Innovations in teaching English in school. Modern approaches in English learning

Innovative Pedagogical Technologies in Learning

english language in system additional education

The essence of innovative training in English learning is that the educational process is organized in such a way that almost all students turn out to be involved in the process of knowledge, they have the opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know and think.

Innovative technologies suggest:


    Acquisition of independently mined experienced knowledge and skills

    Development of critical thinking

    Development of the ability to solve problems

    Complex interaction of ZUN at the level of thinking, reproduction, perception

    Formation of personality qualities of students

Innovative training simultaneously solves several tasks: develops communicative skills and skills, helps to establish emotional contacts between participants in the learning process, solves the information problem, since it provides students with the necessary information, without which it is impossible to implement joint activities; Develops general training skills and skills ensures an educational task because it teaches to work in a team. So, several technologies this learning, well-used by me in class.

Technology "Carousel".

Like many innovative technologies, the carousel is borrowed from psychological trainings. Children such a type of work, usually, very much. Two rings are formed: internal and external. The inner ring is standing motionless students facing an external circle, and external are students moving in a circle every 30 seconds. Thus, they have time to speak a few minutes and try to convince the interlocutor in their right. The dialogs of a lauretic nature are perfectly practiced, the topic is acquaintance, nationality, a conversation in a public place, etc. The guys are enthusiastically talking, the occupation passes dynamically and efficiently.

Technology "Theater" Something akin to the spectral, where viewers act as observers, experts, critics and analysts. Several disciples play the situation in the circle, and the rest are observed and analyzed. The task of the actors to convey the appropriate mood, emotion, feature of character, and the task of the audience is to notice, explain their conclusions, to say what they were based on what was guided.

Technology "Sociological Poll" He assumes the movement of children throughout the account in order to collect information on the proposed topic. Each participant receives a list with a list of tasks. The teacher helps to formulate questions and answers, ensures that the interaction begins in English.

Technology "Unfinished offer". Children are invited to read the unfinished proposal and quickly continue him with any words, the first thought that came to mind. Offers begin very uncertain, so the guys have almost unlimited opportunities to complete it. They relate to various life areas and can cover any topics.

Technology "Group Story" It is implemented in two ways. During the first method, each student adds one sentence to the already started story. On a specific signal (after a minute), the sheet with an unfinished story is passed further in a circle. The second method is well suited for the development of the topic " Question words" The teacher sets questions in a certain order, each participant of the process writes an answer, folds the sheet of paper so that no one can see it and gives a neighbor. Movement occurs in a circle. Thus, at the end, several unexpected stories are obtained.

Technology "Do you believe that ..."this type of language practice can be used on any topic. And the student first is invited to "believe" the teacher, and then come up with their statements within the framework of a given topic.

Brain Ring Technology Very well suited for classes - generalizations of the material studied. The content of rounds can be absolutely diverse, and cover such sections as vocabulary, grammar, reading, listening and writing. This technology requires serious preparatory workwhich includes: the selection of the topic, drawing up a task, creation of a presentation, thinking about questions on attention, blank of the answers, diplomas. At the beginning of the game there is a choice of jury, partitioning students for teams. Each round lasts 3 minutes, after which, the answers are surrendered to the jury in writing. The correctness of the answers is checked and discussed after each round, and then a series of issues is asked that it also brings additional points to teams.

Technology "Roleplay game". The role-playing game is speech, game and educational activities at the same time. From the point of view of students, the role-playing game is a game activity, in the course of which they act in different roles. The educational nature of the game is often not realized. For the teacher, the goal of the game is the formation and development of speech skills and students' skills. The role-playing game is manageable, its educational character is clearly realized by the teacher. Since the role-playing game is based on interpersonal relationship, it causes a need to communicate, stimulates interest in participating in it in a foreign language, i.e. Performs a motivational motivative function. The role-playing game largely determines the choice of language means, contributes to the development of speech skills and skills, allows you to simulate the communion of students in various speech situations. In other words, it is an exercise for mastering skills and skills in interpersonal communication conditions. In this regard, the role-playing game provides a learning function. The role-playing game forms schoolchildren with the ability to play the role of another. Exists great amount Forms of role-playing games in English classrooms: presentations, interests, interviews, absentee travel, round tables, press conferences, excursions, fairy tales, reports, etc. According to the results of training, the use of a role-playing game in English language classes contributes to positive changes in the speech of students in both qualitative relations (a variety of dialogic unities, the initiative of the speech partners, the emotionality of statements) and in the quantitative (correctness of speech, the volume of statements, the tempo of speech).

