Beijing Universities for Foreign Students. Study in China for Russians

In social networks, which are actively used by residents of Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries, advertising still flashes educational programs China. And to enter universities are offered both graduates of 11 classes and those who graduated from the institute and want to get a second higher education Or study in graduate school. It should be noted that such proposals are in demand: as of 2019, more than 240,000 visiting students study in China. If you want to learn abroad, we will tell why this direction is so popular, and we recommend the best universities in China.

A little about the education system in China

The Chinese education system is not too different from the one that is adopted in the CIS countries. Such a conclusion can be done on the basis that the Russian EGE (one state exam) - Testing with tests installed for graduates of schools in China.

The country's educational system is divided into three steps:

  • preschool;
  • average;
  • higher.

Most young citizens of this country are:

  • in kindergarten - at 3 years;
  • in primary school - in 6 years;
  • in high school - in 12 years;
  • in higher school (Instead, you can go to study in college) - at 15 years;
  • to the University - at the age of 18.

As in Russia, Belarus and other CIS countries, most bachelors are studying at institutes and universities for 4-5 years (with the exception of future doctors). At the same time, both in schools, and in universities, training is pretty hard - teachers are accustomed to maintaining iron discipline.

Ratings of higher educational institutions

In 2019, China's universities list are presented with more than 2,800 educational institutions, located literally in every corner of the country. By the number of universities, this state is inferior only by the United States. Therefore, to enter the higher educational institution here is not the most a big problem - According to statistics, the ability to learn is getting 40% of applicants. But in which educational institution you can get high-quality education?

To answer this question, we have compiled our own high school rating in 2017. Universities who entered it are included in the national and world top-100, as well as some interstate lists. According to experts from the Russian-Chinese Foundation for the Development of Culture and Education, best universities of this country are:

  • University of Qinghua;
  • Beijing University;
  • Fudan University;
  • Zhejiang University;
  • Nanjing University.

In this rating, China's best universities are presented for foreign students. The above universities are famous not only by excellent education, but also experience in training future bachelors and doctors of science from around the world. By the way, in China, you can find universities where Russian is also learned, but about everything in order.

Universities in different regions of China

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By drawing up their own rating of universities, we took into account that not every student can afford to live and learn in a prestigious area. After all, the "more expensive" region, the higher the cost of education and rental housing. Especially greatly hit the pocket of study in the following cities:

  • Beijing;
  • Tianzin;
  • Shenzhen;
  • Chongqing.

In the top universities, the price for two semesters comes to $ 10,000, and even for the apartment will have to pay $ 500-800 monthly. But in some provincial universities for the year of study, you can pay only $ 1500, and rent housing is rather cheap. Of course, you can save at sightseeing and entertainment, settle in the hostel, and not in the rented apartment, etc. Nevertheless, our rating is more based on the territorial principle.

Universities in Beijing

In China, the capital of China is located 109 higher educational institutions, so that these universities can be made up their mini-rating. What we did on the basis of objective data (the year of the founding of the university, the number of faculties, students and teachers, the presence / absence of famous graduates, etc.).

The name of the universityOfficial sitebrief information
University of Qinghua year of foundation - 1911. It is included in the "League C9" (the union of the nine leading universities of China). 56 faculties. 26,700 students, including 3,000 foreign. Among graduates of well-known politicians, physics, mathematics; Laureat Nobel Prize in physics.
Beijing University (Baida) in 1898, prepares specialists in 12 main directions. The ability to get one of the 93 specialties Bachelor and one of the 199th - the future doctor of sciences. 35,000 students, not less than 2,000 foreigners (mostly Koreans).
Bayhan University (Beijing University of Aviation and Cosmonautics) the top 500 the best universities The world (ARWU), and the computer science department - in the top 150. 26,000 students, relatively little visits. 3,300 teachers, including members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences engaged in the development of spacecraft.
Metropolitan pedagogical University in Pekin in 1954, he prepares bachelors for 47 specialties and 107 - masters. Enjoy the most popular at the visitors of students, because Migrants are trained here since 1965. At the moment, the university created ideal conditions for sociocultural adaptation. It is possible to pass language courses, incl. in summer.

