The problem of adaptation of a young teacher to professional activity. Professional adaptation and professional development of a teacher

Training for young teachers

“Professional adaptation of a young teacher”

"Dozens of young teachers worked with me

I became convinced that no matter how a person successfully

did not graduate from a pedagogical university, no matter how talented he was,

and if he does not learn from experience, he will never be a good teacher,

I myself studied with older teachers..."

A.S. Makarenko

One of current problems In modern pedagogy, there is the problem of the aging of existing teaching staff and the lack of an infusion of fresh young forces due to the arrival of young specialists in kindergartens. Young specialists are in no hurry to get such a responsible job, and many of those who get a job don’t last even a few months, leave their jobs and sometimes leave their specialty forever. One of the reasons that seriously complicates the already painful process of adaptation of a young teacher to working with preschoolers is the difficulties associated with interaction and communication with children, teachers and parents. Misunderstanding of one’s role in relations with teachers and parents, uncertainty and inability to conduct a dialogue, and sometimes a complete lack of communication skills, undermine the sincere desire of a young specialist to devote himself to the upbringing and teaching of young children and form a rejection of his image as a teacher.

In this regard, interactive activities with this category of novice teachers are relevant and simply necessary, aimed at developing practical skills in communication and interaction with children, teachers and parents, which also help to increase self-confidence.

Target: contribute to reducing adaptation problems and successful entry into the professional activity of a young teacher.


1. Create conditions for overcoming the difficulties of beginning teachers in communication and interaction with children, teachers and parents.

2.Help teachers increase their self-confidence.

3.Provide practical assistance in building effective communication with participants in the educational process.

Practical significance The work of the training “Professional adaptation of a young teacher” is to successfully solve the problems of meeting the individual’s needs for professional (as a teacher) self-determination and development, as well as the formation of responsibility and mobility.

Methodological support: Microsoft Power Point presentation with visual theoretical and practical material, pens for each participant, A 4 sheets of paper according to the number of participants, white board, marker.

Event plan:

I. Introduction.

Familiarization with the rules of work of the group of participants.

Exercise “Chips on the River”

Target: liberation of group members, verbal and non-verbal communication, establishing contacts with each other and finding a quick solution to the task.

Description: participants get up at two long row, one opposite the other. These are the banks of the river. The distance between rows should be greater than an arm's length. Chips will now float down the river. One of those who wish must “swim” along the river. Participants in the “shore” game help the movement of Sliver with their hands and gentle touches. When Sliver swims all the way, it becomes the edge of the shore and stands next to the others. At this time, the next Sliver begins its journey...

Theoretical part:

The first years of work for a young specialist are the most difficult. In addition to the readiness to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, it is important for a teacher to be able to adapt to a team.

Adaptation of an employee is the adaptation of an individual to the workplace and work collective. Thus, when a new employee joins an organization, there is an adjustment process. Therefore, the adaptation process can be defined as the mutual adaptation of the employee to the organization, and the organization to the employee. And the possibility of long-term cooperation depends on how successful this adaptation is.

Professional adaptation is the adaptation of an employee to the work performed. It consists in familiarizing and actively mastering the profession, its intricacies, specifics, acquiring professional skills sufficient for high-quality performance of duties, in the formation of some professionally necessary personality qualities, in the development of sustainable positive attitude worker to his profession.

Unlocking the creative potential of a young teacher can be facilitated by awareness of the position they occupy in relation to children. There are several educational positions, each of which can manifest itself in its pure form, but there can also be combinations of different positions.

First position: Karabas-Barabas.

Karabas-Barabas needs obedient and skillful performers for his performances. To achieve his goals, he uses the following methods of influence: whip, shout, dictate, punishment, instruction. Karabas does not teach, but trains, achieving a certain success: the puppets master the set of knowledge, skills and abilities that are needed for Barabas’ performances.

Second position: Malvina

Malvina is a well-bred girl. She knows for sure that she should wash her hands before eating, brush her teeth, read books, etc. She truly believes that everyone should follow these rules. When the child’s behavior does not fit into the norms that she considers the only correct ones, Malvina puts the naughty baby in the closet. The position of the teacher - Malvina leads children to limited mental activity, reproduction of stereotypical ways of behavior and problem solving. This happens because Malvina offers herself to children as their only role model.

Third position: Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood is careless, hoping that everything will work out somehow. The position of the teacher - Little Red Riding Hood - leads children to difficulties in planning and predicting their own actions.

Fourth position: Sleeping beauty

The surrounding reality does not exist for her: she is either indifferent to it or perceives it as an obstacle to her dreams (daydreams). A teacher who takes the position of Sleeping Beauty is actually outside the situation of interacting with children. He leaves them to their own devices.

Fifth position: Hen

The mother hen loves her baby chicks. At first she sits them for a long time. Then he watches over them vigilantly, tirelessly looking after them, showing where and how to get worms and grains. She constantly worries about her offspring, cackling, calling the chicks under her wing, under her vigilant control. A teacher who takes the position of a mother hen causes damage mental development children, constantly taking care of them, doing a lot for them. Children lose the desire to learn; they do not want to learn on their own or overcome difficulties.

Sixth position: Snow Queen

The goal of the Snow Queen is power over the world, and in particular over Kai. “The Snow Queen” skillfully educates her subordinates, children become obedient executors of someone else’s will, they have no desire to do anything according to their wishes. at will.

Seventh position: Mary Poppins

Mary Poppins is a very educated person who talks wonderfully. different stories, well-mannered and accurately imagines how to behave in different situations (both in fairy-tale and real ones). On the other hand, Mary Poppins understands children very well: she understands what they feel, think, want or don’t want, i.e. she knows the children from the inside. Teacher - Mary Poppins is chasing one - the only goal- child development.

Each of the teachers present has his own position of education, but from what we heard, we can conclude: that the most optimal position for a teacher is position No. 7.

II. Practical part:

Exercise: Continue the sentence “During this month I managed...”;

Target: promote the development of the ability to analyze one’s own activities, self-analysis, and have a constructive attitude towards one’s own successes and failures.

Complete the phrases:

    “This month I don’t know how...”

    “I’m afraid to imagine that...”

    “If I had a magic wand...”

Discussion “Me and the parents of my group”

Target: identification of mutual claims on the part of the teacher and parents. (Horseshoe location)

Questions to the participants: “How is communication with parents in your groups today?”; “Do they help you?”; “Do you have any complaints against your parents? Which?"; “Do your parents make any claims against you?” (The assistant writes down the complaints of parents to teachers on the board).

(Approximate “disadvantages” are the difficulties of novice teachers: lack of experience, absence of their own children, difficult to speak in front of parents at meetings)

Exercise: “The joy of communicating with a child”

Target: the ability to conduct fragments of self-analysis, develop creativity and imagination.

Complete the phrases:

    I like communicating with children...

    Long-term communication with children irritates me because...

When playing out situations, the teacher needs to concentrate on his feelings and ways to neutralize negativity towards children.

Mini-lecture “Rules for building effective communication.”