15.11.2014 8246 0 Belousova Natalia Ivanovna

1. Tasks modern learning English language.
On the modern stage Development when a qualitatively new relationship of our country has been formed with members of the world community on the basis of new political and socio-economic realities, it has been favorable opportunities for learning English and its real use in communicating with representatives of other countries. Successful in the English language currently is a necessary prerequisite for interesting work in the country and abroad, strengthening friendship with representatives different countriesTo continue learning in international higher educational institutions and professional growth in the selected area of \u200b\u200bspecialization. All this made it fill in the new content of the task of learning English in the country and demanded the expansion of its functions as a training subject, taking into account the best global learning experience in the English language and sociocultural features of his study.
Currently, in the world practice of learning, international communication languages \u200b\u200bare given the tasks of teaching English as a means of intercultural communication, as a tool for the interaction of peoples, countries, continents, as a method for knowing the achievements of national and universal culture, as a way to understand the citizens of their country and members of the world community.
The main task of modern English-language learning is not only to give a wide formation, but also to arrange the personality of the younger person to the independent acquisition of knowledge, to the constant desire to deepen in the field of knowledge, to form persistent cognitive exercise motives, the main of which is cognitive interest. For the formation of cognitive interest, students matters a number of factors, including the search for methods and forms of organization learning activities. There is no doubt that the task of the teacher is to find and develop such forms of work that would unite teachers and students in one creative team would increase the role independent work, activities of students in the whole process academic work.
Thus, we approached the main tasks of modern English learning, which include the following:
1) Communicative and sociocultural development of the personality of the trainee, preparations for intercultural communication.
- formation and development of communicative competence (linguistic, speech, linguistic, sociolinguistic), which is necessary for communication in educational, daily household, business spheres, leisure and entertainment areas;
- development of the culture of perception of authentic texts (artistic, newspaper and magazine, advertising-reference);
- the formation of ideas from students about the dialogue of cultures as consciously elected life philosophy, requiring respect for other cultures, language, ethnic and racial tolerance, speech tact, readiness for studying cultural heritage peace, to spiritual enrichment of achievements of other cultures, to finding non-violent ways to solve contradictions and conflicts;
- Acquaintance of schoolchildren with the culture of the countries of the studied language, its connections with the branches of world culture.
2) training schoolchildren studying the English language technology and the development of its self-education potential to meet their personal interests in learning English in various fields of communication, knowledge regions.
- on training techniques of work with domestic and foreign reference literature;
- to teach ways to schematize communicative and cognitive information (building linguistic, speech and communicative tables, schemes);
- on the development of skills to work with a book, audio and video materials, computer programs;
- for familiarization with international tests to determine the level of proficiency in the language;
- on training forms of self-control efficiency of educational, communicative and educational and communicative activities in English.

