Cool hour in Kuban during the war years. Lesson "Kuban during the Great Patriotic War"


Class hour:

"Kuban during the Great Patriotic War».

Place of work: MBOU gymnasium No. 8

city ​​of Tikhoretsk municipal district Tikhoretsky district

Phone: 89064340594

E-mail address:sergeeva - tih.83@ mail. ru


Class hour: “Kuban during the Great Patriotic War.”

Target: formperformanceabout military operations in the Kuban, to show the heroism of the Kuban people in the Great Patriotic War, to show a caring attitude towards the memory of their fellow countrymen. To promote the development of a personal, civil-patriotic attitude towards the exploits of fellow countrymen, a sense of pride in their relatives - defenders of the Fatherland, a desire to be like them. Foster readiness to defend your homeland.

What happened, tell me, wind?

What pain is there in your eyes?

Doesn’t the sun shine the same way, or does the grass in the meadows wither?

Don't the stars sparkle like that?

Don't girls dream anymore?

Happiness Scarlet Sails?

How anxiously the planet groans,

How gloomily the silence hangs.

What happened, tell me, wind,

Is this really war?? (Slide 1)

Today our class hour is dedicated to the 74th anniversary of liberation Krasnodar region from German - fascist invaders. I propose to recall the main events that took place in Kuban during the Great Patriotic War.

ON JUNE 22, 1941, Nazi Germany treacherously attacked the USSR and the Great Patriotic War began. The outbreak of war disrupted peaceful life. Many Kuban residents met the enemy with weapons in their hands western borders Motherland. They were among the heroic defenders Brest Fortress And naval bases on the Baltic Sea - Liepam, repulsed the enemy at border outposts. They had to participate in heavy battles as part of units and formations of the Red Army. defensive battles in the summer and autumn of 1941. In the summer of 1942, the fascist invaders launched a powerful offensive in the bend of the Don and towards Stalingrad. At the same time, the enemy launched an attack on the Caucasus. The enemy's advantage was in personnel and superiority in aviation.

Under the pressure of the advancing enemy, units of the Red Army were forced to retreat, suffering heavy losses in manpower and equipment.(Slide 2)

By July 1942, the war had come to the land of Kuban.When the flames of war raged, together with the entire Soviet people, the cities and villages, villages and villages of the Krasnodar region rose to defend the Motherland. By this time, every fifth resident of the region had gone to the front... Anger and hatred of the vile enemy, the indomitable desire to do everything to defeat him filled the hearts of the Kuban people.

The outbreak of war required the creation of a military economy in the region as soon as possible. From the very beginning of the war, all the main enterprises of the region were fully or partially transferred to the production of military products. So on

The Krasnodar Oktyabr plant mastered the production of parts for the famous Katyusha shells. At the plant named after Sedina, continuing to produce machines, began to produce individual components for tanks, housings for artillery shells, mortars, hand grenades, the laboratory of the Krasnodar Institute of Chemical Technology began producing bottles with self-igniting liquid. Sewing enterprises switched to producing tunics, overcoats, padded jackets, army earflaps and other equipment.(Slide 3)

In the first half of 1942, the 17th Kuban Cavalry Corps was formed in the Kuban. The 29th cavalry regiment from Adygea was also introduced into the corps. For the courage and valor shown on the battlefields, on August 27, 1942, the corps was renamed the 4th Guards Cavalry Corps. The Cossacks of the 17th Cavalry Corps fought in the area of ​​the villages of Shkurinskaya and Kushchevskaya, in which they destroyed 3 thousand fascist soldiers and officers, as well as many tanks, guns, and mortars.(Slide 4)

At the beginning of August, large forces were sent toKrasnodar . The fighting took place from August 10 to 12. The 30th Irkutsk Red Banner Division not only held back the enemy, but knocked him out of the city with counterattacks. And only by order of the command was Krasnodar abandoned.

August 9, 1942 - February 12, 1943 - the dark days of the fascist occupation of the regional center of Kuban began. Immediately after the occupation, the Germans declared the Kuban land their property and introduced a “curfew” - a time when one cannot walk the streets. In the city of Krasnodar, the Germans first used their death machines - “gas chambers”. Residents of the city - adults and children - were raided, loaded into cars, gassed and thrown into a ditch on the outskirts of the city in the Chistyakovskaya Grove area. All this time, Krasnodar residents bravely fought the invaders; partisan detachments and underground groups were organized in the city. A lot of people died then. These six months were the most terrible in his entire history.(Slide 5) During the occupation, more than 13 thousand citizens died. 870 houses were destroyed and burned. 4 highest ones burned educational institutions, with laboratory equipment and libraries, dramatic and musical comedy theaters, the Palace of Pioneers, almost all schools, clubs, cinemas. Battles for Krasnodar lay ahead. On February 12, the soldiers of the motorized brigade were the first to rush into the city, and the next morning a red flag was hoisted in the city center. After the war, residents of the city of Krasnodar buried the dead. Now at the burial site there is a memorial to the “Victims of Fascism.”(Slide 6)