When communicating with parents, you need to remember that communication has its own patterns. The basis of a person’s attitude towards us is laid in the first 15 seconds! In order to safely pass through the “minefield” of these first seconds, it is necessary to apply the “Rule of Three Pluses” (to win over your interlocutor you need to give him at least three psychological pluses /on the board, the educational psychologist writes down the statements and statements of the participants/.

The educational psychologist sums it up: The most universal ones are: a smile, the name of the interlocutor, a compliment.

In order for people to want to communicate with us, we ourselves must demonstrate our willingness to communicate with them. And the interlocutor must see this. A sincere, friendly smile is required!

A person's name is the sweetest and most important sound for him in any language. It is important to use your first name when greeting. Not just nod or say: “Hello!”, but “Hello, Anna Ivanovna!”

During conflicts, wanting to relieve their severity, people subconsciously begin to use the name of their interlocutor more often (they can reach an agreement much faster). Because often we need not so much to insist on our own, but to see that people are listening to us, and to hear our name at the same time. Often a name is the decisive straw for things to turn out in our favor.

In communication, the most applicable is an indirect compliment: we praise not the person himself, but what is dear to him: a hunter’s gun, the parent of his child.

Busy, tired parents are especially vulnerable to their child's good and bad behavior. Therefore, you should not focus on the bad. First you need to talk about successes and only at the end can you tactfully tell about the problem areas of the child.

In addition to these techniques, there are other techniques for establishing good contact with the interlocutor (demonstration of communication techniques together with an assistant):

Along with a smile, a friendly, attentive look (eye contact) is necessary. But you should not “drill” your interlocutor with your gaze.

Short distance and convenient location (from 50 cm to 1.5 m). This distance is typical for conversations between close acquaintances and friends, so the interlocutor subconsciously tunes in to listen and help us - thanks to this distance, we are perceived as “closer” to him. But do not cross the “borders” of your interlocutor’s personal space!

Remove barriers that “increase” the distance in our perception of communication (table, book, sheet of paper in hands).

Use open gestures during the conversation, do not cross your arms or legs in front of you.

Maintain a state of safety and comfort with your entire appearance (lack of tension in the posture, sudden movements, clenched fists, a sideways glance, defiant intonation in the voice).

Use the joining technique, i.e. find a common “I”: “I am the same, I have the same thing!” Use the pronoun “You…” as rarely as possible (You do this!”, “You must do this...!”) Speak more often; “We”: “We are all interested in our children being healthy, able..., knowing...!”, “We are all concerned that children...”, “Our children...”, “We are united by a common cause - this is the education of our children!

Here are the most basic rules for establishing good personal contact and building effective communication and interaction with parents.

Game "Training intonation".

Target: awareness of the importance of intonation to achieve the goal of the teacher’s influence in communication with parents. (Participants are divided into two circles)

Say the phrases:

    I am not indifferent to your child’s success (first round)

    I would like more frankness in our conversation (second circle).

Pronounce these phrases with shades of irony, reproach, indifference, demandingness, goodwill (intonations are indicated on the cards). At the end of the utterance, participants report whether, in their opinion, they succeeded in achieving the goal of the influence; what intonation is most acceptable when communicating with parents.

Psychotechnical exercise “Pressure”.

Target: awareness of different models in communication and interaction with a partner, installation of equal communication.

Instructions: stand opposite each other, raise your arms at chest level and lightly touch your palms to each other. Agree who will be the leader. The leader's task is to apply light pressure to the palms of his partner. Then, switch roles and repeat the pressure movement on the palm of your playing partner.

Express your impressions to each other. In which situation were you more emotionally comfortable: when you pressed or when your partner pressed on your palms?

Perhaps you did not experience pleasant moments either in the first or in the second case (it was unpleasant for you to put pressure on your partner, and it was very unpleasant when they put pressure on you).

Then, try not to put pressure on each other, perform joint movements with the palms of your hands facing each other so that a mutual feeling of warmth arises between you (psychoenergetic contact).

Have you felt how much more pleasant it is to interact as equals rather than to achieve superiority? Do not forget that in striving for psychological pressure to a communication partner (parent, colleague, child), we risk causing him to react not with submission, but with indignation. And instead of helping, he will simply refuse contact with us.

Summarizing. Reflection on the participants' impressions.

Questionnaire "Feedback"

1. Your degree of involvement in a lesson with an educational psychologist (circle):

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2. What prevented you from being included in a lesson with an educational psychologist? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. The most significant (useful) episodes for you, exercises during which you were able to better understand something about yourself, figure something out: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. What didn’t you like about the lesson? Why? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Your thoughts after class ________________________________________________________________________________

6. Your comments and suggestions to the presenter (on the content, form of the lesson, etc.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Distribution of memos.

    Memo for young teachers “Rules of behavior and communication of a teacher in a preschool educational institution”

    "How to win Bad mood»

    “Basics of constructing a conversation with a “difficult” parent”

Alekseeva Olga Igorevna
Adaptation of young specialists in an educational institution

Any educational institution– these are, first of all, the teachers working in it. Behind last years statistics inexorable: teaching staff of schools and preschools institutions rapidly"getting old." The preschool educational institution employs teachers with extensive work experience, some of whom will soon be characterized by "fatigue from the profession", « emotional burnout» . Most of the teachers belong to the age category from 40 to 60 years

Of course, there is a positive aspect to this. Firstly, in adults specialists have extensive experience. For some it is more than 20 years (30%) . This means that the staff of the preschool educational institution is relatively stable and the educators do their job well. Secondly, teachers have great creative potential and excellent psychological preparation. After all, over so many years of work, they met many different children and were able to find their own approach to each.

But, whatever one may say, in educational space of modern Russian society significant innovative changes are taking place. Their goal is to increase the competitiveness of the Russian education and the social and innovative potential of society as a whole. And this role mainly lies on the shoulders of young specialists.

It has been scientifically proven that the initial period of entry into the professional environment specific its intensity, importance for the personal and professional development of a novice teacher. How this period goes depends on whether the newly minted teacher will become a professional and whether he will remain in the field. education or find himself in another business (this situation is in many ways typical for beginners specialists and other areas of activity).

Former student "grows in" and into a new social environment, trying to find optimal forms of interaction with colleagues, students and their parents, with the administration educational institution . The need for a combination of professional and social adjustment to a new environment is a difficult task for young teacher. Successful adaptation in a short period of time ensures high efficiency of his further work. Difficult, protracted adaptation not only has a negative psycho-emotional impact (the emergence of feelings of inferiority, uncertainty, pessimism, neuroticism and psychosomatic diseases, but leads to a decrease in the quality of teaching and interaction with participants pedagogical process and, ultimately, to a deterioration in the teacher’s professional performance. Therefore, the study of processes adaptation, timely provision of real support and assistance young becomes very relevant for the teacher.

Entering into teaching activities, young The teacher finds himself in a new social and professional environment, in new modes of mental and physical stress, in a new sphere of relationships and interaction. In this regard, from the first days of entry into work, before each young specialist including before me, a number of interdependent tasks:

Find optimal options for interaction with all participants in the educational process - students, colleagues, administration educational institution, parents;

Skillfully apply the knowledge and practical skills acquired in a pedagogical educational institution, having previously assessed the level of use innovative methods in the educational process and expediency introduction of innovations;

Rebuild student behavior stereotypes in accordance with changed external social conditions(values ​​and norms of the educational institution’s culture, working conditions, adapt to the new rhythm, regime and priorities of new activities;

Watching "stranger" behavior, assess the conformity of one’s own characterological characteristics (for example, values) and abilities to the requirements of the new social environment, professional activity and, if necessary, try to adjust your behavior.