2. Innovative approaches in the learning process of English.
When studying me modern materials by this issue I concluded that at the moment there is no consensus in the definition of modern innovative approaches in English learning. I find an important allocate some technologies used in the practice of learning English, which are somewhat different in different sources in different sources.
I. 1) project technologies; 2) information technologies; 3) technology of language portfolios; 4) Modular block technologies.
II. 1) Communicative-oriented technologies; 2) integral technologies; 3) Project technologies.
III. 1) technology of personal-oriented learning; 2) technology of communicative mutual education; 3) computer technologies; 4) multimedia technologies.
In my report, I will not affect all possible innovative approaches in English learning, as I think it is necessary to highlight you the most relevant of them.
Personal-oriented technology.
In line with the consideration of this problem I will introduce practical experience Implementation of personal-oriented learning.
In the process of acquaintance with technology, we found out that its application is in full in conditions of a cool-term system is impossible. But it is this technology that can bring the process of learning foreign languages \u200b\u200bin its basic parameters to the process of mastering the language in a natural situation by creating a microclimate in the audience surrounding life with all real interpersonal relationship and focus in practical use of the language. Consequently, studying all the technology, you can only speak about the elements of personal-oriented technology, which we introduce into the practice of teaching English. The essence of a personal-oriented technology is that the teacher has no ready-made patterns of interaction with various students, it depends on the personality of the student, his interests, abilities and opportunities. Of course, this requires comprehensive diagnostics.
In addition, when implementing personal-oriented learning, it is necessary to take into account psychological peculiarities Pupils.
A feature of the methodology is the mandatory accounting for the individual selectivity of the student to the content, view and form educational material, motivation, desire to use the knowledge gained on their own, on their own initiative in situations not asked learning.
Constantly watching each student performing different kinds Academic work, the teacher accumulates the data bank on his individual "profile", which changes from class to class. An important and significant point is the need to put a student in the center educational process, make it an active subject of the activities of the teachings, organize its interaction with other students, give the curriculum real, practical orientation.
The use of computer technologies in English lessons.
Today, schools are provided with modern computers, electronic resources, internet access. This contributes to the introduction of new pedagogical technologies, such as: information and communicative, computer and multimedia technologies that are closely related to each other.
Implementation information technologies The school creates prerequisites for the intensification of the educational process. Computer technology contribute to the disclosure, preservation and development of students' personal qualities.
Historically, pedagogics has always used information funds in their activities (information storage, processing and transmission means); Their improvement has increased learning efficiency. Therefore, the use of a computer as the most perfect information resource along with the use of book, fountain pen, TV, calculator, video recorder, etc. training subjects Naturally entails the improvement of the learning process. The evolution of computers and software led to sufficient simplicity of their development for the most unprepared users, including even preschoolers.

The value of computer technologies in English lessons.
1) What give computer technology schools?
Students. A variety of techniques increases interest in learning items, makes the process of cognition attractive. The use of a computer allows you to relate to closed students to liberate and share your knowledge with others, increases independence in the learning process, helps the development of creative abilities, increases the level of communication and culture, develops speech. It makes it possible to participate in various contests, quizzes, competitions, projects.
Teacher. Solving new methodological tasks, deepening knowledge on the subject, increases its professional level. Increased prestige among students, colleagues, parents. Stimulates the process of joint creativity with teachers of other subjects (joint creation of small programs for lessons and for extracurricular work). The computer allows you to create a basis for monitoring student performance, which more efficiently allows the teacher and disciple to follow the dynamics of their results. The computer allows you to create in more comfortable form set test tasks, independent I. test work.

The range of computer use in the educational process is very large: from testing children, identifying them personal features before the game. At the same time, the computer is a powerful means of improving learning efficiency. Even never teachers received such a powerful learning tool.
The computer significantly expands the possibilities of presenting educational information. Application color, graphics, sound, modern means Video equipment allows you to simulate different situations and environments.
The computer allows you to strengthen the motivation of the child. Not only the novelty of working with a computer that in itself contributes to improving interest in learning, but also the ability to regulate presentation task By degree of difficulty, prompt encouraging right decisions Positive affect motivation.
One of the sources of motivation is inability. Computer features are inexhaustible here. Computer allows you to significantly change management methods educational activities, immersing students in a specific game situation, giving the opportunity to children to request a certain assistance form, setting out educational material with illustrations, graphs, etc. With the implementation of information technologies, all coercion and suppression of the child's desires should be excluded.
The application of the computer in the lesson is possible and necessary, it contributes to improving interest in learning, its effectiveness, develops a child comprehensively. Computer programs involve children in developing activities, form culturally significant knowledge and skills. The developing effect depends on the design of the program, its availability for the child, compliance with its level of development and interest. Computer technologies allow you to put in front of a child and help him solve cognitive and creative tasks with a clarity (indirectness) and leading activities for this age - the game.
Today, computer technologies can be considered that the new way of transferring knowledge that meets the qualitatively new content of the learning and development of the child. This method allows the child with interest to learn, find sources of information, brings up independence and responsibility in obtaining new knowledge, develops discipline intellectual activity.

Creatively working teacher able to use the power of computer equipment to achieve a wide variety of purposes:
1. Formation of new knowledge and concepts
2. Operating practical skills and skills
3. Repetition and generalization of the material studied
4. Ensuring the motivation of students to learning
5. Formation of the necessary personal qualities

The use of information technologies is possible not only on specialized integrated lessons, but also on conventional English lessons on different stages of schoolchildren's training.
The introduction of computer technologies into the scheme of the traditional lesson allows the teacher to shift the part of its work on the PC, while doing the learning process more interesting, diverse, intense. PC does not replace, but only complements the teachers.
The attraction of the computer allows you to make any lesson attractive and, truly, modern. Performing any task, exercise using a computer creates an opportunity to increase the intensity of the lesson. The use of variable material and various modes of operation contributes to individualization of learning.
The computer can be used at all stages of training: when explaining the new material, consolidation, repetition, knowledge control, skills and skills. At the same time, for the child, it performs various functions: teachers, working tools, object of learning, collaborating team, gaming environment.
The use of multimedia technologies in English learning.

