I. Stalin About the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union

13:11 27.07.2016 | ARTICLES and COMMENTS

To the 75th anniversary of Stalin's address to the Soviet people

Such is our history - great and long-suffering, that there is not a single so-called “living place” in it that is equally perceived and appreciated today by the community of the Russian world.

Even this, brilliant in its simplicity, deeply meaningful beginning in the leader’s address to the Soviet people is interpreted by liberal circles - public and church, emboldened, who did not arise suddenly - as flirting with the people, a forced replacement of the usual Bolshevik rhetoric.

« Comrades! Citizens! Brothers and sisters! Soldiers of our army and navy! I am addressing you, my friends!» , - with deep feeling, for the first time in Russian history with such words, Stalin began his speech on the radio on July 3, 1941.

In the verbal triad - “Comrades! Citizens! Brothers and sisters!”, like a drop of water, reflected the changed composition of the society of the former after October 17 Russian Empire. At the head of its “citizens”, in the first place, were “comrades”, but both of them are all, after all, “brothers and sisters”, among whom there are many who are straight in spirit, heirs of Orthodox Russia, for whom these two words are especially memorable and familiar.

Of course, not everything was so simple in Soviet society, and the war confirmed this. Many “citizens” did not fully accept their “comrades”, being unable to forgive them for “their deeds” in the Red Terror, in the genocide of the Russian people, the destruction of churches and clergy. But, in the words “brothers and sisters,” there was a call for unification: “A serious danger looms over our Motherland.”

Common sense, unless it is deliberately turned off, does not allow one to deny the leadership role of Stalin - the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Armed Forces, Chairman of the State Defense Committee in the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. The history of this difficult war shows that victory was ultimately achieved due to the superiority of the Soviet army over the Nazi army, which was better equipped than the German army with military equipment, thanks to better organization the work of the entire industry of the USSR, the incredible, heroic efforts of the entire people at the front and in the rear, in partisan detachments and in underground resistance.

Demagogic rhetoric of the liberal hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church: “I believe that Stalin was a monster, a spiritual monster who created a terrible, inhuman system of governing the country, built on lies, violence and terror. He unleashed genocide against the people of his country and is personally responsible for the death of millions of innocent people. In this regard, Stalin is quite comparable to Hitler... Victory in a war is a victory for the people. A people who showed the greatest will to resist. The miracle of victory in the war is a great manifestation of the strength of spirit of our people, which neither Stalin nor Hitler were able to break” [Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev). Mission to the world].

"Miracle" is a Soviet military equipment: Russian artillery has long been the best in the world - “God of War”, the best tank of the Second World War T-34, the best “flying tank” in the world - the armored attack aircraft Il-2 (the most popular aircraft of the Second World War), the famous rocket artillery "Katyusha" , which terrified the Nazis.

Stalin personally knew all the designers and directors of factories working for the army, and kept control over the timing and number of military equipment produced. So many films have been written and shot about this that only a person who does not want to know and accept the obvious can not know these facts of history.

But, no matter how great Stalin’s merits were in building socialism in the USSR, the victory in the Great Patriotic War, the creation of our “nuclear shield”, his relationship to the Russian Orthodox Church, his assessment of the power of that period remain central in our religious consciousness. Was Stalin's power from God or was he really a “monster, a spiritual monster” who can be compared to Hitler? Let's take a closer look at this topic.

For people of my generation - Komsomol members of the 50s, who stood at the mourning post near the banner in those March days of 1953, for our front-line parents - comparing Stalin with Hitler is unthinkable, blasphemous and offensive. My uncle Klemenov Moisei Kaleevich, a participant in the Battle of Stalingrad, on his last trip to his sister, took with him, along with medals, award certificates for military merit signed by Stalin. He soon died in our city hospital; before his death, he asked that a rifle salvo be fired at his grave. But he was a private, and this is how military personnel are buried, only starting with the major, as the local military commissar explained to his mother. Originally from Kuban, Uncle Moses was a calm, self-possessed person, but I don’t know if he would have restrained himself if he heard such words about Stalin.

On the “Russian People's Line”, in “ current topic“Stalin,” one of its authors explained to readers about people insulting the memory of the leader: « People who curse Stalin are those who understand that they are exposed as the fifth column of our reality» [Hegumen Evstafiy: Stalin's dialectics - red versus black].

I will add, as I understand, in a broader sense, these words are true: these people cut off their own routes of retreat, inspired by forces from outside, they decided to go against Russia and its people.

Stalin destroyed the demons generated by the revolution on Russian soil. Stalin expelled fascist demons from Russian soil. And therefore, following the words of St. John Chrysostom, we will say that it is ridiculous and reckless to identify Hitler with Stalin and say that both had power not from God...

Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill in July 2009, speaking in live Ukraine's largest TV channel “Inter”, said: “ Both in Nazism and Stalinism there are repressions, and against one’s own people, too, as in many other regimes that existed. But how is Nazism different from any other system? He is distinguished by his misanthropy... This is a policy and philosophy that justified any human cruelty, which aimed at the destruction of people. That's why you can't put everything on the same level»...

And the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, regarding the given topic, stated that “ It is impossible to put Nazism and Stalinism on the same level, because the Nazis directly, openly, publicly declared one of the goals of their policy - the destruction of entire ethnic groups: Jews, Gypsies, Slavs. With all the ugliness of the Stalinist regime, with all the repressions, even with all the exiles of entire peoples, the goal of exterminating peoples has never been Stalin's regime I didn’t set it before myself, and the attempt to put one and the other on the same level has absolutely no basis"[cit. by: Igor Evsin.


By the way, Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev) grew up safely, received an education, including music, which was so useful to him in the army and now, precisely in this one, created under Stalin's rule, country. Victims of the period of the collapse of the USSR, privatization, with its bloody, there is no other word for it, redistribution of property, the construction of now, who knows what, capitalism is no less “ Stalin's repressions”, deliberately exaggerated by the Trotskyist Nikita Khrushchev.

Under Stalin, a noticeable increase in the country's population began: abortions were banned, nurseries, kindergartens, and schools were built, human rights to free medical care, education, social Security, old age pensions.

What worries people most now is justice, which has always been valued in Russia: living according to conscience. Under Stalin, if there was corruption, it was not in power structures, but mostly in trade. Nowadays the authorities cannot cope with corruption, even at its highest levels - gubernatorial and ministerial levels. Now tell me, was Stalin’s power displeasing to God?!

Stalin creatively, in accordance with the current moment, approached the problems of ideology, considering it key in the education of the people. Here is what one of the RNL authors writes about this.

