equally difficult problem. It is one of the organizational ones and can lead to fatal consequences for the implementation of a distance learning system within an educational institution.

Laziness of the technical staff whose responsibilities include the deployment of the distance learning system. We have found that people with technology responsibilities spend an unreasonable amount of time discussing options rather than taking a proactive approach. Therefore, a competent person is required to deploy a distance learning system.

Opposition from those tasked with implementing distance learning. If a teacher implements individual components of distance learning, he may be told that this should be done within the framework of the corporate standard of the educational institution (and no one knows when this standard will appear!), or that it is methodologically controversial. If you are solving a problem within an educational institution, then there will probably be people (as a rule, not really doing anything, but who love to talk) who will say that all this is nonsense and should be done differently.

The need for constant course support. There is an opinion that, after the implementation of the distance learning system, its support will not be required. This is far from true. You will have to convince others of the need for constant costs in order to maintain and develop the direction of distance learning.

No matter how pessimistic various statements may be, nevertheless, today there are already a sufficient number of implemented distance learning systems. How did you manage to implement them? We think that it is a successful and harmonious combination of potential, opportunities and correct understanding of the role and place of distance learning in the traditional educational process. Not on last place here lies the enthusiasm of the “pioneers” who, having once tasted the originality and promise of modern teaching methods, will further develop this progressive form of teaching.

Distance learning (hereinafter referred to as DL) is a set of information technologies that ensure delivery to students of the main volume of studied material, interactive interaction between students and teachers in the learning process, providing students with the opportunity to independently work on mastering the material being studied, as well as during the learning process. Distance learning is currently claiming special form training (along with full-time, correspondence, evening, external studies).







Federal state educational standards focus attention modern school on the comprehensive development of the personality of each student, training and psychological and pedagogical support for categories of children with different educational capabilities and needs. This formulation means meeting the educational needs of schoolchildren, which:

  • due to deviations in their development or health, they cannot study according to the usual class-lesson system;
  • during a certain period they cannot attend school due to sports competitions;
  • have outstanding learning abilities in various subject areas and need an in-depth level of mastery of the basic educational program.

In practice, schools are often faced with the fact that traditional resources for effectively teaching these categories of students are simply not enough. Then the natural problem of organizing the education of such children arises. Distance learning can help solve the problem.

Distance learning (hereinafter referred to as DL) is a set of information technologies that ensure delivery to students of the main volume of studied material, interactive interaction between students and teachers in the learning process, providing students with the opportunity to independently work on mastering the material being studied, as well as during the learning process. Distance learning currently claims to be a special form of education (along with full-time, correspondence, evening, and external studies).

An education system built on the basis of distance learning technologies best complies with the principle of humanism, according to which no one should be deprived of the opportunity to study due to poverty, geographic or temporal isolation, social vulnerability and inability to attend educational institutions for various reasons.

Distance learning is a consequence of the objective process of informatization of society and education and absorbs the best features of other forms and represents a promising, synthetic, humanistic, integral form of education.

Object of study:Distance learning.

Subject of study:Stages of work on organizing preschool education at State Budget Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 49 in the Primorsky District of St. Petersburg.

Purpose of the study:Planning for the implementation of preschool education in the State Budget Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 49 of the Primorsky District of St. Petersburg.

Research objectives:

  • Study the regulatory framework on the topic of the diploma project;
  • To study existing experience in organizing preschool education in educational organizations in St. Petersburg;
  • Assess the possibilities of introducing advanced education technologies in State Budget Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 49 of the Primorsky District of St. Petersburg;
  • Develop a roadmap for the implementation of advanced education technologies in gymnasium No. 49 of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg;
  • Consider an in-house system of advanced training on the topic “Organization of distance learning in educational organization».

Research methods:analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization, questioning.

1.1 Features of distance learning

In the field of distance educational technologies there is no unity of terminology. In the literature, terms such as distance learning, distance education, Internet learning, distance educational technologies are actively used. These technologies are used to describe the features of distance learning using modern information technologies or traditional postal and fax communications.

Employees of the distance learning laboratory of the Institute of Content and Teaching Methods Russian Academy education is given the following definitions:

Distance learning is the interaction between a teacher and students at a distance, reflecting all the components inherent in the educational process (goals, content, methods, organizational forms, teaching aids) and implemented by specific means of Internet technologies or other means that provide interactivity.