Multimedia technologies are a set of different ways of learning: texts, graphic images, music, video and animation in interactive mode. New learning environment creates additional features For the development of students' creativity, stimulates their curiosity, causing interest in learning activities.
Modern multimedia programs are an effective means of optimizing the conditions of mental labor. Forms of working with computer training programs in English classes include the study of vocabulary, development of pronunciation, monologic and dialogic speech training, learning letter, grammar training. In English classes, you can solve a number of didactic tasks using the Internet materials, replenish vocabulary students and form reading skills and skills; improve the ability of written speech; Create stable motivation to study English. For students, multimedia technologies are a way, with which they expand their ideas about the world around. The use of multimedia technologies provides more complete and accurate information about studied phenomena and objects. This improves the quality of learning, allows you to satisfy and develop cognitive interests of students, increases the visibility of learning, allowing you to use a hardly available material or one that cannot be used without a computer. The work of schoolchildren becomes more intense, which makes it possible to increase the rate of study of educational material and increase the volume of independent work in class ..
To efficiently use multimedia technologies, it is necessary to create such conditions to ensure the formation of social and cognitive activity as the main personal characteristics of the student. Programs must be a dialog for the development of the independence of schoolchildren.
It should be noted that the use of multimedia technologies cannot provide a substantial pedagogical effect without a teacher, since these technologies are only training methods, the effectiveness of which depends on the skill of the teacher to use them to achieve certain pedagogical objectives based on a deep study of all opportunities.
Modernity places more and higher requirements for learning practical chores in everyday communication. Today we can safely say that such innovative approaches in English learning as: multimedia, computer, information technologies have huge advantages over traditional learning methods. They allow you to train various types of speech activities and combine them in various combinations; help create communication situations, automate language and speech actions; They contribute to the implementation of the individual approach and the intensification of the student's independent work.

Innovative technologies in the process of learning foreign languages

Nurislamova Z.Z., English teacher

second qualification category

MOU "School №15 with in-depth study of individual items"

One of the main tasks of the Russian Mass School in the context of the modernization of education is to search for an effective technique that allows the child to graduate from the school to master a foreign language at a level sufficient to adapt in an input society.

Modern innovative learning technologies are the most relevant ways to solve the task. In the practice of teaching foreign languages At the present stage of training, the following technologies are used:

1) project technologies;

2) information technologies;

3) technology of language portfolios;

4) Modular block technologies.

When using the project technology of learning, the new educational paradigm becomes the process of independent autonomous mastering system of training cognitive activity. The design task that is given to the group of students directly connects mastering a certain objective knowledge with the real use of this knowledge. The integrated integrative nature of the project work allows the student to build a single picture of the world, collecting previously acquired knowledge and skills and acquiring new ones for this. At the same time, the orientation of the creation of a project as a personal educational product makes the process of mastering the subject knowledge of a personal meaningful, personally motivated.

Computer technologies are a single educational process based on interdisciplinary unconventional content, forms and learning tools. Here on the forefront, the informatization of education is, the essence of which is that the information provided in the basic data, computer programs, various reference literature becomes available for the student. Information technologies in learning create a fundamentally new situation in terms of the formation of the autonomy of the student in the process of studying the IAI. The motivational basis of language learning activities increased with the possibility of accessing the Internet. In class in the conditions of multimedia - educational technologies, students receive information from newspapers, television, they themselves take the interviews, make up scripts, write articles, conduct televisions.