During the Great Patriotic War, more than 15 thousand city residentsYeysk left to fight on all fronts, defending the independence of our Motherland. From August 1942 to February 1943, the city experienced terrible months of enemy occupation. During these six months, more than a thousand people suffered at the hands of the Nazis, including 214 children from orphanage, tortured by the Nazis. Children tried to escape, they were caught and pushed into death machines. The operation to strangle the children lasted two days. Material damage damage to the city is estimated at 100 million rubles. Our fellow countrymen showed the greatest heroism at the front. Evidence of this is the fact that 25 residents of Yerevan were awarded the honorary title of Hero Soviet Union . (Slide 7)

Peaceful development of the villageTimashevskaya was also broken. Forever in world history The names of many heroes were inscribed - Timashevites who gave their lives for their Motherland, for their city. In 1942, Timashevsk was captured by the Germans. But they were not allowed to rule our land for a long time. February 11, 1943 Soviet army after fierce fighting, she drove the invaders out of the village. Retreating, the Germans used scorched earth tactics, trying not to leave behind anything usable. The buildings of the regional newspaper editorial office, a cinema, a regional food processing plant, and a dam were blown up. Terrible devastation reigned in agriculture. But the war spared no one.

Help was expected from the rear, and the Timashevites made their contribution as best they could, gradually restoring what had been destroyed and building something new. In record time, the dam was restored for communication with Krasnodar, and the work of the railway depot was established. Buildings were rebuilt. To combat unsanitary conditions, 10 baths were opened in 9 days. In such difficult conditions, with an acute shortage of resources and people, the Timashevsky district exceeded the plan for meat by 240 centners, milk - by 33 centners, eggs - by 30 thousand, grain - 12,317 centners. During the Great Patriotic War, thousands of Timashevites went to the front. In all corners globe They know about the maternal feat of a resident of the Timashevsky district, peasant woman Epistinia Fedorovna Stepanova, whose nine sons died defending their Motherland.(Slide 8)

By Order No. 3 of July 1, 1941,Belorechensky The garrison of the village was transferred to martial law. On August 6, 1942, after an air strike, the enemy captured Armavir in battle and continued the attack on Maykop. The main blow in the Maikop-Tuapse direction was taken by units and formations of the 12th Army under the command of Major General A.A. Grechko and the 18th Army under the command of Major General Kamkov.

Trying to break through to the Maikop oil region and reach the Black Sea coast in the Tuapse region, the enemy threw six divisions of the 1st Tank Army in this direction, supported by aviation and artillery and mortar fire. From August 8 to 12, there were strong battles on the borders of the Kuban, Laba, and Belaya rivers.

By the end of August 10, the enemy tried to cross the Belaya River by march. On the left bank, Lieutenant Gorlov’s battery of the 149th mortar regiment stood like a wall in the enemy’s path. She was ordered to cover the retreat of our units to the mountains. IN unequal battle The fighters exterminated up to two hundred fascists, burned and blew up several cars and three tanks. The mortar men did not retreat and repeated the immortal feat of the Panfilov guards.

Intensifying their actions, strengthening the advancing units, on August 12 the enemy broke into the village of Belorechenskaya. By August 15, 1942, the entire Belorechensky district was occupied Nazi troops. The bloody occupation of the area lasted until January 31, 1943. Officers of the military commandant's office, field gendarmerie, and accomplices from among the traitors were distinguished by particular cruelty and atrocities in the region. In total, 272 people from the village of Belorechenskaya were killed by the fascists and their accomplices during the occupation. The Nazis “ruled” the village for only six months. But during this time they caused enormous damage to the area. The pogromists destroyed and burned all enterprises, large buildings, schools, railway bridges and many other important objects.

But liberation from occupation was approaching. On January 1, 1943, troops of the Southern Front, North Caucasus Front, Transcaucasian Front and Black Sea Group of Forces began an operation to liberate the North Caucasus. On January 30, 1943, units of the 353rd SD and 31st SD of the 18th Army approached the Belorechensky district. The enemy quickly retreated in small groups in the direction of the Belaya River. Units of the 353rd rifle division released western part district by January 31. Units of the 31st SD, operating in the direction of Ryazan, liberated eastern part area from the Belaya River by January 30. January 31, 1943 Soviet troops entered Belorechenskaya.

From the first days of the Great Patriotic WarNovorossiysk (Slide 10) became the scene of fierce battles. The German command, taking into account the strategic importance of Novorossiysk, bombed the city non-stop. It became an impregnable fortress on the path of the invaders rushing to the Caucasus. In the fall of 1942, the Germans reached the shores of Tsemes Bay, captured the city and approached the Oktyabr cement plant. They were unable to get further. Moreover, not a single German ship was able to berth in Tsemes Bay during the fighting. Most civilian houses were damaged in defensive battles. People were forced to live in basements and dugouts. From the first days of the “new order,” gallows appeared on the streets of Novorossiysk. On September 15, 1942, the Gestapo brought 20 Komsomol girls to the Markov club and executed them. On September 16, 1942, they herded more than 1,000 unreliable residents to the Gestapo building, put them in cars, took them to the Sudzhuk Spit and shot them. During their reign in the city, the Germans destroyed more than 7,000 wounded and sick Soviet soldiers, as well as those who sheltered them. More than 32 thousand residents were taken from the city: some to work in Germany, some to the occupied areas, and some to suburban concentration camps. To destroy the unwanted population, all kinds of “filtration, execution, and liquidation” were carried out. The Nazis constantly improved the technique of mass murder of people, creating crematoria, “special-purpose baths,” and “gas cars.”(Slide 11)