“Let us remember, for example, how Soviet ideology changed during the Great Patriotic War. With one address “brothers and sisters” on July 3, 1941, Stalin changed our ideological official doctrine - a completely different spirit was breathed in. He was deeply alien to the atheist Bolsheviks and Trotskyists...

Stalin betrayed pure Leninism-Bolshevism, primarily in spirit. He abandoned the goals of the “world revolution”, he put the state interests of the empire he was recreating at the forefront, he rehabilitated Russian patriotism, he recognized the rightful place of the Church in Soviet society - in this, one might say, he became like-minded with Metropolitan Sergius, who, by his will was elected Patriarch in 1943 - and not because Stalin would not have wanted this before, but because there was no opportunity, he would not have been allowed to do this...

So, the main divergence between Stalin and Bolshevism was the return to the Russian spirit in our lives. This is what he most dissatisfied with the Bolsheviks-Trotskyists-Leninists, and not at all with the communist pro-Western intelligentsia, and indeed with the entire West. And still not satisfied. And it will never suit you. The spirit is not the same! All other talk - about the “cult of personality”, about repression - is all secondary. Lenin had a much larger cult of personality, as well as victims of Lenin’s repressions, which were completely unfounded - this is all accepted by the “freedom-loving West”, it does not bother anyone... Why? Because it was against traditional Russia, was of the same spirit with the West, with Russophobia and godlessness, with the one who always stands behind them...” [Archpriest Nikolai Bulgakov. Revenge of Bolshevism. To the 60th anniversary of the XX Congress of the CPSU].

Abbot Evstafiy (Zhakov) expressed a sound thought in his conversation: “Stalin became the “Master” in 1939, when Litvinov, who was closely associated with the West, was removed.” We should draw our attention to this circumstance: too many people like Litvinov, if not in intellectual level, then in their passionate desire to break through to the top of power, appeared in Russia.

An accurate sign for identifying people of this kind, including detractors of Stalin, is their appearance in the media. After all, it is widely known to everyone: where does the wind blow in the sails of their imaginary “popularity,” which is polar opposite to the real opinion of people who think about them, of whom there has never been a shortage in Rus'. The trouble is that the Russian authorities, to put it mildly, do not like such people, limiting their access to the “reins of power.”

Let us return, however, to the topic of this article and give the floor to the author of RNL, Igor Evsin.

Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Sergius (Stargorodsky): “Before the start of the new state year Let us pray more earnestly for our God-protected country and for its authorities, headed by our God-given Leader. May the Lord grant them strength and strength for many more years to carry out their great service for the good of the peoples entrusted to them...

Patriarch Alexy (Simansky) in publications... calls Stalin a brilliant leader, and also “Our God-given Supreme Leader,” “the wise Leader, whom God’s Providence chose and appointed to lead our Fatherland along the path of prosperity and glory» .

Likewise, the famous Metropolitan Nikolai (Yarushevich) - head of the DECR MP ... calls Stalin a genius, and besides “God assigned to his feat of serving our Motherland» [Igor Evsin. Stalin. Was his power from God? ].

“Until the 30s, Stalin was only one of the influential political figures, but in subsequent years his political weight increased domestic policy- out of competition. He is the undoubted leader. It should be noted that Lenin, Trotsky, Sverdlov made their careers thanks to the powerful external support of the intelligence services of England, Germany and the USA. Lenin was burdened with obligations to his sponsors, whom he called “useful idiots” (however, despite endless concessions and sacrifices, he was never able to get rid of their dependence). Trotsky and Sverdlov (Wall Street people), beholden to Jewish world capital, were also under a certain influence of external forces that invested large amounts of money in the Russian revolution.

Stalin seems to have ascended to political Olympus thanks to his own efforts, without the help of foreign intelligence services. Being careful in his connections, he had a chance and was able to become an independent politician, which cannot be said about his political competitors.

Under the leadership of Stalin, the country again, as it was under the Russian autocrats, gained full state sovereignty. Stalin returned autocracy to Russia in a distorted, distorted form. He was able to install political system with sole supreme power. During his reign, as during the autocracy, the people knew one name at the pinnacle of power - Stalin" [Nikolai Dozmorov. We remember Stalin].

My school years were spent in the region of camps and exiles: Kazakhstan - northern and central, Eastern Siberia. Often the road to school passed by a “thorn” behind which prisoners were working, and sometimes, during classes at school, we heard shots from the guards: these were endless attempts to escape from the construction zone. In those parts, almost every fifth or sixth adult man graduated from Stalin’s “school,” but never, anywhere, from anyone did I hear a bad word about Stalin.

I will forever remember the words of my mother, spoken by her after the death of the leader: “How will we, son, live without Stalin?” My respectful, without exaltation, attitude towards Stalin did not change Khrushchev’s report at the 20th Congress of the CPSU, which was introduced to us in 1956 by the father of my comrade, a front-line soldier, a colonel holding a high position in a prison camp, which was located not far from our houses, on the opposite side of the ravine.

Reading Solzhenitsyn’s books did not change my attitude towards Stalin. This is like an attitude towards parents - sacred and unquestioning: so that we do not learn new things about them, sometimes not entirely pleasant to us, they remain our relatives.

Stalin is ours, he will remain so for us and our history forever, and no one can change this fact. Father John (Krestyankin) gave wise advice regarding Joseph Stalin: “Do not condemn him, God is his judge. Don’t be judges” [Leonid Bolotin. Father John (Krestyankin) and his advice to us regarding Joseph Stalin].

Joseph Stalin

Brothers and sisters! I am addressing you, my friends. About the war from the first person


RED ARMY for 22.VI. 1941

At dawn on June 22, 1941, the regular troops German army attacked our border units on the front from the Baltic to the Black Sea and were held back by them during the first half of the day. In the afternoon, German troops met with the advanced units of the field troops of the Red Army. After fierce fighting, the enemy was repulsed with heavy losses. Only in the Grodno and Kristyno-Polye directions did the enemy manage to achieve minor tactical successes and occupy the towns of Kalwaria, Stoyanów and Tsekhanovets (the first two are 15 km and the last 10 km from the border).

Enemy aircraft attacked a number of our airfields and settlements, but everywhere met decisive resistance from our fighters and anti-aircraft artillery, inflicting heavy losses on the enemy. We shot down 65 enemy aircraft.


Citizens and Citizens Soviet Union!

The Soviet government and its head, Comrade. Stalin instructed me to make the following statement:

Today, at 4 o'clock in the morning, without presenting any claims to the Soviet Union, without declaring war, German troops attacked our country, attacked our borders in many places and bombed our cities from their planes - Zhitomir, Kyiv, Sevastopol, Kaunas and some others, more than two hundred people were killed and wounded. Enemy aircraft raids and artillery shelling were also carried out from Romanian and Finnish territory.