Distance education is education implemented through distance learning.

The concept of “distance learning technologies” is closely related to the concept of “distance learning”. Federal Law of July 1, 2002 No. 110819-3 “On Amendments and Additions to the Law Russian Federation“On Education in the Russian Federation” and the Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education” give the following definition to this concept:

Distance educational technologies (DET) are educational technologies implemented mainly using the means of information and telecommunications, with indirect or incompletely indirect interaction between the student and the teaching staff.

Under "mediated interaction" in this definition interaction at a distance is understood.

It is also necessary to mention some terms actively used in foreign literature:

Computer-basedTraining (CBT) - the use of computers in interactive training and testing;

ElectronicLearning (E-learning) - electronic learning or Internet training, i.e. providing access to computer training programs via the global network;

DistanceCommunication - application communication technologies to implement functions such as organizing meetings, discussion groups, etc., in conditions of remote interlocutors;

Interaction - interaction, exchange of information, ideas, opinions between students and teachers, usually occurring to support learning;

Multimedia (multimedia) - systems that support the interactive use of text, audio, video and graphics converted into digital format.

The distance learning system differs from traditional forms of education:

High dynamism associated with the flexibility of students’ choice of training courses;

Large volume of independent activity of students;

Using all possible forms of educational and methodological support;

The level of motivation of consumers of educational services;

Comfortable conditions of the organization in-depth study specific problems, ensuring alternative ways obtaining information;

Availability of interactive communication.

Distance learning has the following characteristic features

Flexibility presupposes the ability to study at a convenient time, in a convenient place and pace, while the student is given an unregulated period of time to master the discipline;

Modularity provides the ability to form a set of independent training modules syllabus, meeting individual or group needs, to form an individual educational trajectory;

Parallel means training in parallel with professional activity, i.e. on-the-job training;

Coverage ensures simultaneous access to many sources educational information (electronic libraries, data banks, knowledge bases, etc.) of a large number of students, communication via the Internet with each other and with teachers;

Cost-effectiveness involves the efficient use of training space, technical equipment, Vehicle; concentrated and unified presentation of educational information and multiple access to it reduces the cost of training specialists;

Manufacturability means the use in the educational process of the latest achievements of information and telecommunication technologies that contribute to the advancement of humans into the global post-industrial information space, as well as student-oriented pedagogical technologies;

Social equality ensures equal opportunities to receive education regardless of the place of residence, health status, elitism and financial security of the student;

Internationality presupposes the export and import of world achievements in the educational services market, the ability to use global information resources;

The new role of the teacher, who must organize and coordinate cognitive process(act as a manager of the educational process), constantly improve the courses he teaches, increase creativity and qualifications in accordance with innovations and innovations in the field of ICT.

The following abbreviations are used in this thesis project:

ICT - information and communication technologies;

DO - distance learning;

DMS - distance learning systems;

DET - distance educational technologies;

GOS - state educational standards;

EUMK - electronic educational and methodological complex;

OIS is an educational information environment.

1.2 Regulatory and legal support for the organization of distance learning in an educational organization.

Regulatory support for the organization of distance learning in an educational organization has the following structure:

Federal regulations

Regulatory acts at the regional level

Regulatory acts at the local level (intra-school documentation).

Legislative framework for organizing distance learning at the federal level:

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ (as amended on July 3, 2016, as amended on December 19, 2016) “On Education in the Russian Federation” (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on January 1, 2017)

Article 16. Implementation of educational programs using e-learning and distance learning technologies: “Organizations implementing educational activities, has the right to use e-learning and distance educational technologies in the implementation of educational programs in the manner established by the federal executive body.”

Federal target program for the development of education for 2016-2020, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2015 No. 497.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2005 N 137 “On the use of distance educational technologies.”

Legislative framework for organizing distance learning at the regional level:

Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated 06/04/2014 N 453 (as amended on 03/23/2016) “On state program St. Petersburg "Development of education in St. Petersburg" for 2015-2020"

Regulatory and legal support for the organization of distance learning at the level of an educational organization:

“Regulations on the implementation of educational programs using distance learning”;

Order “On the implementation of distance learning and approval of the road map for the implementation of distance learning”;

Order “On the appointment of a person responsible for organizing a subsidiary”;

Order “On the appointment of distance learning teachers”;

Roadmap for implementing distance learning.