Consistent solution of the listed tasks is a necessary condition for a favorable subsequent social and professional teacher adaptation starting his working life.

Against this background, one of the primary tasks of kindergarten teams is to provide all possible support to those few young specialists who choose the difficult path of an educator, they must first of all provide pedagogical and psychological support young teacher.

G. A. Berulava emphasizes that the purpose of support is to create the necessary conditions for the most effective development of personality. She notes that support involves supporting natural reactions, processes and personality states.

I. V. Dubrovina understands support as a system of organizational, diagnostic, developmental activities for teachers, parents and students that create optimal conditions for the functioning of educational environment, allowing the individual to self-realize

Concept « adaptation» (from Latin “adapto” - adapt) borrowed from biology and means adaptation to the environment. Labor adaptation is a social process of a person’s mastery of a new work situation, where the person and the work environment actively influence each other and are adaptive - adaptive systems. So way, labor adaptation– a two-way process between a person and something new to him social environment.

So way, social and professional adaptation- this is a process of mastering young skills teacher educational process, norms and rules of behavior - interaction with colleagues, administration, students and their parents.

Traditionally, three types of socio-professional adaptation:

Psychophysiological - adaptation young teacher(all systems of his body) to unusual conditions, scheduled hours of work and rest;

Socio-psychological - joining the work team through the convergence of goals and interests young specialist and group(teaching staff, students, formation of a new psychological stereotype of behavior, correction personal qualities according to requirements pedagogical activity, acceptance of the values ​​of organizational culture, norms and rules of conduct in educational institution;

Professional - active mastery of actions by the teacher (behavior) in accordance with job responsibilities, requirements educational process, specificity student population; addictive young specialist to new conditions, including administrative, legal, socio-economic, management aspects.

In the process of labor adaptation the employee goes through the following stages:

1. The familiarization stage, at which the employee receives information about the new situation as a whole, about the criteria for evaluating various actions, and about the norms of behavior in the team. I successfully passed the first stage, thanks to the administration kindergarten I was familiarized with the basic norms and rules of behavior in the team, was introduced to all employees in a general meeting, and is presented not simply as a new member of the team, but as a competent a young specialist with good education and inclinations, which attracted the attention of the team. Also, at the familiarization stage, I received a lot interesting information at the round table, which was organized by the trade union organization on the topic “On the prospects of professional activity young specialists».

At the first stage, I would suggest introducing some kind of ritual of initiation into teachers, which can be timed to coincide with the day of the preschool worker/teacher. On it you can receive instructions and wishes from the team, various reminders (for example "Memo young teacher» , “Memo for behavior and communication of kindergarten teachers”.

2. Stage of adaptation or formal entry - at this stage the employee reorients, recognizing the main elements of the new value system, but for now continues to retain many of his attitudes. We consider operating to be important pedagogical terms when a teacher is included in practical activities. For a teacher this is reflection, for a leader it is a systematization of his educational work. This allows the beginning teacher to feel like an equal in a professional environment and promotes a sense of belonging. A methodologist and a mentor successfully helped me pass this stage, they competently explained to me all the intricacies of working in this profession and in this educational institution, I always could and can ask them for help.

3. The assimilation stage, when the employee fully adapts to the environment and identifies with the new group. This stage was very interesting, I managed to pass successfully due to various public events (holidays in which I actively participated, general trips with all the teachers, etc.

4. Identification, when the employee’s personal goals are identified with the goals of the labor organization. I think I'm already at the final stage of this stage. The goals of work at my educational institution are clear and understandable to me, and I strive to achieve them through my personal priorities.

I would like to note that the passage of all these stages will be quick and productive if efforts are made not only by the administration of the educational institution, but also by the young specialist.

Social and professional adaptation of the young the teacher is complicated by a number of contradictions. First of all, this contradictions:

Between the main subjects (teachers, students and their parents) educational process in ideas about goals and results education(between parents’ ideas about what children should be given, from the parents’ point of view, and real opportunities Op-amps, which are in Lately decrease sharply; between what the family gives the child and what the educational institution should give from the standpoint of actually preparing children for life); I encountered this problem at the beginning of my professional journey, when my parents made excessive demands on the organization. educational activities children. The methodologist and the manager helped me solve it, and they correctly told my parents about those mods. services provided to children at their age.

Between the proclamation in the documents of the Government of the Russian Federation of an orientation towards individualization education, taking into account the interests and needs of a particular student and the real interest of teachers in increasing salaries, which today directly depends on the number of students, and not on the effectiveness of their activities (professional qualities and performance results) in connection with the transition to a new remuneration system;

Between the content and level of training at a pedagogical university (college) and content, diversity of roles, complexity of tasks, requirements, causing overvoltage and reduction adaptive potential of a young teacher. Young teacher in the process of social and professional adaptation have to master several professional skills at the same time roles: teacher, educator, class teacher, subordinate, colleague, member methodological unification teachers and everywhere need to demonstrate professional competence and skills, which, unfortunately, many lack; I also faced this difficulty. I lacked knowledge on how to correctly draw up a work plan and long-term plan. This was mostly due to the introduction of educational the process of FGT and the university has only just begun to rebuild disciplines according to new standards. I also did not have enough knowledge in early childhood (there were very few of these disciplines, this was evident when I experienced difficulties in my early age group during their adaptation. It turned out that adaptation I went along with the children.

Between the needs of a beginning teacher, his abilities, individual values ​​and norms, the values ​​that most members of the teaching staff demonstrate in their behavior.

And also problems associated With:

Weak motivation for work and further professional growth,

Low psychological climate (stress, conflicts,

Low wages.

If a teacher fails to overcome these difficulties, he often simply leaves the educational institution.

What can you do to be successful? adaptation of young specialists in the teaching staff, which bodies should help with this!

Partners of the State Educational Institution administration in work on adaptation Beginning teachers can be represented by district methodological centers, psychological and pedagogical universities and universities of the Department system education, specialized centers.

It has been established that the greatest contribution to the development of the process of professional development the mentor contributes to the young teacher during the adaptation period, performing a role function "navigator".

Creation of a teaching internship and organization of a teaching internship.

Significant role in ensuring social and professional adaptation beginning teachers are assigned to methodological services educational institutions and regional methodological centers.

In this regard, it is possible to determine the tasks of the CMC in helping novice teachers in the process of social and professional adaptation:

Studying the real professional difficulties of beginning teachers, forming and formulating their current needs;

Information and advisory support for beginning teachers in choosing advanced training programs, in building an individual educational route;

Formation of an information bank educational services for young specialists of the district.

Refresher courses;

Creative laboratories;



Scientific and practical conferences;

Involvement in experimental work.