The defense of Novorossiysk, the heroic 225-day epic of the defenders of the legendary Malaya Zemlya, the desperate landing and liberation of the city on September 16, 1943 became key military operations in the battle for the Caucasus. During the fighting, Novorossiysk was destroyed to the ground. It was hard to imagine that a pile of smoking, twisted concrete a year ago was a thriving, cozy city

A-priory State Commission, destruction amounted to 96.5%. The city had to be rebuilt. For services to the Motherland, perseverance, courage and heroism in 1966. Novorossiysk was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, first degree, and in 1971 it was awarded the title of Hero City. Viewing fragments of the film “Malaya Zemlya – Battle for Novorossiysk” (Slide 12)

In the spring of 1943, one of the largest air battles of the Second World War took place in the skies of Kuban. More than 2 thousand aircraft took part in it from both sides. The Nazis lost 1,100 aircraft. Air support for the Red Army's offensive was provided.(Slide 13)

Many pilots were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Among them A.I. Pokryshkin, brothers D.B. and B.B. Glinka, F.I. Fadeev.

A.I. Pokryshkin was a former student of the Krasnodar flying club. In the skies of Kuban he shot down 20 enemy planes. Enemy observers knew him well.(Slide 14)

On September 21, Anapa was liberated. Panic began among the fascist soldiers and officers. On September 27, Temryuk was liberated. On October 9, units of the 56th Army reached the shore of the Kerch Strait. Thus ended the battle for the Caucasus. (Slide 15)

Thousands of Kuban residents in the ranks of Soviet soldiers fought fearlessly on all fronts of the war and earned the eternal gratitude of their Motherland.

Among the Heroes of the Soviet Union - Kuban residents there are pilots and sailors, tank crews and artillerymen, infantrymen and cavalrymen. They earned this high title for their participation in battles on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. The Great Patriotic War demanded unprecedented sacrifices and suffering from the people. It was the most difficult of all the wars that the history of our Motherland has known. At the same time, it was also the heroic period of this history. Great goal defense of the Fatherland gave birth to great energy. The unfading feats of the Soviet people, accomplished at the front and in the rear, in the struggle for the honor, freedom and independence of our Motherland, will never be forgotten and will forever live in memory.(Slide 16)

This war lasted for four long years, and in our country there is not a single family whose relatives did not defend our Motherland from enemies. Many of you have great-grandparents who also fought, some of them are still alive. They are called veterans of the Great Patriotic War. On holidays they wear orders and medals. Every day of the Great Patriotic War was a feat at the front and behind enemy lines, a manifestation of the boundless courage and fortitude of the Soviet people and loyalty to the Motherland.

Kuban during the Great Patriotic War ()

We cannot help but recall that page in the history of the Krasnodar region that is connected with the Great Patriotic War. We cannot help but recall the heroic feat of our people. The war left its terrible bloody trail throughout the region. Our generation remembers the cost of victory. Let's take another look at the physical map of the Krasnodar region.

Krasnodar region is located very favorably. It is located in the temperate zone of the eastern hemisphere. From the north-west and south-west it is washed by the Azov and Black Seas, which have a beneficial effect on the climate of the region and serve as excellent routes of communication with neighboring states.

By July 1942, when the war came to the land of Kuban, every fifth resident of the region went to the front. More than 90 fighter battalions and three Cossack formations were created from volunteers: the 50th Separate Cavalry Division, the 4th Kuban Guards Cavalry Corps and the Krasnodar Plastun Division. Those leaving for the front were given the order: “Again you took up blades in your hands and mounted war horses in order, as in previous years, to defend our land, our Motherland from the enemy. We believe in you and are proud of you, you will sacredly fulfill the military oath you took and return to your native villages only with victory... And if any of you have to give your life for your native land, give it up as heroes...” By July 1942, When the war came to the land of Kuban, every fifth resident of the region went to the front. More than 90 fighter battalions and three Cossack formations were created from volunteers: the 50th Separate Cavalry Division, the 4th Kuban Guards Cavalry Corps and the Krasnodar Plastun Division. Those leaving for the front were given the order: “Again you took up blades in your hands and mounted war horses in order, as in previous years, to defend our land, our Motherland from the enemy. We believe in you and are proud of you, you will sacredly fulfill the military oath you took and return to your native villages only with victory... And if one of you has to give his life for his native land, give it up as heroes...”

From August 9, 1942 to February 12, 1943, the fascist occupation of Krasnodar lasted. These six months were the most terrible in his entire history. During the German occupation of the city, the Nazis used death machines - “gas chambers”. During the occupation, more than 13 thousand citizens died. 870 houses were destroyed and burned. 4 higher educational institutions, with laboratory equipment and libraries, dramatic and musical comedy theaters, the Palace of Pioneers, almost all schools, clubs, and cinemas were burned. Valuable tree species in city parks have been cut down and damaged.