Before going to school to China, future students provide extracts from a bank account or warranty letters. Nevertheless, many of them are arranged abroad on the part-time job, and not only in order to afford better housing or excursions, but also to understand how to work local residents.

Universities in Tianjin

Among the universities located in this region, two main institutions should be very highlighted. The first is Nankai University in Tianjin, founded in 1919. At the moment, this institution is invariably included in the top 10 countries, and you can start learning here after graduation. high School - at the institute open more than 20 colleges.

As for graduates who graduated from 11 classes, as well as future graduate students and doctoral students, then many foreign students come here (at least 10% of total). It is possible to study anything - from philosophy and elegant literature to chemistry and microbiology. With all the other benefits, such as the availability of language courses and convenient location (only 30 minutes by train to the capital), there is another nice bonus: unlike prestigious Universities Beijing, here you can learn only for $ 2000 per year.

Another university, which deserves attention, is the University of Tianshi in Tianjin. This is one of the youngest and more successful educational institutions: Founded in 1999, the university invariably attracts foreign students, especially from Ukraine. Five are developed here preparatory programs For those who want to move to China to study (the cost of the semester is $ 1200). Training for bachelors is also quite affordable - $ 2,200 per year, and for masters - and at all $ 1,400. Foreign students are mainly learn here:

  • marketing;
  • web design;
  • computer science;
  • engineering.

Universities in Shanghai

An educational institution, using unchanged popularity among the visitors of students in this region, is the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Here you can become a manual therapist, a massage therapist or a nutritionist, master the acupuncture and effective means of the so-called traditional medicine. True, education here is not cheap - from $ 4,400 per year. But students are trained in small groups and have the opportunity to settle in a single room in a hostel for $ 250-300 per month. In addition to this university, Shanghai is also popular:

  • Transport University, or Jiaotun (49 specialties for future bachelors, incl. Architecture and jurisprudence, many students from Europe);
  • Fudan University (enters the top 100 world rankings, relatively low costs, 27,000 students, studying any sciences from art history to sociology);
  • Eastern Chinese Polytechnic University (enters the Top 20 countries, it is mostly chemistry, engineering, biology).

Recall that you can submit documents immediately in several universities in China. At the same time, there will be enough invitation to form a travel paper only from one educational institution.

If you want to immediately apply the acquired knowledge and skills in practice, and even get money for it, know that in China it is possible.

Universities in Anhui Province

As for the province of Anhui, the most famous university here is the Scientific and Technical University of China, he is the same Chinese University of Science and Technology. It is included in the top 10 countries and the top 200 world rankings. With a diploma, such a prestigious educational institution can be easily able to make a good position in almost any country of the world. It makes sense to enter this university if you are ready to study in detail:

  • mathematics;
  • chemistry;
  • physics;
  • computer science;
  • management;
  • medicine.

Of course, humanitarian education can be obtained here, and yet the future philologists and art historians should submit documents to other universities. If you are interested in theology, try to enroll in the University of St. Joseph, based on the initiative of the Catholic University. Here you will get to know interesting people From Europe and the United States and get two diplomas at once.

Universities in Guangdong Province

The visitors of students planning to build a career in an international company or become professional linguists and translators, from year to year attracts the University of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bin Guangzhou. The fact is that there is a Faculty of Russian language, on which local students are studying. Yes, and foreigners here are hardly more than in any other university PRC - about 13,000 visitors for 34,000 students. Here you can go in depth of 15 languages \u200b\u200b- from German and French to Hindi. Most of the people from the CIS countries, having received a diploma, are arranged to work in Beijing or in cities located near China's border with Russia.

Another Chinese university competing with the University of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bin the number of visiting students is the Jinan University in Guangzhou. However, it is mainly studied by Chinese, local history and culture. The cost of preparatory courses is $ 1,300 per semester, a room in a hostel can be rented for $ 1820 per year. Different structures In the CIS countries, contracts are concluded with representatives of this university - for example, in Russia it is an educational institution approved by RGKA (a leading group for distribution chinese Language).

If you want to feel more confident in the financial plan, in the province of Guangdong you can fully successfully combine study and work. Do not know where you can get a foreigner?