Participation of teachers of pedagogical universities at the initial stage of mastering the teaching profession with tracking of its most significant problems and difficulties, shortcomings of the received education, etc. d. to provide direct assistance young specialist, as well as for further adjustments curricula universities and institutions advanced training of personnel.

Closing knowledge gaps on economic and legal issues. The competence of the relevant services (administration, mentors, CMC methodologists) includes familiarizing novice teachers with the legal documents regulating their professional activities, revealing their rights and responsibilities, the system of benefits and other advantages.

Security methodological literature, materials forward planning, didactic materials, acquaintance with the methodological room.

Active participation in activities such as institution, and not ego walls (trips, excursions)

Including a rite of passage for teachers

Timely positive assessment teacher's work. Noticing pedagogical successes newbie, be sure to note them out loud. After all, praise lifts your spirits, stimulates you, inspires confidence, and increases interest in your work.

In our preschool institution where I work, most of these components are present, I would like to note the administration’s faith in the forces young specialists. They are happy to rely on us, give us the opportunity to improve their professional level. Even participation in Youth The forum is proof of this. Participation in not only prestigious for me, but also very important at the beginning of my teaching career.

Not a single pedagogical university or college produces fully formed, highly qualified teaching staff. Exactly at educational institution the process of becoming a teacher as a professional takes place. How the period goes adaptation whether he finds it mutual language depends on the team whether it will take place young specialist as a teacher/educator, will he remain in the field? education or find himself in another business. What if his work is painted? positive emotions. Interest in it not only remains, but also neutralizes emerging difficulties, creates a desire to overcome them without causing excessive fatigue and a decrease in mental and physical performance.

List of sources used

1. Appendix 1 to the order of the Department city ​​education from 24.12.99 No. 762 “Regulations on the city council young teachers. Moscow."

2. Department Order education city ​​of Moscow dated January 27, 2005 No. 28 “On establishing additional payment young professionals» .

3. Department Order education city ​​of Moscow January 26, 2006 N 23 (D)“On the creation of a Coordination Council for working with young specialists».

4. Vershlovsky S. G. Psychological and pedagogical problems of activity young teacher. – L.: Knowledge, 1983. – 32 p.

5. Vikhansky O. S., Naumov A. I. Management: Textbook, 5th ed. - M.: Gardarika, 2005. - 528 p.

Collection output:


Voronov Nikolay Andreevich

candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of the department physical education and sports

Yaroslavsky State University them. P.G. Demidova, Mr. Yaroslavl

Borisov Alexander Viktorovich

Ph.D., Head of the Department of Physical Training

Yaroslavl Higher Anti-Aircraft rocket school Air defense (VI), Yaroslavl

Balabin Nikolay Nikolaevich

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Physical Education and Sports

Yaroslavl State University named after. P.G. Demidova, Yaroslavl

Introduction. Adaptation as a process is inextricably linked with information processes occurring today in nature and society. Adaptation is possible only in complex self-organizing open systems that exchange information with the external environment. Our society has entered the post-industrial era of its development, which is characterized by an increasing flow of information, rapid quantitative and qualitative formation of the noosphere. In these conditions, the process of human adaptation in society, in professional activities, and in personal life is more important than ever.

Socio-economic transformations, the integration of Russia into the global system of higher education, the emergence of new values, and an understanding of the importance of education have revealed the need for a new type of teacher, able to quickly navigate the surrounding reality. Changes in society exceed the dynamics of personal readiness to adapt to them. The education system in this situation is designed to help the teacher develop in himself the qualities necessary to become a professionally wealthy, competitive, active individual, capable of adapting to the conditions of modern reality to the maximum extent possible. short time.

Concept of adaptation. From the standpoint of biology and physiology, two contexts of the concept of adaptation are accepted: as a mechanism of evolution biological species, community and as a mechanism for the adaptation of individuals to the influence of the external environment. "Adaptation" (from lat. adaptatio- adapt, arrange) - adaptation of the body, personality, their systems to the nature of individual influences or to changed living conditions in general. Adaptation compensates for the shortcomings of habitual behavior in new conditions. Thanks to adaptation, opportunities are created for the optimal functioning of the body and personality in an unusual environment.

A.G. Moroz allows us to define social adaptation as a multifactorial and multidimensional process of an individual’s entry into a new social environment with the goal of joint activities towards progressive change in both the individual and the environment. In relation to higher education, the social environment for a novice teacher is the teaching teams of departments, faculties, and universities, which must ensure “incorporation, interaction, coordination” of each individual teacher into it.

Psychological adaptation is a process that occurs in response to significant novelty environment, including the motivation of a person’s adaptive behavior, the formation of goals and programs for his behavior. Psychological adaptation gives the dynamics of adaptive activity an individual emotional coloring in accordance with the characteristics of the individual’s psyche.

Professional adaptation is multifunctional in nature. Firstly, it is a necessary condition and, at the same time, a means of optimizing human interaction with professional activities and the professional environment. Secondly, it contributes to human development and is integral part professional development of the individual. Thirdly, it is necessary when a person masters any professional activity.

The process of adaptation of a specialist to professional teaching activities in higher education. Professional adaptation is a long, sequential process, including an initial or preparatory period, which ends with the choice of profession and preparation for future professional activity, and the immediate period of adaptation in the workplace. The preparatory period plays a key role in the success of professional adaptation and provides effective means of managing this process. The first stage of adaptation to professional activity, from the point of view of V. Senashenko, is the stage vocational education. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to consider the adaptation of students - future teachers high school.

1. Stage of higher professional education. IN scientific research The following forms of adaptation of university students are distinguished: professional, socio-psychological, social, didactic, professional-pedagogical, social, socio-pedagogical. The purpose of education is to teach a young person to live in a rapidly changing world, and is largely adaptive in nature. Social and pedagogical adaptation of students is the process of individual adaptation to educational process university, active mastery of norms, values, characteristics of the teaching profession, acquisition of skills and abilities for future professional activity, ensuring the assumption of a new social role, the harmonious entry of the individual into the system of social relations.

Scientists B.G. Ananyev, A.V. Dmitriev, Z.F. Esareva, I.S. Kohn, N.V. Kuzmina, Yu.N. Kulyutkina, V.T. Lisovsky, P.A. Prosetsky, A.A. Rean, V.A. Slastenin, V.A. Yakunin studied the student’s personality from a socio-psychological and psychological-pedagogical perspective. They believe that the student period is the most active in the development of moral and aesthetic feelings, formation and stabilization of character, mastery of the full complex social roles adult, transformation of motivation and system of value orientations, formation of special abilities. Student age is a sensitive period for the development of the basic social potentials of a person. The process of professional training at a university is not focused on the professional adaptation of future specialists and does not fully take into account modern requirements labor market and production to professional competence specialist

2. Master's stage. The preparation of masters in the system of higher professional education should provide specialized fundamental training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel. Better results can be achieved with systematic training of higher education teachers during their master’s and (or) postgraduate studies at universities. This makes it possible to train teaching staff from among the most talented students. In the master's program, learning is carried out primarily through research, which allows us to consider the master's program as a “knowledge-intensive educational institute.” The master's program mainly develops the student's readiness for teaching. One of the most important goals of the master's program is training personnel for teaching activities.