At the end of June 1942, the Nazis launched an offensive in the direction of the Volga and the North Caucasus. During stubborn battles, the Nazis managed to occupy almost the entire territory of the Krasnodar Territory by the beginning of September, with the exception of the cities of Sochi, Tuapse, Gelendzhik and the adjacent areas. The occupiers, who first tried to present themselves as “liberators” of the Cossacks and Caucasian peoples, tortured and killed 61 thousand Kuban residents, about 32 thousand young men and women were taken to hard labor in Germany. The SS-10A Sonderkommando committed atrocities here, and gas chambers were used for the first time. About 6.5 thousand residents of the region joined the partisans. The activities of 73 detachments were led by the headquarters partisan movement led by P.I. Seleznev. A wide underground network developed. Partisans and underground fighters provided serious assistance to the Red Army, destroyed manpower and enemy equipment

Residents of the city enrolled in air defense units and sanitary squads. In the first three days of the war alone, 235 applications from volunteers were submitted to the city military registration and enlistment office. Railway workers and port workers switched to round-the-clock work. The men who went to the front were replaced by women. In October 1941, construction began on the Agoi airfield. And by May 1942, the legendary U-2s were taking off from its site. The Tuapse naval base was created under the command of Rear Admiral G.V. Zhukov. During the Great Patriotic War, the Nazis advancing in the Maykop direction launched a series of attacks to capture the city. From the very beginning of active hostilities, Tuapse was subjected to massive bombing.

War came to the city from its very first days. The evacuation of industrial enterprises and the population of the southern USSR began through Tuapse. The city turned into a giant evacuation hospital; every day two or three ships arrived at the Tuapse port with thousands of wounded on board. All hospitals, schools, health resorts, kindergartens and pioneer camps were converted into hospitals. From July 1941 to July 1942, the port of Tuapse received 150 thousand wounded soldiers and officers, 120 thousand evacuated citizens, 11 kindergartens and nurseries - 2100 children.

The Battle of the Caucasus began at the end of July 1942. Novorossiysk remained one of the important areas of this struggle. Its defense began in the second half of August. The troops of the 47th Army and sailors fought bravely here Black Sea Fleet and the Azov military flotilla, partisans and underground fighters. At the firing line created in the area of ​​the city's cement factories, the Nazi advance was stopped. The enemy was never able to use the Novorossiysk seaport. Destroyed to the ground, covered in the smoke of fires, Novorossiysk survived and won.

Target: introduce historical information about the war in Kuban;

developing a respectful attitude towards history native land, WWII veterans;

education of patriotism

  1. introduction teachers
  2. Kuban during the Second World War

I. Teacher's opening speech

War... you say this word and terrible pictures appear in our imagination. The Great Patriotic War lasted 1418 days and nights...

The war entered every family, bringing difficult trials and suffering, the bitterness of the loss of relatives and friends.

How difficult it was to survive, to provide the army with everything necessary for Victory! Victory at the front largely depended on success in the rear. At the enterprise, both old and young went out into the field, forged weapons of victory, and grew grain.

Figures, facts, events confirm that the Kuban people are heroic. 469255 fellow countrymen incl. 2952 women did not return to their loved ones, friends, family, or loved ones.

Like millions of Soviet people, they remained on the battlefields from the Volga to the Elbe, from Stalingrad to Berlin.

The ashes of 61,557 killed Kuban residents rest on the territory of 36 states of the near and far abroad. To our deep chagrin, we know the names and surnames of only half of the brave people who died.

War... it will not be erased from the memories of those who were trusted to fight. And we, the descendants of the victors, know, remember, honor?... in the history of mankind, unfortunately, there are many wars, large and small. This will later be the Kulikovo field for History. Borodino, Prozhorovka. And for a Russian soldier, this is all his native Russian land. You need to stand up to your full height, go on the attack, and die in an open field under the Russian sky. Thus, from time immemorial, Russian people fulfilled their duty, the duty of defenders of their fatherland...

We remember those who paid an exorbitant price in the name of our Victory, we remember the living and the dead, and first of all, those who were destined by nature to continue living.

  1. 1. Nazi atrocities on Kuban land

Having occupied most of the regions of the region, the Nazis tried to attract the Cossacks to their side. In 6 months they managed to form several detachments total number 800 people. Having been defeated in flirting with the local population, the fascists began to act with particular cruelty. For one German killed by the partisans, up to 40 hostages were shot. In Krasnodar, the occupiers for the first time began to use gas vans, with which they tortured more than 6,000 people; in the villages of Mikhizeeva Polyana and Farsk, all residents were burned alive. 130,581 people were deported from the territory of the region to Germany, including 81,089 women and 38,022 children under the age of 16.

  1. Malaya Zemlya

To liberate the city of Novorossiysk in February 1943, troops were landed on the left bank of Tsemes Bay. 225 days on a tiny piece of land called Malaya Zemlya, or bloody battles during which 30,000 enemy soldiers were killed. 21 soldiers from small lands were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 6,268 soldiers and commanders were awarded orders and medals.

Novorossiysk was awarded the title of hero city.

— Reading of V. Bakaldin’s poem “Novorossiysk carriage”

This is not a monument, but just holes,

exactly lacy, the whole through-carriage island,

crippled by war.

He's wounded, he's cut up,

Mangled at random.

If the iron had to do this,

what a terrible time for people here!

  1. Kuban cities awarded military awards

The most fierce battles took place during the defense of the Kuban cities of Novorossiysk, Tuapse, and in the Crimean and Abinsk regions. Medical workers in Sochi performed a great feat of mercy, returning 336 thousand wounded and sick soldiers to duty. For the courage, heroism, and dedication shown by soldiers and residents, Novorossiysk was awarded the title “Hero City” and the Order of Lenin. In addition, the city awarded the order Patriotic War of the 1st degree, as well as the cities of Sochi and Tuapse.

