The influence of kind words. Research paper "The miraculous power of a kind word"

Research project"The wonderful power of a kind word."

Project type: educational and research (long-term).

Reasons for the study:

Problem question: What effect does the word have on living organisms?

I decided to conduct my experiment with the guys after I found information on the Internet about the effect of words on water. I was interested in the fact that water, according to scientists, has memory. How Living being it reacts to emotions and conveys thoughts. And since almost all living beings on Earth are partially composed of water (people, animals, and plants), it means that with a word you can influence the state of all living beings.


Words are not an empty phrase, they have special power,
of great importance for all living organisms.

Purpose of the study:
To figure out:

What influence does a word have on a person?

How words affect the properties of water.

How words influence the growth and development of plants.

Work plan:

Get acquainted with the experiments of scientists. - Conduct a survey among parents of students on the topic: “Profanity.” - Conduct an experiment: “The influence of words on water.” - Conduct an experiment: “The influence of words on plant growth.” - Summarize the research results. - Prepare a presentation “The wonderful power of a kind word.”

We know many examples when the saving word of support, love, care, kindness gave strength to the sick and led to recovery. A kind word can make you wise, get rid of complexes and heartache, make you laugh and amuse. But, also, a word can sow evil and hurt a person.

I conducted a survey among parents on the topic: “Profanity.” 31 people were interviewed. Result: - Many people use profanity in their speech. - Most of the respondents are irritated by such language, but almost half of the respondents use swear words in response. - Most often, profanity is used when strong emotions. - Most of the respondents are poorly aware of the influence of words on a person.

On the Internet, I found information that a researcher, Dr. Masaru Emoto, lived in Japan and spent several years studying the properties of water and how they change under the influence of music and words. He took over 10,000 photographs of water samples. Masaru Emoto froze droplets of water that had previously been influenced by different words, and studied their structure under a microscope. He proved that under the influence of kind words, the structure of water takes on a harmonious shape. If you speak evil words to water, the structure of the water becomes ugly and deformed.

To verify this, we decided to conduct our own experiment. We took 3 glass jars, rice, water. We poured rice into jars and filled them with plain water. Banks signed (+), (-), (0)

For 10 days we said kind words to the first jar. The second can was periodically scolded. The third was ignored. We spoke the words, isolating the banks from others.

On the fifth day:

In the “+” jar, a small amount of bubbles appeared on the surface of the water, the rice flakes hang beautifully in the water, like snow, and the water has a pleasant smell.

In the “-” jar, the water became yellowish in color, there was a film on the surface of the water, and mold appeared, with a very unpleasant smell.

In jar “0” the contents are very sour, there are a lot of bubbles, a yellow film and mold have appeared on the surface, the smell is unpleasant.

On day 10:

In the “+” jar, there is a small amount of bubbles on the surface of the water, the rice flakes hang beautifully in the water, like snow, and the water has a pleasant smell.

In the “-” jar, the water has become yellowish in color, there is a film on the surface of the water, and there is mold, a very unpleasant smell.

In jar “0” the contents are very sour, there are a lot of bubbles, there is a yellow film and mold on the surface, the smell is unpleasant.

At the last stage, we found out how words affect plants. Scientists have conducted experiments on plants many times. And they proved that under the influence of kind words, plants grow and develop much better.

We decided to check this and conducted our own experiment. We took pea seeds, drainage, soil, fertilizer, three identical pots, and a lamp for illumination.

The seeds were divided into three groups of 3 peas each.

We said pleasant words to the first group of peas (marked “+”).

The second group (marked “-”) was told unpleasant words.

The third group (labeled “0”) was not told anything.

They planted the seeds in pots and began to talk to them in the same way as before with water. (At the same time, isolating the pots from each other).

We watered the soil as needed and turned on additional lighting in the evening.

On the sixth day:

In the “+” pot, the sprouts are longer than the others.

In the “-” pot there are medium-sized sprouts.

In pot “0” the sprouts are the smallest.

On day 10: In the “+” pot the plants are the tallest.

In the “-” pot there are smaller plants, one sprout develops very poorly.

In pot “0” the plants are the same as in “-”.

As a result of our experiments, we made the following conclusions:

Words have a very big influence. A kind word heals, calms, pleases, encourages, revives.