Universities in Liaoning Province

It was in the province of Liaoning that the Northeast University is located in China, which in the CIS countries it is customary to designate the abbreviation of SVU. Here you can learn any of the 65 specialties - from physical education and pedagogy to biomedical technologies. This educational institution accepts foreign students for 60 years, and SCP research centers are located in 31 states. Another plus of this university is that it can be trained in absentia in absentia, as well as undergo internships on individual programs.

Universities in Sichuan Province

By the number of promising universities, this region may argue with the capital itself. Therefore, as in the case of Beijing, we will briefly focus on the benefits of key local universities. In some of them, you can get almost any specialty, and in some you can take preparation only at certain technical directions:

The name of the universityOfficial sitebrief information
Sichuan University in Chengdu in 1896. Currently, more than 50,000 students are studying here, including up to 400 foreign. Many areas of preparation, in particular, there is a department of physical education and sports. 16 own research laboratories, the ability to enter training courses And in graduate school. Signed contracts with 100 universities in China and abroad. Reparatively low cost of learning, learning the Russian language, grants.
Jiaotun University in Chengdu at the end of the XIX century, is one of the oldest technological universities China (previously wore the name of the railway institute). About 4,000 teachers, of which are 1,000 professors. It makes sense to enter engineering specialties and advanced training courses.
Southwest Oil University specialties - geology, chemistry, oilfield, industrial design; The 4 best student (bachelors and masters) receive scholarships covering all expenses for training, except for the cost of air tickets.

Universities in Hainan Province

The main higher educational institution here is a university in the city of Sanya in China. Unlike most of those listed above educational institutions, This university is private, but foreign students here also receive grants, and the quality of education at height. The university studys 20,000 students in 13 main directions.

The University of Sanya is held primarily to those who want to get an education in the field of media, management, tourism. In addition, this is one of the few universities, which is purposefully engaged in a set of Russian-speaking students - preparatory courses have been opened for residents of the CIS countries, as well as three-year training programs. If you are interested in this educational institution, prepare documents, get an invitation and for all the rules place a visa to Hainan!

Universities in Hubei Province

If you are interested in Universities Hubei Province, it doesn't matter what specialty you want to get - here you will definitely find something like. For example, in the city of Wuhan, the Institute of Fashion and Creativity is located, founded back in 1843 on the initiative of the University of Birmingham (United Kingdom). Here you can listen to lectures in English, and you can two years out of four, laid to obtain a bachelor's degree, to relieve in China and two in England.

In the district of Zhongnan there is another university who will be interested in those who wish to study the humanitarian sciences, the University of Economics and Law. He enters the project "211" (below we will focus on educational institutionsparticipating in this project for the development of the economy). Here are engaged in intellectual property issues and are actively sharing experience with colleagues from abroad, annually attracting up to 400 foreign students.

If you like technical science, Submit documents to Chinese Geological University in Wuhan. This educational institution is a branch of the university located in Beijing. This university has not yet entered the world top-500, but has already received over 50 state awards. Annually, 1265 teachers conduct 3-4 international conferences here, bring monographs and receive patents for inventions. The university is preparing future paleontologists, geologists and ecologists.

Universities in Hunan Province

Universities in Chandun Province

University of Ludong in China, located in Chandin Province, as it is impossible for Russian-speaking immigrants from the CIS countries. Founded in 1930, it offers both preparatory language courses, and discounts for students of students who won grant, and training in 80 programs on undergraduate. The best of the best can pay only two semesters, and then learn for free.

Teachers are candidates and doctors of sciences, accustomed to constantly communicate with foreign students. An indisputable advantage for those who only plan to move from Russia or Kazakhstan are the opportunity to enter immediately to the 2nd or 3rd course of the Chinese university. True, for this, there must be a preliminary agreement between educational institutions. There is whether it needs to be recognized in the International University of Native University.

Universities in Shaanxi Province

In this region, the North-West Polytechnic University in Xi'an is most popular in the greatest popularity. Despite the name here, humanitarian education can also be obtained (for example, studying Chinese literature), and all special programs for bachelors here 53 (for masters - 90, for graduate students - about 50). The diploma of this university has already received 10,000 visitors of students. Therefore, in the city of Xi'an you will definitely get acquainted with the people from the USA, Europe, Thailand, Korea and can find potential partners for international business. Among the most popular specialties from migrants:

  • ecology;
  • international trade;
  • economy.