This unheard of attack on our country is a treachery unparalleled in the history of civilized nations. The attack on our country was carried out despite the fact that a non-aggression treaty was concluded between the USSR and Germany and the Soviet government fulfilled all the terms of this treaty in all good faith. The attack on our country was carried out despite the fact that during the entire duration of this treaty the German government could never make a single claim against the USSR regarding the implementation of the treaty. All responsibility for this predatory attack on the Soviet Union falls entirely on the German fascist rulers.

Already after the attack, the German ambassador in Moscow, Schulenburg, at 5:30 a.m. told me how people's commissar Foreign Affairs, a statement on behalf of its government that the German government has decided to go to war against the USSR in connection with the concentration of Red Army units at the eastern German border.

In response to this, on behalf of the Soviet government, I stated that until the last minute the German government did not make any claims against the Soviet government, that Germany attacked the USSR, despite the peace-loving position of the Soviet Union, and that thereby fascist Germany was the attacking party.

On instructions from the Government of the Soviet Union, I must also state that at no point did our troops and our aviation allow the border to be violated, and therefore the statement on Romanian radio made this morning that Soviet aviation allegedly fired at Romanian airfields is a complete lie and provocation. The same lie and provocation is today’s entire declaration of Hitler, who is trying to retroactively concoct incriminating material about the Soviet Union’s non-compliance with the Soviet-German Pact.

Now that the attack on the Soviet Union has already taken place, the Soviet government has given our troops an order to repel the bandit attack and expel German troops from the territory of our homeland.

This war was imposed on us not by the German people, not by the German workers, peasants and intellectuals, whose suffering we well understand, but by a clique of bloodthirsty fascist rulers of Germany who enslaved the French, Czechs, Poles, Serbs, Norway, Belgium, Denmark, Holland, Greece and other peoples .

The Government of the Soviet Union expresses its unshakable confidence that our valiant army and navy and the brave falcons of Soviet aviation will honorably fulfill their duty to their homeland, to the Soviet people, and will deal a crushing blow to the aggressor.

This is not the first time our people have had to deal with an attacking, arrogant enemy. At one time, our people responded to Napoleon’s campaign in Russia with a Patriotic War and Napoleon was defeated and came to his collapse. The same will happen to the arrogant Hitler, who announced a new campaign against our country. The Red Army and all our people will once again lead a victorious Patriotic War for the homeland, for honor, for freedom.

The Government of the Soviet Union expresses firm confidence is that the entire population of our country, all workers, peasants and intellectuals, men and women, will treat their duties and their work with due consciousness. Our entire people must now be united and united as never before. Each of us must demand from ourselves and from others discipline, organization, and dedication worthy of a true Soviet patriot in order to provide all the needs of the Red Army, Navy and Air Force to ensure victory over the enemy.

The government calls on you, citizens of the Soviet Union, to rally your ranks even more closely around our glorious Bolshevik Party, around our Soviet government, around our great leader Comrade. Stalin.

Our cause is just.

The enemy will be defeated.

Victory will be ours.


During June 24, the enemy continued to develop an offensive in the Shauliai, Kaunas, Grodno-Volkovysk, Kobrin, Vladimir-Volyn and Brod directions, encountering stubborn resistance from the Red Army troops.

All enemy attacks in the Siauliai direction were repulsed with heavy losses. Counterstrikes by our mechanized formations in this direction destroyed enemy tank units and completely destroyed a motorized regiment.

In the Grodno-Volkovysk and Brest-Pinsk directions there are fierce battles for Grodno, Kobrin, Vilna, Kaunas.

In the Brodsky direction, stubborn battles of large tank formations continue, during which the enemy was severely defeated.

On June 22, 23 and 24, Soviet aviation lost 374 aircraft, shot down mainly at airfields. During the same period, Soviet aviation shot down 161 German aircraft in air battles. In addition, according to approximate data, at least 220 aircraft were destroyed at enemy airfields.


On the afternoon of July 1, our troops fought stubborn battles in the Murmansk, Kexholm, Dvinsk, Minsk and Lutsk directions. In other directions and sectors of the front, our troops held the state border and fought the enemy who was trying to violate it.

In the Murmansk direction, our troops, through fierce battles, delay the advance of superior enemy forces.

In the Kexholm direction, the enemy went on the offensive in several places and tried to penetrate deeper into our territory. Decisive counterattacks by our troops repulsed the enemy's attacks with heavy losses.

In the Dvina direction, our units are engaged in stubborn battles with enemy tanks and infantry, countering his attempts to break through to the crossings on the river. Zap. Dvina

In the Minsk direction, battles with enemy mobile units continue. Our troops, widely using barrages and counterattacks, delay the advance tank units the enemy and inflict a significant defeat on him.

In the Lutsk direction, our troops stopped the advance of large enemy formations. In multi-day battles in this direction, the enemy suffered heavy losses in manpower and materiel.

Carrying out a systematic retreat, according to the order, our troops left Lvov.

After clarifying the data on the actions of our aviation, it was established that on June 30, 56 German aircraft were shot down, 50 of them in air battles. Our losses are 17 aircraft.


Comrades! Citizens!Brothers and sisters!Soldiers of our army and navy!

I am addressing you, my friends!

The treacherous military attack of Nazi Germany on our Motherland, which began on June 22, continues. Despite the heroic resistance of the Red Army, despite the fact that the enemy’s best divisions and the best units of his aviation have already been defeated and found their grave on the battlefield, the enemy continues to push forward, throwing new forces to the front. Hitler's troops managed to capture Lithuania, a significant part of Latvia, the western part of Belarus, and part of Western Ukraine. Fascist aviation is expanding the areas of operation of its bombers, bombing Murmansk, Orsha, Mogilev, Smolensk, Kyiv, Odessa, and Sevastopol. A serious danger looms over our Motherland.

Stalin addressed the people more than once. Let us recall the main addresses to the people; listening to the voice of Joseph Vissarionovich.

"Mouthful of Work" (December 11, 1937)

Occasion: Speech at the pre-election meeting of voters of the Stalin district at the Bolshoi Theater.

Message: The main line of speech is Stalin’s assurance that the deputy is a servant of the people, that every elected official is obliged to openly conduct political work. An important incentive is to follow Lenin. In addition, Stalin also highlights in his speech the thesis about the demarcation of socialist and capitalist society. With them everything is corrupt and bad, with us everything is fair, the work is led by the workers, the elections are fair and the water is wetter.