  1. The role of youth in the war

In the pre-war years, Komsomol organizations of Kuban were quite effectively engaged in the patriotic education of youth. This is confirmed by the massive impulse of young men and women who voluntarily went to the front to defend their homeland from enemy invasion.

Already in 1914, in the first days of the war, more than 82 thousand Kuban Komsomol members, half of the regional Komsomol organization, went to fight the enemy. 952 Komsomol members fought against the invaders in partisan detachments.

The school became the center of patronage activities. The Timurites paid special attention to the families of front-line soldiers and disabled war veterans.

Students worked in hospitals, holding concerts, caring for the wounded, and repairing wards. Schoolchildren also made a great contribution to the collection various types secondary raw materials.

They collected non-ferrous and ferrous metals and incendiary bottles. During the war years, teachers and schoolchildren of the region collected 112 tons of medicinal raw materials necessary for the treatment of wounded and sick soldiers. They collected funds for the construction of personalized tank columns and air squadrons. At the end of 1944, 40 Kuban teachers were awarded orders and medals for their selfless work during the Great Patriotic War.

Kuban pioneers also contributed to the victory over the enemy. On the heroic Malaya Zemlya, Vitya Kovalenko, Kolya Tkach, Zhenya Borabash fought as signalmen, and in the marine battalion - Vitya Chalenko, Vanya Savinov. All of them were awarded orders and medals, but unfortunately did not live to see the Victory.

For providing assistance to the partisans, Fedya Tokarev was buried alive in the village of Kavkazskaya, Shura Belik was burned alive, Zhora Erosko was hanged, Lenya Taranik was shot not far from Goryachiy Klyuch, in Maikop - Zhenya Popov, in Anapa - Katya Solovyanova, in the village of Bryukhovetskaya - Vitya and Lena Golubyatnikovs, in Krasnodar - Volodya Golovaty.

— Reading the poem by V. Bakaldin “Krasnodar true story”

The sky over Kuban was black,

oil swirled like a hellish blizzard,

boys without military rank

fought on the Kuban coast.

With skinny ones (behind fragile shoulders)

duffel bags collected at home,

in caps, in short jackets,

with heavy rifles in their hands

hot August day

the boys held their own under fire.

Not heroes, not giants,

under the pressure of frantic attacks,

falling to the yellow slopes of clay,

It lasted like this for three days...

The militia boys were dying

A stone's throw from familiar streets.

They were scared and it hurt...

But they couldn't do otherwise.

Classy and school-like

from home not far...

...The waters flow in a whirlwind,

old shore new life new,

and grows with the quarters of the immortals

lovely Krasnodar boys.

And look what's there

where the dam is filled with asphalt

the road is rushing,

a monument will be erected to the giant

a boy with a rifle in his hands.

  1. Teacher's word

We remember those who paid an exorbitant price in the name of our Victory, we remember the living and the deceased. And first of all, those who are destined by nature to continue life.

Reading the poem by V. Bakaldin “They didn’t ask for immortality...”

They asked for immortality.

They laid down their heads in battle

for the blue fields of Russia,

for their Soviet power.

And they couldn't do it any other way.

There was no other way.

Not everyone is listed

at the obelisk on the chest.

Not everyone can receive an award

the saved country could.

Rain of golden leaves

all over the earth, like orders.

The Motherland bows its banners.

She is like a mother in her soul

out of time burned sons

calls everyone by name.

Our memory is with us forever.

The earth itself preserves it.

She is in the roots of gardens and arable fields,

she is metal, she is granite,

she and the feat, sculptured,

she and the nameless hill,

- Hello, dear guys! Today in our first class hour we will go on a journey. -Guys, read the words written on the board: EPIGRAPH: Have you been to Kuban?...

An absentee trip to the places of military glory of the Krasnodar region.

Purpose: 1. to familiarize with historical information about the war in Kuban;

2. forming a respectful attitude towards the history of the native land;

3. fostering a sense of patriotism for the Motherland.



Class hour

Topic: “Correspondence trip on the map of the Krasnodar region to places of military glory”

Target: introduce historical information about the war in Kuban;

developing a respectful attitude towards the history of the native land;

Fostering a sense of patriotism for the Motherland.

Preliminary work of students:search for historical material, creative literary assignment in poetic form, dedicated to historical facts which took place in Kuban during the Second World War.

Equipment: multimedia presentation.

Progress of the lesson:

Teacher's opening remarks:

Guys, what do you understand the word Motherland to mean? (students' answers)

What meaning do you put into the word patriot, patriotism? (students' answers).

A patriot is a person devoted to his fatherland, to his people, ready for any sacrifices and exploits in the name of the interests of his Motherland.

And there is a time when this term is applicable to every person living in their own country and manifests itself especially acutely, its meaning - this time is war.

War... you say this word and terrible pictures appear in our imagination. The Great Patriotic War lasted 1418 days and nights...

The war entered every family, bringing difficult trials and suffering, the bitterness of the loss of relatives and friends.

How difficult it was to survive, to provide the army with everything necessary for Victory! Victory at the front largely depended on success in the rear. At the enterprise, both old and young went out into the field, forged weapons of victory, and grew grain.

Figures, facts, events confirm that the Kuban people are heroic. 469255 fellow countrymen incl. 2952 women did not return to their loved ones, friends, family, or loved ones.