Educational programs in Chinese institutions

As mentioned above, in China great amount Bachelor's training programs, masters and doctors of sciences. As part of only one institute, the number of such programs may reach up to 150. Every year at least 20,000 students receive a doctoral degree here. But what is needed in order to enroll on the direction of coming from the CIS?

Preparation of bachelors

Requirements for future bachelor (and indeed specialists) in China are not very high. Another thing is that the applicant must calculate his strength and at least 12-15 months before moving to start learning Chinese. Fortunately, with most largest universities, language courses are open (the cost of one semester of training is about $ 1000). Having tightening Chinese independently or on courses, you need to prepare the following documents:

  • certificate of passing the HSK test for knowledge of the state language;
  • school certificate and / or a certificate of the presence of secondary special education;
  • certificates received after passing internal exams (for example, for Russians eME resultswhich are valid for four years);
  • if the program implies training in English - IELTS and / or TOEFL certificates (depends on the requirements of the university).

Some educational institutions require additional documents from applicants or entrance work. This may be, for example, autobiography, portfolio or so-called motivational essay. But the main document is a passport or birth certificate, since to enter a Chinese university, if you have not been 18 years old, it is impossible.

Preparing masters

To enroll in China to the magistracy, you will have to provide approximately the same set of documents as the undergraduate, but with a little difference. Naturally, the school certificate of the future undergraduate will no longer need. But it will be necessary to send to reception Commission China University:

  • a notarized copy of a higher education diploma;
  • an extract from the university whose diploma received a graduate;
  • letter with the recommendation of the teacher (not necessarily, but desirable);
  • extract from the test book.

Preparation of doctors of science

Most students believe that it is possible to enter Chinese doctoral studies only if there is a diploma to obtain a master's degree. Oddly enough, it's not quite so. You can enter the doctoral student by providing a specialist diploma (at least, if it is allowed by the legislation of the student's native country). For example, in Russia, specialist and master's diplomas have the same weight.

Otherwise, the requirements for applicants are all the same: certificates HSK and IELTS, recommendations from teachers, projects, etc. By the way, the portfolio, testifying to your successes, is most important at this stage, because to receive scientific degree In China - expensive pleasure (up to $ 8,000 per year), and promising applicants may apply for a scholarship or grant.

Features of the educational process at China Universities

The state invests tremendous funds. Most higher educational institutions are equipped with the latest equipment, training is carried out by the newest programs Using the best advanced techniques. There is a state program in the country, according to which at least 500,000 visitors of students should be trained in Chinese universities. In order to attract more Foreign students in China launched a large-scale scholarship program. The Chinese themselves often go to study abroad - such students around the world over 2,000,000, especially many of them in Canada, France and the United States.

So if you are interested in universities in China for Kazakhstani, Ukrainians, Belarusians and immigrants from other CIS countries, you can safely come in any of the universities. In almost every educational institution there are own research centers, libraries, comfortable hostels. Yes, the use of these resources requires money, but there are many ways to save. This will be discussed below.

The possibility of obtaining free education for foreigners

De jure such a thing as free universities and Chinese institutions for Russians, Ukrainians and immigrants from other CIS countries do not exist. But for those who do not want or can not pay for training, there is one loophole - student exchange programs. Of course, it will not be possible to get a full-fledged education in the Chinese university, but you can pull out the language and purchase an unforgettable experience that is necessarily useful to those who are in the future going to work in the international company.

In your university there is a department of Chinese or at least courses at the international department? Excellent! Then it's time to contact the dean and fill out a questionnaire that your request should be sent from the Chinese Embassy. There will be necessary to indicate the names of three Chinese universities in which you would like to learn. In addition, it will be necessary to provide an extract from the test book and wait for the decision of the host, that is, the Ministry of Education of the PRC.

Scholarships, grants and other forms of material support for students

If you enrolled in a Chinese university on a contract basis, no one forbids you to participate in programs initiated by the country's authorities to attract foreign specialists.

So, being enrolled in state University or language school, you can apply for the Scholarship of the PRC government.

Students from the CIS worth trying happiness in Chinase Government Scholarship Scheme - this is exactly the name of the program in which a grant and scholarship in Shanghai universities for foreigners are issued, as well as in most major universities in other cities.