Agreement on the development of an educational program in distance learning.

The Regulations “On the Implementation of Educational Programs Using Distance Educational Technologies” should contain the following sections:

General provisions;

Organization of the educational process using additional education;

Rights and obligations of participants in the educational process;

Organization current control And intermediate certification students;

Job description of the person responsible for the subsidiary in the public organization;

Job description of a preschool teacher.

1.3. Options for organizing distance learning in educational organizations in St. Petersburg

The practical implementation of distance learning in OO St. Petersburg is organized using a variety of ICT technologies: from the use of regular email and blog to integrated system like Moodle. Below are examples various options DO organizations in OO St. Petersburg, studied during the preparation of this diploma project.

1.3.1. Experience in organizing distance learning at State Budget Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 528 of the Nevsky District of St. Petersburg.

GBOU gymnasium No. 528 presented an electronic application to the educational program - an innovative product “Content”. This is the author’s option for implementing distance learning. The platform for remote support of the educational program directly covers academic subjects from grades 1 to 11 and is intended for students of different categories at all levels of education (primary, primary and secondary schools). Loading curricula comes from AISU “PARAGRAPH” to ensure data integrity within the information system of the gymnasium. “Content” has 2 electronic applications: “School GLONASS” (a database of competitions and olympiads) and “Test Designer”, with which you can create tests in various subjects, get detailed statistics on mistakes made and the overall rate of mastering the material studied.

Interaction between student and teacher occurs via email and the teacher’s website (page).

The proposed product allows:

To form a single content space of the educational organization and mechanisms for managing it to improve the quality of education;

Provide support for the main educational program of the gymnasium using distance learning technologies;

Go to model continuing education basic category of students with high-quality methodological support using electronic educational resources;

To intensify the independent work of students and expand its range during and after school hours;

To create comfortable conditions for students of different health groups to master the program material, students studying at home or who missed classes for any reason;

Provide the opportunity for in-depth study of subjects for gifted children in accordance with the principles of developmental education;

To increase the degree of satisfaction of students and parents with the educational process at the educational institution.

“Content” is a powerful, innovative, universal and very technological product.

1.3.2. Experience in organizing distance learning in GBOU school No. 683 in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg.

In GBOU school No. 683 of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg, the implementation of distance learning has been implemented on the Moodle system platform since December 2009.

The main goal of organizing preschool education at school No. 683 is to expand educational space for children with disabilities.

Many users can work in Moodle at the same time (their number is limited only by the server capacity). To connect a new workplace to Moodle, no additional costs are required - you just need to connect the new computer to the network (local or Internet).

Today, Moodle is a unique system that is, in the full sense, a shell for connecting training courses from various manufacturers, and fully integrating training courses into the educational process.

1.3.3. Experience in organizing distance learning at GBOU school No. 258 in the Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg.

GBOU school No. 258 of St. Petersburg has been an experimental site in St. Petersburg since September 1, 2015

Distance learning is learning in which its subjects are separated in space and, possibly, in time, is implemented taking into account the transfer and perception of information in a virtual environment, is provided by a special system for organizing the educational process, a special development methodology teaching aids and teaching strategy, as well as the use of electronic or other communication technologies. Distance education allows you to meet the individual learning needs of each person and solve such problems of traditional education as the lack of an individual approach to students, insufficient use active forms learning, directiveness of the educational process, weak motivation for the student’s independent cognitive activity, strict binding to the territory and in time, subjectivity in assessing learning outcomes.

Thus, distance learning can optimally overcome the shortcomings of traditional education and differs from it in a number of indicators:

Increases event attendance through online participants and views of recordings;

Attracts those participants who cannot attend classes due to lack of time or geographic distance;

Provides access to electronic materials and video recordings after the lecture;

Attracts new listeners by giving them the opportunity to free time join an online lesson;

Ensures accessibility and cost-effectiveness of education for all categories of citizens, including socially vulnerable and people with limited mobility;

Provides the ability to select individual training content, as well as the effectiveness and efficiency of training;

Provides the opportunity to choose an individual pace of knowledge acquisition;

Stimulates independent cognitive activity student.

Also, distance learning has a number of advantages over the traditional full-time form:

Greater freedom of access - the student has the opportunity to access electronic courses via the Internet from any place where there is access to the global information network.