On modern stage development of master's programs in the multi-level education system, a search is being made for a national model of education that would allow Russia to enter a single international educational space while preserving domestic traditions. Master's programs in the higher education system are designed to perform the following main functions: - Educational, since it continues to provide students with the knowledge necessary to carry out certain types of professional activities; - Research, since it is at this level that targeted training is carried out research activities in the field scientific knowledge; - Professional, since the master's degree is intended to prepare graduates to perform certain professional types activities and professional functions - teacher. Master's degree, as follows from state educational standards in areas of higher professional education, is an academic degree that primarily records educational level a graduate of a higher school, the focus of his education on research and scientific-pedagogical activities, as well as the presence of skills and abilities characteristic of a beginning scientist. Further development of a young specialist involves studying in graduate school and preparing PhD thesis. Therefore, with the introduction of master's programs, postgraduate studies acquire an additional margin of stability, guaranteeing the quality of training of highly qualified specialists.

3. Postgraduate stage. Postgraduate studies together with master's programs are designed to solve the problem of reproduction not only scientific personnel, but also teachers of higher education on the basis of scientific-subject, psychological-pedagogical and cultural-educational training. In postgraduate studies, scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel are trained directly in the course of conducting original research. Graduate school should fully become educational institute with the structure of postgraduate education, the main task of which is to deepen the professional training of graduate students on the basis of regular, systematic training, forming them as carriers of new scientific approaches, concepts. Postgraduate studies provide the opportunity to master a professional educational program that provides additional qualifications as a “Higher School Teacher” if this program was not mastered during the master’s degree period. Modern graduate school should orient students towards scientific and pedagogical work and give them the opportunity to receive qualified psychological and pedagogical training.

4. Postgraduate stage. University training of future teachers does not create the basis for creativity, as many researchers note. Professional knowledge is static in nature - it is not transformed into skills: the difference in assessments of knowledge and skills of novice teachers is significant.

A young teacher, entering into teaching activity, finds himself in a new social and professional environment, in new modes of mental and physical stress, in a new sphere of relationships and interactions. A beginning employee is forced to mobilize will, energy, physical strength, restrain emotions, and search for reserves in the fight against discomfort and stressors. At the same time, old stereotypes of activity are broken, new inclinations, beliefs, knowledge, abilities, skills and habits of adequate behavior are formed. For effective adaptation of beginning teachers, the main type of their cognitive and formative professional activity should be recognized independent work, self-education, self-education, self-analysis, self-control, that is, personal adaptive improvement.

Professional adaptation of a teacher: completion or a new beginning? The completion of the period of professional adaptation is individual for each teacher and depends on many factors, but in general it is associated with the concept of “adaptability,” which we define as mastering the norms of professional activity. Achieving compliance with standards ensures high-quality professional activity, optimal performance and is the base, foundation, and prerequisite for development creativity teacher, improving professional skills, forming an individual style of activity.

Adaptation can be considered successful if, during the adaptation of a young specialist, positive results are achieved in professional field(in general, teaching activities have been mastered, a creative approach to teaching methods is being implemented, professional excellence highly appreciated by colleagues and students). In the sphere of relationships and interaction with colleagues, psychological comfort is noted, and the psychophysiological state does not lead to the appearance of neuropsychiatric diseases.

A set of professional, socio-psychological and physiological indicators(health status) can be used for a comprehensive assessment of the quality of adaptation of a young specialist.

Conclusion. We examined the phenomenon of professional adaptation at different stages of a teacher’s preparation for professional pedagogical activity: at a university, in master’s and graduate school, during the internship of beginning higher school teachers, at the beginning of the independent professional activity of a young teacher. Is it possible to say that a teacher’s adaptation stops in the first three to five years after the start of his working activity? Of course not. The process of teacher adaptation should continue continuously, moving to more high level their development, in which such skills as self-analysis and correction of one’s own activities, and personal self-development should become fundamental.

The work examines in detail the stages of continuous professional training of a higher school teacher, the last of which is the mastery of parallel different types and different areas of professional and pedagogical activity, which allows the teacher to be highly mobile in constantly changing external environmental conditions. Here the main parameter is his versatile professional erudition and functional literacy, and the result is professional mobility. The mobility of a higher school teacher is the highest level of his adaptation to professional activity, allowing the teacher to continuously improve as an individual and as a professional.


1. Ashchepkov V.T. Professional adaptation of higher education teachers: problems and prospects. Rostov-n/D., 1997. 144 p.

2. Wenger A.L. Structure of the psychological syndrome // Questions of psychology. 1995. No. 4. P. 82-92.

3. Hans Selye. Essays on adaptation syndrome: Trans. from English M.: MEDGIZ, 1960. 254 p.

4. Egorova L.G. Guidelines for social and professional adaptation of students at a technical university. Kazan, 1983. 48 p.

5.Kuznetsov P.S. Adaptation as a function of personality development. Saratov, 2007. 76 p.

6. Matushansky G.U., Frolov A.G. Designing models of activity, personality and continuous professional training of a higher school teacher. Kazan: Kazan. state energy univ., 2009. 112 p.

7.Moroz A.G. Adaptation of a young teacher. Kyiv, 1990. 52 p.

8. Olshansky V.B. Practical psychology for the teacher. M: Onega, 2010. 268 p.

9.Senashenko V. et al. On the training of teaching staff in the magistracy // Higher education in Russia. 1996. No. 3. pp. 25-33.

10. Khodakov A.I. Problems of professional adaptation of a young teacher // Educational activities young teacher. L.: LGPI im. A.I. Herzen, 1978. pp. 72-89.

11. Sheptenko P.A. Professional adaptation of a young teacher rural school during the internship: Abstract. dis. Ph.D. ped. Sci. M., 1999. 18 p.

Modern all-Russian statistics stubbornly state that the majority of teachers are women with higher education and the highest qualification category, with work experience of more than 20 years, aged from 40 to 50 years. The problem of “aging personnel” becomes obvious. A small percentage of teachers coming to school for the first time are unable to satisfy the request for “rejuvenation” of personnel, so the problem arises of finding and attracting young specialists



Problems of adaptation of a young teacher.

E.S. Danilyuk

GBOU Lyceum No. 369 of Krasnoselsky District

Modern all-Russian statistics stubbornly state that the majority of teachers are women with higher education and the highest qualification category, with more than 20 years of work experience, aged 40 to 50 years. The problem of “aging personnel” becomes obvious. A small percentage of teachers coming to school for the first time are unable to satisfy the request for “rejuvenation” of personnel, so the problem of finding and attracting young specialists arises. Here the institution follows three main paths.