An evil word hurts, worries, causes illness, rage, resentment, tears, pain, and takes away hope.

The water to which we spoke evil words turned sour faster than the water to which we spoke kind words. And the water, to which we said nothing, had the worst result. This suggests that indifference has the worst effect on water.

The plants to which we spoke pleasant words grew and developed better than others.

After conducting our research, we came to the following conclusion:

Under no circumstances should we swear when we drink water or swim, we must speak at this time beautiful words, and then we will be healthier, younger and more beautiful. The plants that we grow in our gardens also need to be spoken with pleasant words more often, then they will grow and develop better and contain more useful substances, and we will be kinder and healthier.

But since we can very often forget about this, we decided to make a “reminder” and hang it in suitable places at home, in kindergarten and at the dacha.

Don't forget to say a kind word

Getting out of bed in the morning,

And before you fall asleep!

For those you love, don't regret it

Say a kind word quickly!

Send kindness to your beloved water,

Dear plants - everyone is waiting for warmth!

Let everyone feel it, smile,

And it will soon return to you with joy!

In order for the world around to be joyful and beautiful, we would advise all people to make such a “Reminder” and then we will say kind words to each other more often.

Internet resources used:

Http:///forms//68t32dsp5wt6ae1s74w34rr/ http://www /watch? v=wjfn85-lwv0 http:/lechebnik. info/voda/10.htm http://www /watch? v=nroa7ehecjy

Research project: “The miraculous power of a kind word.”

Developed by a teacher senior group MKDOU d/s No. 7 “Fairy Tale”.

About how words influence our lives. Here are words and phrases that we pronounce unconsciously, but their influence on our lives is enormous. And what kind of words and phrases are these? Words and thoughts influence our lives, they shape our reality. And our lives directly depend on what we say and what we think.

It’s not for nothing that there is a phrase “don’t tell anyone anything in advance.” The whole point is that if you don’t tell anyone about your plans, then the potential and your plans will come true.

If someone tries to involve you in their story, they complain - so as not to waste their energy in vain.

It has already been proven that our consciousness perceives any sound vibrations. Some words heal the body, others traumatize.

For example, they awaken the body, charge and give strength, and supported by faith, they also help us fulfill our dreams and desires.

Everything we hear and talk about is absorbed into us and into our DNA code and recorded in the form of a genetic program.

If a child regularly hears swearing and foul language, he absorbs it into himself, everything is written into his genetic code, and this, in turn, can change the heredity and program of each cell.

The word is energy.

Any word has a certain energy. And the moment we say it to a person, we convey a certain message. Of course, not in the literal sense, but on a very subtle energy level.

Let's pay attention to words and phrases from our daily life and see how words affect our lives?

The word "thank you".

I read a lot of different information regarding this word on the Internet. The nuance of the word “thank you” is that its meaning and purpose depends on what meaning you put into this word when you pronounce it.

Having assessed everything, I came to the following conclusion: the word “thank you” closes the energy channel and protects you from communicating with the person to whom you say this word. After all, if you think about it, we most often say the word “thank you” when we want to get rid of someone. Is not it?

We pronounce mechanically, unconsciously, like:

  • "Thank you, but I have my own things to do"
  • “Thank you, I don’t need this,” etc.

Again, look here. What response do we give to the word “thank you”?

That's right, we say "you're welcome." And here again, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. I will not delve further into this topic, I will only say that after everything I read, I chose the word “thank you” instead of the word “thank you.”

In Rus' this word was in common use and it sounded like “thank you.” We can find the same word in the works of Russian writers.

We don't say that now, so "thank you" is a perfectly acceptable option.

By saying the word “thank you,” you are giving good to another, you are wishing him good. And what you wish for another comes back to you.

If you use the words “thank you” and “thank you” consciously and understand the difference, then this either helps to get rid of or protect yourself from unwanted people and their obsessions, suggestions and the like.

The phrase "wow".

By saying “wow,” how much do you think you will get for yourself? Now remember the situations when everyone got it, but you didn’t have enough, it ended with you. So, these situations are the Universe’s response to the phrase “wow.”

The phrase “I can’t hear anything at all.”

Another phrase “I don’t hear anything at all,” I don’t see, I don’t feel, etc. What do you think these words will attract into your life? Diseases of the eyes, ears, nose.