To take part in this program, the migrant should still be at home from January to April to submit documents to the Embassy or Consulate of the PRC. In particular, medical certificates will be needed, certificate of enrollment in the Chinese educational institution, as well as extracts from educational institutions where visits have already been studied (it can even be language courses). Also keep in mind that there is a restriction by age - the student must be no older:

  • 25 years (for bachelor's scholarship);
  • 35 years old (for scholarships of the Master);
  • 40 years (for a scholarship of the doctor of science).

Details about the documents that are necessary to obtain scholarships can be found in the Embassy of the PRC in your country. If you did not hit this program, do not be discouraged - you can apply for grants for training in China at the Confucius Institute. These educational institutions are open not only in China, but also in:

  • Armenia;
  • Azerbaijan;
  • Russia;
  • Belarus;
  • Ukraine;
  • Tajikistan;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Kyrgyzstan;
  • Uzbekistan.

So you can start doing and getting money before moving. Payments are provided to students who have demonstrated excellent knowledge of Chinese. Depending on the selected training program in China, the grant is issued for a period of 1 month to 5 years.

Many of the foreign students who receive or have already completed education in China are successfully fixed in this country, setting up a job. A diligent person will surely find a good position in any sphere, but still some knowledge and skills are valued more than others.

All about studying in China: video

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Information about University

National Specialized Peking University of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200b( official name Beijing Foreign Studies University) is the best linguistic educational institution for the receipt of foreign students. The university actively fulfills the program of international scientific and educational cooperation, which gives him the right to be called an international institution specializing in a qualified language Education world-class.

The University of Beijing was founded back in 1941 and until today periodically performs the reorganization of the educational process to increase the rating. In the process of learning, modern methods of filing the material to students are involved, so that graduates have a high level of knowledge and skills.

The university offers training in almost all languages \u200b\u200bof the world. This is the most comprehensive educational institution where not only English and Chinese, but also languages \u200b\u200bas Hindi (India), Danish, Albanian, Serbian, Norwegian and many others are taught. In total, there are 67 linguistic areas here, which automatically makes the university the most popular among many countries of the world.

University rating and advantages

The State Beijing Linguistic University constantly takes 60-70 place in the ranking of the best linguistic institutions in the world and 2nd place in Beijing. Thanks high level The organization of the educational process and the issue of qualified specialists, the university is included in the large-scale project 211 and 985, which indicates state support and productive investment by various companies.

The main advantages of the university of languages:

  1. active cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  2. a large selection of specialties;
  3. if there is a grant, you can get a 100% discount on complete learning.

Beijing University of Languages, or as it is also called Baywi, is famous for high graduates who subsequently occupied positions as ambassadors, advisers and specialists in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Multidisciplinary University of Beijing cooperates with more than 100 the best linguistic and humanitarian educational institutions of a global scale. Therefore, graduates after completing the course of training can choose any country to build their successful career.

The composition and infrastructure of the university

University occupies enough large square, namely, 310,000 sq.m., therefore, has a well-developed infrastructure for successful student learning. In addition, campus is located in the area where the most prestigious are concentrated educational institutions Beijing. Metro, restaurants, cafes and many shops are located very nearby.

Beijing Linguistic University includes the following database:

  • 13 separate faculty institutions;
  • 7 large academic centers;
  • more than 10 research centers;
  • libraries;
  • sports centers, stadiums, platforms;
  • recreation centers;
  • hostel;
  • dining room.

During the course of the course, students are actively involved in the training process, therefore, large organizations of Beijing and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs itself are very often visited. In their free time, students can attend various sports sections that are located in the city, and other cultural events.

Admission and cost of training

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For successful admission to the Beijing Linguistic University, it is enough to have a certificate, which indicates the end of 11 classes and the passport of the international sample. At the time of receipt, the student must be full of 18 years.

Full University:

  • 650 teachers of the highest category, of which more than 300 opposites and professors;
  • more than 120 foreign experts and teachers arrive annually;
  • 7 200 students, of which more than 900 foreign.

Beijing University of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bprovides specialized training in the direction of undergraduate and magistracy. A full course of bachelor training provides for 4 years, while learning can pass on Chinese and on english.