  1. “Growing” personnel from among school graduates. Using the possibilities of targeted recruitment, a certain percentage of graduates from pedagogical universities return to work in their educational institution. As reasons that prompted them to take this step, they cite the example of their favorite teacher, the atmosphere at school, and interest in the profession. These are the most motivated specialists, since their choice was made at the stage schooling. They know the traditions of the school, are familiar with the teaching staff, its requirements, and relationships within. Having the opportunity to begin a professional activity while still a student, they gain experience and master methodological techniques.
  2. “Growing” personnel from among students of higher educational institutions and pedagogical schools. In this case, students who come for practice or simply want to test themselves, understand their capabilities before making a final decision, are hired as teachers of after-school groups. Future teacher understands in practice what working with children is, whether he can devote himself to this profession. In addition, there is an opportunity to “enter the classroom” as a substitute teacher. This is enough effective method personnel selection. Practice gained during the period of work and study allows a person to obtain complete information about the educational institution, its staff, administration, traditions, requirements, etc. In addition, the administration also has time to make a decision on future fate young specialist.
  3. Establishing connections with pedagogical higher educational institutions and colleges. This is the most ambiguous path. The motivation of the future teacher in this case can be very different: from “they just don’t hire you anywhere” to “I really love children, I feel that this is my calling.” The only conditional “guarantee” is the educational institution from which the teacher is a graduate. In this case, it is very important that the request educational institution for a young specialist coincided with the personal characteristics of the teacher candidate. Often graduate presentations pedagogical university have little to do with the realities of school education.

Whatever path is used, as a result of hiring a young specialist, we are faced with problems associated with the motivation and adaptation of the teacher.

When getting a job, young teachers often find themselves in a situation of heavy workload. In this case, the novice teacher does not have time to recover and works under constant stress and fatigue. All this is accompanied by the constant need to master new types of activities. This scenario causes negative feelings and, as a result, leaving the education system. Therefore, the creation of socio-economic and organizational conditions a necessary and important condition for motivating beginning teachers. However, this is not the main thing. The problem of attracting teachers will be solved if joint efforts are made by the entire staff of the educational institution. Not all teaching teams are ready for cooperation and partnership.

The period of entry into professional activity is called professional adaptation. “This is the process of an individual’s entry into a new social environment with the goal of joint activity towards progressive change in both the individual and the environment.” .

There are several aspects of employee adaptation to a new environment:

At first, a young specialist should receive constant help and support from the administration of the educational institution, colleagues, and methodologists. A situation in which he is left alone with a class, lesson, school creates unbearable conditions for a young specialist.

One more aspect of working with young specialists should also be noted: the professional and social career of a teacher. A teacher, especially a young one, must see and understand the prospects for his professional growth. It is necessary to create conditions for the teacher to enter into pedagogical community not only, and maybe not so much, his team. Competitive movement, advanced training, work in creative groups, innovative activities, mastering new pedagogical technologies etc. The world of a teacher should be broader than one educational institution, where often his professional activity boils down to the fact that he masters some competencies, and then he actually falls into the “teacher’s routine.” Purposeful teachers with good methodological support - human resource potential modern school. “The school needs to attract ambitious, growth-oriented people. Not more men and women, neither young nor old, but simply more ambitious people, because ultimately this will shape the ambitions of those who study at school ».

Young professionals.

Working with young professionals, of course, depends on the personal characteristics of the teacher. But there are a number of activities required for a teacher’s adaptation to the profession and teaching staff. At the first stage, the young teacher is introduced to the school, its structure, local documents, teaching staff, internal regulations, and initial and introductory briefings are conducted at the workplace. The deputy director and the manager conduct a series of interviews. The teacher-mentor helps at the first stage to understand the basic requirements for the work of the teacher and class teacher, introduces the main actions of the teacher, the degree of responsibility of the teacher for the results of his work. This stage covers from one to two months (1 quarter).

Taking on a position requires the young teacher to become familiar with the activities of the school, methodological association, and psychological service. Support and communication with experienced colleagues play a particularly important role. The methodological association and the teacher-mentor provide assistance in matters of teaching methodology, the specifics of the educational process and the assessment of student learning outcomes. Most often, young teachers face methodological and organizational problems due to the lack of any theoretical basis. Difficulties begin from the first day of school. In this connection, at this stage it is important, together with an experienced teacher-mentor, to clearly plan your activities in the lesson in order to understand your goals, to see not only and not so much your activities as the activities of the students.

At the second stage, the young teacher is involved in the work of creative groups organizing school-wide events. It is imperative to develop a sense of independence and responsibility as a teacher in new profession and the team: fulfillment of public assignments, appointment as responsible in parallel. During this period, the teacher-mentor and deputy director regularly attend lessons and invite experienced teachers to lessons. A schedule of visits and mutual visits to lessons is drawn up.

Also at this stage, the young teacher undergoes a mandatory certification procedure for suitability for the position held. This adaptation period covers the first half of the year.

The results of these stages of professional adaptation of a young teacher are the creation of an atmosphere of dialogue (not so much control!), the teacher understands who and with what question he can turn, get help and advice. As a result of interviews and questionnaires, the administration receives primary information about the adaptation process: the success of professional activities, relationships with teachers, parents and students, psychological comfort, remuneration, solving everyday issues, the need for advanced training. Based on the conclusions made, the following tasks are formulated.

Psychologists identify two main behavioral strategies for a novice teacher: passive and active. “A passive strategy is characterized by the subordination of the individual to the interests and demands of the environment. People are not confident in their professional competence and are not ready to change their existing lifestyle. People are not confident in their professional competence and are not ready to change their existing lifestyle. Not rare crisis situation causes them to feel worse, thereby forcing them to avoid solving problems. They do not take any active actions, relying on help from others or focus their activity (to some extent constructively) on other areas - family, hobbies " In this case, the teacher experiences discomfort and dissatisfaction with the process; he needs special support and stimulation of teaching activities, since the choice of this strategy can be determined by various factors. Analysis of these factors is the task of management. This may be a consequence of the unkindness of the teaching staff, the difficulties of the person himself (the complexity of individual characteristics), the high cost of effort is not comparable with the return, etc.

The second strategy is active. There are active-constructive and active-destructive strategies. The first is characteristic of people with an optimistic outlook, stable positive self-esteem, a realistic approach to life and a desire to achieve a higher position. This is confident Professional Development. This strategy is the most progressive for the development of a young specialist .

An active-destructive strategy is characteristic of ambitious and aggressive individuals. Low level professional self-awareness constantly forces one to contrast oneself with others. An aggressive reaction to comments and criticism leads to a deterioration in communication with colleagues, students and parents. This is a difficult path of adaptation, which, as a rule, ends with leaving the profession or permanently moving from one institution to another.

The next stage is professional formation and development (2-3 years of work). During this period, the young teacher is included in the competitive movement: a competition of pedagogical excellence (“Pedagogical Hopes”), a competition methodological developments, contest open lessons etc. Gaining such experience allows for wider realization in the profession. See the best of people like you. Get recommendations from experienced mentors. Identify your competitive advantages and see your shortcomings. At this stage, it is useful to identify the motives that encourage teachers to engage in their professional growth, so that these motives can be stimulated. This may be motives of self-affirmation, social recognition, stability, security, the motive of quickly achieving independence and independence, realizing oneself as creative personality in a team, the motive of self-development, satisfying interest in acquiring new information, in increasing wages, etc.

During this period, the young specialist must also undergo the certification procedure for the first qualification category. Accordingly, in addition to participation in professional competitions, it is necessary to create conditions for the active participation of teachers in professional seminars and conferences. Conduct a series of interviews and classes focusing on speaking and writing skills. This is done by the teacher-mentor, attending events together with the young teacher.