Lower prices for delivery of education - the process of delivery of education includes only the exchange of information via the Internet without costs on the part of the student for the purchase of educational literature.

The ability to divide the content of the electronic course into modules - small blocks of information make the study of the subject more flexible and simplify the search for the necessary materials.

Flexibility of learning - the student chooses the duration and sequence of studying materials himself, completely adapting the entire learning process to his capabilities and needs.

Opportunity for on-the-job learning -- Students have the opportunity to receive education on-the-job, as well as at home, on the go using the mobile Internet.

The opportunity to develop with the times - users of electronic courses, both teachers and students, develop their skills and knowledge in accordance with modern, the latest technologies and standards. Electronic courses also allow timely and prompt updating educational materials.

The ability to define criteria for assessing knowledge - in e-learning it is possible to set clear criteria by which the knowledge acquired by the student during the learning process is assessed.

The use of remote technologies requires careful preparation of materials: software, plans, training manuals for program management, manuals, individualization of instructions, and also imposes requirements on technical equipment, information competence students and teachers, to personal qualities student due to the complexity of learning motivation in this form of education. A particular difficulty in preparing for the implementation of a distance course is the problem of student authentication during remote knowledge testing.

Wherein distance courses can be used as a supplement to the main course, as a main course with or without the support of a curator. In addition, various distance learning models can be used:

Full-time + distance learning;

Network learning (autonomous courses or information and educational environment - virtual departments, schools, universities);

Network training + case technologies;

Training based primarily on video conferencing.

Modern distance learning is based on the use of the following basic elements:

Information transmission media (mail, television, radio, information communication networks),

Methods dependent on the technical environment of information exchange.

Currently, interactive interaction with students through information communication networks is promising, from which the environment of Internet users stands out en masse. In 2003, the ADL initiative group began developing the SCORM standard for distance interactive learning, which involves the widespread use of Internet technologies. The introduction of standards contributes to both deepening the requirements for the composition of distance learning and the requirements for software.

SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) is an international standard that defines the requirements for the organization of educational material and the entire LMS. Compliance of e-courses with the SCORM standard ensures the compatibility of components and the possibility of their reuse. The training material is presented in separate small blocks, which can be included in different training courses and used in the LMS, regardless of who, where and with what means they were created. SCORM is based on the XML standard.

List of popular LMSs compatible with the SCORM standard.

ISpring Online;

SharePoint LMS;


Forms of interaction:

Chat classes are training sessions conducted using chat technologies. Chat classes are conducted synchronously, meaning all participants have simultaneous access to the chat. Many distance learning institutions operate a chat school, in which the activities of distance teachers and students are organized using chat rooms.

Web classes - distance lessons, conferences, seminars, business games, laboratory works, workshops and other forms training sessions carried out using telecommunications and other capabilities of the World Wide Web.

For web classes, specialized educational web forums are used - a form of user work on a specific topic or problem using entries left on one of the sites with the corresponding program installed on it.

Web forums differ from chat classes by the possibility of longer (multi-day) work and the asynchronous nature of interaction between students and teachers.

Teleconference - usually conducted on the basis of mailing lists using e-mail. Educational teleconferences are characterized by the achievement of educational objectives. There are also forms of distance learning, in which educational materials are sent by mail to the regions.

This system is based on a teaching method called “natural learning manner”. Distance learning is a democratic, simple and free learning system. Now it is actively used by residents of Europe to obtain additional education. Student constantly performing practical tasks, acquires stable automated skills. Theoretical knowledge are absorbed without additional effort, organically intertwined with training exercises. The formation of theoretical and practical skills is achieved through the process of systematically studying materials and listening and repeating exercises on audio and video media after the speaker.

Telepresence. There are many in various ways distance learning. For example, remote presence using the robot R.Bot 100. Now in Moscow, in one of the schools, an experiment is underway on this type of distance learning. A disabled boy, while at home at the computer, hears, sees, and talks with the help of a robot. The teacher asks him questions, he answers. At the same time, the teacher also sees the student, because there is a monitor on the robot. At the same time, the boy gets an almost complete impression that he is in the classroom with his peers during a lesson. During breaks he can also communicate with his classmates. If the experiment is successful, it could pave the way for a larger project to introduce this method of distance learning throughout Russia.