Like millions of Soviet people, they remained on the battlefields from the Volga to the Elbe, from Stalingrad to Berlin.

The ashes of 61,557 killed Kuban residents rest on the territory of 36 states of the near and far abroad. To our deep regret, we know the names and surnames of only half of the brave ones who died.(slide)

Kuban - your cup has not yet spilled,

The enemies have not yet touched the wealth.

The fascist has already set out to burn our villages.

Your fields were trampled by boots!

By July 1942, when the war came to the land of Kuban, every fifth resident of the region left

to the front. More than 90 fighter battalions and three Cossack formations were created from volunteers - the 50th Separate Cavalry Division, the 4th Kuban Guards Cavalry Corps and the Krasnodar Plastun Division.

Those leaving for the front were given the order: “Again you took up blades in your hands and mounted war horses,

in order, as in previous years, to defend our land, our Motherland from the enemy. We believe in you and are proud of you - you will sacredly fulfill the military oath you took and return to your native villages only with victory... And if one of you has to give his life to his native land, give it up as heroes...(slide)

At the end of June 1942, the Nazis launched an offensive in the direction of the Volga and the North Caucasus. During stubborn battles, the Nazis managed to occupy almost the entire territory of the Krasnodar Territory by the beginning of September, with the exception of the cities of Sochi, Tuapse, Gelendzhik and

their surrounding areas. The occupiers, who first tried to present themselves as “liberators” of the Cossacks and Caucasian peoples, tortured and killed 61 thousand Kuban residents, about 32 thousand young men and women were taken to hard labor in Germany. Here the SS-10A team committed atrocities on the probe, and gas chambers were used for the first time. About 6.5 thousand residents of the region joined the partisans. The activities of 73 detachments were led by the headquarters of the partisan movement led by P.I. Seleznev. A wide underground network developed. Partisans and underground fighters provided serious assistance to the Red Army, destroyed enemy personnel and equipment(slide)

- Students in our class found and prepared for us a small historical information about hostilities partisan detachment called “Resolute”, which operated in our city of Timashevsk (at that time the village of Timashevskoye).

(Student report) (slide)

The defeat of the Nazis at Stalingrad created the conditions for the liberation of the North Caucasus. Bloody battles broke out along the 110-kilometer Blue Line.« The Nazis called the “Blue Line” the defensive belt in the lower reaches of the Kuban. At this point the following were built: 577 closed firing structures, 37.5 km. minefields, up to 500 m wide, with a density of 2500 mines per 1 km, 87 km of wire fences, 12 km. forest rubble, here for the first time the enemy used powerful trench defense. The center of this area was a height of 121.4 m. The assault on the heights began on May 26, 1943. Hundreds of planes, tanks, and mortars mercilessly hammered this long-suffering land around the clock. This was the main point of resistance. The enemy defended desperately. Along with the ground battle, dynamic air battles unfolded. There were up to a hundred planes in the air at the same time. The largest air battle took place here, in the skies of the Kuban, on the “Hill of Heroes”. The name “Hill of Heroes” first appeared in reports of the battles for May 30 and 31, 1943, which took place at this height(slide)

In the spring of 1943, one of the largest air battles took place in the skies of Kuban, in which more than 2 thousand aircraft took part. The Nazis lost 1,100 aircraft. 52 Soviet pilots were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Among them is A. I. Pokryshkin, former student of the Krasnodar flying club. In the skies of Kuban he shot down 20 enemy aircraft. The appearance of Pokryshkin, which terrified the Nazi pilots, was always accompanied by a cry from observers on the air: “Attention! Attention! Ace Pokryshkin is in the air!(slide)

When did you dream of flying a plane?

I didn’t think these were childhood dreams

They will come true and you will become a pilot

And you will look at the Earth from above.

Yes, only, this Earth is drenched in blood,

The enemy wants to destroy her completely

And many Germans have already been shot down by you -

Your duty to the Motherland was clear to everyone!

In Krasnodar, the occupiers for the first time began to use gas vans, with which they tortured more than 6,000 people; in the villages of Mikhizeeva Polyana and Farsk, all residents were burned alive. 130,581 people were deported from the territory of the region to Germany, including 81,089 women and 38,022 children under the age of 16.

And in the Crimean region there is one memorial place- This is the former farm of Zapadny-2, located near the village of Troitskaya. Students in our class found historical material, which tells about the terrible events that took place in this place, about the resilience and heroism of the inhabitants of this farm (student report) (slide).

The liberation of the region was completed during the Novorossiysk-Taman operation. After 30 years, the memory of the heroes of the battle for Novorossiysk was immortalized with the “Golden Star”. For the liberation of the city of Novorossiysk in February 1943. Troops were landed on the left bank of Tsemes Bay. For 225 days, bloody battles raged on a tiny piece of land called Malaya Zemlya, during which 30,000 enemy soldiers were killed, 21 Malaya Zemlya soldiers were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 6,268 soldiers and commanders were awarded orders and medals(slide).

You fought desperately, suffering losses,

Surrounded by German troops.

You defended your honor without asking for anything,

You fought steadfastly for Russia.

This small piece of native land

Dear to the heart of any soldier.

And therefore they were able to withstand and survive -

Peace of Kuban is a holy reward!