The cost of study depends on the selected student of the direction and amounts to:

  • in Chinese from 22,000 to 35,000 yuan per year;
  • in English, about 34,000 - 35,000 yuan per year.

In addition, the university provides short-term language courses of 6-12 months, the cost of which is from 11,000 yuan. A comprehensive learning program includes learning all aspects of the language.


For foreign students, Beijing BFSU University provides free learning and residence. That is, each student has the right to receive a 100% discount on training already in the first year. To obtain a discount, the student must have a high ball of subjects, as well as contact the Beijing Committee of Education to submit an application. The remaining students should make the required fee upon registering to the institution, that is, before the start of the training semester. The registration fee is 400 yuan one.

Studying programs

Beijing Linguistic University provides students with qualified training in Chinese and English in such areas as:

  • foreign languages;
  • literature;
  • politics and economics;
  • right;
  • business and management.

Before the start of the specialized first course, each student must pass language courses that occupy 1 or 2 semesters. To pass, you need to apply for participation in advance, that is, before the beginning of the autumn or spring semester.


Linguistic University of BFSU in Beijing Baywi conducts training in two languages. In the case when foreign students wish to study in Chinese, they must undergo standardized HSK qualifying special signals with award qualification level and higher. This means, the student must know at least 600 frequently used Chinese words and be able to communicate at the base level.

Training provides the following optional specialties:

Undergraduate (4 years) and magistracy (1-2 years)

  1. foreign languages \u200b\u200band literature;
  2. applied linguistics;
  3. diplomacy;
  4. information Systems;
  5. international politics, economics and finance;
  6. international trade, business and management;
  7. right;
  8. international administration;
  9. accounting;
  10. social sciencies.

A student who successfully examines the undergraduate exams may apply for further training on a magistracy, which ranges from 1 to 2 years, depending on the selected direction.


Beijing University provides accommodation in the campus in comfortable hostels. All rooms are equipped with the necessary furniture, air conditioning, televisions and other items. The student can choose a room with its own bathroom or its posted on the floor. There is also a superior room, which additionally includes a bathroom, kitchen, living room. The cost of such rooms is 180-220 yuan per day per person.

Before the beginning of the educational process, the student must submit an appropriate application for reservation of the room. After crediting to the university, each student is issued a map where the room number is indicated. Chinastudy will help in solving any issues related to successful entry and training in China's prestigious universities.

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Information on some universities can be outrageous, but you can always ask current data by leaving the application in the form below. We will be happy to help you!

A growing level of investment in higher education should be a good reason for Russian applicants to make a choice in favor of training in Beijing. Over the past decade, the number of higher educational institutions has grown twice and now there are 2409 universities in the country. Many Chinese universities focus on the development of technologies in order to make a worthy competition of the West.
Twenty-five Chinese universities are included in the ranking of the best universities in the world (QS World University Rankings) in 2013 and 2014. Beijing Universities, presented in this article, have their representative in this rating, which took 46th place (we will start our review from it).

It is interesting! The key initiative of the Government of the "Project 211", which is the purpose of which to bring 100 universities to international standards, as well as "project 985", which includes the creation of a group of elite universities. As part of the latter, the K9 league was created, which should be an analogue of the American "Ivy League".

  • Chinese: 北京 大学
  • In English: Peking University
  • Address: Rn Khaidyan (Haidian), st. Yiheyuan LU, 5 (not far from the summer palace)
  • Of. Site:

In 2004, he accepted more than 4,000 students from 80 countries of the world, including 1825 people receive a long-term education and about 2600 people undergo short-term courses. Students come from almost all countries of the world, including western Europe, Northern I. South AmericaMost Asian states, as well as countries in Africa.

The most famous University of China

Beijing University has 30 faculties and 12 offices, on which students are taught by 93 specialties. There are also 2 specialties to obtain a second degree of bachelor, 199 specialties of magistracy and 173 specialty for doctoral students. Being a leading educational institution in the field of fundamental sciences and teaching, the university successfully develops these areas.

Hostels of students passing on the territory of the main campus are located in Shandong (勺园).