Saying and thinking “I’m fat” will add extra pounds.

The phrase “I’m losing weight” also hides double meaning. I don’t like this root “hud” - it gives off some kind of sickness. It is better to replace this phrase with:

  • "I'm getting thinner"
  • "I'm becoming more attractive every day"
  • "I'm getting better."

These thought forms sound much better, which means they will have a positive impact.

The phrase "I have no money."

It means that you will never see them, financial abundance is not for you.

The very phrase “money comes to me easily and often.”

Negative thoughts are an obstacle to our desires. If you learn to recognize them, you will begin to notice new opportunities.

The phrase "to your health."

By saying it, you are giving away your health. There is a replacement for this word. It's better to say "for the good."

When someone says “thank you,” you respond “for the good.”

The phrase "I need."

It means that you live your life under the influence of circumstances, thereby depriving yourself of opportunities. It is better to replace the phrase “I need” with the phrase “I choose.”

Now you know how words and thoughts influence our lives.

By creating a positive thought, which is then transformed into words, as a result you receive positivity in the form good people and pleasant events.

Just by changing your thinking and speech, you can radically change your life from an unsuccessful one to a happy and joyful one.

Silence is a shield from many troubles, and chatter is always harmful. A man's tongue is small, but how many lives has he ruined? ~Omar Khayyam.

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The world can be represented as an interconnection and a combination of different energies. There are light, positive energies - such energies create beautiful gardens, parks, grow flowers, there are dark energies - the result of their action is devastation, grief, sadness, wars. A person, being a part of the surrounding world, is also, in fact, a collection of energies – both light and dark. Man is the only creature in the universe that is capable of keeping these energies in balance, in balance. How are our emotions and feelings reflected in the properties of water? How does this affect our health?

In the laboratory of Professor Korotkov, Doctor of Science, Professor, Academician Russian Academy natural sciences Numerous experiments have been conducted on the influence of human emotions on water. A group of people were asked to project onto a flask of water that stood in front of them the most positive emotions- love, tenderness, care. Then the flask was changed and again asked to focus emotions on the water, but different ones: fear, aggression, hatred. Then the samples were measured. The changes in water had a clearly defined direction. Professor Korotkov said about this: “That is, love increases the energy of water and stabilizes this water, and aggression sharply lowers it, dramatically changes it.

Dr. Masaru Emoto suggests that the most violent crimes occur in areas where people are most likely to swear.
The researcher also wrote hieroglyphs representing words and names onto laboratory cups of water. famous people:
“Love”, “Hope”, “Soul”, Hitler, Mother Teresa.
Numerous experiments by Emoto Masaru in order to find the word that most strongly purifies and structures water showed that it is not one, but a combination of two: “Love and gratitude”

There are known cases in history of changing the structure of water through the influence of thought. For example, in the winter of 1881, the ship Lara was on a flight from Liverpool to San Francisco. On the third day of the voyage, a fire started on the ship. Among those who left the ship was
Captain Neil Carey. Those in distress began to experience the pangs of thirst, which increased with each passing hour. Then, when, after a painful wandering across the sea, they safely reached the shore, the captain, a man with a very sober attitude to reality, described in the following words what saved them: “We dreamed of fresh water. We began to imagine how the water around the boat turned from blue sea to greenish fresh. I gathered my strength and scooped it up. When I tried it, it was bland."

According to the chronicles, in 1472, Abbot Charles Hastings was captured and interrogated on the basis of a false denunciation for inducing illness on a certain respected woman. The imprisoned abbot was given only a piece of dry bread and a ladle of rotten, stinking water every day. After 40 days, the jailer noticed that during this time the Monk Charles not only did not lose, but seemed to have gained health and strength, which only convinced the inquisitors of the abbot’s connection with evil spirits. Later, under severe torture, Karl Hastings admitted that over the rotten water that was brought to him, he read a prayer, thanking the Lord for the trials sent down to him. After which the water became soft in taste, fresh and clear.