The language portfolio is seen in the modern concept of learning as the most important tool for the formation of the autonomy of the trainee. The idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping a language portfolio is based on the correlation of the Russian system of requirements for the level of ownership of a foreign language with pan-European systems, which is a step leading to the creation of a single pan-European educational space. Assessment of various levels of ownership of the IA is carried out through the mechanism of lingvodidactic testing. The essence of this aspect of the new ideology in the study of foreign languages \u200b\u200bis to reorient the educational process from the teacher on the trainee, which is fully aware of the responsibility for the results of its own activity. This gradually forms his skills of independent, autonomous from the teacher, mastering the practices of labor methods, with the aim of continuous language education, which he can exercise throughout his subsequent life. We mean here the improvement of ownership of the first foreign language on more high levels and the study of the second, third and other foreign languages.

During modular-block learning, a certain "technology" of training is also achieved, because Training to a lesser extent becomes addicted to teacher's pedagogical skills. The essence of modular learning is that the student can work autonomously with the individual curriculum proposed by him, which contains a target action program, a banking bank and a methodological guide to achieve the didactic goals. The interaction of the teacher and the trained in the educational process is carried out on a fundamentally different basis: with the help of the module, a conscious autonomous achievement is ensured by a student of a certain level of preliminary preparedness for each pedagogical meeting.

It is advisable to complex, integrative use in the educational process to master the intercultural communication of all the above-mentioned learning technologies. Thus, the creative tasks on the project suggest being found over the Internet, its creative refraction for the goal; To work out specific language skills and skills, a module is proposed in the form of a standardized booklet consisting of training materials, instructions, control checks; Working with the language portfolio (filling the language passport, biography, dossier) will allow monitoring of autonomous training activities.


    1.Polat E.S. Internet in foreign language lessons // Iyash No. 2.3 2001

    2.Polat E.S. Project method in foreign language lessons // Iyash № 2, 3 2000

    3. Passs E.I. Communicative learning method for foreign speaking. - M: Education, 1991,

    4.Polate E.S. Training in collaboration // Iyash №1 2000.

    5.Millude R.P. Cooperation in a foreign language lesson, // Iyash.-1991. -№6.

Slide 1.

In the process of teaching English Nurislamova Zulfiya Zufarovna, English teacher MOU "School №15 with an in-depth study of individual items" of the Soviet district of Kazan RT

Slide 2.

Technology language portfolios Modular block technologies Information technologies Project technologies

Slide 3.

Information and communication technologies - integrative - pedagogical technologies with active use of computer equipment: 1. Intelligent Educational Systems (Databases, Knowledge Base, Expert Training Systems, Artificial Intelligence Systems) 2. Distributed and Integrated Databases (Database - Designed A combination of facts related to a specific subject. Knowledge base is an information system containing a model of a particular subject area). 3. Multi and hypermedia systems, virtual reality systems (one of the types of IT, which combines in a single complex the information presented as text, video sound, graphic image, animation). four. Electronic libraries (Reflection of information sources in a global information environment using IT funds) 5. Telecommunications equipment (includes computer networks, telephone, television, satellite communications to exchange a variety of information between users).

Slide 4.

Project technology Benefits: Teamwork Skills; Communication skills; Interdisciplinary skills; Development of individual skills of project participants; Work with personal consciousness. Independently gain knowledge from different sources use knowledge to solve new cognitive tasks acquire communicative and research skills develop analytical and creative thinking

Slide 5.

The technology of language portfolios portfolio sections: · The passport in which the student estimates its own level of owning a foreign language in accordance with the "Public European Competences of the Foreign Language"; · Long biography reflects the languages \u200b\u200bowned by a student or plans to explore, his experience of staying abroad and intercultural communication (including the correspondence). Table of levels of ownership of a foreign language is a system-forming portfolio document. It clearly describes language skills and skills, the production of which occurs at one or another level of language learning. Turning to this table 2 times a year - in September and March - the student independently tracks the individual process of exercise, adjusts it, puts the goals (in the early stages with the help of a teacher). This contributes to the formation of the autonomy of the student, the ability to independently learn throughout the life ("Life-Long Learning"). Galskova N.D., Nikitenko Z.N. adapted the pan-European scale for primary school in such a way that already junior schoolchild learns to independently track the formation of their linguistic skills; · Dossier includes "Best" from the point of view of the student of his success in mastering languages \u200b\u200b(written works, autobiographical entries, poems and stories written by students, individual / group projects, written reports, evidence of recognition of the achievements of the student); · Memo include recommendations for the development of educational skills (read speed; ability to organize their work, writing essays, personal and business letters, resumes), terminological dictionary; · Reflection includes estimated sheets and teacher reviews, classmates and parents about the portfolio.