Intonation: This speech by Stalin could easily be the speech of a stand-up comedian. Stalin even insists that he does not want to speak and, they say, does not know what to talk about. Almost every phrase he says is met with applause. The leader makes jokes, quotes Gogol, behaves in his own way, which causes a strong reaction from the public. The dark irony of this situation is that by this time the purges of the “Great Terror” had already begun and Stalin, of course, was disingenuous, taking such a light, friendly intonation.

Quotes: “He turned off the road, voters have the right to demand the calling of new elections, and they have the right to ride a deputy who turned off the road.”

“Never before have there been such truly free and truly democratic elections in the world, never! History knows no other such example.”

“You know, comrades, a family is not without its black sheep. The great Russian writer Gogol quite aptly said about such people of an indefinite type, about people who resemble political ordinary people rather than political figures, about people of such an indefinite, unformed type, quite aptly: “People,” he says, vague, neither this nor that, you won’t understand what kind of people they are, either in the city of Bogdan or in the village of Selifan. Our people also quite aptly say about such vague people and figures: “a so-so person - neither a fish nor a fish.” meat”, “not a candle for God, not a devil’s poker.”

“Victory will be ours!” (07/3/1941)

Occasion: Beginning of the Great Patriotic War

Message: The main message of Stalin’s speech is for the Soviet people to realize the full importance of the war, the full severity of the danger hanging over the country. He says that the “invincibility” of the fascist army is a myth, citing the example of the armies of Napoleon and Wilhelm II. It was after this appeal that the expression “Great Patriotic War” came into circulation. Stalin also emphasizes that the peoples of Europe and America will be allies of the USSR and calls for joining the militia.

Intonation: Stalin’s speech is emphatically patriotic. He strengthens the usual address “comrades” and adds: “Citizens! Brothers and sisters!” Stalin skillfully uses rhetorical techniques, dividing “they” and “we”, by “we” meaning the entire Soviet people and himself. The intonation of speech is serious, but at the same time devoid of bureaucracy. Simply, frankly, Stalin calls on the people to unite to fight the enemy.

Quotes: “Comrades! Citizens! Brothers and sisters! Soldiers of our army and navy! I am addressing you, my friends!”

"A serious danger looms over our Motherland."

“The purpose of this nationwide Patriotic War against the fascist oppressors is not only to eliminate the danger hanging over our country, but also to help all the peoples of Europe groaning under the yoke of German fascism.”

"Comrade Red Army and Red Navy men!" (07.11.1941)

Occasion: 24th anniversary of October, Great Patriotic War.

Message: Stalin's speech was intended to prove the need to fight against fascist invaders. The peculiarity of this speech is that special conditions in which it was pronounced. Difficult conditions, in which the capital found itself, did not change the decision to hold the Parade. This made great sense; it instilled in people confidence in an imminent Victory. On the night before the parade, on Stalin’s personal orders, the Kremlin stars were uncovered and lit, and the camouflage was removed from the mausoleum. It was important for Stalin to show that the Soviet people were not afraid of the enemy. It was a serious challenge and a big risk: 34 German planes were shot down on approach to Red Square.

Intonation: Stalin’s main emphasis in his speech was that the Soviet people are fulfilling a mission and this mission must be completed. Stalin also notes that fascist aggression- is not the business of the people of Germany. In Germany, he argues, there is famine, and accordingly, the war with the Nazis is not a war with another people, but a war with a treacherous enemy.

Quotes: “The war you are waging is a war of liberation, a just war. Let the courageous image of our great ancestors - Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Kuzma Minin, Dmitry Pozharsky, Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov - inspire you in this war! May the victorious banner overshadow you great Lenin!"

"They will get it!" (11/06/1941)

Occasion: Report at the ceremonial meeting of the Moscow Council of Working People's Deputies with party and public organizations the city of Moscow before the 24th anniversary of the October Revolution.

Message: Stalin’s fiery speech, in which he says in a rather harsh, ultimatum form that the fascists are non-humans who have lost all ideas about honor and conscience, about the boundaries of good and evil, calls Hitler and his associates animals. Stalin also notes the need to open a second front, defines the tasks of the Red Army, and calls Hitler’s regime predatory-imperialist.

Intonation: The intonation of this speech is less restrained than the one that was delivered at the parade. Its main task is to set people up for a desperate struggle. Numerous rhetorical devices are used, and Stalin's intonation is openly provocative, energetic and combative.

Quotes: "Well, if the Germans want to have a war of extermination, they will have it."

"No mercy for the German occupiers!"

“From now on, our task, the task of the peoples of the USSR, the task of the fighters, commanders and political workers of our army and our navy will be to exterminate every last one of the Germans who made their way into the territory of our Motherland as its occupiers.”

“The party of the Hitlerites is the party of imperialists, and moreover, the most predatory and predatory imperialists among all the imperialists in the world.”

“And these people, devoid of conscience and honor, people with animal morality, have the audacity to call for the destruction of the great Russian nation - the nation of Plekhanov and Lenin, Belinsky and Chernyshevsky, Pushkin and Tolstoy, Glinka and Tchaikovsky, Gorky and Chekhov, Sechenov and Pavlov, Repin and Surikov, Suvorov and Kutuzov!"

“Glory to our great people, the victorious people!” (05/09/1945)

Occasion: Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Message: In his speech, Stalin focuses on the fact that Hitler’s Germany did not achieve its goals, speaks of the community of Slavic peoples who defended their freedom in the fight against the enemy. At the same time, Stalin notes that, unlike Hitler, the Soviet Union is not going to dismember and destroy defeated Germany and once again calls the Soviet people a victorious people.

Intonation: Stalin’s speech, short in volume, is distinguished by restrained intonation and calm confidence of the head of the victorious country. Only once did Stalin allow himself to focus on the dishonesty of Hitler’s policy, calling it “the wolfish behavior of the German bosses.”

Quotes: "Comrades! Compatriots and compatriots!
The great day of Victory over Germany has arrived. Nazi Germany, brought to its knees by the Red Army and the troops of our allies, admitted itself defeated and declared unconditional surrender."

“Three years ago, Hitler publicly declared that his tasks included dismembering the Soviet Union and separating from it the Caucasus, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic states and other regions. He directly stated: “We will destroy Russia so that it can never rise again.”

“Glory to our heroic Red Army, which defended the independence of our Motherland and won victory over the enemy!
Glory to our great people, the victorious people!”

“May our Motherland live and prosper!” (09/2/1945)

Occasion: The end of the Second World War.