When Professor Korotkov was asked how to explain the phenomena that Jesus Christ created, he replied: “Well, let’s say the famous phenomenon when Jesus Christ turned water into wine. He did not add any sugar or lactose there. And he gave water very special properties. We conducted many experiments on the influence of water samples by a variety of factors - magnetic fields, electric fields, various objects, including human presence, human emotions. And it turned out that positive and negative emotions are the most powerful moment of influence.”
A person is 70-90 percent water. To maintain life, he needs 2.5 liters per day in the form of drinking water, a person absorbs another one and a half liters through the skin while taking a shower or bath. Regarding the connection between humans and water quality, world scientists say:

Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, member international academies USA Rustum Roy: “The main part of the brain is water. Water and the fact that its molecules move so easily is part of the imprint on the brain. So yes, in a certain world, water is involved in patterning information in the brain."

Laureate Nobel Prize Kurt Wüthrich: “If you look at organs: heart, lungs or muscles, brain, then everything you can see with simple experiment– this is the presence of water in these organs. All you see is water. Your head is full of water. In fact, there is nothing like that in us except water.”

Emoto Masaru, researcher, Japan: “Let’s imagine that we have a person, and here we have water. This water contains a lot various types information. If you introduce this water into the human body, the human body will absorb this information. And this can change a person’s condition.”

Allois Grubber, Austrian researcher: “How does a person handle water? If he turns to this water with good thoughts, blesses it, says “Thank you” to it, the quality of this water increases, and the water will have a positive effect on a person and his body.”

Studies were conducted in the USA, as a result of which they found out how structured water affects human blood. Doctor Pearl LaPerla, MD, an immunologist, took blood from the patient from a finger and used an electron microscope to observe the condition of her body from this drop. The electron microscope monitor showed red blood cells clumped together because they had lost their electric charge. They stick together like a stack of coins in a formation that doctors call "low role", these adhesions are associated with heart disease, arthritis and lung disease, and other diseases. Then the doctor asked the patient to drink some structured water. After 12 minutes, the patient's blood was taken again and examined. The electron microscope screen shows that the cells have become animated because they have restored their electrical charge so that they begin to repel each other and gain the ability to carry oxygen. At the same time, a new nucleus begins to form inside the cell. Thus, a sip of ordinary structured water can serve as a powerful medicine.

In all world religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, it is customary to read a prayer before eating and light food before eating on major religious holidays. Have we often wondered why? And where did such dissimilar faiths come from with the confidence that this was the right thing to do? Why was it obvious to our ancestors that science is only trying to understand now? It turns out that the oscillation frequency of a prayer of any denomination, sounding in any language, is 8 hertz, which corresponds to the oscillation frequency magnetic field Earth. Therefore, prayer forms a harmonious structure in the water that is included in absolutely all products.

Professor Konstantin Korotkov, Doctor of Science, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences said on this occasion: “And now we already have an idea of ​​how this happens due to the structuring of water clusters, water molecules. Therefore, in this regard, we can give purely practical advice: sit down at the table in a very good mood. And under no circumstances should we sit at the table with aggressive, cruel people, because this will have a direct destructive effect on our health.”

Dr. Emoto conducted the following experiment: he placed rice in three glass jars, filled it with water, and every day for a month he said “Thank you” to one jar, “You are a fool” to the second, and did not pay attention to the third. A month later, the rice to which they said “Thank you” began to ferment, emitting a strong pleasant smell, the rice from the second jar turned black, and the rice that was not paid attention to began to rot. Dr. Emoto believes this experiment offers a very important lesson, especially for children. We need to take care of them, give them attention, talk to them. Greatest harm causes indifference. Indifference, hatred, anger and even irritation have a destructive effect not only on another person, but have feedback.

Alloys Grubber, an Austrian researcher says: “Spiritually, at the level of thought, one who sends negative thoughts pollutes his own water, of which 75-90% of the body consists, negatively charges it.”

In many laboratories around the world, an experiment was repeatedly carried out that gave similar results: water from one container was divided into two portions. One part was subjected to an impact that changed the structure and properties of this water. Water from the second flask, which was located far from the first flask, also acquired the same structure and the same properties. On this occasion, Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, member of US international academies, Rustum Roy said: “Water has an extremely important photographic memory. We can say this. And you will also be able to create its imprints using very subtle energies, even from 10,000 kilometers away.”