Currently, interest in the problems of the ethnopsychological level, considering the language of both the mapping of sociocultural reality, which, accordingly, makes it necessary to study the holistic picture of the world present in the cultural tradition, both of the people and the people being studied.

Modern answers to questions, what to learn and how to teach, the methodology and didactics of training in foreign languages \u200b\u200bare looking for, based on studies analyzing the ratio of language, speech and thinking, thinking and communications, communicative and cognitive in speech, etc.

The principle of variability, proclaimed in Russian education, makes it possible to average educational institutions Choose any model of the pedagogical process, including the author. Under these conditions, a special freedom of creativity is provided to a foreign language teacher, freedom to choose innovative models and learning technologies, without which the modern educational process is unthinkable.

Innovative phenomena that generates the specifics of the teacher's activities in modern conditions, cause the transition from the meaning paradigm of the pedagogical process to the personality, from the "reporting" to interactive learning methods.

All of the above, as well as the need to search for ways to intensify use in teaching English in the school of innovative teaching methods, in the conditions of constantly changing realities of modern society and its active development determine the relevance of work and determine the choice of its topic.

The problem of learning foreign languages \u200b\u200bat school today is definitely requires systemic analysis of reading activities from psycholinguistic, linguistic, psychological positions.

Traditional methods of teaching a foreign language involve the assimilation of knowledge in artificial situations, as a result of which the future graduate does not see the connection of the subject matter with its future professional activities.

The most effective means of developing the thinking of future graduates is simulation modeling. Such a training approach provides imitation of elements of professional activities, its typical and essential features. Its application in foreign language classes makes it possible to form the skills and skills of communication; Develops the habit of self-control, contributes to the real training of schoolchildren to the upcoming activities and life in society as a whole; Helps to make a foreign language classes are more alive, interesting, meaningful, make it possible to schoolchildren more and more often express their own opinions, express feelings, thoughts, assessments, i.e. think in a foreign language.

As a techniques that ensure an increase in the professional orientation of a foreign language study, may appear: Communication - a dialogue about the professional information read in a foreign language, an analysis of social and professional situations, the performance of creative tasks with profile content, gaming situations, role-playing games, quiz.

The effect of the application of innovative technologies in order to increase the professional orientation of a foreign language study at school, as practice shows, is most noticeable when they are used in the training system, providing mastering a whole complex of skills, laying an effective base for its effective profiling in life.

Innovative trends in teaching a foreign language to schoolchildren.

Let us turn to the consideration of modern, innovative methods of teaching a foreign language aimed at more efficient identity development and adaptation (both social and professional) within the framework of today's rapid society.

Multilateral method.

The modern multilateral method originates from the so-called "Cleveland Plan", developed in 1920. Its basic principles:

  1. A foreign language cannot be occupied through mechanical memorization, because Created individually to each. Thus, must be minimized training exercises In favor of the spontaneous speech of students.
  2. Language is culture, i.e. Cultural knowledge is transmitted in the learning process through authentic language materials.
  3. Each lesson should be built around the only focus, trained in one lesson should recognize one dedicated unit of detention.
  4. Grammar, as well as a dictionary, are taught by measured portions in a strict logical sequence: each subsequent occupation should increase the available reserve.
  5. All four types of speech activities should be present simultaneously in the learning process.

The educational material is represented by long dialogs with subsequent exercises in question-response.

As a rule, the texts offered to study this method give a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe culture of the country under study. However, the role of the teacher limits the possibility of creative use of the material learned learned in situations of direct communication with each other.

Method of complete physical reaction.

This method is based on two main prerequisites. First, on the fact that foreign speech perception skills Must be preceded by the development of all other skills, as is happening in young children.

Secondly, the language of classes is usually limited to the concepts describing the situation "here and now" and easily explained by the examples in the language studied. The trainees should never push into the oral speech until they themselves feel that they are ready for her.

The method is not intended to be learning to read and write, as well as the language, in the amount that is absorbed by teaching this method is not a natural language of everyday communication.

Natural method.

The purpose of learning is to achieve the learning average level of ownership of a foreign language. The teacher never pays attention to errors in speech, as it is believed that this can slow down the development of speech skills. The early productivity starts from the moment when the passive dictionary of students reaches about 500 vocabulary units.