Message: In this speech Stalin devotes great importance issue of the Kuril Islands. Stalin notes that Russo-Japanese War caused heavy moral damage to the patriots of Russia, but now, with the victory over Japan, the issue of the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin will be resolved in favor of the Soviet Union.

Intonation: Stalin uses the same rhetorical techniques, calls the Soviet people a victorious people, glorifies the Far Eastern troops and Pacific Fleet, modestly notes the merit of the allies in the victory.

Quotes: "This means that southern Sakhalin and Kurile Islands will go to the Soviet Union and from now on they will serve not as a means of separating the Soviet Union from the ocean and as a base for a Japanese attack on our Far East, but a means of direct communication between the Soviet Union and the ocean and the base of our country’s defense against Japanese aggression.”

“This means that the end of the Second World War has come. We can now say that the conditions necessary for world peace have already been achieved. It should be noted that the Japanese invaders caused damage not only to our allies China, the United States of America, Great Britain. They caused serious damage to our country as well. Therefore, we also have our own special account for Japan."

"Electoral campaign - trial of the ruling party" (02/09/1946)

Occasion: Speech by Comrade I.V. Stalin at the pre-election meeting of voters of the Stalin constituency in Moscow on February 9, 1946

Message: Stalin sums up the results of the war, calling the cause of both world wars the crisis of the capitalist economy. Stalin allocates a special role to the successes of the USSR in industry and economy, citing indicators for different years, and also provides justification for collectivization. In all successes, Stalin notes the merit communist party and its economic strategy.

Intonation: Unlike his 1937 election speech, Stalin no longer uses the “guy of the people” intonation. He is the head of the country that defeated fascism, the master of the people. Stalin again says that the electoral system implies that the chosen one is a servant of the people, and also notes that this time the one-party system will be abolished and the communists will go to the elections in a bloc with non-party members. Of course, this is slyness, but the audience continues to shower Stalin with applause and applause.

Quotes: “It should be noted that there are fewer and fewer “critics” of the Red Army. Moreover, notes appearing more and more often in the foreign press, noting high quality The Red Army, the skill of its fighters and commanders, the impeccability of its strategy and tactics."

“However, after the lessons of the war, these gentlemen no longer dare to deny the viability of the Soviet state system. Our victory means, thirdly, that the Soviets won armed forces, our Red Army won, that the Red Army heroically withstood all the hardships of the war, completely defeated the armies of our enemies and emerged victorious from the war." (Exclamation from the place: "Under the leadership of Comrade Stalin!" Everyone stands up, stormy, long-lasting applause , turning into ovation).