Does this mean that there is a remote connection between people who are essentially water structures? To confirm or refute the hypothesis of a possible connection between people, in February 2005, Professor Vyacheslav Zvonnikov and a group of his colleagues conducted an experiment: two people were 15,000 kilometers apart, one in Moscow, the other in the north South America, near the city of Santa Elena. The sensor readings of the two subjects were summed up by a computer and displayed on the monitor - recorded the slightest changes posture, pulse, breathing rate, cardiogram and encephalogram were recorded. 15 minutes before the start of the experiment, there were no visible relationships. Suddenly, obvious changes appeared on the instruments: two people separated by a huge distance somehow tuned in to the same wavelength. The devices recorded the synchronization of individual areas of the brain, breathing, and pulse. Regarding the explanation of this phenomenon, Professor Zvonnikov said: “How can we explain this? So far, we do not have any answers to this question. There is a hypothesis that body fluid is involved in this. Most likely, and we have quite a lot of evidence, that fluid in the body functions as a kind of information transmission.”

Professor Effie Chau, member of the US President's Council on Alternative Medicine says: “Everyday actions are very important. What a person does affects more than just himself. It affects other people and the entire universe.” In confirmation of these words, Vlail Kaznacheev, academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences, said: “We studied water during the period of the solar eclipse and during the Shoemaker-Levy comet and it turned out that tissue culture in the water, when a solar eclipse is expected in a week, there is no eclipse yet, it’s still far away everything, and she is already beginning to fade.” The system of the universe exists as a single perfect organism. All its parts, including us, our Earth, are inextricably linked with each other by colossal information flows. And in the mechanism of information exchange, the same water plays a key role on our planet. In fact, it is the medium through which all of nature is controlled.

Chinese chronicles tell about the Taoist hermit Chang Chun, about whom it is known that Genghis Khan met with him several times and had long conversations. Once, when the country was dying from an unknown epidemic, the ruler of Beijing asked the hermit to protect the people. He prayed and the illness subsided. In response to numerous expressions of gratitude, the hermit replied: “Prayer is not a thing. The only thing needed is faith." When this story was told to Rustum Roy, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, a member of the US International Academies, he said: “Exactly, exactly. Many people believe that a thought or intention can be imprinted in water. It is only a possibility, like in prayer, if you turn to the gods. Is prayer imprinted with water?

Doctor of Sciences, Professor Konstantin Korotkov, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, said the following about this: “We have absolutely clear data that prayer affects the recovery of patients. And even to absolutely fantastic recoveries, when a person’s gangrene had suddenly stopped.”

It is known that the so-called holy water that has been in the temple has a strong, stable structure. She is capable of transmitting her properties. If only 10 gr. dilute such water in 60 liters of ordinary water, then the whole mass acquires the properties of holy water.

Research project

By rhetoric

Topic: The power of words

The project was completed by:

Chernushkina Olga

Putina Svetlana

Peksheva Alina

Zakharova Sofia

Gubanova Anastasia

Churilova Karina

Project Manager:

Shevchuk Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Novovoronezh, 2016


2. The influence of words on water……………………………………………………………3-6

3. The influence of words on plant development…………………………….7-9

4. The influence of words on a person…………………………………………….

5. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………….

6. List of references……………………………………………………

7. Creative part………………………………………………………………


A word can kill, a word can save,

With a word you can lead the shelves with you...

V.S. Shefner

Most scientists associate the origin of speech with the appearance of man on Earth and his activities. Words and their meanings have been developed by generations of people, millennia. It is believed that first there was a gesture that the ancient hunter pointed at the animal, then a cry was heard to scare the animal. Gradually, the nature of the cry changed, sounds appeared that were formed into words with a specific meaning, a language was formed from words, articulate speech arose, which became the main means of human communication.

The word is a wave vibration that has power, both creative and destructive. “The word is man’s most powerful weapon” - these are the words of the great scientist Aristotle, which every person should think about.

Our words and thoughts create our destiny. Our distant ancestors were very careful about their words. They understood perfectly well that with their words they decide the fate of a person.

“Sin is not what goes into the mouth, but what comes out of the mouth,” says the Bible.

Words are not just an empty phrase, they have a special power that has enormous and not the least significance in a person’s life.


Find out how words affect water, plants, people.

Project objectives

v Study changes in water under the influence of bad and good words.

v Study the influence of words on the germination and development of plants.

v Reveal the power of influence of a word on a person.

The influence of words on water

We decided to study the change in the structure of water under the influence of bad and good words.