  • Chinese: 清华 大学
  • In English: Tsinghua University
  • Address: Rn Khaidyan, ul. Qinghua Garden.
  • Of. Site:

The University of Qinghua was founded in 1911 and initially wore the name of the Qinghuan College. In the future, he became a multidisciplinary educational institution with engineering and technical bias and became known as the "cradle of engineers." More than 2,200 foreign students from 85 countries in the faculties with a scientific and technical specialty are obtained here. humanitarian Sciences, economics, management, rights, art.

Qinghua constantly occupies one of the first two places among universities of mainland China in most national and international rankings, yielding only to the University of Beijing.

Qinghua - direct competitor to Beijing University

For foreigners, all sorts of extracurricular activities are held:

  • welcome party for beginners;
  • new Year party;
  • prom;
  • tours on cultural and historical sights of Beijing;
  • sport competitions.

In addition, students can enter various student organizations.

Beijing Pedagogical University

  • Chinese: 北京 大学
  • In English: Beijing Normal University
  • Address: ul. Xinjiekouwai Dajie, 19
  • Of. Site:

This educational institution was founded in 1902. This state research institute Beijing, specializing, mainly in humanitarian and scientific disciplines.

Beijing Pedagogical University

Over time, the educational institution has accumulated a wealth of experience in creating educational programs to study Chinese and courses on major specialties for foreigners, becoming one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the subway.

Among graduates there are more than 10,000 foreign students from 50 countries.

Chinese University of Politics and Law

  • Chinese: 中国 政法 大学
  • In English: China University of Political Science and Law
  • Of. Sites: |

Since the reforms in China and its globalization, exchange and cooperation with more than 70 universities from 20 countries and regions were established. Today, more than 750 foreign students from 18 countries learn here.

The jurial base of the university is considered one of the best in both the country and abroad. The Ministry of Education twice set the university for second place among legal schools in the level of education (in 2009 and 2012).

The largest educational institution in the world to study the right

PUP has two campus: one in the Hyidyan area, where only graduate students are studying, and the second in the Changpin area is far from the city center.

Beijing University of Aviation and Cosmonautics

  • Chinese: 北京 航空 航天 大学
  • In English: Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Short name: Beihang University
  • Address: Rn Khaidyan, ul. Xueyuan Lu, 37
  • Of. Site:

This is the first university aviation and space TechnologyHis area is more than 100 hectares. The university is one of the leading research institutions, more than 40 major projects are being conducted here.

Beijing University of Aviation and Cosmonautics

The priority activity of the university is the development of programs for the international exchange of scientists and international cooperation. Already established links with 152 universities and research institutions from 40 countries of the world, including Russia, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany and the United States.

Beijing Technological University

  • Chinese: 北京 理工 大学
  • In English: Beijing Institute of Technology
  • Of. Site:

The university was founded in Yanan in 1940, during this time several thousand foreign students from 36 countries were educated in it. At the moment, the number of students who receive the degree of bachelor, master's and doctors of science is 60% of the total number of students.

Beijing Technological University

Initially, the PTU program included polytechnic training and research activities. However, supporting strong technical baseThe university pays attention to the proportional development of other disciplines. Today is a multidisciplinary university that provides comprehensive training on technical, research, managerial, humanitarian, economic, legal and pedagogical specialties.

The main campus is located in the Weigonzun district, close to the Zhongguanzun technological center, also known as the Chinese Silicone Valley. There are many leading international technical corporations in the area.

Beijing Transport University (Jiaotun)

  • Chinese: 北京 大学
  • In English: Beijing Jiaotong University
  • Of. Site:

Typically, local residents are abbreviated by his Jiaea (交大). This university has 500 foreigners who are on distance, evening and other species. full-time learning.

Jiaotun is famous for a strong faculty

On the territory of the institution there are own translational stations, a teletelter, indoor and outdoor pools, a gym, an arboretum, a room for training lawsuits, a museum, an art gallery, a railway station and a stadium.

The main campus is located next to the Central District of the city of Xizhimen.

Beijing Chemical University of Technology

  • Chinese: 北京 化工 大学
  • In English: Beijing University of Chemical Technology
  • Of. Site:

PCTU is also known as Beihua (北化, Běihuà) or Huada (化大, Huàdà).

Chemical and Technological University attached great importance International Student Exchange and Cooperation. Agreements have been signed with more than 20 universities in 12 countries of the world.