The website of the Zvezda TV channel publishes a series of articles about the Great Patriotic War of 19411945 by writer Leonid Maslovsky, based on his book “Russian Truth”, published in 2011. In his original materials, Maslovsky, in his words, exposes “the myths invented by Russia’s ill-wishers about the events of the Great Patriotic War and shows the greatness of our Victory.” The author notes that in his articles he intends to “show the unseemly role of the West in preparing Germany for war with the USSR.” On the third of July 1941, J.V. Stalin addressed the people on the radio, beginning his speech with the following words: “Comrades! Citizens! Brothers and sisters! Soldiers of our army and navy! I am addressing you, my friends! The treacherous military attack of Hitler’s Germany on our Motherland, launched on June 22, continues.” Stalin did not hide his excitement, spoke the truth, and strengthened faith in the coming victory. “Despite the heroic resistance of the Red Army, despite the fact that the enemy’s best divisions and the best units of his aviation have already been defeated and found their grave on the battlefields, the enemy continues to push forward, throwing new forces to the front. Hitler’s troops managed to capture Lithuania, a significant part Latvia, the western part of Belarus, part of Western Ukraine. Fascist aviation is expanding the areas of operation of its bombers, bombing Murmansk, Orsha, Mogilev, Smolensk, Kyiv, Odessa, and Sevastopol. A serious danger looms over our Motherland. How could it happen that our glorious Red Army surrendered a number of our cities and regions to the fascist troops? Are the fascist German troops really invincible troops, as the fascist boastful propagandists tirelessly trumpet? Of course not! History shows that there are no invincible armies and never have been... The same must be said about the current one fascist German army Hitler. This army has not yet encountered serious resistance on the continent of Europe. Only on our territory did it meet serious resistance. And if, as a result of this resistance, the best divisions of the fascist German army were defeated by our Red Army, then this means that Hitler’s fascist army can and will be defeated just as the armies of Napoleon and Wilhelm were defeated.” Further J.V. Stalin analyzes the reason for the temporary success of Nazi Germany, the expediency of concluding a non-aggression pact in 1939, saying that Germany, having violated the pact, exposed “itself in the eyes of the whole world as a bloody aggressor... That is why our entire valiant army, our entire valiant Navy fleet, all our falcon pilots, all the peoples of our country, everyone the best people Europe, America and Asia, finally, all the best people in Germany condemn the treacherous actions of the German fascists... and see that our cause is just, that the enemy will be defeated, that we must win. Due to the war imposed on us, our country has entered into a mortal battle with its the worst and insidious enemy - German fascism... What is required in order to eliminate the danger looming over our Motherland, and what measures must be taken in order to defeat the enemy? First of all, it is necessary that our people, the Soviet people, understand the full depth of the danger, which threatens our country, and have abandoned complacency, carelessness, and the mood of peaceful construction, which were quite understandable in the pre-war period, but destructive at the present time, when the war has radically changed the situation. The enemy is cruel and inexorable." Stalin explains the goals of the enemy, calls to stop being carefree, mobilize yourself and rebuild all your work in a new, military way, "knowing no mercy to the enemy", not to allow whining, cowardice, alarmism and desertion. "Peoples of the Soviet Union must rise to defend their rights, their land against the enemy. The Red Army, the Red Navy and all citizens of the Soviet Union must defend every inch of Soviet land, fight to the last drop of blood for our cities and villages, show courage, initiative and intelligence characteristic of our people,” Stalin said then. Stalin then spoke about help of the Red Army to the wounded, about strengthening the rear, about helping our destroyer battalions in the fight against saboteurs, enemy paratroopers, about the need to steal all rolling stock when retreating, not to leave valuable property, food, fuel to the enemy, to steal all livestock, about the creation of partisan detachments, about the nature of our war as a “national Patriotic” and liberation war, that “we will have faithful allies”, about the transfer of all power in the state to the established State Defense Committee, about the need for all the people to rally around the party and government to defeat the enemy, for victory. At the end of his speech, J.V. Stalin appealed to the people: “All our forces - to support our heroic Red Army, our glorious Red Fleet! All the forces of the people are to defeat the enemy! Forward, for our victory!” The people believed in their strength, the strength of the country, in victory. I believed Stalin as they believe their own father. Researcher O. A. Platonov writes: “In fact, in his address to the people, Stalin outlined a program for a nationwide struggle against the enemy. His simple and accessible language made it possible to convey many important tasks of the war to the hearts and minds of many Russian people. The moral significance of his speech was enormous. The words “our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated” became the main slogan of the entire Great Patriotic War. Firmness and confidence in victory inspired the Russian people.” Recalling the power of influence of Stalin’s speech on July 3, 1941 on the Soviet people, the poet and writer S. V. Mikhalkov wrote: “Whether we want to admit it today or not, it was his speech that began with the words “Brothers and sisters!”, in 1941 aroused unprecedented enthusiasm among the most different ages. They went to recruiting stations as volunteers. Faith in a word is a huge faith if it is spoken by an authoritative person. And the fact that Stalin was an authoritative figure for millions can be denied either due to feeblemindedness or malicious intent.” But even today, out of malicious intent, they write about Stalin and about the disorderly flight of our troops in the summer of 1941. The Great Patriotic War flared up, absorbing more and more territories of the USSR. On September 26, 1941, the German High Command reported a victory near Kiev. It was said that 665 thousand people were captured, 3,718 guns and 884 tanks were captured. Previously, these statements by Goebbels were not written about, but with the beginning of perestroika they began to penetrate many historical works and even textbooks. Russian historians refuted this information, pointing out that before the start of the Kyiv operation as part of the South- Western Front there were 677,085 people. By the end of the operation, only in the front formations that avoided encirclement and retreated fighting to the rear lines, there were 150,541 people. Considering that the troops of the Southwestern Front suffered heavy losses during the fierce battles that lasted almost the entire September, a significant number of troops escaped encirclement, a considerable part broke through the enemy ring, then the Germans could take no more than 50 thousand people prisoner near Kiev. The troops of the Southwestern and Bryansk fronts actually stopped the advance of G. Guderian’s troops at Romny, but a tank attack from the Kremenchug bridgehead secretly concentrated four German tank divisions to meet Guderian decided the outcome of the battle of the Southwestern Front near Kiev in favor of the German troops. The Kiev battle was won by the Germans by stopping the offensive in the Moscow direction and deploying Guderian's tank divisions south to Kyiv. About the Kiev defensive battle A. M. Vasilevsky wrote: “The enemy achieved success at a high price. The Red Army defeated ten enemy personnel divisions in fierce battles. He lost more than 100 thousand soldiers and officers. Enemy losses continued to mount. For more than a month, Soviet troops held back Army Group Center with actions in the Kiev direction. This was very important for preparing the battle of Moscow.” The Kiev defensive battle lasted from July 7 to September 26, 1941. Our troops near Kyiv fought to the death. The Wehrmacht did not see such resilience in any of the wars unleashed by Germany. Hitler’s favorite Field Marshal von Bock wrote: “Kyiv is a brilliant success. But the Russians stood in front of me undefeated, and they still stand, and I don’t know whether they will be defeated.” After the fall of Kiev, it became more difficult to hold the defense of Odessa, which for 73 days fought with 18 German and Romanian divisions, and only on October 16 our The units left the city in an organized manner. The Germans were also haunted by the Crimea, from the territory of which our aircraft could destroy the Romanian oil fields. Therefore, on October 18, fascist German troops launched an offensive and by mid-November occupied the territory of Crimea, except for the city of Russian glory - Sevastopol. In 1941, Sevastopol was beyond the power of the Germans. Red Army and Black Sea Fleet defended the city for 250 days, from October 30, 1941 to July 4, 1942. The Smolensk battle lasted from July 10 to September 10, 1941. It was this that became one of the reasons for the change in the Barbarossa plan. The Battle of Smolensk, which unfolded on a front of up to 650 kilometers and a depth of up to 250 kilometers, thwarted Hitler’s plan for a lightning war against the USSR. Soviet troops inflicted heavy damage on Army Group Center. In World War II, Nazi troops were forced for the first time to go on the defensive in the main direction. In addition, thanks to the Battle of Smolensk, the Nazi command did not risk transferring the 3rd Tank Group to attack Leningrad. The Battle of Smolensk, like the battle near Kiev, allowed the Soviet command to gain time to prepare the defense of Moscow and the subsequent defeat of the enemy in the Battle of Moscow in 1941–1942. The Smolensk and Kiev battles took place at the same time, and they can be called one operation, temporarily stopping the advance of the Nazi hordes on Moscow. The military formations that most distinguished themselves in the Battle of Smolensk were awarded the title of Guards. These were the first guards formations in the Red Army. In the Elninsk operation, which took place during the Battle of Smolensk, our troops, who did not have an advantage in numbers, but outnumbered the enemy in the number of artillery pieces, went on the offensive on August 30, 1941, broke through the German defenses, and liberated the city of Yelnya, defeated one motorized and seven infantry divisions of the Wehrmacht, eliminated the Yelnya ledge, which threatened the left wing of the troops of the Western Front, drove the Germans back across the Desna River, liberated a significant territory of their native land and captured many prisoners. Like the Battle of Smolensk, on July 10, the battle for Leningrad. On this day, Nazi troops launched an attack directly on Leningrad. We barely had enough strength to defend the city. Our troops failed to prevent the cutting off of Leningrad by land from the territory of the USSR, but they did not allow the German armies to close the encirclement ring. To stop the Germans on the approaches to Volkhov, the Volkhov hydroelectric station and near Tikhvin, the Supreme High Command Headquarters allocated four divisions to help, of which 20 thousand the fighters were immediately airlifted, and the rest by the Ladoga military flotilla. This fact indicates that our army had firm control, and aircraft, and ships of the military flotilla on Lake Ladoga. Our war was sacred. The saints are the warriors who died in the war, the saints are the victors who returned home from the front, the saints are the workers who forged weapons in the rear. For more than seven centuries, Europe went to war against Russia, but could not defeat Russia in battle - “mysterious Russian souls” were too tough for Europe. And in Hitler’s army there were all European peoples, except for the Serbs and Greeks, and even the British were holed up on their islands. And they all killed our men, women, children. Hitler, German General base, theoretically they calculated everything correctly: German troops quickly defeat soviet armies near Leningrad and Kiev and join the armies advancing on Moscow. But he did not take into account that in front of him was not Europe, but heroic Russia. IN in this case The experience of the war in Europe was not beneficial, but to the detriment of Germany. To be continued… The opinions expressed in the publications of Leonid Maslovsky are the opinions of the author and may not coincide with the opinions of the editors of the Zvezda TV channel website.