The whole world was shocked by the work of the Japanese scientist Massaro Emoto. He conducted research with water and discovered the mysterious phenomenon of water memory. The energy of spoken words is imprinted in the water!!! The emotion with which they are said... But you and I are 90% water.

Emoto Masaru gathered a group of like-minded people and began photographing water crystals in various corners globe. To obtain photographs of microcrystals, water droplets were placed in 100 Petri dishes and sharply cooled in the freezer for 2 hours. Then they were placed in a special device, which consists of a refrigeration chamber and a microscope with a camera connected to it. At a temperature of –5° C, samples were examined in a dark field microscope under a magnification of 200-500 times and photographs of the most characteristic crystals were taken.

The photo shows a frozen water sample taken from a lake near the Fujiwara Dam in Japan. Water has a dark and amorphous structure without a crystalline structure.

After the previous water sample was taken, Rev. Kato Hoki, the senior priest of Juhouin Temple, prayed near the dam for one hour. After this, new water samples were taken, frozen and photographed. As you can see in the photo to the right, the changes are striking: instead of the ugly blob from the previous sample, we see a clean, bright white hexagonal crystal within the crystal.

This photograph also shows an ice crystal formed from water taken from the same reservoir after prayer. Masaru Emoto had never before encountered such a crystal shape in any of his more than 10,000 experiments with water samples. As you can see, this is a heptagon, or 7-sided crystal. Reverend Kato explained that in his one-hour prayer he invoked the spirits of the seven Goddesses. Good luck. (The color in the photo is gold, not white.)

On the left is a control shot of “untreated” distilled water. Various samples of distilled water showed various educations, however, crystals did not form in any of them. This water was then treated by attaching stickers with in different words and people's names. One of the results was the emergence of language differences. For example, "thank you" in English produced a different crystal formation than the same expression in Japanese.

Of great interest for healing and simply for our everyday well-being is the powerful effect of negative words and ideas on water crystals. When the inscription “Adolf Hitler” was attached to a container of distilled water, the results shown in the photo were obtained.

Another revealing set of images showed the surprising difference between the crystalline pattern caused by the words "Let's do this" and the pattern caused by the words "Do it!" In the first case, the crystals looked like beautiful snowflakes, and in the second case, the water did not crystallize at all.

Emoto conducted an experiment by placing two messages on water bottles. On one, “Thank you,” on the other, “You’re deaf.” The water formed beautiful crystals, which proves that "Thank you" won out over "You're deaf." Thus, good words are stronger than evil ones. The language of human communication is not artificial, but rather a natural, natural formation.

Dr. Emoto's laboratory conducted many experiments to find the word that purifies water most strongly, and as a result they discovered that it was not one word, but a combination of two words: “Love and Gratitude.” Masaru Emoto suggests that if you do research, you can find larger number serious crimes in areas where people are more likely to use profanity in communication.

Some more photos of Emoto Masaru's water crystals

On the left is the word “Angel”, and on the right is “demon”

500 people sent love energy to this water

Water of words

"I am tired of you"

From the above examples we see that water, like a mirror, reacts to any of our words. Negative words create ugly shapes in water, while positive words create beautiful pictures in crystals. We now have evidence that we can influence, heal and transform ourselves and our planet with words.

Practical part

We decided to conduct our own experiment.

We took 3 glass jars, rice, water.

We poured rice into jars and filled them with plain tap water.

Banks signed (+), (-), (0)

The “+” jar was told only positive words, such as:

joy, happiness, goodness.

The bank “-” was told only negative words, such as:

evil, death, war, etc.

Jar "0" was simply ignored.

REQUIRED CONDITIONS: you need to put your soul into it when you say words, try to express real emotions and “direct” them to the object being tested.
For example: remember something good that makes you most happy... and vice versa - it doesn’t make you happy.

Try to feel gratitude towards a jar of water and rice.
Also, on the contrary, the feeling negative emotions to another bank.

No attention to the third jar...

After 14 days we saw the result. The negative result was in jar “0”, the water there was very fermented, the rice became moldy. The result was also bad in the jar “-” the water fermented there, but the rice did not have time to deteriorate. Well, the best results were in the “+” jar, where the water only darkened a little, the rice did not spoil.