After the expulsion of the Nazis, restoration of the destroyed economy began. In 1943-1945. the government allocated 110 million rubles. The workers of the Urals came to the rescue,

Georgia, Dagestan. Already in the fall of 1943. The main railway lines operated in the region. In 1945, gross industrial output amounted to 1/3 of the pre-war level. Kuban again became the largest grain-producing region. Got it at a great price to the Soviet people victory over fascism. Kuban laid the lives of almost 500 thousand of its daughters and sons on the altar of Victory. Eternal memory to them! 356 Kuban soldiers were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and E. Ya. Savitsky, T. T. Khryukin, V. A. Alekseenko and V. I. Kokkinaki were awarded this title twice. About 40 war participants were awarded the Order of Glory in three degrees(slide).

War... it will not be erased from the memories of those who were trusted to fight. And we, the descendants of the victors, know, remember, honor?... In the history of mankind, unfortunately, there are many wars, large and small. This will later be the Kulikovo field for History. Borodino, and for a Russian soldier it is all his native Russian land. You need to stand up to your full height, go on the attack, and die in an open field under the Russian sky. Thus, from time immemorial, Russian people fulfilled their duty, the duty of defenders of their fatherland...

We remember those who paid an exorbitant price in the name of our Victory, we remember the living and the dead, and first of all, those who are destined by nature to continue their lives(slide).

Final words from the teacher:

Guys, today our entire class hour was dedicated to the patriotism of our people during the Great Patriotic War in the Kuban, we visited places of military glory in absentia, honored the memory of the dead, all those who gave you and me the opportunity to live in a free country.

What conclusions can be drawn from all of the above?

May the sky be bright blue

Floating above my Motherland!

Fields, forests - everything is native here.

I am a patriot of my Earth!

“Class hour in 4th grade “B” On the topic: Our fellow countrymen during the Great Patriotic War. Goals: to acquaint students with the events that took place in Kuban during...”

Class hour in 4th grade "B"

On the topic: Our fellow countrymen during the Great Patriotic War.

Objectives: to acquaint students with the events that took place in Kuban during

during the Great Patriotic War; developing feelings of compassion and gratitude

to the defenders of our Motherland; develop a caring attitude towards veterans.

Guys, today I would like to start our class hour with the words of the Kuban poet

Viktor Podkopaev (Slide No. 1)

Today we will talk about a very serious topic, about the time when the Great Patriotic War became the most difficult test for all the peoples of our country, when the question of life and death was decided not only of our native Kuban, but of the entire country. From the very beginning, the war on our part had a just defensive character and ended in victory over the fascist invaders.

Tell me, did our village come under military action? What about our region?

The war engulfed the entire country, our entire region. Today we will learn how the occupation in Kuban took place, and what participation our fellow countrymen - the Kuban residents - took in this war.

1.Teacher's story about wartime. (Story to the music “Holy War”)

Guys, when did the war start?

June 22, 1941 at 4 a.m., Sunday, on Soviet cities and German bombs and shells rained down. During the harsh years of the war, the entire people stood up to defend their Motherland. All countries and our country, our native Kuban, chose the main motto at that time: “Everything for the front, everything for victory!” (Slide No. 2)

Our fellow countrymen, the Kuban residents, managed to grow an unprecedented harvest, harvested at a rapid pace for the defense of the region. The brave sons of Kuban fought both on their native land and far from their beloved cities and villages. But, no matter where they fought, everyone knew that he was defending both our entire vast country and our father’s land: the Kuban golden fields, clear rivers, gray mountains.

The people of Kuban wrote many glorious pages in the history of the Great Patriotic War.

The defenders of the Brest Fortress put up stubborn resistance to the enemy at the very beginning of the war. Among them is Ptr Gavrilov, whose name is given to one of the streets in the regional center, and many other Kuban residents. (Slide No. 3) The Kuban people also fought heroically in the battle for Moscow.

In the spring of 1942, the Nazis launched a new powerful offensive in the south. The enemy has approached the borders of our region. In the battles for Kuban, soldiers of the 4th Kuban Cossack Cavalry Corps distinguished themselves.

(Slide No. 4, 5) In the Red Army, soldiers and commanders began to be called upon to fight as the Kuban people fight: to beat the enemy, to defend every inch of land, as the Cossacks do. But the Cossacks also failed to push back the enemy. The terrible days of occupation and terror came to Kuban. The Nazis established a cruel regime, punished them for the slightest offense, and forced them to work for the new masters, for Germany. In Kuban, the fascists wanted to carry out the so-called “Caucasian experiment”. They promised freedom of religion, the revival of Cossack liberties and much more. In fact, the Nazis wanted to capture Kuban, and then capture the entire Caucasus.

Guys, why do you think?

Kuban is the breadbasket of our entire country, we have a lot of minerals, rich natural resource, a unique place - two seas, and the Nazis needed oil, food, which Germany needed, to establish contact with the Turkish army.

(Slide No. 6) In August 1942, the city of Krasnodar was captured. On August 6-9, a “Sonderkommando” was sent here to exterminate people in “gas chambers.”

What do you know about these events?

60-80 people were placed in the cars at a time, and within 8-10 minutes the people were destroyed. This is how 7 thousand people were destroyed.

During these terrible months, this poster appeared. (Slide No. 7) There are such terrible pictures of the past in our history. How hard it was for civilians: old people, women and children. Everyone who could hold a weapon in their hands stood up against the enemy. 86 partisan detachments were created in the region.