From the point of view of pedagogy, the main components of an innovative approach to learning are activity approach. This approach is based on the idea that the functioning and development of the individual, as well as the interpersonal relations of students are mediated by the goals, content and objectives of socially significant activities.

Active learning.

It is based on the fact that the student is increasingly facing real life With the need to solve problem situations. This method is aimed at organizing development, self-organization, self-development personality. The main principle is that the trained Creator himself is his knowledge. Active learning is definitely a priority at the modern stage of teaching a foreign language. After all, the effective management of educational and educational activities is possible only when it relies on the active mental activity of students.

Teaching a foreign language in school using innovative technologies involves the introduction of a number of psychological approaches, such as: cognitive, positive, emotional, motivational, optimistic, technological. All these approaches are drawn to the personality of the student.

Teaching a foreign language using the Internet network.

The introduction of information and communication technologies in the learning process began not so long ago.

However, the pace of its propagation is incredibly rapid. The use of Internet technologies in a foreign language classes is an effective factor for the development of the learned motivation. In most cases, the guys like to work with a computer. Since classes are held in an informal setting, schoolchildren are given freedom of action, and some of them can "shine" with their knowledge in the field of ICT.

Prospects for using Internet technologies today are wide enough. It may be:

  • Correspondence with residents of Anglo-speaking countries through email;
  • Participation in international internet conferences, seminars and other network projects of this kind;
  • Creation and placement on the network of sites and presentations - they can be created jointly by the teacher and trainee. In addition, it is possible to exchange presentations between teachers from different countries.

As pedagogical experience shows, work on the creation of Internet resources is interesting for students with its novelty, relevance, creativity. The organization of the cognitive activity of students in small groups makes it possible to exercise their activity to each child.

However, it should be noted that information technologies, Internet technologies are by no means panacea in the way of increasing the motivation and independence of students in the process of studying a foreign language in the cognitive process. To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to use a wide range of innovative, including, of course, a variety of media education technologies in the learning process.

Language portfolio as one of the promising means of learning a foreign language at school.

Language portfolio in modern conditions is defined as a package of working materials, which represent one or another experience / result of the study activities of the student in mastering a foreign language. Such a package / set of materials makes it possible a student and a teacher based on the results of the curriculum presented in the language portfolio, analyze and assess the amount of academic work and the spectrum of the achievements of the student in the field of studying language and foreign language culture.

For the first time, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a tool of self-assessment of owning a foreign language appeared in Switzerland more than 10 years ago. Currently, at the Council of Europe, an accreditation committee has been created, where the projects of language portfolios are sent to the current assessment and discussion, as well as accreditation.

Goals and shapes Working with the language portfolio may be different.

According to its conceptual essence, the language portfolio is a flexible academic tool that can be adapted to almost any academic situation. One of the important advantages of the language portfolio, compared, in particular, with "one-time" texts, is the ability for a student to independently trace its dynamics of the level of possession under the language during a certain time. In a certain situation, the work of the student with the language portfolio can be correlated with the preparation of its personal (individual) educational. This educational means creates a development situation and provides real involvement in the course of the educational process.

The task of development, improvement, optimization of teaching methods by foreign language has always been one of the topical problems of Russian education. The studies of pedagogical work in this area have shown that foreign language training at school is impossible today without an innovative component. In the light of modern requirements, the status of both the trainee and the teacher, which transfers the "teacher - student" scheme to the technology of personal-oriented training in tight cooperation, is changing.

English teacher
KSU "SOSH number 2" of families
Janalova Z. Kh.