The smell of the water has especially changed:

first jar (-) - on the 5th day there is a disgusting, fetid smell.

second jar (+) - no pronounced smell. It seemed that sometimes (the morning of the 5th day) there was a gentle honey smell.

third jar (0) - smell - sharp, sour.


Affectionate and pleasant words have a positive effect on water, and its crystals take on a beautiful and regular shape. Negative words cause water crystals to become shapeless and not beautiful.

The influence of words on plant development

In this part of the work we will explore the influence of the power of words on plants. Since all living organisms develop according to the same biological laws, we investigated how the word affects the germination of bean seeds and the growth of its shoots. It should be noted that the study examines not only aspects of the negative impact of foul language, but also the impact of a kind, positive word on organisms.

We have formulated hypothesis: affectionate and pleasant words have a positive effect on plants, while negative words slow down the processes of growth, development and normal functioning.

Object of study: bean seeds and sprouts.

Subject of study: the influence of words on the germination of bean seeds and the growth of its shoots.

The problems posed in the study were solved by applying the following methods:

1. experiment;

2. observation;

3. analysis of the results obtained.

Russian scientists under the guidance of a senior researcher, department theoretical problems RAS Peter Garyaev, did an interesting experiment. Using a special device that enhances the impact of words, the seeds of the Arabidopsis plant were “treated.” Words of curse were spoken against the seeds. This exposure was similar to exposure to 40 thousand roentgens. From such a shock dose, DNA chains and chromosomes broke, genes scattered and got mixed up. Most of the seeds died, and those that survived produced offspring with mutations. Moreover, regardless of whether the researchers shouted or whispered the words of the curse, the destructive effect was the same. It turns out that it was not the strength of the sound, but the meaning of what was said that influenced the plant.

After the curses, the scientists decided to test the power of the blessing. The result was amazing. Wheat grains that received a dose of 10 thousand roentgens, in which DNA, chromosomes, and genes were torn and mixed up... after the words of blessing, they sprouted and began to develop normally.

Practical part

The research was carried out by me in February 2016. Bean seeds were chosen as the object of the study, since large seeds are convenient for the experiment. Beans have a high rate of germination and growth of vegetative shoots. We germinated bean seeds in the following ways:

1. Exposure to positive words.

2. Exposure to negative words.

3. Ignoring seeds.

The seeds were treated with words every evening.

For the seeds of the first option, affectionate words and words of love were used. She said that they were strong, beautiful, unique and the most beloved.

Negative words were said over the second option.

The seeds of the third option were ignored.

REQUIRED CONDITIONS: For the purity of the experiment, the seeds of each variant were taken to another room for exposure.

Photographs were taken as germination progressed. Then the sprouted seeds were planted in the ground. As they grew, the height of vegetative shoots was measured and photographs of the seedlings were taken. To study the patterns of germination and growth, graphs and diagrams were constructed.

Research results.

Seed germination began within a day. Already on February 24, signs of germination appeared in all variants. The highest percentage of germination was observed in seeds that were told positive words, it was 45%, and the lowest was in those that were ignored, only 5%. On the third day, all 100% of the treated seeds sprouted. The scolded seeds were able to germinate only 32.5%.

The same positive trend was observed after planting the seedlings in the ground. The seedlings that were influenced by kind words grew quite quickly and reached an average of 33.5 cm in 3 days. The scolded seedlings were in a depressed state and were able to grow by an average of 6 cm. The ignored seeds had the worst results.

The average growth of scolded bean shoots averaged 11.5 cm. In comparison, bean shoots that were constantly scolded averaged 2 cm per day.

Seed germination schedule

Seeds under the influence of positive words.


1. As a result of the study, the hypothesis of the positive influence on the development of plants of kind and positive words and negative influence on the growth and development of a bad, rude word, was completely confirmed.

2. A harsh word negatively affects the germination and growth of beans. Seeds that were constantly scolded took much longer to germinate, while seeds that were ignored were not even able to germinate fully. The percentage of their germination turned out to be quite low and amounted to only 32.5%. The growth of these sprouts slowed down significantly and was 5.75 times less than the growth of bean shoots, which were “loved” and verbally caressed daily.

3. Affectionate words have a positive effect on the germination and growth of bean seeds. The germination rate of such seeds was 100%. The shoots grew 6 times faster than the scolded ones.