Beijing Chemical University of Technology (he also Beihua, he is huad)

Huada includes 10 faculties:

  • chemical engineering;
  • materials science and mechanical engineering;
  • mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering;
  • computer science and technology;
  • economics and Management;
  • humanitarian, legal and biological sciences.

Chinese and foreign students can go on any of these faculties.

The Chinese People's University is the most prestigious higher educational institution in China with a clear emphasis on humanitarian and social sciences. His story begins in 1937, when the North-Shenskaya Public School was created, on the basis of which in 1948, the University of Norcletian University was founded, renamed Chinese People's University in 1950.

Now the Chinese People's University is located in a huge modern building, the central part of which consists of fifteen floors. The university includes twenty-three institutes, mainly the humanitarian direction.

Beijing University of Language and Culture

Beijing University of Language and Culture, created in 1962, is the only international university, the main task of which is to teach Chinese language and culture of foreign students.

For all its existence, the university prepared about 120 thousand foreigners from more than 170 countries of the world. Now it employs more than 1,200 teachers. In the twentieth century, the university expanded the specialization: literature, history, pedagogy, law, economy, management, etc. are taught here. Qualifications: Bachelor, Master and Doctoral degree.

The university regularly releases periodic publications: "Chinese abroad", "teaching linguistics", etc. Total he published 1,500 educational materials. Now they are used in educational institutions of 100 countries of the world.

Beijing - one of the largest megacities of the world, political, educational and cultural Center PRC. Beijing is an ancient city in which hundreds of attractions are concentrated, this city is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Many people call Beijing one of the most beautiful cities of the planet.

List of Beijing Universities

The information is familiarized. For accurate information, contact your educational site.
In Beijing there are more than 60 large universities in the country. In the most famous higher educational institutions of the city - at the University of Beijing (Qinghua University) - students from more than 100 countries of the world are studying, while the number of foreign students is growing every year.
One of the oldest universities of the Countries Beijing is known for achievements in the field of medicine, Beijing Scientific and Technology (University of Science and Technology Beijing) is known for advanced developments in the field of creating new materials. In the University of Bayhansk, also known as Beihang University (Beihang University), spacecraft are design. The University of Qinghua is famous for its graduates - among them there are Nobel laureates, well-known scientists and politicians, including the 6th Chairman of the PRC Hu Jintao.

Why choose universities in Beijing?

  • Beijing is one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in the world, in which more than 7,300 cultural monuments are focused - temples, palaces, gardens. Foreign students will not be boring in a large metropolis: in Beijing there is always something to see. This is a city of high concentration of culture and history.
  • Beijing universities campuses are located in scenic gardens, near attractions. For example, Beijing University is located on the territory of the former Imperial Gardens of the Qin dynasty. Campus is a beautiful park zone, and many university buildings are ancient monuments.
  • Training in Chinese universities is conducted in Chinese or in Chinese and English. This is a good language practice, graduates of Chinese universities have a higher competitiveness due to the knowledge of several languages \u200b\u200bat once.
  • Beijing is a city of multinational, it is distinguished by a friendly atmosphere.
  • In August-September 2008, the Summer Olympic Games were held in Beijing, and inherited Peking Universities. Such is, for example, the Palace of Sports of Beijing University.
  • The city is known for its nightlife and entertainment. Numerous concerts are held in Beijing areas, many concerts are held, many bars, cafes, restaurants are focused here, foreign students from all over the world are fond of rest.
  • Beijing is the most popular city to explore the Chinese language. Here are hundreds language schools. It should be noted that it is the Beijing dialect that is official in the PRC, in Taiwan and in Singapore.
  • The Beijing Observatory is considered one of the most ancient in the world, it was founded in the middle of the XV century.
  • In the University of Beijing in 2014, for the first time in the world, the titanium vertebra, printed on a 3D printer, was implanted for the first time in the world. The operation was successful, the vertebra came across, and the Chinese boy became the first person with a spine printed on the printer.
  • For the birth of the second and third child in the family in China, high penalties and taxes are provided.
  • The National Center for Performing Arts in Beijing is made in the form of a huge egg, this is one of the most recognizable buildings in the world.
  • Beijing Square Tiananiman is the largest in the world. They occupy a territory of 440 thousand square meters.