Working with parents and students – separate direction, which is also supervised and accompanied by the administration and teacher-mentor. The teacher, together with the students, takes part in subject Olympiads and competitions.

The final stage of adaptation is the fourth year of work. The results of adaptation are summed up and an analysis of success is made. Several indicators indicate the success of professional adaptation:

This is the period when it is possible, after analyzing the experience gained, to determine whether the teacher is able to move from the stage of craft to the stage of mastery. The duration of these periods may vary, depending on the individual characteristics of the person and the level of pedagogical support. Someone can remain a “craftsman” for life, someone is ready for improvement, gained self-confidence and reaches the level of mastery. Someone leaves the profession, realizing that there is no satisfaction from work and development is impossible.

IN general view The adaptation process of a young teacher can be presented in the form of the following table.

Table 6. Expert sheet for adaptation of a young specialist at an educational institution.




1 year


Interviews with the administration;

Definition of a teacher-mentor;

Designing and attending lessons;

Assistance in organizing the learning process;

Inclusion in creative groups;

Certification for suitability for the position held.

Establishing partnerships with the school staff and administration;

Lesson design skills;

No complaints from parents.

2-3 year

Participation in a teaching skills competition (etc.);

Inclusion in the work of the methodological association of the district;

Certification for the first qualification category;

Becoming a class teacher.

Positive dynamics of student performance;

No conflicts with colleagues and parents;

Preservation and promotion of health.

4-5 year

Participation in professional competitions (in the category " senior group»);

Publication of articles and methodological developments;

Participation of students in subject Olympiads and competitions;

Certification for the highest qualification category;

Change final certification for the course of 9th and (or) 11th grade by students.

Victory (prize) in a professional competition;


Victories of students in subject Olympiads and competitions;

Successful final certification for the 9th and (or) 11th grade course by students

(% quality above 50).


  1. Agranovich M.L., Frumin I.D. “Education personnel – more cheap or less expensive” // Theoretical and applied research. - pp. 68-80.
  2. Barber M., Murshed M. “How to achieve sustainable High Quality teaching in schools" // Issues of education. – 2008. – No. 3. – P.7-61.
  3. Galushkina, M. What do we know about the teacher? [Text] / M. Galushkina // Expert. November 6-12, 2006. – No. 41. – P. 106.
  4. Shcherbakov A. “Professional adaptation of a beginning teacher in the workplace” // Public education. No. 6, 2009. P. 133
  5. School 2020. How do we see it? Report of the working group of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation on Science, Technology and Education // Official documents in education No. 32, 2008.

Shcherbakov A. “Professional adaptation of a beginning teacher in the workplace” // Public education. No. 6, 2009. pp. 127-133.

Verbatim report on the meeting on school education // http://president.rf/news/15073#sel=50:1,51:82;103:1,103:111;115:7,115:24.

Kotova S.A. “Adaptation to the position and mastering the teaching profession”//Public education. No. 8, 2010, p. 124.

Shcherbakov A. “Professional adaptation of a beginning teacher in the workplace” // Public education. No. 6, 2009. P. 133.

Problems of adaptation of a young teacher

Modern all-Russian statistics stubbornly state that the majority of teachers are women with higher education and the highest qualification category, with more than 20 years of work experience, aged 40 to 50 years. The problem of “aging personnel” becomes obvious. A small percentage of teachers coming to school for the first time are unable to satisfy the request for “rejuvenation” of personnel, so the problem of finding and attracting young specialists arises. Here the institution follows three main paths.

  1. “Growing” personnel from among school graduates. Using the possibilities of targeted recruitment, a certain percentage of graduates from pedagogical universities return to work in their educational institution. As reasons that prompted them to take this step, they cite the example of their favorite teacher, the atmosphere at school, and interest in the profession. These are the most motivated specialists, since their choice was formed at the stage of schooling. They know the traditions of the school, are familiar with the teaching staff, its requirements, and relationships within. Having the opportunity to begin a professional activity while still a student, they gain experience and master methodological techniques.
  2. “Growing” personnel from among students of higher educational institutions and pedagogical schools. In this case, students who come for practice or simply want to test themselves, understand their capabilities before making a final decision, are hired as teachers of after-school groups. The future teacher understands in practice what working with children is and whether he can devote himself to this profession. In addition, there is an opportunity to “enter the classroom” as a substitute teacher. This is a fairly effective way of recruiting personnel. Practice gained during the period of work and study allows a person to obtain complete information about the educational institution, its staff, administration, traditions, requirements, etc. In addition, the administration also has time to make a decision on the future fate of the young specialist.
  3. Establishing connections with pedagogical higher educational institutions and colleges. This is the most ambiguous path. The motivation of the future teacher in this case can be very different: from “they just don’t hire you anywhere” to “I really love children, I feel that this is my calling.” The only conditional “guarantee” is the educational institution from which the teacher is a graduate. In this case, it is very important that the educational institution’s request for a young specialist coincides with the personal characteristics of the teacher candidate. Often the ideas of a graduate of a pedagogical university have little in common with the realities of school education.

Whatever path is used, as a result of hiring a young specialist, we are faced with problems associated with the motivation and adaptation of the teacher.

When getting a job, young teachers often find themselves in a situation of heavy workload. In this case, the novice teacher does not have time to recover and works under constant stress and fatigue. All this is accompanied by the constant need to master new types of activities. This scenario causes negative feelings and, as a result, leaving the education system. Therefore, the creation of socio-economic and organizational conditions is a necessary and important condition for motivating beginning teachers. However, this is not the main thing. The problem of attracting teachers will be solved if joint efforts are made by the entire staff of the educational institution. Not all teaching teams are ready for cooperation and partnership.

The period of entry into professional activity is called professional adaptation. “This is the process of an individual entering a new social environment with the goal of joint activity in the direction of progressive change in both the individual and the environment.”

There are several aspects of employee adaptation to a new environment:

  • Organizational - the employee’s assimilation of the role of the teacher in the general organizational structure of the school, the features of school management, getting used to the new conditions of work: legal, socio-economic, moral, psychological, organizational and managerial;
  • Psychophysiological - adaptation to the physical and psychological stress of the teacher, his physiological working conditions;
  • Professional - mastering by a young teacher all types of teacher activities in accordance with job responsibilities and ethical standards, bringing the main indicators of a teacher’s activity to the required level;
  • Socio-psychological - adaptation to a relatively new society, norms of behavior and relationships in the teaching staff, acceptance of uniform pedagogical requirements.

At first, a young specialist should receive constant help and support from the administration of the educational institution, colleagues, and methodologists. A situation in which he is left alone with a class, lesson, school creates unbearable conditions for a young specialist.

One more aspect of working with young specialists should also be noted: the professional and social career of a teacher. A teacher, especially a young one, must see and understand the prospects for his professional growth. It is necessary to create conditions for the teacher to join the teaching community not only, and perhaps not so much, as his own team. Competitive movement, advanced training, work in creative groups, innovative activities, development of new pedagogical technologies, etc. The world of a teacher should be broader than one educational institution, where often his professional activity boils down to the fact that he masters some competencies, and then he actually falls into the “teacher’s routine.” Purposeful teachers with good methodological support are the personnel potential of a modern school. “The school needs to attract ambitious, growth-oriented people. Not more men and women, neither young nor old, but simply more ambitious people, because ultimately this will shape the ambitions of those who study at school.”