Innovative technologies in English learning
IN last years The question of using innovative technologies in school is increasingly raising. These are not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to the learning process. The introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process is interrelated with improving the content and methods of education in the process of learning foreign languages \u200b\u200bin relation to the needs modern life.
The main purpose of training in foreign languages \u200b\u200bis the formation and development of the communicative culture of schoolchildren, learning practical mastering in foreign language. The task of the teacher is to create conditions for practical mastering with the language for each student, choose such training methods that would allow each student to show their activity, their creativity. Modern pedagogical technologies such as training in collaboration, project methodology, the use of new information technologies, Internet resources help implement a personal-oriented approach in training, provide individualization and differentiation of training taking into account the abilities of children, their level of training. Communicative approach is a strategy that simulates communication aimed at creating psychological and linguistic readiness to communicate, to conscious understanding of the material and methods of action with it. For the user's implementation of the communicative approach on the Internet, it does not represent much difficult. Communicative task should offer a problem with a problem or a question for discussion, and students are not simply sharing information, but also evaluate it. The main criterion that allows you to distinguish this approach from other types of training activities is that students independently choose language units for making their thoughts. The use of the Internet in the communicative approach is not better reasonable: its goal is to be interested in learning in the study of a foreign language through the accumulation and expansion of their knowledge and experience.
One of the main requirements for training in foreign languages \u200b\u200busing Internet resources is to create interaction in the lesson, which is customary called in the method of interactivity. Interactivity is "Association, coordination and complemention of the efforts of the communicative goal and the result of speech funds." Training with genuine language, the Internet helps in the formation of skills and skills spoken Speech, as well as in learning vocabulary and grammar, providing a true interest and, therefore, efficiency. Interactivity does not just create real situations from life, but also forces students to adequately respond to them through a foreign language.
One of the technologies providing personal-oriented learning is the method of projects as a way to develop creativity, cognitive activity, independence. The typology of projects is diverse. According to M. E. Breigina, projects can be divided into monoprojects, collective, oral speech, species, written and Internet projects. Although in real practice it often has to deal with mixed projects in which there are signs of research, creative, practical-oriented and informational. The project work is a multi-level approach to learning a language covering reading, auditing, speaking and grammar. Project method contributes to the development of active independent thinking of students and orient them to joint research work. In my opinion, project training is relevant to the fact that teaches children to cooperate, and the training of cooperation raises such moral values, as mutual assistance and the ability to empathize, forms creative abilities and activates the student. In general, in the process of project training, the continuity of learning and education is traced.
The method of projects shall form communicative skills, the culture of communication, the ability to briefly and accessively to formulate thoughts, tolerate the opinion of communication partners, to develop the ability to produce information from different sources, process it with modern computer technologies, creates a language environment that promotes the emergence of natural needs In communicating in a foreign language.
The design form of work is one of the current technologies that allow students to apply accumulated knowledge on the subject. Students expand their horizons, the borders of their own language, receiving experience from practical use, learn to listen to a foreign language speech and hear, understand each other when protecting projects. Children work with reference books, dictionaries, a computer, thereby creating the possibility of direct contact with the authentic language, which does not allow language learning only with the help of a textbook in class lesson.
Work on the project is a creative process. The student independently or under the guidance of the teacher is searching for solving some problem, this requires not only knowledge of language, but also possession of a large volume of objective knowledge, possession of creative, communicative and intellectual skills. In the course of foreign languages, the project method can be used within the framework of software material practically through any topic. Work on projects is developing imagination, fantasy, creative thinking, independence and others personal qualities.
TO modern technologies There is also cooperation technology. The main idea is to create conditions for active joint activity students in different learning situations. Children are combined into groups of 3-4 people, they are given one task, while negotiating the role of each. Each student responds not only for the result of its work, but also for the result of the whole group. Therefore, weak students try to find out from strong what it is not clear to them, and strong students strive so that weak thoroughly sort out in the task. And from this wins the whole class, because the gaps are jointly eliminated.
The introduction of information technologies in training will significantly diverge the process of perception and testing of information. Thanks to the computer, the Internet and multimedia tools, students are provided with a unique opportunity to master the large amount of information with its subsequent analysis and sorting. The motivational basis of training activities is significantly expanding. Under the use of multimedia, students receive information from newspapers, television, they themselves take interviews and conduct televisions.
Much efficiency in our time has problem learning. The technology of problem learning is not Nova: it was distributed in the 20x-30s in the Soviet and foreign school.
Today, the organization is understood under problematic education. training activitieswhich suggests the creation under the leadership of the teacher of problem situations and active independent activities of students for their resolution, resulting in creative mastering knowledge, skills and skills and the development of mental abilities.
Problem learning Based on the creation of a special type of motivation - problem, therefore requires adequate designing of the didactic content of the material, which must be represented as a chain of problem situations.
The teacher creates a problem situation, directs students to its decision, organizes the solution of the solution. Thus, the student becomes subject to his learning and, as a result, he masters new knowledge, new ways of action.
Thus, innovative technologies are significantly enriched and diversified teaching foreign languages. An intelligent creative search comes to replace monotonous work, in the process of which the identity of a new type is formed, active and purposeful, focused on constant self-education and development.