Comrades! Citizens! Brothers and sisters!

Soldiers of our army and navy!

I am addressing you, my friends!

The treacherous attack of Hitlerite Germany on our Motherland, which began on June 22, continues. Despite the heroic resistance of the Red Army, despite the fact that the enemy’s best divisions and the best units of his aviation have already been defeated and found their grave on the battlefield, the enemy continues to push forward, throwing new forces to the front. Hitler's troops managed to capture Lithuania, a significant part of Latvia, Western part Belarus, part of Western Ukraine. Fascist aviation is expanding the areas of operation of its bombers, bombing Murmansk, Orsha, Mogilev, Smolensk, Kyiv, Odessa, and Sevastopol. A serious danger looms over our Motherland.

How could it happen that our glorious Red Army surrendered a number of our cities and regions to fascist troops? Are the fascist German troops really invincible troops, as the fascist boastful propagandists tirelessly trumpet?

Of course not! History shows that there are no invincible armies and never have been. Napoleon's army was considered invincible, but it was defeated alternately by Russian, English, and German troops. German army During the first imperialist war, Wilhelm was also considered an invincible army, but it was defeated several times by Russian and Anglo-French troops and was finally defeated by Anglo-French troops. The same must be said about the current Nazi German army of Hitler. This army has not yet encountered serious resistance on the continent of Europe. Only on our territory did it meet serious resistance. And if, as a result of this resistance, the best divisions of the Nazi army were defeated by our Red Army, then this means that Hitler’s fascist army can and will be defeated just as the armies of Napoleon and Wilhelm were defeated.

As for the fact that part of our territory was nevertheless captured by fascist German troops, this is mainly explained by the fact that the war of fascist Germany against the USSR began under favorable conditions for the German troops and unfavorable ones for the Soviet troops. The fact is that the troops of Germany, as a country waging war, had already been completely mobilized and the 170 divisions abandoned by Germany against the USSR and moved to the borders of the USSR were in a state full readiness, waiting only for a signal to speak, while Soviet troops it was still necessary to mobilize and advance to the borders. Of no small importance here was the fact that fascist Germany unexpectedly and treacherously violated the Non-Aggression Pact concluded in 1939 between it and the USSR, regardless of the fact that it would be recognized by the whole world as the attacking party. It is clear that our peace-loving country, not wanting to take the initiative to violate the pact, was unable to take the path of treachery.

It may be asked: how could it happen that the Soviet government agreed to conclude an Attack Pact with such treacherous people and monsters as Hitler and Ribbentrop? Was there a mistake made here by the Soviet government? Of course not! The Non-Aggression Pact is a Peace Pact between two states. It was precisely this kind of pact that Germany offered us in 1939. Could the Soviet government refuse such an offer? I think that not a single peace-loving state can refuse a peace agreement with a neighboring power, if at the head of this power are even such monsters and cannibals as Hitler and Ribbentrop. And this, of course, is subject to one indispensable condition - if the peace agreement does not affect either directly or indirectly the territorial integrity, independence and honor of the peace-loving state. As you know, the Non-Aggression Pact between Germany and the USSR is just such a pact.

What did we win by concluding the Non-Aggression Pact with Germany? We provided our country with peace for a year and a half and the opportunity to prepare our forces to fight back if Nazi Germany risked attacking our country contrary to the pact. This is a definite win for Nazi Germany.

What did Nazi Germany win and lose by treacherously breaking the pact and attacking the USSR? She achieved by this some advantageous position for her troops during short term, but she lost politically, exposing herself in the eyes of the whole world as a bloody aggressor. There can be no doubt that this short-term military gain for Germany is a serious and lasting factor on the basis of which the decisive military successes of the Red Army in the war with Nazi Germany should unfold.

That is why our entire valiant army, all our valiant Navy, all our falcon pilots, all the peoples of our country, all the best people of Europe, America and Asia, and finally, all the best people of Germany condemn the treacherous actions of the German fascists and sympathize with the Soviet government, approve of the behavior of the Soviet government and see that our cause is just that the enemy will be defeated, that we must win.

Due to the war imposed on us, our country entered into a mortal battle with its worst and insidious enemy - German fascism. Our troops are heroically fighting an enemy armed to the teeth with tanks and aircraft. The Red Army and Red Navy, overcoming numerous difficulties, selflessly fight for every inch of Soviet land. The main forces of the Red Army, armed with thousands of tanks and aircraft, enter the battle. The bravery of the Red Army soldiers is unparalleled. Our resistance to the enemy is growing stronger and stronger. Together with the Red Army, the entire Soviet people are rising to defend the Motherland.

What is required in order to eliminate the danger looming over our Motherland, and what measures need to be taken in order to defeat the enemy.

First of all, it is necessary that our people, the Soviet people, understand the full depth of the danger that threatens our country, and renounce complacency, carelessness, and moods of peaceful construction, which were quite understandable in pre-war times, but are destructive at the present time, when the war is fundamentally changed position. The enemy is cruel and unforgiving. His goal is to seize our lands, watered by our sweat, to seize our bread and our oil, obtained by our labor. It aims to restore the power of the landowners, restore tsarism, destroy the national culture and national statehood of Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, Uzbeks, Tatars, Moldovans, Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis and other free peoples of the Soviet Union, their Germanization, their transformation into slaves of German princes and barons. Thus, it is a matter of life and death Soviet state, about the life and death of the peoples of the USSR, about whether the peoples of the Soviet Union should be free or fall into enslavement. It is necessary for the Soviet people to understand this and stop being carefree, for them to mobilize themselves and reorganize all their work in a new, military way, which knows no mercy to the enemy.

It is further necessary that in our ranks there is no place for whiners and cowards, alarmists and deserters, so that our people do not know fear in the struggle and selflessly go to our Fatherland War of Liberation against the fascist enslavers. The great Lenin, who created our state, said that the main quality of Soviet people should be courage, bravery, ignorance of fear in struggle, readiness to fight together with the people against the enemies of our Motherland. It is necessary that this magnificent quality of the Bolshevik become the property of millions of the Red Army, our Red Navy and all the peoples of the Soviet Union.

We must immediately restructure all our work on a military basis, subordinating everything to the interests of the front and the tasks of organizing the defeat of the enemy. The peoples of the Soviet Union now see that German fascism is indomitable in its furious anger and hatred of our Motherland, which has ensured free labor and prosperity for all working people. The peoples of the Soviet Union must rise to defend their rights, their land against the enemy.