Thus, experimentally we have once again proven that a bad word contains enormous destructive power. And in contrast to this, the results of the study clearly demonstrate the enormous and creative power of a kind, positive word.

Do you ever wonder how powerful the words you speak have? Remember: how carefully do you choose your words when you want to hit your offender harder? How many times have they beaten you just as painfully? Do you remember how warm your soul felt from someone’s kind words addressed to you? How did someone’s eyes light up or their tears dry up from the words you said? Do you realize that words can change a person's life? Especially if these are the words of a mother or father addressed to a child...

Recently I caught myself trying to teach one person, imposing my opinion. I really felt like I was turning into an evil teacher and I didn’t like it at all. “How can she not see that she is harming herself? Doesn’t she understand obvious things,” I lamented, trying to break through the wall of misunderstanding. Emotions went wild, I was angry, and I spent a colossal amount of energy trying to convey my truth. At the same time solving the puzzle: “Why did this mirror man appear? What does she reflect in me?” I went through many options, saw something and corrected it, but the passions did not subside, the situation became more and more tense every day. I couldn't write, I became irritated. The progress in stretching began to fade, and my shoulders became stiff.

I use a proven method of self-discovery when searching for answers. Gestalt therapy is built on it. Everyone has some memories. Sometimes you think, why can’t I forget a trivial situation? And all because this “trifling situation” is of great importance for your subconscious. And when you try to solve a problem, the situation persistently begins to emerge in your memory, and that means it’s time to understand how it affected your life.

I’m about 5 years old, I hung on my mother’s neck, grabbed her with my arms and said:
- Mommy, I love you so much!
- Why are you bothering me with your love, it would be better if you washed the dishes!
These words, like a Trojan, a malicious program, changed my value system to long years. They implanted the belief in my subconscious: I am not a value, feelings are not important, only external actions and achievements are important. Clean dishes are more valuable than my feelings. I still remember how I wanted to pour out the love and tenderness that overwhelmed me... but a few words spoken in the heat of the moment destroyed my joyful, bright and such amazing world. And in order to avoid a repetition of the disaster, from then on I began to control my feelings. For many years, the inquisitive and joyful girl, open and sincere, giving and receiving love without conditions, disappeared; instead, another appeared - “a pioneer, an example to all the children,” firmly convinced that love is a conditional concept.

My body and inner world were separated. A hot and vulnerable heart hid in the body of the iron woodcutter. I dreamed of dancing and drawing, but all my attempts to make my dream come true were unsuccessful. Creativity is the flight of the soul. Dance and drawing are a manifestation of the world of feelings. That's why dreams remained just dreams for a long time. I learned to pronounce the words “I love you” as “hello”, without putting my soul into them, only carefully noting the external reaction. I was proud that three days was enough for me to recover from an unsuccessful love story. I easily cut people out of my life who disappointed me in some way. She talked a lot about herself, and never let anyone into her soul.

My mirror, which arose so opportunely, is a girl who has been convinced since childhood that she is a nobody, stupid and incompetent. And the worst thing is that she believed in it, and so much so that she does not see any contradictions. She stopped resisting and closed herself. She sincerely does not understand what she is doing wrong, because the house is clean, the dishes have been washed. She has no hobbies, activities she likes, no goals, she doesn’t want anything. Lives in an uncomfortable comfort zone and does not want to leave it. It wasn’t her I taught, it wasn’t her I tried to reach. I saved myself because it was time to heal the trauma and time to think about what words I was saying.

Words, especially if feelings are invested in them, have enormous power. Such words can make or break a person. Try saying 2 phrases to yourself: “I like you” and “I hate you.” First one..., then the other. Do you feel the difference?

Angry words are like arrows: some fly past without hitting, and some hit the target, they cripple, and sometimes lead to death. If you see a person with empty eyes, you know that someone shot an arrow that hit the bull’s eye.

Words of support and approval give confidence and help spread your wings. “I know you can! I'm with you. I love you…" Such words can work wonders. They can heal, give strength to accomplish what seemed impossible.

I really like the film "Night Watch", where there is a clear demonstration of the power of words of curse addressed to oneself. "Damn me!" - one day, in his hearts, he says main character and forms a funnel capable of destroying the whole city and start a war.