Guys, do you know who the partisans are?

A partisan is a member of a people's armed group that independently operates behind enemy lines.

The most famous is the detachment under the command of Pyotr Karlovich Ignatov. His sons, Evgeny and Gennady, very young guys, died during sabotage on railway. In this act of sabotage, 500 German invaders were killed at once. And they died on October 10, 1942, it was their father’s birthday. In March 1943, they were awarded the title of Heroes of the Soviet Union, as our country was called then. Streets and libraries are named in their honor. (Slide No. 8) Six months later, when enemies invaded the city, after 186 days deliverance finally came.

On February 12, 1943, the city of Krasnodar was liberated. (Slide No. 9). 61 thousand people in the region were tortured in the dungeons of the Gestapo.

A monument to the victims of fascist terror was erected in Krasnodar.

(Slide No. 10)

This is how civilians fought. And how did the soldiers fight at the front?

2.Meeting the heroes of the war.

Pilot - Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin.

You see a portrait of the famous pilot A.I. Pokryshkin.

How many planes did Pokryshkin shoot down?

What was on the radio when Pokryshkin took off?

Sviridenko D. will tell us a little about his life.

(Slide No. 11) Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin was born in 1913. The family lived in Krasnodar on Sedin Street. In his youth, Sasha read a lot and devoted all his time to self-education. But my favorite pastime was sports. Since childhood, he dreamed of being a pilot. Even before the war, he entered the military flight school.

As soon as I finished it, I was sent to a fighter aviation regiment, where I met the Great Patriotic War. Ltnuyu, combat training received such that from the first days of the war he could compete with the German aces.

His combat prowess was especially evident in 1943.

A message came to the division: German bombers, accompanied by 12 fighters, were approaching our positions. At this time, Pokryshkin and his fighting friends were in the sky. A battle began in which 8 enemy fighters were destroyed. Pokryshkin himself shot down 4 of them. The pilots of the German bombers, flying behind them, did not turn back, but decided that the Soviet fighters would go to refuel, and they would freely drop their deadly cargo onto our territory. But Pokryshkin urgently called Captain Glinka’s squadron into battle, which, like a tornado, flew into the enemy and destroyed all the enemy aircraft.

Pokryshkin came up with the “Kuban bookcase”. The point was that our planes entered the battle at different altitudes and took turns approaching the enemy from the direction of the sun. In these battles, victory was always on the side of our fighters.

A.I. Pokryshkin made 600 combat missions during the war, took part in 156 air battles and personally shot down 59 enemy aircraft, 20 of them in air battles in the Kuban. (Slide No. 12) Kuban women joined the fight against the invaders along with men.

The amazing story of the 46th Taman Air Regiment, in which only female volunteers served. This regiment was located in Taman. (Slide No. 13)

Ablemitova E. will tell us about the air regiment.

Who was the commander of the air regiment? (Slide No. 14)

Which of our fellow countrymen fought in this regiment? How many combat missions did she fly?

E. Gamzaeva will tell us about the life of E.A. Zhigulenko (Slide No. 15) Zhenya was born in 1920. I spent my childhood and youth in the city of Tikhoretsk (shown on the map). Here she studied, played sports, and jumped from a parachute tower. After graduating from school, Zhenya enters the Moscow Airship Construction Institute and at the same time studies at the Central Aero Club. The girl volunteered for the army and asked to be sent to the women's air regiment. Together with the air regiment she returned to her native Kuban.

Participated in the liberation of the city of Novorossiysk. When our amphibious assault landed in Kerch, on territory captured by the Nazis, Evgenia Zhigulenko helped the paratroopers: she and other pilots dropped ammunition and food onto a tiny plot of land. She spent three years at the front. (Slide No. 16) After the war, Evgenia served in aviation for another 10 years, then worked in the city of Sochi. And then she graduated from the Institute of Cinematography, became a director and made a wonderful film about her friends at the front.

This film was called “Night Witches in the Sky.”

Teacher. After all the difficult trials that befell the Kuban people, the long-awaited day of liberation from the fascist invaders has arrived. And it happened on October 9, 1943. 470 thousand Kuban citizens died defending our homeland.

During the war years, many feats were accomplished by soldiers and civilians. In every city, village, and farm there were military fighting. 4 years terrible war did not pass without a trace. In every city and village there is a monument to the liberator warrior. And everyone has their own story.

I would like to end our class hour with the words of the Kuban poet V. Podkopaev, already familiar to us. (Slide No. 17)

1) Reading an excerpt from the poem by V. Podkopaev “This will never be forgotten”

The poem is read by S. Gomozov.

History is not all captured through the eyes of books and films... Guys who have never known war, take a closer look at this monument.

The son of the invincible Motherland, the brother of epic heroes, smelling of gunpowder and smoke, stands in Soldier Square.

Soldier. Hero. Liberator.

He is kind to his friends.

He is strict with his enemies.

Here he stepped out of the heat of battle.

So he saw the distance of the roads.

And I went through everything in a cruel fire, I shed sweat and blood in battles...

For this he receives a tribute from his descendants:

Flowers and eternal love!..

2) Reading the poem “Both for you and for me” (Pryadchenko A.) ​​We must remember the feat of our soldiers. Respect the veterans who remain

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