The Red Army, the Red Navy and all citizens of the Soviet Union must defend every inch of Soviet land, fight to the last drop of blood for our cities and villages, and show the courage, initiative and intelligence characteristic of our people.

We must organize comprehensive assistance to the Red Army, ensure intensive replenishment of its ranks, ensure that it is supplied with everything necessary, organize the rapid advance of transports with troops and military supplies, and extensive assistance to the wounded.

We must strengthen the rear of the Red Army, subordinating all our work to the interests of this cause, ensure the enhanced work of all enterprises, produce more rifles, machine guns, guns, cartridges, shells, aircraft, organize the protection of factories, power plants, telephone and telegraph communications, and establish local air defense .

We must organize a merciless fight against all sorts of disorganizers of the rear, deserters, alarmists, rumor mongers, destroy spies, saboteurs, enemy paratroopers, providing prompt assistance to our destroyer battalions in all this. It must be borne in mind that the enemy is insidious, cunning, and experienced in deception and spreading false rumors. You need to take all this into account and not give in to provocations. It is necessary to immediately bring before a military tribunal all those who, with their alarmism and cowardice, interfere with the cause of defense, regardless of their faces.

In the event of a forced withdrawal of Red Army units, it is necessary to hijack the entire rolling stock, not leave a single locomotive or a single carriage to the enemy, not leave a single kilogram of bread or a liter of fuel to the enemy. Collective farmers must drive away all livestock and hand over the grain for safekeeping. government agencies to transport it to the rear areas. All valuable property, including non-ferrous metals, bread and fuel, which cannot be exported, must, of course, be destroyed.

In areas occupied by the enemy it is necessary to create partisan detachments, horse and foot, create sabotage groups to fight units of the enemy army, to incite guerrilla warfare everywhere and everywhere, to blow up bridges, roads, damage telephone and telegraph communications, set fire to forests, warehouses, and carts.

In occupied areas, create unbearable conditions for the enemy and all his accomplices, pursue and destroy them at every step, and disrupt all activities.

The war with Nazi Germany cannot be considered an ordinary war. It is not only a war between two armies. At the same time, it is a great war of the entire Soviet people against the Nazi troops. The goal of this nationwide Patriotic War against the fascist oppressors is not only to eliminate the danger looming over our country, but also to help all the peoples of Europe groaning under the yoke of German fascism. In this liberation war we won't be alone. In this great war we will have faithful allies in the people of Europe and America, including the German people, enslaved by Hitler's bosses. Our war for the freedom of our Fatherland will merge with the struggle of peoples

Europe and America for their independence, for democratic freedoms. It will be a united front of peoples standing for freedom, against enslavement and the threat of enslavement by Hitler's fascist armies. In this regard, the historic speech of the British Prime Minister, Mr. Churchill, on assistance to the Soviet Union and the Declaration of the US government on its readiness to provide assistance to our country, which can only evoke a feeling of gratitude in the hearts of the peoples of the Soviet Union, are quite understandable and indicative.

Comrades! Our strength is incalculable. The arrogant enemy will soon be convinced of this. Together with the Red Army, many thousands of workers, collective farmers, and intellectuals are rising to war against the attacking enemy. The millions of our people will rise up. The working people of Moscow and Leningrad have already begun to create a militia of many thousands to support the Red Army. In every city that is in danger of enemy invasion, we must create such civil uprising, to raise all working people to fight in order to defend their freedom, their honor, their Motherland with their breasts in our Patriotic War against German fascism.

In order to quickly mobilize all the forces of the peoples of the USSR, to repel the enemy who treacherously attacked our Motherland, the State Defense Committee was created, in whose hands all power in the state is now concentrated. The State Defense Committee has begun its work and calls on all the people to rally around the party of Lenin-Stalin, around the Soviet government for selfless support of the Red Army and Red Navy, for the defeat of the enemy, for victory.

All our strength is in support of our heroic Red Army, our glorious Red Navy!

All the forces of the people are to defeat the enemy!

Forward, for our victory!

This text is an introductory fragment.

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4. SPEECH BY COMRADE I.V. STALIN MAY 24, 1945 (INCORRECT STENOGRAPHIC RECORDING) Comrades, allow me to raise one more, final toast. I, as a representative of our Soviet Government I would like to raise a toast to the health of our Soviet people and, above all,

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Radio address by Prime Minister W. Churchill - “The end of the war in Europe” - May 8, 1945 May 8, 1945 Radio speech on the BBC, London Yesterday morning, at 2:41 am, General Jodl, as representative of the German High Command, and Grand Admiral Dönitz appointed by managers

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Speech and speeches by J.V. Stalin at a reception in honor of graduates of military academies on May 5, 1941. Various kinds of modern subverters and exposers of the Soviet period of Russian history are trying in every possible way to prove that it was not Germany that prepared an attack on the USSR in 1941,

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16. FROM J. STALIN’S SPEECH ON RADIO July 3, 1941 Comrades! Citizens! Brothers and sisters! Soldiers of our army and navy! I am addressing you, my friends! The treacherous military attack of Hitler Germany on our Motherland, which began on June 22, continues. Despite the heroic

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Chapter 2. June 22, 1941. Hitler preempts Stalin with his attack. Stalin on May 5, 1941 officially demanded an ideological and propaganda reorientation of the Red Army towards the idea of ​​​​an offensive and extolled the great superiority of the Red Army, but did not touch upon the issue itself

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Chapter 1. The genius of Stalin - About the great super task of 1941 Reminting coins Diogenes from Sinope Two wars in Russian history, 1812–1813 and 1941–1945, were awarded the great honor of being declared Patriotic. They are also brought together by their significance in the national destiny of the Eurasian

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July 2, 1941 In the Borisov area, cadets and teachers of a tank school, the only defenders of the city, took the fight. A day later, the fully equipped 1st Moscow Motorized Rifle Division under the command of Major General Yakov came to their aid.

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July 3, 1941 At 6:30 a.m., the country listened with bated breath to the first radio broadcast since the start of the war. public speaking Joseph Stalin, which began with a heartfelt address uncharacteristic for a leader: “Comrades! Citizens! Brothers and sisters!

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On July 4, 1941, 35-year-old captain Leonid Mikhailov crashed his burning plane into an enemy tank column. On July 22, Mikhailov will be posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Test pilot Stepan Pavlovich Suprun (1907–1941), deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR 1st, died

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July 25, 1941 The feat of Major Popov. The enemy was advancing with large mechanized forces. It was necessary to detain the enemy at all costs. This task was assigned to Major Popov. At the head of a tank unit, he courageously repelled the frantic attacks of a numerically superior