Young professionals.

Working with young professionals, of course, depends on the personal characteristics of the teacher. But there are a number of activities required for a teacher’s adaptation to the profession and teaching staff. At the first stage, the young teacher is introduced to the school, its structure, local documents, teaching staff, internal regulations, and initial and introductory briefings are conducted at the workplace. The deputy director and the manager conduct a series of interviews. The teacher-mentor helps at the first stage to understand the basic requirements for the work of the teacher and class teacher, introduces the main actions of the teacher, the degree of responsibility of the teacher for the results of his work. This stage covers from one to two months (1 quarter).

Taking on a position requires the young teacher to become familiar with the activities of the school, methodological association, and psychological service. Support and communication with experienced colleagues play a particularly important role. The methodological association and the teacher-mentor provide assistance in matters of teaching methodology, the specifics of the educational process and the assessment of student learning outcomes. Most often, young teachers face methodological and organizational problems due to the lack of any theoretical basis. Difficulties begin from the first day of school. In this connection, at this stage it is important, together with an experienced teacher-mentor, to clearly plan your activities in the lesson in order to understand your goals, to see not only and not so much your activities as the activities of the students.

At the second stage, the young teacher is involved in the work of creative groups organizing school-wide events. It is imperative to develop a sense of independence and responsibility as a teacher in a new profession and team: carrying out public assignments, appointing them as responsible in parallel. During this period, the teacher-mentor and deputy director regularly attend lessons and invite experienced teachers to lessons. A schedule of visits and mutual visits to lessons is drawn up.

Also at this stage, the young teacher undergoes a mandatory certification procedure for suitability for the position held. This adaptation period covers the first half of the year.

The results of these stages of professional adaptation of a young teacher are the creation of an atmosphere of dialogue (not so much control!), the teacher understands who and with what question he can turn, get help and advice. As a result of interviews and questionnaires, the administration receives primary information about the adaptation process: the success of professional activities, relationships with teachers, parents and students, psychological comfort, remuneration, solving everyday issues, the need for advanced training. Based on the conclusions made, the following tasks are formulated.

Psychologists identify two main behavioral strategies for a novice teacher: passive and active. “A passive strategy is characterized by the subordination of the individual to the interests and demands of the environment. People are not confident in their professional competence and are not ready to change their existing lifestyle. People are not confident in their professional competence and are not ready to change their existing lifestyle. It is not uncommon for a crisis situation to cause them to feel worse, thereby forcing them to avoid solving problems. They do not take any active actions, relying on help from others or focus their activity (to some extent this is constructive) on other areas - family, hobbies.” In this case, the teacher experiences discomfort and dissatisfaction with the process; he needs special support and stimulation of teaching activities, since the choice of this strategy can be determined by various factors. Analysis of these factors is the task of management. This may be a consequence of the unkindness of the teaching staff, the difficulties of the person himself (the complexity of individual characteristics), the high cost of effort is not comparable with the return, etc.

The second strategy is active. There are active-constructive and active-destructive strategies. The first is characteristic of people with an optimistic outlook, stable positive self-esteem, a realistic approach to life and a desire to achieve a higher position. This is confident professional development. This strategy is the most progressive for the development of a young specialist.

An active-destructive strategy is characteristic of ambitious and aggressive individuals. A low level of professional self-awareness constantly forces one to oppose oneself to others. An aggressive reaction to comments and criticism leads to a deterioration in communication with colleagues, students and parents. This is a difficult path of adaptation, which, as a rule, ends with leaving the profession or permanently moving from one institution to another.

The next stage is professional formation and development (2-3 years of work). During this period, the young teacher is included in the competitive movement: a competition of pedagogical skills (“Pedagogical Hopes”), a competition of methodological developments, a competition of open lessons, etc. Gaining such experience allows for wider realization in the profession. See the best of people like you. Get recommendations from experienced mentors. Identify your competitive advantages and see your shortcomings. At this stage, it is useful to identify the motives that encourage teachers to engage in their professional growth, so that these motives can be stimulated. This may be motives of self-affirmation, social recognition, stability, security, the motive of quickly achieving independence and independence, realizing oneself as a creative individual in a team, the motive of self-development, satisfying interest in acquiring new information, increasing wages, etc.

During this period, the young specialist must also undergo the certification procedure for the first qualification category. Accordingly, in addition to participation in professional competitions, it is necessary to create conditions for the active participation of teachers in professional seminars and conferences. Conduct a series of interviews and classes focusing on speaking and writing skills. This is done by the teacher-mentor, attending events together with the young teacher.

Working with parents and students is a separate area, which is also supervised and supported by the administration and teacher-mentor. The teacher, together with the students, takes part in subject Olympiads and competitions.

The final stage of adaptation is the fourth year of work. The results of adaptation are summed up and an analysis of success is made. Several indicators indicate the success of professional adaptation:

  • to what extent does the work cause a novice teacher to feel tension, anxiety, and uncertainty;
  • to what extent the teacher has mastered the knowledge and skills necessary for work;
  • to what extent the orientation stage, the stage of getting to know the new position, is completed;
  • what are the motives for choosing this profession;
  • to what extent the teacher has mastered the professional role (has he acquired his own style of activity);
  • the extent to which the teacher expresses a desire to improve professional competence;
  • to what extent the teacher is satisfied with the work performed and its results;
  • What is the teaching staff’s assessment of the teacher’s work achievements?

This is the period when it is possible, after analyzing the experience gained, to determine whether the teacher is able to move from the stage of craft to the stage of mastery. The duration of these periods may vary, depending on the individual characteristics of the person and the level of pedagogical support. Someone can remain a “craftsman” for life, someone is ready for improvement, gained self-confidence and reaches the level of mastery. Someone leaves the profession, realizing that there is no satisfaction from work and development is impossible.

In general, the process of adaptation of a young teacher can be presented in the form of the following table.

Table 6. Expert sheet for adaptation of a young specialist at an educational institution.




Interviews with the administration;

Definition of a teacher-mentor;

Designing and attending lessons;

Assistance in organizing the learning process;

Inclusion in creative groups;

Certification for suitability for the position held.

Establishing partnerships with the school staff and administration;

Lesson design skills;

No complaints from parents.

Participation in a teaching skills competition (etc.);

Inclusion in the work of the methodological association of the district;

Certification for the first qualification category;

Becoming a class teacher.

Positive dynamics of student performance;

No conflicts with colleagues and parents;

Preservation and promotion of health.

Participation in professional competitions (in the “senior group” category);

Publication of articles and methodological developments;

Participation of students in subject Olympiads and competitions;

Certification for the highest qualification category;

Passing the final certification for the 9th and (or) 11th grade course by students.

Victory (prize) in a professional competition;

Victories of students in subject Olympiads and competitions;

Successful final certification for the 9th and (or) 11th grade course by students

(% quality above 50).